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The BEST Crossing Thread - SD2: Tenerife - San Juan


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No updates on the SD2 blog and no new postings from Ctbjr ... wonder if they are having some internet problems:confused:


No internet problems. We've been inordinately busy today and even had another visit to the gym. More later.

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Well, I guess we better resuscitate this thread a bit. Sorry for the delay in postings but as I said earlier, we've been busy, busy, busy. Lots to do to keep us occupied on these sea days. In fact, it's hard to believe that tomorrow is the last sea day before our visit to St. Maarten on Saturday.


All is well on SD2. We're making very good progress. Yesterday, was rather overcast but very calm seas. Capt. Johannes told us of his prior experiences that this trip tends to have calm seas and so far he has been right on the money. Mrs. CTBjr is very pleased, as a result.


Yesterday did involve a 2nd consecutive visit to the gym for the CTBjrs. I've discovered that walking a couple miles on the treadmill while listening to music and looking out at an unbroken expanse of the Atlantic isn't all bad.


There was no trivia contest yesterday as James had his future voyage presentation. There are lots of great looking voyages and I'm convinced that the South America ports are going to be fantastic.


I attended the lecture yesterday afternoon and enjoyed it very much. This was on the history of fabric and I learned a great deal. Thanks to Dr. Leah Adams for the presentation!


Dinner was outside on deck 4 aft for our very select party of 3. A nice breeze and a delicious dinner cooked up by Chef Jes and his team. After dinner, there were many options. Karaoke in the Main Salon, Noli in the Piano Bar, cocktails at the TOY bar with Julien or a concert DVD (Party at the Palace) outside by the pool. We were drawn to the concert, which was attended by about 30 of the passengers. The picture was great and the sound incredible for the most part. Apparently, a new outdoor sound system was installed during the recent drydock and it sounded fantastic. It was an amazing experience to be on deck steaming across the Atlantic looking up at the stars and enjoying the concert DVD with old and new friends.


I came to bed before it ended as Prince Charles was giving a speech and I thought it better to sleep in my bed rather than on deck.


This morning it is a bit brighter outside. Still very calm seas. I had all the best intentions of joining the morning walker group on deck for their 2 mile (32 laps around deck 6) this morning. The walk was led by James, included the casino girls, the housekeeper whose name I know but can't spell (Michaela), Martijn and a number of guests. I had done the one mile version of this last year on a sea day but discovered that these folks walk too fast for me. So, after about 10 laps I peeled off and headed to the gym (again) to do my 2 miles on the treadmill. Thank goodness there haven't been any papparazzi in the gym when I've been there. I'd really hate to have my photo in the gym on the SD2crossing website.


All for now. Off to lunch, a quick nap, trivia and then who knows what??? As I said, busy, busy, busy.

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Thank you for entertaining us on land. I can't complain about Nebraska weather being in the 50's in mid November. But, I would much rather be on SD anytime.


May I ask a favor of you? I have some very good friends that are joining SD in San Juan. They are getting married in St. Kitts on Saturday and flying to SJU for their honeymoon on SD. Their names are Charlotte and James Simonelli. Charlotte has cruised many times but never on SD. If you are still onboard when they arrive, would you tell them that Lisa sends her love? We tried to attend their wedding but just couldn't. The timing was a little off for us.


Thank you, enjoy the rest of your cruise and keep the posts coming. Whatever you do, don't pull a hammy on that treadmill:)

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Well, I guess we better resuscitate this thread a bit. Sorry for the delay in postings but as I said earlier, we've been busy, busy, busy...


...Yesterday did involve a 2nd consecutive visit to the gym for the CTBjrs. I've discovered that walking a couple miles on the treadmill while listening to music and looking out at an unbroken expanse of the Atlantic isn't all bad...


... I had all the best intentions of joining the morning walker group on deck for their 2 mile (32 laps around deck 6) this morning. ... So, after about 10 laps I peeled off and headed to the gym (again) to do my 2 miles on the treadmill. Thank goodness there haven't been any papparazzi in the gym when I've been there. I'd really hate to have my photo in the gym on the SD2crossing website.


There are ways to arrange for that photo opp ctbjr:p


The sea air must really be agreeing with you ... next thing you know you'll be telling me about your Thai massage on deck:eek:


Dinner last night sounds like heaven!

