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Anyone on Atkins?


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Good Morning everyone!!! This will be my last post until I return from my cruise.


Annie- I am now a size 8 and I am very happy where I am, I used to be a 6 but I think that was too skinny!

I am going on the Conquest to Jamaica, Grand Caymen and Cozumel!



I hope everyone has a great week!!!!!



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Hi all,


Thanks for all the happy thoughts...I am feeling better. My hormones are leveling out again...:p


For me, size 6 is verging on too skinny because of my height & bone structure; a comfortable, loose 8 is where I feel best. Right now the only 8's I fit into are the stretchy ones, and it's a snug fit. The good thing is that some 12's are falling off me. I wish women's clothing sizes were standardized, like men's don't you?


I went to the doctor yesterday for an annual, and I have to have a minor surgery after the cruise. It should really help an issue I've been having, so it will be good.


Jean ~ you're such a sweetheart. Thanks for being so encouraging to everyone.


Annie ~ you too. I appreciate the compliment of strength...but I think on this board Tom has that honor. I will be shopping a week from Monday, after our out-of-town guests leave. That will give me time to look through all the smaller clothes I have packed away to see if any fit. I'll keep you posted!


Have a super Friday, everyone!

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I was away visiting my aunts for the last four days and didn't have access to a computer. I'm so jealous of those that are cruising this week...I still have three months until our next cruise. Hope you all have a great time!


It was a challenge being away from home, but I hope I did okay. I had a hard-boiled egg, cheesestick and a few pieces of pepperoni for breakfast everyday. Every morning I had a cup of coffee with milk because they didin't have any heavy cream. Hopefully this didn't sabbotage this week. I had a loaded salad everyday for lunch. They made sauerkraut, hot dogs and mashed potatoes for dinner, so I ate it for two nights but skipped the potatoes. Last night I had bacon and eggs for dinner. I'm back home now, and will weigh again on Monday morning so hopefully my few days away didn't hinder my weightloss. We did go to the pool everyday for about an hour and did our pool exercises, so that should help.


Hope everyone does well with their food choices this weekend. Have fun but stick to the plan!!!

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Just finished induction. Going to extend it for a few more weeks since I was so sick (I'm pretty sure we had a cold the last couple weeks) but I have my voice back, I'm only coughing occasionally and I'm going to be ok to exercise in a few days again. I do plan to take it easy the first couple days back though. Being sick sucked!


I am going to try jicama this week. Never had it before. Plan to cut it up into strips and try it a couple ways. Is there an induction friendly way to fry it... like maybe in olive oil on the stove or something? I don't want to make a mess of this. Also going to try a new asian beef recipe out for a change this week. Other than that the rest of the food will stay the same and hopefully the scale and tape measurer will continue to move.


8 pounds down...15 or so to go...

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Wow-pinkbikini, What is "jicama"? Being from the south, if you can hunt it you can cook it....sorry I don't know about the jicama.


Lisa-happy shopping! Should be some good bargains out there now. I will go in later this week to shop for another swimsuit. I agree about the women's sizing! I can wear clothes from size 10-14 and some very small 16s, but I don't like to admit that:eek:


Peri-have a great time girl! Congrats on the size 8! I would look too sick if I were a size 6 again, I know what you mean....hey we are real people, not Paris Hilton! When you get back from your cruise you can find the "swimsuit story" on a thread called "the most embarrasing thing to happen on a cruise" or something like that. And please let me know what you did at your ports because that is where we are going in Feb:D



Kreeb-sounds like you did ab outstanding job sticking to the plan on your family visit. I don't know if I could have been that strong:confused:

I had a small slipp yesterday at the Viva Las Vegas party at the retirement center, I had a VERY SMALL margarita...it was soooo good. We were so hot from setting up the tables and decorations, the bartender was making some for the residents and offered me one and I just exersized NO self control...except that I did stop at one;)


Jean- are you making friends with that new scale? How are you doing with the plan? Don't you weigh on Monday? I will weigh on Monday, but it will be late when I report......"arge those nasty corporate filters @#*^#"


I have got to get in the kitchen now and finish that wedding cake for today....and I won't have any ya'll!


