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South Beach Dieters Group Meet Here!


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Hi All

Took a nice walk on the beach early this morning. Nice sea breeze but getting humid. Made a great stir fry last night with chicken and loads of veggies. Good change from meat with salad. Have been on phase for about 3 weeks because I cheated with a drink because of company. The hardest thing for me is trying to say true to the plan when having company or going out with people. Also at work, the drug reps bring in a lot of food which is hard to resist. But doing better than I thought I could do. I have lost 2 more pounds this week. I think drinking all the water and exercise I have been doing keeps me losing so far. So keep drinking water and make sure you exercise. think I may start to ease into phase two and up the exercise a notch.

I use to hate clothes shopping for cruises as I never could get what I really wanted to get. If I keep up all the above I may enjoy shopping for my future cruises. Guess that may be a motivator. :D

So hang in there everyone. We all can do it for our health and feeling good about ourselves.

enjoy your day :)

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Weird Eyes

This weekend I finally bought all the ingredients for your pizza recipe (sounds
so good). I know this is probably a stupid question, but do you split the pitas in half and put on toppings or do you use them whole as they come in the package?

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Sandy, I tried Weirdeyes pizza recipe with the pita bread just like it was without splitting it in two and it was great!:) Looking at the pita bread, I think it would be hard to split them in half for 2 pizzas without them falling apart. Today, I decided to just use the whole wheat tortillas that were less carbs and thinner. I liked this a lot. I crisped the tortillas in the toaster oven for just a couple minutes. Then I put the pizza toppings on it and put it back in the toaster oven for 8-10 minutes. I liked this even better since I'm a thin crust pizza lover. ;) Try the turkey pepperoni that's 70% less fat and 0 carbs. They really do taste like real pepperoni!:D When my friends came over to play cards I made a tray of snacks with low fat cheese squares, turkey pepperoni, olives, baby pickles, and SBD wheat crackers. When I told my friends the pepperoni was turkey pepperoni they didn't believe me until I went and got the package to prove it to them.
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[font=Century Gothic][color=purple]What a cool site! I've been SB'ing about 6 weeks now and lost 12 lbs (I must confess I gained some of it back when life got a bit crazed, but I'm working at it again)...[/color][/font]

[font=Century Gothic][color=purple]I've been looking at this site because we are taking our first cruise since our honeymoon 20 years ago this Christmas. We'll be on the Carnival Legend from Dec. 27 - Jan. 4 -- which is lovely motivation to lose weight! Like I said, I've lost 12 so far and would like to be at least another 20 - 25 lbs lighter by then. [/color][/font]

[font=Century Gothic][color=purple]I have five weeks off before classes start again (I decided to go back to law school at age 42 after being a psychotherapist for 17 years...) and I'm concentrating very hard on diet... and added that dreaded "e" word - exercise to my routine. Five weeks of regular gym attendance should have me addicted before classes start...[/color][/font]

[font=Century Gothic][color=purple]Anyway... what a lovely site -- excellent recipes and advice. As someone who did Atkins for a while, I'm liking SB a lot, but still having the trouble making the complete switch. (All I know is that I like SB a whole lot better than high carb, low fat diets!) I'm hoping to be a regular... lol... at least until classes begin again![/color][/font]
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Good luck in your career change. I have been a psychotherapist for almost 20 years now. I run around alot but sit down plenty to. Boy sitting down sure takes a toll on your body. Just started getting serious about going to the gym more often. It is needly badly. SB has been great. I us e to do Akins but able to go the yard with SB. A much heathly way of eating for me. I also lost about 15 and need to lose another 25 also. I agree this is a great site for both support and knowledge. :)
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[quote name='cruisingsouth']Weird Eyes

This weekend I finally bought all the ingredients for your pizza recipe (sounds
so good). I know this is probably a stupid question, but do you split the pitas in half and put on toppings or do you use them whole as they come in the package?

Sandy ~ Not dumb at all! Use them whole. ;) I can't wait to get back on Phase 2 so I have my pizza!

