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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday September 24th, 2024


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If "Schwenkfelder" rang a faint bell, it was probably because Sen. Richard Schweiker of Pennsylvania was a Schwenkfelder. He was Ronald Reagan's running mate in an unsuccessful campaign in 1976 (Gerald Ford became the nominee) and served as Secretary of HHS in Reagan's first administration.


I'd accept a serving of maple apple crisp. I'd probably skip the drink. For yet another Sauvignon Blanc, let's try Hosmer 2021, $22. "The nose is of rich meyer lemon and coconut cream, leading to lime blossom and cherimoya on the palate. The finish is rich, carried by soft tropicals and notes of jasmine."


I'm teaching tonight on ecological themes in the Song of Songs. My preparation has been impeded by a course assignment for which I wrote three times as much as required.



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Good Morning! Thank you to all the contributors of the D & FR.


i will celebrate baseball by watching the Orioles play the Yankees tonight.  Still anxiously awaiting a wild card spot in the playoffs.IMG_0335.jpeg.48ee5f153bad6ba7d643c60799bd1692.jpegAs a former English teacher, I celebrate punctuation. I sympathize with @Denise T about students’ writing.  I was constantly reminding my student that they needed to write in complete sentences, that they were not texting me.IMG_1804.jpeg.250d7d8302b492531d56d90d2dd70e67.jpeg

Commas are very important.





IMG_1805.jpeg.394e676c3edfb0dae0b13d7914b6330d.jpeg I I want you to VOTE! I believe National Voter Registration Day was September 17.  Regardless,  I hope everyone on the Daily is registered and votes. I should be receiving my mail in ballot today and will complete it as soon as I receive it.

Positive thoughts to all who need them. Cheers to those with something to celebrate,



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Many, many visitors to Copenhagen remember the Old Stock Exchange (Børsen) building because of its spire representing four dragons' tails twisted together.


(Photo by Bob Collowan from Wikimedia Commons)


It burned during restoration work earlier this year, but will be rebuilt.



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Was very worn out last night, only a tiny bit sore muscles after the paddle yesterday.  It was such a treat!  Slept well but not long enough, it’ll have to do. Still getting stuff sorted from yesterday’s outing. We’re missing some “boat stuff”  since our move. I expect it’ll turn up eventually but maybe not before we replace it- ropes, clips, hooks etc. I think they may have gotten shoved in a box that hasn’t been unpacked yet.  I started a list of missing items months ago and one by one they’re getting discovered.  We have more stuff than ambition or energy!  I know boxes on a multi-household truck load can get misdelivered but the moving company should know where that truck went.  Hoping Jacqui gets her stuff!  

🤞TAVI Tuesday for Pat! And a good day for Ann, I hope she has someone with her!  

I have a sister in the Keys and a nephew in Crystal River… a very swampy area. They are prepping for this next storm. It may be normal for where they live but it’s never easy. Blessings for all dealing with storms, floods and fires. 

I’m impressed and relieved  that Roy’s niece and nephew will be helping him through this crisis. IIRC niece lives in FL, so a difficult time for her too!  All of FL will be affected in some way by this storm.  Urgent prayers for their consults and decisions. Terri is so right about when you’re not well it’s hard to get your head around it all to make decisions.  Thank you Lenda! 

Nancy, hoping Nick feels better today. And your treatment is effective!  

Terry, glad you have helpers!  Gentle hugs for Tana and you, high 5 to the teenager! 

Annie, I hope the vet can deal with Quiffy! And a plan comes together for some good away time, wherever that may be!  Breathe!  Very important!  And (((Hugs))) 


Vanessa, it’s time for some good news!  Thanks for all you do to keep track of us. 

Terri, do not overdo!  Take extra good care of you. 

Blessings to all in need!  
Happy for all the beauty shared here- Bruce your skyscrapes are stunning! Thank you so much!!  Mahalo! 

I have a residents advisory committee subcommittee meeting today….  I’m trying to find a way to both learn about my community and maybe contribute… trying is the operative word!

Cheers for all the happiness shared here! It multiples and Lifts us all.  

Be grateful, be well, we safe!


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It looks like our rain has ended for this morning.  I can see some blue sky, especially toward the west.  Looking at the old fashioned rain gauge from a distance, it looks like we received 1/2 inch of rain this morning.  


