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Shae ~ Great post, as usual! The info you provided should help out a lot.

I'm sorry your back is still bothering you. Please take it easy. Great news that your BIL is being discharged. My FIL is going to be discharged this week! He's doing so well, he doesn't have to be admitted at rehab; only doing out-patient.

We are leaving tomorrow at 11AM for Miami. I'm so excited!!! Have a great time on your trip!
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Hi all- Well, whatever I had wasn't a reaction to the sugar. It was either mild food poisoning or a bug. DD had the same thing and we at pretty much the same things at the birthday party. Also one other person had it and his daughter, the birthday girl had a bug earlier in the week. So it probably was a bug. I lost all the weight I gained though so I guess there is a bright side. :D

QT- I'm not sure that it is the nutrasweet because the HA's are sinus ones but I'm guessing it doesn't help my cause. I just last week tried a diet coke with splenda for the first time. It's a bit sweeter but maybe that will make me drink less. I've only found it in a 20 ounce bottles at a convenience store so far.

Gotta go start going through Grandma boxes.

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I'm sorry about being so vague as to what phase I'm on. I'm on Phase 2 now. Even though I cheated some through phase 1, I decided to go ahead with phase 2 and see how things go. The bad news is I'm not really showing a big weight loss. But I think being on my period is screwing up my real weight loss right now. The good news is, for the first time in a long time, I'm not craving carbs. And that's saying a lot since I am truly the biggest carb addict ever. That's why I've avoided this type of diet for so long, I knew it would be very hard for me. If given the choice of eating a steak or a loaded baked potato, I would pick the baked potato. If given the choice of eating the fajita's or the chips and salsa, I would eat the chips and salsa. If I had to choose between a rack of ribs or a bowl of macaroni and cheese, I'd pick the macaroni and cheese. Get the picture? I'm a carb addict, especially when it comes to potatoes, bread, and pasta.:eek:

I don't think I've gone about this diet the right way. The book was very vague and I took liberties with certain foods that were in the "gray area" that I probably shouldn't have. Now that I've talked to you, I understand the diet much better. I think I was concentrating too much on carbs and not concentrating enough on the fats I was eating. Even though I was avoiding carbs, I was consuming too much fat in my diet. I over did it on every snack in the beginning. I couldn't stop eating the peanuts and ate way too many. And I never just ate one cheese stick either. :rolleyes:

But now that the carb cravings are gone, I'm able to control my eating. I am sticking to the SBD better than ever before. So low fat popcorn and cool whip are allowed on Phase 2? That sounds great! I really need to get one of those "Good Carbs, Good Fats" books. I live in a small town that doesn't have a book store and I've already checked Wal-Mart and they don't have one. So I guess I'll just have to make a trip to get one, but it will definitely be worth it. Now that my carb cravings are gone, I feel much more confident.:D
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[quote name='Bunny Fu']Can this diet work for a vegetarian??[/QUOTE]
Yes, definitely! If you are a vegan, I'm not so sure.

QT ~ I'm a carb addict also! I totally agree with what you said. I gained a lot of weight because I'd eat a bowl of mac & cheese for dinner and that was it. I also LOVE sweets. Now, I just have the sugar-free kind. I keep my frig stocked with the sugar-free, low-fat Jell-o pudding. I'm glad things are getting easier for you. I'm on Phase 3 right now and I'm still losing 1/2 to 1 lb a week. I was stalled on Phase 2 for about 2 months when I didn't lose anything. Just keep at it and you will start to see a weight loss. You need to exercise also...it really helps! (If you aren't already.)

I'm leaving today at 11:00 AM for Miami. I'll be back on June 5th. I'll miss all of you and I'll think about you when I'm eating those yummy foods on my cruise. ;)
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Sheila, Have an absolutely fantastic time on your cruise. I'll be anxious to hear all about it when we're back. You've been through so much lately you really deserve to have a wonderful, laid back vacation!

Tami, I'm glad you're feeling better. I had a fairly severe "intestinal reaction" to the Coney dog I had last week. I think I just am not used to eating fatty foods anymore. D-I-L had the same problem, but we ate different foods there.

QT, There's an inexpensive paperback book that I got at Books A Million that has the carb, calorie and fat counts for just about every food including most of the items at national restaurant and fast food chains. It was a big help to DH and I when we started on SBD. In fact, I got him his own copy so he could make wise choices while eating out when traveling out of town. I'll track down my copy of it and let you know the name. I bet you can find it and/or others on Amazon. DH orders from them quite a bit even though D-I-L still works at Borders part-time and we have a BAM membership card.