Ya'll have a great week-end.




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Ok, we've lost a couple of posters to their hard earned, wonderful vacations for next week - but all of us land locked, low carbers need to keep checking in here!

Pinkbikini - Is jicama low carb? How much for 1/2 cup? We have it around here in the southwest - but mostly fresh on a salad. Annie, It's a root. Looks like a big tan turnip, but has a mild flavor.

Annie - I pulled a fast one on Steve this morning with the new scale:cool: - was able to reach in there with my toes and pressed down - He wasn't smiling when it said 230!!! LOL:D - but I started laughing and so he caught me! :p That felt pretty good! LOL

kreeb - Hey! Good job on choosing wisely on what was served! Will be watching for your Monday report! It's kind of tough going somewhere and your pretty much at the mercy of the 'cook'!!

Going shopping for a Cruise, Lisa!! Yiipppee! What'd ya find? What'cha get?! ;)

Size 2,4,6,8,10,12, 14 16,18,20

Yup- Been there done all of them. 2-8 was in Grade school for me.

10-12-14-16 was High school.

14 when I got married in 79.

Currently needing a belt with the 14's that I have - but looking for the day when I need some stretchy 12's. and the crazy thing about all of this is that these sizes aren't even the same sizes of today! :eek:

Oh Welll - those are the thoughts for the weekend - see ya on Monday!

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Just a quick last post before I sail away tomorrow....I lost 6 pounds this week. :D I knew I hadn't gone overboard last week, so I was thrilled that I dropped those pounds plus some addiotional ones...I think that should inspire me to eat better while crusing this week,

Jean I actually LOL when I read your post about pressing the scale when hubby was weighing that was so FUNNY!!!

Annie...Costa Maya wasn't on our itinerary for this cruise....Playa Del Carmen and Cozumel so we think we are in good shape.

Have a great week everyone!! I'll be checking back to catch up one everyone's progress when I get home....

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Hi Gang,


I spent the last few days sweating buckets, and lo & behold, my weight has fluctuated back in the right direction.


I finally got the spacebag down, and most of the clothes fit, although they are still snug. So I'm almost there. Some of the 8's were too small, and some just didn't flatter me, while others were just not really my style anymore. So off to Goodwill they went.


So, a week from Monday I go shopping (haven't gone yet, Jean!:p) and we'll see if I can get just a little smaller before I go.


I guess Tom & Peri are probably heading back soon. What a bummer that cruises have to end.


Jean ~ you are so funny!! It sounds like you & DH have fun together...that's great!


Kreeb ~ doncha love it when you can come back feeling good about a trip?


pinkbikini ~ way to go! Feel free to share your recipes...


Annie ~ what a bummer you can't go to CC during work! What do they want you to do while you're there...work??:p :p


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Wow, almost everyone has a cruise! Lisa, I guess you are next? We go in Feb. Jean, you got anything in the works? Alaska was the biggy, don't know if anything else could compare:p but, I'm sure you will think of something!


Jean- I spit my coffee when I read about the toe on the scale, serves him right for brining that deamon in the house. I snuck a peek this morning and it looks like a 2lb loss for me. I don't know if I am in ketosis because I don't have any sticks, I will pick some up when I go out later today. I just had a couple of slipps last week, the tiny margarita and I had to taste the frosting for the wedding cake yesterday. I didn't want to taste the frosting, but I was home alone and I couldn't put it on the cake with out testing it first.


I am off to the grocery to get more eggs;)



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Good Morning!

Annie-Your will power at Chili's is awesome! Way to go girl! Next trip is a land trip - in May we head to Scotland. I've actually been emailing with 'Weird Eyes' Sheila as she heads over there the end of Sept. Lots of research, but we are excited! Thought of Cruising over there-but I think since my DS, DIL & DD is coming with us, they really want to do a lot of hiking, so it's a land trip for us.

I saw a swim suit at Dillards a couple of weekends ago - there were some cute ones, but I just wasn't in the mood for the fright of the day just then, so I didn't try one on either .;)

Lisa - Question - Just exactly what is a Space bag? :confused: Wow... to have a bunch of clothes to go through and be able to fit into some that aren't even in style anymore! I just can't say that's ever happend to me! LOL:D Way to go girl!

