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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday February 2nd, 2024


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4 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

It’s still gray in north NJ but tomorrow is supposed to start a sunny trend 🤞. At least it’s not snowing. I’ll enjoy spring when it comes. 

Thanks for the port pix!  Haven’t been to Greenland and not expecting to anytime soon. 

DH is making progress on some “settling in” chores - yesterday he ordered a shade for the guest room window. We’ll experiment with that room first. He’s decided he wants room-darkening shades for the bedrooms. Maybe today I’ll get to a new activity… we tried History Club Wednesday night which was interesting. I’m not in a hurry but would like to explore some of the offerings here. Mostly I’m just tired… took a long nap yesterday afternoon, unusual for me but I guess I needed it. 

Hoping for better days soon for @marshhawk, @smitty34877 and household, and our Circle Hawaii cruisers. (We use Sea Bands mostly but I bring the Bonine too. DH is more likely to feel queasy before I do.). 
@ger_77 Gerri, good for you for pushing the system to get some help for Maurice!  Enjoy that pizza tonight! And wine 🙃
@Lady Hudson Katherine, I’m amazed you can get that hot water heater job done today!  And then back to fun stuff, packing for a cruise! Yay!

@Nickelpenny Yikes, busy times but vacation is coming!  

@kochleffel Trusting you are healing ok. I agree with your impression of the Gold Rush -cough medicine, or for me it’s a way to ruin nice bourbon. 

Blessings to all in need, and cheers for all celebrating. Smooth travels to all away. Thanks all for being here, especially to all the contributors of the Daily.


Plummer has been with us for over 25 years.  I dread the day he retires.  No looking for quotes because we trust him implicitly.  

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Good morning and Happy Friday from the beautiful Koningsdam!  We set our clocks back one hour early so had a nice sleep in morning. Club Orange was full with 3 ahead of us when we went to breakfast at 8:00 so we went to the MDR which was also packed. Wow. 

The Mariner Luncheon was nice yesterday. My filet was actually better than the filet I had at dinner. I even told the CO matre’d.  We ate lunch with Debbie @dfish and Sue and I am a witness that Debbie really doesn’t eat carrots. 🤣  

Mariner luncheon—Lobster starter


Mariner luncheon—filet 



I feel lazy today. I think Craig is having pizza and I’m having pea soup for lunch. Maybe I can talk him into lunch at the Pinnacle Grill. The MDR is closed for lunch today. We were told that they are having 3 Mariner Luncheons so I’m thinking today is the second one. 

The flowers I ordered are starting to open up and are beautiful. I’ll take a picture soon. 

Have a great day!


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6 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

Good morning.  Phil has spoken here in PA — early spring!  We shall see.


Woke up yesterday to a leak in our basement.  Verdict—new water heater being installed today.  Ugh!


Packing for our cruise on Vision of the Seas next Thursday.  I am determined to be finished before Wednesday.  Have a great day.  Katherine 

Best wishes for a wonderful cruise on Vision of the seas Katherine.

Vision has our favourite Schooner Bar on board.

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3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Pat is getting antsy, and as the cardiologist said he was good to travel, we decided to re-book part of the cruise we cancelled earlier - just the TA, though,




Maybe you can help Mitzi and me celebrate our anniversary again (with Tony and Martha too of course)! 

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Speaking of Phil: mayor of at least two cities have tried to horn in on the act, with bad results.


In 2015, the mayor of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, held a groundhog to his ear so that the groundhog could whisper the prediction to him. Instead, it bit his ear.


New York City has the custom of getting its predictions from a groundhog in the Staten Island Zoo. In 2009, it bit Mayor Michael Bloomberg in the hand. In 2014, Mayor Bill DiBlasio, wore gloves and dropped the groundhog, which died a week later. Since then the zoo has not allowed anyone to handle its groundhogs. The current mayor, Eric Adams, refuses to have anything to do with groundhogs. He has enough rodent problems of his own, having appointed a rat czar to control them (where is the Pied Piper of Hamelin when you need him?), but also having himself been cited for rats at a property he owns.

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Good Afternoon, the girls trip to the vet went well.  Both got their distemper shots. They behaved much better for them than me.  The doctor and I discussed Amelia’s passing.  She let me know that death is usually the first sign of heart disease in cats.  A friend of hers had two cats from the same litter pass the same way just a few weeks apart.


