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Thanks everyone for your thoughts & prayers for my FIL. He is showing signs of getting better and we are thrilled! Last night, the nurse made him wake up and she asked him his name and he said, "Harold." He also told her the month and year. :D I just wish we could get him to wake up when we're in there. I think it would help my mother-in-law so much if he'd only talk to her. Anyway, we're just so happy with his progress. Thanks so much for listening.

I did good yesterday. I went to the hospital yesterday morning, but told DH that I needed some rest and to actually cook a good meal and exercise. I did all of those things and I feel so much better today. I'm still tired, but at least I ate healthy and exercised yesterday. It really does make a difference in how you feel.

Dr. Agatston was on Fox News this morning talking about SB and his new products. He wasn't pushing them, but focused on how people should eat and exercise to maintain a healthy body. Did anyone else see him?
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Shae- You're right! I'm such a geek when it comes to weather. We didn't get anything except wind and rain either.

DD and I went to eat indian food yesterday and it was SO GOOD! I gained half a pound back and I don't even care! I should lose it by tomorrow anyway. I think for us Americans who grew up with meat and potatoes in onion soup mix Indian food is one of those acquired tastes. I hated it when I first tried it. Now I can't eat it very often or I'd be 500 pounds. I can't eat as much as I want though. I had a spoonful of most things except rice but including desserts. I went back for more raita (cucumber and yogurt) and bhaji (not sure what this was but I wanted to make sure that was the new favorite before I started digging for recipes. They all kind of run together after a while.

Well I've put off today's activity long enough. I have to be ruthless in youngest DD's room and de-junk it. She can't fit all her toys in the toybox, bookshelf and little stuff bins anymore so it's way past time. I really need a backhoe for her room because you can't even walk in there.

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I stayed Phase 2 legal, but didn't do Phase 1 yesterday. I haven't decided if I need to or not. I've got some carb cravings, but nothing in the house that can sabotage me... I sent it ALL home with the kids since they find the idea of SBD horrifying!

Shelia, SO glad that your F-I-L is showing signs of improvement. I hope that's a very good indicator for a full recovery.

I missed Dr. A. on the news this morning. I did get to see D-I-L on the local news last night, though. She works for a daycare center accreditation firm and was on explaining some new regulations. I was so proud of how professional she looked and sounded. That's not easy to do with a big ol' camera and microphone in your face.

Tami, DH is a weather "Geek", too. He's upset that his rain gauge has broken... now he won't know how much rain we get when he's not here...lol. I offered to pick one up at WM, but he just likes certain kinds.
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Whew! I'm tired!I spent 4 hours on little girl's room today. I got half of a big garbage bag of just trash and a huge storage bin of stuff to get rid of. All her toys now fit either on her bookshelf, in her bins or the toy box for her stuffed animals. It's such a relief to have it done and she has a floor again! :D I walked 12,000 steps today and didn't go anywhere!

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I have been completely distracted the past couple of days. I have been approved for a mortgage and we have found a house in the moutains. We will be closing in one month and moving a couple weeks after that.

I had a wild day between going over to the house for measurements and pictures, doing work, and running errands. I ate really bad today. I ate McDonalds for lunch and Marie Callendars pot pie for dinner. I know, I know, really bad. I promise to do better tomorrow. I don't promise to do very good over the next 6 weeks. With closing, painting, moving, etc I promise to be good after we get done moving. Plus, we will be in the mountains we it is absolutely gorgious and walks daily in the mountains will be wonderful and very healthy!

Sheila~I did not know Dr. A was on Today today. What products was he trying to sell?
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Juli ~ Congrats on the new house! Dr. A was on Fox News yesterday. He was talking about his new SB product line, but not a lot. He mainly focused on eating healthy and exercising. E.D. Hill, one of the Fox & Friends anchors, lost her baby weight on SB.

FIL has taken a turn for the worse. We might even have to cancel our cruise. Needless to say, I'm very depressed. Don't forget to remember him (Harold) in your prayers. Me too! I really need it! TIA!

Love to all!
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Evening Ladies ~

Crazy, crazy day. I should be able to sleep tonight, but then my brain is on overload so maybe not.

I once again did not eat real well. I did have a SB cereal bar for breakfast, but then didn't eat anything until dinner and that was spaghetti! I even have LC noodles and didn't use them!

