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Currently on Silhouette very bad experience


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A quote from OP...." All the time their acting like it’s no big deal. "  I'm taking this at her word and if it's 'no big deal' to them, I think I'd be very angry....might be interpreted by others as 'panicky'.  My temperament is (usually) quiet and careful, but if provoked to anger by the lack of initial action, as this response seemed to be, it would not be 'nice' . 🤬

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, avp1234 said:

I can promise you that exactly what I wrote was what happened. There were others at guest services that were upset because they had been without toilet service in their rooms, but my husband was the only one I know of that had actual sewage spew on his face. I wish there was another side of the story, trust me. 

Someone called earlier to see how he was, and I told him he was ok. I took pictures when it happened of the toilet and even after when they cleaned it and it still had black residue in the tank. I’m not posting pictures of feces on here, but it truly was disgusting. I still have not received any paperwork or medical documents. We’ve tried to make the best of things but I wish we hadn’t come. It definitely put a damper on the whole trip. 

And no, I didn’t ask for compensation or anything like that and nothing was offered. Not even dry cleaning of his clothes. I tried to talk to someone other than Abraham at guest services, but he told me that he was who was supposed to handle it. He was very dismissive and he actually walked away from me and the other lady. I would have no reason to make any of this up or exaggerate the situation. I mean he got sprayed with sewage. There’s not much left to say. I guess we’ll see if we get any paperwork tomorrow land go see his dr when we get home to see if he needs antibiotics or any testing done. I don’t know anything about sewer and the chemicals on a ship. 

I'm so sorry this happened to your DH and to you (by association).  I'm sure no one here means they don't believe the situation.  But some think a good shrug of the shoulders would fix this (by you and/or by GS).  Don't let it go.  It was an accident that the sewer line broke but the lack of immediate empathy and actually walking away from you was insulting and embarrassing.  Try escalating WHILE ON THE SHIP to the following email address....  Most likely this will be an exec assistant who will be more empathetic and hopefully helpful.


President, Celebrity   



Edited by Oceangoer2
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Posted (edited)

I’m at medical right now trying to get a report of his treatment. It’s like nobody can help. Like I said. I’m not looking for compensation. I just want the report to take to his dr and hope he didn’t catch anything from it. That’s it. It did upset me the way I was spoken to by Abraham and he literally turned his back and walked away. I admit I was upset but not yelling I could barely hear him over the music. I was about to cry to tell the truth. Either way know you won’t get any help if something happens. 

Edited by avp1234
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49 minutes ago, Oceangoer2 said:

Just a thought....if the line was broken...what came out of the toilet might have come out of the shower....imagine that!


Well, it would have to have been coming up from the shower drain.  It would not come out of the fresh hot and cold water feed to the shower.  Totally separate.


Again, tough situation.  Sorry it happened.  There are CC folks here way better familiar with how the heck sewer can blow and spray out of toilet.  Not up my alley.  Probably wise to 'keep a lid on it' just in case?

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@avp1234 very sorry to hear about your and your DH experience and hope that he is ok and doesn’t get an infection.


Before anyone reads further my comments are not intended to say that the OP acted inappropriately. My comments reflect a view from 30,000 feet.


 I can understand some having thoughts that the lack of attention by the crew was somehow related to the op’s reaction and how she handled the situation. Most often I would agree, but this isn’t one of those situations- if my DW had a toilet erupt with feces flying everywhere and in her eyes, I would be upset and worried about her health. Honestly even if the OP was acting like the Tasmanian devil in a 10 foot hover - no one should have walked away.


Regardless of how the conversation went, they should have asked the OP to accompany them to some place private and do whatever it would take to resolve the situation. That alone may have done wonders to lower the temperature. Certainly would have shown an interest in caring about the issue. Further, if there were others impacted the same way a meeting in a conference room in private away from other unaffected guests so a single conversation could happen at one time with all involved would be more efficient, lower the temp all around and make the guests and crews lives simpler and allow for the cruise to move forward in as positive an atmosphere as possible. Some member of management should have been assigned as a single point of contact to chase down solutions, answers and or paperwork.


I have 2 reasons for my thoughts - first there could be serious medical consequences. Second in the current situation the OP is going to bring this up with anyone that might listen. As would others in similar situations. I know I would if I felt no one cared.


The only way to keep the situation from growing legs and running away on it’s own is to work towards a solution and to own the problem.


The OP may want to ask for a meeting with the manager of housekeeping. That manager may be able to sort things and escalate as necessary. At some point the OP should receive a visit from the hotel director just to check in and see how things are.



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Escalate up the Chain..

until someone gets u the medical  report, cleans  your husb clothes and provides a working toilet in a sanitized  bathroom .


