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Live From the QM2


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HI there all...once again iive from the QM2 where it is the

witching hour when magical things happen....Steve is on a

roll in the casino and i may never see him again! Or til the

money runs out in which case my shopping excursion in St

Thomas may be drastically curtailed and meet an untimely


OK, the thruster....Captain Rynd made an announcement

just prior to leaving °st °kitts that divers had flown in from

Miami with their equipment...worked all day but it is not

completely proper and so repairs will continue in upcoming

ports. HOWEVER...and this is the most important thing I

gained from his announcement...the ship is ompletely safe

and the fact that it isn't totally up to snuff will NOT in any

way impeded the rest of the trip. We seem to be running

much faster than last night and smoother. Our friends

who are on the thruster side noticed that there didn't

seem to be as much vibration there tonight. So i guess my

uneducated opinion is that the ship will do just fine and

upcoming trips should be OK...I can't believe that the

Captain would say what he did if there was potential for

imminent problems.

And I must inject here that Captain Rynd has been most

forthcoming with his latest information. He has kept us

informed when he said he would and Cunard has gone out

of its way to offer much unplanned activities this morning

prior to reaching ST Kitts...plus a special brunch and the big

arrival party with free-flowing liquid libations for those

who wished to greet St Kitts with a glow. And by the looks

of the party all were having a great time. Tour staff were

most accomodating when we decided to cancel our

excursion due to the time change, and the fact that we

were having dinner in Todd English and the change would

have made it difficult to get ready...our refund was swift

and with no questions asked. How these hard working folks

can change gears so fast to react to the unexpected, and do

so with smiles and unfailing courtesy is amazing to me and

speaks well of the training and the motivation to ensure

that the passengers come first. I have felt this attitude

everywhere I have gone on the ship and I'm most

impressed by it. I guess everyone's experiences can differ

but I can honestly say that I have never received such

exemplary service so consistently. The response by staff to

this situation has been nlothing short of the utmost

professionalism. At no point have we been in the dark

about what was happening. Perhaps others will see this

differently but this is my impression.


So...the witching hour is now past and if I don't go to bed I

won't make my tour which is really earlier than I'd like at

this point.


Pepper...you'd have been proud of me...I not only glided

down the Britannia staircase in full slinky regalia...and didn't

fall and make a complete spectacle of myself...but I also

sewed sequins and beads on the wet suit as it was a formal

night and far be it from me to not be properly attired. Let's

just say I was a sight to behold in my custom commando

attire....basic black of course to coordinate well ith the hull


Good night from the QM2....more tomorrow when we

have been invited to the cocktail party given by the Captain

and Senior staff...this is truly OZ...2 fantastic invitations in

one week. As they say in the south...I am living in high

cotton indeed.

Cheers Penny...self proclaimed Queen of fantasies fulfilled

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Exhausted in St. Thomas...from the QM2!!! The weather

today is fabulous...hot and sunny with passing clouds and one

mini bout of "liquid sunshine" according to our tour guide.

I'm taking a short rest while I ice my incredibly swollen

ankles...boy are they bad...and where better to spend

that time than with my CC friends.


We moored right at

dawn...it was perfect. The Norwegian Spirit passed us with

her ugly hull art while we sat here on a true work of art.

We were of course gracious as we snickered behind our

hands. We tendered in and I have to say that Cunard

shoreside needs to watch these port debarkation

processes a bit and maybe learn how one gets 2500 people

thru emigration, to the ´royal Court for tender calling, on

the tenders and to the shore...all in record time. It was a

very organized, orderly and SWIFT process...virtually

painless considering we had to report at 7:15AM....after 4

hours of sleep. I am so far past sleep deprived I may never

find my way back. And the best part is I don't care!!! Sorry

to report that I have no report on Trish. I saw Amanda

again this AM and she had heard nothing either and asked

me to let her know when I know. Such a lovely lady...very

caring. I'm wondering if her sister didn't fly back with

her...I'm sure she needed help and I can't get any answer

on the phone. I'm going to check at the purser's office later

to see if she's still onboard. I am so sorry for her and the

end to what was such a fun trip for the two of them.