QT ~ I like the turkey pepperoni MUCH better than the regular....too much grease for my taste. I'm not a fan of greasy foods. I hate it when my tongue feels like an oil slick! LOL

Shelley ~ Welcome! You're doing great!!!

I'm so glad we have so many new members joining us!! I'm trying to get used to everyone's names, etc., but I know that will take time. It is nice that we can all keep each other motivated!!

I didn't sit down yesterday and scrubbed my hardwood floors (3 rooms) on my hands and knees! Talk about a workout! LOL I'm trying to stay off the scale until our weigh-in on Thursday. I start back on my regular workouts tonight. I need to lose a lot of inches. :D
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Hi all- I'm a happy camper this morning. I lost my pound and a half of salt weight from the campfire food. I don't figure the extra salt will be a problem when we're camping because we'll sweat alot more.

QT- I use pizza fillings and tortillas and make a quesadilla out of it. Much easier to eat. We like mushrooms, canadian bacon and turkey pepperoni in ours.

Sheila- I agree about the turkey pepperoni. It's really good.

Well, I'm off. We're going to meet a new homeschooling family with a 9 year old girl today. Oldest DD is looking forward to meeting girls her own age. Her best friend is 2 1/2 years younger. They have loads in common but some times her friend does stuff and DD just can't figure out why. I have to remind her that DF is MUCH younger than she is and she did crap like that at 7 too. :rolleyes: Still, I think sometimes she wonders what planet DF is from. :D

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Welcome Newcomers.

Today was a REALLY ROTTEN day at work. Mon is our busiest day and 2 people of a 5 person dept called in sick. Thats after 1 was out Fri and I was at a seminar all day Thur. My desk has been TOTALLY heaped. Did 1/2 hr overtime and still did not get everything done. And, we have a prohibition on OT. Will nedd to take back the time sometime this week. Need to go in at 6 am Tue to finish.

Have not seen new GD in a week. Did meet my Dad for dinner for his bday on Fri. Laundry and housework are piling up since I am planning my own cruise for Nov (11/27, NCL Jewel)and helping DD plan her honeymoon cruise for Dec (12/18, Liberty). Have a load in the washer now and need to put out garbage and recycle ftonight or Tue pick-up.
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Hi, all and welcome newbies,

It sounds like we're all having very hectic summers this year. I remember those old "lazy, hazy, crazy days" of summer when I had time to do all I needed to do in a day. Where did they go?

Buying new cruise clothes can be an excellent motivator. It is fun to buy new stuff that's a smaller size.

Last night was our 35th wedding anniversary. DH and I went to our favorite restaurant last night which is in a small German town north of Evansville. We both cheated and had their "can't-resisit-these German fried potatoes". I guess we're getting so used to the SB way of eating that a few bites of the potatoes were enough to satisfy. The waitress asked if anything was wrong with them since I'm sure she usually sees theml disappear before her eyes.

D-I-L mentioned a new restaurant in Evansville called Nothing But Noodles. Not anywhere I'm likely to go... even though she said they "have a bunch of low-carb selections". I didn't explain that low-carb still isn't necessarily healthy carb or that many "low carb" pastas are pretty awful.

I'm going to go back through my SB cookbook and look for some new ideas for dinners. I get pretty lax in the summer and just rely on grilled chicken, steak, low fat burgers (no buns), etc.

Sheila, DGD's quilt is coming along so well. She's so excited about making it. She finished making her rows of blocks this morning and sewed the first 2 rows to each other. She wants to sew the other rows together after lunch so she can add the 2 borders. She also requested that I take her picture with her first rows so she can give Mommy and Daddy the picture with the quilt. I suggested giving them the quilt at the baby shower in early Aug, but she wants to wait and give it to them when her baby brother is born. She has decided, though, that quilting takes too long, so she no longer wants to make a quilt for her baby cousin. "I'll leave that one up to you, Gram" she told me.
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Hello All ~

Typical Monday yesterday. I was extremely busy and the DH worked extremely late. (past 10:00pm) Today isn't as wild.

For some reason I have been starving lately. I have been craming food in my mouth faster than I can make it! Not sure what is going on. If I didn't know better, I would think that I was eating for two, but that is impossible! (too many parts are missing.:p )

Holly ~ You do sound busy and stressed. Take a couple moments out for yourself and soak in a bubble bath. It always relaxes me.

