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Anyone on Atkins?


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[quote name='NMCruzzin']
[COLOR=navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=navy]qosmo 8 - After taking off 120 lbs...wow...did you hit your goal? Are you at a good weight now?[/COLOR][/FONT]

yes, i hit my weight then stayed that way for a long time,
little 5lb-10lb fluctuations here and there around holidays, then i went up 10lbs in 06 after holidays, figured i'd lose it just the same but no it won't come off, and i need to drop even more weight to pass my physical for NYS Court Officer, seems i gotta be 225lbs which for me is skinny i'm 6'4 and only weighed 230lb after basic training for the army. right now i'm 262 with clear muscle mass, but as the nurse said, as of now they don't consider that but are talking about it because guys who were ripped were told they had to lose weight based on there height.....wow TMI!:o

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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey There![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]qosmo8 - Isn't that the craziest thing that they don't take in consideration your height along with weight and muscle mass? My DS is 6' 2" - 225 and there is no fat on him whatsoever! His trainer says that he has the X factor - big upper body along with big legs. I would think with a few more inches on you, they would allow more weight - especially muscle! It weighs MORE! He's in law enforcement - and that uniform is snug! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I've been holding off asking this question for the low carb experts on this board and now I'm going to ask. :rolleyes: [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]In a few weeks (if I don't get called in sooner) I'm scheduled to have surgery on my neck/throat - and was told I'll have to do about 2 days of soft/liquid diet while things are sore and start to heal. :o [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]What do you recommend for meal replacement that will slide down easy?:confused: [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I know there is SF jello (that only lasts so long) - and broth - I'll only be able to do so many soft eggs, SFS shake ok....what else?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Have a Low Carb Happy Evening! :D [/FONT]
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[quote name='NMCruzzin'][
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I've been holding off asking this question for the low carb experts on this board and now I'm going to ask. :rolleyes: [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]In a few weeks (if I don't get called in sooner) I'm scheduled to have surgery on my neck/throat - and was told I'll have to do about 2 days of soft/liquid diet while things are sore and start to heal. :o [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]What do you recommend for meal replacement that will slide down easy?:confused: [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I know there is SF jello (that only lasts so long) - and broth - I'll only be able to do so many soft eggs, SFS shake ok....what else?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Have a Low Carb Happy Evening! :D [/FONT][/QUOTE]
Hi Jean,
Hope it's nothing too serious, but I guess surgery is serious no matter what....I would say def the shake (yum) and what about the pumpkin cheesecake? That was pretty soft, about the consistency of a set pudding with whipped cream of course. Please let us know how it goes with your surgery.

I have so much to write but no time in my day (so far) to write it....I will write again tomorrow when I am off work.
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[quote name='jbrambach']Hi Jean,
Hope it's nothing too serious, but I guess surgery is serious no matter what....I would say def the shake (yum) and what about the pumpkin cheesecake? That was pretty soft, about the consistency of a set pudding with whipped cream of course. Please let us know how it goes with your surgery.

i hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery
well you both hit on great ideas, so how about cheese:) hey its soft! and perhaps a little tuna?

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I'd say you can eat ANYTHING YOU WANT after surgery. Puree it. Get those veggies in via soup, pureed really well so nothing gets caught. Heck, you could blend in chicken or beef if you want to get protein in there too.


Best of luck in your surgery!

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OK, I am writing in between doing cruise laundry yep today was the first day I have a "break" in my schedule and I get to do laundry YIPEEE:rolleyes: it's raining here anyway so no big deal.


Lisa, I meant to write earlier great job on the 5K, your Women's Day sounds like a great time.


Annie, ahhh fresh mountain air sounds so relaxing and it does seem to make everything taste better.:)


Jean, btw I picked up a cape yesterday and it seems to be working, thanks for the tip;) :D


Sheila, hows the cruise? I always wanted to cruise to Europe, please let us know details when you get back.


Denise, great job on the loss.


Dion, 120lbs and maintaining, wow thats awesome!


Hi Tom, how you doing?


Hi Dayna, Noel, Donna, Pink and anyone I missed.


