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Tami ~ VERY interesting facts about the food pyramid and cattle. :eek: I use my own food pyramid. ;) The doctor said he would do the scope once Mom's pneumonia is cleared up. Her internist told her yesterday that she'd had the pneumonia for a while so I hope it is just scar tissue. However, you never know. My Mom has been through so much healthwise that she is worn out. She had a tumor removed from her heart 2 years ago. The doctor said she was an extraordinary woman so he knows all will work out. She's a walking miracle.

Shae ~ Congrats on all of the grandbabies. I know you are excited. I also hope that Mom's spot is either nothing to worry about or treatable. I just feel that if God was ready for her, that she'd already be gone. She almost died last Monday; so if he was ready for her, why didn't she pass away then? I know, I'm being very philosophical. LOL
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Sheila- I' hope it's just scar tissue too. I thought the good pyramid thing was VERY interesting. I've been reading all sorts of books like protein power and the paleo diet and I have to say that it makes sense. I know I feel better when I eat that way. It's also very interesting that a diet high in wheat and other grains is linked with crohns.

OK, Ya'll my homeschool buddies and I are planning a mom's getaway in the fall and I have to get my butt into gear! I'm back on phase 1 today for 2 weeks NO MATTER WHAT and I'm also getting back into my exercise routine. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are cardio or ice skating and Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday are weight training. My goal for September is 30 pounds and I'm starting at 207.5 today.

Well, I'm off to get my day started. Talk to you later!

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to let y'all know that I'm picking Mom up from the hospital in just a little while to go home. Also, my dear FIL is being moved out of ICU this afternoon. So today is a FABULOUS day for me and my family!!! :D

Tami ~ I'll be joining you on Phase 1 when I get back from my cruise. ;)
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It looks like we will be going to Scandinavia-Russia in August after all! DS said that B-I-L gave her the go ahead this morning. All of a sudden I'm really nervous about the idea of flying transatlantic! I called my dr. already and she's sending me a prescription for my anti-anxiety med. which I'll need to take before Alaska anyway. I love to travel, but really get myself worked up over nothing beforehand. We kept debating about what we should do. We love the itinerary and the price was so good. We decided, too, that it may be harder to get away next year after the grandbabies have been born. I'll be watching our grandson at least 2 days a week, and I'm sure my daughter will want/need some free babysitting on weekends when her child is born. They better take advantage of us while we're still young enough!

Shelia, SO very glad to hear your good news about your mom and your F-I-L.
I know you're so relieved.
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Thanks everyone!! I actually woke up at 4:00 AM this morning to exercise. I'm not able to do it at night right now. My eyes are so puffy from the lack of sleep and allergies...I look awful! :eek:

Shae ~ Your cruise sounds wonderful. You must take tons of pictures and share them. I'm so excited for you!
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Good morning everyone! I'm in such a good mood! :D Since starting back on Phase 1ish (I had sugarfree ice cream both nights) I've lost 2 pounds. Not bad considering I'm on steroids for my asthma and it's TOM. I've really upped the exercise though and I do think that helps. Today I have ice skating so I know today is covered.

Tonight I'm trying a new recipe for low carb chicken curry. Frankly unless you serve it over a bed of rice most curry is low carb. This recipe won 1st prize on an indian cuisine site contest for low carb foods so I have high hopes. I'm going to make it fairly warm so I can't eat too much at a time. Plus my sinuses could use clearing out. :rolleyes: If it's good I'll post the recipe later this week.

Sheila- I posted some ideas for your eyes on the other board. I'm glad you're going to get to go on your cruise. You need it. I know the feeling! One of our moms has already backed out of our trip this fall, tho' I didn't really think she'd go when it actually came down to time to do it. Too bad too because she needs it most of all. She's married but she might as well be a single mom because her DH? doesn't do much. Her boy was 7 before her DH was ever alone with him. Makes me greatful for the DH I have. He's so good with the kids.

Well, I have to go change. I put on shorts and then realized that we have skating today. It's not warm enough yet to iceskate in shorts. Soon though!

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Hello fellow South Beachers........

I found this thread by accident (fate) and It's just what I needed. I lost 20+ lbs almost 2 yrs ago on SB, but unfortunately I have "found" a few of them.
I would like to lose between 5-10 lbs. ( realistically) to feel comfortable. I am ready to dive into SB again so I can get some of this weight off to fit in my cruise clothes for my October cruise. Last year's Sept cruise started off my weight gain with a few lbs and it went on from there. Beware of the cruise food!I did watch what I ate, and we worked out everyday. Some days we even did 2 aerobics classes and I still gained. I'm still not sure how that happened. The cruise alone may not be totally to blame.

