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Live From the QM2


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Our friend Penny (Patwell), asked me to post the first report from her trip. Needless to say, I am thrilled that she is having such a fabulous trip!


From Penny: Hi there...excuse me for my tardiness...I died and went to

heaven! YES<YES<YES....I have fallen in love with a huge

piece of sheetmetal...she is all that I dreamt of and more and

there aren't enough words right now to express my

feelings...amazing...I am tongue tied for the first time in my

life. Our CC get together was wonderful and our little group

a bunch of interesting folks...we had a great time in the

Commodore Club and were joined by the Captain, his wife,

the hotel mgr, Amanda Reid and one other gal. They were

gracious and welcoming and genuinely interested in our

online goings-on...Captain Rynd particularly asked me to

send him a copy of "Penny's Book"...Well now, almost as

good as getting published!! The food and service have been

exemplary and nothing short of fantastic...supurb!!! So then,

I've been pampered, indulged and massaged into complete

oblivion...truly I died and went directly to a heavenly place

called Queen Mary 2. She rocks and rolls and I don't mean

the dancing variety...fabulous...where do I sign up to join

that crazy winter crossing club??? HIgh winds...some pretty

impressive seas...and lots of sunshine today as we wend our

way to Barbados.


I'm never coming back!!

Fondly, Penny...LIVE and loving it from the QM2!!!

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Thanks for posting Penny's great mail. If you are in contact with her can you please tell her that


"Pepper wishes that Penny continues to have a fantastic time and the very best and most wonderful voyage aboard the Queen Mary 2 and that he can imagine her enjoying the Commodore Club"


Thank you for your help.

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Thanks for posting Penny's great mail. If you are in contact with her can you please tell her that


"Pepper wishes that Penny continues to have a fantastic time and the very best and most wonderful voyage aboard the Queen Mary 2 and that he can imagine her enjoying the Commodore Club"


Thank you for your help.


Pepper, I will pass your good wishes along to Penny. I am so pleased they are having such a good cruise.



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Thanks for that!!! We leave on the same cruise (sounds like) on 12/16 and can't wait. Is Penny eating in the Britannia? Linda


We have a roll call going for the QM2 Dec 16th over on the roll call board if you have not already been over there- -:D

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Good morning...live from the QM2....the full moon is off our

stern...the sun is rising over the bow....am I in Oz? We are

on Atlantic time...I've lost an hour somewhere and am off to

find it in Barbados. I really shouldn't stay up so l;ate but with

so much to do and so little time, sleeping seems a waste.

Our seasick fellow pax should feel much better this morning

but I confess I miss that delicious ocean motion.


We were so honored last night to be invited to dine at the

Captain's table. Unfortunately in the last minute he wasn't

able to come but we had an enjoyable time with the Staff

Captain who was seated right to my left. He confirmed that

we had been experiencing seas in the 9-12 ft range. If one

was ever to feel like royalty, seating at that grand table

beneath that extraordinary tapestry with all of one's

subjects surrounding the table...well, I truly do believe

this is Oz where incredible things happen to mere mortals

such as myself. Just don't pinch me...I'm loving being in Oz.


We had a brief cocktail gathering before dinner with some

of our Roll Call...David, Trish, Mark and Steve, Frank and

his lovely wife Vanessa, and Randy plus the two of us and

friends Bonnie and Barry. The Commodore Club worked

its usual magic on us and I think we''d have all just stayed

there enjoying the ambiance of our 2nd formal night....we

all looked quite splendid....the men so debonair...the ladies

so elegant...such a sophisticated setting for such a delightful

moment in time.


So....we're off to find the wizard in Barbados in just a

couple of hours. I have a private tour booked with the most

delightful sounding guide and look forward to a day of

exploration on this beautiful island. If anyone has questions

perhaps Beth will relay them to me and ´I'll try to answer.


To the Dec 9th group...your trip is cancelled...none of us

are getting off...we will continue to sail the Caribbean in

search of the real Oz which I am sure is out there waiting

for me. Future onboard credit will cheerfully be arranged

for this unfortunate change of plans.


Pepper...I am following in your footsteps as outlined in your

review...this is truly the most magnificant ship in the world.


And thanks to Beth for acting as my scribe in posting for

me...I really am a computer dufus and think it best for the

onboard computers if I am kept far away from them.

Cheers, all, Penny....definitely live, but starting to be sleep

deprived, from the QM2

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To the Dec 9th group...your trip is cancelled...none of us are getting off...


You are so NOT funny! After counting down the last 300+ days, I am getting on that Dec. 9th trip if I have to parachute in. Otherwise, keep the news coming. It's been delightful reading.




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To the Dec 9th group...your trip is cancelled...none of us

are getting off...we will continue to sail the Caribbean in

search of the real Oz which I am sure is out there waiting

for me. Future onboard credit will cheerfully be arranged

for this unfortunate change of plans.


Now that's just plain not funny :eek: :eek:

Well, whoever is in my bed better sleep up on deck then...LOL

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It's wonderful to hear you're having such a fantastic time, I'm thinking of you everyday wondering what part of the ship you're enjoying, where you're eating, what view can you see from your balcony.. sounds like you'll have to be dragged off, kicking and screaming, fingers dug into carpets. Did you make the grand descent in your glitzy gown down the staircase in Britannia?


