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#### LIVE FROM THE CORAL #### (Starting 10/23)


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Hi guys,

perhaps I was a bit out of line with some of the comments in my previous post. I've re-read Bill's entire thread and it seems (as pointed out) that my comments regarding complaints etc.. were out-of-line. Bill has certainly gone the extra mile in providing information for us all.. And I *do* really appreciate it. I'm sure Bill isn't the type of character that I mentioned before... and from the number of cruises I'm sure he realises the stresses the crew can often be under..


That said, after re-reading this thread I'm still a little worried about some of the comments that he has made. I'm just wondering if the Computer Officer's comments to Bill regarding the 'System', the CC Host's comments regarding Number of Days Cruised, the Bartender's recipe for the drink etc.. were obtained completely transparently? Did they know that their comments were going to be taken and put up on the most popular cruise site? I certainly wouldn't want my name splashed up on the net if I didn't know about it, would you?!


Anyway, sorry for the pickiness but i've just been stung like this before and I believe we should be just a bit careful.


Also, I'll try and watch my speeling in the future.. :)




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Hi guys,

perhaps I was a bit out of line with some of the comments in my previous post. I've re-read Bill's entire thread and it seems (as pointed out) that my comments regarding complaints etc.. were out-of-line. Bill has certainly gone the extra mile in providing information for us all.. And I *do* really appreciate it. I'm sure Bill isn't the type of character that I mentioned before... and from the number of cruises I'm sure he realises the stresses the crew can often be under..


Hi Frank, some of your point is well taken!;)(To be Noted point for point below) However, Your "PERHAPS" above is way out of line,(There is No Perhaps,) Absolutely, you were out of line on my Negative comments, There were NONE DIRECTED AT ANY INDIVIDUALS except, the Weather & (I'm a former Weatherman Myself, for 4 years, so I guess I can comment on the Weather, Even Officially!:D ) & the Internet Problems, I have Not Put anyone down,(By Name or otherwise, I Hope) & I won't put you down, but you need to proceed with More caution.

That said, after re-reading this thread I'm still a little worried about some of the comments that he has made. I'm just wondering if the Computer Officer's comments to Bill regarding the 'System',

James Know's I live in the IC, & I comment on Cruise Critic LIVE, so he can assume I would Quote him somewhat. I don't think it was anything serious & it was Not Negative to him, personally.

the CC Host's comments regarding Number of Days Cruised,

I may have pushed the envelope, on this one slightly, Sindy knows I Post LIVE on Cruise Critic, but she said "I shouldn't tell you this", re my # of days, but she did. I'll let her know I noted it on cruise critic, today!

the Bartender's recipe for the drink etc..

Suzanne, is reading this column herself, & she has no prob, with me giving the Recipe to Amy & anyone on CC(that is why she wrote it for me in the first place:D, I Told her I've mentioned her name on here several times, and she Smiles!:D

were obtained completely transparently? Did they know that their comments were going to be taken and put up on the most popular cruise site? I certainly wouldn't want my name splashed up on the net if I didn't know about it, would you?!


Anyway, sorry for the pickiness but i've just been stung like this before and I believe we should be just a bit careful.


Who stung you & what were the Facts so we can compare, OK?


Also, I'll try and watch my speeling in the future..


That would be a Very Good Idea, Frank!;)





My Best! Bill



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Thanks for clearing those individual cases up for me. I guess on the face of reading the original posts it seemed as though the comments were taken in some sort of clandestine nature. I guess if the full story was explained then I wouldn't have been so forward in my arguments.


Regarding my personal experience I'd rather not elaborate as it did cost me my employment. I'm just very careful as to who I talk to now regarding information that is not directly in the public eye. I am an advocate of free speech, that is essentially what makes our country what it is. However as noted I would rather things are kept annonymous. Thanks everyone for your comments...


Thanks again Bill for you explanations and have a great cruise...enjoy.


Thanks again,


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Bill, I have been following your posts quite closely as I'm going to be cruising on the Coral early next year and your insights of the ships food and entertainment have been excellent..! thanks heaps.


One thing that concerns me however is that you mention quite a few of the staff members names and comments in your posts. Do you disclose that you will be quoting them word for word on the internet? If so and they are willing to give you the information that you require then I have no problems with that. However if you are not disclosing the fact that you will post their information on-line I believe that you are obtaining this information desceptively.


