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Just back from Canaries on Boudicca


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Hi all, got back last Friday from our 12 day cruise with Fred Olsen on Boudicca. We had a lovely time, weather was great from beginning to end. We stayed at the Travelodge at Canterbury Dunkirk on the night previous to sailing, so only had about 20 miles to travel on the day. I would recommend this, Canterbury is a lovely city.


Embarkation was good, we arrived about half an hour before they specified and found quite a lot of others had checked in already. We were fortunate to be able to leave our car under cover for the duration of the holiday. There was an afternoon tea buffet for us when we went on board. Not such a big buffet as on other ships but sufficient.


Our cabin, an inside on Atlantic Deck was quite roomy, with adequate drawer and hanging space, tv and hairdryer. There was also tea making facilities with tea, coffee and milk replenished every day. There was hand washing liquid and shower gel provided and replenished. Talking about handwashing, every time you go into a dining room you have to use the hand sanitizer, also every time you board the ship.


The food was excellent, probably the best we've had in seven cruises.


We thought some of the drinks were overpriced, particularly the cocktails where you could hardly taste the alcohol. Beer prices were OK.


The entertainment was the only thing that let it down. We had two comedians and a jazz band who were all on several times and there were probably three or four production shows. The crew put on a show one night which we all enjoyed.


There were also two guest lecturers on board. One was Henry Sandon from the Antiques Roadshow and the other was a Commander of submarines. They gave three or four lectures each.


We did quite a bit of dancing - we're keen on line dancing and a lot of the time we were the only ones on the floor. That is my husband and I and also a lady that we had met on a previous cruise. There was a duo called Amethyst and a keyboard player called Carlos, who were all very good.


We dressed up for the British, Tropical and Country nights. A lot of people made the effort. There were a lot of quizzes too, which we joined in.


Our ports were Lisbon (this was our third time there), Agadir, Lanzarote, Tenerife and Madeira. The only ship's tour we did was in Lanzarote - the Fire Mountains, where you can ride a camel if you wish. We didn't wish, although our friends did. We thorougly enjoyed this tour and thought it good value at £30.


In Madeira we went on the cable car up to Monte. I got full marks for bravery for doing this as I've not got a head for heights. The cost for this was 14.5 euros return. When you get to the top there are some tropical gardens to go round at 10 euros each. We didn't do this as we wouldn't have been able to spend much time there. You can also catch another cable car there to go the Botanical Gardens. We have been there before but we actually caught a bus there from by the Marina. You can also see the toboggans go down from Monte. Our friends did the walking tour from the ship and really enjoyed it, we're tempted to do this next time we're in Madeira.


All in all, we had a good holiday and wouldn't hesitate to go with Fred Olsen again.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Merecat,


I too am on Boudicca on 24th November and have been hunting for reviews (only found 1 so far!) The more you can tell me about the ship the better, like bar prices, wine prices, beauty shop prices etc etc etc!!! Do you know how many formal nights there will be on this cruise?


Are there really tea/coffe making facilities in all cabins? Yippee! I have never experienced this on cruises before and have always missed it! Especially if you wake at 5am and can't get back to sleep!


I am really looking forward to anything you can tell me!

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I was on the Boudicca in September and yes it is true there are tea making facilities in the cabin. We also had a lovely time did the same trip to Canary Islands, seems like we had the same entertainment as well and the same speakers. I wish I had joined in the art class, some of the pictures that passengers had painted were very impressive.


The food was fantastic, the best food I have had on any cruise and I have been on Princess, NCL and a couple of others. It is not being served all day like the American Cruise Lines, but who needs food all day.


There are more older people on board, but that is fine by me, because there was only one child on board when we went.

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Hi Merecat and Mamabelle UK


I thought I had a bar list so I could give you some prices but on looking through my bits and pieces, its a Cabin and Tax Free Shopping List that I have.

I can tell you some of those if you're interested.


The Bar prices were not too bad, the men said the beer prices were OK, the Cocktail of the Day was £2.65 although we weren't very impressed with them. The cans of coke were the very small ones you usually get on an aeroplane at 50p each. We drank the House wine at the table most nights. I can't remember what is was now, but it was OK and was about £9.95.


We didn't use the Beauty Salon although my friend asked how much for a cut and blow dry and was told £35.


