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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday April 21st, 2024

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I don't know much about hemp. Yay for Kindergarten; I don't remember it, although I have my report card from it saying I was shy. I think I would like chocolate covered cashews, although I've not seen them for sale. Funny quote. The meal looks good. Maybe on the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Scarborough.


It's cloudy and cool here. There were frost warnings this morning. I again got more sleep, about 5.5 hours, in segments. I had a late Hibiclens shower, maybe that helped. But you can't put on any lotion and I usually do, with my dry skin. I feel like I have a lot to do, and don't know where to start. I'm trying to prep the downstairs den for if I decide to sleep there a few nights initially. I won't worry about food; BFF is bringing a crockpot meal that we'll have on Tuesday. I appreciate all of the prayers and good thoughts for tomorrow.


@kazu Bon Voyage! Have a great time on your cruise.

@VMax1700 Bon Voyage!

@bennybear Happy Anniversary! I'll make note of the correct number of years. Great photos from Kanazawa.

@sailingdutchy Happy Birthday!

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hadn't planned to have a substitute or take sick leave. The surgery will be outpatient, unless something untoward goes on, so I'll be home by evening. I figure doing the lists will give me something to do! I can use my tablet from the recliner or my PC which is in the room I'll be hanging out in. If I need help I'll reach out.

@grapau27 Thanks for the link and the explanation about hemp.

@smitty34877 I'm glad the family arrived safely and that everyone gets along well. So nice that Tana was able to be at the table with everyone for dinner.

@Overhead Fred Beautiful photos from Keukenhof; I've not made it there yet.

@marshhawk Please be careful with your foot and get it looked at if it's not getting better. 

@aliaschief Looking good! Great photos.

@Nickelpenny Thanks for the photos from Scarborough. 

@Cruising-along A troubling update on Amber, but I hope the surgery will improve her condition. Continued prayers for her.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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18 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I missed yesterday and am late today -- I got some concerning news yesterday about Amber.  After a few days of improvement, the swelling in her brain returned.  The doctors all agreed that the best hope for her would be surgery so yesterday they removed part of her skull to relieve the swelling. They also have been injecting anti-inflammatory meds.   She did well with the surgery, now we wait and hope there will be no complications.  Prayers are so appreciated!


Interesting collection of days...industrial hemp is important, I went straight to 1st grade at 6 because kindergarten wasn't available when I was 5.  Yes on chocolate covered cashews!  Funny quote, I would love the meal but can't have that much soy sauce (even low sodium is too much) so I'll continue making my stir fry my own way.  Yes to the wine and I'd like to try the drink.  I always liked the song Heartbreak Hotel, have never been to Trinidad.


We're having another nice day, although a lot cooler than lately.  We got a lot of wind yesterday, and more trees came down in the woods up the road.  We're SO thankful they have finally taken all the Cottonwoods down behind our houses.  One came down in the road, and the city came out quickly to chip it.


We had a fun afternoon with our 8-year-old DGS, lots of games and laughs.  And chocolate chip cookies of course.


Happy 51st Anniversary Brenda and DH @bennybear!

Bon Voyage Jacqui @kazu!

Bon Voyage Colin @VMax1700!

Happy Birthday Tony @sailingdutchy!

Vanessa @JazzyV Praying that your surgery tomorrow will finally give you the relief you deserve.

Terry @smitty34877 That's wonderful that Tana was able to be at the dinner table yesterday 🙂 

Tina @0106 Thank you for the photo -- amazing!





Sending prayers 🙏 for Amber.


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So far, it's been a lazy morning.  I managed to clean up a mess on one shelf in an outside storage cabinet.  I'm still not sure what of the cleaning supplies spilled, but it ran down onto the next shelf and ruined several boxes of tissues.  Since we still don't know what spilled, the tissues are in the trash, and whatever spilled is cleaned up and now part of that shelf is very clean.


With the north wind, it is still very chilly outside, but I did check the old fashioned rain gauge.  We received 1.2 inches of rain yesterday.  That means we won't have to turn on the sprinkler for a while yet.  If the forecast holds, we'll be getting more rain toward the end of the week.  Historically, this is our rainy season.


3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Lenda.