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7 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Happy Groundhog Day everyone - I hope your local rodent forecasts a nice, early spring.  I had to look up Bonza Bottler day - and yes, every month should have at least 1 party, don't you think?  Bubblegum, hmm, I haven't had that in ages.


Yesterday was frustrating, trying to get through to the cardiologist.  I left a detailed message and a couple of hours later the receptionist called back asking why I'd called.  I reiterated what the issues were and her response:  "Well, what do you want me to do?"  Seriously?!?!?!  I asked to speak with the cardiologist who was again not in, and would not be in tomorrow, so I asked to get in to see him next week only to be told he was totally booked up with appointments.  Argh.  I became quite a *B* word saying something to the effect that "Then I might just as well make an appointment with the undertaker, as he's slowly dying in front of me."  and I hung up.  


I proceeded to call our family physician and was told they'd had a cancellation for late in the afternoon, so we went to see him.  He examined DH, listened to his heart and lungs, did his pulse ox and sent him off for another chest x-ray as he didn't like the sound of his lungs.  He also prescribed a stronger diuretic to help relieve the swelling in DH's legs.  I asked at the time if it was possible he had  pulmonary edema or congestive heart failure, as I'd witnessed those same symptoms in my Dad years ago.  He indicated it was a distinct possibility, so he wanted an x ray to check things out.  We're expecting a call from him some time today, but he said if he gets worse, to get him to emergency at the hospital, rather than waiting for any appointments.  Noted.  Sorry for my ranting, but our medical system is becoming increasingly more frustrating with the delays, and incompetent individuals.


@bennybeara little delayed, but I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your friend; it's always hard to lose someone who has been in our lives so long.

@AroundWithMAPTravelsto answer your query yesterday, yes, I do have a glass of wine with dinner every evening . . . purely for health reasons.  Sure.

@marshhawkI'm sorry to hear you're feeling so poorly; I hope the oxygen will help in that respect.  And thank you for being such a kind soul to help Bubbles cross the Rainbow Bridge; you have such a good heart.

@Pushka welcome to the Daily, one of the most caring and supportive places on the boards.


I do hope our Daily friends on their way to Hawaii are feeling better after all the rocking and rolling last night - if I were there, I'd have been popping Bonine like they were PEZ candies!  LOL


Nothing really on the agenda today, just hanging around, so I think I'll start another blanket using up some of the scraps of yarn I've got (there are tons!).  DH is still engrossed in his book and between naps and meals, that keeps him busy.  I'd pass on the drink of the day (bourbon), would really like the Prosecco, and I do make a good slow cooker stew, but like @superoma, cut the ingredients into smaller pieces.  Of course it's Friday night, pizza night here, so this afternoon we'll see what appeals to us and will place an order for delivery to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.



Prayers offered for everyone who is in need, in poor health, in pain, and in grief.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Sorry for all your issues with the docs. You are correct about the health system. They are supposed to hire more health care providers in Ontario. We shall see as I am currently without a GP and have been for four years. God bless my naturopath. Hope your husband gets diagnosed soon.

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@ger_77 It is stressful enough dealing with Maurice’s medical issue without having to deal with the attitude of the receptionist/scheduler. 

The one thing I will say about the medical network in my area, I always get a survey after each interaction. If nothing else, I get to vent. And in most cases things have improved. 

Praying that Maurice gets the help he needs soon. 

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Good morning.  While we're still rolling with swells, it is not nearly as rough as it was yesterday.  I very rarely have problems from rough seas except walking.  I've learned that if I will be reading, I need to take two meclizine tablets when it first starts getting rough, and thanks all I need.  Our weather is still cloudy, and windy.  The wind is hitting the starboard side of the ship, and the Promanade Deck on that side is wet.




I will not be celebrating any of the three days today.


The quote made me smile.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  I also cut the meat and veggies into smaller pieces than the recipe calls for.  We've had today's wine.


While we've been to several places in Greenland,but not to today's port.


Three interesting days in history today.


11 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Yesterday I asked an interesting question that no one either knew the answer or was not interested in except travelnap. The question was why was Lake Gatun bottom lowered when the new locks and bagels, sorry, just locks, at the Panama Canal were built. Travelnap answer was they did not want to rock the boat. Wrong and not close.


The answer was they did not want the surrounding area around the lake to flood. What? ( Of course this is not a problem now with the drought in the area.)