A bad thing happened but the post event lack of support is almost worse.


.I also suggest a written complaint.    Ships are pushing the QR code report but a positive one I filed on ASCENT was never acknowledged!


They have paper and pens at GR.

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Omg. 😳 if I or my husband got sprayed with sewage you can bet I’d ask for compensation! I’m sorry this happened and hopefully your situation will get the attention it deserves!

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What an awful experience.

Use the QR code in the daily to comment and ask for the hotel director to contact you. Are you a Captains Club member? Go to the host onboard and ask them to have the HD contact you.

You are very generous not asking for compensation, heck people want OBC if their cabin curtains are torn or the AC goes out! If nothing else the clothing should be laundered and perhaps some OBC for the trauma and time that you have spent dealing with this.

I hope they aren't charging you for the the medical.

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I'm sorry so this happened to you.  What a horrible experience!  I am outraged for you.  I can understand your frustration, as I've had a few incidents on Celebrity ships, but never as bad as yours.  I'm not a lawyer, but I'm sure Celebrity has a legal and contractual duty to provide you a safe and healthy voyage.  You have every right to be angry, frustrated, and worried for your husband's health. 


Your best course is to get resolution and compensation BEFORE you leave the ship.  Once you leave the ship, trying to reach the right people shoreside is impossible and you'll get the runaround.  If I had this happen to me or a loved one, I would be demanding a full refund of my cruise fare and not a future cruise credit.  They love to give those out for complaints because it's nontangible currency and not hard cash, but you deserve a refund.  They should be moving you out of that room and clean all your clothes and comping everything to you for the rest of the cruise.


Please don't leave the ship without a full and comprehensive report from the medical center and/or the hotel director and/or the engineering team.  The report should state what was in that fluid that he was exposed to and what chemicals or biological hazards were in that fluid.  If you have travel insurance, you'll need more documentation than you think to substantiate the claim and to get follow-up medical care.  Not only did your husband have direct contact with bacteria to his eyes, he likely ingested some through his nose and mouth, even microscopically.  Symptoms of an illness may not show up until after he's left the ship.  This is serious stuff.


I wish you and your husband well.

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5 hours ago, mom says said:

You did have a terrible experience (your husband had a worse one), but you really need to calm down. What you assumed was indifference by the crew was in all likelihood a measured approach to try to calm you down and not escalate your panic in the original incident. And sorry, but we are only getting your side of the story. We don't have any idea of how you conducted yourself at GS. Not saying you acted inappropriately; just that we don't know how that exchange went.


The med dept called you and told you that you would receive the necessary paper work. As long as you get it before disembarkation,  what difference does it make if it's today or tomorrow? You have no idea how busy the staff is in sick bay.


I hope that the bathroom situation has been rectified, and that you have been able to have your clothing cleaned and were able to replace any toiletries that were contaminated.. I would suggest that you have a meeting with the Hotel Director to discuss compensation for this, as well as coverage of any medical costs for your husband's  treatment.

So to nutshell your comment:   You got sprayed with *****, but you need to calm down.

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Posted (edited)

OP, so sorry this happened to your DH. I'm not sure how I'd react if in the same situation, but I know it would be some level of upset. There does seem to be a lack understanding of how serious of a potential medical problem this could be for your DH. My suggestion is to stay as calm as possible and revisit GR and medical with a pen and paper in hand. Begin asking everyone for their names and official titles. Be sure to say, "Please be so kind as to spell your last name for me." You'll be surprised at how responsive staff become when they realize their name might be mentioned. I agree with the other posters who say compensation is warranted. At the least I'd be looking for complimentary laundry, the equivalent of 2 days FCC for the 2 days disrupted trying to address the situation, the requested paperwork within 24hrs, and a pampered dinner at Murano to help you both feel better. 


Edited by kathynorth
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I posted yesterday about the great time we just had on the ship.  I failed to mention that we had a toilet issue one morning. Tried to push the flush button, and no suction.  Pushed several times and nothing. Told the attendant and it was taken care of by maintenance. We got lucky compared to the horror he endured.  Hopefully he is physically ok...Give the rest of the ship a chance..

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I'm not a doctor, just doing some internet research. Sounds like ship toilets have plain water plus whatever "stuff" people flush.  Other than cleaning fluids for the bowl itself, most ships use a natural process for treating black water for eventual ocean discharge. The worry would be conjunctivitis and it would show up between 12 and 72 hours from exposure, and you did what you could with a high grade eye wash.   Hopefully your husband is doing well, and every day should give you more confidence of the worst being behind you. I hope you get treated with kindness/empathy from the ship and good luck to you both. 