One of our table companions did the Art Class and bought an Art Pack for £16.50. We were very impressed by the display of the completed work on the last day of the cruise.


At most of the ports there was a shuttle bus at a cost of £3 for unlimited use.


We used the laundry service to have on of my husband's dinner shirts laundered, that cost £3.75.


If there's anything else you're wandering about, I'll try to help. Hope you have a lovely time on Boudicca, wish I was coming too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Iceland and Merecat, and thanks for your input Katiecoos! Wow, less than a week to go! Did you get any vaccinations Merecat? I haven't and wonder if I should!!! I was in Gambia 20 years ago and had every jag going AND took antimalarial tablets for 6 weeks before going but I have done none of these things this time!


Iceland, the Cabin Shopping interests me. I like to have a pre dinner drink while I am changing so would like to have a bottle of gin and some tonics at the ready. Can I get these in the DF Cabin Shop and does one actually go to the shop or is it delivered? Do you know the price for these?


In my experience on some cruise ships, the only place to order a cocktail or any drink with a mixer for that matter, is when you actually stand at the bar and can watch what goes in to it!!! On my last cruise in June, there were numerous occasions when none of us could taste alcohol in our drinks at all and since they were fairly expensive at £3.25, it was a bit galling! After this happened a few times, one of our party always went up to the bar and ordered our drinks and we never had a problem after that!


I assume your tickets have arrived Merecat and I hope you got what you wanted. I got mine today and am pleased.


Iceland, do you recall if they have a get together for solo cruisers? I am travelling alone on this one and would quite like to meet others in the same boat (sorry about the pun!) I know they have a meeting for first time cruisers but I don't suppose I can go to that since it isn't my first cruise, although it is my first with Olsen!


Iceland, can you eat at the buffet at any time (including dinner?) I have booked early sitting for dinner but would like the option of going to the buffet if I felt like it.


Did you use the internet at all and if so how much does it cost?


Sorry to have so many questions!;)

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Hi posted on other thread before I read this,I shall also be on my own ,doing a female cabin share ,picked the cabin because of position and have ended up with a share ,which is,nt a worry for me.

Have,nt had any jabs ,not takeing any tablets ,being there for only one day not too worried .They do have a single travellors get together and they are very single friendly .Had my tickets a fortnight ago ,am in 3055 if you want to give me a call .

I,m sure you will enjoy Fred ,they are great fun ,everyone is so friendly ,the food is very good ,drinks as on most british ships, ie P&O ,QE2,. Hope to see you on board. Merecat:)

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Hi Merecat, I am in 4092 so perhaps it would be better if you call me - I would feel a little foolish asking to speak to Merecat!


I only booked on 2nd November which is why my tickets were so late!


I have often though of 'sharing' but have never known anyone who has actually done it. I will be interested to hear your experiences! It is certainly a good way to avoid single supplements which can be incredibly hefty!


Fred's ships certainly do seem to have a very loyal following. A friend of mine however sailed on Black Prince and absolutely loathed it! Part of the problem was that she was feeling seasick for the first few days and there are no telephones in the cabins to call anyone! She also complained about the beds but did admit the food was OK. When on that cruise though, she met a couple who were on their 17th cruise on B.Prince so something must be OK!!!


I might actually make a start on my packing list tonight but I will probably still end up frantically packing in the wee small hours of Friday morning!


I know what they say in the documentation about arriving at the port but I am arriving at Southampton airport not long after 10am (probably about 11am by the time I get my luggage) My preference would be to hang around the departure building rather than the airport. Have you ever arrived really early before and if so what happened?


I must say I am looking forward to some warmer weather! There is light snow forecast for here!:)


I will now go and look for the other thread!

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:) Hi,we are sailing out of the QE2 terminal and there is a waiting room next to the check in ,which will probably be open ,you can get a drink and snack there.

You have a good cabin, I booked early with a local company that does group bookings so we get personal transport.Door to door because transport from our area is difficult.

If you are not a good sailor Black Prince is very small but you can be just as ill on a bigger ship.

I,m hoping my sharer is Ok as well ,if not I shall ask to be moved . I,ll give you a call and probably see you at the singles meet.My packing is in progress and I,m now thinking I shall have to use my bigger case. Hope the weather improves and its not too rough the first few days.

