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2 1/2 Hour Power Failure on Liberty 3/22


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I've been married 29 years. When I show her how I went to bat for her on the comment, she will ask me to turn on my devious abilities and find you.

Then, I will have to pay for talking to some girl on the internet. I will be shoveling the manure onto the back of the truck. Now, where the heck is that bottle of Motrin?...........:rolleyes:



29 years????? HOLY COW!!! I can't even make it past 29 days! When is the big 30th anniversary and are you cruising for it?

Why don't you save your back and the motrin and skip the manure. I don't have a yard really anyways. I live in a townhouse and then the poor maintenance men will have to clean it up. :(

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A Holiday Inn Express sure beats a lot of other places I can think of........


The back seat of a car comes to mind........



Got a point there! It sure beats the back of a car! Not that any of us would know of course. :cool:

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Alaska this August on Princess. 'Cause CARNIVAL didn't have any good cabins left!:eek:



That should be cool! Are you doing any whale watching? That would be something I would like to do.

My family has sailed on Princess and liked it. My sister was actually pushing for Princess for this cruise.

I would love to do the Mexican Riviera next! I have been pricing that. The only problem is that I can only do the peak times because of the school schedule so it is pricey. :(

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Jersey, this is the 2nd thread to be hijacked in two days. But the temperature has sure dropped on this thread. Thank God! I thought the server would melt.:cool:


I got an idea! We should hijack all the threads and spread our love and good thoughts to everyone! That Sensation thread sure could use some laughs. It's pretty hot over there. I don't think I have ever seen the :rolleyes: smiley used so much!

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I just do not believe they were honest in their communication (as I do not believe the ships waiting to enter the canal had anything to do with us getting in late to Panama) - and after already missing one of 3 ports on this 8 day cruise, to screw up a 2nd one made matters all the worse.


One I could live with - 2 out of 3 raises my ire


Well sure, I can definitely understand your ire being raised. As I said, it had to be a major disappointment!


That being said though, I still don't understand your characterization of the late arrival as "inexcusable". Whether it be due to technical problems onboard or a backup at the canal, these things were unforseen events that they seemingly controlled as best they could. What do you think they could have done differently while still maintaining the safety of the ship and working within the confines of the port/docks at Panama?

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Well sure, I can definitely understand your ire being raised. As I said, it had to be a major disappointment!


That being said though, I still don't understand your characterization of the late arrival as "inexcusable". Whether it be due to technical problems onboard or a backup at the canal, these things were unforseen events that they seemingly controlled as best they could. What do you think they could have done differently while still maintaining the safety of the ship and working within the confines of the port/docks at Panama?


Well, just conjecture here but perhaps they could have gone faster than the 10 - 18 knots they did - after all when they left Panama, the Captain had us moving out at nearly full speed (around 23 knots) and he certainly hadn't sea tested anything. The ship was docked - so any unknown he had about the problem coming into port was the same unknown leaving port. In fact, on one of the 2 sea days back, they made an announcement that the ship would be slowing down and speeding up as they attempted some manuevers to check out the engines (mind you this was a day after leaving Panama at full speed). And before the Liberty left for the following cruise, the ship was held up for several hours while the Engineers reviewed the electrical system to ensure it would not happen again. So obviously its not like he flicked a magic switch in Panama and said, ah ha - problem solved.


If the Captain was willing to push it to get back to FLL on time with not having everything worked out, why not do the same to get to a planned port that day?

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If the Captain was willing to push it to get back to FLL on time with not having everything worked out, why not do the same to get to a planned port that day?


These ships have quite an ability to fix things as they sail. Perhaps (this is conjecture) they were repairing the problem to get back full power production and it took a couple of days. Problem fixed, and Scotty give me what you got!

Kind of hard to get real mad unless you know all the facts, and not the official filtered word.:(

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In fact, on one of the 2 sea days back, they made an announcement that the ship would be slowing down and speeding up as they attempted some manuevers to check out the engines




Once again, you heard things no one else heard......

