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Live from the Majesty's New Years Cruise-- really!


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In my book, those who have not shown empathy for the pax on this cruise (that isn't) are truly NCL apologists.
This makes no sense to me. If someone doesn't feel bad for someone else's situation they're all of a sudden an NCL apologist? How does one have anything to do with the other? I can not feel bad for someone without praising NCL. I do feel bad for the OP. It's terrible that her vacation was canceled like this. But if I didn't feel bad for her, that doesn't mean I'm apologizing for NCL in any way. NCL doesn't need anyone to apologize for them. They'll live and die by how they treat passengers and it has nothing to do with any of us here. I guess I'm on my soap box but I hate it when someone makes a blanket statement about people just because they disagree with what other people think. :mad:
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I just called reservations in Arizona and they still have no info for us. I am scheduled to be the ship on the 6th !! I can understand everything has issues but with this being the only week that I will be able to have a vacation I am looking into backup plans. My only frustration is that they dont know what is going on and they will probally not tell us till the bitter end and then we are are all screwed. If they gave us a few days heads up at least we would be able to make other arrangements. I know they are not looking into loosing any moroe money that they already have but come on people. I am leaving wednesday driving down and I have to make other plans for vacation they need to let us know. And no I do not want to drive and see the big rat. So please NCL if you actually read these things help us out and at least give us or your 800# a progress report.

I really feel for passengers in your shoes. My guess is that NCL isn't sure about your sailing date. They're probably waiting to see how the repairs go. Best of luck - we're all hoping for good things. :)

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We were scheduled for the New Year's cruise on the Majesty. We drove from Richmond (7 hours) on Friday. We rec'd a phone call at 7:45 Friday night saying the cruise was cancelled. We were staying at the Holiday Inn Riverview. As soon as we found out the cruise was cancelled I called the front desk and they extended us for one night. We spent the day in Charleston yesterday and drove home today. I can't understand why anyone would stay on a ship with no air conditioning or water. I'm sure NCL is no happier about this than the passengers are. Life is not always fair and sometimes you just have to suck it up and deal with what life throws at you. I'll book another cruise with their money and have a great time.

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Thanks for the great (original) post. My family was also on the Majesty and were told it was a 'no-go' when we arrived at the terminal Sat afternoon. We had stayed the night before in Charleston.


NCL broke the news to us by saying that the cruise was cancelled, but the 'good news' was that we would get our money back :)

We were told at the pier that we could brave the conditions on board, or they gave us a list of hotels they would not pay for. Then they practically told us to get off the property.

We had been wondering if things were really that bad on board, or if they were just trying to scare people off.


We live in Atlanta so we were able to make it back (5 1/2 hour drive)... with my 5 year old girl sobbing the whole way that the 'ship was broken'.


As for the OSIEBOSIE posting (and other similiar ones)... thank goodness for someone who has sense. It's New years, and this took months to plan. Heck... we can't even find a baby sitter for tonight, let alone plan another vacation!


For the 'Apologist' quote from CPT Trips... I couldn't agree more.

It's like if someone got their arm ripped off you'd tell them it's not so bad, that it could have been their head. Why infuriate people by telling them you don't give creedence to their problems? If you have an agenda or affiliation... most of us are looking for opinions from people outside the industry with no vested interest.

Maybe you could easily tell my 5 year old that there will be no 'Dolphin Encounter', but it's not so easy for me.


We are mad at NCL, and deservedly so. We had heard that the boat was having some problems and had not been docking at Grand Cayman, so we called and were told everything was ok.


NCL is just not a good line. I have been on more than a dozen cruises, and swore I would never go on NCL again. The ONLY reason we booked this was because it was out of Charleston and we could drive there easily. Serves me right I guess.


To all my bretheren passengers of the Majesty New year's cruise, I hope you wind up doing something enjoyable. It will be a memorable holiday for us... just not for the reasons we expected!

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I really, really feel for all of you who didn't get the vacation you had planned for.


