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POH Cruise 11/6- Never Again!


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I agree. $6.85/hr x 40 hrs = $274. What's that after taxes are taken out? $220-230? It's difficult to imagine anybody attempting to support a family on that wage. And just think - the federal minimum wage is $5.15/hr and has NOT increased since 1997. I'd like to see a show of hands from anybody who wouldn't mind working 10 years without a raise of any sort, not to mention the fact that inflation (even though it's been very low recently) eats away at that $5.15/hr. $5.15 back in 1997 is presently worth a little more than $4.00.


If you have spent the last 10 years working at minimum wage without any sort of raise then it is your own fault for doing so. You can't tell me that being in a job for 10 years there was no where to move up or no way to better yourself so that you are making more than minimum wage? Also, minimum wage is not meant to support a whole family. It is meant to be enough for you to live on by yourself without starving or being forced to live on the street. If you choose to have a family then it is also your choice to not be able to support them. If I was your employer I should feel free to pay you what I feel is appropriate for the job. If you don't like that ammount then you are equally as free to not do that job.


I thought this was a cruse critic forum anyways?



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If you have spent the last 10 years working at minimum wage without any sort of raise then it is your own fault for doing so. You can't tell me that being in a job for 10 years there was no where to move up or no way to better yourself so that you are making more than minimum wage? Also, minimum wage is not meant to support a whole family. It is meant to be enough for you to live on by yourself without starving or being forced to live on the street. If you choose to have a family then it is also your choice to not be able to support them. If I was your employer I should feel free to pay you what I feel is appropriate for the job. If you don't like that ammount then you are equally as free to not do that job.


I thought this was a cruse critic forum anyways?





I totally agree with you Keith...NCL/NCLA..whatever...they cannot solve the problems of the world with a cruise to Hawaii!!!!

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I totally agree with you Keith...NCL/NCLA..whatever...they cannot solve the problems of the world with a cruise to Hawaii!!!!


However, a cruise to Hawaii my solve all (or at least a lot) of my problems! ;)



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If you have spent the last 10 years working at minimum wage without any sort of raise then it is your own fault for doing so. You can't tell me that being in a job for 10 years there was no where to move up or no way to better yourself so that you are making more than minimum wage? Also, minimum wage is not meant to support a whole family. It is meant to be enough for you to live on by yourself without starving or being forced to live on the street. If you choose to have a family then it is also your choice to not be able to support them. If I was your employer I should feel free to pay you what I feel is appropriate for the job. If you don't like that ammount then you are equally as free to not do that job.


I thought this was a cruse critic forum anyways?



So, tell me...what's the point to having a minimum wage at all? To me, the point is to prevent employers from taking advantage of people who are desperate. It's all well and good to talk about choice, but there are plenty of people in America who do not have many opportunities. It's easy for those of us who are educated, skilled or connected to say to those who are struggling financially that it's their fault, but that's not always the case.

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See my review POH 10/30-11/6..I loved it!!!

I read your review and was on the same cruise (POH 10/30-11/6). I agree with you totally! :) We too had an excellent cruise!:D You can read my review in the boards as well as the review section. I find it hard to believe the ship changed that much in just one day! :rolleyes: (we left on 11/6).

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We too, took our first cruise with NCL on November 6, and it was the WORSE cruise we have ever been on. I can speak to the poor food service, and many many lazy staff. Staff argued with superiors, and amongst themselves. On two occasions, I saw bus people spilling stuff on the floor, then just stepping over the spill instead of cleaning it up.


I think our cabin attendant and the Whiskey bar bartender was one of the few that realized that good service got rewarded. Both of the main dining rooms were major disappointments.


I got the first soup that was more than barely warm on the 3rd night at the Mexican restaurant, but never again. On a couple of nights, we gave up waiting for coffee and desert after 30-40 minutes, and just went to the buffet on the upper deck. We came to realize that the best food was served, outside paying for the specialty restaurants, was at the buffet where you didn't have to depend on someone to bring you something.


We missed Kauai when gastroenteritis set in, and fortunately I carry meds to treat ourselves. Sick bay was so full. I found out from one of the lose-lipped staff that allegedly 12% of the passengers were ill. On our deck, 25% of the cabin attendants were sick and on quarantine.


I was diagnosed with Norwalk virus on my return home to California, and I have written NCL as well as the FDA in Honolulu. The FDA knew it was a sick ship from cruise before, and that is why the food lines were covered with Saran Wrap.