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Thank you for entertaining us on land. I can't complain about Nebraska weather being in the 50's in mid November. But, I would much rather be on SD anytime.


May I ask a favor of you? I have some very good friends that are joining SD in San Juan. They are getting married in St. Kitts on Saturday and flying to SJU for their honeymoon on SD. Their names are Charlotte and James Simonelli. Charlotte has cruised many times but never on SD. If you are still onboard when they arrive, would you tell them that Lisa sends her love? We tried to attend their wedding but just couldn't. The timing was a little off for us.


Thank you, enjoy the rest of your cruise and keep the posts coming. Whatever you do, don't pull a hammy on that treadmill:)


You're welcome for the entertainment and thanks for the good advice re the treadmill.


Sadly, it's back to the real world for us on Sunday so we won't be onboard when your friends arrive. I would be happy, if you like, to ask one of the crew to pass your message along. Just let me know if you'd like me to do so and I'll proceed accordingly.

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Just took a break from Christmas shopping online to look at today's photos on the blog ...


And what to my wondering eyes should appear ... but a photo of ctbjr in the office (albeit the starboard and not port side). You look very relaxed and fit my friend:p


The sunrise photos are glorious. The sea does look smoother then our repositioning cruise this time last year!!


The funnel shot at sunrise needs to be in the promotional material:D

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Thank you for the offer. I know they will be showered with the genuine hospitality that all guests on SD receive from the captain and his staff.


I did order them a little something for their cabin:)


Enjoy your remaining days on SD and safe travels home.

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I'm sorry to say that I'm the latest victim of the post that has been lost in cyberspace. I started a post a couple hours ago, just now returned to finish it and after posting it, it disappeared. Quite a shame as it was a very detailed post describing the events of the last 24 hours.


I'll do my best to recreate it but can't guarantee anything.


DJ, you are correct that I am pictured in the office on the starboard side of Deck 6. You have to follow the sun, you know. I'm also pictured in the pool in the Day 7 photos.


It appears that I left off before lunch yesterday. I successfully navigated through the many choices at lunch and enjoyed a restful afternoon which included Team Trivia during which the passengers beat the crew in recognizing theme music from movies, tv and cartoons. The score is tied at 2now.


Then it was more relaxation and after that dinner and cocktails on deck for all passengers the first time this cruise. It was a lovely evening and everybody enjoyed the chance to be outside for the evening. After dinner, it was Liar's Club which was great as usual. The participants were Mack the Engineer (aka James), Pepe (aka Thierry the Chief Purser), Jes the Chef dressed as some sort of swami and a volunteer recruited from the audience. Now, I know what "furfur" and several bizarre words mean.


This morning, after a shocking 4th consecutive visit to the gym, I headed to deck 6 to watch a very hearty group including James, Martijn and 2 passengers conclude their walk of 100 laps (6+ miles) around deck 6 which they did in 94 + minutes. Very impressive!!


At noon, it was the Champagne & Caviar Splash in the pool which was very well done and a close second to those held on a beach in the Caribbean.


After lunch, I attended a Q&A session hosted by Capt. Tysse during which he answered a number of questions ranging from how many gallons of fresh water do they make on board each day (70,000) to the status of SD3 (no news but ownership continues to consider buying or building one or more new ships).


Then it was Team Trivia and the crew team beat the passengers in recognizing and identifying photos of SD ports. The score was 38-29 but I think it might have been different had the Capt. not wandered in and sat down with the crew team! Each member of the crew team which included Martijn, Laurent, Joram (note the correct spelling) and at least one other member won a case of Heineken for their efforts!


Then it was the final lecture by our resident Concorde pilot which was as interesting and enjoyable as his previous lectures.


Now it's on to dinner and then to the Piano Bar for James' singing performance. It promises to be an entertaining evening.

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I thought that I saw someone familiar in the background of the champagne and caviar splash. I am sure it was great ... although did you have excellent music and dancing afterward? Allen sent me the CD this week to take on Brand X:p


Did you dine al fresco this evening?

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Yes, DJ, I believe you did see a familiar face in the pool in one of yesterday's photos. The Splash took place at noon so rather than continuing the party in the pool afterward, most of us headed to lunch.


Dinner last night with the Capt. and other guests on Deck 4 aft was a treat, as usual. Afterwards, we dropped by the Piano Bar to enjoy James' wonderful singing and then it was off to bed, knowing that the clocks would be turned back another hour. I really could get used to that happening every other day!