This is a very interesting engineering issue. I learned this issue when I attended South Alabama Farm and Complex Engineering College. By adding the new locks added many more vessels in the Lake. More vessels meant more displacement of water which would raise the water in the Lake and cause flooding along the shores of the lake. By digging out the bottom and lowering it would give more area or volume of water to fill. Still don’t get it?  It’s like you have a hot tub at home. Let’s say the capacity is four people and four of y’all get in. No problem. But if 2-4 more people get in the hot tub, the water will rise and may overflow the tub flooding your deck. Of course if the original people get hot and bothered and create waves the tub could overflow but I won’t go there!


So this is was RNB’s  Fridays lesson on a complex engineering problem.


Thanks for the answer, RNB.  It makes sense.


11 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  I woke up 10 minutes late today and have been hurrying to catch up ever since.  The weather here is 38F and we expect to rise to possibly 68 with sunny skies today.  Excellent weather for Groundhog Day!  Expect 6 more weeks of winter, I always say, no matter what the groundhogs prognosticate.


Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for the Fleet Report and Daily plus the fleet maps.  I can appreciate Ayn Rand, Bonza Bottler day and bubblegum.  Someone is always making up a new day and why not Bonza Bottler, though why that name I'm not sure!  Funny quote!  The beef stew sounds nice and if gold came with the Gold Rush, I'd try it.  I'll also try the prosecco.  Good days in history though a sad one for Queen Victoria.  I'm glad I got to tour and see St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle because now when something big happens there I can picture where it is and what it looked like.  Thanks to Eva @superoma, Paul @kochleffel and Ann @cat shepard for the food and beverage reporting.  I'm sad to hear some of our cruisers on the Koningsdam are feeling unwell due to seas.  This has been a particularly rough ride on the Pineapple Express this week.  Feel better!


Prayers were said for my family and friends with extra ones for Scott.  His wife says he had a mini TIA yesterday and she is very concerned for him.  The doctors said since he could smile and raise his arms afterwards that he is doing okay.  I think I'd want further examination after it but that's just me!  So he was first on my prayer list.  I also prayed for everyone here on the Daily and hope that there is improvement in each of your situations.  Then I included the people in Israel and Ukraine at war and for the hostages still not home.  We can't forget the military members who have already lost their lives and the remainder of them still dodging missiles, rockets and drones every day.  Frightening!  🙏🙏  Annie @marshhawk I was sorry to hear it is time for Bubbles to be free from pain but know you are making the right decision.  I also hope you are feeling better and hope you are using your oxygen.  For all those celebrating happy events and cruising I wish you congratulations, smooth seas and following winds.  Especially the Koningsdam cruisers! 🚢🥂🎂


The port this morning is a brand new one which is exciting.  Paamiut, Frederikshab, Greenland!  Therefore there will be no link posted.  I won't have any photos for Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser so if she has any on her tablet she can post them today.  I have been there once in 2018 on Seabourn Quest so will have to start at the beginning and that may take a little time.  But I'll get it posted as soon as possible.  


I was kept pretty busy yesterday and didn't get to come back to post later in the evening but will try to keep up today with you.  We will get groceries and DH might wash my SUV.  I won't let the dealer wash it since they don't use a brushless automated car wash.  Then we should prune the crape myrtle tree and cut back the ornamental grasses perched at the top of the slope this month and today is surely a nice enough day to do it.  We shall see!


Meanwhile, have a great day today everyone and please try to stay safe and keep well.


Sandi, I was sorry to read about Scott's TIA.  I hope he is doing better.  Thanks for the pictures of today's port.


10 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Neither did RedneckBob!  So y’all have another year of me on this CC site! 😀


Good news.


9 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Happy Ground Hog Day to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I am a fan of Ayn Rand, never heard of Bonza Bottler Day but after the explanation 😆 , but no bubble gum for me.  The meal looked so appetizing this morning but not sure about the drink, yes to the "wine" and never been to Greenland.  LOL on the quote and some interesting days in history.




Yesterday was such a busy day I am hoping for a more calm one today.  We will have rain most of the day and much cooler temps from yesterday - high of only mid 50s.  Right now it is 49F.  I have my last day with the 8th grade science class but they have a test today so not much talking and hopefully not much walking around.  