I think everyone knows, but we are purchasing our dream home in the mountains. Things are more than likely going to be really crazy for the next two months. I will do my best to stay on the board and the WOE, but no promises. Don't worry too much about me if I am not around. If you get really worried you can email me juli at refurl dot net

I have a lot of packing and planning to do before the end of the month and a week long vacation in Jamaica during all of this. I am crazy!!!
Have a wonderful day!
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Hi everyone,
Sorry I haven't written anything lately. I'm still dealing with being on phase 1. I have lost 3.5 lbs so far in week 1. It's been pretty lonely, my husband has been traveling a lot for work. I've also been really tired, cranky, and moody. But I'm actually doing really well so far sticking to the diet.
Juli congratulations on your new home, Colorado is so beautiful, especially the mountains. I understand how crazy moving can be.
Sheila I'm so sorry to hear about your F I L. I will definitely keep in my prayers.
I got a exercise ball from my trainer and hopefully he can come up with workout I can do that are strength training that are not weight loading. Until then I guess I'll have to stick to the treadmill. He did show me how to use the elliptical machine so I can stop by whenever and use it. I only did 35 minutes today on the treadmill. I hope tomorrow will be easier. Hope everyone is doing well and trying to stay on track or at least not go too overboard! Jori
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[quote name='adoptmom']Sheila- Dang! I thought the doctor said he was almost over the hump? I'm so sorry. I hope you don't have to cancel your trip, you need it. How are your DH and MIL holding up? We're sending all our thoughts.

Tami & everyone ~ I forgot to post on here yesterday afternoon after we got another report from the neurosurgeon...so sorry! Anyway, he is almost "over the hump." I guess I posted that on the Countdown thread. Anyway, he is still on the ventilator, feeding tube, etc. However, the doctor thinks he is "on course" and is as expected...whatever that means. I'm just looking for the day when I walk into his room and he smiles at me. He did squeeze my MIL's hand last night so that's good news. Just keep praying. Thanks so much!

I ended up eating cafeteria food last night because I wanted to spend some time with my DH. He doesn't come home at night until around 9:30 PM. He hasn't eaten an actual meal all week so we ate together. I ate fried catfish and hushpuppies. My tongue felt like an oil slick...YUCK! I can't do that again as it made me feel bad.

Thanks for listening. :D
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Sheila- Glad to hear that he is doing better. I had read the countdown group and then read that one later and couldn't remember which one had been posted last. Isn't hospital cafeteria food the worst? You'd think that of all the places you'd be able to find something healthy there! :rolleyes: Keep us posted on how things are going.

Jori- Phase one is tough but once you get into phase 2 and can start adding back some things it this WOE is very doable.

Everyone- I can't find my book. Can anyone tell me if mango is on the "good carbs" list? I bought a case of them at costco and wondered if I can eat them too. I think so but I'm not sure.

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Sheila, I'm so glad your FIL is doing better, he's been in my prayers.

Tami, I checked my online SBD site and under phase 2 it states that you can include mangos as a fruit choice. Be careful, a serving is considered as 4 oz. or 1/2 of a medium sized mango. So go ahead and enjoy! Just don't eat the whole case in one sitting! :D Thanks also for the encouragement. I know I shouldn't be weighing myself every day, but it helps motivate me. Today however, should have been a day that I didn't get on the scale. The pound I thought I lost yesterday is back. So that means I probably didn't lose it in the first place, just water weight loss. I was good yesterday and didn't do anything that would have made me gain it back. I know slow weight loss is good, but I'm so impatient. Like many people (thanks to the many gimicks out there that advertise instant weight loss) I want to lose weight immediately after making major changes to my WOE and by exercising. Another reason I want to lose weight rather quickly is because I'm kind of on a deadline. I think I've mentioned it before, but I'm trying to get pregnant through IVF. I've got 3 months to lose as much weight as possible before I try again.

I have a question for you cruisers. Is it possible to go on a cruise (I'll be going to Alaska for 2 weeks, 1 week cruise/1 week land tour) on phase 2 of the diet and lose weight or at least not gain weight. I'm so worried that I'll undo all of the good work that I've done the 3 weeks before we leave. I'll be honest, I'm really hoping that I can actually lose some weight while we're gone. I know that may be asking too much, but as I said, I'm on a deadline. Anyway, any input or advice would be great. Thanks again for your support, keep it coming! Jori
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I tried to post early yesterday, but couldn't keep a good connection... darn dial-up. We're still too far out of town to have cable or other high speed connections.

Shelia, I was so sorry to hear that your f-i-l had taken a turn for the worse, but I'm glad he has stabilized. We'll keep him in our prayers. I hope you'll be able to go on your cruise. I know you have really been looking forward to it.