I heard that some folks sailed over yesterday from Nevis

just to see the QM2...understandable of course!


OK, back to the OZ search...it continues but I must be

getting closer as yesterday afternoon another handsome

invitation arrived at our door...this time to attend the

cocktail party given by Captain Rynd and his Senior staff!!

I'm at a loss to understand what we did to deserve such

great honors as to be invited to dinner at his table and now

this...the "high cotton" just got higher!! (for my UK friends,

that's a southern expression meaning you are in heaven!!!)

And I surely am. And another formal night which will only

add to the magic of it all. So folks, that makes it 3 formal

nights on a 7 day trip....ladies....start those shopping engines!


Todd English last night...did I mention the fallen chocolate

cake? And the fact that I came close to embarrassing myself

by surreptitiously licking the plate when no one was

looking? The expression "to die for" is totally inadequate!


And now for the good news for those of you boarding this

weekend...and that assumes that your assault on us is

successful...a possibility I wholly discount by the way. We

are prepared to retaliate I must warn you, and it won't be

pretty. We have lookouts stationed in all the

lifeboats...secret weapons on Deck "14"....and I personally

will lead the charge to repel you all with the morning ration

of scrambled eggs, about the only inedible food I have

found here, and thus fitting of a launch that is sure to scare

you off! But I digress....that wasn't the good news....that

was your last warning!! The good news is that the

Christmas decorations are up and the ship looks like a

fairyland. The tree in the atrium is elegant in that

sophisticated setting...all over are various trees and other

decorations. You will not be disappointed. It is so

festive....another reason for us to be diligent in our defense

of the continuance of the search for OZ.


And in the unlikely event you are successful, you Dec 9th

folks, I have spoken with Amanda and relayed your

gathering time. I am also leaving her a reminder as

requested, at the purser's office today. When I mentioned

the time she kind of raised her eyebrows but she has been

so wonderful about this lately, I am hopeful that she and

the others have no conflict at that time. Again, that assume

your success....be warned, we will be unstoppable in our

formal wear...slinky gowns and dynamite tuxes can be



And now for Mary, Norfolk Brit,...there was a Vuitton

suitcase outside my door this morning and something

rather pudgy and yellowish was seen slinking around the

corner near corridor C...please tell me Martin is safely at

home and not waiting out there somewhere for me....


And lastly for now...the pool awaits my presence....and

maybe a cookie on the way from Kings' Court, here is your

latest "Bear report", live from the kennel in °florida where

someone else is also receiving the royal treatment...he has

been spoiled and pampered...his kennel gal emails me every

night with tales of his daily "camp" activities. ´Seems she

actually sits in his big run and plays ball with him for long

periods of time...then she takes him out to the yard and

does his therapy obedience work...then she has him bring

in pretend mail, his other favorite job. I'm getting worried

that he might not want to come home with his aging

parents!!! This has been the biggest relief for us to know

that he is being as pampered as we are.


I'll check back to see what I might not have anwered....for

now, I'm off to enjoy the empty ship and make some more

incredible memories. Did I forget to mention that I wish

you all were here? Well maybe not you Dec 9th folks who

want to take away my glass slipper, take away my prince

charming and return me to my former status as mere

mortal and not the royalty I have so easily become

accustomed to being.


Cheers, Penny....who is in serious denial that today is


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And in the unlikely event you are successful, you Dec 9th

folks, I have spoken with Amanda and relayed your

gathering time. I am also leaving her a reminder as

requested, at the purser's office today.

. Did I forget to mention that I wish

you all were here? Well maybe not you Dec 9th folks who

want to take away my glass slipper, take away my prince

charming and return me to my former status as mere

mortal and not the royalty I have so easily become

accustomed to being.


Thanks for that great report! Glad you are having such a good time.

Thank you so much for speaking with Amanda about our meeting. That was very nice of you.

