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Why, why, why, why...why??


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I have to totally agree that I'd rather see Celebrity raise their prices slightly and keep their traditional values, than become more mass market. I never understood why RCI didn't keep Celebrity's quality high when they purchased the line. There seemed to be a time when quality dipped, and now it seems to be pushing back up with the champagne greeting, the sorbet, the CC class, etc. I just hope it doesn't dip down again.


IMO Celebrity should be RCI's upscale/traditional line, with higher prices and more things included (like sodas and house wine at dinner). They should more strongly enforce the dress code and keep their children's programs and welcome families and kids on-board. A pretty simple way to begin to enforce the dress code would be for the Matre'D (and assistant) to walk around the dining room and have quiet, private conversations with inappropriately dressed passengers, reminding them of the dress code that evening. I also believe that people in jeans, shorts, sweats, etc. should be prohibited from entering the dining room at dinner and be directed to the alternative dining option. RCI should keep the RCCL fleet as their mainstream line that caters to families and a group that wants a more active cruise experience.

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I can't stay quiet any longer. I just don't understand the attitudes of "I don't have to follow the dress code, chair saving rule, etc because I paid for my vacation and I'll do what I please."


It's really easy to choose a situation that is closer to what you like than to force others to "go along with you" while you are obviously not willing to return the favor. Any vacation is a special thing to most people and they research to find what they are looking for. While my example focuses on dress code, it's the attitude of "my vacation, my way, like it or leave" that drives me to distraction.


Many people like the idea of an elegant evening in a dining room filled with people that are dressed up. Someone who isn't dressed shouldn't ruin the evening but it can't help but detract from the expectation. So they should just "chill" because you didn't want to follow the suggestions/requirements. Why, then should you be offended if they react to your inconsideration?


It makes no more sense to me to go on a cruise and be proud of the fact that you won't follow the dress code than it would to go to a church and criticze the people there for their beliefs. Why go? Instead of trying to force a group of people with a common desire to accept your different desires, why not find a group that thinks like you? Wouldn't everyone be better off?


Nikole said it very well.


Well said.

We have cruised Celebrity for the elegant evenings and atomsphere. When we want a more lively type of cruise we cruise RCI. What I don't understand is the cruisers out there, who feel that they paid for this cruise so the h..ll with everyone else and there feelings. Well surprise, we paid for this cruise also and the reason we picked the cruise was because of the formal nights, etc. If you do not want to adhere to the dress code, etc..............please pick another line and do not ruin Celebrity for us

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If Folks don't want to be percieved as being RUDE or SNOBBISH They should refrain from starting threads called "XSNOBS, and referring to other passengers as barbarians.........:mad: Don't try to float back and forth, " OH no I said this, oh no I meant that, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH"......:confused:


And then when someone disagrees and voices their OP accuse them of STARTING trouble.....:rolleyes:

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I hope we are on the next cruise together, so you can see my casual attitude, kids, and less than formal attire. I paid my money, and while I don't look down at you wearing a tux trying to be faux wealthy, you feel the need to look at me that way. I like celebrity, and will continue to cruise it because of the nice passengers and crew. I can afford other options, but I like celebrity. I'm sorry you have a problem with us "unrefined" people, but be careful who you frown upon, you might actually like them.


:mad: :mad: :mad:

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What I truly don't understand is why people think that formality is some indication of value. The most luxurious cruises, the ones I enjoy, are on Sea Dream and other luxury lines that understand that true relaxation comes from a casual atmosphere with sophisticated amenities. Anyone who needs to dress up to relax should simply stay on the cheaper cruise lines where that is what is expected.

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I agree with what a lot of you are saying, but I do believe there is a limit. I think all of this is very rude and degrading. I am 22 and my husband is 23 and we will be first time cruisers in August. I feel that I have worked just as hard for this cruise as anyone else, and if I so chose to relax and have a good time, then I will do so. That doesn't mean that I am going to go out and party, because I am not what you think is typical. What it does means is that I am going to have a good time with my husband and enjoy the cruise that I have work hard for, regardless of what anyone says to me. Just because you have a higher standard doesn't make anyone less of an equal. I know a lot of what you are saying is common sense and needs to be said, but there is a much better way of stating your frustration without being rude and degrading to others. I think all this XSNOB stuff needs to stop. Grow up! Being materialistic and demanding things to be done your way is very immature. Even I know that.

