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Drinks prices on the QM2

Highly Sociable

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Can anyone give me an idea of the cost of drinks?


Specifically, the sail-off champagne, the martini cocktails, the champagne in the champagne bar and a decent bottle of Chablis at dinner.


Thanks - just trying to work out how much credit to put on our on board account.

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For the the champagne in the champagne bar I think they had 4 different types of champange a Rose, a Vintige Reserve, a Rich Reserve and one other, the first three were $15 a glass the fouth was a little more. They also sell by the bottle, and magnums. We enjoyed the '98 Rich Reserve on a few nights.

Martini's are anywhere between $4.75 and $9.00 depending on brand.

I thought the wine list was very fair, and the mark up was less than most finer resturants.

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Just trying to work out how much credit to put on our on board account.


You don't need to pay your onboard account up front. They'll quite happily let you register a card and then charge up gallons of Champagne. (After all you're their captive - they know that you can't get away from then until you reach port:D )

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I realise that I don't need to pay up front, but if I knew how much the drinks prices were, then I would be able to work out if I was REALLY going to enjoy the trip, or I would have to take it at a leisurely pace.


Well, here's one thing to think about.

I probably enjoy a good alcoholic drink as much as the next person. I bring booze on board, and buy plenty to keep the queens from rags. HOWEVER..

My enjoyment is not dependent on having a buzz on. I realized many years ago, when I would go to a concert and see these teeny-bopper girls throwing their guts up in the ladies room, basically, missing the concert. Then I came to realize and even saw adults so bombed that they left before the show was over, that some of these people wouldn't have known if they were seeing Lawrence Welk or Guy Lombardo instead of their favorite rock star! (Which I would love to do- That would be some feat, since both are dead!) My point is, I'm 52. I can get drunk any time I want to at home. I have no intention of missing half the cruise sleeping it off, or wondering if I made a ***** of myself, or any other such thing. Nowadays, I take it easier at times, because I want to enjoy and remember the experience. I'm far from a tee totaler, those who have sailed with me will tell you!. As for the champagne, I go between St Hilaires, which Robert Parker has rated as a great champagne at a great price (under 10$ US) and Moet et Chandon White Star Brut (Around 35 dollars a bottle most places.) I decided against paying the (I thought) high prices of the Veuve Cliquot sailaway champagne and had mojitos instead. (and the champagne I brought with me) Now YMMV- What is a value to me, might not be a value to you.I figured I could get Veuve Cliquot a lot cheaper at home.


Obviously, each person has their own idea of what enhances or takes away from their experience. My take (at that time- might be different another time) was that the worry about spending so much did not overcome the price, and would ameliorate the enjoyment I would get from the good champagne.


Or, as I say, after the first drink., good tequila and bad tequila taste about the same!


Either way- (and mixed drinks on board are EXTREMELY reasonable, IMHO and Wines range the gamut, choose something to your tastes and pocketbook) Have a mmarvelous time. Planning ahead can only enhance your enjoyment, so you don't fret over each individual purchase.




Who likes good champagne, but only at a reasonable (IMHO) price

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I think you mis-understood me. My name maybe Highly sociable and whilst I do enjoy other peoples company, the name was chosen as it is the name of a race horse I used to own, not becuase my sole intention in life is to get drunk.


I do not intend to get drunk each evening, annoy my fellow passengers and then miss most of the following days activities sleeping off an horendous hangover.


However, when I'm on holiday, away from my ususal daily stresses, I do enjoy a few drinks and sharing a bottle of wine with my husband over dinner. I have heard tell that the prices on board are expensive and I would rather have some idea of the cost as I have read on the boards that some people take alcohol on board with them and I would much rather buy my drinks on board if the prices are not silly.

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Do they mind if you bring a bottle or two of your own to keep in the cabin? I really enjoy a class in the evening when we sit on our balcony and talk about our day or one when I am getting ready for dinner.


QM 12/16/06


Hi - I've read (on other threads) that taking wine on board is no problem for consumption in your cabin but they charge a corkage fee if you take it to the dining rooms. I will certainly be taking a bottle (or two) on my upcoming crossing on November 5th.;)

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Do they mind if you bring a bottle or two of your own to keep in the cabin?


They've never bothered us on the QE2. We generally keep it out of general view, but don't go to lengths to hide it - on occasions we've forgotten to put it away, we always use the glasses from the cabin and leave them for the steward to wash.