Ugh ... I'm Not reporting a loss this week but a 3.6 lb gain:eek: :mad: - due to that Alien that has found a spot in our bathroom and insists on showing a number that isn't friendly at ALL

Catch Ya Later!

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My jicama experience thus far...


They're also known as "mexican potatoes" in my grocery store. I tried eating them raw. Let me tell ya, they definitely need peeling. And theyre ok, but not so good. IT really is very much like a potato. I would like to try mashing it with sour cream and cheese in a couple days (on a day when I'm not having my 1/2 avocado) and see if it works out.


In the meantime I can fry them in butter (after peeling) and sprinkle with a little salt and pepper for a tasty side dish to steak or chicken. I'm glad I tried it.


We made up some hardboiled eggs for easy egg salad lunches at work this week, got some spinach (since I ran out of lettuce), and got some goat cheese *my very favorite cheese since I think I'm lactose intolerant* for a few special treats this week.

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Good Morning! And a good morning it is....I am down another 2 lbs. this week. YAHOO! I was really shocked this morning because I am overdue for my TOM and thought I would shown a gain. I am finally under 200 lbs. It's been a long time coming and I am just so happy reaching this milestone. I am driving my husband nuts this morning dancing around, high fiving, saying "199 are you out of your mind"!!! Now the next milestone will be to get out of the 190's.


I tried jicama last week also. I wasn't too thrilled with it. I tried it raw, sauteed it in butter with cinnamon and sugarfree caramel syrup, dipped it in onion dip, deep-fried it like a french fry, and I really didn't care for it no matter how I prepared it. Any other suggestions?


The new vegetable I'm trying this week is the avocado. Any suggestions on how to prepare it? I bought fresh cilantro, jalapenos and a lime also.


Annie - Congratulations on the loss...welcome back to Atkins!


Stay motivated, make the right food choices, keep active.....we can do it!

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Kreeb!! Wooo HOOO! Under 200! It is so wonderful to NOT see that 2 show up in the front of the rest of the numbers! YOU GO GIRL!! You've worked very hard on your weight loss - Keep on DANCING!

My Favorite for Avacado - Dip of course aka ... Guacamole! I smash up the avacado, 1/4 cup of finely chopped-each- green onion, tomato, Jalapeno (No Seeds) ,

1 Tbl finely chopped garlic, salt & Pepper to taste, lime juice - let chill together for about 30 min. Use it on top of a chicken taco salad - yum!

Jicama - Peel for sure! LOL! Then cut into match stick size, sprinkle on top of salad - that's the only way I've had them. In the Potatoe family - aren't they high in carbs?

Pinkbikini - are you still doing induction? Lactose intolerant - ooo - that would really be a tough one! No heavy cream or regular cheese - wow, my hats off to you to be so creative in working around this!

Keep going Low Carbers!

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Hey everyone!!! Well havent posted in awhile "guilt" I pretty much fell off the wagon and it ran me over!! this last weekend and it ran into Monday also but today is a new day and I'm trying my hardest to not let the weekends kill me!!! If I realized how much they set me back and how far I'd be if I just stuck to plan it would probably slap me back.


Well good luck to everyone and it's great to read how you avoid temptation.

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Hey Kiraryker!

Long time no see/read! ;) Glad to see you back! Just ignore the guilt and come post more often!


Temptations - They come when you expect them - and especially when your not expecting!

DIL started a new job today so DS called this morning and to surprise her - - he is throwing a cook out tonight to celebrate,(we'll all pitch in with the clean up!) and said there'd be Steak! :) YAY! I'm bringing the fresh salad so I get to eat tonight! LOL!!! :D They can have all of the other stuff that will be there - and I'll play with their dogs out back so I stay away from the kitchen!


Catch everyone later!

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I just found this thread! I'm doing Atkins (a week and a day here) to lose enough before my cruise in May to not look like an Oompa Loompa when I get sunburned:D .


I am not 100% sure what info y'all are sharing, but heck, I'll spill the beans...


