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QM2 review...My Affair To Remember


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Thank you so much for your kind comments re my JOURNEY. You are a wonderful bunch of people on this board!!

Just wish I could get the next QM2 cruise booked. See offers for the Caribbean and I am sorely tempted.

Got my Ireland holiday followed by my X cruise but I need to sort something else out COME ON ADVICE!

Will continue with my story later it has got a very dramatic end but also very humerous! I just keep laughing but if you picture it in your head it sets me off again.

Must clear up the decorator is gone the washing and ironing done and a million other things. All boring and related to cleaning or helping others. This is what happens when you live on your own! BUT it does have its advantages in that I am my own person!! OH how I love all those Cabin Stewards and Waiters meaning that all I have to worry about is which dress or gown as you call it tonight. Or what I am going to eat for dinner? It is a hard life being on the SEA!





Advice???You want advice from this bunch??? BOOK something....you'd love the Caribbean trips...lovely weather, dancing ON deck at the sailaway party, lovely, lovely green water....you'd love it...book now!! Don't think...rationalizing is a waste of time!! Don't we all need a pillow chocolate right about now?


Sue, I have loved your story and can't wait to read the "dramatic" end!! Thankfully we know you got home safe and sound so it can't be that...but don't make us wait too long. I'm just so thrilled when I read your experiences and know how special this was for you. And that's what all this was about for me. OK Sue, don't take too long of a rest....we're all not getting any younger you know!!;) :rolleyes:


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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Your story - factual, but full of memories and humanity - is exactly the sort of history that is lost so easily.


My University - Sussex - has a Mass Observation Archive which covers, inter alia, oral history such as this. One of the dangers of the internet is that such history is not written down, merely posted. Future historians would certainly be interested in this sort of thing.


Thanks for posting it.




Well hello Matthew...fancy seeing you here....and what a great idea. You're so right....these kind of memories that some of us have will mean nothing posted in this format. Soon they'll be lost as we all disappear too. So many today see a ship and think rock climbing walls, surf machines, beer guzzling contests, hairy chest contests and the like...and that's not what it was, not for some of us. And that's why it's unlikely I'd ever sail anything other than QM2 where a sense of refinement is still the norm and not the exception.


Thanks for stopping by...


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review


November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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I"m guessing no one can top that one!!!


Mine certainly does not 'top' it - but I think its fun nonetheless, especially when people on the board get het up about 'steerage' (funny - we haven't had much of that in a while...)


My first voyage was at age 12 on the SS Uganda a former East-Africa liner converted to educational cruising by British India:




We sailed from Leith down a stormy North Sea - I was in Stanley Dorm - with 21 others - Third Class cabins on Titanic held 4. We corkscrewed down the North sea (lethal combination of pitching - which all ships do - and rolling - reserved for ships without stabilisers) with not a few sending back their breakfast, lunch and dinner.....I was fine, but had a nasty moment after I unpacked the 4 day old egg sandwiches my mother had given me and I had forgotten about.


The Uganda had class division with a vengeance - the children were kept severely apart from the adults - who had all the lovely old First Class sections of the ship, while our dorms had been carved out of the cargo holds.


Ports of call were Corunna (rained), Lisbon - saw the Michelangelo and Canberra and sailed under the (then) Ponto Salazar. After that Cherbourg, where I bought my mother some perfume in my (very) schoolboy French - 'moins cher' was the main refrain, the Brugges where we admired the step gables in the rain and blew the last of the pocket-money on 'frites'.


After our cruise the Uganda sailed on for another 12 years before being called up for the Falklands war as a Hospital Ship. Later she became a troop carrier until the new Falklands Airport runway was built. By the time her Government charter had come to an end she was 33 years old - and sadly the Educational Cruise business, after the absence from the market for 3 years was judged too difficult to re-establish. After sailing to the breakers she was washed ashore during a typhoon and broke up. A sad end to a ship that introduced many to the joys of cruising.




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Thank you for sharing that with us. What a marvelous story. I hope you will print it out and share it with your mother, just as you wrote it- unaltered, so she can see how you thought of her and your father when not talking to her. I will bet she has tears streaming down her faced to hear the unabashed telling! Would love the hear more!


Sue. Can't wait to hear the end of yours!


