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Are black jeans ok for the dining room?


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Ok I know, flame, flame, burn bad....but if I am going down why not? Seriously, my hubbie wants to know.... We have 5 kids to proper attire around here is anything that covers your body LOL.... I know some of you are going to be REALLY angry ... but life goes on... and all I can suggest is if this topic irratates you, stop opening threads that talk about jeans (btw I don't mean on formal nights, just the less formal with a nice shirt, tie and jacket)

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Ok I know, flame, flame, burn bad....but if I am going down why not? Seriously, my hubbie wants to know.... We have 5 kids to proper attire around here is anything that covers your body LOL.... I know some of you are going to be REALLY angry ... but life goes on... and all I can suggest is if this topic irratates you, stop opening threads that talk about jeans (btw I don't mean on formal nights, just the less formal with a nice shirt, tie and jacket)


I don't know if black jeans are "ok" for the dining room. It seems to be very subjective. What is your opinion? Do you think black jeans are ok for the dining room on non-formal nights?

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Jersey Girl - we live about 45 min from you and I work about 10 min from Crystal Lake... I am guessing you are from NJ - I grew up in Monmouth Cty.


Frankly, I couldn't care less what people wear in the dining room. It is their vacation and they spent the money...all I can be concerned about is my own vacation. If it makes my husband happy on the first trip we have taken alone together - than I say why not - he works hard and this is his vacation too........


Sorry if that bothers anyone - to each their own. If this is very upsetting to people in the dining room then maybe he will bring khakis.

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Jersey Girl - we live about 45 min from you and I work about 10 min from Crystal Lake... I am guessing you are from NJ - I grew up in Monmouth Cty.


Frankly, I couldn't care less what people wear in the dining room. It is their vacation and they spent the money...all I can be concerned about is my own vacation. If it makes my husband happy on the first trip we have taken alone together - than I say why not - he works hard and this is his vacation too........


Sorry if that bothers anyone - to each their own. If this is very upsetting to people in the dining room then maybe he will bring khakis.


I lived in Pemberton, NJ. Loved it and miss the ocean terribly!!! You work close to Crystal Lake! Most people don't know where it is!

I think that if you and your family feel comfortable in black jeans then you should wear them. I really don't think there is a right or wrong to the whole thing - just different perspectives. I would rather see black jeans on someone over something extremely skanky, revealing, or dirty!

I also plan on spending time talking to my family during dinner time. I wont be concentrating on what others are wearing. Unless it is really bad. Then I might stare a little and point it out to my sister so we can laugh at the person. But besides that.... Just Kidding!

I don't plan on bringing anything that heavy when we go. You know how the weather is here in December. There is no way I am bringing anything close to "winter wear" to the Caribbean in December! :D

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I do not understand why everyone has to ask if jeans are ok or not. If you have to ask then apparently you yourself don't think they are Casual Resort Wear. Dockers are Casual Resort Wear and can be picked up for about the same price as a pair of jeans.


...With all due respect, If you have to ask, you probably already know the answer.

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Jeans - no, apparently a BIG no no.


Being obnoxious and overly abrupt is perfectly acceptable from what I have seen :eek:


I'm starting to think just not packing anything would be a good idea. Then no one will have any complaints about the clothing and you would not have to worry about luggage.:D


I hope you and your family have a great vacation.

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How many times has this question been on this board this week alone.


And how many times has the thread been pulled:confused: Everytime.. so it wont be long before this one is gone. Some people will never learn

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And how many times has the thread been pulled:confused: Everytime.. so it wont be long before this one is gone. Some people will never learn


I have no problem with anyone wearing jeans in the dining room. However, clearly some people do.

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I don't think these discussions have anything to do with "clothing". It has everything do to with the "intent" of that clothing.


Everyone knows (unless you were raised in a barn) that jeans of any nature are not "formal" or "business casual" or even "smart casual". Carnival goes to great details to let you know what is acceptable in the "formal" dining room. These are "formal dining rooms" with linen napkins and china. (Not paper plates and Bounty paper towels)


But some people care more about "getting their way" (and being disrespectful in the process) than honoring tradition, taste and class.