The FDA should have not have cleared this cruise to go out, nor the next one that went on the 13th. What a miserable experience. We thought great things were going to happen when we saw the new ship and the nice balcony cabin, but it sure went downhill from there.


The venue was nice, as were the excursions, but many unhappy travelers were opting to eat onshore instead of eating onboard the ship. How many cruises have you taken when you saw that?


The Pride of Hawaii should be the flagship for NCL, and I feel they should be ashamed of the service they provided their travelers, and I hope it improves for future travelers, but I have my doubts. There was so much ill will among the passengers. I think most feel as I do and would never recommend this cruise to anyone.


The diarrhea and projectile vomiting have passed now, but the sick feeling about this lousy cruise experience will linger forever! I am seeking a refund, have written the FDA to complain, and even written to a local Honolulu TV station that has a consumer help news segment. I hope they take on NCL. I would rather have gone to Fanning Island and had an International crew. They are usually made up of a crew that is doing more than just taking a trip themselves, and having to wait on people along the way.


Terrible Terrible Terrible!


Bill in California :eek:

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We just came off POH for 11/13-11/21. There were ggod and bad, but maybe it's all just a matter of perspective. Yes, I found the saran wrap all over everyting to be annoying, but once I found out why it was there, I was grateful that NCL was doing what they could to protect my health during my vacation. And to whoever it was that suggested that NCL should have cancelled the following cruises, how would you have felt if it was YOUR cruise that got cancelled?? I for one would be much more upset at getting cancelled than having to deal with saran wrap and longer lines. Isn't vacation supposed to be about rexaxing and having fun??

I figured out very quickly that a positive attitude and a little patience worked wonders with this staff, and I had no problems getting exactly what I wanted when I wanted it. Maybe I'm not the most experienced or sophisticated cruiser, but I had a really good time on this ship and I'm sure every ship out there has it's share of problems- It's all about perspective.

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We just came off POH for 11/13-11/21. There were ggod and bad, but maybe it's all just a matter of perspective. Yes, I found the saran wrap all over everyting to be annoying, but once I found out why it was there, I was grateful that NCL was doing what they could to protect my health during my vacation. And to whoever it was that suggested that NCL should have cancelled the following cruises, how would you have felt if it was YOUR cruise that got cancelled?? I for one would be much more upset at getting cancelled than having to deal with saran wrap and longer lines. Isn't vacation supposed to be about rexaxing and having fun??

I figured out very quickly that a positive attitude and a little patience worked wonders with this staff, and I had no problems getting exactly what I wanted when I wanted it. Maybe I'm not the most experienced or sophisticated cruiser, but I had a really good time on this ship and I'm sure every ship out there has it's share of problems- It's all about perspective.


I think the point nsxbill was trying to make is that the cruise should have been canceled to clean that ship and not to keep from inconveniencing someone with Saran Wrap!! With that many people sick, that's an infected ship.... As should his cruise have been canceled to clean that ship.... And to make it worse, Norovirus will just keep re-infecting passengers if it's not cleaned and taken care of.

Isn't vacation supposed to be about rexaxing and having fun??


Yes, it is about relaxing and having fun.... Not being confined (or not) to your cabin and puking the whole time.... Trust me, as someone who got food poisoning on her first cruise, it's not fun and relaxing at all to be that sick....

Remember folks, wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands.......

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We too, took our first cruise with NCL on November 6, and it was the WORSE cruise we have ever been on. I can speak to the poor food service, and many many lazy staff. Staff argued with superiors, and amongst themselves. On two occasions, I saw bus people spilling stuff on the floor, then just stepping over the spill instead of cleaning it up.


I think our cabin attendant and the Whiskey bar bartender was one of the few that realized that good service got rewarded. Both of the main dining rooms were major disappointments.


I got the first soup that was more than barely warm on the 3rd night at the Mexican restaurant, but never again. On a couple of nights, we gave up waiting for coffee and desert after 30-40 minutes, and just went to the buffet on the upper deck. We came to realize that the best food was served, outside paying for the specialty restaurants, was at the buffet where you didn't have to depend on someone to bring you something.


We missed Kauai when gastroenteritis set in, and fortunately I carry meds to treat ourselves. Sick bay was so full. I found out from one of the lose-lipped staff that allegedly 12% of the passengers were ill. On our deck, 25% of the cabin attendants were sick and on quarantine.