Since you are so nice I'm agreeable with hiding you in the lifeboat in front of my balcony...LOL.

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Yet another brilliantly readable report from the Queen of the Oceans (both you " the royalty I have so easily become

accustomed to being" and the ship)


I so wish I was there as well, strolling the decks, enjoying the Commodore Club, and most importantly, having another "Fallen Chocolate Cake".


"Pepper...you'd have been proud of me...I not only glided

down the Britannia staircase in full slinky regalia...and didn't

fall and make a complete spectacle of myself...but I also

sewed sequins and beads on the wet suit as it was a formal

night and far be it from me to not be properly attired. Let's

just say I was a sight to behold in my custom commando

attire....basic black of course to coordinate well ith the hull"


Penny, I knew I could trust you to be properly dressed for a formal scuba dive down to the bow thusters. Not surprised to hear that you didn't trip on that staircase down into the Britannia Resturant, bet all eyes turned to see you in your "full slinky regalia".


I'm so pleased that you're having the time of your life, I know how much you've been looking forward to this voyage.


If you find a way to repel boarders and/or manage to stow away and never get off, let me know how you do it, any tips you can give me for my next crossing are very welcome.


With my very best wishes,

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I'd like to know how you managed to glide gracefully down that staircase in your scuba flippers? Did you put sequins on those too? and will you give me lessons? (AFLAC!)


As for your wonderment and amazement about being invited to the Captain's and Staff Cocktail Party, and the Captain's table for dinner, did I not tell you? Do I know who is the classiest lady (along with all of our other cc: friends <G>) on board?


Equally, you marvel at the evenness and professionalism of the purser and tour desk staff when others have repeatedly reported thier disappontment. I have said it before, and I will say it, NAY STRESS it, again! When you go up to service professionals angry, wanting to extract your dollar's worth of their hide, taking all of your disappointment and frustration out on them, you set the tone. When youi blame them for something totally outside of their ability to predict or control, you have devalued them as a peron, and as an employee doing a job. When you approach them with kindness and understanding that it must be difficult to be in the busness of fielding people's complaints with a smile on your face, when you go to them with kindness in your heart and respect for them as people and as representatives of the company which you may feel has wronged you, you also tell them that giving you the extra sympathy and respect will not be wasted on someone who will yell at them anyway, and that you will not be the type to be disattisfied no matter how much you give them When you treat people with class and respect, you will reap the rewards. While a good employee will keep their sharpness under duress at bay, constantly dodgng flak is tiring. It makes the smile a little more forced, the face and the legs a little more tired. How many of you have ever put yourselves in their places? How would you react to all of these hostile people coming at you, revenge for their "ruined" vacations on their minds(vacations they will no doubt ruin themselves with their petty lack of forgiveness for anything!)


Penny, there has never been a doubt in my mind that any situation you might encounter would be met with grace and aplomb (and if Grace was busy, her sister Faith!)


Lastly. Marc took pictures of that anti-boarding device they have for when in ports or in areas where piracy has been known to happen. It looks like a giant fan facing outward (or maybe like a microwave dish, if you know what those look like- The ones that look like tom-toms) Those sonic weapons are formidable. Should you try to scale the sides of the ship, or chopper in and rappel down the funnel, rest assured that Penny will be more than prepared to turn on these things full blast. Tehey managed to drive off the pirates on the Seabourn cruise a couple of years back! And watch out! If sh decides to aim the water cannon at you. Well, let's just say your hair won't grow back by formal night. It's best to let her keep her coach, instead of transferring her to a pumpkin!



who would never go up against her- She might decide to kill you with kindness! Then how could you feel right about dumping her off of the cruise!

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Live...from the QM2, where yet another day has managed to

slip away. Can it be possible that I have only one left? Is there

only one more day to be pampered, spa treatment-ed,

stuffed with yet more delectable goodies?


