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Jori and Sheila- Ugh! I hope your AC woes don't spread to the rest of us! It's been 90 and HUMID here every day for the past week. My sister's AC went out in her car this week too. The only good thing about this weather is that the pool water is 90+ so swimming and water aerobics are wonderful!
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Sheila- It's a great workout. I don't do the whole music thing with it becuase I'd never hear it over the kids anyway, but I still enjoy it. I love being in the water anyway. I just wish our pool was big enough to swim laps.

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I have been lurking here for MANY months. You guys inspire me. However, it is time to join in. I have been largly following SBD at a PH 1.2 level for about 1 year.

[I]Jori and Sheila- Ugh! I hope your AC woes don't spread to the rest of us! [/I] It's been 90 and HUMID here every day for the past week. It has been much the same in metro Chicago for a week now w/ several more days forcast. Got caught in a "can barely see" downpour 1/2 mile from home after DD's wedding shower today.

You all talk about excercise but I, personally, am nearly phobic(anti). By the time I work FT, cover stuff like moving, Dr. appts and special treatments and/or tests for my nearly 87 y/o father, grocery shop, clean my 11 room house (some weeks), cook decent lunches and dinners most days, do my own laundry and often my fathers, work w/ DDs re: first grandchild due 7/29 and wedding of younger DD in Sept I am ALL out of time/energy.

Diet control is my ONLY current option.
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Hi all -

What kind of success are you all having with SB? I need to find a healthier eating plan which will allow me to lose about 60 lbs. in "however long it takes". I'm only looking at it 5-lbs-at-a-time. I have a good friend who is having amazing success with SB but I'm not sure that everyone has that kind of success, is it possible that different body types and different metabolisms react differently to SB?

Can anyone recommend the SB Online subscription? Will that give me all the info I need to get started and stay on program, or do you recommend that I just buy the book? I'm looking for the maximum amount of info, I realize the online program is more expensive than a book, but is the amount of info on the website worth it?

I'd appreciate any info or links that you can give this SB newby?
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Good morning friends! Remember I told y'all that I was going back on Phase 1 to get rid of my cravings? Well, I did it for one day and they are gone. So, I'm on Phase 2, which seems to be still working okay. I've lost 2 lbs in one week.

Holly & Joy ~ I'm so glad you both decided to post after lurking! We need more members to keep us all going strong.

Holly ~ About your exercise, I think you just need to get some in whenever you can whether it is 10 mins or 30 mins. Just walk 10 mins in the mornings and 10 mins in the evenings. 20 minutes is better than nothing. Also, it sounds like you're already quite active with your life. At least you aren't sitting on your rear all day/night. You aren't actually required to exercise on SB, but it does help keep the metabolism going and helps you to lose faster. Just do what you can and hopefully your success will continue. :D

Joy ~ I lose weight very slowly on SB. It is all about getting heathly. The weight loss is just the icing on the cake. ;) I think that Juli has the online subscription but says it is not worth the money. I use Prevention's web site a lot for addtional help. They have a SB board on there that is really helpful. [url]www.prevention.com[/url]. BTW, I've lost around 50 lbs. I've lost more than that, but have gained it back during Christmas & vacations. I have another 15-20 lbs to lose. I'll play it by ear. Take care!

Tami ~ I had a full-sized pool at my old house and I still didn't swim laps. I did swim some and tried to do water aerobics, but didn't know enough about it to know what to do. Now, I don't have a pool. :( DH refuses to get another one because of the maintenance. Our son doesn't like to swim so it would just probably be me using the pool. You're lucky to have one. Enjoy it!
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Hi all- DH got released to go back to work this weekend so I'm going to have to get back into my routine. That includes checking in, getting back on WOE and exercise.

We had some grandma drama over the weekend although not as much as the weekend nurse made it seem. I went in to visit monday morning to see what was going on because it sounded like she was beginning to get another blockage like she had in Feb. However, in talking to the charge nurse for the unit I found out that Grandma just had a touch of stomach bug which was going around the facility. :rolleyes: Still not good, but not cause for major alarm either. She goes to an orthopaedic guy tomorrow because she still has a sore on her foot. She hasn't walked in a month and can't even get out of bed by herself. I'm so frustrated! When she first got to the facility we thought she'd only be there a month to recover and then move into assisted living but she's refusing to do anything! I don't think she really cares anymore. :mad: Oh well, what can you do?

Holly- OMG I think I finally found someone busier than me! I have 3 kids age 5-9 and one on the way. I also homeschool which is my fulltime job. :D Try getting a pedometer and logging your steps. If you can get at least 10,000 a day it will really help. I know that's why I maintained instead of gained while I was dealing with all my Grandma's drama since Christmas.

Sheila- We're going away tomorrow but on Friday I will be back with a new determination and attitude about losing the rest of this weight. Call me out if I don't follow through, please. I need a good kick in the butt!