Maybe you got salt water stuck in your ears from the lido pool?........


Let me know if you need a recommendation for an anti-hallucinogen.


The announcement my party heard was the Captain saying in Italian, that he shut the power just to aggravate some cruise critic person named berryberry and drive him crazy with frustration

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Well, just conjecture here but perhaps they could have gone faster than the 10 - 18 knots they did - after all when they left Panama, the Captain had us moving out at nearly full speed (around 23 knots) and he certainly hadn't sea tested anything...If the Captain was willing to push it to get back to FLL on time with not having everything worked out, why not do the same to get to a planned port that day?


Hmm, well I still don't see where your theory takes all the variables into account. It seems logical that the ship was operating at reduced capacity coming into Panama because it was unsafe/unwise to push the ship for reasons probably only the technicians would know. Presumably, while in port, further repairs/testing/systems checks were done that confirmed the ability to safely and reliably increase the speed back to normal.


Here's a "glass half full" theory for you to ponder: had the ship taken the time at sea to bring all systems back to capacity and fully test everything prior to resuming course to Panama, it's likely that the ship would have been so late that the port stop would be cancelled altogether. It certainly seems that the crew/technicians did their very best to get the essentials restored and the ship moving safely so as to try to salvage as much port time as possible for the passengers.


I don't see any basis in logic for assuming they went slow just for the heck of it; that would hardly be in the cruiseline's best interest.

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Hmm, well I still don't see where your theory takes all the variables into account. It seems logical that the ship was operating at reduced capacity coming into Panama because it was unsafe/unwise to push the ship for reasons probably only the technicians would know. Presumably, while in port, further repairs/testing/systems checks were done that confirmed the ability to safely and reliably increase the speed back to normal.


Here's a "glass half full" theory for you to ponder: had the ship taken the time at sea to bring all systems back to capacity and fully test everything prior to resuming course to Panama, it's likely that the ship would have been so late that the port stop would be cancelled altogether. It certainly seems that the crew/technicians did their very best to get the essentials restored and the ship moving safely so as to try to salvage as much port time as possible for the passengers.


I don't see any basis in logic for assuming they went slow just for the heck of it; that would hardly be in the cruiseline's best interest.


YEAH, What he said... na na\na\na.

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Originally Posted by berryberry

In fact, on one of the 2 sea days back, they made an announcement that the ship would be slowing down and speeding up as they attempted some manuevers to check out the engines





Once again, you heard things no one else heard......

Maybe you got salt water stuck in your ears from the lido pool?........


Let me know if you need a recommendation for an anti-hallucinogen.


The announcement my party heard was the Captain saying in Italian, that he shut the power just to aggravate some cruise critic person named berryberry and drive him crazy with frustration


OK, I get it now - you were just far too drunk to hear anything that went on . Thats why nothing bothered you and you missed the various announcements. Seems you are still tipping the bottle based on your latest ramblings

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Hmm, well I still don't see where your theory takes all the variables into account. It seems logical that the ship was operating at reduced capacity coming into Panama because it was unsafe/unwise to push the ship for reasons probably only the technicians would know. Presumably, while in port, further repairs/testing/systems checks were done that confirmed the ability to safely and reliably increase the speed back to normal.



My theory is just as valid as yours. The fact is no one but Carnival knows for certain and they aren't talking. But I certainly am entitled to my opinion about it as you are - and IMO, Carnival fell short on several counts on this cruise -with getting into Panama late being one of them

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My theory is just as valid as yours. The fact is no one but Carnival knows for certain and they aren't talking. But I certainly am entitled to my opinion about it as you are - and IMO, Carnival fell short on several counts on this cruise -with getting into Panama late being one of them


The Question is, did you get home safe? That what counts, who cares if a ship made it or didnt make it on time, Your safety is more important, I hope you agree to that. Life isn't perfect or atleast in my world, **** happens. Now lets put some closure to this freakin tread and go and check out my dolphin pictures.

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Hey maybe we should change the name of this thread to 2 1/2 hour tryst at the Holiday Inn and dunkin' donuts for breakfast.


