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HELP! I have become addicted to CC.


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Hi Everyone


I am wondering if anyone else has ever felt 'addicted' to these CC boards? I log on first thing in the morning (while I am making coffee); periodically throughout the day; and last thing at night before bed!!!


It is just that I find the threads and posts so interesting & informative; and at times iritating and annoying. In addition, when ever I have asked for advice, all you fellow posters are so helpful. I just can not get enough and If I log on and there arn't any new posts I feel disapointed.


It has now got where I 'bribe & reward' myself before I visit. I will log on when I have done this, this and this. Is there any hope for me?


Perhaps it is because I am in-between jobs? Hopefully once I commence employment again, my 'addiction' may be cured. I live in hope.


What are your views on this?


Best Regards



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There is no known cure. I've tried. 'Been to counseling, self help groups ("I'm Pepper and I'm a CC addict"), a therapist. Nothing works. Tried to restrict the number of hours at the keyboard, got it down to 23 hours a day. Went out and bought a larger desk so I could take my meals in front of the PC screen. Find myself counting "in hull" balconies to try to sleep. Lie awake working out the number of furniture changes the Caronia Resturant has had. Give people in the street very hard looks if they are dressed in jeans after 6pm. Secretly log on at work and always have another page ready to open in case someone looks over my shoulder. I've been told by some, who don't know ANYTHING, that there are (gasp in horror) other things available on the world wide web and it wasn't set up just for CC! Poor deluded fools. I have lots of friends, but recently I noticed that they are never in if I 'phone them, or indeed available for a meal or a drink if I invite them. I'm can't work out the reason, I'm sure it's got nothing to do with me mentioning Cunard or the CC board once or twice in the past. I've loads of other interests. Like ... well, loads of things ... um give me a minute ...

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I am wondering if anyone else has ever felt 'addicted' to these CC boards? I log on first thing in the morning (while I am making coffee); periodically throughout the day; and last thing at night before bed!


Perhaps it is because I am in-between jobs? Hopefully once I commence employment again, my 'addiction' may be cured.


Shellie - you're not the only one. I take tea rather than coffee, but otherwise my morning routine is the same as yours. I only look at two forums, this one and the G&L one (I don't always bother with the G&L one:o ), but it can take me an hour to work through the Cunard pages.


I don't think that it is just your job situation - I only work part time, but I'm upset for the day if I can't get onto the board before work. Besides, do you want your "addiction" to be cured?:D

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LOL Everyone

Glad I am not the only one. Seeing as I have done an hours chores I have come back for another 'fix'.

Pepper, seeing as you appear to have exhausted all possible avenues I will not bother looking for a 'cure'.

Thank you for your empathy pnhmark!

Coolgran, I think would quite like to 'feed' my habit by booking more cruises; if I can drag myself away from this forum long enough to earn enough to go!!

Best Regards


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I am too! I log on whenever possible and am disappointed if there is not much activity.

Lately, it has been much more informative and less of the 'cut and thrust' discussions there were a while back and to some extent I have missed that! (never thought I would - they are as you say Shellie sometimes irritating and annoying- but they make you laugh too!)

Well I haven't long to wait now - less than two weeks for our first QM2! It is so exciting.

best wishes to all


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Hi Haywood

Hope you really enjoy your time on the QM2!! Could you post your experiences of her on your return please?

It would sure make for a really meaty 'fix' for us addicts.

Best Regards


PS I must, I must do more housework.

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Hi Haywood


Hope you really enjoy your time on the QM2!! Could you post your experiences of her on your return please?


It would sure make for a really meaty 'fix' for us addicts.


Best Regards




PS I must, I must do more housework.




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Thank you for starting this thread. Those of us who are addicted salute you.:D


I too log on first thing in the morning. After all, how else will I know what our posters across the Pond have been writing if I don't check.:confused:


Housework, laundry, dishes(I now use paper, but keep forgetting to take out the garbage):eek: . I thought of hireing a cleaning person, but then I would have to leave my computer to let them in the house.