Anyway, I am freeing up the house of all the contrband and going shopping for the "right" stuff...........TODAY!
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Hi Cindy!! Glad you found us! I'm like you. I've lost weight two times already on SB. I just need to stick with it to get the final 15 off. To me, it is a life-changing experience. My WOE has changed sooo much! SB is what I can stick with. Good luck!!

Just wanted to let y'all know that my dear FIL is doing better. He actually told me he loved me last night in sign language since he can't talk with the trach. My DH got him to smile and he understands us and knows who we are. He had therapy yesterday and he's doing well. Thanks so much for your prayers. Oh and Mom is feeling so much better also!!
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Hi everyone,
I'm sorry I haven't chimmed in with my two cents lately, I've been going crazy trying to pack for our trip. We are staying at a hotel near the airport tonite and will be on our way to Alaska on the 14th! Unfortunately, I've been acting like I'm on vacation since Mother's day weekend. In other words, I've been cheating left and right! I even made myself sick on low fat granola last nite! I'm hoping I got it our of my system and can eat better on the trip. I'm hoping the hiking and the ship's fitness center will help also. However, after reading Cindy's note, I'm a little depressed! Oh well, I'll just have to do my best and if it get's out of control, I'll just go back to phase 1 when I get back.
Shelia, I'm so glad your FIL and Mom are doing better. My dad, who is a radiation therapist (fancy name for a MD who delivers radiation to cancer patients) and a former smoker also has been found to have spots on his lungs. He's had them looked at frequently and they have determined that they aren't cancer. He frequently get's pneumonia and broncitis (possibly due to the fact that he smoked so long ago). He usually takes major doses of Mucinex (it's an expectorant that is found over the counter). By major doses I mean 3x's the recommended dose. He says it's safe to do this because it used to be a prescription and that was the dose that was given before it became over the counter.
Thanks everyone for your support and keep up the good work! Jori
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Miss me?

Things have been WILD around here and I am exhausted. I am looking forward to getting away from everything in less than 48 hours!

I have had some really good days and some really bad days. I know that things are going to be crazy for the next month, so I am just going to try and maintain. Once things calm down, I will go back to Phase 1. I just don't think SB is real doable right now with all the running around and eating out.

Anyway, just wanted to check in real quick and say hi. I probably won't be back 'on board' until after I return on the 21st. And then I will be packing so who knows. If you miss me too badly, you can email me at juli at refurl dot net and check in with me. Everyone have a good week!
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Juli and Jori,
I hope you both have absolutely wonderful trips. I know you'll both have a great time. We'll miss you both!

Shelia, I'm thrilled that your news just keeps getting better and better. I hope your F-I-L will be able to go home soon, too. Your cruise is in 2 weeks, right? Have you started to pack yet? Our Alaska cruise is in 3 weeks, but I'm going to start bringing some of my sweaters and things up to one of the guest rooms and lay them out on the bed. It's the only way I can see what mixes and matches. I usually end up thinning my choices by about half! (And yet I still have a tendency to overpack.) Too many "just in case" clothes.

Cindy, welcome. This thread is a great way to find support and understanding. I believe it's an important part of my reaching goal and staying there. I agree with Tami that it probably won't take very long to lose the weight again. Remember, though, the less you have to lose the slower the weight loss with SBD (usually).

Tami, congrats on the 2 lb. loss. Hope you enjoyed your chicken curry. Did it meet your expectations?
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Have fun Juli and Jori!

Shae- yes, the curry was great. IT needed salt added to the recipe but that's an easy fix. I'll post the recipe later. It is a bit hot but you can easily adjust the flavor by how much chili powder you add.

I'm getting ready to go drop the kids off at mom's and then DH and I are going to move some of grandmas things out of her house. My cousin is coming down so we're going to go through and pull what we think our siblings would want (they're all living in other countries or stationed WAY out of state) then the rest we'll sell or donate and put back into her living fund. It won't get done today but if we can at least get a good start that will help immensely.

Gotta Run! BTW, I was up 2 over the weekend from PMS but I've lost 5.5 this week! WOOHOO!

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Shae ~ Yes, I'm very excited about my FIL. However, now my son is sick. DH said last night that he feels "someone" doesn't want us to go on this cruise. I'm sure my son will be fine in a couple of weeks. He has an absessed tooth and they were suppose to do a root canal yesterday, but it was too swollen. Poor kid! I've only started packing a little bit. I need my clothes so I'll wait until the week of to pack them. I am packing incidentals though. I didn't realize your cruise was so soon. I know you are getting excited also!