On September 1, 2016, the Prinsendam docked in Killybegs, Na Cealla Beaga, in County Donegal on the north west coast of Ireland.  Unfortunately, we did not have the good weather Sandi @StLouisCruisers had in 2017.  We took a ship's tour to Meenaleck where visited Leo's Tavern to heard a group of Irish singers.  Meenaleck is a small village about 36 miles (57.8 km) north of Killybegs.


A couple of pictures from the bus of Killybegs and the area outside of town.  As you can see, it was not easy getting a picture from the aisle seat in the bus.





In English, Leo's Tavern, and Meenaleck.









After our visit to the tavern, we took a detour, and stopped at the Viking House Hotel in Belcruit on the Kincasslagh Peninsula.  The stop was so we could walk across the road to the beach area.





We didn't walk down to the beach but enjoyed the scenery from the top of the cliffs.





A tower, but I couldn't find any more information about it.



Some of the houses in the same area.





A final attempt to take a picture from the bus as we returned to Killybegs.





The other tour option that day was to take a boat to Donegal.  We had a friend who did that tour, and he told us we didn't miss anything.



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Good morning to all. Sunny here... current temp is 44F but it is supposed to go up to about 78 this afternoon. Dogs and I are enjoying the brisk walks in the morning.


Glad the Roy has someone with him today. Decisions are hard enough to make when you are feeling well, let alone when you are not at the top of your game.


I did not get much done yesterday in the way of sorting but have sort of figured out how I can approach the room renovations. Today will be sort of a lost day on that project as I have to take the dogs to the vet (routine check up) and visit the condo's insurance agent to talk about our insurance. Time for a review but I think we will continue where we are.... don't want to rock the boat and the other owners agree. And I need to call my Sister as she had a doctor's appointment yesterday. She is getting less communicative (is that a word?). I think she feels after she explains things to her son and again to her daughter, she is through talking about it.


Anyway, off to the races.... wish it was off to the cruise. Wishing everyone a calm, healthy and productive day if there is such a thing.







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Good morning from bright sunny Florida - unfortunately the sun will bring 90+ degree temps again today. All three days are great ones! DH spent his working life in professional baseball, MLB level mostly as an Oriole and a season as a Cardinal before coaching in the minor leagues for other teams. Punctuation makes a huge difference, and any Thanksgiving is worth celebrating.


The meal brings back memories of my grandmother, who made a wonderful apple crisp (not maple). I could definitely enjoy this! I'll pass on the drink and take 2 glasses of the wine instead. Sauvignon blanc is my go-to wine, and this one is from my preferred region but I have not had it before. The port looks fabulous as well! 


Down here we're watching the storm. Lots of prep will be happening at work but hopefully being 50-60 miles from the coast it won't be too bad. Losing power would be an ordeal, so fingers are crossed. My home in SW FL should be fine - the hurricane windows were installed recently. Today I'm getting a quote for a hurricane impact garage door - the guy's probably there now doing the measurements.


Hoping @rafinmd Roy's niece can made a difference for him, and that @Vict0riann gets good news on scheduling DH's procedure today. 



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11 minutes ago, wdw1972 said:

Good morning from bright sunny Florida - unfortunately the sun will bring 90+ degree temps again today. All three days are great ones! DH spent his working life in professional baseball, MLB level mostly as an Oriole and a season as a Cardinal before coaching in the minor leagues for other teams. Punctuation makes a huge difference, and any Thanksgiving is worth celebrating.


The meal brings back memories of my grandmother, who made a wonderful apple crisp (not maple). I could definitely enjoy this! I'll pass on the drink and take 2 glasses of the wine instead. Sauvignon blanc is my go-to wine, and this one is from my preferred region but I have not had it before. The port looks fabulous as well! 


Down here we're watching the storm. Lots of prep will be happening at work but hopefully being 50-60 miles from the coast it won't be too bad. Losing power would be an ordeal, so fingers are crossed. My home in SW FL should be fine - the hurricane windows were installed recently. Today I'm getting a quote for a hurricane impact garage door - the guy's probably there now doing the measurements.


Hoping @rafinmd Roy's niece can made a difference for him, and that @Vict0riann gets good news on scheduling DH's procedure today. 



@wdw1972 Sue, what is your DH name? We are lifelong Cardinal fans.