Thanks again for the information and I'm just hoping that you can stick to constructive information instead of naming and shaming crew members..





Thank you! Bill Live FROM THE CORAL

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I am one of the Many Many who are reading Bill's post and enjoy them very much. I don't want to see this thread go by the way of alot of other threads on this site where everyone starts arguing.

I say ENOUGH and lets get back to reading Bill's reports.


In other words.... END OF DISCUSSION!


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geewhiz, if you're not a lawyer, you should seriously consider becoming one.:rolleyes: However, now that you mentioned it, I can see your point of getting people's consent to publishing their names and comments on this site, as it is public record. Calling Bill's behaviour deceptive, provided he didn't ask them, is going way too far, though, as that would assume he didn't ask them intentionally. He is probably just like most of us, and it didn't even occur to him. As to Bill possibly blowing things out of proportion, where in the world would you get that idea??? His posts have been nothing but upbeat, and very enjoyable. If there is the occasional negative thing happening, he never lingers on it, so it's quite obvious that he is doing nothing like that. Well, maybe except for the internet cafe, but the way those machines apparently keep rebooting randomly, I can't blame him.


Bill, keep up the good "work"!!!:)


Susan, Well Said & Thank you! Bill LIVE ON THE CORAL

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Geepers, Geewhiz! Sorry, I just couldn't resist that. Good point made about naming names but since this is such a "call it as you see it" kind of thread, do you really think any legal injustices are being made here? I don't recall seeing anything written in quotations and just as any good reporter would do, he does reveal his source and site his information and mostly all in good fun cruise fashion. I am really enjoying this thread!


Thank you for your kind comments & support! Bill LIVE ON THE CORAL

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I assume you were trying to say "deceptively"; who exactly did he deceive? Perhaps since you can't spell, you also don't understand the direct or implied meaning of the accusation. It is an insulting suggestion.

And why would you possibly "be concerned"? Are you his self appointed behavior coach?

Bill's observations and opinions (that is what this board is intended for) are, for me, entertaining and informative and I appreciate the time he takes to share his views.

Looks to me like you're the one who picks up on little issues and blows them out of proportion.


Thank you for your support! Bill LIVE ON THE CORAL

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Thanks for clearing those individual cases up for me. I guess on the face of reading the original posts it seemed as though the comments were taken in some sort of clandestine nature. I guess if the full story was explained then I wouldn't have been so forward in my arguments.


Regarding my personal experience I'd rather not elaborate as it did cost me my employment. I'm just very careful as to who I talk to now regarding information that is not directly in the public eye. I am an advocate of free speech, that is essentially what makes our country what it is. However as noted I would rather things are kept annonymous. Thanks everyone for your comments...


Thanks again Bill for you explanations and have a great cruise...enjoy.


Thanks again,



Thank you Frank! Bill LIVE ON THE CORAL

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I am one of the Many Many who are reading Bill's post and enjoy them very much. I don't want to see this thread go by the way of alot of other threads on this site where everyone starts arguing.

I say ENOUGH and lets get back to reading Bill's reports.


In other words.... END OF DISCUSSION!



Thanks for your support, & it is the End of the Discussion, I agree with you & would not let that happen!:) My Best! Bill LIVE ON THE CORAL

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Jotworld.....Yes..we have all enjoyed your posts..that's why my earlier comment about Gee's name...figured he might get the message without starting the "war of the words"..Anyway..back to sunny skies and calm seas..Have a great rest of the cruise..hope you aren't headed right back to Murphy..It was COLD there when we left the other day!

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I have been following your wonderful posts and have enjoyed them because they are upbeat, current and heartfelt. You have brought your cruise to all of us on your own time.

The time it takes for you to "hunt & peck" your delightful insights is time away from something else you could be enjoying on your cruise. DH and I were recently on the Crown, I would have loved to have taken the time to post live but did not want to give up the time to do so. Plus, I have not reached the status were I have free Internet service.

Sooooooooooooooo, when I got on this evening to read your updates, how dissappointing to see the current postings. Please, I beg you to keep up your wonderful updates. Thru you, I now know who Tony is. Discovered his thread today on the Golden.

Very thankful, Leslie :p

P.S. And Arlene, I applaud you for your comments and insight (you nailed it)... no you should not be blasted! :cool:

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I was going to wait until your 2nd cruise was over to thank you again for all the time you have spent taking us along on your b2b cruises. However, I think now is a good time to remind some viewers (of your thread) of the sacrifices you have made to take us vicariously along with you. You have given us live insights to many facets of your cruise, informed and given first hand information to those who had questions. If these were your objectives, you have indeed done a splendid job.