Stop and think about this....what if your Grandmother was very traditional and proper. And when she passed away, some of your rebellious cousins wore blue jeans to her funeral. Not because they couldn't afford a pair of $10.00 khaikis from WalMart....but just to show they could. You see, it isn't what they wore...but the reason they wore it. Sadly, Carnival is never going to take a stand on this, because frankly more and more their passengers are of the "bubba" mentality.


But if people are determined to be tacky and ignorant, then there is nothing anyone can do. They will wear their jeans (of any color) and be proud of their lack of class...because that is their goal. How sad.

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Depends on the top and the shoes. You can make black jeans look like casual jeans, or you can make black jeans look like black pants. Dress 'em up and no one will notice that your black pants are made of denim.

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I don't think these discussions have anything to do with "clothing". It has everything do to with the "intent" of that clothing.


Everyone knows (unless you were raised in a barn) that jeans of any nature are not "formal" or "business casual" or even "smart casual". Carnival goes to great details to let you know what is acceptable in the "formal" dining room. These are "formal dining rooms" with linen napkins and china. (Not paper plates and Bounty paper towels)


But some people care more about "getting their way" (and being disrespectful in the process) than honoring tradition, taste and class.


Stop and think about this....what if your Grandmother was very traditional and proper. And when she passed away, some of your rebellious cousins wore blue jeans to her funeral. Not because they couldn't afford a pair of $10.00 khaikis from WalMart....but just to show they could. You see, it isn't what they wore...but the reason they wore it. Sadly, Carnival is never going to take a stand on this, because frankly more and more their passengers are of the "bubba" mentality.


But if people are determined to be tacky and ignorant, then there is nothing anyone can do. They will wear their jeans (of any color) and be proud of their lack of class...because that is their goal. How sad.


I agree with you:) .. I dont really care what people wear and dont look down on them..it's just that I dont think the dinning room is the place to wear jeans at dinner

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I would venture to say this thread has been moved from the Carnival board to the Fashion board.


We hardly flame people here, we're quite a bit nicer than that.


According to the request that Carnival makes, they state men (it seems you are asking for your husband, right?) should wear slacks on casual nights. It does not mention jeans at all, so I think he would be fine with black, neatly pressed jeans and a nice sports shirt.


A very short time ago almost all cruise lines requested (a polite way of saying no, you can't) that jeans not be worn in the dining room in the evening hours. It seems several, RCI and Carnival included, have thrown in the towel with that request.


Dress is also a regional thing. Where we live, you would not think of wearing a pair of jeans into an elegant restaurant, but other areas of the country it is normal.


We prefer to pack light and leave the heavy jeans at home. My husband wears a lighter weight pair of khaki slacks (the same pair several nights) and mixes it up with different shirts. I do the same, only I wear black travel knit pants.


Bottom line, he will not be out of place in black jeans.

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Sorry, I forgot to add something :) .


To the OP, vesw01, please stay here on the fashion board for clothing questions, we're really very nice!


You say that, but I notice one poster, part of the anti-jeans crowd, has already labeled jean wearers as:


Raised in a barn







and hinted that jean wearers are also cheap and classless. Is this what you call nice?


Have any of the anti-jeans crowd ever considered the possibility that people, taste, and fashions change? People wear jeans not because they are cheap, ignorant, disrespectful, rebellious ... but because they enjoy wearing the jeans. Jeans have moved from the miner's work clothes to designer wear. Jeans are socially acceptable in many places. Some people however will not accept this, and then they label jeans wearers classless, tacky, ignorant, disrespectful ...


I look at what the anti-jeans people write about people who don't subscribe to their point of view, and see many of the same qualities they label others with.

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You say that, but I notice one poster, part of the anti-jeans crowd, has already labeled jean wearers as:


Raised in a barn







and hinted that jean wearers are also cheap and classless. Is this what you call nice?


Have any of the anti-jeans crowd ever considered the possibility that people, taste, and fashions change? People wear jeans not because they are cheap, ignorant, disrespectful, rebellious ... but because they enjoy wearing the jeans. Jeans have moved from the miner's work clothes to designer wear. Jeans are socially acceptable in many places. Some people however will not accept this, and then they label jeans wearers classless, tacky, ignorant, disrespectful ...


I look at what the anti-jeans people write about people who don't subscribe to their point of view, and see many of the same qualities they label others with.


My point is, you usually do not find these comments on the fashion board, only on the line specific board. This post has been moved to the fashion board from elsewhere.