Well, as I said, I got back last Tuesday evening very late so I started Induction again on Wednesday...and then yep you guessed it I fell into a few glasses of red wine on Wednesday night. And then on top of that I was craving (yes craving!!!) tomato sauce so I baked some stewed tomatoes in the oven and ended up eating almost ALL OF THEM! They were so sweet and delicious. Then I took the rest (2) to work the next day and made them AGAIN for dinner that night. Needless to say that when I weighed myself on Sunday I was up another pound.


I decided to lay off the tomatoes & the wine and I reread the Induction chapter in the Atkin's book. So I started Induction again yesterday and resisted the glass of champagne my DH offered me last night. I think he thinks we are still on vacation:D I feel so much better today.


I think I have a hard time sticking to a WOE if I don't have a goal to look forward to like a cruise or vacation. So I decided to "pretend" that I am going somewhere in Jan :D (hey I might be if my DH does something for my b-day).


Talk to ya all soon.

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Hey Kiddos!

Pink, Dion, Jocelyn - good ideas! - I LOVE the idea of pumpkin cheesecake for lunch! LOL:D I think having dessert for lunch is how I got myself into this shape! :eek: :p Does anyone remember the pasta diet - just make pasta salads with cheese, veggies and meat? - Arrgh - I tried that one too! :eek:

Pink - I actually have some good beef broth with bits of roast and if I blend it just right (doesn't resemble baby food stuff) I think that would be the perfect warm supper for a couple of nights and then I'll be back on track! Thanks!


With Cold & flu season not to far off - some carb friendly chicken soup in the freezer already made up might just be a great weekend project! You know - think about it before your so miserable - you can't think!?!?!

Jocelyn - Good luck on all of that laundry - the never ending chore, eh?

Glad the cape is working! I love tomatoes...so sad that they aren't carb free!:rolleyes:

Wishful thinking huh!?!

Have a terrific afternoon!

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Jean ~ The most delicious soft thing I can think of is butternut squash soup: cut up a butternut squash, a couple of onions, 3 peeled cloves of garlic & a granny smith apple; cover them with chili powder & a little salt, and roast for 40 minutes until tender. Puree & add chicken stock until blended...for a normal blender you have to do about a third at a time. Freeze it ahead of time & heat in the microwave. It's so tasty. The Oreos have left the building! Thanks for asking!


i just found this thread and lost around 50 lbs on atkins 5 years ago, and of course quit following it and gained it back plus some....soi saw the link for kimkins...http://www.kimkins.com, has anyone else been on it or tried it?, it sounds alot lower fat than atkins, which i like the idea of.......we are crusing on dec 8th on freedom and would like to lose at least 15 more lbs. I ve been doing WW for the past 2 months and always do good at first then come to a stand still and get discouraged and end up giving up!! catn wait to hear from you all


Noel ~ kimkins may work for some, and may work for you...but for me low fat is the kiss of death. The key for Atkins or any WOE is to find something that works & that you can stick to! Best of luck to you!


I had RNY Gastric Bypass surgery in July 2003 and lost 122 lbs. My post-op food plan continues to be very much like Atkins or South Beach although I do modify it for my particular needs. This will be my second cruise post-op and once the waiters understand that my small portions and leftovers are not because I dislike the food, they are very accommodating to my special needs. I am most happy that the cruiselines are becoming more health conscious and offering alternatives to the regular menus, particular the sugar-free desserts. Although I don't eat an entire serving of anything, I do enjoy having tastes of everything I want. My main tricks for allowing myself to enjoy the food on a cruise are to take the stairs everywhere and to walk at least a mile a day around the deck. (I'm on vacation, I'm not going to work out!) I also try to have some kind of physical activity planned for every port. Good luck to everyone who is trying not to gain weight on their cruise.


Judy ~ how inspiring! Thanks for sharing!


Jean, thank you so much for your reply. No, I can honestly say that I am not getting enough water, nor am I exercising as much as I should be. (Unless you count running after my little ones exercise.)


I am finding that working full time (teacher), having two kids under 3 yrs old, and a husband that works the 2nd shift very difficult. I don't have enough time to get the basic household stuff done, let alone find time for me.


