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So are you all saying that the pre-made jello pudding cups are fine, but the mixes are not? I've been staying away from pudding, but it would be nice to add another treat.

I can not figure out what is going on right now. I have been starving and eating like a cow. I haven't been eating bad things, just a lot of it. I have also started having a problem with eating to close to bed time. I was trying to not eat atleast an hour and a half before bedtime, but last night I ate 2 hours before I went to bed and I still had problems. I'm just going to have to start eating dinner around 6-7 and let Scott eat when he gets home. I'm not sure what is going on, maybe just old age. LOL;)
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Juli ~ I don't know if the 60 cal pudding cups are completely legal on Phase 1 or not. I know that I eat them and they don't affect my weight loss. I might post this question on Prevention's web site and see what I get back. I don't like eating close to bed time either. It makes me feel yucky.
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[color=black]Okay...the book says.. "treats must be less than 75 calories PER DAY." I've taken this to mean that if I have a treat (or treats) that it can be almost anything that I want as long as it is less than 75 calories. With that being said, I still try to limit that cals to that and also make sure it is SF and low fat. [/color]
[color=black] [/color]
[color=black]I think the pudding mixes are okay... I really like them and it seems like there is more in a mix than in a little container. The chocolate is the only one that is higher than 75, so I make it using the parfait recipe. I think the cheesecake is pretty yummy![/color]
[color=black] [/color]
[color=black]Hope this helps clarify things...[/color]
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[quote name='Shelley9962'][color=black]Okay...the book says.. "treats must be less than 75 calories PER DAY." I've taken this to mean that if I have a treat (or treats) that it can be almost anything that I want as long as it is less than 75 calories. With that being said, I still try to limit that cals to that and also make sure it is SF and low fat. [/color]

[color=black]I think the pudding mixes are okay... I really like them and it seems like there is more in a mix than in a little container. The chocolate is the only one that is higher than 75, so I make it using the parfait recipe. I think the cheesecake is pretty yummy![/color]

[color=black]Hope this helps clarify things...[/color][/QUOTE][size=4]Thanks for this info Shelley.:cool: I was looking at these but thought they were forbidden. I put them on my shopping list as I was looking for a new treat!!:) [/size]
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Hi everyone- It's been another zoo-ey week, but mostly I had a hard time getting onto the boards. I kept getting wierd messages that I didn't have time to figure out. Then last night I had the time, but the weather was horrible. I had the computer shut down all night due to the lightning. It was COOL though. The kids and I played games and watched the free show. I am lucky because all the kids are past the "storm scared" stage and into the "storm geek" stage like their mama. :D When they are old enough to be without me for 3 weeks there's a class at Ball State that I'd LOVE to take. They spend 3 weeks chasing storms and studying tornados every year.

Anyway, tonight the planets finally aligned so that I could get on and figure out the issue and I popped right into the boards with no problem. :rolleyes: I should be packing for our camping trip next week but I'm tired so I'm doing this instead.

I have lost the 6 pounds I picked up so I'm a happy camper. I just hope I can keep it up for the camping trip. Hopefully none of the other families brings a bunch of junk for our communal meals. They are supposed to stick to the preplanned things but occasionally someone tries to switch things up. Not good for those of us sticking to a WOE or our kids with food allergies. One time youngest DD ended up eating Hebrew National hot dogs for 4 days straight because they were the only things that didn't have corn products at dinner. :rolleyes: Even she was sick of hotdogs after that.

Well, I'm off to bed. Hopefully I'll be able to check back in before we leave Monday.

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I'm so glad that the pudding is legal on phase 2!:) I love it, especially when I layer it in a tall wine glass with SBD whipped cream. It looks so pretty and I feel like I'm having a special treat. My husband thinks I put a lot of effort into making it and always thanks me profusely. Little does he know it's ready made pudding cups layered with ready made SBD whipped cream.;) I do add a little bit of chocolate shavings and a sprinkle of nuts on top to make it look pretty. But honestly, it doesn't take but 5 minutes to prepare. I feel like the woman on the commercial who whips up a quick batch of rice crispy treats and then throws flour all over herself before she emerges from the kitchen to make her family think she's been slaving over a hot stove all day. Remember that commercial?
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GREAT NEWS on the weight loss!!!
[B]Its A Heat Wave, A Tropical Heat Wave[/B] here today

My a/c is running, running, running. AOL is showing 102 with a heat index of 108 at 4:15 pm CDT. I live just north of chicago (1 mile) and 4.5 miles west of Lake Michigan. Have not gone out today. Do NOT plan to. Been on the net checking stuff like air, car, hotel for my 11/27 cruise and DDs honeymoon cruise 12/18. Also doing a bit of cleaning/cooking.