That sounds like a plan. Imagine all the looks this thread would get then! :eek:

But 2 1/2 hours....I don't think anyone would believe it!!! :rolleyes:




P.S. I will be happy once this thread dies and along with it my cheap and easy remark! I can't believe I said that....

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Well it has made for some interesting reading. I am bummed that I didn't get to read the "auntie" posts. Where did they go?


THis thread is interesting. It takes a lot of twists and turns. I don't know what happened to AuntPam's posts. She had a couple then they were gone. I didn't find them offensive so perhaps she asked to have them removed. :confused:

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Isn't that the truth about the twists and turns. I can bearly remember what the original problems was LOL.

It's gone from the power outage, to pee pee problems, a little verbal sparring back and forth, hooking up at dunkin' donuts, Timmys mom wants some of the action, ect...

As one poster said it's more interesting than the price of a soda card. I can't wait to see what has happened during the day while I've been slaving at work. I've been so amused. Thank you all.

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I am requesting the use of the "Mercy Rule" to remove this posting for its own sake. They just did that with the "No Smoking" post when it got just as crazy. The only reason I open it now is to see how much wilder it can get. You get dizzy just going from one post to another. What the heck was the original topic? Does any one even know? Does any one even care? Another idea might be just to change the title from "Power Failure" to "Miscellaneous". I rest my case and wait for the flames.


Nevertheless, I still love CRUISE CRITIC.

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I am requesting the use of the "Mercy Rule" to remove this posting for its own sake. They just did that with the "No Smoking" post when it got just as crazy. The only reason I open it now is to see how much wilder it can get. You get dizzy just going from one post to another. What the heck was the original topic? Does any one even know? Does any one even care? Another idea might be just to change the title from "Power Failure" to "Miscellaneous". I rest my case and wait for the flames.


Nevertheless, I still love CRUISE CRITIC.


Nah, it never fails... as soon as one of the hosts is gone, things go crazy... and people will post just about anything knowing that the hosts are limited... it's going to be an interesting week :rolleyes:

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Here's another thought. She could have had someone in HER PARTY take her to the restroom.


Again, while I do think it's a less than ideal situation for this person it wasn't life threatening.


Now I think everyone needs to lighten up just a tad.


The Poop Name List

The Perfect Dump - Every once in a while, each of us experiences a perfect dump, it's rare, but a thing of beauty in all respects. You sit down expecting the worst, but what you get is a smooth sliding, fartless masterpiece that breaks the water with the splashless grace of an expert diver. But that's not the end of it. You use some toilet tissue only to find that it was totally unnecessary. It makes you feel that all is right with the world and you are in perfect harmony with it.

The Beer Dump - Talk about nasty dumps. Depending on the dumper's tolerance, the beer dump is the end result of too many beers. it could have been 2 or 22, it doesn't matter. What you get is a sinister, lengthy, noisy dump accompanied by a malevolent fog that could close a bathroom for days.

The Chili Dump - Hot when it goes in, and rocket fuel when it leaves. The chili dump stays with you all day, making your tush feel like a heat shield.

The Cable Dump - Long, curly and perfectly formed like 2 feet of E13 telephone CO-axial cable. It loops lazily around the bowl, like a friendly serpent. You wonder admiringly, "DID I DO THAT? Where did it come from?" you leave the bathroom pleased with yourself.

The Latrine Dump - In case you didn't know, a latrine is a hole in the ground with a tent around it where soldiers, boy scouts and flies go to dump. Tip: Don't ever, ever look in the hole.

The Mona Lisa Dump - This is the masterpiece of dumps. It's as perfectly formed as it can be. Delicate and slender with intricacies that would make da Vinci weep. And just think, you made it yourself. You may even want to break out the Polaroid, but maybe that's going a bit too far.