Edited by seagarsmoker
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Good morning, 

It started out foggy but the sun is shining now. It's supposed to get up to 74 today but we have rain in the forecast for the next couple of days. 


Yesterday was busy with the pool and then a quick visit with DS as he painted the main bathroom. This is going to be a process but it will be worth it. I still have the linen closet contents in the living room so sorting them is one of the to-do items today. Also have a Widows Support Group lunch today and a stop at the local hardware store to look at paint swatches and screen doors for the front. Our back door is a mobile home door so will have to do something different for that one. 

Thoughts for @rafinmd and @Vict0riann's DH Pat today. I'm glad Roy has family with him to advocate as the process and decisions can be overwhelming. I've been there with DD DH and I wonder, at times, how I did it all as he couldn't participate as much the last few months. 

Happy Tuesday!


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  While I'm not a fan of watching baseball, my parents certainly were.  Punctuation is so important and editors sometimes have their jobs cut out for them when they proof read articles.  I had no idea what Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving was; does that mean now Canadians can celebrate 3 Thanksgiving dinners???


It's a bright, sunny day out there for us starting at 13C(55) and we're looking at a high of 25(77) which for this time of year, is just great.  There's a chance we could get even warmer tomorrow, fingers crossed!  The only thing bad about today is that DH woke up with my cold - I'm such a giving person, I know.  LOL  I tried to stay away from him, but it didn't work and now he's all stuffed up.  He had to take his Ford Escape to the shop this morning because it's been running rough and when he left, he did so in a cloud of blue smoke.  That doesn't bode well, does it?  I'm expecting a large bill at the end of the day.


This afternoon we're heading out to a small bar/restaurant where we'll meet our friend Ollie's brother and his wife who are in from Ontario.  She wants us to get to know each other, as we'll all be working together on her estate when she passes.  I think it'll be nice to finally get to meet someone I've only heard about all these years and put faces to names.  Not sure if DH will accompany us, it depends on how he's feeling.


r/memes - Punctuation is important


I'm among those glad to know that @rafinmd will have a family member with him to make the decisions needed for his health care.

And I'm in the stands cheering with the rest of the group, keeping our fingers crossed that this will be TAVI TUESDAY for @Vict0riann's DH Pat.  I also hope Ann has an easy time at the cancer clinic for her mapping and tattoo session.

@marshhawkgood luck with Quiffy at the vet's today, and sending more luck for Chuck to get his bypass surgery sooner, rather than later!


I'd be happy to try the drink of the day if someone made it for me, will let others enjoy the white wine, but love apple crisp.  I haven't made one in ages, and think it's just about time I did; I'll have to see if I have all I need, although I'm not sure if the maple would overpower it or not.  I believe this afternoon we're going to be having drinks and appetizers so I don't think we'll be very hungry for dinner, so I'm just planning on thawing out some turkey soup that we can enjoy with crusty buns on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



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Good morning, Dailyites!  I'm off to the doctor in a bit, but a quick post.  I had my CT scan yesterday, I had no trouble holding my breath for the required time, and I got three tattoos.  I said I wanted butterflies, but the tech said she was not artistic and just gave me dots.  I had thought there would be just two, but the doctor said the pre-invasive cells were more distributed so they would irradiate the whole breast, instead of just a bit.   Boy, those dots hurt!  I can't imagine anyone getting a real tattoo, they must have a high pain threshold, or I am just a wimp.


I have a doctor appointment this morning to get my Prolia shot for osteoporosis, and also get a bunch of keratoses zapped.  Then I'll head over to the hospital to see Pat. Don't know what is going on there.


One of Pat's favourite books -  




Remember this?



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll celebrate baseball. Punctuation is important for context. I was unaware of the Schwenkfelders. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good. Maybe for the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Killybegs. 


It's cloudy here, with off and on showers. Possible severe storms this evening. My two sourdough loaves are baking in the oven. I have a haircut this afternoon, and am trying to figure out how to get there. I usually walk, but with my leg and threat of rain, I may try to drive. Parking is difficult and their back entrance has steps that are a bit dodgy. Then BFF is picking me up to go out to eat with friends, at a restaurant that has a special Oktoberfest menu for several weeks. We usually go there yearly. Hopefully it won't be storming too badly.