As I said, something very similar happened to us. It's been two years since our one and only bad cruise, and I can say that one bad one out of about 12 is pretty good odds, I suppose. But, boy, can one bad cruise leave a sour taste in your mouth. We had swore we'd NEVER cruise Carnival again, but we did earlier this year with some friends, and had a great cruise.


All I can say is, you will never ever forget what happened to you. You will be angry at first, and then eventually, it'll just become a bad memory. There will be other great cruises. One thing I do know, I would never ever plan a wedding or any major event on a cruise ship because of the unknowns, which can happen anywhere. But after seeing it first hand on a cruise ship, I just wouldn't go there and I could never advise someone doing it.


You did get a refund and a future discount, which was more than we got on our cruise. Be thankful for that. I know that sounds trite at this time, but they didn't have to give you the future discount, so take it and run with it if you can swing it in '07.



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I really, really feel for all of you who didn't get the vacation you had planned for.


As I said, something very similar happened to us. It's been two years since our one and only bad cruise, and I can say that one bad one out of about 12 is pretty good odds, I suppose. But, boy, can one bad cruise leave a sour taste in your mouth. We had swore we'd NEVER cruise Carnival again, but we did earlier this year with some friends, and had a great cruise.


All I can say is, you will never ever forget what happened to you. You will be angry at first, and then eventually, it'll just become a bad memory. There will be other great cruises. One thing I do know, I would never ever plan a wedding or any major event on a cruise ship because of the unknowns, which can happen anywhere. But after seeing it first hand on a cruise ship, I just wouldn't go there and I could never advise someone doing it.


You did get a refund and a future discount, which was more than we got on our cruise. Be thankful for that. I know that sounds trite at this time, but they didn't have to give you the future discount, so take it and run with it if you can swing it in '07.



Excellent post. The disappointment is unavoidable. I know I would have been beyond upset about the canceled cruise. But what you do with the disappointment is completely up to the individual. :)

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Then they practically told us to get off the property.
Practically? What exactly did they say? The OP got to stay so I wonder what you were told versus what she was told.
.. with my 5 year old girl sobbing the whole way that the 'ship was broken'.
I'm sorry for your disappointment and your daughter's. Kids don't understand what mechanical problems are. I remember going to Busch Gardens and it was raining and none of the rides were running. I was 8 or 9 and devastated by this.
For the 'Apologist' quote from CPT Trips... I couldn't agree more. It's like if someone got their arm ripped off you'd tell them it's not so bad, that it could have been their head. Why infuriate people by telling them you don't give creedence to their problems? If you have an agenda or affiliation... most of us are looking for opinions from people outside the industry with no vested interest.
Members of this board ARE the people with no vested interest. I understand your disappointment but I don't think it's fair to characterize members here as having an agenda when you don't know the members here. In this case, as a new member with no idea how invaluable so many of the members are, you're discrediting everyone here that doesn't say what you want them to say. Everyone here feels bad for those that were canceled and in turn have tried to offer alternative ideas and support. No one has apologized for NCL or minimized your situation.
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Two of my girlfriends and I are scheduled for the Jan 6th cruise. I just found this site two night ago and read about the cancelation of the Dec 30th cruise. Started freaking out and called a few numbers. Today, my friend called and the lady on the phone said she didn't think it would be up and running by the 6th but said she would place a call directly to NCL. She came back on the phone with my friend and said NCL said the Magiesty WILL be fixed by tomorrow and the Jan 6th cruise is a GO. Just thought some people would like to know :D

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In my younger years and early years of cruising, I could not even imagine something happening like a cruise being cancelled at the last minute. Now I have traveled all over the world and realize that things rarely go exactly as planned, even though it is very uncommon for a cruise to be cancelled like this.

I always purchase travel insurance, because it covers so much like a place to stay if your trip is cancelled or delayed.

I do think that what was described by the OP as compensation by NCL [full refund plus 50% discount on a future booking plus being allowed to stay the night on the ship including food] was generous. I do think bottled water should be included if potable water is not available from the taps.