The Empty Roll Dump - You're done...you reach for the toilet paper only to discover that empty cardboard cylinder. A mild panic begins coldly in your throat. You could use the curtains...no, someone would say "Where are the curtains?" Then what would you say? The rug?...too cumbersome. Then you must come to the same conclusion that every "empty roll dumper" must face...Pull up your slacks, tighten your tush and wriggle yourself to the nearest full roll.

The Splash Back Dump - You send the dump on its way, it drops like a depth charge into the bowl creating a column of cold bowl water that washes your bottom with a startlingly unpleasant shock. Now you're wet and embarrassed.

Tip: Blot instead of wiping.

The Aborted Dump - You are in mid-dump when the phone rings. What do you do? ABORT! Pinch it off, go for the phone, and save the rest for later. It isn't pretty, but you've gotta do what you gotta do

The Caesarian Dump - Pain, that's what this dump and childbirth have in common. Its simply a case of too much dump trying to go through too small a hole, and there's no obstetrician to help.

The Alfresco Dump - Everyone has had to go outdoors from time to time. This can be a rather pleasant experience really. The open air, the nature, and a good bush all contribute to the peaceful ambiance that our primitive forefathers must have enjoyed. What can screw up this harmonious interlude is a troop of brownies or a patch of poison ivy.

The Childbirth Dump - This is a dump that is simply too big to go through the aperture provided by nature for the purpose. You sit there, thinking over your dilemma. First it hurts, and it isn't going to get any better. You wonder if you'll ever see your loved ones again. You imagine the newspaper headlines screaming "Man dies trying to hatch monster loaf". You realize you'll have to resolve the crisis before you can leave the bathroom. Basically there are only three things you can do:

1. Scream

2. Call an Obstetrician

3. Hope like hell have enough Vaseline to get you through it.

The Tijuana Trot Dump - The phrase "Sh*t Happens" really applies here in a big way. When the ice in your tainted margarita makes contact with your lower intestinal tract, the fun begins. For the next 72 hours you'd be better off if you carried your own portable toilet with you because you will spend most of that time on the pot and the rest of the time in a fetal position. Now you realize why Mexico never had a navy.

The Machine Gun Dump - You're just sitting there in a state of sublime peace when all of a sudden you emit a group of noisy gassy bursts that break the silence like machine gun fire. The guy in the next stall hits the floor like a combat veteran cradling his umbrella like an M16...damn commies.

The Sound Effect Dump - You feel a noisy one coming on. Relatives, friends or work mates are within earshot, so you must employ some clever techniques to cover the disgusting sounds you are about to emit. Timing is obviously very important here. At the precise moment of release, try the following sound effects:

1. Flush the toilet

2. Sing the first two stanzas of your national anthem

3. Drop a handful of quarters on the floor

The Security Dump - You have enough on your mind when you're in the bathroom without worrying about a lockless door and someone bursting in to find you in mid-dump mode. So how can you prevent this embarrassing spectacle from taking place? One way is to strategically place your foot against the door. If you can't reach to do this...hum loudly

The Cling-On Dump - For the most part you've completed your dump, but there's one little morsel that refuses to drop off. You're getting impatient. Someone else wants to use your stall. So, you grip the seat with both hands and wriggle, twist and pump but that last little stubborn piece just hangs there, suspended, clinging like a canned peach between you and the bowl water. Maybe the person pounding impatiently on the door has scissors

The Houdini Dump - You go, then you stand up to flush, and the darn thing has disappeared. Where'd it go? Did it creep down the pipe? Did you dream the whole thing? Is it lurking out of sight? Should you wipe...maybe you should just to make sure you went. Should you flush? you'd better, because if you don't, you know it will reappear and smile at the next person who comes in

The Flu Dump - You feel so bad that you don't know which end of you to put down first. You have roaring cramps, so you sit down. Then a wave of nausea rolls over you like a cold fog, so you stand up and cramps squeeze your intestines like a vice so you sit down again...up down up down. Don't you wish Mom were close by?

The Porta-Pottie Dump - Construction workers and outdoor concert goers will tell you about going in a portable toilet. My best description would be, "Its like taking a crap in an upright coffin". Its claustrophobic and it smells bad...best advice...go in a paper cup.

