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Jori- IVF :p Uck! Been there, done that! Gained 60 pounds too. I'm not sorry I tired, but it does suck. We did 4 attempts plus an embryo transfer. We chose to walk away at that point because the hormones, etc were sucking the life out of us. I also have PCOS tho' at this point my insulin resistance is still good. There is a board for low carbers with PCOS that I just joined on [url]www.holdthetoast.com[/url]. Can't tell you if it's good or bad yet because I just signed up about an hour ago but I figure it can't hurt.

Glad you've discovered Trader Joes. I could live there! My youngest DD has several food allergies and TJ's is so much cheaper than Wild Oats. I'm not real familiar with Jewel but I'd be taking those nuts back and complaining. Ick! :eek:

Hi everyone- It's been moderately stressful today. Grandma fell last night but apparently didn't do any damage. Then this morning during Physical Therapy she started having chest pains. Her BP was well over 200 so they did an EKG. It was fine and her BP is back down so no one's really sure what is going on. In the midst of that I had to take DS to Riley Children's Hospital for a test today. It was horrible! The main way I know was blocked by construction and although I could SEE it I couldn't get there. :mad: I finally got a med student to point me down the right alley. Traffic in Indy was ugly, especially down town. There's a starwars convention this weekend and there are an extra 25,000 crazies (sorry to all attendees!) running around the downtown area dressed as storm troopers, wookies and all manner of wierdness.

I didn't eat badly but I just feel bleh! I have a sore throat which doesn't help.

Sheila- My friend also had some kind of inner ear thing with vertigo this week. We spent most of last weekend together so I hope I don't get it. I don't have time to be dizzy!

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Jori ~ Hi and welcome! The story about your pistachios is disgusting! I'm so glad you didn't eat one of the bad ones. Gross!!!

Tami ~ I hope you don't get the inner ear virus either. I'm just now starting to feel better. It is NOT fun! One reason I feel so bad is that I haven't been able to exercise this week except for Monday. Needless to say, I don't expect any inches to be lost this week.

Juli ~ How are you feeling today?

Cindy, Rick, Shae, Ann ~ How are y'all doing?
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Mornin' everyone! We got DS's test results back yesterday and it was negative for cystic fibrosis. The Dr. didn't think he had it but still it's nice to have it confirmed.

Yesterday was so stressful but I didn't eat bad. Still I gained 2 pounds. :mad: Grrr! Today I'm going to do yoga and try to de-stress enough to get rid of it.

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[quote name='adoptmom']Mornin' everyone! We got DS's test results back yesterday and it was negative for cystic fibrosis. The Dr. didn't think he had it but still it's nice to have it confirmed.

Yesterday was so stressful but I didn't eat bad. Still I gained 2 pounds. :mad: Grrr! Today I'm going to do yoga and try to de-stress enough to get rid of it.

Thank goodness the results were negative! I know you are so relieved! The 2 lbs is probably just water weight. You'll lose it within a couple of days. ;)
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Tami, Thanks for the website. I actually have at least one of those recipe books and have a box of low carb smoothies. I've been drinking a coffee mocha smoothie every morning. It uses pasturized egg white product that produces a nice foam and of course adds lots of protein! I also plan on using it for making eggs in the morning. Because it's pasturized, you can eat raw (you can't taste it in the smoothie). Plus since it's just the egg whites you can have it every day since it doesn't have the yolk.

Sheila, I was so disgusted I threw out the pistachios right away! And although I didn't eat one with a worm, I did open it with my teeth! YUCK! My dentist brother would have been so upset! Ok I learned my leason, no more opening nuts with my teeth!

I hope everyone is doing well. I've been weight myself every day (just started SBD 4/19 tues. night) and finally lost a pound. I'm kind of discouraged because I'm so impatient to lose some weight. I have to keep telling myself that it's really about getting healthy, not losing weight.