Juli, how exciting about your house! We built our "dream house" here in the woods nearly 8 years ago. We still love it, but right now it seems like we've got more house and more land than we can easily handle. Maybe that will change when the 2 new grandbabies arrive... at least the part about having too much house! It would be so lovely to live in the mountains, especially in CO. Try to eat well 85-90% of the time and you won't have any trouble keeping the weight off. Going off the WOE may not cause any weight gain, but eating the wrong foods definitely can affect your overall health.

Jori, Which ship are you going on to Alaska, and when? We're on the Island Princess June 4. I'm not sure you'll be able to LOSE weight while you're gone on your cruise and landtour (the food we had was just so good!) , but you can keep from gaining, or at least keep the gains at a minimum even if you just stay with Phase 2 or 3 choices. DH and I weren't on SBD the first time we did an Alaska landtour and cruise, and both gained about 3 pounds. We did a lot of walking, but we also did a lot of eating, and didn't make good choices. The last 2 cruises we were on were after we started a SBD WOE, and we only gained a pound or two which we lost within a week of returning home. We didn't walk nearly as much on those cruises as we did in Alaska. Just make healthy choices most of the time, use the stairs instead of the elevator almost every time, be sure to take walks whenever you've got some spare time, and skip the bread and potatoes on board and on land, and try to have just one dessert a day. There are sugar-free desserts available, but they aren't necessarily low-cal or low carb. Oh yeah, don't drink all your calories/carbs. Those DODs are so pretty and so tempting, but usually packed with carbs! I drink a glass of water before each meal to fill myself up some first, and ask for no bread on the table. On board we like to do breakfast and lunch in the buffet dining rooms since we can pick more proteins and fruits. There are very few snack-type foods on board (like chips, pretzels, etc.)which was good since DH can really chow down on those. We brought our own peanuts, almonds and cashews for snack or had deli meats and/or salad between meals on board. I think it was harder during the land portion. The restaurants have very good meals, but didn't have a lot of low carb choices that I remember. I think at most places we'll be able to ask for a second vegetable rather than a potato.
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Jori- thanks for the mango info. I actually plan to dice up a few pieces and use them in my protein shakes this week. I end up having one fairly often for breakfast if I get up late. Plus lately my chickens have been on strike from the cold weather. Grocery store eggs are NOT the same.

I goofed on my yogurt last night and forgot to put it in the fridge after 12 hours. It got more like 24! It was very thick but it tastes so good and sour. If I don't keel over from it I may have to do that every time. I didn't even use sweetener, just some sunflower seed butter in it for my snack.

:D I have to laugh! I just reread that sentence and it strikes my as so obsurd. A year ago if I'd read that someone had plain, homemade yogurt and nutbutter and considered it a great, satisfying snack I'd have thought they were either a freak or stoned or both! :D :eek: :D What a difference a year makes! Just wish it showed more in the scale! :rolleyes:

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Hello, hello! I'm back!

Gee, I missed you all. Mama's surgery went fine and she is getting around very well. Her biggest problem will be to remember she can't do any bending or lifting of anything heavier than a milk jug for 12 weeks. It isn't hard to remember now, but as she heals and is less sore, I'm afraid she will forget and do something she shouldn't. I stayed a few days longer than I expected so am just now catching up on everything.

I stayed on plan except during the hospital stay. Would you believe the only proteins in the cafeteria were breaded and fried? Plus it was only open from 11-2; no breakfast or dinner. Thankfully, I had some SBD breakfast bars and the vending machines had cheese cubes and fruit. So I didn't do too bad. I think I had lost .4 pound when I weighed after getting back home. I'm satisfied with that.

I found the WATP set at my Barnes and Noble yesterday so I can use them when I don't get to the mall to walk--or even if I do.

Well, back to reading messages and getting caught up. Later......
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Linda ~ I'm happy to hear your mom's surgery went fine. You did well with your eating also. A lot better than me! ;)

Shae ~ Thanks a million for the prayers. We really need them.

Jori ~ I'm sure it is possible to do Phase 2 on a cruise, but I can't resist the desserts! Good luck!!
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Linda, welcome back. We missed you, too. I'm so glad your mom is doing well. I wasn't allowed to lift anything heavier than 5 lbs following my back surgery nor raise my hands above my shoulders for months. By the time a few weeks went by I was so used to following those rules that I didn't forget even when I felt much better. I think it will be the same way for your mom.

Tami, I still don't know how you find the time to do everything you do, although I admit I got a lot more done in less time during the years when I had the most to do.