@rafinmd Continued prayers for you. I hope you slept better and that there's a plan forward that is agreeable to you. I'm glad you will have family there to advocate for you.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start. I guess I'll know more after tomorrow's doctor's visit. I'm sure the stocking is beautiful; we await pictures. Nice photos from Killybegs.

@marshhawk Good luck to DH and Quiffy on their appointments. Oh no on the fire near the resort area you're staying at!

@ottahand7 I hope DB has less pain today, and that the injection helps your pain as well.

@ellbelle That is so low of someone to take the vases and replace them with their damaged ones! I'm glad the memorial park stepped up to replace them.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos from Killybegs and Meenaleck.

@ger_77 Sorry DH now has a cold; hopefully short-lived.

@Vict0riann Good luck with your appointment and I hope Pat gets good news about his valve surgery.

@kazu Prayers that your items are located, and that you get scheduled for your cataract surgery soon.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


The bread just came out of the oven. Some of my nicer loaves.


Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning all!

We have a lot of fog this morning but the forecast is for sunny and low 70's.  Storms predicted tomorrow...I hope it won't affect our flight.


I've never been a fan of baseball, but DH makes up for my lack of interest 😉 Punctuation is so important and I've really enjoyed the memes posted today!  I would like it all -- the drink, wine and "meal".  The 2nd recipe sounds best to me.  I've never made apple crisp with maple syrup so it could be interesting, or it could taste too sweet for me, not sure.  We've been to Ireland but not this port.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for your photos!


Today will be spent cleaning the house, mowing the lawn and packing the last things before we fly to Bozeman tomorrow.  Getting excited!  We'll pick up a rental car there that we'll use for our week in Yellowstone.  


Ann @cat shepard I'm so excited for your trip to Egypt in December!

Roy @rafinmd I'm glad you will have family there with you to help you through this process.  





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5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

But I had to add this photo of a soccer field in quite the scenic location.  Who wouldn't want to play or watch a game in this beautiful spot?

Gotcha!  They would never play soccer on that field.  It is a Gaelic pitch where they play Gaelic Football or Hurling.  For a long, long time anyone who played 'foreign games' ie soccer, would not be permitted to play gaelic games and it is only very recently that the GAA permited their stadia to be used for soccer/rugby/american football etc.

The clue is the goal posts, which look similar to rugby posts, but have a net in the lower (goal) area.

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6 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Killybegs, County Donegal, Ireland


We arrived on June 10, 2017 to beautiful scenery as we docked the Prinsendam at Killybegs.  This was a fantastic 28 day Kiel Canal, Norway and Celtic Explorer cruise.  You couldn’t beat a Prinsendam itinerary!






We walked to town to the Visitor's Center to begin a tour we'd scheduled through Cruise Critic.  Along the way we saw this cute-as-can-be café. 






This was the Visitor’s Center.




There’s the Prinsendam way over there.




On the bus ride to the sea cliffs, we stopped and saw gorgeous seaside vistas, and a lot of sheep, too!








The stop to take in the scenery was at a place called Muckross Head which is 6 miles west of Killybegs.






Continuing on towards the main attraction, Sliabh Liag aka Slieve League.  But I had to add this photo of a soccer field in quite the scenic location.  Who wouldn't want to play or watch a game in this beautiful spot?




And finally Slieve League which is the highest sea cliff in Europe.












Time for shopping






And a few passengers wanted close up photos with local wildlife nearby.




Back to Killybegs we went.  Here are some photos from our walk around town then.








A fun day in Killybegs and surrounding area.  


Superb photos Sandi.

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2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Was very worn out last night, only a tiny bit sore muscles after the paddle yesterday.  It was such a treat!  Slept well but not long enough, it’ll have to do. Still getting stuff sorted from yesterday’s outing. We’re missing some “boat stuff”  since our move. I expect it’ll turn up eventually but maybe not before we replace it- ropes, clips, hooks etc. I think they may have gotten shoved in a box that hasn’t been unpacked yet.  I started a list of missing items months ago and one by one they’re getting discovered.  We have more stuff than ambition or energy!  I know boxes on a multi-household truck load can get misdelivered but the moving company should know where that truck went.  Hoping Jacqui gets her stuff!  

🤞TAVI Tuesday for Pat! And a good day for Ann, I hope she has someone with her!  