Nothing can prepare you for the feeling you get just walking around this fabulous Queen of the Oceans, as you say, truly the most magnificent ship in the world.


With my very best wishes

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Don. Mudhen amd Cusyl,

How do you feel about quads? Or perhaps a hammock on David's balcony? You see, Beth and Maria and I were prepared to go aboard snuck in Steamer Trunks (We have it on reliable information that Penny brought at least three,,, in addition to her 27 suitcases.) We were to sleep on David's balcony. David was bringing a hibachi to cook the fish we would catch off of the balcony!


Since we three didn't make it, you thr ee can take our places.


BTW, Ihave a couple of parachuites here at the house we are not using at the moment (temps in the 20's on the ground, less at altitude!) Feel free to stop by! one is very old, not in a container and all rolled in a ball. Don't mind the moths when you throw it out to catch some air! Anyone ever seen the skydiving scene from the movie Fandango? A bunch of guys leaving school and going separate ways get into a bunch of adventures, including skydiving at an outrageous drop zone with strange characters. then head to Mexico, where one of them gets married. Well,, rent the movie! It's hilarious!


So Penny, I KNEW you would be invited to Captain's table I wouldn't be surprised if ou are also invited to the officer's party. It will likely be in G32 your other Formal night. Don't forget to get LOTS of pictures!



who REALLY wishes she had had the brains to get pictures when she dined with the captain! She was too busy tyring to looks blase, as though she ALWYS dined with ship's Royalty! Well, that and trying to surrupticiously replace the boob that escaped its bonds (under the dress! No Janet Jackson style wardrobe malfunctions!) But's that's a whole different story involving the theft of the special bra to wear with that dress to keep that from happening and the police sting while we were gone that caught the bra-napper in question! <LOL>


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Don. Mudhen amd Cusyl,

How do you feel about quads? Or perhaps a hammock on David's balcony? .



But's that's a whole different story involving the theft of the special bra to wear with that dress to keep that from happening and the police sting while we were gone that caught the bra-napper in question! <LOL>


Now that sounds like I story I'd love to hear, please tell more...:eek:


Can we find out which night is the Pirate's Ball on the ship? Did anyone go?


I'm afraid my bed will have to be vacated, but I will gladly share my shower with the deck sleeper. I need my bed....LOL

I do really feel sorry for them however, they are already half way through their cruise...time passes so fast.:(

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Good morning...live again from the QM2, altho if I continue

to keep these hours, "live" will be questionable! A bit about

Barbados in a minute but first some breaking news...and I

don't mean that literally unfortuately.


While seated at dinner tonight the gong for important news

rang...not the thing one expects in the evening, or in this

case wants to hear. I swear you could have heard a pin

drop in the Britannia dining room. Captain Rynd came on

and informed us that we have a bit of a problem with the

port side bow thruster door...it's not functioning and

apparently won't close. We had seen a small barge down

there in Barbados but assumed it was just routine

maintenance...it was not. In the best interests of the ship we

are now traveling to St Kitts at a much reduced speed...18

knots VS the 28 we should be doing. And he regretted to

tell us that our arrival would be delayed til about 11AM

which of course puts a bit of a crimp on tours. I feel so

sorry for the poor tour people who must now try to

change all these planned tours and notify all of us. The

Captain told us that there sould be no change in our St

Thomas arrival...please keep your fingers crossed on this as

I have a charter fishing captain who will be waiting at the

dock at 9 AM to take Steve on his birthday fishing day.


They are busily shifting gears for food service and will also

offer us a brunch prior to landing...and as an apology for

the inconvenience, will be having an arrival party at the

pool...complimentary...and we'll party our way into port.

Now, I have to say, on my inconvenience meter, this

"inconvenience" rates right about at the bottom of the

meter. We will also have a delayed sailing so as to give us

more time in port.


Now, you Dec 9th folks are probably saying..."is there no

end to her deviousness? No lengths she won't go to to

remain onboard? Has she no shame?" Nope...but it sure

was tough for a non swimmer such as myself to get into

the water and wedge that door open, so I think a few

points for ingenuity and creativity wouldn't be out of line

for this tactic.. And I've heard rumors that there might be

an all out assault with parachute drops and the like in the

misguided belief that we can be boarded ....be warned...we

are prepared to take evasive maneuvers. Obviously our

offer of future onboard credits wasn't sufficient to appease

you all...I shall endeavor to do better.


So...stuff happens... I guess I feel sorriest for the crew

whose day will be so disrupted and who will no doubt have

much abbreviated free time. They work so hard that I'm

sure this little problem is a big disappointment to them. It

sure isn't to me!! I'll have all morning to continue to enjoy

the ship...my tour will go at 1:30 instead of 10...might have

to dress pretty fast for Todd Englishat 7:30 but I suspect I'll

manage just fine. And I heard no grumbling any where I

went tonight so I'm hoping everyone will accept this for

what it is...a very minor glitch that hopefully will be easily

remedied tomorrow so our Queen can continue her

search for the elusive Oz!!


