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Past Cruisers going on the Miracle BEWARE!


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WOW. Big Deal!


I DO like to go to the past guest party.

HOWEVER... It will NOT make or break my cruise!


On my last cruise, our steward did forget our invitations, but he did give us our pins. Just show your GOLD/ PLATINUM cards at the door. They will know you're a past cruiser by that card.

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I think the champagne was adequate for the apology for the mistake. I am sure that if the OP did not drink he could have taken the bottle to the purser and got something else of equal value. I think the OP's statement about getting something else was pretentious... let it go already, it was not a big deal!


The free cruise raffle tickets that were sold at the past cruise party for a "discount"... well let me tell ya, it is not a great deal. You can get the same deal later in the cruise even if you are not a past cruiser. This happened on Valor, and I remember the deal they gave anyone was equal to the deal they gave the past cruisers. I think you had to do something to qualify for that deal, but it was easy to get. I felt the "special deal" for the past cruisers was not special at all. So, to the OP, you did not miss much, certainly not more than a bottle of champagne is worth.


Now what else is there to complain about... surely there was more bad stuff to entertain us with!

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I guess its just me, on our last Carnival we lost our video camera in Barbados. Carnival bent over backwards to try help us get it back. Losing the camera was our falt not Carnivals. And they did everything they could.


I guess we run in to the nice people :p


I do go to the past guest party, but I also can do with out it too... It wouldn't have ruined my cruise.

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OP, If this was your 2nd cruise with carnival and were really looking forward to the party, I'm sorry you missed it. I was on the Destiny a couple of weeks ago. We didn't receive any invitations, only the pins. I asked the steward and was told that our S&S cards were all we needed to show at the door now. No one checked anything once we arrived...we just walked in. Its nothing special really, but the drinks are free. Once again sorry you missed this one but Catch the next one.

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Wow I wonder what happened to the Pursers desk in between my cruise on 08/06 and your's. I went to the pursers desk several times, and they wre always friendly.


I went to the pursers desk as soon as we got on the ship. Well after grabbing a bite on the Lido deck.... and having a couple of foo foo drinks ... you have to have priorities. I asked for two things this time. First to have the divider between the two rooms I had booked opened up. She filled in a form and had me sign it. Told me someone would come around the next morning to open it up. Next, I wanted spare keys made, one for each room. I was given no problem with these either.


We made our way to our room, tried the spare keys which did not work. Oh well, guess I will get it fixed sometime. The next morning, sometime after breakfast, our balcony divider was miraculously opened. I am now happy. We had rooms 5234(extra long obstructed balcony) and 5236, and now have a 40 ft long balcony, really cool!


Sorry started wandering... where was I....


Oh yes. Pursers desk. We kept the balcony doors unlocked, no need to stand in line again and complain about something I don't really need.


I went back to the pursers desk two other times. Both times I had my questions answered politely.


My 9 yo DD also had need of the purser. She managed to loose her S&S card. Went to the desk and got another one, no problem.


We did receive our invites to the past guest party. Now that I am thinking of it, I did not get our pins though. Maybe they got lost, and you ended up with them? I guess I could call and complain about it. Do you think they will send them to me? Or a bottle of Champane? Sounds like too much trouble. If I am going to spend my time I should do it constructively. I can spend the time booking another cruise. Past guest pin problem solved, no complaining or time wasted.


Problems like you have can be expected anywhere. I don't think anyone intentionally wanted you to miss the party. I think it was nice of them to offer a bottle of wine and an apology note. I am sorry that did not meet your demands. Next time record the converstion... you might get a free cruise out of it.:cool:

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I think I pestered my last room steward because I asked him the 1st and the 2nd day when I was going to get my pin and invitation!


I may be mistaken but I think the OP was partly upset because they looked forward to meeting their fellow cruise critics at the past guest party. Of course, I don't think the purser handled it as well as could be expected - they should have just apologized and offered a free cruise!! :D

[just kidding for those who are wondering!]

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I keep gong back on the Miracle in hopes they give me my past guest pins and invitations to the past guest parties (getting quite a collection here too, I might add).


And if they should EVER forget...I'll....I'll....I'll sue 'em, yeah! That's what I'll do, sue 'em!