I am 5 ft 3 inches tall and my beginning weight was 170, this morning I am sitting at 164. I have been stuck at this for 3 days now.


Does anyone have any easy Atkins friendly recipes they would like to share?


How about any Atkins tips for when you sit still, what will jump start it again???


I refuse to buy a size 16, I want to be a size 6 (no 1 in front of it) by May, do y'all think that's obtainable????


Any hints, advice, etc. you have would be more than welcomed here!



Thanks y'all!

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Hi everyone,


More posts...that's great!


Kreeb ~ you do that happy dance all you want...keep doing it & the 199 will turn into 198, then 197...so keep on dancing!!:D :D Seriously, I'm really happy for you! What a great milestone! I love avocados...I grew up in East LA, so I'm a Mexican food nut. Jean's guac sounds great...I use 3 avocados, 2 T olive oil (approx...I just kind of throw it in there), some lemon juice, cilantro & onions, then I throw in some Costco salsa. If I don't have the salsa, I use tomatoes & jalapenos. My other favorite thing to do with avocados is slice 'em in half & stuff 'em with chicken or tuna salad. Yum!! You can slice them as a garnish for an omelette...or eat them with sliced tomatoes & bacon. Enjoy!


Annie ~ my countdown says 10 days...no way it's that close!! Going shopping Monday, but I have guests coming into town this weekend, so I can't even think about it just yet. I'll get there!


kiraryker ~ welcome back! This is actually where you want to be when you fall off the wagon, so we can help you back up.;)


Jean ~ a spacebag is one of those storage bags that you seal like a ziploc & then vacuum the air out of it. Sounds great, but they've never really worked for me...I was just too lazy to put the clothes in something else. The clothes I gave away would work for someone, but for example the jeans are high-waisted & the tops are shorter because they went with high-waisted jeans. With the lower waist, those tops would show my belly & we can't have that!:eek: It was a victory to fit in most of them, but hopefully in time they won't be so snug.


Lover of H2O...welcome! Great start so far! I think getting to a size 6 by May could be doable if you've been there before, but it's great to shoot for! I was hoping to be a little smaller by my cruise, but I'll get there in time. I've lost 30 pounds so far...the last 10 have been through Atkins. It's a slow pace for me right now, because I have 17 pounds to goal & don't want to crash to it by staying on induction.


Pinkbikini ~ do you know the carb count for jicama? Those treats sound great!


Have a great night, everyone!

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Good Evening Atkins Buddies!


Where to start? First of all, congrats to Kreeb for the 2lb loss! And thanks to all for the welcome back. I did shed 2lbs last week with a couple of little cheats:o


kiraryker- I hear ya girl, leeeme tell ya, I am the "queen of cheats" so you aint sayin nothin I aint heard of or invented myself:p If I would have stayed with the program all this time, I would be a size -8 by now! But, you know how to get back up in the saddle and do what you KNOW works for you. I have been back for a week now and I can really tell how much better I feel. I know how hard it is when everytime you turn around there is something to celebrate or lunch with friends or....you get the idea. I have lost 25lbs on Atkins in the past, but it sure took a while because of the cheats. Like someone once said," You have the rest of your life to get this right", so you just hang in there.


LISA! 10 days!!! I am getting excited for you! I saw some nice swim suites in Dillards over the week-end; they were 50% off! I didn't feel like trying on clothes, so I will go back in the next couple of weeks. I know what you mean about the high waist pants of the past. They are soooo low in the waist these days:eek: It really takes some getting used to now. I haven't bought jeans in years, but I wear some that my 27yo daughter gave me and they are lowwww in the waist. I do wear a belt for security though:cool: I can't wear very many of my old tops with them though. You gotta treat yourself to some new stuff.


Lover of H20, I love that name! Welcome to our little group. Like Lisa said, if you have been a size 6 in the past (as a normal size) then you should be able to accomplish that again. I think we all eventualy settle at the weight and size we are meant to be and as we get older....our size may not be what we were when we were 18. If you go to the Atkins website and sugarfreesheila.com, you will get some good recipes for low carb stuff. Someone on this thread suggested that we try one new recipe per week. I have been slacking with that lately, but I plan to try again next week. There is a low carb shake that is wonderful!