Anyone out there done with phase 1? What kind of weight loses do you experience on phase 1? I know it's different for everyone. I'm trying to decide if my plan to stay on phase 1 for an extra week is worth it.
Have a great day! Jori
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[QUOTE]I hope everyone is doing well. I've been weight myself every day (just started SBD 4/19 tues. night) and finally lost a pound. I'm kind of discouraged because I'm so impatient to lose some weight. I have to keep telling myself that it's really about getting healthy, not losing weight.[/QUOTE]
Jori ~ You have a great attitude about SB. How much weight do you have to lose? I've got about 15 lbs so I don't lose much on Phase 1. If you have at least 40 lbs to lose, you should lose at least 5 lbs on Phase 1. However, it is really hard to judge. Just keep at it and the weight will come off. I'm a very slow loser so I only lose about 3 lbs a month. Good luck!!!
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Sheila~ Thanks for checking up on me. Not doing so hot today. I basically have no voice which means I can't work because everything I do is on the phone!:mad: So I am sitting here wasting time on the boards. Woke this morning with my nose stuffed up, sore throat, and headache. I know it is just allergies, but I am thinking that the migraine I had on Wednesday night was due to the end of my cycle. That is the only thing I can pin it to except we did have a huge thunderstorm on Wednesday evening. Really fun to have a migraine and have thunder and hail plus the heater kicking on and off.

Jori ~ You are going great! Keep up the good work. You have 3 weeks until your cruise. It would be alright to stay on Phase 1 for three weeks, but it is not healthy to stay on it any longer than 3 weeks. You do need good carbs in your diet to stay healthy. I didn't stay to close to SB during my cruise, but you can always refuse the bread basket and eat lots of salads and meats without sauces. It can be done, it is just sometimes hard to resist with all of those temptations. I do know that if you are going on Carnival that they have a LC menu.

Tami ~ I do think that your body holds onto weight when you are stressed. I think it might be one of those self preservation things. Don't worry, those 2 pounds will come right back off. So was your son having some problems that they decided to do the tests?

Once again didn't eat much yesterday. DH did come home around 7pm and he stopped by Qdoba and picked up some burritos. I had mine without rice or beans. Just mainly chicken, bell peppers, onions, cheese, and guacomole. Not the best, but it wasn't too bad. I really need to get to the grocery store and get some groceries, but I just don't feel good enough to get out. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I just hate going shopping on Saturdays! I do have some steaks thawing out for dinner and I am hoping that my salad makings are still good so I can make a salad to go with dinner.
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Jori ~ I forgot to tell you to stop weighing yourself everyday. Pick one day a week and only weigh yourself on that one day. The body fluctuates so much that it can be depressing to weigh yourself daily. When I was on Phase 1, I waited until I completed Phase 1 before I weighed myself. It made it less stressful on me.
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Thanks everyone for the support! Sheila I have 40 lbs to lose, but I only have 3 months before I start up IVF again. I can continue SB during that time (have to do the low carb thing anyway and SB does it in a healthy way) but I can't lose any weight while doing a cycle. Juli-I hope you feel better, I've been going crazy with the weather changes, they have been drving my allergies through the roof. I found a great snack, roasted red pepper hummus with celery sticks! Very tasty! Now if only I could stop snacking and start eating real meals! I know I'm not suppose to weigh myself every day, I just can't help myself! Well I have to go and figure out what I'm going to do for dinner. Jori
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Juli- DS has been having chronic sinus infections since he was 6 weeks old. We're trying to determine why he cant seem to get past it. We got your storms tonight. Mostly just gentle rain here but just south of us there was lots of hail and tornado warnings. They had at least 1 touchdown but I dont know about damage yet. You mentioned on the other board that your doctor won't give you anything for your sinus infection without a fever. Ugh! DS never runs a fever but the CT scans show infections every time they order one! If you can try to make a Wild Oats run. They have lots of good things for sinuses. Also look for something with clove or oregano in it or even better, a combination. Clove, especially is very antibacterial and is used alot in dentistry for fighting infections. I have DS a daily dose of oil that has clove, oregano, lemon, peppermint and eucalyptis that I got from Young Living. I'm experimenting to see if it helps. Too soon to tell though.