Pass the popcorn please! :D

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I would like to reply to all the wonderful people who opted to view and or respond to my original message regarding being overlooked for the past cruisers party. First of all, No it is not posted in the Capers as it is a private party. I found the pursers desk to be just darn stone-faced and rude. This was our 2nd cruise and maybe some of you think I was over reacting but... I wrote the piece because I was very disappointed. Just the fact that not only mine but my son's disappointment was overlooked even after the fact that I asked them if the champagne was to satifsy my son as well. So yeah I understand that it was a vacation and other that that incident and at times being charged for items that shouldn't have been it was a pretty nice time. My last day at sea I hit a $1 slot machine for $600.00. Hmmmm was that their way of making up for their errors????? Hmmm..... Maybe................ Oh and yes to the person who asked if I complained to anyone or just just brewed over it all week. The answer is yes, I wrote it on my comment card along with the fact that everyone else other than that incident were WONDERFUL!!!! Oh and yes our steward was wonderul hoever only on the job 3 weeks. I still can't help but htink the pursers office tried to blame him and I don't think the buck should be pased to him....... I think they need to replace their purser staff...... Just plain rude....... That's all folks!!!!

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Pins? PINS?? WHAT PINS??? We didn't get any pins! I better go write a letter...



Really, though, we didn't encounter a rude purser's desk attendant, but another woman was really complaining. We did have a sick attendant, and while dealing with us, she just walked away for about ten minutes, and then finally came back. None of them seemed very friendly, though, but nothing to ruin our cruise.



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I would like to reply to all the wonderful people who opted to view and or respond to my original message regarding being overlooked for the past cruisers party. First of all, No it is not posted in the Capers as it is a private party. I found the pursers desk to be just darn stone-faced and rude. This was our 2nd cruise and maybe some of you think I was over reacting but... I wrote the piece because I was very disappointed. Just the fact that not only mine but my son's disappointment was overlooked even after the fact that I asked them if the champagne was to satifsy my son as well. So yeah I understand that it was a vacation and other that that incident and at times being charged for items that shouldn't have been it was a pretty nice time. My last day at sea I hit a $1 slot machine for $600.00. Hmmmm was that their way of making up for their errors????? Hmmm..... Maybe................ Oh and yes to the person who asked if I complained to anyone or just just brewed over it all week. The answer is yes, I wrote it on my comment card along with the fact that everyone else other than that incident were WONDERFUL!!!! Oh and yes our steward was wonderul hoever only on the job 3 weeks. I still can't help but htink the pursers office tried to blame him and I don't think the buck should be pased to him....... I think they need to replace their purser staff...... Just plain rude....... That's all folks!!!!


I don't think they passed the buck, inkspot, because it IS the steward's responsibility to put the invitations in the rooms. I agree with others that getting the champagne was an ample apology. Quite frankly, I would not make any amends to a child as they cannot choose to go on, nor pay for a cruise by themselves until they are 18 (and even then they have to have someone older with them in the room). I would opt to keep the adults happy.


I am not ruled by my child's displeasure in anything. They have to understand that life is not always 100% to their liking. They tend to react with a child's mind (go figure). I don't buy into children's temper tantrums--especially if they pitched one over not getting an invitation to a past guest party (which, again, is not held to humor the children but the adults).


As for seeing people you may've cruised with before or CC pals, I've noticed over on the roll call boards that many folks will plan to meet up at a certain day, time and location independent of what the past guest party is doing. Perhaps this will help you next time.

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Tell your son not to stress it. It's just a little get together with free booze and apparently he doesn't like free booze anyway. Actually I've heard that at some of the repeaters parties, they string up the kids like pinatas and let the past cruisers take pokes at 'em, so he isn't missing anything.

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Geeeezzzz... How about a little white space? Your long and rambling post was just to much for my eyes...;)


Anyway sorry you felt you were left out, but did really go on the cruise just to buy raffel tickets, and get a few free drinks at the past guest party?


Personaly, i think the past guest party is a joke, and I try to avoid it if at all possible.:rolleyes:



We sailed the Miracle on 8/20 heading to the Western Carribean. We had sailed lastyear with Carnival on the Victory (Eastern Carribean). We were really looking forward to this cruise as it was our second and we were eagerly awaiting to meet our fellow cruise critics who were also past cruisers at the Past-cruise cocktail party. However it wasn't to be....... On Monday evening our 1st formal evening with the captain went off without a hitch. We came back from dinner (early dinner) to find our "Past Cruise" pins on the beds that were turned down for us. We were thrilled only to find out Wednesday am at breakfast that the past cruiser party was Tuesday evening "by invitation only". We were SHOCKED!!!! How could this have happened. I was also told by a friend I made at Bingo who was a past cruiser as well that they were selling the raffle tickets for the "Win a cruise" the drawing is on Saturday evening. To 1st timers they are sold for $10.00 each and 3 for $20.00. If you are a past cruiser you can purchase 4 for $20.00. On Wednesday am I immediately went to the pursers desk to find out what happened and why we were overlooked. I also inquired how I could purchase these tickets at the past cruiser rate since we were in fact past cruisers. I was lied to my face by one girl who told me I was mistaken and that these tickets were not for sale as of yet. When I pursued the issue I was again told that I was mistaken and that they must have sold them at the Bingo that she was certain "No tickets were sold at this past cruiser party". I was very upset as I explained to her that this was a BIG Part of our cruise as we wanted to socialize with our past cruisers..... I asked to speak to the manager. The Manager came over who was a blonde woman who was not too courteous as she leaned into my face and asked me "What I would like her to do about it". Well being in the CSR field I was totally taken back as we always try to make our customers happy and to not let them feel as though we just don't care. Well that's how I felt, that Carnival just didn't care. Later that afternoon an apology letter came to our room with a bottle of Champagne. I went back to the pursers desk after dinner and explained that although I thought the gesture was nice, I really didn't think my 10 yr old son (who is also a past cruiser) would be able to benefit from the champagne. I got NOWHERE!!!! They just didn't care. They tried to blame it on our steward who was absolutely WONDERFUL. I pulled him aside and asked what was going on. He said that the invitation should have come the same time as the pins but he got ours 2 days later. That would be a day after I complained. I gave them ample time to try to make it up to us. My son would have just liked a few tokens for the arcade. SOMETHING!!!! Carnival Miracle if you are reading this Any kind of acknowledgement other than alcohol for my 10 yr old would have been appreciated. Just a more compasionate set of pursers would have been nicer. To have the manager get in my face and ask me what I would like her to do about it really sent me in the direction of picking another cruise line nextyear when our cruise time comes up. Maybe Royal Carribean would be more compasionate to a digruntled past guest of the Miracle......... We will see........
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Hmmm ... on my last cruise on the Valor, I never even got an invitation. I inquired the last day at the purser's desk. She asked to see my card (gold), then said ... oh, well you should have gotten an invitation. Uh .. yeah. Then I asked for (and received) the pin I hadn't received. Thus ended my compensation ... ie ... none.


Sorry it happened, but if that is the worst thing that happened on your cruise and it ruined your experience ... well ... have fun on RCCL.

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Tell your son not to stress it. It's just a little get together with free booze and apparently he doesn't like free booze anyway. Actually I've heard that at some of the repeaters parties, they string up the kids like pinatas and let the past cruisers take pokes at 'em, so he isn't missing anything.



:D :D :D :D :D Okay...I am gonna choke on my popcorn! *LMAO*

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Honestly, to me, the Past Guest Party is a total snore. The cheap drinks and champagne make my brain hurt and the meatballs of doom ballon into softballs inside my belly...lots of fun ;) At least you got your pins so everyone will THINK you attended. Beware of the pins though!...they are razor sharp and you could get injured!!....Hmmmmmmm...now where's that lawyer's business card?

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We sailed the Miracle on 8/20 heading to the Western Carribean. We had sailed lastyear with Carnival on the Victory (Eastern Carribean). We were really looking forward to this cruise as it was our second and we were eagerly awaiting to meet our fellow cruise critics who were also past cruisers at the Past-cruise cocktail party. However it wasn't to be....... On Monday evening our 1st formal evening with the captain went off without a hitch. We came back from dinner (early dinner) to find our "Past Cruise" pins on the beds that were turned down for us. We were thrilled only to find out Wednesday am at breakfast that the past cruiser party was Tuesday evening "by invitation only". We were SHOCKED!!!! How could this have happened. I was also told by a friend I made at Bingo who was a past cruiser as well that they were selling the raffle tickets for the "Win a cruise" the drawing is on Saturday evening. To 1st timers they are sold for $10.00 each and 3 for $20.00. If you are a past cruiser you can purchase 4 for $20.00. On Wednesday am I immediately went to the pursers desk to find out what happened and why we were overlooked. I also inquired how I could purchase these tickets at the past cruiser rate since we were in fact past cruisers. I was lied to my face by one girl who told me I was mistaken and that these tickets were not for sale as of yet. When I pursued the issue I was again told that I was mistaken and that they must have sold them at the Bingo that she was certain "No tickets were sold at this past cruiser party". I was very upset as I explained to her that this was a BIG Part of our cruise as we wanted to socialize with our past cruisers..... I asked to speak to the manager. The Manager came over who was a blonde woman who was not too courteous as she leaned into my face and asked me "What I would like her to do about it". Well being in the CSR field I was totally taken back as we always try to make our customers happy and to not let them feel as though we just don't care. Well that's how I felt, that Carnival just didn't care. Later that afternoon an apology letter came to our room with a bottle of Champagne. I went back to the pursers desk after dinner and explained that although I thought the gesture was nice, I really didn't think my 10 yr old son (who is also a past cruiser) would be able to benefit from the champagne. I got NOWHERE!!!! They just didn't care. They tried to blame it on our steward who was absolutely WONDERFUL. I pulled him aside and asked what was going on. He said that the invitation should have come the same time as the pins but he got ours 2 days later. That would be a day after I complained. I gave them ample time to try to make it up to us. My son would have just liked a few tokens for the arcade. SOMETHING!!!! Carnival Miracle if you are reading this Any kind of acknowledgement other than alcohol for my 10 yr old would have been appreciated. Just a more compasionate set of pursers would have been nicer. To have the manager get in my face and ask me what I would like her to do about it really sent me in the direction of picking another cruise line nextyear when our cruise time comes up. Maybe Royal Carribean would be more compasionate to a digruntled past guest of the Miracle......... We will see........