Peter, Again, I could almost smell those four day old unrefrigerated egg sandwiches in pitching seas. Thanks! I am wolfing down some sushi prior to taking a quick nap before work (Got 3 hours of sleep today. Had dentist's appt!) Thanks! You're my new diet! <LOL> What a marvelous looking ship!


And Matthew. Oral history;s are so important, In ones own words- I hope we don't lose that, There is a project gong around here- visited CT a month or so ago. Just taking people's stories. anything they want to tell! One woman was a holocaust survivor. Sh had never really told her tale (I realize there are Holocaust oral history projects besides)


Sorry to be so short. Gotta go nap!



who doesn't want to minimize the marvelous tales told here. Perhaps we need a thread of just old time sailing tales!

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Thank You for the kind words. I only started documenting my cruises in earnest since about 1990 with scrapbooks, pictures and memorabilia. How short sighted of me not to keep diaries and such from many voyages prior to that. As I get older my mind does tend to drift. I am fortuanate enough to still be able to remember almost every ship that I have been on but some of the exact dates elude me.

I have writings from my Grandmother who immigrated to the U.S. from Scotland on the Queen Mary. I live only 29 miles north of Long Beach where the Queen Mary currently resides. I have went to parties on her, stayed in her cabins converted as a hotel and luxuriated in the grand first class dining room for their wonderful Sunday Brunch Buffet.


I tend to drift off when I am on her, closing my eyes and thinking that I am once again at sea on this wonderful old Lady of the sea. My mind's eye does not see the actual ship permanently moored, engines inoperable, rusting in areas that would never have been while under Cunard.


What I can say is at least my current fantasy is based in reality that I did experience once. At age 52 today I still have a lot of that whim and wonder that I did at age 6. I hope to have those feelings as long as I live.




Your story - factual, but full of memories and humanity - is exactly the sort of history that is lost so easily.


My University - Sussex - has a Mass Observation Archive which covers, inter alia, oral history such as this. One of the dangers of the internet is that such history is not written down, merely posted. Future historians would certainly be interested in this sort of thing.


Thanks for posting it.



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Hi everyone. I have loved your story Steve and also I well remember the School educational trip or voyages. My children were too young and then after the Falklands as you say things were never the same.

Falklands and my cruises on the Great White Whale! I loved her most of all because I made my return journey from Australia on her in I think Dec-Jan 1964/5 The journey took 26 days and in comparison to the 38 days it took to go out on the Sitmar Fair Sea. The problem on the way out was that we hit a monsoon in the Indian Ocean and it took an extra 3 days due to this.

Talk about storm! I spent 3 days and nights in bed only to stagger out to the toilet and being told to eat apples.

Other days in the dining room with those raised edges on the tables and everyone cheering when yet another plate cup glass or whatever hit the floor.

My friend falling in love with our waiter and the attempts of him to arrange to go out when the ship was in Port and him telling me that just choose any one of the waiters and he would sort it out. OH I did go not with anyone but with someone he just brought along! We were so naive and probably her Waiter Italian had a wife and a family at home. I remember her saying say no to anything they say! Don't know what Luige was saying to her. Never got to find out but I do believe THOSE boys were disappointed. All this nostalgia and we our little group of friends finding out how we met our fate.


Back to the task in hand! Thought I would say a little about those Dance Hosts sorry Gentleman and I do believe they were!

I realised that my problem was in having any contact with men was something I feared. I think that this experience has dispelled that fear.

There was BOB bless him must have been near 80 and frail but he could gently get you round that floor

Ivor from Wales a nice man who told ME that I was a GOOD dancer he made my day! He sometimes like to sit and chat with me.

There was Hugh A Scotsman living in New Zealand and just desperate to get off the ship. He said he had enough and after a visit to his Sister in Scotland was homeward bound! He was a bit like a lot of Scots DOUR! is the word but these men have to dance almost every dance and it is hard work for them

There was Steve from the US who had been on many cruises over many years and just loved to dance. Had all his hair but not certain what the original color would have been.

One whose name I can't recall who had been a professional ballroom dancer and who said you can't TALK and dance so that was me told. Took it all very seriously!

Finally there was Dave a bit of a Ladies man I would suspect. He had been with Celebrity and now had changed over to Cunard as X have dispensed with their dance hosts. WHY I don't know! Dave wanted me to go to the G32 club later in the evenings as he said this was their time of relaxation. When I said I am too tired he called me jokingly of course a Party Pooper! What would have done without them> Just sat and watched. No I probably would never have gone into the Ballroom.