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I apologize, HS. I didn't mean to sound preachy. Like I said, ask anyone who has cruised with me. I like to drink, and bring booze on board! I had a mojito party on the January Panama trip. I brought the mojito rum, fresh mint, fresh limes, bendy straws with umbrellas or hibiscus attached to them, simple syrup, and a Joyce Chen knife! (for cutting limes, muddling mint and limes.) I also brought sipping tequila (Don Julio) and Magellan Gin (good for an EXTREMELY dry martini. can be sipped over ice or refrigerated and sipped straight up.) By Highly Sociable, I assumed you meant really friendly, although it is also a cool name for a race horse. Are their names, like show dogs, sometimes a combination of the dam and sire's name? I would think it would be really kind of neat to own a race horse. I live down the street (well, road, really) from a ranch. They have occasionally had studs, but they don't have racers. However, my next door neighbor (off in the distance) raises greyhounds. (racing greyhounds)


I apologize for sounding like some kind of alcohol snob or a scold. Chalk it up to tiredness and my lack of social skills. I only open my mouth to change feet, and I guess it did sound a bit like a Puritan scold.

I'm really not like that, eh, ladies and gents (and the rest of you too! <G>) Ask anybody~ I was just babbling- running off at the mouth again (as is my wont) I hope I did answer your question however. I did say that I thought the champagne was overpriced, but that the mixed drinks were very well priced, and there was a range of wines for all tastes and pocketbooks. I don't think you will need to wheel a drink cart on board to have satisfying relaxing beverages (just watch when you sign the slip- there is a line for tips but be aware that 15% has already been added. Feel free to add more, but Marc was adding 20% on top of it in January, having not noticed the 15% already charged. And we've been doing this long enough and they do that on every ship we've ever been on! We looked over the amount and decided the waiters had all been delightful, and deserved it, and it really only amounted to a dollar or two here and there.)

As I said, everyone's idea of fair price is different, and maybe I am too cheap when it comes to the Veuve Cliquot, thought I don't mind paying the price for my Moet. Everyone on here as pretty much agreed that mixedd drink and beer prices are on a par with or even better than even lesser land establishments. I think one of the forums on here a while back actually published a link to wine prices. I think you might be able to find it by looking through the forum subjects. Maybe I'll try to look for it later.


Again. I did not mean to impugn one of your preferred methods of relaxing, or to sound judgemental (Which I gues I really did. Sorry :o) . I guess this also makes me sexist )and am a woman), but I had thought (having no clear clue otherwise,) that you might be a man. I surprised myself by thinking of the subject in a different way when faced with the fact that you are a woman! That sort of startled me, that it might have changed my anwer or attitude, though it shouldn't! I'm a bit ashamed of myself for that.

And I do think I actually should have known that, because I seem to remember you posting before- maybe six moths ago? Or is my aging memory failing me?

Well, if we find ourselves on the same cruise, then I definitely owe you a drink! It's a promise!

And if you find me to be too much of a boor, you don't even have to drink it with me! <LOL>





with the very red face.

I shall go hide under my bed now <G>


P.S. I think you will be quite pleased with the prices. Except maybe for the aforementioned champagne, and it may be fine to your budget!

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Thanks TTG for your apology. However, having re-read my post about REALLY enjoying myself, I must accept part of the blame for giving the wrong impression.


Anyway, just over two weeks and counting. I am really looking forward to this TA. We have never cruised before. My husband has always refused point blank. He hates to be organised and says that the only cruise worth doing is one that has a reason i.e. getting from point A to point B. This cruise is actually his idea, as he messed up our 20th wedding anniversary holiday by being rushed into hospital the day before our departue for an emergency appendectomy. Damned inconsiderate!


Your mohito party sounds good fun. I wish you were coming with us and then we could meet up and swap stories. According to the Roll Call, there are only 4 people on board for the 24th October TA, although I'm sure there will be another 2,000 decide to board at the last minute!


I've e-mailed Cunard and asked them for a wine list. If it appears, I'll ask my husband (the techo) to scan it in for future use for other travellers.


Anyway, must go to bed. Have been at the local golf club dinner and have a sponsored 25 mile walk to do tomorrow. Thanks again for sharing your memories.