Please keep this thread going. I will be back for another "fix" after I check the Roll Call threads.;)




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Shellie -


I can relate! LOL


I am blessed (or cursed?) that most of my work happens from home ... so logging on for a quick check of the 'boards is all too easy!


But the big advantage is that you meet so many great people here ... I can't wait to see some of you in-person come November.


- Spike

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I much prefer 'surfing the boards' than 'washing my draws' (draws is another word for smalls).

Spike, I know I perhaps should already know; but where are you going in November?

Maria, I would get a 'domestic help' but I am not earning enough yet due to my 'addiction'.

Best Regards x


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Hmmmm...let me count the ways!! Put on the morning tea to boil...log on to CC, see what's happened overnight. Check out the Cunard forum first...then of course it's time to "cruise" by our Roll Call (which is HUMONGOUS by now and we don't sail til Dec!!)....maybe a quick check of the fashion board (now THERE"S a hoot...wow, these gals are SERIOUS about fashion faux pas on cruise ships...plus there's always a good "jeans in the dining room" argument going on there for some comic relief. I'm amazed at how many people have trouble choosing their outfits without the "advice" of complete strangers!!). OK, then I maybe do something productive...laundry, dusting, walk the dog...ooops, better check in again.


I, too, keep a back-up screen available just in case my husband passes by...he's very worried about my addiction so I humor him and let him think I"m doing something important on my screen....checking the stock market always seems to work. Back and forth I go all day til bedtime....thank goodness I decided to retire early so I don't have to decide between CC and work!! Now that would be a difficult choice.


So Shellie, don't despair...you are not alone. We are here to hold your hand and ease you gently into your new found addiction. Lately we seem to be awfully civilized on here but you should have been around for some of the more spirited :rolleyes: (isn't that a nice way to describe it?) discussions we've endured...the dreaded "S" word....Jeans (god forbid) on the QM2 :eek: ...compensation for the "pod incident". And those are just a couple of our less attractive moments!! And we've loved them all!! So you are in good hands here....just don't try to explain any of this to your friends if you want to keep them....just log on here...we understand and will feed your addiction daily, they won't.


I'm lucky I use a laptop and have a wireless network in the house...that way I can hide in a corner, or the closet if necessary, and in true addicted fashion indulge my QM2 fantasies in private!! :eek: Welcome to the club! Cheers, Penny :D


PS..Hey Maria...Paper plates???Even I don't do that...OK, maybe at lunch ;)

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My name is Karie. and I am powerless over my CC addiction.


Log in first thing in the AM? You m ean you folks log out out night?


Many of you know I have been going through a challenge at work. Well, I pretty much set my own hours. I usually saunter in between 9 and 10 AM, sometimes later. Well, my job has been saved, but perhaps at the cost of having to fit into someone else's idea of when I should be where, and what I should do while I'm there! That means I am going to have to get to bed at a reasonable hour What?~ I think 2 AM, 3 AM is QUITE reasonable when I am behind in my cc: boards reading!) But it does make for a late morning start some times. I try to keep my credit union page or my prescription refill page up in case I have to have something "official" looking up when Marc walks in (Hmm, it used to be that people did that when you didn't want the boss or spouse to know you were looking at dirty pictures!) but I know he is on to me. I suppose it is just as well he does not log on here, or he would find out all of my secrets.

Hire a maid? no, no! I would have to clean my whole house before she came! Can't get repair work done in the house as I have let the whole thing go to pot. A repair man ould have to climb over the piles of stuff everywhere. Clean the vents? First I'd have to find them! I should be doing laundry, mopping the kitchen, even reading the paper right now. (The papers do tend to pile up!) Eating in the computer room? If I don't answer a thread it's because I can't get to the keyboard. There's a bowl of something in front of it, and no doubt the bills I mean to pay on top of it. Got a cordless mouse and keyboard so I could lean back with it on my lap! HA! I'd have to find it first!