Shae ~ You GD sounds so cute. How old is she?
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[font=Comic Sans MS][color=black]Sheila.... what a cutie you dgd is! So glad you're enjoying her and teaching her one of the 'lost arts.' I have such fond memories of my grandmother teaching me to knit, crochet, and embroider.[/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=black][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=black]I did something good today -- I had my first session with a personal trainer. I told her I had a cruise to go on at the end of December... and I didn't want anyone yelling "Thar she bloooowwwsssss" if I got near the pool! She was very optimistic that I could accomplish the goals I've set for myself. I also gave her permission to work my butt off![/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=black][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=black]We had pork chops for dinner tonight, brushed with a little bit of a honey mustard sauce. Probably a bit high in sugar, but there was so little on the chop... maybe a tsp total. I did stirfry some zucchini -- saute in a bit of oil until tender-crisp then add 2 tbs of vinegar mixed with 2 tbs of splenda -- it's wonderful![/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkorchid][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=black]I[color=black] have a recipe for a broccoli- red pepper salad that I'll post soon. It's easy to make... stays in the frig for about five days and is delicious! I love to cook... it's just hard for me to actually share recipes because I don't measure, unless it's a baked good.[/color][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=black][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkorchid][color=black]South Beach well, everyone![/color] [/color][/font]
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I'm kind of depressed right now because my beloved dog of 13 and 1/2 years passed away Sunday.:( My husband bought her for me as an anniversary present and she meant a lot to both of us. I still remember when he handed me that little black puppy with a big red bow on her head. She was a Bouvier De Flander, they look kind of like a giant schnauzer. She was old and the vet told us he didn't expect her to live much longer mainly because of her age. I keep telling myself that she passed on peacefully in her sleep and had a long, good life. That helps a little. I still miss her though. Even my husband cried when we buried her. I've been stress eating lately and am trying to get back on track.
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I am planning on taking a "I deserve it" day next week on Mon or Fri, commonly known as a vacation day. I am making plans to drive out to my youngest DD's and hitting the outlet mall near her. Shop for new sandals for the cruise and baby stuff at the clearance sales. We'll do lunch out and maybe I will stay fior dinner but it is a 1 1/2 hour drive each way.

We were back at full staff at work on Mon so it did become somewhat easier. I plan to go see my oldest and new GD this eve so I made a batch of tofu stroganoff for all our dinners last nite.
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[color=black] [/color]
[color=black]I am so sorry about the loss of your dog... our dogs are such an important part of our lives -- when they are gone, it is such a loss. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon.[/color]
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Hey y'all! ;) (I am Southern, after all.)

Shelley ~ It is Shae that has the DGD, not me. My son is only 17! :eek: LOL

QT ~ I am also so sorry to hear about your dog. When my little poochy passes, I'll be heartbroken so I totally understand. I'll keep you & your DH in my thoughts.

Holly ~ Have a great time on your "deserve it" day! You know you really do deserve it.

I did lunges & squats last night and I can already tell that my legs will be screaming soon!
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QT, I'm so very sorry about your dog. We just lost our 14 year old Aust. Shepherd in June. Even though we still have 2 other wonderful dogs, I miss her terribly. Some days are much harder than others. DGD reminded me that she is up in heaven with our little Sheltie who died 5 years ago, and that our Sheltie would be sure to show her where they eat, sleep, play and go potty. Somehow she knew that thought would make me feel much better.

Juli, DGD is 6 and a half. She's our only grandchild right now, but will soon share the spotlight with a new brother and cousin, plus a new cousin on her mom's side of the family. Luckily, she doesn't seem to feel too threatened, and is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the babies.

Sheila, hopefully it will be many years before you're a grammy, too.

Shelly, I hope you enjoy your personal trainer. If you get the right one it can make exercising so much more enjoyable. It sounds like the 2 of you clicked well.

