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N618 - Cruise Review - long

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Hello everyone,


We got back yesterday and I have typed out a big review. Sorry it is a bit long.


We had a fabulous time on our first cruise and will definitely cruise again.

There was only my husband Phil and myself and we got a shuttle down to Sydney from the Newcastle/Hunter Valley area which proved to be the simplest way.


We arrived at the terminal around 12 noon and the first thing you have to do is to take your large luggage to the right of the terminal and check it in. Then you go into the terminal (with the Pacific Sun all ready and waiting at the dock and decked out in bunting, very exciting) and join the queue which is similar to an airport queue.


There were clowns to entertain the passengers and we were given information printouts about the virus that swept the ship on the cruise before ours. (P & O could not have done more to protect the passengers, as there were crew posted at the entrance to all restaurants at all times with that hand cleaning stuff and we all had to ‘clean’ our hands before we ate, both in the restaurants and in the buffets.)


As you go through customs etc, you are given your cruise card and door ‘key’ and you board the ship. Your photo is taken as your cruise card is swiped and you are then free to go to your cabin and explore the ship. We were on Empress deck, (deck 7) and in cabin E193, right up the back.


I needed a map for the first week and these pocket sized maps are available from the Pursers desk and also are in the cruising folder found in your cabin.


There is a life jacket/mustering drill at 4.15pm and they sounded the emergency signal and we all had to get our life jackets and meet in our mustering area. This was only done once during the whole 12 day cruise.


Then it is up on deck for the sail away which was absolutely brilliant. When we sailed under the Harbour Bridge, the bridge climbers hooted, cheered and whistled and waved like mad as we were all waving back, the ships horn sounded long and loud and it was a magic experience.


The cruise was really relaxing, you don’t have to do anything. Our cabin stewards looked after us so well, our rooms were tidied and the bed was made in the mornings and when we were at dinner, the rooms were done again and our beds turned down for the night.


It takes a little while to form a routine and we always got up early and went up on deck around 6.30am. We had taken two thermos cups from home and filled them with coffee, grabbed a pastry and went out to check out the day. I found I spent a lot of time just gazing over the side. It was wonderful.


We then went in and had a buffet breakfast. The choice is huge but the food was never really hot. It takes a while to get used to sharing tables with others, but look out next time we go to Maccas because if there are two chairs vacant at a table, you just ask if it is OK to sit and then you do. :)


The islands:

Our first was Pentecost and we saw the land divers. The islanders sing and dance and have stalls and they also have donation boxes at the front of everything. You see a group of children standing there ready for you to photograph and there is a donation box in front of them. We just put in $1.00. We took heaps of gold coins and also small denomination Australian notes for the island stuff. They seem so poor it appears crass to give them a $50.00 and expect change.


This was true for all the islands. So take plenty of gold coins.


The land diving was free, just a donation box as you entered the clearing. P & O had taken drinks and chips ashore and had set up a stand. As with everything, you paid with your cruise card.


I didn’t like the land diving much, there were 9 jumps that day and they started off with a boy jumping low down the tower and all the following dives were from graduating heights, finishing with the top jump. The second last jumper didn’t do it properly and he just dived right into the ground at our feet from a great height. His vine did not stop him at all and we all thought he had died. His head and shoulders just thumped hard into the ground from about 30 metres up. The sound was horrible and there was a shocked hush and the islanders ran over to him, grabbed his hair and yanked hard on his neck to straighten it and then rubbed it a bit. He looked really bad. I was too shocked to watch the last man jump. It was really, really horrible and the sight and sound of that will stay with me for a while. Unfortunately, we had front row seats. :eek:


They carried him down to the village and he looked in great pain, then they made him walk through the village past the women, then they carried him away.


Our next port of call was Vila, where we went on the Ekusup Village tour which was good, then on to Luganville where Phil did the WW2 tour. These places had to be seen to be believed. We thought they would be more like our sea towns but they were really third world. Just about every car and van is a registered taxi or bus, but nothing like our taxi’s. We are talking about people standing in the tray of utes, big rust holes in the floor, smashed windscreens, no doors on trucks. The RTA would have a field day.


Wala Island was next and then Mystery Island the Islanders are very friendly. Both islands were extremely beautiful and we went snorkelling. We hadn’t been snorkelling before and it was just magic the water so clear. We saw Nemo swimming in amongst waving sea anemones and lots of coloured fish and bright starfish in coral. Heavily recommended. Our reef shoes were essential. We didn’t bother with flippers.


Isle of Pines: We were on our way to this island and unfortunately, the swell was too much. At 7am, the ship actually rocked violently in the swell and, as we were up on the web cam deck, we saw the big waves coming, held on and laughed as we rocked from side to side.


Unfortunately, down below decks everything went flying. Food, passengers in chairs skidded across the deck, the shops were a wreck as everything crashed off the shelves and smashed on the floor, passengers fell out of bed. There was even tables ripped off in the buffet area


The swell was too much for the tenders so the captain arranged for us to go to Noumea instead. This was a bonus as this was not in our itinerary. Unfortunately it was Sunday and it was mostly closed, but it was better than just sailing around in a big circle.


