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***Live From the Pacific Princess Part II***


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Hello all again!

We'll boarded the Pacific Princess again in Xingang yesterday for another 32 days cruising Asia.

Embarkation yesterday was a NIGHTMARE! Of course Princess is still advertizing that embarkation starts at 1:00pm which it never does! At best it's around 3:00pm which is when they started yesterday awaiting Chinese immigration and Quaratine Officials to show up after lunch. People were hot, cranky and sticky in that Beijing weather yesterday. They had devised a number system for those that had arrived at the port to get a sticker and once embarkation started they would call out red or blue number stickers...we'll taht didn't work very well at all! People became very impatient and started demanding that they simply take people that were lined up close to the desks...what a ZOO!


I did finally make it onboard around 3:30pm and decided to go to teh gym for a quick treadmill session! We'll I was asked by Theresa the Facial person in the gym if I wouldn't mind being a guinee pig for a demo for there facial treatments in the spa and would receive a free complete peel and facial. She forgot to tell me that I would lying there half naked with people coming into the treatment room and observing what she was dioing!...Was a lot of fun anyway!


Went to dinner and had a quick Spring roll appetizer and Salmon with mash potatoes and stracettella ice cream for dessert and went to the Casino Bar for a drink after my meal. Didn't go the the "Office" last night as I never play on the first night.


This morning woke up at 5:00am as usual and went to the internet cafe. The internet troubles seem to be resolved from my last 2 cruises last month as they replaced the satelite fully in Hong Kong on the last voyage.


This morning si very foggy as we are at sea all day heading towards Pusan. Tonight is formal night and will be meeting my tablemates for the first time as last night was an open seating.


More to follow later today from the beautiful Pacific Princess at sea!



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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I have been ejoying your travel reports. Thankyou. we are on the Sapphire in November. going from Bangkok to Beijing. first Asia cruise. as you have been on both the Saphire and Pacific Princess, would you know if the Sapphire has to dock along way from the cities in all ports of call. I know about Bangkok, also Shanghai (where I understand a shuttle is provided for a fee) but am wondering about Singapore,Hongkong,Nha Trang,Keelung (taipai) Okinawa, and Nagasaki also Vung Tau.

would appreciate any feed back . Have called Princess but hard to get a straight answer.

we are also flying from Canada, and Have been told by Air Canada we do not have to worry about a chinese Visa for the change of Planes in Beijing to Bangkok as we will be in transit. just need a double entry visa for the cruise.

we appreciate your input. keep up the day to day reports obviously they are really popular

another canuk


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Oh good, you're back. I was just thinking we should start seeing some posting from you but didn't think it would start happening until tomorrow. We will all be waiting for your daily reports. It will be fun to finally meet you next year.

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I have been ejoying your travel reports. Thankyou. we are on the Sapphire in November. going from Bangkok to Beijing. first Asia cruise. as you have been on both the Saphire and Pacific Princess, would you know if the Sapphire has to dock along way from the cities in all ports of call. I know about Bangkok, also Shanghai (where I understand a shuttle is provided for a fee) but am wondering about Singapore,Hongkong,Nha Trang,Keelung (taipai) Okinawa, and Nagasaki also Vung Tau.

would appreciate any feed back . Have called Princess but hard to get a straight answer.

we are also flying from Canada, and Have been told by Air Canada we do not have to worry about a chinese Visa for the change of Planes in Beijing to Bangkok as we will be in transit. just need a double entry visa for the cruise.

we appreciate your input. keep up the day to day reports obviously they are really popular

another canuk




Hergie....as to port location for the Sapphire that is one disadvantage of being on a bigger ship as she cannot dock as close as the Pacific Princess. Yes in Shanghai, the port is approx. 1 hour away from the city. As for Singapore, you will dock at the same cruise terminal in Sentosa as well as in Hong Kong at the Ocean Terminal and Nha Trang will be the same dock although it will be done by tender as she is too big and the same in Vung Tau will be by tender due to size. Nagasaki will be the same pier location right across from Glover Gardens which is a very convenient location.


As for Air Canada's information, I will double check that because my understanding is that you do need a transit visa which you must obtain prior to leaving Canada...but double check on that one.


anymore questions just ask...Happy Canuk Day back home!