The Proctologist Dump - In the beginning, the lord created the earth, the sky and the firmament, but I hope he didn't create this dump, because there is nothing biblical about it, you run out of gas. That's right, you run out of propulsion. The dump is right there at the end of your barrel and refuses to go any further. You grunt, you squeeze, you wriggle but it just stays there like a lump of lead. You've only got two choices here. One is to squeeze the damn thing back up your intestine and wait until next time. The other is to pretend you're a proctologist and go after it yourself. Not a pretty picture is it??

The Whole Roll Dump - No matter how much you wipe, it doesn't seem to be enough. You blow the whole roll and you have to flush 25 times too. The whole episode is consumer waste.

The Graffiti Dump - You flush the dump and the swirling motion of the receding bowl water forces the dump to the porcelain sides, scraping a creative squiggle on its way down. You flush again but the curlicue hangs there...love it or leave it. Its your choice.

The Encore Dump - Ahhhh, you're done, so you wipe, put yourself together, wash your hands and are about to vacate the bathroom when you feel another dump coming. You have to return for a curtain call. The world's record is seven encores.

The Born Again Dump - This is a dump that's going so badly, you say "Lord, if I live through this, I'll take up religion" you always get through it, but seldom keep the promise you made in desperation, because a born again dump is like childbirth...you forget the pain quickly.

Ghost Poopie

The kind where you feel the Poopie come out, but there's no poopie in the toilet.


Clean Poopie

The kind where you poopie it out, see it in the toilet, but there is nothing on the toilet paper.

Wet Poopie

The kind where you wipe your butt fifty times and it still feels unwiped, so you have to put some toilet paper between your butt and your underwear so you don't runie them with a stain.

Second Wave Poopie

The kind that happens when you're done poopie-ing and you've pulled your pants up to your knees, and you realize you have to poopie some more.

Turtle Poopie

The kind of poopie that pops out a little and goes back in a few times before it finallly comes out


The kind where you strain so much to get it out, you practically have a stroke.

Lincoln Log Poopie

The kind of Poopie that is so huge you're afraid to flush without first breaking it into little pieces with the plunger.

Gas-sy Poopie

The kind where it's so noisy, everyone within earshot is giggling!

Drinker Poopie

The kind of Poopie you have the morning after a long night of drinking. It's most noticeable trait is the skid marks on the bottom of the toilet.

Corn Poopie

(Self explanatory)

Gee-I-Wish-I-Could-Poop Poopie

The kind where you want to Poopie, but all you do is it on the toilet and fart a few times.

Spinal Tap Poopie

That's the kind when it hurts so badly coming out, you swear it was leaving you sideways.

Wet Cheeks Poopie (The Power Dump)

The kind that comes out of your butt so fast, your butt cheeks get spashed with water.

Liquid Poopie

The kind where yellowish-brown liquid shoots you of your butt and spashes all over the toilet bowl.

Mexican Poopie

The kind that smells so bad your nose burns.

Upper Class Poopie

The kind of Poopie that doesn't smell.

The Suprise Poopie

You are not even at the toilet, because you are sure you are about to fart, but, OOPS---a Poopie!

The Dangling Poopie

This Poopie refuses to drop into the toilet even though you know you are done poopie-ing. You just pray that a shake or two will cut it loose.


Fisherman's Bobber Poopie

You are in a public restroom with two people waiting on your stall, you poopie and flush two times, but several golfball pieces are still floating above the water line.


Is your screen name Live to Jump or live to dump, I laughed through the whole thing:D

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My theory is just as valid as yours.


Valid? Perhaps there is a small chance of that. Likely? No.


I think you would be in the minority of cruisers who would truly believe that there wasn't some technical reasoning behind the ship sailing slowly into Panama and fast upon departure.


I think you'd be very hard pressed to find anyone to support your theory that the captain ran the ship at low speed just to ruin everyone's day in Panama (except for auntie, who also clearly stated her belief the captain went slow just to be a jerk).


I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

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