Juli ~ BON VOYAGE!!!

Tami ~ YOU GO GIRL!! :D
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Shelia, so sorry to hear about your son's abscess. DD went through the same thing last fall. It was extremely painful. I know just what your husband means by feeling that "someone" doesn't want you to go on your cruise because I had that same feeling on Friday. I woke up in the morning (Friday the 13th) to find that our oldest dog had suffered some kind of "stroke". DH was out of town, but DS drove over from Evansville and helped me get her into my SUV. The vets felt that the situation was extremely grim, but she responded quickly to the steroid shot, and within 2 hours was actually walking by herself. The bad news is that they said simply because of her age (14 later this month) she could have another incident at any time that could be fatal. On the other hand, the next one coud be very minor, like a TIA in humans, which she has had a few times before. It was just so upsetting and physically difficult to handle her that I just can't let her go stay with DD while we're gone. DD is pregnant, very emotional right now, and just too big a softie to deal with serious doggie health issues right now. Our other regular pet sitter is on vacation the same 2 weeks we're gone, so I need to scramble and make other arrangements. If the cruise weren't so close, I'd just cancel.

To make a terrible day worse I hurt my back when I tried to help Shelby to her feet before calling DS. It didn't notice so much while the adrenalin was pumping hard, but by the time I got home from the vets' I could barely move. Luckily, I did get an appointment right away with my doctor. I got a steroid shot in my hip area and a strong anti-imflammatory drug. Im' still really sore, and my muscles are still going into spasms periodically, but at least I can get up and move, and it wasn't another ruptured disk. DH and I are going to try to get to DGD's 3rd tee-ball game this afternoon,at least for a little while, since I had to miss her 2nd one Friday night. We'll miss her last 5 games while we're in Alaska. We booked our Alaska cruise nearly a year ago, so had no inkling that she'd be playing tee ball at this time.

The "good news" (?) in all this... I was down another couple of pounds when the nurse had me weigh in. I've actually been trying to hold where I was, but I guess now I can splurge a little bit on the cruise.

Tami, you're doing great! I know going through your grandma's stuff will be difficult. I hope the knowlege of how much you're helping her makes it easier.

Well, I can't sit any longer. Later...
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Shae ~ I'm so sorry to hear about your dog and back. I hope both get better real soon. You poor thing! Make sure you rest so you can go on your cruise. Congrats on losing the couple pounds. I wanted to do that, but it didn't happen. Oh well!

Nick is better today. He is going to school and has the root canal tomorrow morning. I'm sure he'll be fine.

I'm just trying to maintain right now. I'm still on Phase 2 during the week, but have a few cheats on the weekend. I keep telling myself that I'm getting my body adjusted to the cruise food. In 2002 when we cruised, I only gained one pound and was only "watching" what I ate before the cruise. Last year, I was doing Phase 1 up until we set sail. I gained 6 lbs on the cruise!! :eek: I hope to only gain a couple of pounds this cruise due to exercising and not shocking my body too much. I hope this works!!

How was everyone's weekend?
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Made whole wheat rolls for the first time in 15 yrs our Dr says we both
(Hubby and me) need to stick to South beach diet so I made whole wheat rolls no white flour very yummy and kneading dough was very satisfying

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Hi, everybody. Our dog has made a fantastic recovery. The vet has warned repeatedly to expect it to happen again, but right now she is better than she has been in a long time. I'm still trying to find someone who can keep her while we're gone so DD won't have to. The cortisone shot finally started to help considerably by Sunday, so I was able to go to DGD's tee-ball game. Those little kids are so much fun to watch.

Another complication has popped up. We had good friends stop by on their way back to Louisville. While Elaine and I were doing an iris tour, and DH ran into answer the phone Al heard barking/whining in the woods. He spotted a small puppy, and went into the woods after it. The poor little thing was terrified. We had a crate in the garage that we had thought we'd use for our dogs in my SUV, (But they prefer the floor boards in the back seat), so he and DH put puppy in there. He was so grateful to have a place he considered safe and secure. He stayed really shy til last evening when he suddenly decided that I was okay and that it was fun to chase me. We've fostered other dogs and puppies before, so we have a play yard that I set up for this little guy. I'm going to call the Humane Society this morning and see if anyone is looking for him. If not, I'll take him to the vet's and make sure he's okay, then try to find him a home. The Humane Society can't take him from me since they can only take owner surrendered animals. The pound will put him down almost immediately. No chance there. If I can't find a home this week I will call the no kill shelter that took the litter of puppies that were dumped here a year ago. Our area is a very popular dump site since it's so secluded, and we all have acreage. Pitiful. If the owner had just surrendered the pup himself I'm sure it would be placed right away. He's so cute, and probably will be pretty small.