I applaud all those who post "Live from". You are all very generous to give up precious vacation time so others can be informed and cruise vicariously with you.

We all have our favorites to follow along and yours is one of my favorites. Thanks again.

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Bill, I am back from my Vision cruise and I only did one post because on RCI it is 50 cents a minute in spite of my Diamond status...one eye on the clock at all times...and I only got 40 minutes free...

I am so glad that noone allowed this thread to become negative because of what Frank said...shows we are all "grownups" and can converse as such..

My next cruise is on the Grand in April..I will not be able to keep up with Bill's standard, but I am sure I can post a few times!

Bill, did you ever meet up with Roderick, our cabin steward on your deck?

Bill, I am feeling much better now after our cruise last week, but still don't have a lot of energy, so I am off to bed. Thank you again for your continued posts...I will look for them again every day!!

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I hope you will continue your posts these last few days!

I have a question for our upcoming cruise..

Did you notice if they have Texas Hold 'Em in the casino.?.

DH asked me last night and I posted on the boards but no one seems to have the answer.


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Day 7( + 10) A Great Morning:) here 82F 80% Partly Cloudy & Calm:D

Arrived just b/4 6:56AM Sunrise, there was a Car. here already & we were joined shortly later by HAL/Westerdam, Car/Conquest, RC/Mariner of the Seas (5 total so far);) The Sunrise was very nice, we watched it from our AFT balcony:) May go ashore today, but probably not, it depends if Irene wants to or not. Will try & catch up on a few open items here on this LIVE today, Shows, The Small Boat thru the Canal Tour(Do it, if your intrigued by the CANAL, more to follow later), Food, & other entertainment & Any ???'s, Fire - a - way!:D Later................ My Best! Bill



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Jotworld.....Yes..we have all enjoyed your posts..that's why my earlier comment about Gee's name...figured he might get the message without starting the "war of the words"..Anyway..back to sunny skies and calm seas..Have a great rest of the cruise..hope you aren't headed right back to Murphy..It was COLD there when we left the other day!


Yup, we are, but only for 8 days b/4 flying to Rome to Catch the Delayed Golden Post DryDock. We Love Murphy, yup Cold one day in Fall/winter but then a few days later 60/70F you never know, last year we had 60's in Jan;) , then a few Days later a Blizzard:eek: (Murphy Style) & two days later the Snow was all gone:) Our lake never even Freezes over;) & we have Canadian Geese & Mallards on it All Year Long!:D Bur back to the Main Topic, Thanks for your coming along & your support! Bill Live on the Coral

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No flames from me. I was just thinking that we had gone almost 450 posts without a single negative and then. . . .we have one on this thread and one on the other thread:rolleyes:. You know the one I mean;) .


No Problems, Mon!:D Let's go another 450 Posts on the up & up, OK!

I won't let it happen, nothing is served by it on this Great Board!;)


My Best! Bill



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I have been following your wonderful posts and have enjoyed them because they are upbeat, current and heartfelt. You have brought your cruise to all of us on your own time.


The time it takes for you to "hunt & peck" your delightful insights is time away from something else you could be enjoying on your cruise. DH and I were recently on the Crown, I would have loved to have taken the time to post live but did not want to give up the time to do so. Plus, I have not reached the status were I have free Internet service.


Sooooooooooooooo, when I got on this evening to read your updates, how dissappointing to see the current postings. Please, I beg you to keep up your wonderful updates. Thru you, I now know who Tony is. Discovered his thread today on the Golden.


Very thankful, Leslie


P.S. And Arlene, I applaud you for your comments and insight (you nailed it)... no you should not be blasted!


Thank you so much for your support & kind words:) , I try very hard to keep it Upbeat,;) even though the Machines some days take me down:D

The updates will, of course, continue (& on to the Golden TA & Pacific SYD to Vancouver(RT Alaska) & Emerald TA & The World Cruise):eek: My Best! Bill LIVE ON THE CORAL

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Bill' date=' all I can say is you are a gentleman and a scholar in my book. We really appreciate the time you've taken from your precious vacation to share your experiences with us. Keep smiling! Happy Cruising!



Thank you again! My Best! Bill Live on the Coral

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