Sarah seems happy and it was a change of medication which made her poorly last week.

Tomorrow will be my lovely,kind late mam's 94th birthday her 12th in heaven.

She bought my first car for me in 1974 a 2 year old car and in 2010 the year before she died she bought me a brand new car which I kept for 10 years.


Graham, I'm glad Sarah is feeling better, and that it was only a reaction to changing medication.  I hope the wonderful memories of your dear mam will make tomorrow an easier day.


3 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

We went to Keukenhof this morning. It was beautiful as always! Now waiting for sail away from Rotterdam to head to the Canary Islands.










Fred, thanks for the pictures of the beautiful flowers.  


3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  Thank you @grapau27for bring us Father David again this week.  I really do appreciate you for doing that, and for him to bring the message to us sheep.


Well over the past few days, I was so excited about the kittens, I wasn't spending any time on my injuries, and yesterday my left foot was so swollen I could barely put on my sandal. I poked my foot, and really couldn't feel it. So I did what I should have done since Tuesday, I slept on the sofa with my foot raised, and yes, this morning the swelling had gone down. The sandal now goes on the foot, but the leg still hurts. Guess I will actually take one of the Aleve's I bought....


No walking in the woods today, it started raining at midnight with some BIG rumbles of thunder, the temperatures actually starting dropping before the rain, but it is still raining.  The computer says it's 53 degrees and dropping down into the 40's tonight.  The heater is on, on the porch, and the kittens were all sound asleep when I checked on them. I have them now controlled in a box.


I was a kindergarten teacher, in an inner city school in the early 80's.  Full day 27 kids. But there was nap time. But I was always sick, the kids brought me every illness they had.  I left after 1 year and went into customer service, and have been doing that since 1983.  Sales and customer service.  I know I went to kindergarten, but remember nursery school better...


@smitty34877I was very happy to read that Tana had dinner at the table with everyone last night.  I hope it was not too much for her, and she has another good day today.  Enjoy being with your family!


@ger_77I was enjoying your snow, even though you have had your fill.  It reminded me of when I lived in MN, woke up on a May 7th saw that it was snowing and thought it was a dream, and went back to sleep.  I didn't make it to work that day. .


Well I need to wake up DH, and ask if I can steal a donut from him, as we ate today's breakfast for dinner last night.




Annie, please, if your foot continues to be swollen during the day, have it checked at an urgent care.  I'm glad that elevating it overnight helped reduce the swelling.  I can't help thinking that being a kindergarten teacher is like herding cats at times.


1 hour ago, superoma said:

@bennybearhappy 50th anniversary.

@JazzyVprayers that your surgery tomorrow is successful in relieving your pain

happy birthday to those celebrating and good weather and fair seas for those cruising.


we started out cloudy but the sun is coming through now. We had to turn the furnace back on yesterday since it was quite chilly. Will leave it on for a few more days until we warm up more. I hung my laundry out yesterday. Fingers were frozen by the time I was done. It did dry well since we had a breeze. 


have a good day everyone


Eva, it may seem strange what with spending winters in Arizona, I can relate to your frozen fingers.  Many times when I hang out laundry it will be during the early morning when the overnight lows have not warmed up, and I'll come in with very cold, stiff fingers.  But the laundry smells so fresh that it is worth it.


34 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I missed yesterday and am late today -- I got some concerning news yesterday about Amber.  After a few days of improvement, the swelling in her brain returned.  The doctors all agreed that the best hope for her would be surgery so yesterday they removed part of her skull to relieve the swelling. They also have been injecting anti-inflammatory meds.   She did well with the surgery, now we wait and hope there will be no complications.  Prayers are so appreciated!


Interesting collection of days...industrial hemp is important, I went straight to 1st grade at 6 because kindergarten wasn't available when I was 5.  Yes on chocolate covered cashews!  Funny quote, I would love the meal but can't have that much soy sauce (even low sodium is too much) so I'll continue making my stir fry my own way.  Yes to the wine and I'd like to try the drink.  I always liked the song Heartbreak Hotel, have never been to Trinidad.