Here goes:


3oz cream cheese

1/4 cup cream

1/2 cup egg beaters

1tbs sugar free syrup and flavor

4 ice cubes

mix tog in blender 30 seconds and enjoy:D


Ya'll have a good week!



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Annie and Lisa, Thanks so much for the encouragement (and Annie, the recipe...YAY!). The way I chose size 6 as my goal is because that used to be my "comfortable" size. I have been as small as a 0, but that was before the kids and everyone kept telling me to gain weight (which at that time, I could not keep weight on me, I could gain up to a size 4 then before I knew it back to a 0 in no time at all).


Well, I just wanted to jump on and tell everyone to have a wonderful day and wanted to remind (myself more than y'all) to drink lots of water...not only for the diet, but for the heat!


I thought too it might be nice to post a "tip a day"


Today's Atkins Tip: Tic Tacs have no carbs, but will feed your sweet tooth!


Way to go everyone and congrats on your weight loss!!!

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Hello All!


The carb count I have for jicama is 2.5 net carbs for each 1/2 cup raw.


I love avocadoes! I like my avocado either mashed with a tbl of mayo or chopped up haphazardly with salt and pepper or sliced into thin wedges and eaten very delicately with a little salt.


My favorite pre-Atkins sandwich (which I used to eat ever so rarely d/t the high fat content) was mayo, avocado, bacon, lettuce, tomato on sourdough bread. When I get to maintenance I'm going to find some sort of bread I can substitute happily for sourdough and I am going to town at least once/week!


And as for my lactose intolerance, I can't swig down glasses of milk comfortably (good for Atkins) but I can eat cheeses in moderate amounts. Since I started Atkins weeks ago I've had no constipation, tummy aches, gassiness... I'm sure cutting out sodas has made a big difference but I have to wonder what other wheat allergies or gluten allergies I may have had as well which irritated my intestines and made me sensitive to the lactose. To feel so much better in just a few weeks has been a real blessing!


Enjoy the rest of the week all!


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Wow! Was last nights cook out at the kids a lot of fun! It was a warm balmy night and with that Beeeautiful Moon out - it was perfect! And my steak too! ;)


Lover of H2O - check out this website http://www.sugarfreesheila.com/

You'll feel an Atkins boost by just reading it! Sheila pops in on us now and then to give us more tips. If you have some time - read some of the past pages on this thread for other helps! Glad to have you - this is really open for anyone! Sounds like your off to a great start!:)


Pinkbikini - Yep.... the first thing that tells me that I've wandered astray from good eating habits is that bloated feeling - YUCK!! I'm glad your feeling so good!


Annie - I'm meeting my daughter for lunch today at Applebee's by her work.....I think I'm craving wings today.... he he!


Lisa - Only 10 oops...now 9 days! Yiippee! I could really use a Cruise right now - I just finished a month long project here at work - my aching fingers/brain!! Just in time for a 3 day weekend!


Good Morning Everyone!

Have a great Day!

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HEY THANKS EVERYONE!! Support is a wonderful tool when trying to lose weight.


Lover of H20: I also found the web site : forum.lowcarber.org to be of tremendous help and has wonderful ideas and tips.


Well so far I've lost 32lbs on Atkins starting May of this year and ANNIE3468 I hear ya!! If I'd quit the cheating and beer drinking I'd be at my goal by now - UGH!!! Well summer is over and I have to tell my friends and hubby that no more going out for a few until I drop these 37lbs!! I will just die if I don't wear a "normal" swim suit for our 25th Anniversary cruise in January - I hate those with the huge skirts (who are they kidding) I hated how I looked on our family vacation last year to Florida and I don't want a repeat of hiding behind huge T-shirts -I actually want to wear a gown and look hot!!


Well on we go!! Today is a new day

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kiraryker- you sound just like me, except instead of beer with me it is wine:D My hubby calls at least once a week to ask if I want to stop and have a couple of drinks. I love to wind down at the end of the day with a couple of drinks and an appetizer. It does make the loss soooo slow; but, we gotta live right? All we can do is keep hanging in there.

Ya'll have a good week.


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