Just remember to think quality AND quantity with your meals and snacks, and keep healthy choices ready and convenient. When you go to the grocery store read every label and if it's not a good choice don't buy it. (Don't forget to eat a healthy snack before you go shopping so you don't give into whims.)
With Phase 2 you will see a slower weight loss, but it will be an actual loss of fat and not just the quick loss of water weight.

I am and will always be a carb addict. Sticking with the SBD WOE keeps the cravings under control. It also has the added benefit of being heart healthy... DH and I both significantly reduced our bad cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose levels with SBD.
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[QUOTE]Sheila, Have an absolutely fantastic time on your cruise. I'll be anxious to hear all about it when we're back. You've been through so much lately you really deserve to have a wonderful, laid back vacation! [/QUOTE]
Thanks Shae!!!
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Thanks for the help guys, I think I'm beginning to understand this diet a little better. I was helping a friend look for wedding reception centers and we came across a small bookstore. It had the SBD "Good Fats, Good Carbs Guide." I bought it and am very happy with my purchase. I love the "Supermarket Cheat Sheet" section and especially the "Dining Out Guide.":) This book is absolutely essential for anyone who is on this diet. The SBD book alone just doesn't cut it. By the way, what do you mean when you say WOE? I know SBD stands for South Beach Diet, but I'm not really sure what WOE stands for. Could you clear this up for me?:confused:

I know you're already on your cruise, but if you get a chance to get online I hope you read this and know that I'm hoping you have a fantastic time Weirdeyes.:)
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Hi everyone- Well it was a bug that DD and I had. Several of our friends have had it too. Yay! :rolleyes: Hopefully we're done. DH had his foot surgery today and is doing well. He's already bored though. This could be bad! At least I scheduled a game day for Sunday. By then we'll all be nuts.

Bunny Fu- Absolutely you can do southbeach as a vegetarian, even a vegan though it's a bit more dicey. Most V protein sources would be ok. We arent vegetarian but we practically live on beans, especially chickpeas. Veggie burgers (by Boca, I think) are even stamped with the SB approval. I haven't checked but soy cheeses, butters, etc should be good. The one think I'd watch out for is soy milk as many of them have loads of sugar. Be sure to buy the unsweetened. I know silk makes one. The cartons in the dairy case are better than the boxes that are shelf stable. Oh also 8th continent makes a Light that doesn't have too much sugar.

The main thing I would suggest is that you don't get all your protein from soy. This is easy if you eat eggs or dairy but a little more difficult for vegans. I haven't used tempeh for a while but I think it's on. Does anyone have a Good Carbs Good fats book they can look it up? Mine disappeared under one of the boxes of Grandma stuff. :rolleyes: Also nut butters are a great source of veggie protein. We dont' do much peanut butter in our house due to food allergies but we like almond butter, cashew-macadamia butter, hazelnut butter and sunflower seed butter. There is also good natural peanut butter (but not that smuckers stuff!) and soy nut butter that is ok. It can be a bit dry though.

The one downside I can see to doing SB as a vegan would be that phase one would be very monotonous. Again, I don't have my book but things like lentils, meat substitutes and some beans aren't allowed until phase 2.

Good luck!

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QT, sorry about the abbreviation. WOE is "way of eating". Just the word "diet" alone is enough to sabotage your success because of the negative connotation it has for many people. Truly eating the SBD way (or other such healthier eating plans) is really a change in life style or "way of eating". It makes you much more aware of what foods you're eating and why.

Great info, Tami. Glad your DH is doing well. How soon before he'll be up and about again?

I am so relieved that Sheila was able to go on her cruise. For a while there it looked like the Fates were conspiring against her.

Everybody have a great holiday weekend... and try to avoid those buns, chips, etc. A lean hot dog or burger on a low-carb tortilla shell is really pretty tasty!

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Tami, I sure hope your DH is only on the crutches for a couple weeks instead of 5. I've never had to use them, but I heard they get "real old, real fast".

We've got all the major stuff packed in 4 suitcases. Just have to do the toiletries and other carry on items. My stomach is just in knots with the pre-vacation anxiety. I had done very well the past 2 trips, but this time is nerve-wracking again. I think a big part of it is leaving our oldest dog with a new pet sitter. The other 2 are going to DD's. DD is so afraid that the ol girl will have another stroke while we're gone, and she's just not able to deal with the possibility. The vet assures me Shelby will be fine and most comfortable at home, but it's still hard.