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Tami ~ Sorry to hear about your GM. They can be very frustrating!!! Thank goodness my parents take care of my Dad's mom or I'd go crazy! She almost caused my mom to have a nervous breakdown. Hang in there, girl! I guess we both need to keep each other in line. I'm going to the lake this weekend and I know I won't be good. The summer months are so hard for me because we socialize a lot. I'm going to try my best though! At least I did get my workout in last night. I felt much better!
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Hello Ladies ~

I am back. Can't believe how long I have been away. Moving completely consumed all of my time! But things are getting back to normal.

The house is wonderful and I am enjoying it so much.

It appears to be good to live so far up in the mountains. I am not running into town for dinner just because I don't want to cook. We are 20 minutes from town and it is easier to eat at home than to go out.

I haven't done well on SB now since the vacation in May. I also have no idea if I have gained any weight. I haven't found the scale yet. This weekend we will be unpacking more boxes, so maybe it will turn up.

Joy ~ I did subscribe to the SB website, but did not find it helpful. It seemed like a waste of money so I dropped it. I think the site that Shelia frequents is much better and it is free. I do highly suggest picking up the book and using it.

Tami ~ Glad to hear that Dh's foot is healing so well. I have a friend that was in a car accident a little over a week ago. She injured her foot and is now not able to put any weight on it for 4 months! She is not handling the situation very well because she likes to stay on a dead run.

Time to go find some lunch. I promise to be good. I also need to pull some meat out of the freezer for dinner.

Everyone have a good day!
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Well, life just got a bit crazier.
Dad is all moved and unpacked. He claims not to really like it but it is so much easier on him. In fact he wants to sell his condo right now. Trouble is it should sell for about $150,000 but is such a mess, so toatally dirty, in dire need of paint and carpet he is unlikely to get $100,000 for it. He is refusing to have any fix up work done. The swelling (probably congestive heart failure) in his ankles, legs and right arm has not responded to medication. I forsee a bunch of Dr appts and possible hospitalization in the near future. And dhe has an appt for a back shot on Tue w/ me as post treatment driver and caretaker.

One DD shower is done. Two to go, this Sat and next. This is really sending my schedule into a tailspin. Have not done any housework since May. Sat is usually errand day and Sun chores day.

Contractor woes: just found last Sun that he had unplugged my basemant freezer to plug in his trouble light and forgot to re-plug. This was 2 weeks later. Over $100 meat, chicken, fish, veggies and fruit into the trash, not counting a bunch of prepared ready to go meals that I cannot even put a price on. He says he will reimburse me but I am NOT holding my breath.

Work also has gone nuts. Appears all our staff have forgotten how and when to document their work. I am not just talking about the 1/2 who we generally have problems with but it is becoming endemic over a majority of the staff and me being Quality Assurance a big pain running people down and getting everything written up.
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Good morning! I've been trying to be good and stick with SB-friendly foods, but do have a slip up every once in a while. Why is it so hard to get motivated?

Juli ~ You seem so happy! I'm so glad you love your new home! Things are really looking up for you.

Holly ~ Wow! You seem so stressed! You poor thing! You might want to hire someone to do a total cleaning of your house. It will probably make you feel better and you won't have to do it! :D I hope everything improves for your DF. Good luck with your other DD's showers.

I bought some SB oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies last week and they are good!
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Shelia ~ I haven't found the cookies. I am headed to the store this afternoon to get some Laughing Cow cheese. I will look for the cookies. The store I go to seems to carry the entire SB line so I should be able to find them. I just love that SB is doing this because it makes snacking etc so much easier.
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Hi all, It's been nuts around here. DH is back to work and all the kids are home from camp. We signed them up for fall soccer this weekend. The bed news is that they're in 3 DIFFERENT LEAGUES! :eek: At least the field is a mile from my house. We can walk or ride bikes back and forth.

I found out that Grandma will have to have surgery on her foot that has the infected place. Not sure she's up for the surgery but the doctor said she will get sepsis if it isn't taken care of. GF on other side is not doing well either. They're very much alike though. Their whole life revolved around their spouse and when the spouse died they had nothing to live for in their opinion.

WOE has been awful while DH was off and I'm up 7 pounds. I kept trying to get back on track but it just wasn't working while my routine was so off. So I'm back at it. Don't know that I'll make much progress today since we have a birthday/fathersday cookout but I did make a low carb cheesecake and a sugarless fruit salad to take. Next weekend is camping and a family reunion so I have to figure out some sort of survival plan for that. I did find sugarless marshmallows for smores. Now I just have to get some SF graham crackers! :rolleyes:

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I am all too familiar w/ non-healing foot infections. They usually result from compromised circulation most frequently due to blockages in the relevant arteries and/or diabeties. Late hubby suffered from these problems from 1996 until his death 8/03. If the underlying causes are not diagnosed and remedied it is highly unlikely the open wound will ever heal properly.