We're having another nice day, although a lot cooler than lately.  We got a lot of wind yesterday, and more trees came down in the woods up the road.  We're SO thankful they have finally taken all the Cottonwoods down behind our houses.  One came down in the road, and the city came out quickly to chip it.


We had a fun afternoon with our 8-year-old DGS, lots of games and laughs.  And chocolate chip cookies of course.


Happy 51st Anniversary Brenda and DH @bennybear!

Bon Voyage Jacqui @kazu!

Bon Voyage Colin @VMax1700!

Happy Birthday Tony @sailingdutchy!

Vanessa @JazzyV Praying that your surgery tomorrow will finally give you the relief you deserve.

Terry @smitty34877 That's wonderful that Tana was able to be at the dinner table yesterday 🙂 

Tina @0106 Thank you for the photo -- amazing!






Carolyn, I'm sorry the latest news about Amber was not good.  I hope the surgery helps, and they can get the swelling and high blood pressure under control.


30 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I don't know much about hemp. Yay for Kindergarten; I don't remember it, although I have my report card from it saying I was shy. I think I would like chocolate covered cashews, although I've not seen them for sale. Funny quote. The meal looks good. Maybe on the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Scarborough.


It's cloudy and cool here. There were frost warnings this morning. I again got more sleep, about 5.5 hours, in segments. I had a late Hibiclens shower, maybe that helped. But you can't put on any lotion and I usually do, with my dry skin. I feel like I have a lot to do, and don't know where to start. I'm trying to prep the downstairs den for if I decide to sleep there a few nights initially. I won't worry about food; BFF is bringing a crockpot meal that we'll have on Tuesday. I appreciate all of the prayers and good thoughts for tomorrow.


@kazu Bon Voyage! Have a great time on your cruise.

@VMax1700 Bon Voyage!

@bennybear Happy Anniversary! I'll make note of the correct number of years. Great photos from Kanazawa.

@sailingdutchy Happy Birthday!

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hadn't planned to have a substitute or take sick leave. The surgery will be outpatient, unless something untoward goes on, so I'll be home by evening. I figure doing the lists will give me something to do! I can use my tablet from the recliner or my PC which is in the room I'll be hanging out in. If I need help I'll reach out.

@grapau27 Thanks for the link and the explanation about hemp.

@smitty34877 I'm glad the family arrived safely and that everyone gets along well. So nice that Tana was able to be at the table with everyone for dinner.

@Overhead Fred Beautiful photos from Keukenhof; I've not made it there yet.

@marshhawk Please be careful with your foot and get it looked at if it's not getting better. 

@aliaschief Looking good! Great photos.

@Nickelpenny Thanks for the photos from Scarborough. 

@Cruising-along A troubling update on Amber, but I hope the surgery will improve her condition. Continued prayers for her.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, as long as it is not a problem, keeping up the Daily lists might make your recovery go faster.  Please, reach out for help if needed.  I'm glad you got more sleep.


27 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Thanks also @Cruising-along@Sharon in AZ @JazzyV so appreciated! 

Some photos from beautiful Shirakawa go in the mountains a short journey from Kanazawa 













Brenda, thanks for the lovely pictures.



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Good morning.... just barely. No reason to be late this morning except I have the Sunday slows. Actually, I just don't feel like doing anything but will at least try to get a couple of things moved and organized and then settle down with a book and the dogs. Monday's list is long.


Sending positive thoughts and prayers to Amber. @JazzyVHope your procedure tomorrow is successful and that you can get rest at home. Having a spot set up downstairs sounds like a good move.


Will watch the Volendam sail this afternoon if I can remember. I really enjoyed that ship. It was so easy to navigate and crew was wonderful. And I wish someone was preparing meals for me now... I just can't get enthused about cooking for one.


Better get something constructive done. Yesterday was something of a lost day with my dreaded meeting living up to expectations and taking up 4 hours of my day. Way too long. People need to read.


Take care all.



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@bennybearLast night I was flipping channels and ended up on the wrong one, but it was a travel show of a young Brit hiking the Kanazawa, and there are your pictures!  Some of her trails were only one person wide barely...but she carried on.  She was on the top of the mountain, and this woman came up, she had climbed the mountain 7 times, and was doing it again at age 65. 

Almost inspired me.