Shelia, please keep us posted when you can about your F-I-L's progress. I can only imagine how stressful this time is for your family.
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Good Day Everyone ~

I haven't done too bad lately and I have lost 2 more pounds. I am back at the weight that I was before the holidays. Took six months, but maybe I can lose the other 30 I need to in the next 6 months. Then I will be at my goal weight and can hopefully maintain during the holidays. Oh what plans we make and they never seem to work out.:( I do know that I do much better during the summer and last summer I lost 30 pounds. So here is to hoping.

Sheila ~ Keep us updated when you can. I am still praying for Harrold and your family. Are the doctors keeping him 'drugged' and that is why he is sleeping so much or is it just part of a brain injury?

Linda ~ Good to see you again. Glad things went well for your mom. I had some pretty serious knee surjery about 10 years ago and had some major restrictions on what I could do. I got so ansy to be able to be a 'normal' person again.

Shae ~ I will try to eat well. I just think that once we get into painting the house and moving boxes that Wendy's and McDonalds will become my favorite friends. I need some good food that doesn't require preparation, cold storage or cooking so we can eat while working.

Tami ~ You are so funny. I know several people that make their own yogurt. I just am not a huge fan of yogurt. I know it is good for me it is just a texture thing for me.

I need to go wake DH. He worked 38 hours straight and needs to get up before he sleeps the day away. Everyone have a good one.
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Denise, all I can tell you is to do the best you can on South Beach. If you don't lose 30 lbs., don't worry about it. It will come off eventually. South Beach is not a diet where you drop tons of weight right off the bat. You can lose up to 14 lbs on Phase 1, but it is not likely to happen unless you have about 100 lbs to lose....and you don't. I needed to lose 30 when I started, and I lost 20 after 5 months. Exercise will increase your weight loss dramatically. If you walk at least 2 miles a day under 30 minutes time, you should lose more. Good luck and keep the faith!

I've been on the beach since March 22nd. Lost 9 pounds during the first 2 weeks of Phase I. I am exercising everyday and staying on Phase I and a half. I now drink wine on Friday nights but I don't eat bread or pasta.
I too have 30 pounds to lose before our Aug 28th cruise. I have it all planned out, I could do it, if I lose 2 pounds per week. The problem is that I am losing 1 pound per week and can't seem to do better. I've increased my exercising but the scale is not moving.
Has anyone else had this problem?
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The scale does move slower after Phase 1. I gained about 14 pounds over the holidays and have just now lost all of the weight. I haven't been extremely faithful, but it has all finally come off. Just be patient. Remember this is a way of life and not just a diet. You find it easier and easier to do the WOE as time goes on. I can do it with almost not thinking. Be patient. It will come.

Stepped on the scale this morning and I am 2 pounds away from changing the middle number! How exciting!
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Hi friends! I was so bad this weekend and I am so guilty! I have 3 weeks until my cruise (from Saturday) and I have got to get everything back under control. Eating at the hospital so much is very detrimental to SB! Anyway, I've taken control and today is a new day. ;)

My FIL actually held my hand yesterday even if he wouldn't wake up. He is sedated because he keeps trying to pull the tubes out, but they let up on his medication and are trying to arouse him. So, I talked and talked to him, but he wouldn't wake up. Needless to say, we are very hopeful.

I don't have much to say...just checking in. :D
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[size=2]Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've been a little discouraged after being down 3.5 lbs for my last weigh in, I ended up gaining 1.5 back. I was especially frustrated because I hadn't changed my eating or work out at all. Well I got on the scale and have once again lost 1lb. So hopefully I can lose at least .5 tonight and maybe even more for my weigh in tomorrow. I'm going to stay on phase 1 for another week just because it's easier. I can't believe I'll be on our Alaska cruise in less than 2 weeks! I've got our guest room to use as my packing and staging area!

Shae-Thank you so much for answering my question about losing/gaining on the cruise. Your information was both helpful and hopeful. My husband and I tend to be very active and constantly on the go when we travel, now I just need to make sure I watch my carb intake and drink lot's of water!

Sheila, I'm so glad to hear your FIL is doing better. He continues to be in my prayers. I used to work in a hospital so I know first hand how easy it is to get off track with eating there. I know that you will get back on track now that the crisis has abated somewhat.

I'm so excited, it's starting to warm up again and should be in the 70's in a couple of days. I can go back outside and walk around the nature path that's located behind my house. I'm getting mighty sick of my treadmill! I must say, I now understand why I never enjoyed exercising as a child. There were no treadmills, no elliptical machines, no Ipod's, and no Tivo! As much as I enjoy walking outside, I need an Ipod or Tivo to distract me from the fact that I'm exercising. The only exception is if I'm walking outside with my husband. However, he's been traveling every week so I've had to distract myself!

I hope everyone is doing well! Jori

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