CC is getting a name on here it would seem...I found out that

Cruise Director Alastair Greener wished us a good morning

and said hello to us on his morning broadcast the day after

our get together...and I of course was sleeping and missed it

all! A moment of fame and I'm still snuggled under that

wonderful duvet....figures!! With so many passengers it

surprises me each time I run into him or Amanda or the

Captain, that they not only recognize me but call me by

name. Whenever I get the chance I casually mention that

they might enjoy reading us from time to time, so play nice

kids and make me proud.


Cocktails with the Captain and The Senior staff....very, very

nice. Plenty of liquid libations and yummy nibbles and

Captain Rynd very approachable and easy to chat with.

And so elegant with everyone all dressed to the nines.

On nights like this and our other formal evenings, it's easy

to feel that we have been transported back in time to the

days of the old liners when elegance was the norm and

passengers glided gracefully through the ship enjoying

leisurely meals and entertaining evenings dressed in all their

finery. While the occasional person preferred to remain

more casual, I have to say the overwhelming majority

were formally dressed when called for and seemed to enjoy

it. I noticed a very high percentage of tuxes everywhere we

went and the ladies mostly in long gowns. It creates an

ambiance that is so reminiscent of the past that it's hard to

relate to the mundane things in life, and very easy to slip

into a fantasy existence. We have not watched the news, or

had too many thoughts of the outside world as I've come to

think of it...you are still all there aren't you? I feel wrapped

in an elegant cocoon where he ordinary isn't permitted to

intrude.....I could get very used to this.


Finally made it to an evening show...tonight it was

Apassionata....how do they dance like that with the floor

moving under them? I thought it was well done and

entertaining and was glad I rolled my stuffed little body

from the late seating dinner (chateaubriand with

bearnaise, lobster tails...just a few little morsels I had the

chef whip up for a couple of thousand of my nearest and

dearest) and adjourned to the theater. Afterwards we

strolled the indoor promenade just savoring the feeling of

luxury that formal night seems to create. I made my nightly

contribution to the casino....I don't mind...it seems a small

price to pay for being permitted to luxuriate in this make

believe world that is life at sea.


We are starting to roll again this evening...or maybe it's

pitch...never quite sure, just know that it's the motion of

the ocean and a very fitting way to conclude this voyage.

We were told that it would be similar to what we had

when we left so I hope everyone popped a Bonine tonight

because tomorrow we'll be moving around a bit. I can feel

it now...along with a slightly disconcerting vibraion....not too

bad up here on deck 11, but quite obvious down in G32

where we went to the Captain's party. Have no idea what it

is but you can feel it in the soles of your feet.


Signing off for tonight...I'm determined to get to bed befre

2AM for a change...but first I must fill out that delicious little

card that causes breakfast to appear like magic right in my

room, and exactly when I want it. Steve will go to Kinfg's

Court, which by the way was not the nightmare I've read

so often...we've had no crowds, no long lines, no unavailable

tables...actually ate in a window seat yesterday. And for a

buffet operation I found the food quite decent....except for

those scrambled eggs....what do they use for them? My evil

twin...some of you may remember her, nasty little thing that

she can be...actually told Captain Rynd that it was the one

negative thing she had encountered. Imagine the cheekiness

of that...here the man invites her to his special party and

she has the audacity to complain about the eggs....quite




Goodnight from the QM2....I love this ship...did I mention



Cheers, Penny....who wonders what it will be like living in a

lifeboat. Sylvia, will you bring me food? Chateaubriand?

Fallen chocolate cake? A blanket? Maybe a cookie from

Kings Court?

And Pepper...glad to know that you approve of my

madness....and my choice of attire for commando activities. I

have standards to uphold I know

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Dear Penny,


I just wanted to say thank you so much for your very timely and entertaining posts in this thread. I believe you have actually contributed to helping me relax and look forward to our upcoming adventure. So, thanks once again. By this time tomorrow my wife and I will be airbourne *shudder* on our way to Ft. Lauderdale. Shortly after, we will be on board and ready to take your place.