We had a wonderful time and will definitely cruise again.


List of helpful hints:


Take reef shoes, and your own snorkelling gear. Ours was only $15.00 from K Mart for mask and snorkel. They were good enough.


Take enough undies and socks so you don’t have to do any washing. I washed out some light shirts and hung them in our shower recess, so take some pegs.


Take small coins for the islanders.


Take some of those striped plastic bags in the bottom of your suit case to cover the overflow from shopping.


Take Kewels for sea sickness before you start traveling. My husband took them and he had no problems at all. I did not get sea sick but felt a bit wobbly in the Atlantis lounge.


Make sure you have a few days off work when you get back as it takes a while to get your land legs back. I am still rocking a bit as I am typing this. :)


Get an outside cabin if you can. It is definitely worth it. Ours was an inside one and, although they are identical to the outside cabins, it was a disappointment. Walking down the long corridors and looking into the cabins with open doors and seeing the sunshine, islands and sea out of their windows made me very jealous. I will never cruise in an inside cabin again.


Don’t buy from the first stall in the markets. Walk down the lines, they all sell similar stuff and at varying prices and colours.


Take sensible shoes, the decks can get wet and we saw heaps of people skid and stumble as they wore fancy shoes or thongs when the sea is choppy and the ship is rocking.


Take a ‘lid latch’ for your hats. We would’ve lost ours heaps of times if we hadn’t had these. They are just two crocodile clips with a length of cord between them to secure your hat to your shirt. Essential up on deck or when tendering.


We are looking at our next cruise on the Dawn with a balcony cabin.


Sorry this is a bit long. I could write heaps more and I will be happy to answer any questions.


Jenny, no longer a cruising newbie

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THat all sounds fantastic - I have just posted today as we are about to get on our first cruise too on the Sun in August.


You are very informative and I loved reading your experiences - you have just answered one of my questions - take gold coins.


We are on Empress in outside so I am glad to hear I chose correctly - I just did what logic told me but you never know.


I wonder how I would handle big waves coming towards me, I think I would die.


Glad you had a great time, it makes me look so much towards my cruise:D

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Then it is up on deck for the sail away which was absolutely brilliant. When we sailed under the Harbour Bridge, the bridge climbers hooted, cheered and whistled and waved like mad as we were all waving back, the ships horn sounded long and loud and it was a magic experience.



Isn't that just the best feeling in the world???? Ir really is magical.



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Brushtail, that is one of the best reviews I have read, I felt like I was reliving my experience again. Thank you. What you experienced at Pentecost sounds terrible, I don't think I would like to see that so I can wipe that off my list of places to see. I am looking forward to our next 'long way off' cruise which is going to Fiji. My hubby is coming with me next time and it will be his first cruising experience. I think I will get him to read your review as it is very comprehensive. Welcome home.

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I was also on this cruise, great review brushtail.

It was such a great cruise.

It was good to have Demo as cruise director, he was soooo funny.

My head is swaying alot today i will write a review when it stops.....



Just a quick question.

On the second or one of last sea days did a young couple sit with you at lunch in the buffet area?

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Hi Pommiepom,


Yes, was it the Sushi/Chinese style lunch? It is hard to remember.


I have been to the Doctors this morning. One of my ears is still blocked from swimming and snorkelling in Mystery Island last week. It is hard to get any sympathy...... everyone looks at you and says 'you poor thing' and they are heavy on the sarcasm. :D


Jenny:) :)


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Isn't that just the best feeling in the world???? Ir really is magical.




That's the one thing missing from cruises out of Brisbane - particularly at the moment when no-one other passengers can get near the ship at Pinkenba. Hopefully when the new passenger terminal opens people will come out and see the ships off. Still no harbour bridge to sail under though, and the Gateway bridge just doesn't feel the same :)

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hi brushtail and all for your cruise. Wow , what a time you all had. I wish I was going earlier but I guess the wait will be worth it if we have as good a time as you all did. What did your fellows do on the ship on cruise days? Us gals can always find things to do or not. Your review was great and I felt I was with you all. Do you have photos coming? Ihave allowed 4days before going back to work.Do you feel this is enough? I have a great boss so if you feel longer would be better I would love to know. Was the food good? If you want to write more about your cruise I am sure we all would love to read it. Cannt get enough. :)

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4 days is a good amount of time before going back to work.. On our cruise last year, we arrived back in Brisband from Sydney about 7pm, home by around 8pm - and wen't back to work the next morning and worked 3 days before the week end came around. You really need a couple of days to get back into the swing of things like doing your own cooking and cleaning and washsing again! And to stop the world from swaying too ;)

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Welcome home,great review Brushtail. I so love it when firstimers go snorkelling and discover a whole new world :D It looks like we have some new cruisers hooked too

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Great review brushtail! We certinly had a lot happen on our cruise.That big wave caught everyone by surprise. Our tv flew off the cupboard and was one of the 40 that were smashed . Luckily it didnt land on the lady in the bottom bunk. I enjoyed the land diving at pentacost but it got a bit boring waiting for the last jumper. The man u spoke about was eventually thrown into the back of a ute and driven away. Many young guys had stops put on their cards one of whom was deported back to sydney after smashing windows in Ma Bakers at vila and 2 confined to their cabin for fighting Also in vila young ones were warned not to go to the kava bars but you can guess what happened 6 young guys very very sick in cabin for 2 days. There were 2 deaths on board and 1 broken leg not to mention the medical team that was flown in from sydney for a man who had a heart attack - his friend who had to accompany him was offered a free cruise.The gastro was still on the ship several staff still were ill with one of the hairdressers being sent home at vila. They are extremely vigilent about cleaning and as brushtail said having hand gel at every eating place but they still have the cutlery in trays where as u take them all the people in front of you have already touched ur knife and fork.