B-I-L wasn't released from the hospital til Sunday afternoon. He's home now and able to visit with his sister and her family who are visiting from England. His mom has been with him since back in April. She came the first time he was hospitalized. She has to go back to England at some time, but plans to return as quickly as she can since he is so seriously ill.

I did terrible this weekend. I skipped the buns, but had sweetened baked beans and a Brownie Friday night and fried fish for lunch and pizza for dinner the Saturday. It was "back on the beach" yesterday and today. I think the carbs also are adding to the anxiety feelings. I just don't tolerate them well anymore.

How did you all do this long weekend?
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I was a bad girl this weekend. I went to a graduation party and had enchiladas for dinner and cake for dessert. There wasn't really anything SBD friendly at this party. I hate how I feel when I go back to eating that junk!:(

On a more positive note, I went out to eat with friends at TGI Friday's and was very good. I was tempted to splurge and eat something I shouldn't but I was strong and ordered a large dinner salad that was quite good.:) And then today, I took my kids to Mc Donald's for lunch and I ate a salad while my kids indulged in cheeseburgers and french fries. Watching them eat french fries was hard but I didn't waiver, I didn't put one fry into my mouth.:D

I just keep on track by thinking of my cruise in December and how I'll look on the beach or by the pool if I don't lose some more weight. I also try to think of how I'll feel after I eat something I'm not supposed to. It's easy to think of how great that food is going to taste but I often forget about how bad it makes me feel afterwards. After all of those carbs, my cravings are back and I'm trying to get back on track. Wish me good luck!

Thanks for explaining WOE to me. That makes a lot of sense. I'm trying to think of SBD as a way of life for me. I keep telling myself that eating healthy like this is going to extend my life and make my life more enjoyable.
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QT, It sounds like you are doing well and have a good attitude. We all "cheat" every now and then. As long as it's just occasionally it won't hurt, and may actually help since you won't be as likely to binge if you don't feel you've been denying yourself. It seems like after awhile the tempations lessen because the "bad" foods just don't taste that great anymore. You'll look and feel great on your cruise and will be glad you stuck with it.

DH had to go out of town this week, and almost had trouble getting back. His company vehicle started having problems, and he wasn't sure he'd make it to our local repair shop. The good news is that the repair should be done by tomorrow morning. We've been planning to take that vehicle to Louisvile so we won't have to leave my new car at the hotel or airport for 2 weeks. Plan B, if the truck isn't ready, is to leave my car at our former neighbor's house outside Louisville. They'll take us to the airport tomorrow night, and we can "cab" back to their house after the trip and pick up my car.

We leave tomorrow morning for Louisville. I've got to finish doing some last min. cleaning for our pet sitter. Her mom is a friend of mine and mentioned she and her hubby will be coming over occasionally, too.

"See" you in 2 weeks. Shae
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I've been getting pretty bored with the snack choices I have at home, so I went to Albertson's and did a thorough search of the store for SBD friendly snack foods. I found "Lowrey's" microwave pork rinds that taste pretty decent and satisfy my craving for chips. They have 2g. of fat, 1g. of carbs, and 9g. of protein per serving. They taste great with salsa. I dip them just like you would tortilla chips.;) I also found "Jolly Time Healthy Pop" microwavable popcorn. It is 94% fat free and is trans fat free. Each serving has only 2g. of fat, 14g. of carbs, and 3g. of protein. The serving size is 5 cups of popcorn.

What do you think about these new snacks I got? Do you think they're okay for the SBD diet? Have you got any other ideas for quick easy snacks?:confused:
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Hi everyone! I've been really off my routine this week with DH home so I haven't gotten to check in. I'm hanging in there though. DH is doing well, although he's already bored. He goes back to the doctor tomorrow.

We're camping this weekend so I stopped in at the low carb store to get some snacks and they have low carb MARSHMALLOWS! :eek: I had to get some. I've got low carb chocolate and I made some oatmeal cookies from almond flour so I'm gonna try to make a low carb smore! I'll let you know how that goes. :rolleyes:

Talk to you monday or so.

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Hi everyone! I'm back from my cruise and worn out! We drove 12-hours yesterday from Miami. What a trip! I gained 7 lbs! :eek: :eek: :eek: Needless to say, I'll be back on Phase 1 this week because my sugar/bad carb cravings are threw the roof!