This takes me back to last year on Century. There were 2 Dance Hosts but as June and I didn't go into the room where most of the dancing took place we didn't realise they were there.

We were there on 2 evenings when it was the Captain's Club Cocktail Parties.

A man came out of the blue to ask as I thought June to dance. Later she said he was asking me. I looked at his lapel and He said I am all proper and correct. I then proceeded to say to June would you like to dance and off they went. A little later he asked me to dance and June said she was amused to see twirling round the room.

A couple of nights later we were back in the same room and we sat at the back observing the proceedings.

We noted another of the Dance Hosts and he put his glassed on when he selected his partner and then proceeded to put the glasses away Anyway June said"here he is coming to ask you to dance" Why me why not her! Anyway it was dinner time and I got to my feet and before he reached the table. I said to him we are just going to dinner so this is not a refusal. His answer was " so it is a postponement " How we laughed but I just couldn't resist saying it though it was absolutely true.

A day or so later and we were again in this room and back comes Steve as he too was called and when he asked me to dance I was dying to say this is the postponement but I thought he might think I was flirting with him. Yes maybe in my youth I might have done but now that I am an OLD lady I would never do such a thing.

We had our dance and then June was relaying all this to the people at our dinner table. It was then the phase Lounge Lizard was coined by June's Grandson. We did have fun and when we got home and " June said do you think we are tired because we laughed too much"


June has been overnight with her daughter and rang me tonight. I am still building up the QM2 to her because I really think she like me would love it. Catching up on trying to read the newspapers which I normally do in the morning when having breakfast an flyer from a TA has offers on purely Cunard. Penny the NY Caribbean does appeal and if we could do a few days in NY before or after the cruise I am sure we could easily do it. I think I would love it as I love the sunshine. WHAT am I saying? I love my beloved Queen more!

June loves to shop also and NY might just be the deciding factor although she has said she didn't want to go to the US due to all the added security finger printing etc etc. We always had much tighter security and there was little in San Francisco in the 80's when I visited my Brother. I have been many times since and it if tighter but also long queues etc.

Elsie another friend loves as she says spending money! Me I like both but if I to choose right now shopping or the QM2 absolutely She wins hands down.


Just realised the hour again and I don't plan what I am going to say I just put it down as it comes into my head.

We are now almost at the end of my Voyage and so to the final night! the suitcase is out. This was my most organised preparation for disembarkation ever or so I thought! I had one last dinner Show and a final run around that Ballroom. I had been befriended by 2 very nice ladies from Belgium and I spent time with them each evening.


ALICE rang me in the morning to say that I must go to her room at AM the following morning. Why you ask why indeed. he knew that I was going to the Airport and wanted to share a Taxi which would have been fine. But I was not due to be off the ship until after 10am. In fact I had to go to the Theater at 10am. I said this to Alice and she took the HUFF with me and said well "'Ill just get a taxi on my own."

What a nightmare it would have been if I had gone along with this!


To be continued and nothing bad happened to me but each time I think of the incident I laugh not at the time but


Thanks again and I do so love reading those stories as I have this mental vision of it all. The mental picture may not be absolutely correct but for me this is my time to DREAM


Thanks for your continued encouragement. The hour is late and too tired to undertake the spelling checks


Bye Sue

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Thank You for the kind words. I just hope that Penny and Sue don't mind that I highjacked the thread a little bit. But, in reality it is all Penny's fault :eek: :D .

How dare she start a thread with "My Affair To Remember". She got me drifting into the past pleasures of being at sea. ;)



As far as I am concerned it makes no different what ship was your first or what you did or did not do while onboard. In my experience the first time at sea is unrivaled by anything else and definitely fits in as a defining moment in time while on this Earth.

BTW - That is a wonderful picture.

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Thank You for the kind words. I just hope that Penny and Sue don't mind that I highjacked the thread a little bit. But, in reality it is all Penny's fault :eek: :D .

How dare she start a thread with "My Affair To Remember". She got me drifting into the past pleasures of being at sea. ;)


Thread-jacking???Surely you jest!!! Your story whisked me right back to a couple of stormy crossings and I marvel now, many long years later that I was so fearless!!! Stupid is probably a better word...like you at 6 running out on deck...or me at 9 doing the same. And at 19 when I should at least have had a few brain cells firing somewhere, I did equally foolish things and didn't give them a thought for the consequences.