Plumiera, I agree that it would be wonderful to have your whole wheat roll recipe.
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Shae- So sorry to hear about your dog. We also have a 14 year old, although I'm mad at her at the moment. She ate one of my chickens yesterday! :mad: We're also a dumping ground for unwanted animals although we mostly get cats. I wish I was ready to take on a new pup. I want something small and portable like a boston terrier but we probably won't do that as long as Boca is alive. I miss having a dog in the house but our Aussie is so submissive that she pees every time my DH walks in the door. She was a humane society dog who had been dumped in a field and all we can figure is that some man must have beaten the heck out of her. Poor Kipper. She's just a quivering mass of nerves. Don't know if they make doggie xanax but she needs it.

I totally blew my WOE this weekend between moving Grandma, Granddad's birthday party and Game night. I regained 4 of the 6.5 I was down on Friday. Grumble. So I'm back at it.

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Shae ~ I'm so happy to hear that your dog is improving. I'm a BIG dog lover also. I hope you find a good home for the puppy..poor little thing. When it rains, it pours, doesn't it? Good luck!

Tami ~ Your dog ate a chicken? OMG!! :eek: Don't fret over the few lbs gained. You'll get it off soon as it is probably water. Take care!
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Good news. Puppy has already found a great new home! I took him to a vet near us this morning. My regular vets are about a 20 min drive away. This other guy is only 3 miles down the road or 5-6 mins. away. I had the new vet check out the pup, de-worm him, etc. Pup was SO good. While I was waiting to pay a woman came in with a sample from her dog that she wanted checked. She thought pup was just adorable, and I kiddingly asked her if she wanted a puppy. She said they actually had been looking, brought her kids in from her truck, and the 3 of them fell in love with the little guy. She lives on 5 acres, mostly not wooded, and mostly fenced, has a Golden Retriever, homeschools her kids so they're home a lot, and just seemed like a genuinely caring "dog" person. We decided since she was serious about wanting Pup that it would be easier for him if he went home with her instead of bonding more with me and then having to leave. I was a little worried about how quickly it had happened, but the vet came out and explained to her Pup's medication timetable, etc, and seemed so happy about how the situation had worked out. I went back to the vet's office later in the day with some chocolates to thank the vet and the staff for all they had done. They were still so tickled about how things had played out, and that Pup was with a very good family. The receptionist told me that the lady had already called them to double check on the instructions the vet had given her. DD was a bit disappointed that she won't get to see the little cutie this weekend when she comes up, but thrilled that he found a good home. DS was really relieved because he said D-I-L had told him how much she had fallen in love with the little guy last night, and they really don't need another dog right now.

Tami, one of our Aussies was abused before we adopted her and used to do the submissive wetting. We were told by our Aussie Rescue mentor not to baby her or add to her submissive nature by treating her like she was a poor little doggie. We praised her a lot, cleaned up the accidents like it was no big deal. I also put her in semi private agility lessons to boost her self-esteem. Her personality change was amazing. She's a wonderful dog, and now even she knows it. It did take quite a bit of time, tho, and some dogs are just too submissive to ever fully recover. Thankfully none of our dogs has ever gone after any other animals, though our male is not very fond of squirrels.

Shelia, how are your mom and your F-I-L doing? I hope there has been continued improvement.

Gotta go find something SB friendly for dinner. DH is on the road tonight.
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Shae- Our aussie does great with women and some men. I took her camping last year and she did great with my friends' hsubands but they've both got higher quieter voices. DH has a lower voice that just naturally sounds louder. We're dog sitting this week for a dog who is almost as submissive as she is. :rolleyes: I think it's been good for her to have the companionship. I need to get her a bath as she is a mud puppy at the moment.

The dog that ate the chick was our border collie. I think she's getting senile because she didn't used to do stuff like that but now we can't let her out of the pen or she goes after chickens, cats, and baby goats. I tried bringing her inside but she just sits at the door and whines. I tried putting her in the back yard with Kipper for companionship after we had to put the other dog down and she literally climbed the fence and went and sat in front of the pen until we let her back in. I must be destined to have dogs with psychiatric problems! :rolleyes:

I'm back on eating track today although I didn't get my weight workout in. My back is killing me from the weekend so I decided to give it another day. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be better.

I'm off to bed. Have a good night!

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