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Now that everything is set, I am feeling jittery and not wanting to go


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:confused: Now that just about everything is done, I am feeling conflicted. I don't know if I will enjoy this. I am afraid I will be seasick, claustrophobic, or worse, the plan will crash on the way to Ft. Lauderdale (can you tell I am uptight). Worse yet, I am afraid I will bored on the ship, and that all the islands will be tourist traps. Moreover, I feel guilty for going on a honeymoon and leaving my two young girls (ages 2 and 7) with my exhusband whom I share custody. As weird as it may sound, I am not that excited, and part of me wishes we were just staying home. I am not trying to sound dramatic, or invite flames, but can anyone relate?

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:confused: Now that just about everything is done, I am feeling conflicted. I don't know if I will enjoy this. I am afraid I will be seasick, claustrophobic, or worse, the plan will crash on the way to Ft. Lauderdale (can you tell I am uptight). Worse yet, I am afraid I will bored on the ship, and that all the islands will be tourist traps. Moreover, I feel guilty for going on a honeymoon and leaving my two young girls (ages 2 and 7) with my exhusband whom I share custody. As weird as it may sound, I am not that excited, and part of me wishes we were just staying home. I am not trying to sound dramatic, or invite flames, but can anyone relate?


Know what? I remember feeling that same anxiety before my first cruise. No-one should flame you for expressing what you feel.

First of all, your plane will not crash - it will take you safely to FLL so you can board the ship and start enjoying your cruise :) I can pretty much guarantee you will not have a chance to be bored on the ship - there is so much to see and do. True, most of the islands ARE tourist traps - but only if you allow yourself to be sucked in! Choose your purchases wisely and you should have no problems at all. Explore these new ports with an open mind!

Don't feel guilty for being happy! Honeymoons are happy times! I am sure your girls will be just fine with their Dad.

Try not to think about seasickness all that much - but bring Bonine just in case and you should be fine.

Get excited! This is a new adventure for you:D Enjoy every minute of your cruise and your life with your new husband...congratulations!

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:confused: Now that just about everything is done, I am feeling conflicted. I don't know if I will enjoy this. I am afraid I will be seasick, claustrophobic, or worse, the plan will crash on the way to Ft. Lauderdale (can you tell I am uptight). Worse yet, I am afraid I will bored on the ship, and that all the islands will be tourist traps. Moreover, I feel guilty for going on a honeymoon and leaving my two young girls (ages 2 and 7) with my exhusband whom I share custody. As weird as it may sound, I am not that excited, and part of me wishes we were just staying home. I am not trying to sound dramatic, or invite flames, but can anyone relate?


If you are feeling guilty about leaving your daughters.... I use to feel that way about our daughters, then our elderly sick parents who lived with us, and now our dogs (Go figure).:confused:

Remember that you are starting a life with someone and it's important to have some alone time with him so you're off to a nice start. We just celebrated our 45th anniversary and raised 2 daughters, so please take my advice. Your daughters will grow up, get married or live with a significant other, and they will not feel guilty about leaving you.

You are just having normal feelings and they will be replace by happy ones once you are aboard the ship.

Soon as you get to an island, call the girls. They won't realize how far away you are....you might as well be calling them from a grocery store, as far as they know.

The ships nowadays have stabilizers to compensate for movement. They are so big, you sometimes don't know you're moving.

Take one BONINE (over the counter) every morning, whether you need it or not, starting the morning you fly out.

You will not be bored. You will find so many things to do, you'll be very happy, I'm sure! Don't worry about the tourist traps...heck we even have them here in our own states. You will truly enjoy the ship and all the things going on.

How many car accidents or train accidents do you hear of? Now how many plane accidents do you hear of? Please try not to worry. I have flown so much, I think I feel little wingy things spouting out of my shoulder blades.;)


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These are the pre-firstcruise jitters! My wife and I opted for a land-based honeymoon 15 years ago because of the same fears. We were scheduled to try again (even had it booked) for our 10th anniversary but the 9/11 attacks put the fear back into us and caused us to cancel three weeks prior to sailing date. Two years ago we got up the courage to give it a go and now we are hooked!


Go for it. . .you will not be disappointed. I'll bet that you'll leave the ship ready to book your second cruise. . .and this time you will bring the whole family!!!