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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Tony... I know you're doing B2B cruises. Did you have to disembark and then embark again?


Hi Pam I just joined in Beijing as I went back home on June 14th for 2 weeks and flew back to rejoin in Beijing yesterday. I will be disembarking in Bangkok but won't have to go thru immigration formalities on July 16th.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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Oh good, you're back. I was just thinking we should start seeing some posting from you but didn't think it would start happening until tomorrow. We will all be waiting for your daily reports. It will be fun to finally meet you next year.


Cactusrose...yep I am back!

Will be finally great too meet you both in January on the Golden doing Antartica...Javier will be on that cruise as well. I just booked Javier and I on the Grand Princess a week ago doing the Gran Med on August 8th and the Greek Isles on August 20th b2b ...he's never done a Med cruise so will be nice to be away together for 24 nights.


Did you finally sort out you Venice hotel booking?


Gotta run and jump in the shower for Dinner...Formal night tonite...yuk!:(



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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Welcome back Tony...........have enjoyed your day to day installments on the Pacific Princess.............My husband and I are doing the 1st August cruise Beijing/Bangkok so unfortunately will not have the pleasure of meeting you this time round..........Just a quick question..........can we exchange Aussie dollars on board I know we could on the Sapphire last year or do you suggest U.S. dollars...........Is it also wise to get some Chinese money before we leave Australia.............Also are there plenty of Money exchanges at all ports? or do you organise different currancy on the boat, or before we leave home?............. Sorry to be a pain but hope you can help any suggestions would be a great.




Robyn & jeff

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Welcome back Tony...........have enjoyed your day to day installments on the Pacific Princess.............My husband and I are doing the 1st August cruise Beijing/Bangkok so unfortunately will not have the pleasure of meeting you this time round..........Just a quick question..........can we exchange Aussie dollars on board I know we could on the Sapphire last year or do you suggest U.S. dollars...........Is it also wise to get some Chinese money before we leave Australia.............Also are there plenty of Money exchanges at all ports? or do you organise different currancy on the boat, or before we leave home?............. Sorry to be a pain but hope you can help any suggestions would be a great.




Robyn & jeff



The only currency they will exchange onboard is from US $ to Japanese Yen otherwise I would suggest converting some money prior to embarking on the ship. I would also suggest you carry some USD to convert in Yuan while in China. There are many local currency shops that you can exchange money.


I am sure you will have a great time onboard although we won't have the pleasure of meeting.


Let me know if I can be of assiatance with anything or further questions.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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Today was a lazy day at sea. The weather as mostly overcast and lots of fog. the fog horn was continously going all day today. Went to the gym early today and had a great luncheon in the Panorama buffet whereby it was Ponchos Mexican's Buffet luncheon with all sorts of Mexican dishes and desserts. Had a little Cat nap this afternoon. Was woken up by the repairs they are performing on all the balcony cabins to adhere to new safety and fire regulations sicne the fire onboard the Star Princess. Apprently this work will last throughout the summer and completed by mid September. Didn't participe in this evenings Captain Circle Welcome aboard cocktail party. Went to dinner tonight as it was formal night and had a great Beef Tornadoes which was cooked to perferction and also had Torroncinno ice cream with the Caramilized William tart...(God I am bad) that will be 1.5 hours tomorrow on the treadmill.


This evenings show is "Give my Regards" which I have seen a half dozen times. Won't be going to the "Office" tonight as I had two bottles of Pinot Griogio at Dinner with my table mates.:)


The seas are currently a little choppy and we are heading towards Pusan at 18.5 knots which is quite fast.


We arrrive in Pusan tomorrow at 1:00pm.


More to follow tomorrow morning from the maginifient Pacific Princess.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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T&J - thanks for the daily updates! Will be on the 17 August sailing from Bangkok. Couple of questions - Is Sammi still the cruise director? Any signs of the dreaded "Norvo Virus" this iteration?



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T&J - thanks for the daily updates! Will be on the 17 August sailing from Bangkok. Couple of questions - Is Sammi still the cruise director? Any signs of the dreaded "Norvo Virus" this iteration?




Yes Sammi is the Cruise Director currently but I believe she eitehr leaves on August 17th or Sept 1st....still don't know who will be the new CD but I will ask.