Jori- I love Dana's cookbooks. I just picked up the Barbecue one at Half-price books for like $5! I also have read "How I quit my lowfat diet and lost 40 pounds" about 5 times now. :D Post that smoothie recipe when you get a chance. I can't do the coffee but I'd substitute chai. I use the eggwhites alot in the winter time when my chickens are on strike but this time of year I eat eggs from my henhouse. I'm so spoiled!

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Juli- I'm just learning about all the homeopathic stuff but I'm lucky to have great teachers. Fortunately sinus issues are something I've been working on for a while now. It's a big issue in our house. :D

I lost one of the 2 pounds I gained from all the stress on Thursday. Today i'm just trying to keep on top of a sinus headache. It's very windy here (at least 20mph) and we live in the middle of cornfields. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night because of stuff banging around the house and the kids coming in to check on it. We're going to Beef and Boards today to see Rumplestiltskin and then friends are coming over for games. Hopefully I can stay awake!

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Tami ~ I too am fighting a major sinus headache. It at least is not as bad as my migraines. I can still function with this headache. I am sure that my sinus infection is due to pollen in the air. Things are beginning to bloom around here. For some reason it is just hitting me harder this year than most.

I have got to get to the store and get some more cereal bars. I have been skipping breakfast and lunch and then not eatting real great for dinner. Last night DH didn't come home from work (he is still there trying to de-bug a program) and so I ordered a pizza for dinner. I had actually pulled some steaks out of the freezer for us to eat, but he didn't come home so I saved them for Sunday. We have a party to go to tonight for a girl in Scott's office who just bought a house. She is from India and is cooking authentic food. Should be a good time. I just hope I feel better by this evening and can go.

Well, it is time for my weekly phone chat with my mom. I'll check back in later. Where is everyone?
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Hi everyone,
I'm getting a little discouraged. I'm only down 1 pound. I know it's been only 4 days and I shouldn't weigh myself everyday, but the fact that I've made so many changes and feel so tired makes me feel like I should get a bigger payoff. Ultimately, I know I'm doing SBD for a lifestyle change, but I so wanted to lose as much weight as possible so I'd be in great shape for my next IVF cycle in 3 months. I was also hoping to lose more before I cruise because I'm afraid I might gain a few while on the ship. I too am having issues with sinus and allergy symptoms. It is making exercising that much more difficult because I have exercise related asthema, when I I get going to fast, I start sneezing and my nose starts running and I can't breath (even more so than normal I mean). I know I should see an allergist (haven't gone since I was a teenager and have since developed hayfever). I too live in a windy area (in a suburb of Chicago, west near the cornfields of DeKalb). We don't have a lot of trees out here because everything is farily new construction so there isn't anything to break up the wind. I'm missing the wave of warm weather we were having. It went from in the 80's to the low 40's! Weather changes like that drive my allergies crazy! So far no sinus infection, but my ears are plugged and I can feel my sinuses filling up! Tonight we are going to a local playhouse to see A Few Good Men. My husband is active in his hometown theater and we have season tickets to several theater groups. I've decided that I would be so much healthier if I had a private chef, a personal trainer who will insist that I get on the treadmill and talk with me and entertain me while I do it! Even better would be to have someone else do all that for me and transfer the benefits to me! I now I must be dreaming, ever since I started the diet I go spacey and get really tired around 3 pm. Thanks for letting me vent and dream! Jori
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Hi Tami In the box of smoothies I actually have a recipe for a Green Tea-Chai Smoothie (I'm sure you can use any kind of tea).

Green Tea-chai smoothie

1tsp. ground allspice
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1/2 cup water
1 green tea bag
1 cup ice cubes
1/2 cup low-fat vanilla soy milk
2 tbs. heavy whipping cream
sugar substitute equivalent to 2 tsp. sugar

Place in a cup: allspice, cinnamon, ginger, and water. Microwave on high 1 minute. Remove and add tea bag. Steep 2 minutes. Place in blender: ice cubes, soy milk, cream, and sugar substitute. Remove tea bag and add tea to blender. Blend 40 seconds or until thick. Per serving: 81 cal, 4g net carb, protein 1.9g, fat 6.5g Makes 2 servings
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For those of you who like coffee drinks here is a recipe for Espresso Crema

2 tsp. instant decaf (I use regular) coffee
2 tbs. pasteurized liquid egg whites
sugar substitue equivalent to 2 tsp. sugar
1/2 cup water
1 cup ice cubes

Place in blender: coffee, egg whites, sugar substitute, and water. Blend 10 to 15 seconds or until smooth. Add ice cubes and blend 30 seconds or until thick.