And since the thing times out sometimes and resets what you have read and your unread threads before you have read them, I have to keep reading til it's all done! Maybe even open a second window so I know where I left off! Sometimes I have to print a thread or post so I can go back later to comment. Sometimes I have to leave it up, and not move on because I have to find time to reply so I don't forget or lose it! (or conversely, to download something or read something one of y'all have linked.) Sometimes I don't shut down the PC til it crashes on its own from having too much stuff loaded up in memory!

I no longer check the fashion board (and the Brazilian wax job thread) as I have enough just to keep up with the Cunard boards, and an occasional traipse over to the roll calls to see what's up.

And honestly, You folks kept me sane through the illness and subsequent loss of my father and the possibility of losing my job. I told very few people of either event outside of these boards. I guess that says it all.



who no longer has time for a life!

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You/we have the best of both worlds. CC is the life-blood of virtual life.

There are so many interesting and communicative people on these boards; it is irreplaceable. That is not to say 'real' people are not important also. The virtual and real both have their place!!

Best Regards

Shellie x

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Hey, Shellie ...


No, I don't think you missed anything from me about our trip ... I just saw a few people on this thread that I have chatted with on other threads here, and may have the good fortune of meeting a few of them on the QM2 in November.


Here's the "short" version -

My wife and I will be celebrating our 20th anniversary with (what I hope will be) a memorable trip ... we jet to London (I finally get to see how well Richard Branson does flying) and after a short day/night there, will board the VSOE to Southampton ... an extended crossing on the QM2 (November 18) down to Ft. Lauderdale, where we spend a couple of days kicking back in South Beach ... finally a 5-day cruise in the Caribbean enjoying a Sky Suite on the Celebrity Century. (This is all a COMPLETE surprise for her, of course!)


I've been pestering the good folks on the Cunard message board for a while now!


And, like you, I have already met a lot of great people here at CC!


- Spike

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My staff discovered these boards back in January, and since then the service in this place has taken a monumental nosedive. Sometimes my breakfast is not served until LUNCHTIME, when they've finally finished looking at the overnight posts.


Mary's very disgruntled cat (any offers of decent alternative accommodation gratefully received).

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I totally understand your dilemma. As a Certified Therapy Dog I've been trying to help my Mom with this awful addiction. I put my head on her lap (always a helpful therapy maneuver) but she's so busy typing on CC (hey, I recognize the screen!!) that she can't even pet me. It's the action of petting that's so therapudic for most people but she's so engrossed she doesn't even know I'm there. I do the leaning technique...nothing. I'm going to have to check out my Therapy Dog handbook since I must have skipped a chapter. This lack of effectiveness is bad for my ego!!


Pets of CC addicts....unite!!! Take back your people!!!


Cheers, Bear...Penny's loveable Golden Retriever Therapy Dog

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I totally understand your dilemma. As a Certified Therapy Dog I've been trying to help my Mom with this awful addiction. I put my head on her lap (always a helpful therapy maneuver) but she's so busy typing on CC (hey, I recognize the screen!!) that she can't even pet me. It's the action of petting that's so therapudic for most people but she's so engrossed she doesn't even know I'm there. I do the leaning technique...nothing. I'm going to have to check out my Therapy Dog handbook since I must have skipped a chapter. This lack of effectiveness is bad for my ego!!


Pets of CC addicts....unite!!! Take back your people!!!


Cheers, Bear...Penny's loveable Golden Retriever Therapy Dog

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Isn't it nice to nice we're not alone in our addiction to CC. I'll be meeting Pepper on the westbound crossing in Sept. I'm sure we'll find lots to talk about even if we only talk about CC.


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I'm also addicted to CC - First thing in the morning I check my e-mails and then its CC (plus a few peeks during the day). Hi Linda! -Linda and I meet here on the CC Board - then on the QM. Since then we have vacationed together and have become close - Great Friendships can be made right here!

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Isn't it nice to nice we're not alone in our addiction to CC. I'll be meeting Pepper on the westbound crossing in Sept. I'm sure we'll find lots to talk about even if we only talk about CC.





I can ONLY talk about CC.


(Ask anyone who, in the past, knew me (Where have they all gone? Why are they always out when I 'phone?)).


With very best wishes.

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