I noticed you are also on Deck 11. How nice! Should you decided to remain onboard, I have no problem with that but beware, I sleep to the right. :p




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Thank you for your wonderful reports from onboard. Wonder if that problem with the bow thruster door is causing your vibration? Sure hope they can fix that while they are in Ft Lauderdale.

Living in the lifeboat wouldn't be all that bad actually, you could use our shower and put your room service menu on the door for each meal. :D

Would love for you to stay onboard so we could meet you. LOL

Not sure the Captain would be that understanding however. :rolleyes:

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I want to thank you soooo much for your reports. I signed up for the roll call for the 16th knowing my DH would kick about going. Well, last night I read him your posts and after laughing quite a bit he said the roll call was "doable" LOL!!! Thanks again. Linda

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Once again folks...it's Penny...Live from the QM2!!! You

see,..I've been listening to Alaistair Greener for so long it's

starting to rub off. Ahhhh, where to start...where to

end...time is slipping away and I'm powerless to stop it. Not

wishing ill to those who shall follow me, but I found myself

sitting in a window wishing the ship to go dead in the water

and my party to go on to infinity. How terribly selfish of me I

know but I fear I've become a tad possessive...I find myself

thanking people who tell me their voyage has been

terrific...now that's possessive...as if I had anything to do

with it all!! Delusional perhaps...but then you have all

probably figured that out about me!


Today started with the most incredible massage with

Tomo...ask for him..he has magic fingers for shiatsu. When I

told him of my ankle swelling problem and how

uncomfortable it is to wear my strappy little high heels that

go so well with those slinky little numbers °I've mentioned,

he spent about 25 minutes working on my lymph system

and massaging all that nasty toxin from my feet and legs...I

now have wings on my feet and can soar with abandon on

my last minute visits to favorite haunts. I am

unstoppable...except for now when I still must ice them so I

can dance my way through the evening.


I must tell all of you, my fellow CCers, that you must make

every opportunity to attend your CC meet and greet.

There is nothing quite as pleasurable when you are alone in

the middle of the ocean...OK, I know, how alone can you

be with 2500 other people. But you get my drift...and then

you bump into a familiar face...and then another...the

comaraderie is so genuine as you share your latest

adventures. It's a most unique feeling of belonging to some

special club. It's kind of a smug thing!! This afternoon I mad

my last visit to the logo shop...a woman on a mission..not to

be trifled with and certainly not one to impede in any way.

What to buy...not that I haven't already helped deplete the

stock of adorable wearables...ladies, you will love it there!

Anyway, I turned around and there were Solboys,

Bramcruiser and John from TN....amazing, a CC meet and

greet right in the logo shop!! Last evening it was Frank and

Vanessa and Randy at the pool bar. Such fun to have

someone to share the excitement with. We seem to all

gravitate to the Commodore Club (the other CC) and then

have trouble leaving for dinner.


Today's weather...cooler and flat calm this morning...then

we hit the cold front and it rained a bit and the seas picked

up. Perfect...for me anyway. It would be a disappointment

not to lurch thru the corridors at least one more time.


Now, Karie...I heard you said some nice things about

me....no, I'm not able to pay for your next trip as an

expression of gratitude. I regret this but I do thank you for

the reminder about the anti-boarding gizmo...that should

prove helpful should these Dec 9th folks rally think they are

going somewhere tomorrow. I give fair warning...beware of

silver haired ladies with access to lethal weapons. Tell Marc

I said thanks for the description.


And the famous long planned birthday fishing charter...not

the grand day I had hoped for him...he knew more than the

charter captain...who wasn't really the guy I hired but

someone he sent to take the "boat people" out to find a

fish. Well they found a few fish, got rocked about pretty

good and for all of that "fun" I could have kept that

$400 and spent it in the logo shop. °Not quite the

memorable moment I had planned...oh well.