So please...do hang out with us and share the memories...what could be better, and see what wonderful stuff you started? :D Where better than on "Affairs to Remember"? Haven't we all had some grand ones though...makes getting older almost enjoyable to have these things to trot out and relive.


Hope you'll share your anticipation with all of us as you wait.


Cheers...and thanks, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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What a great story Peter, and thanks for coming here to share it. I love having these reminisences to tie in with my Affair...afterall, isn't that what I was doing thru the whole thing? Part of the trip was spent with my husband and 2 friends...and psrt of it in my own head chasing that little blond girl and trying to find her again. maybe I'll have better luck in Nov;)


What a lovely ship...so pretty...so sad these oldies are gone. But what a proud history she had and at least she cheated the breakers. I secretely hope for the oldies to just break their lines on the way and slip quietly under the waves of the oceans they knew so well. I know it's the inevitable but it does break my heart when I look at all my books of old ships and their interiors and realize how much we have lost. And that there are less and less of us who really remember.


So...tell...you didn't really eat those sandwiches did you? Now that would make me seasick sitting here reading it...and I am blessed with a cast iron stomach. And I"m betting your Mum loved that French perfume no matter what it might have smelled like.


Thank you....now I"m going to try to attach a photo or 2 of my own old ones. As some of us know how techinically challenged I am this could be a trial and nothing might happen!!


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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Well then...if I"m lucky a picture or two might just show up here. If they do they'll be of my beloved SS Stavangerfjord...1918-1963. How I adored this ship...no stabilizers when first I went on her...I think she'd gotten something by the end. But she just reeked of old Norse tradition and brought many Norwegians over here to a new life...including my Mom. When she went to the breakers in Hong Knog in mid winter in 1964, she went under her own steam all the way. My heart was broken. I remember getting several letters from students I'd sailed with the year before and we all commiserated with each other.


OK, now the test...will a photo show up? Will 3 of them? If so, one is of her, one of her bridge believe it or not and one of that little blond girl cozying up to the Captain....trying for a dinner invite maybe? ;)


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....




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And how you have made me laugh tonight!!! I swear, you danced more than I did with a husband in tow!!:rolleyes: OK, there was that dance on deck in the moonlight...now THAT I'll never forget!! But oh those hosts...what wonderful descriptions of them and what fun you must have had.


In the words of one of our past Presidents, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"...thank goodness you got yourself past that fear and have found that there are still many fun things to do out there. "Old" is a word that is not allowed anymore...seasoned is so much better...


So here we are...off to the ballroom, or was it the casino. Can't get the dancing on deck to fit for some reason....:confused:


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....


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OK, now the test...will a photo show up? Will 3 of them? If so, one is of her, one of her bridge believe it or not and one of that little blond girl cozying up to the Captain....trying for a dinner invite maybe? ;)


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....



Thanks for sharing a piece of your past with us! Were those actually your personal pictures?

I love the steamer chairs in the background of the one with you and the Captain. I see that you have only gotten more beautiful! You were a cutie even back then, and I can see why you might have gotten friendly with a member of the crew when you were nineteen. Who amongst us wouldn't have? Nothing like a man in uniform, even a sailor's uniform. (or a barman,-especially a barman! <G>) We'll have to hear that story some day. When Steve's sure to not be looking!


I'm telling you, one of you needs to start a story-telling thread of personal stories from the old days! This is marvelous!



working nights again, but will have to be driving around in the middle of the night doing call testing, so getting in my Cruise Critic early- Spent the afternoon at the dentist and the oral surgeon, after I caught 3 hours of sleep when I got home this morning and then caught another two hours after the oral surgeon and before I came in tonight! Ack!

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Patwell or Sue


I tried to E Mail you Patwell but it was returned as not delivered.


Could you and or Sue please E mail me at rafex1@earthlink.net , I am going on QM2 East/West in October , travel solo and would love to learn more about enjoying each and evey moment as you both did.


Thank you


Lynn (aka jimsgirl)

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Patwell or Sue


I tried to E Mail you Patwell but it was returned as not delivered.


Could you and or Sue please E mail me at rafex1@earthlink.net , I am going on QM2 East/West in October , travel solo and would love to learn more about enjoying each and evey moment as you both did.


Thank you


Lynn (aka jimsgirl)


Email on it's way Lynn...let me know if you don't get it


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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Hi everyone!