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:confused: Now that just about everything is done, I am feeling conflicted. I don't know if I will enjoy this. I am afraid I will be seasick, claustrophobic, or worse, the plan will crash on the way to Ft. Lauderdale (can you tell I am uptight). Worse yet, I am afraid I will bored on the ship, and that all the islands will be tourist traps. Moreover, I feel guilty for going on a honeymoon and leaving my two young girls (ages 2 and 7) with my exhusband whom I share custody. As weird as it may sound, I am not that excited, and part of me wishes we were just staying home. I am not trying to sound dramatic, or invite flames, but can anyone relate?


For every problem, there really is a do-able solution, it all depends if you want to go out of your way to pursue those options:


seasick-patch (see your dr. before you leave)

claustrophobic-a balcony suite (way more outdoor open space), or medication from your dr. for anxiety-I prefer the balcony suite myself!!

plane crash-take a bus, car or train to FLL.

tourist trap islands-stay on the ship while in port.

guilt over leaving your kids-take them with you, I always do. Get ajoining cabins for privacy.

bored-bring a good book.


I have just solved all of your problems, the question is are you willing to accept the suggestions, or would you rather just fret and worry yourself silly??


It's gonna be ok.

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:confused: Now that just about everything is done, I am feeling conflicted. I don't know if I will enjoy this. I am afraid I will be seasick, claustrophobic, or worse, the plan will crash on the way to Ft. Lauderdale (can you tell I am uptight). Worse yet, I am afraid I will bored on the ship, and that all the islands will be tourist traps. Moreover, I feel guilty for going on a honeymoon and leaving my two young girls (ages 2 and 7) with my exhusband whom I share custody. As weird as it may sound, I am not that excited, and part of me wishes we were just staying home. I am not trying to sound dramatic, or invite flames, but can anyone relate?


For every problem, there really is a do-able solution, it all depends if you want to go out of your way to pursue those options:


seasick-patch (see your dr. before you leave)

claustrophobic-a balcony suite (way more outdoor open space), or medication from your dr. for anxiety-I prefer the balcony suite myself!!

plane crash-take a bus, car or train to FLL.

tourist trap islands-stay on the ship while in port.

guilt over leaving your kids-take them with you, I always do. Get ajoining cabins for privacy.

bored-bring a good book.


I have just solved all of your problems, the question is are you willing to accept the suggestions, or would you rather just fret and worry yourself silly??


It's gonna be ok.

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First off all take a deep breath and say to yourself that this is the start of a new life with a new husband and life is now going to be good...probably more then good...cruising is a wonderful experience with lots of wonderful memories and very very relaxing...if you are more then 60 days out from sailing you are entitled to a full refund minus any expenses that the travel agent needs to recoup...if your going to be that worried about the kids back home then you are not giving yourself a chance then by all means cancel it...but i think if you let yourself start a new life with a new husband you may suprise yourself and will probably love the cruising experience...trust the folks on cruise critic...most of us talk from the heart...little lip service

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Don't feel guilty about the kids! You deserve a real honeymoon, and the girls will be fine with their dad--you trusted him enough to give you kids--trust him now!

Everything else will work itself out. The ship won't sink, you'll have soooo much fun with your new husband. Think of him, for a minute--doesn't he deserve to be alone with you, without the kids, just for awhile??? After all, he's taking on kids that aren't his--very noble!--but give him this treat. He should have a happy, willing, excited bride--not a moaning, whining woman to start a new life with!

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As one of your northern Illinois neighbors who is freezing with today's high temperature of 15 degrees all I can say is that if nothing else it will be warmer. I would much rather run the risk of sunburn than frostbite any day.


Let us know how it goes when you come back.

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Caddy, you will be fine - in fact I bet you will be GREAT in just a couple of days! The plane ride will be fine. Your hotel will be fine. You won't get seasick, nor claustrophobic (you probably won't be in your cabin that much anyway, and since it is your honeymoon, you probably will be busy ;). If you are worried about the tourist trap type of things, don't worry, there are so many options of what to do. You know that your girls are in good hands.


Have a wonderful cruise and honeymoon! (Sure beats my honeymoon location of St. Louis!), and the temps are so nice in the islands now! Congrats on the marriage!