@JazzyV best wishes for a very successful tomorrow.


And yes the foot is now swelling again , but I have things I must do.  Still weird tomorrow, ? and I will go to urgent care.  Right now I am really hungry.  
So off for food and grocery shopping Oh, and the temps dropped down to 49.  DH says the warmest place in the house is the porch wrapped in plastic shower curtains, where the kittens and Munchkin are.

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Good chilly afternoon. There is a possibility of frost tonight, temperature in the 30’s.

I hope to watch the sail away this afternoon, it’s hard to believe the season is over already. Looking forward to Alaska arrivals. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our journey 



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56 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

A troubling update on Amber, but I hope the surgery will improve her condition. Continued prayers for her.


40 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Sending prayers 🙏 for Amber.


15 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Carolyn, I'm sorry the latest news about Amber was not good.  I hope the surgery helps, and they can get the swelling and high blood pressure under control.


9 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Sending positive thoughts and prayers to Amber

Thank you Vanessa, Graham, Lenda and Susan.  BFF and I really appreciate your thoughts and prayers.  I'll update as I hear more -- thank you!

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We visited Scarborough, Tobago, this past February while on the Zaandam where we took a ship excursion which consisted of an overview of the island.  We stopped at two small forts that went back and forth between the British and the French a few hundred years ago.  We ended the tour with a folkloric show that featured a steel drum player and several dancers. 


















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Posted (edited)
58 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@bennybearLast night I was flipping channels and ended up on the wrong one, but it was a travel show of a young Brit hiking the Kanazawa, and there are your pictures!  Some of her trails were only one person wide barely...but she carried on.  She was on the top of the mountain, and this woman came up, she had climbed the mountain 7 times, and was doing it again at age 65. 

Almost inspired me.

@JazzyV best wishes for a very successful tomorrow.


And yes the foot is now swelling again , but I have things I must do.  Still weird tomorrow, ? and I will go to urgent care.  Right now I am really hungry.  
So off for food and grocery shopping Oh, and the temps dropped down to 49.  DH says the warmest place in the house is the porch wrapped in plastic shower curtains, where the kittens and Munchkin are.

Gotta love serendipity!  Must have been an interesting show.  Love the “almost inspired me” I’d like to walk the Camino del Santiago,    Maybe?  

Edited by bennybear
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Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann,  Dixie, and Graham/Father David.  Bon Voyage Jacqui, Colin, and Emily and Happy Birthday Tony.  Ann and Pat, enjoy your time in Rotterdam.  Welcome home Lisa and Tom.    Wow on 50 years Brenda.

I’ll celebrate Hemp day and very thankful for Kindergarten.  I think I was in the first group of kids to get Kindergarten in my school district many years ago.  My brother was 2 years older than me but graduated 3 years earlier because he did not get Kindergarten.  I prefer to keep my chocloate and cashews separate and have chocolate every day and will have cashews as part of a helping of mixed nuts.

The Adams quote is interesting.

I visited Scarbourgh in 2015 on the Maasdam.  Elvis certainly revolutionized music.

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Lido Grilled cheese, green beans @ ice cream, and MDR lemon torte as served on Nieuw Statendam April 21, 2019:




Chilly day but I had a morning walk and then A/V service at my church but now home for the day.


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Today's sunrise is from my 2012 Celebrity Solstice transatlantic Fort Lauderdale to Barcelona.  We were at sea April 21 Fort Lauderdale to Tenerife:





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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I don't know much about hemp. Yay for Kindergarten; I don't remember it, although I have my report card from it saying I was shy. I think I would like chocolate covered cashews, although I've not seen them for sale. Funny quote. The meal looks good. Maybe on the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Scarborough.


It's cloudy and cool here. There were frost warnings this morning. I again got more sleep, about 5.5 hours, in segments. I had a late Hibiclens shower, maybe that helped. But you can't put on any lotion and I usually do, with my dry skin. I feel like I have a lot to do, and don't know where to start. I'm trying to prep the downstairs den for if I decide to sleep there a few nights initially. I won't worry about food; BFF is bringing a crockpot meal that we'll have on Tuesday. I appreciate all of the prayers and good thoughts for tomorrow.