The pain doc appt was - "you agree with the next injection" and he showed me what the surgeon sent him.  I thought the surgeon recommended 4 shots but it was only 2.  I see the surgeon next week and then the next injection right before I go over to CA before flying out to Miami.  I look at my schedule in the next week and a half and I hope I keep everything straight.  I have so many appts for PT, docs, research studies, etc.




Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating.


Have a great Friday everyone!


Pennie, I hope the second shot helps.


9 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Happy Groundhog Day everyone - I hope your local rodent forecasts a nice, early spring.  I had to look up Bonza Bottler day - and yes, every month should have at least 1 party, don't you think?  Bubblegum, hmm, I haven't had that in ages.


Yesterday was frustrating, trying to get through to the cardiologist.  I left a detailed message and a couple of hours later the receptionist called back asking why I'd called.  I reiterated what the issues were and her response:  "Well, what do you want me to do?"  Seriously?!?!?!  I asked to speak with the cardiologist who was again not in, and would not be in tomorrow, so I asked to get in to see him next week only to be told he was totally booked up with appointments.  Argh.  I became quite a *B* word saying something to the effect that "Then I might just as well make an appointment with the undertaker, as he's slowly dying in front of me."  and I hung up.  


I proceeded to call our family physician and was told they'd had a cancellation for late in the afternoon, so we went to see him.  He examined DH, listened to his heart and lungs, did his pulse ox and sent him off for another chest x-ray as he didn't like the sound of his lungs.  He also prescribed a stronger diuretic to help relieve the swelling in DH's legs.  I asked at the time if it was possible he had  pulmonary edema or congestive heart failure, as I'd witnessed those same symptoms in my Dad years ago.  He indicated it was a distinct possibility, so he wanted an x ray to check things out.  We're expecting a call from him some time today, but he said if he gets worse, to get him to emergency at the hospital, rather than waiting for any appointments.  Noted.  Sorry for my ranting, but our medical system is becoming increasingly more frustrating with the delays, and incompetent individuals.


@bennybeara little delayed, but I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your friend; it's always hard to lose someone who has been in our lives so long.

@AroundWithMAPTravelsto answer your query yesterday, yes, I do have a glass of wine with dinner every evening . . . purely for health reasons.  Sure.

@marshhawkI'm sorry to hear you're feeling so poorly; I hope the oxygen will help in that respect.  And thank you for being such a kind soul to help Bubbles cross the Rainbow Bridge; you have such a good heart.

@Pushka welcome to the Daily, one of the most caring and supportive places on the boards.


I do hope our Daily friends on their way to Hawaii are feeling better after all the rocking and rolling last night - if I were there, I'd have been popping Bonine like they were PEZ candies!  LOL


Nothing really on the agenda today, just hanging around, so I think I'll start another blanket using up some of the scraps of yarn I've got (there are tons!).  DH is still engrossed in his book and between naps and meals, that keeps him busy.  I'd pass on the drink of the day (bourbon), would really like the Prosecco, and I do make a good slow cooker stew, but like @superoma, cut the ingredients into smaller pieces.  Of course it's Friday night, pizza night here, so this afternoon we'll see what appeals to us and will place an order for delivery to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.



Prayers offered for everyone who is in need, in poor health, in pain, and in grief.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I'm glad you got your DH into see your PCP.  I hope the stronger diuretic helps.  The medical systems seem to be broken.


9 hours ago, tjcox9 said:

Just want to add a couple more pix from Paaimut, also from the Seabourn Quest, but in 2022. We also enjoy the small, less visited ports.


The first is of some carvings in a stone embankment.PaamiutGreenland(11).thumb.jpg.20084097f9900dd101d68fa14718b417.jpg


And the second is just reflections along the walkway into the village.PaamiutGreenland(32).thumb.jpg.2c742b85faa02a700c6831ec7d471572.jpg


Thanks for the lovely pictures.


8 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Friday Morning Dailyites.  DH and I had an argument last night about the oxygen.  I told him to let me use the smaller equipment that was sent to  me, not him, and yes I used it last night.  He kept saying it's your COPD!  I'm thinking that COPD does not cause a clogged up/runny  nose, a sore throat, a headache, and general malaise.  But, I could be wrong. Today we both have off, it's walk the dog, take Bubbles to St. Francis, and then go visit the Science museum (we are members) .  I asked for a membership for my birthday last year, and we haven't been since.  But I feel so crappy, I would rather stay home and sleep. 