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You are kidding right?:D


Seriously, life passes you by when you let your fear rule your life. Life has no gaurantees and if you don't live it to the full, you will always wonder what if....


Remember the glass IS HALF FULL!:D



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Your feelings are perfectly natural and believe me I felt exactly the same way.

Leaving your kids is a difficult thing to do however, if you have always felt comfortable leaving them with their Father this is not anything different. You can e-mail them or even call them if you feel the need, but you will pay through the teeth:D .

Worried about the plane crashing, well don't worry, you are more likely to have an accident in your car than on the plane!

Claustrobhobic... You are only going to be in your cabin to clean up and sleep...well you are on your honeymoon:p .

Seasickness.. I would not wear a patch again ever.. many side effects, get the Bonine or Dramine (Day time) and start taking it the day before your cruise, if you wait until you feel icky sometimes it is hard to over come that feeling! I waited and I was green for 3 days!

Bored... No way there are too many things to do on the ship, get involved and just have fun. Anyone that is bored it is their own fault, be willing to try something new! Remember you are on vacation so make memories!

Tourist Traps... Well if you shop all the time it will feel that way but take tours to get to know the Islands and see how they live and enjoy the beaches and try new food. Think of it as an Adventure.

Don't worry so much. Also be prepared for each Island do some research on every Island you will be visiting. Read the boards here and there are other sites also. Pull up the Chamber of Commence for each Island and read. Also, if you have time go to your Library or Book Store and read The Frommers Books about cruises and all the islands. IF possible even try to book some of your excursions before leave.

Good luck and enjoy yourself and your new hubby!

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I felt similarly a few yrs ago before a Disney cruise. Then we did a longer 12 Mediterranean cruise. The first one was great, the second, even better. You soon adjust to a slight motion (we never encountered either time to any high seas), the ships have plenty of action. I used the spa, dined in their "for a fee restaurants" (well worth it because they pay extra special attention to you, and the food is quite a bit better in quality), took in movies on a day it sprinkled, checked my messages at the internet cafe, took part in karoake nights or the live shows. The list goes on and on. Not to mention that the shore excursions (Greece, Italy, Bahamas, etc) give you a chance to sight see, dine somewhere local, do some duty free shopping, visit the leaning Tower of Pisa (lol)- just to name a few. Then you dress up for dinner, meet nice people, hang by the pool and sleeping is blissful. The boat's rocking motion (very slight) actually puts you to sleep. It's your honey moon. Have a glass of champagne and relax. Believe me.....I would not tell someone who is nervous about 1st time cruising that they are being silly because your concerns are normal. I would also not give them information that was not true. Most people cruise once and cruise time and time again. You will enjoy it.

Oh and also, I personally have never booked an inside cabin. That might bother me not having a view to the outside. But you also adjust to the size of the cabins. People say it alot...you are not in your rooms all that much. When you are, they are more than adequate. Hope this helps.;) after all

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Caddy- I feel like that any time I go anywhere away from home. I completely understand the plane thing, the claustrophobic thing, and the leaving your girls thing...I've been there! I still feel that when I leave my girls and they are 24 and nearly 21 and leaving the dogs at the kennel will be torture! I will go on my first cruise in February, and I know I will get the "pre-travel homesick panic". But I also know that I will have a wonderful time, come home happy, and the kids and dogs will be just fine.


I think feeling like that is normal for me...maybe it is for you too? Try to let go, and enjoy your honeymoon.

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CHATTIEKATHY, I think my dogs are worse than my daughters were! When they see the luggage being packed, they start running in circles and screaming, whining, and moaning. One even lifted his leg on the luggage and I had to leave that piece home @$#&*#@!! :mad: I yelled at him and he gave me a snort and disappeared under the sofa.

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CHATTIEKATHY, I think my dogs are worse than my daughters were! When they see the luggage being packed, they start running in circles and screaming, whining, and moaning. One even lifted his leg on the luggage and I had to leave that piece home @$#&*#@!! :mad: I yelled at him and he gave me a snort and disappeared under the sofa.