@kazu Bon Voyage! Have a great time on your cruise.

@VMax1700 Bon Voyage!

@bennybear Happy Anniversary! I'll make note of the correct number of years. Great photos from Kanazawa.

@sailingdutchy Happy Birthday!

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hadn't planned to have a substitute or take sick leave. The surgery will be outpatient, unless something untoward goes on, so I'll be home by evening. I figure doing the lists will give me something to do! I can use my tablet from the recliner or my PC which is in the room I'll be hanging out in. If I need help I'll reach out.

@grapau27 Thanks for the link and the explanation about hemp.

@smitty34877 I'm glad the family arrived safely and that everyone gets along well. So nice that Tana was able to be at the table with everyone for dinner.

@Overhead Fred Beautiful photos from Keukenhof; I've not made it there yet.

@marshhawk Please be careful with your foot and get it looked at if it's not getting better. 

@aliaschief Looking good! Great photos.

@Nickelpenny Thanks for the photos from Scarborough. 

@Cruising-along A troubling update on Amber, but I hope the surgery will improve her condition. Continued prayers for her.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Vanessa --- prayers & hugs for you, your surgical team, your post-op care team --hoping that everything goes smoothly, that you get significant pain relief in hospital & at home....this is a big step & GOOD LUCK!

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Good afternoon, 

It's been a rather slower Sunday which is good. The sun keeps trying to come out after the rain yesterday but the clouds are getting in the way and it's a bit on the breezy side. My leg with the stuck hip muscle is giving me fits today so finally took something and that's helping. The pool tomorrow will really help it. 


@JazzyV Thinking of you and hoping all goes well for you tomorrow. 


I'd love the chocolate covered cashews as long as it's dark chocolate. We have a place I order from that is based out of Cashmere, Washington and they have the best chocolate covered nuts and do both milk and dark chocolate. 


Today has gotten off to a slow start but the neighbor came for tea and I have a load of laundry going. After waving at @kazu and @richwmn on the sailaway then I need to get a few things done around the house. Dinner is easy - the salmon dinner I picked up yesterday from the Kiwanis fundraiser. 




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Good Afternoon,  thanks for today's daily fleet report. Thanks to @StLouisCruisers for starting this thread. 

Bon Voyage @kazu and @VMax1700.

@bennybear Happy Anniversary

@sailingdutchy Happy Birthday

@JazzyV I hope everything is successful tomorrow 


Work continues to keep me busy during the week.  Not sure when things will ease.

This weekend I targeted a corner in the yard to freshen it up.  I removed some dead bushes,  trimmed out some dead branches, weeded, put in new plants,  laid down weed fabric (great price at Aldi) and then mulched.  Luckily it rained overnight and that helped.


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1 hour ago, Mtn2Sea said:


We visited Scarborough, Tobago, this past February while on the Zaandam where we took a ship excursion which consisted of an overview of the island.  We stopped at two small forts that went back and forth between the British and the French a few hundred years ago.  We ended the tour with a folkloric show that featured a steel drum player and several dancers. 


















Lovely photos and nice video.

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10 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Afternoon,  thanks for today's daily fleet report. Thanks to @StLouisCruisers for starting this thread. 

Bon Voyage @kazu and @VMax1700.

@bennybear Happy Anniversary

@sailingdutchy Happy Birthday

@JazzyV I hope everything is successful tomorrow 


Work continues to keep me busy during the week.  Not sure when things will ease.

This weekend I targeted a corner in the yard to freshen it up.  I removed some dead bushes,  trimmed out some dead branches, weeded, put in new plants,  laid down weed fabric (great price at Aldi) and then mulched.  Luckily it rained overnight and that helped.



Jake, your hard work paid off.  The corner of the yard looks great.



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Thanks to everyone for the 'Bon voyages'.  I tried to 'thank' everyone, but either CC or HAL internet is not cooperating, so please accept our gratitude for your good wishes.

It was not a good embarkation, at least I now know the reason, thanks to Tony's post about the protesters.

@JazzyVwishing you a successful procedure tomorrow.

@bennybearCongrats on your 50th

I am just about to update my live  from thread, and then hit bed, as its been a long day.

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