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OP sorry this happened.  Talk to Hotel Director and email President of Celebrity BEFORE you leave.  Is Abraham the only person who works at Guest Services?


You say your husband is “ok” but you are not.  I would not tell the staff that he is “ok”, even though I know what you mean.


Good luck.

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5 hours ago, avp1234 said:

I can promise you that exactly what I wrote was what happened. There were others at guest services that were upset because they had been without toilet service in their rooms, but my husband was the only one I know of that had actual sewage spew on his face. I wish there was another side of the story, trust me. 

Someone called earlier to see how he was, and I told him he was ok. I took pictures when it happened of the toilet and even after when they cleaned it and it still had black residue in the tank. I’m not posting pictures of feces on here, but it truly was disgusting. I still have not received any paperwork or medical documents. We’ve tried to make the best of things but I wish we hadn’t come. It definitely put a damper on the whole trip. 

And no, I didn’t ask for compensation or anything like that and nothing was offered. Not even dry cleaning of his clothes. I tried to talk to someone other than Abraham at guest services, but he told me that he was who was supposed to handle it. He was very dismissive and he actually walked away from me and the other lady. I would have no reason to make any of this up or exaggerate the situation. I mean he got sprayed with sewage. There’s not much left to say. I guess we’ll see if we get any paperwork tomorrow land go see his dr when we get home to see if he needs antibiotics or any testing done. I don’t know anything about sewer and the chemicals on a ship. 

Am I correct that the only person who gas reached out to your husband is Abraham in guest relations?  Nobody? 

As for medical, your husband was treated to wash his eyes etc and given oxygen as he experienced a panic attack.  You have said several times you want a medical report - now.  What are you expecting it to say?  Per your  description he was exposed to raw sewage and the exposed area cleansed.  He had a panic attack and was given oxygen.  There really is not much else one can say medically.




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Sorry to hear of your tale.    Just wanted to point out that such an occurrence is not limited to Silhouette or even S-Class.


We were on Edge in a RS in December and had a similar experience but luckily we were not in the Toilet Area.    We heard a rumble a spurt and a spray.    I looked in the toilet area and the ceiling, wall and floor were soaked.   Just thankful no one was in the toilet area at the time.  


We let our butler know and they had our bathroom properly sanitized and cleaned.    It was explained that their had been a blockage due to something a guest had flushed down the toilet.

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On DH's first X cruise (my second as I sailed with my sister a month before) our toilet stopped working one night.  We were in a sky suite, so I called the concierges and asked them to call GS.  Apparently they did, because I noticed people working and when I came back from dinner, the toilet worked.  For a little while.  Then it stopped again.  I called GS because concierges were long gone for the night.  

It was fixed for good the next morning,  The next day, one of the concierges came over and gave us a small FCC as an apology.

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7 hours ago, avp1234 said:

I’m at medical right now trying to get a report of his treatment. It’s like nobody can help. Like I said. I’m not looking for compensation. I just want the report to take to his dr and hope he didn’t catch anything from it. That’s it. It did upset me the way I was spoken to by Abraham and he literally turned his back and walked away. I admit I was upset but not yelling I could barely hear him over the music. I was about to cry to tell the truth. Either way know you won’t get any help if something happens. 


As someone who has worked in healthcare for 40 years and also in a show barn caring for horses where feces are EVERYWHERE let me offer a different perspective.  While the situation is disgusting for sure and I wouldn't wish it to happen to anyone the chances he catches something from it are very low unless he is already immune compromised.  If he starts to show symptoms of an infection such as fever, aches, cough THEN an antibiotic can be considered.  Unfortunately we have too many drug resistant bacteria out there from over prescribed antibiotics.  Another thing to consider is the primary bacteria in feces is E-coli.  When E-coli gets into the bloodstream the last thing you want to do is give an antibiotic.  While it does kill the bacteria that is the problem.  When e-coli dies it releases a toxin that destroys the kidneys.  A friend's kid got e-coli at summer camp.  The ER didn't recognize it and gave her an antibiotic.  She landed in the PICU and almost died from renal failure.  Fortunately she recovered and is married with kids now. 


If your husband was going to become ill from this it would have been almost immediate.  He did the right thing:  got his eyes washed out immediately.  While the report is helpful, should your husband have symptoms the best care any doctor can give him is to run blood tests to find out exactly what the problem is.  A medical report from the ship that says he was sprayed with feces and had his eyes washed out won't tell his personal physician what is causing the problem at home.  Current diagnostics will.


I don't excuse the behavior of Abraham but in situations like this I find it is sometimes necessary to spell out exactly what you want from that person in a calm and reasonable manner and if they fail to respond or deliver then they report to SOMEONE and they will hear about it from me for sure.  That usually solves the issue once you escalate it.

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