We've never boarded the dogs before and I am nervous about it. When we've gone anywhere, we have always left them at home and the girls (and grandma)have taken care of them. Now, the 21 year old is away at college, and the 24 year old will be here, but she is a bit...spacey? She is very smart (a science teacher), but I am afraid that she will let them out in the morning, and forget to let them back in. My 21 year old, is much more attuned to the dogs, and I wouldn't worry at all about leaving them home with her. I know my 24 year old would be upset with me for feeling like this, but it is a realistic fear. Besides, she would be gone all day at work and that is a long time for the dogs to be alone. My little dog is used to sleeping in my bed! And she is going to be in a crate!

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I know EXACTLY how you feel!! Our 2 doxies are our babies now that our girls are 39 and 44!! We have a doggie-door and a fenced in yard and our daughters and grown grandsons come over constantly to check on them, and the neighbors do it as well. They are bed sleepers too! BTW one of our daughters is also spacey. They don't grow out of it. Hehehe

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It happens to all of us, just relax, take a deep breath and think of nothing else but your honeymoon and having fun.

Once you see your ship sitting there all shiny and sparkling you'll forget about everything! And at the end when they say you have to disembark they will have to take you off kicking and screaming that you don't want to go home. :D


BTW....did you find your passport or did you end up getting a new BC?




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caddyb- sounds like you did not take the advice of others on another thread you did- have that glass of wine and calm down- you are going to be fine- the cruise is going to be awesome- your new marriage will be wonderful- your daughters will be fine- all will be fine as soon as you decide that it will be "all good" - deep breaths- you will be glad you went- have a great time !!!!!!! :)

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Don't feel guilty about the kids! You deserve a real honeymoon, and the girls will be fine with their dad--you trusted him enough to give you kids--trust him now!


You know what...people can change over time. Unfortunately, it may not always be for the better. No one knows the OP's ex better than she does. If she is feeling a little weary about leaving them with him, I am sure she has her reason!


Trust me on this, my SIL is going through this exact same thing right now. Boy, do I wish my SIL would get a can of "WAKE THE HELL UP!!!"

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I felt the exact same way before our first cruise. I was really excited up until I made final payment, and then I started doubting the whole thing. Usually, I am so excited about going on vacation, but I really wasn't that excited after I paid off the cruise. I started thinking...what the devil have I gotten myself into????


Once I saw the ship for the first time, all my worries melted away!!! I have the time of my life aboard the Carnival Conquest!!!! I knew then I was hooked to cruising!!!


:confused: Now that just about everything is done, I am feeling conflicted. I don't know if I will enjoy this. I am afraid I will be seasick, claustrophobic, or worse, the plan will crash on the way to Ft. Lauderdale (can you tell I am uptight). Worse yet, I am afraid I will bored on the ship, and that all the islands will be tourist traps. Moreover, I feel guilty for going on a honeymoon and leaving my two young girls (ages 2 and 7) with my exhusband whom I share custody. As weird as it may sound, I am not that excited, and part of me wishes we were just staying home. I am not trying to sound dramatic, or invite flames, but can anyone relate?
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We've never boarded the dogs before and I am nervous about it. When we've gone anywhere, we have always left them at home and the girls (and grandma)have taken care of them. Now, the 21 year old is away at college, and the 24 year old will be here, but she is a bit...spacey? She is very smart (a science teacher), but I am afraid that she will let them out in the morning, and forget to let them back in. My 21 year old, is much more attuned to the dogs, and I wouldn't worry at all about leaving them home with her. I know my 24 year old would be upset with me for feeling like this, but it is a realistic fear. Besides, she would be gone all day at work and that is a long time for the dogs to be alone. My little dog is used to sleeping in my bed! And she is going to be in a crate!


Have you considered hiring a pet sitter to make in home visits while you're away? I'm the owner of a pet sitting service in Northern IL. Check with your vet (they'll be able to refer you to someone) or check out Petsitter's International website (http://www.petsit.com). They have a pet sitter search on their website where you'll only have to enter your zipcode and it will give you a listing of petsitters in your area.


(I do vacation sitting all the time, and most pets do very well staying home in their own familiar environment with in home visits. I just started a new client last night with 2 Tibetan Spaniels; their family is in Disney World until Wednesday, and I'll be stopping by their home 4 times each day. They're both doing great!)


If you have any questions regarding what to look for, interviewing, etc., please feel free to email me; julie@letthedogout.com. I'd be happy to help.


Sorry for the thread hijack!

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