The best fun is the bingo kevin is just fantastic it was more like a show than bingo. Brushtail and pommiepom were u there last bingo day? The pink teddy kevin had on stage was from me.

Sorry all im rattleing on you know what its like once u get started!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there....sounds like you had lots of fun.


I am a newbie here, I just want to know if ever you dined in either burgundy or bordeaux? How is the ambience and the food? How are the staff(waiters)? Are they all Australians or not?



My Mom is so keen in knowing what they offer in the restaurants...;)


Hope you could post some pics here. Thanks.

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Hi Discovery,


We were in the Burgundy restaurant. First sitting, table 36 which was a table for 10.


Click on this link for pictures of the Pacific Sun, including the dining rooms.




I got a copy of the menus from the Sun, I have typed up one of them.



  • Three melon cocktail - laced with Midori Liqueur
  • Spinach turnover on a light cheese sauce
  • Oriental hot and sour consomme - a tasty chicken broth flavoured with mushrooms and tofu.


  • Spaghetti al pesto alla moda ligure - long pasta, french beans and red bliss potatoes. Generously tossed in a puree of fresh basil, garlic, pine nuts and grated parmesan cheese.


  • Seared butterfish steak with papaya vinaigrette - enhanced by spiced soy sauce and warm potato avocado salad.
  • Chicken a la kiev - breaded chicken breast filled with garlic herb butter, served with red beets, snow peas and mashed red bliss potatoes.
  • Rack of lamb Dijonnaise - herb-crusted rack with dijon mustard gravy.

All dishes served with appropriate sidings or tossed mixed salad with your choice of homemade and fat-free dressings.




  • Gateau diplomatic - layered with puff pastry and grand marnier.
  • Black forest cake
  • Ever-changing selection of ice cream and sorbet.

Artisan cheeses, crackers, grapes and stone fruit sliced, seasonal fresh fruit.


Wine prices:


Seahorse Bay Colombard Chardonnay

170ml glass - $5.00

220ml glass - $6.00

Bottle $18.00


Broken Wood Cricket Pitch Sauvignon Blanc Semillon

Bottle $38.00


Fratelli Chianti

170 ml glass $7.00

220ml glass $9.50

Bottle $28.00


Tyrell's Old Winery Pinot Noir

Bottle $26.00



When you have a bottle of wine, they pour it out for you and keep the remains of the bottle for the next night. Your name is put on it. It is so easy, you just give them your husbands cruise card. :D


There is a different menu each night and there are theme nights. Such as French night, Australian night South Pacific night etc. with appropriate foods. eg snails for French night and steak for Australian night. It was all fabulous.


Unfortunately we are home now and I have come home from work and made toasted sandwiches for tea. :confused: But I do have some duty free grog to wash it down with. :D



Hope this is all helpful.


Jenny:) :)


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Our lovely, lovely waiters were Rose and Joe. Joe (or Jo-Jo as Rose called him) was a junior waiter and took part in the bombe Alaska parade where we all waived our napkins in the air.


Joe knew that as soon as we sat down, a glass of my Chardonnay was required. :D


They remembered our names and our choice of drinks. I think both of them were from the Philipines and you couldn't fault them at all. Gorgeous people.


Wasn't it all great?


Jenny:) :)


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Joe knew that as soon as we sat down, a glass of my Chardonnay was required. :D


Jenny:) :)



Our waiter, Chelsea (male) knew that too. And a can of coke for DH & can of lemonade for our son.



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I just loved that bit with the whole room waving the napkins in the air! we had victor and roger I wanted to take them both home. What about the surprise chicke dance at the end Roger grabbed me from our table and I had to do the honours of the chicken dance for our table with roger. I so want to go back and do it again . I too am looking at dawn on 9th nov next year just have to find a partner in crime to go too

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Thanks for the reply. Oh, so they do have waiters from the Philippines. Been there before and people were so nice.


So Brushtail, your waitress (rose) sang for you? How nice....How bout you Icemaiden? What is the names of your waiters?

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Hi discovery my waiters were victor and 2nd waiter roger both were fantastic . we dined in burgandy dining room and the service was excellent.Victor was very entertaining and would show us tricks each night using forks toothpicks serviettes glasses etc was great fun . Roger tried to do one of the tricks at the next table using a serviette that was to be pulled out from under a glass and im afraid he needed a bit more practice glass smashed everywhere.a very embarrased roger but the diners enjoyed it was very funny and he took it in good fun

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