And a mini review that Steve has asked me to include....eat

in Britannia and skip Todd English. He felt the food in the

Brit. was superior to what he and one of the others

had...felt the service in the Brit to be equal to what we

received in Todd English and felt the ambiance in the Brit

to be far superior...altho I have to say that our curved cozy

banquette table was pretty neat. And he didn't have the

fallen chocolate cake...if only one could get that in the Brit!!!

My filet was excellent but I guess I concur as I have felt that

Britannia's food has lived up to its exquisite setting.


And today's nostalgia moment....I've had lots of that onboard at

the strangest times...flashbacks to the little blonde girl who

scampered with such wild abandon all over her favorite old ship so long ago and chatted up the officers who were so

tolerant of my antics. I sat for a moment in one of the

window seats in the casino...leaned back and put my feet up

and watched the wash from the bow race by....beautiful sea

lace topped with a froth of white. I must have spaced out

briefly because I swear I heard this little girl's giggle as she

too had a favorite ship window seat and would sit

mesmerized for long periods of time just watching the

churning water and laughing at some personal amusement.

For a brief moment in time I was that little girl one more

time...it was so nice to find her again...I've missed her

spontaneity. But for that brief moment I saw again through

her eyes and delighted in the pure joy of the sea and the

ships that sail it...I felt her laughter and delight in it all and it

was pure magic once again. Maybe I really have finally found

OZ...and it is the QM2.


If that is truly so, and I have no doubt any more that it is,

and my search is complete, my objective met, then I must

wish a genuine Bon Voyage to you Dec 9th folks, ( I

have declared an immediate truce and a cessation of

retaliatory preparations) and to all of those who are waiting

so patiently as I did for so long. May you find the same joy

I have found...the soul fulfilling happiness and freedom of

spirit. May you have clear skies, a soft breeze and gentle

seas, and may all of your fantasies be granted as mine have



Cheers, Penny...still LIVE from the QM2 and not quite

ready to relinquish the moment. And do wish a very big

Happy Birthday to Mrs. Rynd, the Captains wife...ship

scuttlebutt has it that she celebrated that event today and

I'm sure all you Cunard folk out there join me in wishing

her the very best.....

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I know all of you join me in thanking Penny for taking the time to post from the ship. I cannot believe her cruise is ending. I am really going to miss her "live from the ship" posts. It has been an honor to be the one helping her with this thread. To all of you folks who will be sailing on the QM2 or the QE2 soon, Bon Voyage!



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Penny, thank you so much for your posts, I love your style of writing. Are you working on a book? If not, you should!.


Sylvia, who is embarking tomorrow


Penny, we couldn't say it any better than Cusyl did. We're glad you fully enjoyed your time on the QM2 and hope you can do it again soon. And you are indeed a very talented wordsmith.


Cusyl, please remember to sign the CC book in the ship's Library. :D


And our best wishes for a great cruise to all those boarding the Lady tomorrow, December 9!

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Thank you so much for passing your posts on to us through Beth. It as been a real joy to read of your time aboard this magnificent ship.


Cusyl is absolutely right. You write with style. And as I told you about your "What to do on the QM2" book, you should definetly be a published author.


Have a safe trip home.


Cusyl, Bon Voyage! May you have as wonderful time on your cruise as Penny had on hers.


And finally. Thank you Beth for taking the time to post Penny's reports.


Smiles, :)


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What a wonderful review, your skill and talent with words puts my feeble attempt at a record of my crossing in it's rightful place, way below your witty and informative observations. Bravo, fantastic, superb.


Isn't the QM2 special? She is truly a Liner, a destination in her own right. I can see myself (thanks to your words) walking her decks or enjoying her outstanding public rooms, restaurants and bars (and fallen chocolate cake).


I'm so glad you've come out and told the world. There is no cure. All you can do, as an addict, is to board the QM2 whenever you can and get your fix.


Once again, thank you for your wonderful, fantastic, funny and detailed posts.