Now...Barbados...wonderful. I'd never been before...and I

thought it was a beautiful place. I'd hired a private guide,

thanks to the CC barbados board...his name is °cameron

Reid and he can be reached at scenicbarbados.com. His

rate was very fair and his service was terrific. He was

knowledgeable, articulate and had a good sense of

humor...we learned much of the history of his country and

he showed it to us with pride...so much better than an

ordinary tour...we saw more of the island than one

normally might and had a great time with him. I'd highly

recommend his services.


Back for the sailaway party...3 folks late for boarding as they

were paged a few times...Illusion had the pool deck rocking

and I might be wrong but I could swear I heard Karie paged

as the drink of the day was Mojitos. We left Barbados as

the full moon rose over the twinkling lights of the

island...just another typical day in paradise.


And a few ranom thoughts....the food in Britannia continues

to be delicious...our servers and wine steward are top

notch. The service is unobtrusive, perfectly paced and

always with a smile and a pleasant word. Steve's wine bottle

from Sunday arrived at the table within a minute or so of

us being seated. Our cabin steward is a delight with a smile

that would light up a dark room....I'd swear he never

sleeps! He has been with the ship since day one althoI'm

scheming to find a way to take him with us if we ever

decide to get off. I have yet to pass a crew member, no

matter who, who has not gone out of their way to greet me

with a smiling "good morning Madam...good evening

madam...now I wonder how they all knew of my secret

fantasy to be a madam!!! Anyway, I'm getting awfully used

to being addressed like this and have Steve practising

addressing me as Madam.


And another fantasy fulfilled last night...first our

delightful dinner at the Captains table followed by a late

night dance on the deck of the QM2 with the other love of

my life. There was no music, at least not the kind anyone

else could hear, but the moon was full and the ocean our

orchestra, and if you don't think that was magic folks, then

you aren't having the right fantasies. And so the search for

the elusive OZ continues....perhaps St Kitts.... Cheers,

Penny....not quite live from the QM2 at this hour!!! PS....to

answer that question about the water being warm enough

to swim...absolutely. Itwas heavenly when we took some

beach time during our tour today. SO bring your suit and

water wings...the water is fine.

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"but it sure

was tough for a non swimmer such as myself to get into

the water and wedge that door open"


I know I told you to explore every part of the QM2 but this is too much! I wanted you to make a "grand descent" down the staircase in the Britannia Restaurant, not down the side of the ship! I hope the glitzy gown was waterproof? Or did you wear scuba gear instead? (I hope it was a FORMAL diving suit).


Wonderful to read all your posts, keep them coming.


Very best wishes

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Were they able to repair the bow thruster door? I remember when they were doing the sea trials that one fell off.

Glad you are having a wonderful time. I'm all packed and ready to go, just counting down the hours now.

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I'm all packed and ready to go, just counting down the hours now.


I am so happy for you... I asked my wife last night if she thought we would be ready on time. Her answer was rather vague at best. A days worth of shopping on Sunday did not serve to complete her onboard wardrobe. I'm not sure what's going to happen... she's fairly resourceful so I'm certain she'll come through in the long run, but meanwhile my nerves are shot... Hopefully stretching out on our little balcony well put them right.





P.S. We received an upgrade to a A2 suite on deck 11. :)

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I'm Jeff, slipping in under my wife's ID/user name. She sent me the link to Penny's wonderful writings about her current experience aboard the QM2. We'll be on the Dec 16th sailing, so glad we're avoiding all that mess about the Dec 9th cruise being cancelled, because of that pirate group who is going to hijack it for another go around....<chuckle>! I don't blame them from all the wonderful things we've heard. Well everybody enjoy and we look forward to our trip....believe me, we're counting the days and hours......woooohooooo!! Anybody commenting on the Princess Grill suites and the dining that goes along with it?

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I cannot wait to see Penny's post tomorrow. She said, PRESCIENTLY, "breakimg news- not literally, "

Little did she know. Over on the Dec 2 roll call David (Bramcruiser) posted that our dear friend Trish, who was on her annual Sisters week with her Sister Debbie, had to be taken off the ship. We don't know much yet. Amanda Reid came and told Penny as she was coming back on board today. Aparently Trish broke her leg? We don't know anything more than what David posted. So maybe I had better check the Coast Guard posts again (Nah, they were in St Kitts!) Boy, what some people won't do to one-up the cruisers on the last trip! Maria and I tried to call her tonight. (In case her husband was there- He did not go- this was just the sisters) Maria left her a message. As Maria was leaving a message "we heard you had to leave the ship... I said, tell her, "Yeah. we heard she flashed the window washers!"


I have to be flip and funny, becasue I have been all stressed out already this week with lots of stuff going on, and now I am worried about another friend. (Another friend lost her Dad Saturday morning and I almost drove 2-3 hours each way to Schenectady and back last night )


Send good Karma towards Austin, folks, or whereever Trish is tonight!


Karie, who wasn't meaning to free up those beds THIS way!

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