It is supposed to "drop" to a high of 92 on Mon and I have a vacation day shopping trip planned w/ youngest DD, an hour drive away.

For all of you in metro Detroit & NY this is probably what you can expect in the next 12-48 hours. The weather patterns have run that way for many years.
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Hi everyone! I had a great weekend. I shopped all day on Saturday and did nothing yesterday except laundry and read a book. I love having a housekeeper now! LOL I do feel a little guilty being so lazy though. ;) But, it is only one day a week.

Well, I officially lost 4 lbs on Phase 1. I was hoping for at least 6-7 though. I'll be lucky now to lose more than one pound a week. I lose soooo slowly! UGH!

Janice ~ Congrats on the BIG weight loss!! Awesome!!

Tami ~ I love storms also! I really like it when we have a hurricane come that is not too bad so I can watch all of the wind, rain, etc. I know, I'm weird. LOL

Holly ~ It is HOT here also!! I'm sooo sick of it!

QT ~ I made your pudding dessert with the peanut butter this past weekend. Boy, was it good! Thanks!

Have a great day!
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Well, just thought I'd check in before we leave for our camping trip. I cannot BELIEVE that I'm going camping today as it's 97 degrees with a heat index of 105. I would love to just bag it until tomorrow when it's supposed to be cooler. I can't stand heat and humidity and am already counting the days until fall. Today, the first snow of the season is just too far off to think about. I need a ticket to South America right now! :rolleyes:

At least by tomorrow it's supposed to be cooler and then on Wed it's only supposed to get up to 75. That's my kind of camping temperature!

Well, I can't put the packing up off any longer. I'll "talk" to all of you over the weekend.

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It's been ridiculously hot all over the country. A friend in n. CA said it reached 100 there, and my sister in NJ had temps in the mid 90's which is what it is here. My new irises are arriving, but it's just too nasty with the high humidity to try to go out and plant them right now. As Tami mentioned we're supposed to get relief by Wed.

I was really off SB this weekend, and paid for it with hot flashes and that over-all yucky feeling that wasn't just from the heat. I'm back on a "phase 1 and a half" to get the sugar and junk out of my system. If it doesn't work in 2-3 like it usually does I will go back to Phase 1 to get the carbs out of my system.

The sugar-free pudding is usually okay even on Phase 1, but for some people the thickeners (usually corn starch) in it will be enough to slow down freeing you from carb addiction. If you see a stall, a weight gain or a return of carb cravings drop the pudding til later.

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Good morning! I've already hit the Phase 2 stalls! I can't believe it! I weighed this morning and am actually up 1.5 lbs! I keep telling myself that it's the exercise, but I'm not losing inches either. I'll keep at it though. I mean, it has to go somewhere, right?

Shae ~ It is really hot here also. We're averaging around 98 degrees a day. The heat index is over 100. I'm getting very tired of it! I hope you can plant your new irises soon.

Tami ~ Have fun camping!!!

Thanks for letting me vent. ;)
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Shae ~ Are you saying that SB has helped your hot flashes and night sweats? I really want to find something to help mine out, but am not willing to go to the doctor and start on HRT. I haven't really noticed a difference with mine even being on SB. Would love to know if you are doing anything else. I get tired of washing my sheets everyday! I am going to wear them out.

Tami ~ Have fun on your camping trip.

I was at the grocery store on Sunday and found a new bread. It is low-carb and only has 6 carbs per slice! I can't remember the name of it and my housecleaner is upstairs and I try to leave her alone so I can't go upstairs right now. I'll check out the name later and let you all know.
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Juli, I do notice a big difference in the number and severity of my hot flashes when I stay true to the low-carb end of South Beach. I do take fish oil and vit. E (200mg) also, as well as calcium. I read for some women that flax seed oil and Evening Primrose oil also help. I have those, but didn't notice a big improvement with them so don't take them anymore. I was on the HRT for years until the studies showed the increase health risks with no heart benefits. The Celexa helps the hot flashes tremendously well for me, but I only take it for 2-3 weeks before a vacation plus the vacation time itself and another half week of weaning off of it. My GYN has said she sees a lot of women who find relief from the Celexa for their hot flashes, so they just stay on it. I worry about the Celexa weight gain, and since I can use it just situationally I don't stay on it. I tried the Lexapro and did not get the same results. It's okay for my anxiety spells, but not the flashes.

Thank goodness it really cooled off here yesterday. I got quite a bit done in the gardens before I had to come inside to get ready to run some errands. I'd love to work outside today, but have DGD here. The ticks are so bad even in the "tamed" parts of our yard that I just don't like her playing outside except on the driveway. I got yet another tick bite yesterday just working in an area about 5 feet away from the woods.
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Shae ~ Thanks for the information. I got some Menopause Drops from the local heath food store and have started taking them. I am hoping that they do the trick. I am just so sick of waking up in the middle of the night wringing wet! I know that DH would appreciate it too if I quit sweating.