Finally I am back to complete my story. The past couple of days have been very stressful as my Decorator has made a real mess of the work in my lounge/dining room. It was the Insurance Company who choose him as he was less expensive that the one I would normally use. Here we were not comparing apples to apples but apples to pears.

The specificatioin was totally different in the end the Manager of the apartments I live in had to confront him and tell him that he must leave and that he will not be paid for the job. For me it is a nuisance but the wallpaper cost £50 per roll and now it all has to come off and be redone. The good news is that at present all the paper is on the walls so I have put my curtains up again and got the place looking like normal. My visitors will arrive on Tuesday for a week and the Grandchilden come back tonight.

It was very stressful when Christine told this man that the Insurance Company won't pay him for the job. He then would not put my furniture back and Christine arrived with a big strong man who sorted it out fore me. God bless her. Now an independant person has to come and write a report. The good news is the Russell will undertake the work and in the end I will have my room back to its best!


Oh how long ago my dream trip seems! Still now that I am sorted and have slept a bit I can go back to dreaming. OOPS sorry the end was not the dream it should have been! As I said I was all packed up and ready for the morning. Never ever had I been so organised and Brian saying to me check under the beds in the drawers in the safe. He always did these things but he did them so religiously that I think of him as I collect my bits and pieces together.

I had placed a call for 7.15am and so off to the land of nod! Oh what a wonderful sleep I had and all too soon the telephone was ringing. Got myself out of bed lifted the phone and the voice said IT IS 9.45am and you need to be off the ship by 10am. I was still half asleep and could not believe what I was hearing! Did he say 9.45?

Had I slept through the wake up call? or had it simply not been made? I was so dazed and then the cabin Steward was at the door and very very angry that I was still in bed. He told me he had knocked the door 3 times. I heard nothing. I told him I would be out of there in 5 minutes and so I was I literally had a very quick wash no time for a shower I thought jumped into the clothes I had left out and packed my overnight bag.

I rang the Pursers desk to ask what had happened. They said that I had asked for a wake up call but this was automated so I have no way of knowing whether it was made or not. THE BIG PROBLEM is that the phone only rings 3 times and then stops. It rings again twice but I just didn't hear a thing.


I was told that I could get some breakfast in the KIngs Court and thankfully my flight was not until 14.55 hrs and from Southampton. Just think what would have happened if I had agreed to go with ALICE. She would have murdered me I truly believe it as she was a little rascal.

I went to look for my Steward to say that I had now left and he was still angry with me. I had given him a tip at the beginning of the cruise and also at the end of the first Sector. I gave him a further tip and afterwards regretted it as he had me in tears and so upset and said it was not his fault I had slept in. Did he really think I wanted my cruise to end in this way?

I was told to have breakfast and then go to the Pursers desk. I was extremely angry when one of the Assistant Pursers told me that the Steward had said I just wanted to sleep in and that I had ignored the wake up call and his knocking at the door.


He was a very good Steward in that he kept my room clean and tidy. I didn't ever ask him to do anything extra for me. He did his job and I believe I made his job easy by keeping my room and bathroom tidy.

He is young and perhaps the pressure from his superiors is so great but I didn't deserve to be treated in this manner.


Having had breakfast and calmed down I then left the ship. I must have been the last as there was NO baggage at all in the baggage area. A young man said we were berthed in the P&O berth as the QE2 was also in port. Off he went to find someone and 5 minutes later a man appeared with my case.

I don't think my beloved Queen wanted me to get off. She may have wanted me to continue to Hamburg. At NY 800 Germans joined the ship for the return journey which had an added 4 days to Hamburg. After moving to Harrogate I went for around 4 years to Harrogate College for a 2 hour weekly course to learn German. You know what they say if you don't use it you lose it.

It was a golden opportunity to speak to in German to as many people as possible. it was fantastic if they could speak English they could help me. If they spoke little or no English then I could practice my German and so it was great. I had forgotten a lot but it is amazing when you have to do something.


NOW that I had my baggage (have lost mine twice previously) the young man took me outside to a taxi he was reluctant to take a tip but I was so grateful to him.

Once I was in the taxi I how I laughed to myself about my extra hours of sleep. I had the mental picture of ALICE beating my door down! I was late leaving the ship but other than the Room Steward the staff were kind to me. They took on board that the wake up call system has to be reviewed. They also took on board that there should be some system where by 2 people can enter a room to make sure of the wellbeing of the person. It would not be the first time someone has died in their sleep. Not me of COURSE I want to sail on her again.