Have you ever wished for a day., when someone else got up and made the coffee.  Fed the cats. Let you sleep? I dont think that I have had a day like that for more than 8 years.  So when I got an email from Firefly yesterday about the accommodations- I really smiled.


from Firefly-


Your Cottage:
Each cottage is appointed with many of the items you would expect in a hotel, and some you might not. Kitchens and kitchenettes are outfitted with dishes and cutlery, cookware in the larger cottages, and glassware. We provide bottled water for our guests and ice upon request. We also have many items that might make your stay better: hair dryer, iron and ironing board, ice chest; we can provide for the asking. We provide the coffee and equipment for you to make an excellent pot of coffee each day, delivering coffee each day. Your cottage will be stocked with bottled water, ice, cream, accessories for coffee (sweeteners) and assorted teas.
Now does that mean I get fresh ground coffee for me to make, or are they actually delivering coffee each day..


Annie, I hope you feel better soon.  IMHO, let your DH get his own oxygen.  It was good of you to help Bubbles cross the Rainbow Bridge, and to end his suffering.


6 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  Thanks for all the news.  I'm happy that the consensus is that Spring is on the way!  I have a single little marsh marigold blooming in my flowerbed, and I have no idea where it came from, it is definitely a volunteer and I hope it is happy with us.   I count that as Spring.  If we had a groundhog, it would not see its shadow today, I guess we would use a Vancouver Island marmot instead.  


Gerry, I'm so sorry about your DH, what a worry!  Annie, hope you feel better soon, and I'm sorry about Bubbles.  You are such a caring cat person!  Terry, I hope your household's health improves and you don't catch the bug, too.  And I hope the weather improves for the Dailyites on the way to Hawaii.


Well, we've had a busy couple of days.  First, we went downtown to apply for new passports, I also found a couple of new needlepoint kits, they are darned expensive nowadays, but I think they will be beautiful.  I can't do counted cross stitch any more, and I had to look for light coloured needlepoints, as I'm finding the darker colours difficult to manage.  I do need new glasses.  Then, yesterday, we booked two more cruises!  Pat is getting antsy, and as the cardiologist said he was good to travel, we decided to re-book part of the cruise we cancelled earlier - just the TA, though, and I got flights to FLL using my Air Miles and Pat organized return flights in business class on Icelandair.  I could only get economy for the three flights out, so I'm not looking forward to that.  Just hope Calgary isn't snowed in, like it was last year.  Talking to our PCC, she said she has had many, many complaints about Stockperks, and I told her we were going to try to do it the old way first!  


I want to ask the doctor if I should take the low dose aspirin with us, just in case.  I don't know if that has anything to do with heart valve problems.   And we are going out today to run a few errands, and I think I might have a look for something new to wear on the cruise.  It's either that or a lot of dieting!  


Ann, congratulations on booking the cruise.


It's afternoon now, and I'm just finishing this due to some fun interruptions.  Debbie and I played trivia,and let's just leave it at that.



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Thanks for HAL Fleet report all the daily information, 

Last evening at about 9 30pm, from our living room watched the Noordam sail south, she looked lovely with all the lights.  Unfortunately she had a wet day for her visit to Port.  rain cleared to a fine evening after she left port.  

@marshhawk so sorry that Bubbles crossed the Rainbow bridge.  Hope that you will soon feel better.

@ger_77  sad to read of the unhelpful receptionist.  Pleased that you were  able to see your own doctor, as other have said, don't hesitate to call the ambulance if necessary.

@aliaschief  sorry to read about your accident, am sure Sue will be looking after the wound.

Thanks for sharing your super photos.

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1 hour ago, erewhon said:

Thanks for HAL Fleet report all the daily information, 

Last evening at about 9 30pm, from our living room watched the Noordam sail south, she looked lovely with all the lights.  Unfortunately she had a wet day for her visit to Port.  rain cleared to a fine evening after she left port.  

@marshhawk so sorry that Bubbles crossed the Rainbow bridge.  Hope that you will soon feel better.

@ger_77  sad to read of the unhelpful receptionist.  Pleased that you were  able to see your own doctor, as other have said, don't hesitate to call the ambulance if necessary.

@aliaschief  sorry to read about your accident, am sure Sue will be looking after the wound.

Thanks for sharing your super photos.

Thanks ships doctor is changing dressing every day. Has not asked for cabin# or name so maybe professional courtesy.

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@Mopree Thank you for the encouragement, and I was wrong I did get off the ship twice before portugal....sort of.  So more to come.