I am headed into town today and think that I will pick up some of the vitamins that you mentioned. I really don't want to start taking anymore medications. I am already on a lot. I don't mind taking the vitamins.

Thanks again!
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Juli & Shae ~ I've been taking HRT for years (6). I've tried not taking it, but I become "devil woman!" LOL My GYN says that if his wife was in my situation, he would have her take them. I know they aren't good, but I feel that I rather take my chances than live with all of the symptoms I have. Not pretty!
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[size=4]Shelley, Tried your peanut butter chocolate pudding treat and it was fabulous. Even the kids liked it and didn't know it was "diet" food. They thought I was cheating.:D Still doing well but haven't lost anymore weight. But I'm not giving up. Those 9 lbs. lost feel wonderful. Looking forward to getting rid of the rest of those pesky pounds!!![/size]
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[quote name='WeirdEyes']Juli & Shae ~ I've been taking HRT for years (6). I've tried not taking it, but I become "devil woman!" LOL My GYN says that if his wife was in my situation, he would have her take them. I know they aren't good, but I feel that I rather take my chances than live with all of the symptoms I have. Not pretty![/QUOTE][size=4]I used HRT while I was going through menopause. My husband was the one to call my doctor and ask if there was anything to make me a human again. He thought his sweet wife had left and was replaced with an evil, crabby, cranky, twin. LOL Started at 40 and finally quit having periods 4 years ago. Took 6 horrible years to get through it. I quit taking them about a year ago. The first month was kind of shaky but after that I didn't have anymore mood swings or hot flashes. So whatever helps you get through it, I'm all for it!!:D [/size]
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Sheila, I agree. Use the HRTs if you need them. I feel that the "dangers" of HRTs has had to be exaggerated because of fears the drug companies have about law suits. My mom was on them for decades (!) and never had a cancer problem from them, and that was before the newer low-dose versions. We don't know what, if any, affects it might have had on her heart condition. It was never mentioned as a factor. My dad had a similar heart condition due to Scarlet Fever as a child. My mom didn't think she ever had Scarlet Fever, but my grandma had 6 kids, and I'm not sure those kids saw a doctor very often. Since I can get relief from the Celexa and from really low carb, my doctors told me to go that route instead of the HRTs.

My biggest problem this summer is waking up with horrible cramps in my legs and/or ankles and feet. Very early this morning I woke up with one in my foot that had my toes curled way up. I didn't know they could move up that high! SO painful, and it wouldn't let go for ages even when I stood on the cold tile which usually helps pretty quickly. I have got to remember to take my calcium everyday and add a little potasium from a salt substitute. Not eating potatoes or bananas regularly has really lowered my potassium levels, I think. And in the summer I don't drink as much milk as I should.

DGD was cranky and tired yesterday, so I saw no point in having her work on the baby quilt for her brother. I want to keep it a fun project for her. All she has to do at this point is sew on the outside borders.
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Janice ~ I made the peanut butter dessert last weekend and it was fab!! Congrats on 9 lbs!!! :D

Girls ~ I had a stressful night last night! My baby (17 y/o) had his first wreck! He's okay, but his truck may be totaled.

Shae ~ My mom took HRT forever also. She doesn't take it now because her symptoms left. There are some herbal remedies out there, but since they aren't regulated, I'm sort of afraid to take them. I don't have any risk factors for heart disease right now.
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[quote name='WeirdEyes']Janice ~ I made the peanut butter dessert last weekend and it was fab!! Congrats on 9 lbs!!! :D

Girls ~ I had a stressful night last night! My baby (17 y/o) had his first wreck! He's okay, but his truck may be totaled.
[/QUOTE][size=4]Thanks Sheila. Just got off the scale and dropped another 1/2 pound. Not much but every little bit helps.:) [/size]
[size=4]So sorry to hear about your son but glad he is O.K. It must have been a scary moment for the both of you. Mine is getting his license soon and I'm scared to death. [/size]
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I hit a plateau and for the last 2 weeks I haven't dropped a single pound, even though I dieted really well.:( But today I got on the scales and I've dropped 2 1/2 pounds! Woohoo!:D I just wanted to remind you guys that if your weight loss suddenly stops even though you're doing everything right, don't despair. It will suddenly start dropping off again when you least expect it. I'm sure you know this and have been through this "weight loss plateau" many times before. But hearing that other people have gotten through it and started losing weight again after the plateau is very encouraging.;)
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