I have a sister in the Keys and a nephew in Crystal River… a very swampy area. They are prepping for this next storm. It may be normal for where they live but it’s never easy. Blessings for all dealing with storms, floods and fires. 

I’m impressed and relieved  that Roy’s niece and nephew will be helping him through this crisis. IIRC niece lives in FL, so a difficult time for her too!  All of FL will be affected in some way by this storm.  Urgent prayers for their consults and decisions. Terri is so right about when you’re not well it’s hard to get your head around it all to make decisions.  Thank you Lenda! 

Nancy, hoping Nick feels better today. And your treatment is effective!  

Terry, glad you have helpers!  Gentle hugs for Tana and you, high 5 to the teenager! 

Annie, I hope the vet can deal with Quiffy! And a plan comes together for some good away time, wherever that may be!  Breathe!  Very important!  And (((Hugs))) 


Vanessa, it’s time for some good news!  Thanks for all you do to keep track of us. 

Terri, do not overdo!  Take extra good care of you. 

Blessings to all in need!  
Happy for all the beauty shared here- Bruce your skyscrapes are stunning! Thank you so much!!  Mahalo! 

I have a residents advisory committee subcommittee meeting today….  I’m trying to find a way to both learn about my community and maybe contribute… trying is the operative word!

Cheers for all the happiness shared here! It multiples and Lifts us all.  

Be grateful, be well, we safe!



Maureen, I'm glad you enjoyed your day kayaking with your family.  We had one box left on a multi-family load, and were told we had to wait until the truck came back our way to get the missing box.  


2 hours ago, kochleffel said:

Many, many visitors to Copenhagen remember the Old Stock Exchange (Børsen) building because of its spire representing four dragons' tails twisted together.


(Photo by Bob Collowan from Wikimedia Commons)


It burned during restoration work earlier this year, but will be rebuilt.




Paul, thanks for the link to a very interesting story.


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning to all. Sunny here... current temp is 44F but it is supposed to go up to about 78 this afternoon. Dogs and I are enjoying the brisk walks in the morning.


Glad the Roy has someone with him today. Decisions are hard enough to make when you are feeling well, let alone when you are not at the top of your game.


I did not get much done yesterday in the way of sorting but have sort of figured out how I can approach the room renovations. Today will be sort of a lost day on that project as I have to take the dogs to the vet (routine check up) and visit the condo's insurance agent to talk about our insurance. Time for a review but I think we will continue where we are.... don't want to rock the boat and the other owners agree. And I need to call my Sister as she had a doctor's appointment yesterday. She is getting less communicative (is that a word?). I think she feels after she explains things to her son and again to her daughter, she is through talking about it.


Anyway, off to the races.... wish it was off to the cruise. Wishing everyone a calm, healthy and productive day if there is such a thing.





Susan, first, I hope your sister got a good report from her doctor.  I hope the dogs get a good report from the vet.  A visit to the insurance agency is never fun, but necessary.


1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

It started out foggy but the sun is shining now. It's supposed to get up to 74 today but we have rain in the forecast for the next couple of days. 


Yesterday was busy with the pool and then a quick visit with DS as he painted the main bathroom. This is going to be a process but it will be worth it. I still have the linen closet contents in the living room so sorting them is one of the to-do items today. Also have a Widows Support Group lunch today and a stop at the local hardware store to look at paint swatches and screen doors for the front. Our back door is a mobile home door so will have to do something different for that one. 

Thoughts for @rafinmd and @Vict0riann's DH Pat today. I'm glad Roy has family with him to advocate as the process and decisions can be overwhelming. I've been there with DD DH and I wonder, at times, how I did it all as he couldn't participate as much the last few months. 

Happy Tuesday!



Karen, I hope you will share pictures of your "new" house when your DS finishes the projects.


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  While I'm not a fan of watching baseball, my parents certainly were.  Punctuation is so important and editors sometimes have their jobs cut out for them when they proof read articles.  I had no idea what Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving was; does that mean now Canadians can celebrate 3 Thanksgiving dinners???