You actually find quite a few fashionable women here on this board who see no problem wearing jeans on a cruise ship.

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Depends on the top and the shoes. You can make black jeans look like casual jeans, or you can make black jeans look like black pants. Dress 'em up and no one will notice that your black pants are made of denim.

I totally agree with you.

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I would venture to say this thread has been moved from the Carnival board to the Fashion board.


We hardly flame people here, we're quite a bit nicer than that.


According to the request that Carnival makes, they state men (it seems you are asking for your husband, right?) should wear slacks on casual nights. It does not mention jeans at all, so I think he would be fine with black, neatly pressed jeans and a nice sports shirt.


A very short time ago almost all cruise lines requested (a polite way of saying no, you can't) that jeans not be worn in the dining room in the evening hours. It seems several, RCI and Carnival included, have thrown in the towel with that request.


Dress is also a regional thing. Where we live, you would not think of wearing a pair of jeans into an elegant restaurant, but other areas of the country it is normal.


We prefer to pack light and leave the heavy jeans at home. My husband wears a lighter weight pair of khaki slacks (the same pair several nights) and mixes it up with different shirts. I do the same, only I wear black travel knit pants.


Bottom line, he will not be out of place in black jeans.



As some may or not know that in the dining rooms if it is formal it is a suit or tuxedo. Other nights it is more of a business casual attire. If you wish to wear jeans go to the buffet, I say. Do you want to see waiters etc in jeans in the dining room or the captain wearing a running suit? Probably would not know he was the captain. It seems to be a reason they prefer certain clothing desired in certain venues. We could get sarcastic but will not go too far.


Cheers enjoy your cruise.

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As some may or not know that in the dining rooms if it is formal it is a suit or tuxedo. Other nights it is more of a business casual attire. If you wish to wear jeans go to the buffet, I say. Do you want to see waiters etc in jeans in the dining room or the captain wearing a running suit? Probably would not know he was the captain. It seems to be a reason they prefer certain clothing desired in certain venues. We could get sarcastic but will not go too far.


Cheers enjoy your cruise.


I don't judge a person by the clothes (s)he wears. I have no problem with waiters wearing jeans. I judge the wait staff by the quality of the service, not the quality of their clothing. If the captain wears a running suit, that is fine with me. So what if I don't know (s)he is the captain. The people who work for him/her know who (s)he and that is all that matters. Yes, uniforms do help to identify people, and that is why some people at work wear them. The captain and wait staff are working. I am on vacation and I am sure if someone sees me in jeans or a suit they will still guess I am a passenger.


I am on vacation to relax. Not to try and impress other people with the clothes I wear. There is a reason that business dress has become more casual. People like it that why. For those that don't there are other cruise lines that have a dress code more to your liking. Perhaps you would be happier on HAL, Celebrity, Seabourn, Crystall, Silversea ... I know I would not. That is one of the reasons I like Carnival, it has a more relaxed dress code.

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If you are leaving from Galveston or another southern port, you will see PLENTY of people in black jeans. My FIL wore heavy starched black jeans, a black duster, and a black hat to my wedding, and he certainly fit the part. Everyone else wore tuxes, and in the pictures he is standing next to the other guys and fits in perfectly. My new step FIL wore black starched jeans and a heavy pressed white shirt to his wedding. They both looked WONDERFUL.


Yes, I am orginally from Texas, ride horses, and wear western jeans and boots, so I guess my family is a "raised in a barn, bubba" type. It takes all types to run this world. Without the jean wearing types, you probably wouldn't have much food (wheat, beef, etc) to eat!


Just make sure that the jeans are relatively new, or not faded. If you have a faded pair of black jeans and can't afford new ones, you can buy a bottle of Rit dye and re-blacken them. Also, have them starched very heavy with a crease. Pair them with a starched button up dress shirt, maybe a tie, and shiny poished dress boots or shoes. I am biased and I think dress shoes look a little odd with jeans, so pick a style that is dressy enough but not mismatched.

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Last night we dined in what is described (by critics) as a very upscale and elegant restaurant, several courses, several hours. I looked around and said to my husband that it looked like about 90 percent of the clientelle had on jeans! His comment to me was, "Yeah I'd like to see what those cruisecritic people would say about that!"

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