With my very best wishes

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Penny - It's the morning of 9th here so I suppose you'll almost be off:( Thank you for finding the time to keep us up to date with happenings afloat. I've enjoyed your writings and have been able to experience the QM2 through you (I still prefer the QE2 though - I'm on that in eight days so I'm not one of those people so cruelly throwing you off!:D )

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Live from Penny on the QM2...one last time (sob) Good

evening...or morning...I'm confused. I know I have found OZ

and I think I've also caught up with that hour I lost a week

ago, and not a moment too soon.


Leaving this fantasyland will be wrenching...those of you who

have done it will nod your heads in understanding...those of

you who have not had to endure this final good bye won't

quite feel what the rest of us do at the thought of walking

the wrong way on the gangway. I've joked in the past about

leaving my clawmarks in the carpet...this may not be quite

such a joke come morning.


Tonight was bittersweet....the ritual pre dinner libations in

the Commodore (how will I ever deal with not having that

wonderful room at home....to sit in one of those big

windows and be mesmerized by the scene over the bow is

one of the memories that will haunt me long after the

luggage has been unpacked)...dinner in Britannia (I dread

the thought of what tomorrow night will be without Julian

and Silma to attend to my every desire)...then on to the

casino for one last contribution and finally our good by to

the Commodore Club at midnight.


By the time most of you read this I'll no doubt have picked

up the red furry person and been slathered with

kisses...but I'll be back tomorrow evening only it won't be

live from the QM2.....


Cheers all, Penny....who hopes you've had as much fun

sharing my voyage to OZ as I have

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Penny - It's the morning of 9th here so I suppose you'll almost be off:( Thank you for finding the time to keep us up to date with happenings afloat. I've enjoyed your writings and have been able to experience the QM2 through you (I still prefer the QE2 though - I'm on that in eight days so I'm not one of those people so cruelly throwing you off!:D )




Have a wonderful voyage on the QE2. We look forward to hearing about your trip. Bon Voyage!



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What a wonderful review, your skill and talent with words puts my feeble attempt at a record of my crossing in it's rightful place, way below your witty and informative observations. Bravo, fantastic, superb.

With my very best wishes


Pepper, I completely agree that Penny's reports have been marvelous and that she definitely has a flair with words. I am so impressed with her eloquent writing style and her wit. BUT, your reviews were also excellent and very well written. Each review is unique. How wonderful that we have so many talented, bright and witty people on the Cunard board who are willing to share their experiences with us. We all look forward to reviews from both of you (as well as other future travelers) on your next voyages and we hope they will be soon.



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This has been the most brilliant, funny posting and I feel as if I was with you every step of the way Penny. I have only had a tour of the QM2 but am a frequent cruiser on QE2 and only wish I could express my feelings for the QE2 as elequently. Suffice it to say that she is my 'oz'. How do I obtain your 'book of tips'

I guess you will now have left the ship kicking and screaming Here's to the nexr time. Please keep writing on the boards!!!!!!:D

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I'm so sorry you have to endure that wrenching parting:( . We've done more than 30 cruises over the past 22 years and on our very first cruise, someone made the statement "...the person you will envy the most is the one getting ON the ship as you are getting OFF." :eek:

Oh, how true, how true!!! I hope you were able to book a future cruise so you will have something to look forward to...and post to.

Our own adventure is less than two weeks away,:)

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Mary, I am so envious of your voyage on the first World Cruise of the QM2. How exciting!! I can only imagine all the planning it must take to prepare for such a trip. I hope you are planning to post along the way and let us know of your experiences. Please give us a "live report" occassionally. Bon Voyage!



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Yes, I am going to keep a diary of the cruise. And I will post writeups along the way. Randy is taking his laptop, so I will have access to a computer in our cabin.;)

I know I would have loved to have read someone's posts of last year's QE II World Cruise, so I will post for next year's cruisers.

Got to get back to the packing...:( :)

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I know I would have loved to have read someone's posts of last year's QE II World Cruise' date=' so I will post for next year's cruisers.[/font']


I too would have liked to read a long review of last year's cruise. I'm looking forward to reading your reviews as you progress:)

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