Safe Journey down--Merecat

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Hi Mamabelleuk


The Drinks list will be in the folder in your cabin. You order from this via your Cabin Stewardess and the drinks are delivered to your cabin I did see people purchasing bottles of drinks in the shop too. The Gin is £11 for Beefeater and Gordons and £12 for Bombay Sapphire for 1 litre. Mixers are £3 for 6 cans.


There was not a buffet in the evening, just the two sittings. We found that there was always something on the menu that we liked. I thought the breakfast buffet was excellent and so was lunch, although at both of these meals there was waiter service as well.


I see your query about singles has already been answered.


I hope you have a lovely time, you too Merecat and look forward to hearing from you when you return. I am quite envious.

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Hi Merecat and Iceland. Thank you both for your information, most appreciated! I am still at the packing list stage Merecat!!! Actually, once I get the list done, the packing takes no time at all! I'm like a whirling dervish then which is usually about 2 hours before I am due to leave home!!! Merecat, are you bringing stuff for the 60s. 70s, C & W and Tropical evenings? I am finding it hard enough to rustle up stuff for the 5 formal nights (I may end up doubling up!!! I shouldn't think anyone would notice actually!) Can you buy washing powder in the laundrette and are the irons ok? Last time I was on a ship with an ironing room, the irons were permanently wired and simply were luke warm so useless for getting creases out!

Like you, I am longing for a bit of warm weather and certainly am not looking forward to the first 2 days! By the third day the weather should be getting warmer so at least we can get outside - I hope! Perhaps the Bay will be kind to us but I am taking my supply of tablets just in case! A friend of mine is in Tenerife right now and is saying it is far too hot! I do hope so!


Merecat, do you know anything about the person you are sharing with? Perhaps you will be lucky and there won't be anyone at all! But if there is, I am sure it will be perfectly OK and lets face it, cabins are for changing and sleeping!!!


Iceland, I am sure we will raise a glass of something to you and of course will tell you all about it! Can you remember what cabin you were in and how was it? Are you planning your next trip yet? I find that's the only thing that helps the post holiday blues!


Merecat, because yours is booked locally, will that mean there will be a coachload of you from that area? Perhaps you might even meet someone you know - you will probably all be firm friends by the time you get on the ship! Do you know what time you expect to arrive?


Oh well, my warm bed is calling, complete with my hot water bottle! Don't laugh - it's true!


Goodnight all!:)

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:) Hi, I don,t know about the laundry ,the theme nights ,you can get little things on board ,the C&W night ,they gave out bandanas and tropical night a flower neckband.Some folks really go to town ,others not as much.

I am on first sitting dinner ,so we could be on the same table ,there are two other ladies besides me on this trip ,so its not a big tour but next year I,m doing Archangle on Black Watch and over 21 on coach up to now.

I don,t know anything about the person I,m shareing with,I,m sure she will be Ok,may be a no show if she looks at the weather for the next few days.

Hope you have a good flight down ,my packing is just about finished . Probably see you on board, Merecat.

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Hi Merecat,

Have they actually given you a name for a sharer? If not perhaps you will get no one! The weather here has been stinking so I am anxious to escape it!!! I honestly don't have any dressing up clothes so I will make do with what they give out and good luck to those who go all out for it!

So you will meet two other ladies on your way to Southampton. That's good, you at least will know a couple of faces! I do hope we meet on board but I want to reassure you that I am no leech and we will not be joined at the hip, so please don't worry that I might be clinging!!! I too am on early sitting so perhaps we will be on the same table, which would make conversation easier. Do Olsen's make a point of seating solo travellers together? RCCI certainly don't! Well not on Legend of the Seas anyway!


Gosh, don't you need a lot of clothes for 3 weeks, especially 3 weeks where you can have changeable weather!!! (Well the first and last few days anyway!) My list is going to have to be severely cut I think!


Have a good journey to the ship and hope to meet you soon!

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  • 7 months later...

great reading your review, as iam doing the boudicca mini cruise in sept. have a single balcony but find i cannot smoke out it!! any idea how much the lifeboats obstruct these not sure which one i have. i was on the ship in 96 when she was the GOLDEN PRINCESS.


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