When I arrived at the Airport I could check in immediately. I then went and had some coffee as I waited for the flight to be called. I walked around but saw no sign of ALICE. It might be that as she had assistance she was in another room. She was travelling on the flight to Edinburgh but it was around the same time as my flight.


My flight was delayed by 10 minutes and I had a seat in row 2 and so after 40 minutes in the air I was home! My Taxi driver was there to speed me on my to Harrogate. I arrived and he took my baggage up as per usual and put it in the spare bedroom and there it stayed until I felt ready to deal with it.

Oh how lovely my apartment looked as I walked around it but alas I was having pangs of nostalgia and thinking about our beloved Queen on her way to Hamburg without me. I wonder if she missed me? She probably would say now those poor overworked Dance Hosts will be able to get a rest. Now that this crazy Irish woman has got off. Oh how I miss those dances and yes often when I was at breakfast one of the Hosts would come along and ask if they could join me. I got to know about their background and their circumstances.


All this from a woman who was frighted to even look at a man or talk to him. WHY? Who knows! I had never been this way in the past and could always talk to anyone.

I just seemed to have developed some mental block or fear or guilt. I perhaps thoght that if I talked and laughed and oh how I laughed or danced that this in some way would diminish Brian or his memory. Nothing or no one could ever do that. He would have laughed with me as we often did until we were bent double.

I do remain firmly a ONE MAN WOMAN and with my life full of family and friends and even when alone I never feel lonely. I have built a new life it is a different life but a happy one. I have got rid of some of my demons or fears. On this cruise I have dared asnever before to do until I met our beloved QM2.


This is her magic and she certainly worked it on me as she did on you Penny.

I will be back to visit you my Beloved Queen exactly when I am not sure. You have that something which they say in the Isle of Skye that it always pulls you back. I can understand now how those QE2 cruisers feel about the fate of their much loved Liner. Me I just love to be on that sea. My next venture takes me to Ireland on the 18th September and then on the 22nd October on the Century sailing out of Barcelona. In the meantime I have asked MY ALI go send me a DVD of the QM2 to give to June so that it can start to work her magic on her.


I know that she would love her as I did and for all of you out there on her right now and especially Yvonne whom I met on our CC board before we sailed on Millennium in March. OH how I wish I were with you.

Penny you are counting the days and I hope that in the not too distant future I too will be. Until then my beloved Queen !



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Oh how lovely my apartment looked as I walked around it but alas I was having pangs of nostalgia and thinking about our beloved Queen on her way to Hamburg without me. I wonder if she missed me? She probably would say now those poor overworked Dance Hosts will be able to get a rest. Now that this crazy Irish woman has got off. Oh how I miss those dances and yes often when I was at breakfast one of the Hosts would come along and ask if they could join me. I got to know about their background and their circumstances.


All this from a woman who was frighted to even look at a man or talk to him. WHY? Who knows! I had never been this way in the past and could always talk to anyone.

I just seemed to have developed some mental block or fear or guilt. I perhaps thoght that if I talked and laughed and oh how I laughed or danced that this in some way would diminish Brian or his memory. Nothing or no one could ever do that. He would have laughed with me as we often did until we were bent double.



I can see that our beloved Queen has turned you into Penny! This is marvelous!

But don't forget to give yourself some credit, too! You are the one who worked up the nerve to dance, and to enjoy, and let your hair down! Somewhere, somehow, Brian is smiling!



who is moved by your marvelous story, and that wonderful love you shared

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  • 3 weeks later...

Patwell: I have just read the first part of your 'Affair' & enjoyed it very much. Your description of the QM2's horn resonated with my own feelings after recently hearing the horn of the QE2 for the first time.


Guernseyguy: That was a great photo of the Uganda. She was my wife's first ship also, leaving many mixed memories. The Bay Of Biscay seems to be an enduring memory for many!

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It must be getting close to departure for you--will you be posting Part 2--The Return on this thread?


Ahhhh, Nom, who knows? You know how an "affaire de coeur" can go....does absence truly make the heart grow fonder? Might it only have been a "one week stand"? Was it too intense too fast to be sustained? Or am I just a fleeting memory for QM2? I lived last year's "Affair" in public, but you know as well as I that at some point an affair is best kept to oneself. :D


All will be revealed...or not...after November 10th;)


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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Did someone say it was getting close????? Can I pack yet?????