I was diagnosed with Norwalk virus on my return home to California, and I have written NCL as well as the FDA in Honolulu. The FDA knew it was a sick ship from cruise before, and that is why the food lines were covered with Saran Wrap.


The FDA should have not have cleared this cruise to go out, nor the next one that went on the 13th. What a miserable experience. We thought great things were going to happen when we saw the new ship and the nice balcony cabin, but it sure went downhill from there.


The venue was nice, as were the excursions, but many unhappy travelers were opting to eat onshore instead of eating onboard the ship. How many cruises have you taken when you saw that?


The Pride of Hawaii should be the flagship for NCL, and I feel they should be ashamed of the service they provided their travelers, and I hope it improves for future travelers, but I have my doubts. There was so much ill will among the passengers. I think most feel as I do and would never recommend this cruise to anyone.


The diarrhea and projectile vomiting have passed now, but the sick feeling about this lousy cruise experience will linger forever! I am seeking a refund, have written the FDA to complain, and even written to a local Honolulu TV station that has a consumer help news segment. I hope they take on NCL. I would rather have gone to Fanning Island and had an International crew. They are usually made up of a crew that is doing more than just taking a trip themselves, and having to wait on people along the way.



Bill in California :eek:


Why would you expect NCL to cancel a 7 day cruise? I don't think you would have been willing to do something else for 7 days since you had not been sick yet. When I left the ship on Monday, the 6th, there were crew all over the place wiping down walls, railings, the deck, and I assume the rooms. What do you expect them to do to protect us from ourselves????Yes, thats right, ourselves. How do you know how you contracted norovirus? When you get a cold or flu, do you immediately know where you got it? Unless you live in a much overpriced bubble over there in CA, I doubt you can pinpoint it. No one likes to be sick, ever, especially on a cruise..but hey, it happens. Sorry it happened to you, but I think NCL took every precaution to keep people from getting sick. When you have that many people from all walks of life in an enclosed area this stuff is going to happen. To expect NCL to refund your money is not only mental, but unreasonable. But as is typical of so many people, we like to blame it on someone else and expect to be compensated for it. Thats just wrong.

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Why would you expect NCL to cancel a 7 day cruise? I don't think you would have been willing to do something else for 7 days since you had not been sick yet. When I left the ship on Monday, the 6th, there were crew all over the place wiping down walls, railings, the deck, and I assume the rooms. What do you expect them to do to protect us from ourselves????Yes, thats right, ourselves. How do you know how you contracted norovirus? When you get a cold or flu, do you immediately know where you got it? Unless you live in a much overpriced bubble over there in CA, I doubt you can pinpoint it. No one likes to be sick, ever, especially on a cruise..but hey, it happens. Sorry it happened to you, but I think NCL took every precaution to keep people from getting sick. When you have that many people from all walks of life in an enclosed area this stuff is going to happen. To expect NCL to refund your money is not only mental, but unreasonable. But as is typical of so many people, we like to blame it on someone else and expect to be compensated for it. Thats just wrong.


I was disappointed in POH 11/6-11/13, but, not so much as to even contemplate asking for a refund. It was still better than sitting at home for the week.

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A page from the roll call for the 11/6/06 POH cruise.




The end of the page and the next page are comments by those of us that were on the roll call about our cruise experience. Overall, very positive, FWIW. Just to prove that opinions can vary hugely even on the same ship.



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I do not have the time for a full review, but will state that mine and my wife's view of this trip was completely different. We had a blast....It was a perfect honeymoon. We would do it again in a heartbeat.....Yes, I was on the ship from 11/6 -11/13. They did have plastic up in the buffet, which does take longer, but from my research all NCLA ships serve you in the buffet. That is there policy. The buffet area does not work for being served, but is that the fault of the workers...NO....That would be the person that designed the ship. All the workers we met were great and worked very hard....Yes, we did eat all of our dinners in the specialty restaurants, but from our research those that did this had a better time....I think those that are complaining, did not do any research......just my opinion.....As far as the plastic, I think it was put up to stop people from reaching and serving themselves. It is very rude for people to do that, as they cannot wait a minute. But, passengers would reach in with their hands….Now that is rude and disgusting…..That is why I think the plastic wrap was up….and do not think it will come down. Again, NCLA’s ship policy is the crew serves you at the buffet.