It's a bright, sunny day out there for us starting at 13C(55) and we're looking at a high of 25(77) which for this time of year, is just great.  There's a chance we could get even warmer tomorrow, fingers crossed!  The only thing bad about today is that DH woke up with my cold - I'm such a giving person, I know.  LOL  I tried to stay away from him, but it didn't work and now he's all stuffed up.  He had to take his Ford Escape to the shop this morning because it's been running rough and when he left, he did so in a cloud of blue smoke.  That doesn't bode well, does it?  I'm expecting a large bill at the end of the day.


This afternoon we're heading out to a small bar/restaurant where we'll meet our friend Ollie's brother and his wife who are in from Ontario.  She wants us to get to know each other, as we'll all be working together on her estate when she passes.  I think it'll be nice to finally get to meet someone I've only heard about all these years and put faces to names.  Not sure if DH will accompany us, it depends on how he's feeling.


r/memes - Punctuation is important


I'm among those glad to know that @rafinmd will have a family member with him to make the decisions needed for his health care.

And I'm in the stands cheering with the rest of the group, keeping our fingers crossed that this will be TAVI TUESDAY for @Vict0riann's DH Pat.  I also hope Ann has an easy time at the cancer clinic for her mapping and tattoo session.

@marshhawkgood luck with Quiffy at the vet's today, and sending more luck for Chuck to get his bypass surgery sooner, rather than later!


I'd be happy to try the drink of the day if someone made it for me, will let others enjoy the white wine, but love apple crisp.  I haven't made one in ages, and think it's just about time I did; I'll have to see if I have all I need, although I'm not sure if the maple would overpower it or not.  I believe this afternoon we're going to be having drinks and appetizers so I don't think we'll be very hungry for dinner, so I'm just planning on thawing out some turkey soup that we can enjoy with crusty buns on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Gerry, I'm sorry your DH now has your cold.  Sometimes, it is not better to give than to receive.  I hope the car repairs are not too expensive.  It's good your friend Ollie is preparing for when her estate needs to be settled by having you meet her brother and sister-in-law.  I hope the reason for the meeting is a long, long time in the future.


1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  I'm off to the doctor in a bit, but a quick post.  I had my CT scan yesterday, I had no trouble holding my breath for the required time, and I got three tattoos.  I said I wanted butterflies, but the tech said she was not artistic and just gave me dots.  I had thought there would be just two, but the doctor said the pre-invasive cells were more distributed so they would irradiate the whole breast, instead of just a bit.   Boy, those dots hurt!  I can't imagine anyone getting a real tattoo, they must have a high pain threshold, or I am just a wimp.


I have a doctor appointment this morning to get my Prolia shot for osteoporosis, and also get a bunch of keratoses zapped.  Then I'll head over to the hospital to see Pat. Don't know what is going on there.


One of Pat's favourite books -  




Remember this?




Ann, I hope the doctor's visit is easy.  I'm sorry you will need a bit more radiation than expected, but it's better to err on the side of caution.  I hope Pat is doing well today, and will be getting the new valve asap.  Please tell him hello for us.


32 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll celebrate baseball. Punctuation is important for context. I was unaware of the Schwenkfelders. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good. Maybe for the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Killybegs. 


It's cloudy here, with off and on showers. Possible severe storms this evening. My two sourdough loaves are baking in the oven. I have a haircut this afternoon, and am trying to figure out how to get there. I usually walk, but with my leg and threat of rain, I may try to drive. Parking is difficult and their back entrance has steps that are a bit dodgy. Then BFF is picking me up to go out to eat with friends, at a restaurant that has a special Oktoberfest menu for several weeks. We usually go there yearly. Hopefully it won't be storming too badly.


@rafinmd Continued prayers for you. I hope you slept better and that there's a plan forward that is agreeable to you. I'm glad you will have family there to advocate for you.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start. I guess I'll know more after tomorrow's doctor's visit. I'm sure the stocking is beautiful; we await pictures. Nice photos from Killybegs.

@marshhawk Good luck to DH and Quiffy on their appointments. Oh no on the fire near the resort area you're staying at!

@ottahand7 I hope DB has less pain today, and that the injection helps your pain as well.

@ellbelle That is so low of someone to take the vases and replace them with their damaged ones! I'm glad the memorial park stepped up to replace them.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos from Killybegs and Meenaleck.

@ger_77 Sorry DH now has a cold; hopefully short-lived.

@Vict0riann Good luck with your appointment and I hope Pat gets good news about his valve surgery.