Not yet Beth...remember that little thing we discussed called wrinkles??? It is perfectly permissable at this point however to start moving the cruise wardrobe around....actually handling it seems to make the time go faster:rolleyes: And yes, it is getting close....take a look at my clock...we are breathing down on the 60 day mark :D


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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  • 3 weeks later...

November the 10th is fast approaching and I just wanted to add a little to your special board.

I got back from Ireland on Monday the 24th and for my sins developed a flu like illness whilst I was there. It is now 9 days and still I am not over it yet. Lots of warm wrapping up hot drinks and paracetamol. At least the fever has settled.


Oh how I loved those little girls! Keela and Eva!


The most important thing I have been doing this past 2 days is telephoning and getting prices for our beloved Queen. I am thinking of the 29th Feb. but arriving out on the 27th so that I can have a couple of days in NY. I need to be in a central hotel of good standard in Manhattan I would think. I have got some good prices but I am disappointed that June isn't able to make a commitment as her family are talking of a cruise to Aus/NZ although she is not sure she wants to go because of the long flights.

Right now her only Grandson has just gone off to University last week. Not a good time for her or her daughter as Miles is just everything to them. Me I just love all my 4 but I do have other things in my life as well.

I called Ali my usual TA today and she has had problems today but will call me tomorrow with some prices. I doubt she will be able to match what I have been quoted by 2 agents.

I know that the days in NY will be cold and possibly snowy also. We don't get much snow here in Yorkshire. We do have lots of rain and this summer has been awful!!

Just over 3 weeks until I fly out to Barcelona and I do hope that I make that decision to go ahead and book the QM with or without June. I know I can do it on my own as I often do a T/A with Celebrity in the spring of the year.


Oh by the way how many Formal night on the 10 night. I bought myself a lovely LBD short but lovely so look forward to wearing it in 3 weeks if I can steer clear of all that lovely chocolate I need when I am under the weather.


I know that you will be putting your plans together and for me the best thing is that I have not been to any of the Islands on this particular itinerary.


The hour is late and so it is back to bed for me. Goodnight Penny and take care I still love to read YOUR affair and no it was not a one night stand!



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Well hi again Sue....so good to hear from you. And very sorry to hear you brought a bug home from what must have been a grand visit with your precious little ones. Doesn't seem fair!! Take care and shake it girl....you have places to go!!! Three weeks will go fast so get rid of that so you can dance those feet off again!! I know how frustrating it can be to get something just before you're due to leave. I started a sinus infection shortly before last year's cruise and I can tell you I was a good little girl eating my antibiotics on time....thankfully I had it well under control when we boarded but I'd have been heartsick if, after a year of planning and anticipating, I'd been felled by a sinus attack in the last minute. So do get better fast...let me know how it goes.


Do go head and book that trip, with or without your friend. You already know you can do QM2 alone and have a fabulous time...and who knows...maybe she'll be able to come afterall. At least you'll know you'll be back on her soon and enjoying the Queens Room , the Commodore Club and all those other fantastic places we love so much. Just do it!!! As for NY in winter you never know. They really don't get heaps of snow there but cold, yes...it can be cold. Just dress warmly and you'll be fine. 2 days ahead should be fun to see the sights and yes, you definitely want a good, safely located hotel. Can't help there but I"m sure if you asked on the main forum, many of our NY residents could steer you in the direction of an appropriate and SAFE place to stay.


And yes, I am getting ready. I have a trip to Florida to our house down there next week for about 3 weeks and then it'll really be close when we return to SC. And yes, I'm starting to get really excited. ONly 43 days to go!!! Now it gets nteresting!! All the formal stuff is hanging in the guest closet, ready for the suitcase. And since we are doing the same itinerary as you, I think, I can tell you all about the ports when I return. We did 3 of the 5 last year so I"m looking forward to the 2 new ones and may even stay on the ship at one or the other of the ones we've already seen. I love hanging around on the ship when most are gone...just me and my camera wandering around getting great photos while Steve relaxes at the pool. I may even do the spa on a port day and really pamper myself. And you can be sure I'll raise my glass (water only tho) in the commodore Club to you...you are a great gal!!! Now book that trip!!! And I can't wait for the "Affair" to continue.....what do you think??? Do you think QM2 will remember me???;)


Cheers, Penny....get better fast!!

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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