Here is a little story about two passengers that did nothing but complain....We ran in to them a few times on the elevator, shuttle to car rental ect....All they did was complain....The guy was giving the maitre D a hard time. They did not have a reservation, but wanted to be seated right away. She was very nice and asked if he could come back in an hour as they were a little full. He still complained so he got sat. Now, I would not have seated them as his wife was in a sweat suit, and he had a t-shirt with shots on. You could tell that they new they were causing problems, so they accommodated them. I was glad that the waiters rushed the dinner for them, so when they left we did not have to hear anymore complaining. Remember, you are on vacation.

One other thing about reservations and having to wait for dinner…. The last time when everyone wants to eat at the same time, some are going to have to wait. If you did not make any reservation, waiting around an hour is normal in my opinion. When I go out where I live on a Sat night, I might have to wait. I did have to wait in Waikiki ….Did I complain….no…it is to be expected. I think some just want everything handed to them.

When I have a chance, I will write a full review, but wanted to get this out there, people realize not everyone had a horrible time. It was one of my best cruises. I would go again in a heartbeat.

If you treat the workers with respect, you get the same back…..

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...Yes, I was on the ship from 11/6 -11/13. They did have plastic up in the buffet, which does take longer, but from my research all NCLA ships serve you in the buffet. That is there policy.

WOW, this must have been your first cruise. Its not NCLA policy to serve in the buffet on all its ships unless there is a MAJOR PROBLEM...LIKE THE A VIRUS...Which was the case on the Nov 6th cruise...Later all

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I do not have the time for a full review, but will state that mine and my wife's view of this trip was completely different. We had a blast....It was a perfect honeymoon. We would do it again in a heartbeat.....Yes, I was on the ship from 11/6 -11/13. They did have plastic up in the buffet, which does take longer, but from my research all NCLA ships serve you in the buffet. That is there policy. The buffet area does not work for being served, but is that the fault of the workers...NO....That would be the person that designed the ship. All the workers we met were great and worked very hard....Yes, we did eat all of our dinners in the specialty restaurants, but from our research those that did this had a better time....I think those that are complaining, did not do any research......just my opinion.....As far as the plastic, I think it was put up to stop people from reaching and serving themselves. It is very rude for people to do that, as they cannot wait a minute. But, passengers would reach in with their hands….Now that is rude and disgusting…..That is why I think the plastic wrap was up….and do not think it will come down. Again, NCLA’s ship policy is the crew serves you at the buffet.


Here is a little story about two passengers that did nothing but complain....We ran in to them a few times on the elevator, shuttle to car rental ect....All they did was complain....The guy was giving the maitre D a hard time. They did not have a reservation, but wanted to be seated right away. She was very nice and asked if he could come back in an hour as they were a little full. He still complained so he got sat. Now, I would not have seated them as his wife was in a sweat suit, and he had a t-shirt with shots on. You could tell that they new they were causing problems, so they accommodated them. I was glad that the waiters rushed the dinner for them, so when they left we did not have to hear anymore complaining. Remember, you are on vacation.


One other thing about reservations and having to wait for dinner…. The last time when everyone wants to eat at the same time, some are going to have to wait. If you did not make any reservation, waiting around an hour is normal in my opinion. When I go out where I live on a Sat night, I might have to wait. I did have to wait in Waikiki ….Did I complain….no…it is to be expected. I think some just want everything handed to them.


When I have a chance, I will write a full review, but wanted to get this out there, people realize not everyone had a horrible time. It was one of my best cruises. I would go again in a heartbeat.


If you treat the workers with respect, you get the same back…..

For the most part I like what you have to say. I was on the cruise the week before Oct. 30-Nov. 6 and the food and service were excellent!:D You are wrong about the buffet though. Up until the middle of our cruise the buffet was self serve. The celophane went up in the middle of the cruise. It did slow things down a bit but that was the only problem. The quanity and quality were still there. I had a great time on our cruise and am glad you did too.

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Even though everyone is entitled to their own opinion....and even though I've only skimmed through some of these posts...can we just close this thread? It's so depressing......


I would think you of all people would want to know the good things along with the bad and maybe you won't have some of the same bad experiences others did. Do your research and keep your hands clean!!