To make it mocha flavored add 1 tbs. of sugar free, fat free chocolate instant pudding mix.

This wakes me up enough to make a real breakfast, sometimes! :rolleyes:
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Juli- Indian food???? Oh I am so jonesing for indian food right now. Oldest DD and I were supposed to go last Monday after we went to visit grandma but we ended up having to beat it back so youngest DD could go to the pediatrician. I'm hoping to go this Monday instead. It's funny, when we first started trying indian food to help DD connect with her birth culture I thought " oh how am I ever going to do this?" because I couldn't stand it. Now it's a major addiction. :rolleyes: Better than chocolate I guess! I was just thinking the other day that now that I'm on phase 2 I could make carrot Halwa (like carrot cake without the cake part.) It's so good!

Jori- Thank you for the recipes. Chai (and most indian food) is a real addiction for me. At least the chai is calorie free unless I add the milk.

Hang in there on the diet. I started out on strict Atkins and had the atkins flu about 4 days in. Not sick, sick, just out of it, no energy, and off kilter. I had been warned though so I stuck with it and by about day 7 I was back to high energy. It's just because your body is having a major detox. You may be holding onto water as your body chemistry adjusts. Everyone reacts different. I dropped alot the first week and then nothing for the second week. Others do the opposite. Having PCOS makes everything a bit slower too because of the insulin resistance. SB has helped me alot though with the PCOS symptoms I had so keep to it.

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Tami ~ I really didn't enjoy dinner. I'm not big on saffron and the lamb was REALLY spicy. I love spicy foods, but TexMex spicy, not Indian. Consequently I didn't eat a lot. They did have some really good sangrias! Yum! I only had one and then drank a lot of water. Unfortunately I completely loss my voice today and it was a little difficult to enjoy the party. Oh well. DH hasn't slept since 9 am on Friday so he was fine with leaving around 9. He is now in bed and I am not far behind him.

Jori~ Keep goin for it. Tami gave you some good advice. Your body is detoxing, it is hard to go through, but you will get through it. Stay here with us and we will help you through. I too would like to have a personal chef and trainer. Oh well, I guess we better stop dreaming and start working out.:cool:
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Juli- Indian is definitely an acquired taste. I hated it the first time I tried it because it was just a spice overload. For me it was a purposeful attempt to adjust my tastebuds because I wanted to help DD identify with some of her birth culture. I can't really teach her a whole lot about the customs of India but I can cook and teach her about the foods. Now I just adore indian food but that was probably 4-5 years in the making.

I wish you and Jori lived closer. Being a personal chef is on my "wanna do when the kids get older" list. I have a huge recipe file, so if you're looking for something just ask!

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Hi, everybody,
Sorry about not checking in all weekend. The past week has been so full of lows and highs. One of DH's best friends died last week, and we're still kind of reeling from that even though it should not have been unexpected. He had 2 transplant surgeries in the past 20 years and spent much of the past 5 years in and out of the hospital. He's just always had remarkable recoveries until this time. Then we had a big high celebrating our S-I-L's 29th birthday here Friday with a cookout for his family and ours. DD and D-I-L are both expecting, so sharing baby news was fun, and a wonderful reminder about the cycle of life. Got to take DD out shopping for maternity clothes which for me was as exciting as shopping for her wedding dress had been. Then the stress level went up again when my irises were threatened by a freeze warning. I've been waiting years for a few of them to finally set buds, and they did this year. I spent 2 hrs. covering certain ones with newspaper tents fastened to bamboo stakes. Then another big low Sunday morning when we found out the B-I-L with whom we cruised in Jan. is back in the hospital because of his chemo treatments. I didn't watch the carbs at all this weekend...even had birthday cake 3 times this weekend, and I'm paying for it. My joints are so sore, and my hands are swollen. I just can't take the "junk" carbs anymore. I'll detox for at least 3 days this week.