I am not sure that anything we could suggest will make the OP and others in her shoes feel much better, but I do think that the person who posted the information about available hotels on Hotwire was very helpful.

Good luck to all who had their cruise cancelled, and I hope your New Year's Eve is better than yesterday was!

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Thanks for the great (original) post. My family was also on the Majesty and were told it was a 'no-go' when we arrived at the terminal Sat afternoon. We had stayed the night before in Charleston.


NCL broke the news to us by saying that the cruise was cancelled, but the 'good news' was that we would get our money back :)

We were told at the pier that we could brave the conditions on board, or they gave us a list of hotels they would not pay for. Then they practically told us to get off the property.

We had been wondering if things were really that bad on board, or if they were just trying to scare people off.


We live in Atlanta so we were able to make it back (5 1/2 hour drive)... with my 5 year old girl sobbing the whole way that the 'ship was broken'.


As for the OSIEBOSIE posting (and other similiar ones)... thank goodness for someone who has sense. It's New years, and this took months to plan. Heck... we can't even find a baby sitter for tonight, let alone plan another vacation!


For the 'Apologist' quote from CPT Trips... I couldn't agree more.

It's like if someone got their arm ripped off you'd tell them it's not so bad, that it could have been their head. Why infuriate people by telling them you don't give creedence to their problems? If you have an agenda or affiliation... most of us are looking for opinions from people outside the industry with no vested interest.

Maybe you could easily tell my 5 year old that there will be no 'Dolphin Encounter', but it's not so easy for me.


We are mad at NCL, and deservedly so. We had heard that the boat was having some problems and had not been docking at Grand Cayman, so we called and were told everything was ok.


NCL is just not a good line. I have been on more than a dozen cruises, and swore I would never go on NCL again. The ONLY reason we booked this was because it was out of Charleston and we could drive there easily. Serves me right I guess.


To all my bretheren passengers of the Majesty New year's cruise, I hope you wind up doing something enjoyable. It will be a memorable holiday for us... just not for the reasons we expected!

It really stinks that you didn't get your vacation, I know what it is like to miss a cruise, in my case it was weather that kept us from getting to the ship, and I know what a crushing blow it must have been.


Some things in this post were a little harsh, and I am sure when the dust settles you will level out a bit. Machines break down, it is a fact of life and not isolated to NCL, but dissapointing none the less. I will (hopefully) be on this ship, but will now have back-up plans because of this.


I guess we get to see the flip side of the Dawn thanksgiving cruise not being cancelled and ending up in Norfolk, I guess that there really is no good solution.



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For the 'Apologist' quote from CPT Trips... I couldn't agree more.


dbern-I'm sorry. You and CPT Trips are right! Nothing can replace a missed cruise and any idea that you might be able to find something else to do is ridiculous! How totally silly that anyone would suggest such a thing!


You've restored my faith in just writing off a vacation (if something bad happens) and being mad about it.



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I did not say it is wonderful to miss a vacation! It is defenitely not nice and it happened to me as well on several occasions, but moaning, complaining and whineing about it, makes it not better!


I always love it when people blame then for example now NCL...yes one time bad luch, but it doesn't makes it to a bad cruise line.


Believe me...I know what's going on on the oceans and the whole business. 60 % of the cruisers, regardeless how good it is, want to pay nothing for it, but expect more then ever could happen even in the Burj Al Arab and still wanted to get compensation or whatever they can take home. If I face a problem...which happenes, I talk about it to ships management, but will not let my vacation values and happines let down.


NCL is still my favourite out there...had problems on my last Garden Villa trip on the Pearl a couple days ago, but got promissed to get the usual again on my next cruise in 8 weeks. It is always how you deal with hings!


Again...sorry...I didn't mean to be nasty to the more unfortunate, but what really gets on my nerves is the constant complaining and whatever they do nothing will be ever enaugh!