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...anyone think this may have something to do with age? Maybe I am naive but when I read Danno's post I just thought of a guy who wants to maintain that "old elegant cruise style" What is wrong with that? Could it be that easy? "old style", Celebrity. "new style" take your pick.

I have been working on this post for an hour. I know what I want to say , just can not put it into words. I am usually not at a loss like this but I think I know why.

I want my side to be RIGHT, I want to somehow make a difference here. To write something so profound someone will read it and think to themselves, "Wow, maybe I will wear that tux on formal night." I am at a loss because I don't think it is ever going to happen.

I see this as old and new. Old style cruise experience vs. New style. Older generation vs. new. There was a discussion on another board yesterday. The OP wanted to know "what is mandatory dress in the dining room on formal night?" "Will I get turned away if not dressed-up.?" Ok, well you use your imigination to figure out where that thread went. I put in a reply and was quoted and told this "when you pay for my cruise tickets, me and my family will dress up to help you maintain your romantic fantasy" All I wrote was the suggested dress was formal wear in all the dining rooms.

Alas, I believe it is a losing battle. The "now" the "me" the "x" generation it is their world now. Funny, I grew up in the 60's. Lived in San Francisco in 1967. Hung out on Telegraph Ave, in Berkely. I could put my entire wardrobe in a backpack. This is a hoot.Thiry five years later I am sitting at a computer in front of a 23" monitor with a TV picture in the corner attempting to convince someone who was not yet conceived in '67 to wear a tux on formal night. I give up. 15_2_137.gif

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It seems like it is way too difficult to explain what I think is a simple concept. I can't speak for Danno or the others who have been posting or that refer to themselves as XSNOBS, but in my view, it isn't really about formal dress. It's about the attitude that, after reading that Celebrity (and it isn't unique to Celebrity, this just happens to be where the debate is taking place) has a dress and conduct standard, people who disagree with it still insist on going anyway and finding fault with those who liked what they read.


Let's get the tux/t-shirt issue out of the way. You can spend more money on casual clothes than a tux and what does that have to do with this? Nothing.


Let's say that a cruise line advertises their product smoke free. How many of the same people who are bi***ing about comments that XSNOBS wish everyone would follow the suggested rules would go ballistic if someone had a cigarette in their hands?


People pick their vacation based on what they understand is being provided and have as much right to be upset when it isn't what they expected as those of you who insist you have the right to ignore the suggestions. If the Celebrity cruise product (with all those stupid expectations about dress code, no chair-saving, etc rules) isn't what you want, then why go? There are other cruise lines out there that have the casual atmosphere you say you want and you can have it without controversy. Or is it the controversy you really want?


What I think really bothers some of the people here is that a few folks do not mind admitting they accept rules they know about and wish others would be considerate. Admittedly, in trying to put some humor in it, there were some descriptions of others as "huns" or "philistines", but come on - that was so over the top as to be obvious satire.


Cruising is fun and doesn't need this mess. If you don't like what a particular cruise line asks you to do, pick one that does. But don't criticize Danno or others who simply want to enjoy the advertised product.


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as in nature, adapt or perish.

"Resistance is Futile"

when the fares on your precious "X" are as low or lower than some other unnamed lines, there will be some who you feel "don't belong". it was exactly this attitude on my march Galaxy cruise that has turned me off the X forever. oh, and the food was MEDIOCRE!




It's great to "see" you again. We were on the March sailing of the Galaxy and did the BOB together in St. Thomas. I'm so sorry you didn't enjoy the cruise. Have you booked another yet? Take care, and happy cruising!

Pat :cool:

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I think all this XSNOB stuff needs to stop.

Before you condemn XSNOBS you may want to view the original post...I think you'll find that you agree with the premise...you really should do the research before you decide to berate me.

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I admit that I haven't read all the posts to this thread. Just looked interesting so I thought I'd check in. One statement in a previous post stands out to me:

demanding things to be done your way is very immature
From the author's post I really don't know which side he/she falls on. However, I agree with the statement.