I'll check back in later...probably tomorrow. I've got tons of laundry and unpacking to do!
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Hi All

I guess I"m doing a post-cruise and pre-cruise diet right now. Just got off a cruise a week ago and have another planned for September. I'm in phase one of the diet, and have been having a really hard time on the weekends. We had friends over for dinner, so we could control what was prepared, and someone brought over a pie. I didn't want to seem rude, so I cut myself a sliver. I sure did regret it in the morning. How do you guys handle these situations?
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Suzen, I have the same problem you do. Just about every weekend my family and a number of our friends come over and play cards and eat dinner. We live in a small town and there's not much to do. Plus, my husband and I LOVE to play spades. The problem is, the dinner is pot luck and there's lots of food around that's a no-no on the SBD diet. :(

What I have started doing was making my own SBD desserts so that I'm not tempted. You can take any cheesecake recipe and just switch Splenda for sugar since Splenda is made from sugar and can be used when baking. Most of the ingredients in a cheesecake are okay except for the sugar and the cookie crumbs in the crust. I put almonds in a food processor and get them looking like cookie crumbs and then use them to make my crust for the cheesecake. I just substitute the almond crumbs for the cookie crumbs and then follow the recipe. And people never know the difference, in fact they say it is the best cheesecake they have ever had and ask for the recipe. I think the almond crust makes it taste much better.:)
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Hi everyone- Went camping this weekend and boy am I tired! I walked 21,000 steps on Friday, 16,000 on Sat and 14,000 on Sunday. :eek: You'd think I'd have lost weight, but not so. Just maintained.

Sheila- Glad you're back! Fill us in when you get time.

Suzen- Weekends are tough. I agree with QT though. Take your own dessert. You can also use that almond flour in place of regular flour in oatmeal cookies or zucchini muffins when you get into phase 2. I also like to use raw pumpkin seeds and process them into flour for baking.

QT- I wish you lived closer. I haven't played spades in years. We also get together with friends almost every weekend and play German board games. I used to hate "bored" games that we played around here but these german ones like Puerto Rico or Settlers of Cataan require thought. I've gotten lucky because several of the women in the group are or are trying to get pregnant. Theyve been bringing lots of fresh fruits and veggies lately.

Also, for your cheesecake, try substituting hazelnuts for the almonds sometime. You can make a really great marbled cheesecake by removing about 1/2 a cup of the batter and stirring some melted sugarless chocolate into it. Spoon it onto the rest of the cheesecake batter in the pan and then use a butter knife to swirl it. This one's really good with the hazelnut crust.

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Hi everyone! The cruise was fantastic. I have a severe case of PCD! :( I had to cook my first meal last night and it was NOT fun...LOL! Where is my waiter and chef? Oh, and cabin steward?!!! LOL

I put on 7 lbs as I stated earlier. I weighed this morning and I'm down 1.5 lbs. I started back on Phase 1 today so I hope to get the rest off soon.

How has everyone else been while I've been away?

Have a great day!
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Ok everyone line up! It's time to Conga. Ready? One, Two THREE: Grandma's house is Du-un! Grandma's house is done, Yeah! :D I turned the keys in yesterday! I'm so relieved to have it over and done with.

DD and I celebrated with a trip to India Palace so I maintained yesterday but I don't even care. Im changing around my exercise program again so I can do my 50 minute water aerobics whenever possible. I'm also including more strength training even though I don't really like it. Gotta do something different.

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Hi everyone,
I'm back! I'm just getting over post-cruise depression too! I had a day to do laundry and family birthday party before I had to kiss my husband goodbye again. We got back Sunday before memorial day just in time to go to bed. On Tuesday morning, my husband flew out to Toronto at 6am! I felt so bad for him. I was happy to be be home, but bummed because once again I was missing my husband! I think I'm finally back in the swing of things! We had our a/c die on us so I've had to deal with that. My scrappbooking room is upstairs (where it's so hot!) so I haven't gotten anything done. We did manage to get all of our digital pictures labeled and organized, but nothing printed up yet. Needless to say, I didn't stick to SBD on the cruise and subsequent land trip. The cruise food was too tempting, and I didn't have much choices on the land tour. However, we did a ton of walking (we tend to do our vacations on the move) so I actually lost a pound. This week I lost a few more, but I still have been overdoing the bad carbs as opposed to eat more protein and good carbs. I hope everyone is doing well. I missed reading and seeing what is going on with everyone. Jori
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Tami ~ Congratulations on getting everything settled at your GM!! I know you are relieved. :D

Jori ~ I'm suffering from PCD also! When we got home from our cruise, our A/C had died also. What a coincidence!
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