Good News: this type surgery is very easy on a patient of any age. It is called a debridement. It is most frequently done under a local or caudal block anesthetic which is much easier and safer than a general.
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Went to Albertson's on Friday night. I didn't find the cookies.:mad:

Have fallen deeply in love with Laughing Cow cheese! I just have to watch how much I eat. That stuff is SO good. DH got a kick out of me last night when I had the cheese as my desert. He opted for ice cream.
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Hi everyone! I was sooo bad this past weekend! I even ate apple pie with ice cream last night! I have NO willpower on the weekends at all! I need a quick kick in the rear!

Tami ~ Sorry to hear about your GM. Hopefully, the surgery will help.

Juli ~ Winn Dixie and Wal-Mart carry the SB cookies. Good luck finding them.

Shae ~ If you're reading this...please post and let us know how you're doing. I miss you!
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I'm still new to this diet and I'm having a tough time with it. I did Phase 1 and then went into Phase 2 but didn't lose weight because I was on my period and got really disappointed. Then after only a couple weeks of Phase 2, we went on our vacation to Destin, Florida. We stayed at a lovely condo right on the beach with a huge balcony that faced the ocean. As the days wore on I got more and more away from my good eating habits. One little bite of chips led to eating the whole bag. Then my husband decided to treat everyone to a huge box of Krispy Kreme donuts. I can't say no to Krispy Kreme donuts. Well, anyway, to make a long story short just let me say that I ate donuts, chips, loaded baked potatoes, nachos, and everything else that I wasn't supposed to eat.:(

We just got back from our trip yesterday which was 9 days long and I'm exhausted and feeling pretty guilty. After 9 days of binge eating and carb loading I'm beginning to wonder if I can handle this type of diet. I'm worried that I won't be able to stick to it and lose the weight. I'm going to another graduation party this Saturday and I'm afraid of cheating again. We have a cruise coming up on the Grand Princess this December 3rd and I really want to look good in a swimsuit. Going back onto Phase 1 is very depressing as it was very hard for me. I guess that's what I really need to do since I've got the carb cravings back, I just don't look forward to doing the whole 2 week phase 2 thing again.:eek:

Has anyone got any advice or ideas to help me get my mindset on getting this weight off?
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Cruinsinqt~ You don't need to go back on Phase 2 for 2 weeks unless you want to. You only need to go on it long enough to break your carb cravings.

The other suggestion I would make is to stop looking at SB as a diet and start looking at it as a lifestyle and a WOE (way of eating) for life.

You also need to remember that SB is intended to be a healthy way of eating and that the weight loss is a by product of healthy eating. If you haven't gotten the book and read it, I would highly suggest that you do that. It will help you understand SB and might even help give you the 'umph' to get back on track.

Good luck. You can do this, just keep telling yourself 'yes I can!'
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Great post, Juli! I totally agree with everything you said.

QT ~ Go back on Phase 1 for two days and see if your cravings are in check. If not, add another day until they are. I simply cannot go back on Phase 1 for 14 days either. Good luck!
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I already have the SB diet book and the "Good Carbs, Good Fats" book. I know I should think of this as a way of eating and not a diet, but sometimes I get a little bummed out and that's when I revert to the " this diet is hard" attitude. Thanks for reminding me of how important it is to have the right attitude.;)

This morning I stopped by the post office to pick up all of our accumulated mail while we were on vacation and the SB cookbook was there.:) My husband surprised me and ordered it for me right before we left for vacation. I think he was feeling pretty guilty because I chewed him out for not supporting me and constantly wrecking my diet. He's always buying big bags of candy bars, boxes of Krispy Kreme's, and large containers of ice cream. He has a sweet tooth but doesn't gain much weight because he's so big, he's 6'6" tall. At that height he can eat a lot of stuff and never gain weight. I tell him to not bring all of that sweet stuff home because it tempts me, but he just can't help himself. My friends tell me that I'm lucky because after 13 years of marriage he has never once made an unkind remark about my weight, it doesn't seem to bother him. But it bothers me a lot and I really want to do something about it.

Thanks for giving me a little encouragement, I needed it. I've been going through my new SB cookbook and I'm feeling a lot more positive now. I love to cook and there are a lot of really good recipes in there. I think I'll make a grocery list and go by the store today so I can try out some of these recipes. The spice rubbed chicken fingers with cilantro dipping sauce sounds very good and its a phase 1 recipe. If anyone wants a recipe tell me what you're looking for and I look it up in my SB cookbook and give you the recipe.

I haven't really lost much weight on this diet yet because of my vacation. Do you think I should try to do the entire phase 1 for 2 weeks? I think a big weight loss up front will motivate me. But on the other hand, phase 1 is very strict and I may not last the entire 2 weeks. I don't want to get bummed out because I didn't stick to it the first 2 weeks. Will I still lose a bunch of weight if I only do phase 1 for a few days and then go right into phase 2?:confused:
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