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i was on the Norwegian Majesty for Christmas this year. and the last day the power went out. they restored some of the power except the a/c. so the last day on the ship was spent being in hot air. the dinner was not so great and sleeping wasnt so great either. no one slept, the crew got like no sleep either. it wasnt a great way to end our supposely relaxing vacation. i feel sorry for you guys who came and found out your cruise was canceled, that would really stink. atleast they are giving you have off next cruise and stuff. they really need to fix this boat or just retire it. they had mechanic diffculties before and just never truly fix them. my family is planning on writing NCL.

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So you lost a/c on the last day? There was no compensation? Was there anything else wrong with Majesty?


We are supposed to sail on her on the 13th. I am sorry you had this happen. I've never been on a ship with no a/c, but I can imagine how hot it must get.



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10:30 a.m on friday, last day at sea, the electrcity went out for like an hour and a half. something happened to the generator. They regained some power but not enough for the a/c. lights and toliets and stuff worked, except the a/c, im not sure exactly what caused this.

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dbern-I'm sorry. You and CPT Trips are right! Nothing can replace a missed cruise and any idea that you might be able to find something else to do is ridiculous! How totally silly that anyone would suggest such a thing!


You've restored my faith in just writing off a vacation (if something bad happens) and being mad about it.



Glad to see you have come to your senses:).

But seriously, by the time someone posts about an experience like this, they want, and need, to vent. Being told things like - it's worse in Denver, just don't cut it.

Yes, stuff happens, but the New years holiday cruise is, I suspect, very special for most folks. More, "I feel" your pain," and less "well it could be worse, at least you are getting a credit," surw would go a long way.

Here's hoping that the OP and others booked on this cruise and all the posters (however I may have labelled them) have a Happy New Year.

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But seriously, by the time someone posts about an experience like this, they want, and need, to vent. Being told things like - it's worse in Denver, just don't cut it.

Yes, stuff happens, but the New years holiday cruise is, I suspect, very special for most folks. More, "I feel" your pain," and less "well it could be worse, at least you are getting a credit," surw would go a long way.

Here's hoping that the OP and others booked on this cruise and all the posters (however I may have labelled them) have a Happy New Year.

I understand you feel this way but you can't control how other people feel or what other people say. No one here has said it isn't an awful thing to have your cruise canceled. But you either stew and vent for weeks or you stew and vent for a day or two then try to find the silver lining and maybe make another plan. Being told "it's worse in Denver" doesn't change the fact that the OP had her cruise canceled but it does put things in perspective and let her know that bad things happen to everyone. I had my Christmas plans canceled because of the storm in Denver. I couldn't get out. This trip was very important to us because we were going to see my grandfather who just found out he has lung cancer and only 3 to 6 months to live. This was probably our last Christmas with him. I was devastated. But I regrouped while I looked at the 3 feet of snow on my street and found another day to go. No, it's not going to be Christmas but it's better than nothing. So I understand the disappointment. Having a new year's cruise canceled is terrible but at least they're safe and got some compensation. It's something.


While it would be nice for everyone here to do nothing but agree with what everyone else said, that's not how it is and you will always have people that see something from a different perspective.

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Glad to see you have come to your senses:).



Yep, I'm sure my saying, "Terrible time, the worst that has ever happened on this planet, don't try to save your vacation. Just stew in your own juices!" will make everything better.



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When faced with disappointment:


1. Some people will lash out, demanding someone else pays, even if no one is at fault or the fault lies with themselves.


2. Some people face the disappointment briefly, and then move on.


3. Some goes into a fetal position.


4. Some need their hand held for a while.


5. And some just needs a kick in the tail to get them going again.


There is no one way fits all when dealing with people.

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To the OP; I am so sorry this has happened to you. We are scheduled on the Sun at the end of Feb, and will be driving 14 hrs. to NOLA. If this were to happen to us, I would be really upset, too. Hope things work out for you and you are able to get past this and enjoy another cruise in the future.

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