Yes there is still some small signs of Noro that lives on but nowhere like on my last cruise. They still serve us in the Panorama Buffet, still serve us bread in the Dinning Room and also no salt and pepper shakers on teh tables anymore and pepper mill....must ask for them now!


I am just finishing to write my letter to Princess this morning and sending it by email to Passenger Relations regarding that cruise experience.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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Welcome back, Tony, happy Canada Day. Y'all got fireworks? We are following with even more intense interest as the next departure from Beijing is ours. Yippee!


Carol & Doug


Doug and Carol....no fireworks last night here!....althought the chef (new chef Patamia from the Regal Princess is now onboard as Antonio leaves today) did a huge red and white cake on display in the Club Bar area with Balloons and Streamers...was very nicely displayed.


We'll maybe as I am coming down the gangway you'll be boarding the ship!



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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T&J - Say it ain't so that Sammi is leaving! She is the heart of the party! Please confirm her departure date. We were with her two years ago in the Tahitian Princess.


Good luck with the letter to Princess. My wife was assualted by another passenger last year on the Sea Princess. Staff observed and did nothing to intervene. I wrote Princess and was told T.S.



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I do remember when I was onboard two weeks ago, Sammi did tell me she was leaving in Bangkok and I believe it is on August 17th....she is the life of the party and I have had her many a times on past cruises as well on the Pacific Princess last summer as well for a month.


As to my letter writting it is only underline proceedural problems and inconsistencies with there product offerings and services. I did write a 4 page letter earlier this morning and emailed it to the powers at hand at Corporate...let's see what comes of it if anything!



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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Tony. . .it's so much fun to follow your escapades. Can't wait to meet you and Javier in January. I did make a reservation at Locanda Orseolo in Venice. Heard some really nice things about this small (12 room) B&B. I'll let you know how it was when I meet you on-board. In the meantime I will be following your travels.



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Woke up this morning with a kink in my shoulder blade and decided to let Luka the masseur give it a go at my back and massage. Turns out I still felt soar after the $72.00 massage but the view was worth it! Today was a great day in Pusan. We arrived around 1:30pm about 30 minutes late and docked along side the pier. I went into to town and walked to the market which is approx. a 25 minute walk instead of taking the shuttle. Ended up buying 6 pairs of Nike sock for $5.00 and then headed to the Starbucks for a half decent cup of coffee which I needed badly....Princess coffee sucks! BTW Arlene, they have new glass mugs that are a little smaller!:rolleyes:


Got back onboard around 4:45pm and got ready for dinner tonight at 6:00pm. The Dinning room was visibly missing people at dinner tonight...don't know if a lot of people were pooped out from the half day in Pusan or what...but very quiet onboard this evening so far.


Tomorrow we arrive in Nagasaki at 8:00am and leave at 5:00pm for a full day at sea before heading into Shanghai, China.



More to come tomorrow from Nagasaki, Japan.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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Tony. . .it's so much fun to follow your escapades. Can't wait to meet you and Javier in January. I did make a reservation at Locanda Orseolo in Venice. Heard some really nice things about this small (12 room) B&B. I'll let you know how it was when I meet you on-board. In the meantime I will be following your travels.




Cactusrose glad I was able to be of assistance...let me know if you need any further info on Venice? Javier and I are looking forward too meeting you both as well next year!



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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Tony glad to see you back with the daily updates of life onboard the pp, are there many kids onboard for this sailing? we are getting excited about our trip only 24 days till we leave for beijing. :) :)

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Tony glad to see you back with the daily updates of life onboard the pp, are there many kids onboard for this sailing? we are getting excited about our trip only 24 days till we leave for beijing. :) :)


JackieN....Apparently on the last cruise while I went back home for two they had 39 kids which is unbelieveably a high number for this ship. On this cruise I would say there are about 15-20 kids mostly well behaved except for a couple of "rug rats" that are constantly running up and down the deck halls yelling and screaming! ....wonder where the parents are?:rolleyes:


Life is great onboard the PP!



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Tony - the Diamond doesn't dock at Sentosa - too tall to get under the sky gondola. We had to check in at the Sentosa cruise terminal then be bused to a container dock several miles away. The Diamond was able to dock at Interflour (Phu My).


John is wondering who the Captain will be when we board in September?


Have fun!


Cheers, Dee

in Victoria tomorrow....

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