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What Karie neglected to mention was that she also lugged the kitchen sink aboard with all her mojito fixings!! :p How'd you do that Karie??? I'm trying to figure out how to surrepticiously bring a little sailaway vodka for the guys since I was under the impression that bringing alcohol was frowned on in a big way. I don't mind buying the set-ups from room service but didn't I read somewhere that it wasn't available until after we had sailed? I have this image of being hauled away and put in irons for the whole voyage because someone discovered vodka tucked away somewhere in my bags.:eek:


Highly Sociable...great name by the way...hope you can get that list posted if you get it. That would be helpful. Have a great crossing!!

Cheers, Penny....who really would prefer to spend time in the spa than in irons!!:rolleyes:

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Good luck on your walk tomorrow. I hope the weather will be cool and pleasant for you. I gave up walks years ago. I am handicapped and can't walk very far. I sometimes volunteer at the walks though. This has been a rough year.and I am just too tired right now. My parrothead cclub hand out water at the Hartford Marathon (Not sure if that is tomorrow- I think it is next week- at any rate, I have to work tomrrow. I already have over 100 hours logged for the two week pay period. They are redoing paint and carpet in our office. I have been away from my office for two months on a special project, and I have to box up 27 years accumulation, in addition to which, I used to be in a group of eight, now I am the only one left of that group, so I have all of the group stuff, such as manuals and such. I packed for a couple of hours tonight after my regular work (Which has been nuts all week!) grabbed a quick dinner with my sweetie, and darned if I didn't get a call from a contractor needing support tonight. I was sitting in my driveway for 10 or 15 minutes on two phones trying to get someone out to work with him! It just never ends. Anywway, good luck on your walk. I also volunteer sometimes for the JDRF (Juv Diabetes) and my favorite- the Alzheimer's walk. I've also done the Susan G Komen and the Red Cross Volleyball tournament (my club cooks for the players) and a few others besides. (We cook at the JRDF also.) It's fun, meaningful, and keeps me from playing n the intersections, my Daddy would say!


I agree that was awfully inconsiderate of your husband. So maybe that was nature's way of assuring you got to go on that cruise you've wanted. (Thank God he's okay. I understand that can be excrutiating!) Maybe he will realize that other than the meals, things are pretty laid back, and he can just do whatever he wants- Sit in a bar, stroll on the deck, eat, eat, and eat some more, Just chill out. And if he doesn't like being regimented for dinner, there is always room service and the King's court. There is even a little something put out around midnight! So maybe he will fall in love with this enough to want to go again...and again, and again! Good luck there! Don't be afraid to take separate paths one night if he doesn't want to go to the dining room and you do. There's lots of marvelous people around!

Ooops! There I go again, telling people how to live their lives!

Well, tell him you have to take another cruise, as there is this big-mouth social oaf who owes you a drink, and you aim to collect! <LOL>


Penny, you, of all people, should know, Surely, you have one of those collapsible travel water dishes for Bear (HS, Penny has a marvelous therapy dog who works with problem children, the elderly and more.) Or the Army Surplus is bound to have a collapsible sink. I think they used to have something like that for bivouacs. Check one of the stores that sells camping goods! And don't fret sneaking vodka on board. (though hmph! Vodka- Why bother, sneak on something with a taste! Like Don Julio, like I did, or Mojito rum!) Cunard of all of the lines, is least persnickety about that., A welcome aboard bottle is always fine- a Bon Voyage gift- So what if it is from yourself! Put a bow on it, with a Bon Voyage card and who's to know otherwise! I usually carry a bag fillled with booze right on. No one has ever stopped me or questioned me. And it goes right on the xray table! I'm sure that you will be filling Cunard's coffers with plenty of purchased on board drinks. And bring the mixers with you! I made the mistake my very first cruise of bringing tequila, and no mixer. We spent all week trying the weirdest combintions. Finally found a dusty bottle of BROWN rita mix in a small package store all the way in the back of the last shelf, in San Juan! We didn't care. We figured the tequila would kill anthing in it! It was great!


HS,. Enjoy your cruise!

Penny, I am sad to say, Marc's boss didn't want him away. I felt like saying "if you're so valuable and indespensible, why don't they double your salary!" <LOL> So we won't be on the Dec 2 :-( Maybe something early next year. I really thought it might happen! Oh well! You'll have to bring your own sink!




Who may only open her mouth to change feet, but they are feet that mean well! And now you know why it is so hard for me to participate in those walkathons, with both feet in my mouth at once! <G>

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