Perhaps you should contact a certain CC poster regarding how to get a free cruise out of this one.

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Sorry you had the same luck at the pursers desk as I had. Don't let one batch of rude employees ruin a good Carnival cruise for you later. Carnival is really a good cruise line. You just get rude people anywhere at anytime.


Hey Liv, he's already been here! I was syrprised it took him till page 2. Inkspot, did you get any of this on video? We were on the Miracle in May and the folks at the pursers desk were quite friendly. Maybe it's because I was friendly also.



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Hey Liv, he's already been here! I was syrprised it took him till page 2. Inkspot, did you get any of this on video? We were on the Miracle in May and the folks at the pursers desk were quite friendly. Maybe it's because I was friendly also.




LOL...Jess are you sure they weren't nice because you had the camcorder? :p

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We sailed the Miracle on 8/20 heading to the Western Carribean. We had sailed lastyear with Carnival on the Victory (Eastern Carribean). We were really looking forward to this cruise as it was our second and we were eagerly awaiting to meet our fellow cruise critics who were also past cruisers at the Past-cruise cocktail party. However it wasn't to be....... On Monday evening our 1st formal evening with the captain went off without a hitch. We came back from dinner (early dinner) to find our "Past Cruise" pins on the beds that were turned down for us. We were thrilled only to find out Wednesday am at breakfast that the past cruiser party was Tuesday evening "by invitation only". We were SHOCKED!!!! How could this have happened. I was also told by a friend I made at Bingo who was a past cruiser as well that they were selling the raffle tickets for the "Win a cruise" the drawing is on Saturday evening. To 1st timers they are sold for $10.00 each and 3 for $20.00. If you are a past cruiser you can purchase 4 for $20.00. On Wednesday am I immediately went to the pursers desk to find out what happened and why we were overlooked. I also inquired how I could purchase these tickets at the past cruiser rate since we were in fact past cruisers. I was lied to my face by one girl who told me I was mistaken and that these tickets were not for sale as of yet. When I pursued the issue I was again told that I was mistaken and that they must have sold them at the Bingo that she was certain "No tickets were sold at this past cruiser party". I was very upset as I explained to her that this was a BIG Part of our cruise as we wanted to socialize with our past cruisers..... I asked to speak to the manager. The Manager came over who was a blonde woman who was not too courteous as she leaned into my face and asked me "What I would like her to do about it". Well being in the CSR field I was totally taken back as we always try to make our customers happy and to not let them feel as though we just don't care. Well that's how I felt, that Carnival just didn't care. Later that afternoon an apology letter came to our room with a bottle of Champagne. I went back to the pursers desk after dinner and explained that although I thought the gesture was nice, I really didn't think my 10 yr old son (who is also a past cruiser) would be able to benefit from the champagne. I got NOWHERE!!!! They just didn't care. They tried to blame it on our steward who was absolutely WONDERFUL. I pulled him aside and asked what was going on. He said that the invitation should have come the same time as the pins but he got ours 2 days later. That would be a day after I complained. I gave them ample time to try to make it up to us. My son would have just liked a few tokens for the arcade. SOMETHING!!!! Carnival Miracle if you are reading this Any kind of acknowledgement other than alcohol for my 10 yr old would have been appreciated. Just a more compasionate set of pursers would have been nicer. To have the manager get in my face and ask me what I would like her to do about it really sent me in the direction of picking another cruise line nextyear when our cruise time comes up. Maybe Royal Carribean would be more compasionate to a digruntled past guest of the Miracle......... We will see........

Sorry you were not happy with your cruise. The Miracle and the Celebration are my favorite ships. I would go again in a heart beat. The Triumph was my least favorite.

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