I walked the dog, and then took Bubbles to St. Francis, where they agreed that our vet has gone crazy into money and gave us a list of services to use in the future for our fur babies.  I am glad I did not go back last night after reading the first nasty comment.


We had Japanese for lunch today,and thought better of going to the museum.  We stopped and bought the fur babies crunchies and cookies, and breakfast food for tomorrow before work. BBQ  for dinner, and I probably should not have gone out.  When it is dark I cough more.  But I am about to do something i have wanted to do all day-going to bed.


Pleasant dreams friends-



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2 hours ago, dfish said:

I think Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and I did quite well at trivia!  That was one of my all time high scores!  

This is my watercolor jellyfish.  I’ll entertain offers greater than $2.IMG_3077.thumb.jpeg.4d160b574eeab22044b2eb21e2c0c204.jpeg

I love it Debbie!  But of course Blue is my favorite color. 


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

@Mopree Thank you for the encouragement, and I was wrong I did get off the ship twice before portugal....sort of.  So more to come.


I walked the dog, and then took Bubbles to St. Francis, where they agreed that our vet has gone crazy into money and gave us a list of services to use in the future for our fur babies.  I am glad I did not go back last night after reading the first nasty comment.


We had Japanese for lunch today,and thought better of going to the museum.  We stopped and bought the fur babies crunchies and cookies, and breakfast food for tomorrow before work. BBQ  for dinner, and I probably should not have gone out.  When it is dark I cough more.  But I am about to do something i have wanted to do all day-going to bed.


Pleasant dreams friends-



Annie, I’m sorry about Bubbles but I know you did the right thing. But still it’s hard. 

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Just finished dinner in the Pinnacle,  and we're both stuffed.  DH opted to go back to the cabin and I went early to the show so I could get a seat with an escape route.  It's the one Step One show we haven't seen.  I much prefer the production shows with the singers and dancers.


2 hours ago, dfish said:

I think Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and I did quite well at trivia!  That was one of my all time high scores!  

This is my watercolor jellyfish.  I’ll entertain offers greater than $2.IMG_3077.thumb.jpeg.4d160b574eeab22044b2eb21e2c0c204.jpeg


Debbie, I like the picture.  Trivia is always more fun when you know your team.  Best part, we didn't embarrass ourselves.


45 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@Mopree Thank you for the encouragement, and I was wrong I did get off the ship twice before portugal....sort of.  So more to come.


I walked the dog, and then took Bubbles to St. Francis, where they agreed that our vet has gone crazy into money and gave us a list of services to use in the future for our fur babies.  I am glad I did not go back last night after reading the first nasty comment.


We had Japanese for lunch today,and thought better of going to the museum.  We stopped and bought the fur babies crunchies and cookies, and breakfast food for tomorrow before work. BBQ  for dinner, and I probably should not have gone out.  When it is dark I cough more.  But I am about to do something i have wanted to do all day-going to bed.


Pleasant dreams friends-




Annie, St. Francis sounds like a good place for your cats.  Get some rest, and feel better soon.


@aliaschief  I'm sorry you hurt your arm.  I hope it's better soon.  Thanks for the Moorea pictures, our second favorite place.  Bora Bora is the first.



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3 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Thanks ships doctor is changing dressing every day. Has not asked for cabin# or name so maybe professional courtesy.


@aliaschief  maybe you will be charged for all treatment once the wound has healed!

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15 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:


I am still troubled by the cruel comments regarding helping our fur family and am happy the offending posts ere removed...

I was just thinking of this as I went into the living room and saw 2 of my 3 fur babies snuggled up. I just shook my head and wanted to hug them. The comment really bothered me.

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8 hours ago, marshhawk said:

I walked the dog, and then took Bubbles to St. Francis, where they agreed that our vet has gone crazy into money and gave us a list of services to use in the future for our fur babies.  I am glad I did not go back last night after reading the first nasty comment.


Bless you for taking care of Bubbles ♥️. And big hugs to you - it’s so hard to do 🥰 


It sounds like St. Francis is a good discovery for care of all or you fur babies.


Don’t even give that comment another thought.  A couple of us spoke right up after we saw it.  

We were on your side.


8 hours ago, marshhawk said:

When it is dark I cough more.  But I am about to do something i have wanted to do all day-going to bed.


I hope you are feeling better soon, Annie 🤞 


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