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WOW, this must have been your first cruise. Its not NCLA policy to serve in the buffet on all its ships unless there is a MAJOR PROBLEM...LIKE THE A VIRUS...Which was the case on the Nov 6th cruise...Later all

Youbid is right; the buffet is normally self serve. I however saw it as a precaution and a minor inconvenience, not a major problem.:rolleyes: The cellophane went up in the middle of our cruise the week before. (Oct. 30 - Nov. 6) Things did slow down a bit but the quality and quantity was still there on our cruise. I'm not going to say what it was like for the Nov. 6-13 cruise since I wasn't there. There are positve posts on this cruise you can read here however.

Chances are the Nurovirus and cellophane will be gone by the time you cruise. Read these boards and take in both the positive and negative posts. It looks like almost all the negative posts are due to unusual circumstances such as the nervous or lack of planning such as not making reservations or turning the dial outside your door for room service. I think if you just make reservations when you board and remember to turn the dial for room service your chances of everything going smoothly will greatly increase. Above all look to have fun and be cheerful and polite with the crew members. I firmly believe people in general will treat you the way you treat them.

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I want to hear the good, bad and the ugly. I booked POH for Sept 2007 to celebrate an achievement. I even convinced a friend to bring her SO to cruise with DH & I. We're both celebrating the same achievement as a matter of fact. My friend's SO has never cruised before. She has only cruised once before. We've already warned her SO this isn't a typical cruise but OTH I don't want to spend all this money on a cruise just to be sorely disappointed. DH is seeing the reviews and wants to bail out. I keep holding out and holding on to the hope that I can see the islands on a decent ship which also could be a bargain vs a land based vacation by the time I factor in hotels, food, inter-island air fare, etc. Plus I'll get another cruise experience. No one is perfect, but I can't put up with dirty rooms and really poor service especially in the dining rooms. I see glowing reports and I see the dogs. I'd love to see more people to post more about this ship and their personal experience. What you liked and what was a problem. If the problems are minor, it's okay - I just like to be prepared for them. If the food isn't great on the buffet say it isn't but let me know the 80% of the restaurants were really good or even stellar. Tell me what I should not miss. If I need to bow out and book a land based vacation I need to make the decision in the next month or two so I'm relying on you folks to tell me all about it.

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Why would you expect NCL to cancel a 7 day cruise? I don't think you would have been willing to do something else for 7 days since you had not been sick yet. When I left the ship on Monday, the 6th, there were crew all over the place wiping down walls, railings, the deck, and I assume the rooms. What do you expect them to do to protect us from ourselves????Yes, thats right, ourselves. How do you know how you contracted norovirus? When you get a cold or flu, do you immediately know where you got it? Unless you live in a much overpriced bubble over there in CA, I doubt you can pinpoint it. No one likes to be sick, ever, especially on a cruise..but hey, it happens. Sorry it happened to you, but I think NCL took every precaution to keep people from getting sick. When you have that many people from all walks of life in an enclosed area this stuff is going to happen. To expect NCL to refund your money is not only mental, but unreasonable. But as is typical of so many people, we like to blame it on someone else and expect to be compensated for it. Thats just wrong.


The incubation period for Norwalk virus is one to two days. I didn't eat anything off the ship. I was not able to enjoy the last two days at Kuaii because I was barfing my guts out. (Sue, that is five days into the cruise) I additionally had exposive diarrhea. I was diagnosed with Norwalk virus when my physician did labs on my return to mainland. So where did I get it? ...gosh, I think it was the food handling or the crew.


I wouldn't think NCL would cancel the cruise they have too much investment in the people who paid not only for the cruise but probably for extensive excursions. I do think the FDA should have cancelled it until the ship was cleaned up.


How would I have felt if the cruise would have been cancelled. No doubt... angry. Had I known what was to come, I would not gotten on board the ship.


The FDA WAS involved in making NCL protect the passengers on our cruise, and dispite religiously using the provided alcohol disinfectant, many passengers (Evidenced by full sick-bay), I guess it was not the panacea.


I am glad you didn't have a problem Snorkel, I wish my wife and I could say the same.




Bill in California

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I would think you of all people would want to know the good things along with the bad and maybe you won't have some of the same bad experiences others did. Do your research and keep your hands clean!!


objectively, of course.

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The FDA WAS involved in making NCL protect the passengers on our cruise, and dispite religiously using the provided alcohol disinfectant, many passengers (Evidenced by full sick-bay), I guess it was not the panacea.


...I think you are confusing the FDA with the CDC, the CDC is the one who evaluates ships for cleanliness etc. and works with them to give the ships their ratings that are published. FDA has a whole different mission. I am sure they will be amused when they get your letter though...

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