@kazu Prayers that your items are located, and that you get scheduled for your cataract surgery soon.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


The bread just came out of the oven. Some of my nicer loaves.



Vanessa, your bread looks wonderful.  Enjoy your dinner with friends.


26 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We have a lot of fog this morning but the forecast is for sunny and low 70's.  Storms predicted tomorrow...I hope it won't affect our flight.


I've never been a fan of baseball, but DH makes up for my lack of interest 😉 Punctuation is so important and I've really enjoyed the memes posted today!  I would like it all -- the drink, wine and "meal".  The 2nd recipe sounds best to me.  I've never made apple crisp with maple syrup so it could be interesting, or it could taste too sweet for me, not sure.  We've been to Ireland but not this port.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for your photos!


Today will be spent cleaning the house, mowing the lawn and packing the last things before we fly to Bozeman tomorrow.  Getting excited!  We'll pick up a rental car there that we'll use for our week in Yellowstone.  


Ann @cat shepard I'm so excited for your trip to Egypt in December!

Roy @rafinmd I'm glad you will have family there with you to help you through this process.  






Carolyn, safe travels tomorrow, and I hope you have a wonderful time in Yellowstone.


18 minutes ago, VMax1700 said:

Gotcha!  They would never play soccer on that field.  It is a Gaelic pitch where they play Gaelic Football or Hurling.  For a long, long time anyone who played 'foreign games' ie soccer, would not be permitted to play gaelic games and it is only very recently that the GAA permited their stadia to be used for soccer/rugby/american football etc.

The clue is the goal posts, which look similar to rugby posts, but have a net in the lower (goal) area.


Colin, I learned something new today.  Thanks for the information about the Gaelic pitch and the difference in the games.



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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

It looks like our rain has ended for this morning.  I can see some blue sky, especially toward the west.  Looking at the old fashioned rain gauge from a distance, it looks like we received 1/2 inch of rain this morning.  


On September 1, 2016, the Prinsendam docked in Killybegs, Na Cealla Beaga, in County Donegal on the north west coast of Ireland.  Unfortunately, we did not have the good weather Sandi @StLouisCruisers had in 2017.  We took a ship's tour to Meenaleck where visited Leo's Tavern to heard a group of Irish singers.  Meenaleck is a small village about 36 miles (57.8 km) north of Killybegs.


A couple of pictures from the bus of Killybegs and the area outside of town.  As you can see, it was not easy getting a picture from the aisle seat in the bus.





In English, Leo's Tavern, and Meenaleck.









After our visit to the tavern, we took a detour, and stopped at the Viking House Hotel in Belcruit on the Kincasslagh Peninsula.  The stop was so we could walk across the road to the beach area.





We didn't walk down to the beach but enjoyed the scenery from the top of the cliffs.





A tower, but I couldn't find any more information about it.



Some of the houses in the same area.





A final attempt to take a picture from the bus as we returned to Killybegs.





The other tour option that day was to take a boat to Donegal.  We had a friend who did that tour, and he told us we didn't miss anything.



Lovely photos Lenda.

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Aloha. Just got up over here. Only three days of doing absolutely nothing left. Let’s just say we have evacuated far away from Helene.

Actual sun down was hidden by clouds last night but the sky was still a good show.

In need of coffee. Thanks for the reports and post. B.





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1 hour ago, seagarsmoker said:

@wdw1972 Sue, what is your DH name? We are lifelong Cardinal fans.


Same here!!


5 minutes ago, wdw1972 said:




Thank you.  That's awesome he played for the Cardinals even if only for a year.  



57 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll celebrate baseball. Punctuation is important for context. I was unaware of the Schwenkfelders. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good. Maybe for the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Killybegs. 


It's cloudy here, with off and on showers. Possible severe storms this evening. My two sourdough loaves are baking in the oven. I have a haircut this afternoon, and am trying to figure out how to get there. I usually walk, but with my leg and threat of rain, I may try to drive. Parking is difficult and their back entrance has steps that are a bit dodgy. Then BFF is picking me up to go out to eat with friends, at a restaurant that has a special Oktoberfest menu for several weeks. We usually go there yearly. Hopefully it won't be storming too badly.


@rafinmd Continued prayers for you. I hope you slept better and that there's a plan forward that is agreeable to you. I'm glad you will have family there to advocate for you.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start. I guess I'll know more after tomorrow's doctor's visit. I'm sure the stocking is beautiful; we await pictures. Nice photos from Killybegs.