This morning we arrived at St. Martin just ahead of schedule. We are at a commercial port near Marigot. We are here because of the need to load some equipment spare parts (to replace parts damaged in the fire, I believe) which didn't arrive in either Spain or Tenerife in time to be loaded there. We will be tendering to the main part of town today and then perhaps anchoring in the bay later in the day.


This afternoon, it's time to (ugh) pack and then we're off to San Juan at 6 PM.


By the way, it sure is quiet in that SD1 crossing thread, isn't it?

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I was wondering what time of day they held the champagne and caviar splash ... that is always one of my favorite events. We have always been on sure but I bet it was wonderful in the pool!


Marigot is our first port on our Brand X cruise next month. Please ask Mrs. Ctbjr to scout out the best shopping for me:p:D:p


Hard to believe that you have to pack already! Did the week seem to go as quickly as the port intense cruises or slowly because of the sea days?


I think the SD1 thread is quiet because alita is scoping out Brazil for those of us who will be visiting those ports in the future.


Enjoy the day!

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As I sit here in the San Juan airport awaiting our flight back to reality, it is readily apparent to me that the party is over. There is nobody handling me a cold towel, nobody offering me a cool drink and there is no beautiful ocean view in every direction.


Yesterday was a nice day in Marigot. We docked at a commercial port area and were tendered (10 minutes) to the area where the cruise ship passengers usually disembark. It was very hot and humid but we managed to wander around town for a while. One of us inspected nearly every shopping experience in sight and the other sat for a while with another couple from SD2 and enjoyed a cold beer and a view of the harbor.


We returned to the ship for lunch (Bequia lobster pizza, very delicious) and then returned to our stateroom to pack and rest. The captain moved the ship form the pier to an anchorage position in the harbor so that we could take advantage of some water sports. Due to local regulations, I believe, we couldn't use the jet skis or other motorized toys but we could swim in the 83 degree water and use the kayaks. I can't think of a better way to spend the last afternoon other than at a beach party at Jost, Prickly Pear or Mayreau, of course.


Around 7 PM, we sailed away from St. Martin, enjoyed the Last Supper with 5 of our new friends, headed up to the TOY bar for a nightcap, wandered down to the piano bar to have a late nightcap and sign up with James for yet another crossing!


This morning we awoke, had a quick breakfast, said our goodbyes to the Capt.,crew and our new friends and ventured out into the real world. The one thing that made leaving at least slightly tolderable was the knowledge that we will return soon.


Finally, to answer DJ's question, the days went just as quickly as they do during a cruise that involves port calls every day. James did an outstanding job of planning activities of interest that we never felt bored or lacking in things to so.


And THAT is THAT. I hope that these posts have been of interest. To those of you who haven't experienced either a SD cruise or a SD crossing, all I can say is give it a try. You won't regret it.

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Thank you SO much for taking us along!! Between you, Alita, and the web sites, I almost feel as though I were there. I certainly know it's easier to leave a Sea Dream ship when you already have your next cruise booked. It's going to be EXTREMELY tempting to sign up for one on our January cruise -- but must resist, as the Med is on the list and must save pennies for that!

Welcome home!


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I want to add my thanks for your great bloggy journal, it's been so much fun to read and has kept me on track with my own... couldn't let you get too far ahead of me!!


Wish you both a safe journey home...



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Thanks to all for the kind words. It was a pleasure to report on the goings on aboard SD2 for the last 9 days. It was a wonderful journey that we'll never forget but hopefully have the chance to duplicate.


Now, I'll sit back with the rest of you and follow the SD1 crossing to its conclusion in Rio.

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Based on the SD2 Fall Crossing website, I see no indication that we have arrived in San Juan. I wonder if I'm having a nightmare and we are really still on board.....


Wouldn't that be nice?


That would be a dream not a nightmare ctbjr:p

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Based on the SD2 Fall Crossing website, I see no indication that we have arrived in San Juan. I wonder if I'm having a nightmare and we are really still on board.....


Wouldn't that be nice?


Sadly, the website has now been updated and I see definitive proof that I did in fact shake the Captain's hand on my way off the ship on Sunday. Too bad. Would have been nice to have discovered that it had been a nightmare. Oh, well......

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