Jori, Welcome. Dr. A. strongly states not to stay on SBD Phase 1 for more than 3 weeks. It's really not a healthy WOE for long term. It's just the way to break your carb cravings so that you'll have the ability to stick with healthy carb choices instead of being tempted by sweets and chips. You will still lose weight on Phase 2, but a little bit more slowly which is actually healthier. Also, most of the "side effects" of Phase 1 disappear once you move on to 2. Also, get a good tape measure to measure your progress rather than using the scale. The scale can "lie" by causing you to bloat after a cheat.
My best friend's daughter went on SBD because of PCOS. She had such great success with losing the weight (about 20 lbs) that DH and I decided to try it to lose the 10 lbs we'd struggled with losing for a couple years. It worked for us, too.
DH and I were on the Coral Princess SB in Aug. 03. She's a beautiful ship, and we loved the layout. DH and I both fell in love with Alaska which is why we're going back in less than 6 weeks, and plan a 3rd and probably a 4th trip back in the future. We did our land tour first last time, this time we'll cruise first. It's probably easier to do land first, but we wanted to try it both ways to see for ourselves.

Shelia, I've had labrynthitis (inner ear infection) numerous times, and it's just awful! The first time I had it so bad that I was confined to bed for more than a week. Couldn't even walk to the bathroom by myself. Luckily, each one of my bouts got milder and milder with much longer periods between bouts. Now I only get a mild version every few years if I don't remember to take decongestants early enough during allergy season. Unless you get the bacterial strain of it antibiotics don't work. Antivert (same ingredient as Bonine but in a higher dose) does work to stop the spinning. I hope you feel better soon.

Tami, being a weather buff you would have enjoyed being down here on Friday afternoon when that big storm front went through. Our area was spared, but they had SOFTBALL-Size hail on the northwest side of Evansville. We just had some wind, a little rain, and then it cleared up in time for our cookout.

Juli, congrats on the 2 lbs. I hope you're feeling better so that you're 100% well for your trip.

Rick, are you and DW going back on Phase 1 to get rid of the cruise weight?
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Hi everyone! I really had a rotten weekend. My dear FIL fell off of a ladder on Saturday and is in ICU with a head injury and broken ribs. He is "touch and go" for the next few days. Please keep him in your prayers. So, I've been awful all weekend with eating at the hospital and stress eating.

I'm sorry I'm not responding to anyone's post. Just know that I'm thinking of all of you and I'll try to post again later.

Shae ~ So sorry to hear about your DH's friend. Take care!
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Shelia ~ I wrote you on the other board, but wanted to let you know that I am praying for you FIL.

I think I had a pretty good weekend. Well, a good Sunday. We had Indian food on Saturday night and I haven't a clue what was in that and if it was legal. I just know that I don't like it.:o Sunday we went to Mongolian BBQ after lunch. I realized while I was eating that it is very SB friendly and will more than likely frequent that place. We then had steaks and salads for dinner. I weighed this morning and all is the same. Luckily I didn't gain anything this weekend. Oh, I forgot to tell you that I had deep dish pizza on Friday:eek: Boy was it good.

Shae ~ So good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about DH's friend. It seems to me that even expected deaths are hard to take. My GM had alzeheimers and her death was very expected, but it was still difficult to deal with. You must always go through the grieving process.

Tami ~ I'll take you up on the offer anytime you want to come cook for me.:D
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Shelia, I was so very sorry to hear about your F-I-L. I certainly hope he'll make a full recovery and will keep him in my prayers. Don't forget to take care of yourself while all this other stuff is going on. We'll be thinking of you.

Juli, you're so right that it's never easy to lose someone whether you're prepared for it or not. BTW, half a good weekend (WOE-wise) is better than none, right? Is your throat better?

Tami, I don't care much for Indian food either, but I bet you could find a way to make it taste good.

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