You buy a product, in this case a Celebrity Cruise. You know what the rules and stipulations are. You complain because you cannot use the product the way you want to. What am I missing here?

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This is all very good for the purpose of discussion, or debate. Some of the posters (obviously) get a kick out ot that.


However, in terms of a 'real impact' on the cruise experience with Celebrity, or any other line, the time spent should be directed to the cruise line itself in the form of the comment cards, contact with Captains Club, customer service or whatever else will work. It will change very little about the experience to debate it here. Proof positive is the fact that the debate continues, and when it fades, another dress code thread will start to take it's place.


I will continue to encourage Celebrity to develop a cruise experience, and maintain a cruise experience that is one that I am looking for (and of course willing to pay for.... 'my money too' so to speak). If they deliver that, I will continue to select them as my cruise line. If they don't, I will switch. I guess, for me (us) it's that simple.


All of the other posters , snobs and slobs (i only wrote it that way cause it rhymes), are encouraged to leverage the same influence. However, keep in mind that the discussion here is for entertainment value only.

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I bought a room for a week, not a license to wear a tuxedo. I can't see how my attire can influence your vacation. come off your high horse, this isn't 1950 (you probably would have been in steerage on a cruise back then IF you could even afford it). business casual is the norm. I own tuxes and suits and hate wearing the damn things, and won't simply because in the Celebrity brochure you saw a guy wearing one.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Obviously you didn't read my post very well either. I stated that I do agree with a lot of what you are saying, however I think there is a lot better way of going about things. Using insult is not a way of getting people to "mold" to your standards. BTW I did read the other threads prior to stating my opinion on this matter. I do agree with a lot of your main points, just not your demeanor. Take care!

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To try an interject something neutral. I think the two sides of this "debate" stem from the perceived standing of X. Some people think X put out a mandatory dress code when if fact what they did was suggest attire to wear for dinner. They do not kick you out of you are not in a tux or suit (now if you wear jeans I think they might but I have seen them in the dining room). Because X has not taken a stance on this it is very difficult to interpret some say they feel it should be formal some say it is sophisticated and refined but not formal. Not to sound like a broken record but if someone’s attire offends you learn to adjust to other people. You wearing a tux will not offend me so my wearing a sport coat should not offend you and we can all eat under the same roof.


To comment on the old style of cruising and new style of cruising I agree 100%. However, the old style of cruising is just that. It is 2004 and the new style of cruising is here, embrace it! You can not force a cruise line to adjust to your wants and needs because you like the way you dressed for dinner in the 60's. Come one now that is just common sense.

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I agree with Danno's original post but I think sometimes people are given bad advice by their travel agents and perhaps people that have only sailed other cruiselines. Case in point - see my post on Alaska, Mercury -formal question. Even though my co-worker had looked through our cruise photo albums and we had talked about dressing for formal nights, his TA told him that people only wear turtlenecks and sportcoats. Since she is the "expert" that's what they are now planning.

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I've been sailing with Celebrity since 1997. My husband and I can only take one cruise/vacation per year. We picked Celebrity for several different reasons -- all of which have been stated before: food, service, entertainment, etc. In all of my cruises, I have never seen a decorated door! I'm not hung up on "rules", but we love the formal nights and dress accordingly. If someone comes in in a suit rather than a tux -- that doesn't bother us.


I admit -- we do not book cruises around holidays because we don't want too many children on board. Sorry, but they can be unruly at times, and parents seem to just think the ship should be a babysitter. That has been my experience and I choose not to cruise with children if I can.


I'm not sure I follow what is going on with X. Some of you seem to be saying that Celebrity's prices are going lower. I have not found that to be the case at all. Especially this year -- the prices are rising sharply. If they go up much more, they will price me and my husband right out of the market. I also thought Celebrity was supposed to be RCCL's "upscale" product. I simply cannot afford Cyrstal, etc.


Frankly, I enjoy Celebrity just the way it is and I hope it doesn't change.

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I agree that this world has become casual, and not just about how we dress.


The world has become casual about their relationships, morals, work ethics, how they raise children, their homelife, their attitude, their manners, respect, laws, education, love and life in general. I could go on.....almost seems we're striving to be less.

So who is right?


Danno, I must say I see your point of view.

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