I've been thrilled that my DGD has been so interested in both quilting and gardening, since my kids aren't. Well, they do like to garden, but don't have much time to do so. DGD actually started her very first little random patch quilt a couple of years ago, but lost interest in it. I didn't push it. She thought about finishing that one for her brother, but decided it was too girlish and she wanted to pick out a pattern by herself and all the fabrics. She's also a junior irisarian. She made her first hybrid crosses last spring (04) and has 13 seedlings that have sprouted. It would be rather ironic if she gets her first registered new iris before I do! The seedlings won't bloom til next spring or the year after, but she is amazingly patient. Gotta go buy a new garden cart. My old one broke!
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Finally have some time to talk.

Just finished a salad of califlower and broccoli. That wasn't bad. The hard salami and cheese that I had beforehand wasn't too good. Luckily it was only 4 pieces. I have done really well on water today and am already on my 4th glass. I have been so awful at drinking lately that I know I am causing damage to my kidneys and I have got to stop it! I am determined to drink more water. (gulp, gulp, gulp)

Shae ~ My DM does quilting so I told her about your GD. She was so impressed that she had the patience at such a young age to quilt.

Sheila ~ Be careful exercising. I really do hope that it helps your back.

QT ~ So sorry to hear about your dog. We lost our cat of 16 years just a month ago. It was really pretty sad, but her kidney and liver had failed and the kindest thing we could do was put her to sleep. We have her buried in our backyard and it feels good to know where she is.

I've got some time so I am going to go check out some more sites. Liberty launched today and I am looking for information on her.
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Thanks for the kind thoughts guys, I needed it.:) Last night I laid in bed but couldn't go to sleep because of thoughts of my dog. During the day when I'm busy it's not so bad, but at night when I lay down to sleep the thoughts of her keep flooding my brain and I get sad. We had her long before the kids came along and even had portraits done of her and us together. She was like a child to us. She had a very good long life and died peacefully in her sleep and it helps me a lot knowing that.

I have a question, in the "Good Carbs, Good Fats" book pudding is listed under desserts as not allowed. It even says instant pudding that's sugar free and low fat is not allowed. I love those sugar free, low fat Jello pudding cups but stopped because it was not allowed. Then when I read the list of items that you can reintroduce to your diet once you go into Phase 2, it lists sugar free, fat free pudding as an acceptable food to eat on Phase 2. Is the pudding that's listed under desserts as not allowed a different type of pudding? It describes it as "instant pudding" that's sugar free and made with reduced fat milk. Perhaps they are talking about the sugar free pudding mixes. Are the ready made Jello pudding cups that are sugar free, only 60 calories, and 1.5 grams of fat is okay to eat on Phase 2?:confused:
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Hi everyone! Boy, am I sore today! LOL It is a good sore though. ;)

Juli ~ I promise I'll be careful. Thanks for being so sweet.

QT ~ I actually do eat the sugar-free, low-fat Jell-o pudding cups. They are only 60 calories and 1.5 grams of fat. I mean jeez! I can't give up everything; like my chocolate and this is the best choice for me to get my chocolate fix. From what I've found out, you have to try different things in your diet. If you eat the pudding and it slows your weight loss; don't eat it. It doesn't slow mine. Now, nuts on the otherhand does. And they are completely legal. It really depends on your body. That's my answer and I'm sticking to it. ;)
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[font=Century Gothic][color=black]I added the SF pudding MIXES back in on Phase 2 but the chocolate is 80 cals with 1% milk. I'm switching to the SF cups! And considering I only eat pudding every other day or so, that sounds like a good way to do it![/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=black][/color][/font]
[font=Century Gothic][color=black]We had company for dinner a few weeks ago and for dessert I made Chocolate-Peanut Butter Parfaits. You make on SF FF chocolate pudding. Mix 2 tbs of crunchy peanut butter with 2 tbs 1% milk and then add to 1 cup of lite Cool Whip. Put 1/3 cup of the pudding in 6 parfait (I use narrow wine glasses), spoon in the peanut buttter mixture and top with a remaining 1/3 cup of pudding. 70 cals, 2.5 g fat, 9 carbs. And it's really yummy![/color][/font]

And woo hoo-- my ab muscles are a little sore this morning! I actually worked them!
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