@marshhawk Good luck to DH and Quiffy on their appointments. Oh no on the fire near the resort area you're staying at!

@ottahand7 I hope DB has less pain today, and that the injection helps your pain as well.

@ellbelle That is so low of someone to take the vases and replace them with their damaged ones! I'm glad the memorial park stepped up to replace them.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos from Killybegs and Meenaleck.

@ger_77 Sorry DH now has a cold; hopefully short-lived.

@Vict0riann Good luck with your appointment and I hope Pat gets good news about his valve surgery.

@kazu Prayers that your items are located, and that you get scheduled for your cataract surgery soon.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


The bread just came out of the oven. Some of my nicer loaves.




That bread looks so yummy!  




42 minutes ago, VMax1700 said:

Gotcha!  They would never play soccer on that field.  It is a Gaelic pitch where they play Gaelic Football or Hurling.  For a long, long time anyone who played 'foreign games' ie soccer, would not be permitted to play gaelic games and it is only very recently that the GAA permited their stadia to be used for soccer/rugby/american football etc.

The clue is the goal posts, which look similar to rugby posts, but have a net in the lower (goal) area.


I'm finding it's best not to be too descriptive on CC.  I should have just said playing field!😉




6 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Superb photos Sandi.


Thank you Graham!

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Good afternoon, it's raining here again..we sure need it.  Yesterday was a nice, sunny day.  We walked around our zoo for a while, we did see some animals awake and moving about.  Seems they like to sleep a lot!  I'd try the apple crisp, haven't been to the port, thanks for the photos!  Baseball is OK, we've been to a few Brewers games this year.  DH is a big fan.  

@rafinmdGood to hear that you have some family with you, prayers for all of you! 

@JazzyVYour bread looks great!  I'm making discard, sandwich loaves now.  My "artisan" loafs were mostly flops!  I did try your recipe also!  

I've got a busy afternoon ahead of me, have a good day.  K


Edited by quilty964
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Good afternoon.

I am finally getting the opportunity to post as I sit in the Dentist’s waiting room while DH gets his teeth cleaned.  Before coming here, he saw the Podiatrist.  So it was Hoof and Mouth Day for us.

Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Fleet Report and Daily. 

Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration List.  It is really growing these days.  I hope your leg is feeling better and you will be pain free by the time you are ready to go on your cruise.

Thank you to Debbie @dfish for the Maple Apple Crisp recipe.

Thank you to Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope  for the Wine and Drink.


The days are interesting.  I guess sometimes we have no idea how the meaning of a sentence can change when we either add or omit punctuation.  

I never heard of Schwenkfelders.  

And I am a die-hard Yankees Fan—having lived in NY most of my life.


I have never been to the destination.,


Prayers for all on the cares list….

especially Roy @rafinmd.  i am so glad your. Niece and Nephew are with you to help you through this difficult time and decision making.  

@kazu Jacqui, I hope you are getting settled and that you find the missing items.

Annie, @marshhawk I hope all goes well for your trip and that DH will be okay.  

Terry @smitty34877 prayers that you and Tana are doing okay.

Prayers for Carol @mamaofami and Sam as they go through this difficult time in their lives.

Sandi @StLouisCruisers I hope you get your biopsy results soon and they are negative, giving you much relief from anxiety,.  

@lindaler I hope your family troubles are resolved soon.  Sorry you had to miss your cruise.

@Nickelpenny I hope you are okay and that we hear from you soon.


If I missed anyone, I am sorry.


We are holding our own right now.  Jim’s memory is failing.  He keeps repeating the same questions, He is sleeping more and more,  I am very much alone every day.  I am really hoping that we are able to go on the cruise and he does well.  The Neurologist suggested that I go alone and put him in an Assisted Living for respite while I am gone.  I just cannot do that.  I would not rest easy and would be on pins and needles.



Just found out that Jim will need to have a tooth extracted.  O Happy Day! Another problem.


Cheers to all those cruising.  Those on the Majestic Japan look like they are having a wonderful time.  Enjoy!


We are expecting bad weather from the storm in the Gulf.  Probably Thursday and Friday.

Hope we don’t have any damage.


Take care everyone and

God Bless,



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