Gosh, this sounds so much like a big pity party post, but it's my reality right now. If we weren't cruising in January, I'd put this diet off for bit, but then there's no guarantee that it's going to get any easier in the future.


So, I will keep plugging along. Hopefully I can stay strong. Thanks for the support. I greatly appreciate it! :)


Goal for the next few days: drink more water


Dayna ~ I can so relate. Please keep plugging along. Even if it goes slower than you hoped, try to think of it as changing your life. You can do it!


Jocelyn ~ that cruise sounds like so much fun!!! It sounds like you've taken great steps back in the right direction. It is so much easier to stay on course than to veer off & have to get back on, isn't it? Speaking from experience, of course!! Thanks for the kind words too!


Sheila ~ sounds like you're having fun!


So many coming & going....I'm losing track. Hope you all are having a great week!

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Jean, Good idea about freezing the soup...I LOVE soup too mmmm:)


Lisa, you are so right that it is easier to stay the course than fall off and try to pull yourself back up....not as easy as it sounds. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I really don't know if I would have gotten back on track if it wasn't for this board. :)




Lisa, almost forgot, you said you have a recipe for an almond crusted cheesecake (I think). If you wouldn't mind sharing the recipe I would love to make it for Thanksgiving. I can give you my email if you want to email it to me.

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Thanks for the encouragement, I am plugging along. I lost one lb last week. I have to tell myself that it's better than gaining or not losing at all.


I checked for the SF Davinci syrup at Walmart and couldn't find it. Maybe I need to check at one of the Walmart super centers. I also looked at Marshall's and they didn't have any either. Where do you all get it? I have been craving something sweet in the evenings, and would like to give one of those shakes a try.


Oh, I made the quiche the other day and it was delicious. I put it in containers and take one to work with me in the morning for breakfast. So much easier than eating at home. I love it.

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Hello All:

Sorry I have been away. Home improvement project among other things. Jean: hope and pray surgery goes well. Lisa sounds like you are doing well.

Hello Dion, Hello Noel:


Nice to see a couple of guys post as I was feeling like the odd "man" out....


Sheila have an awesome tran- Atlantic, those are one of my altime favorites..


Jocelyn: How I know the struggle of trying to throw things in reverse after a cruise. That is why I belive in being as good as you can why you are on it. Sounds like you had a nice time. But we all find our own balance.

I have to admit that while it did not result in a full on binge that the "just one" Halloween candy did lead to a week of a few a day that did not do me any favors.

Someone here was smart and had alternitives ready which is what I should have done. I think it was pink


TxGirl28: Mexican food can be deadly. That is a tough one.... Often at home I make my own meals while spouse and son have Mexican. The spices though are 100% safe... The best bet for going out Mexican is to have a small snack before and order one "safe" item ala carte.

Oh well I have to get back to work here but I have been lurking...


All for now, Tom


I did try to post last night but the system would not let me.

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Hi Tom,

glad to see your post:) I have been doing well since the re-re Induction:D but I do find as the weather gets colder up here that I want to make more soups and sauces....I guess I will have to make up some new recipes this weekend. I will let you all know if I come up with any good ones.

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Lisa - What do you think the Carb count on that soup would be? It sounds delish! :) That's one thing I like about crusing...the different soups to try! Yum! And how about that cheesecake .......


Hey Tom - You've been lurking and not posting!?!:eek: JK!!:D Home Improvements huh...awesome! We did a Phase 1, kitchen and then Phase 2, the bathrooms on our home this time last year! wheewww What a lot of work - we love it now - but didn't know what we were in for when we started! And now you have some Guy company on the boards! yay!


Jocelyn - Keep up your good work on your re-induction! Your doing so well since you got back!


Dayna - Wal-Mart super center - Tea and coffee aisle - up on the top shelf. We only have Vanilla, Hazelnut and Raspberry - I really like the Raspberry!


Wow...where'd the afternoon go...I guess work at work got in the way!LOL :D Have a great low carb evening!

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Hi Gang,

Just popping in to see what's doin'. I tried a new way to make eggs in the morning that came out yummy. First, let me say that I am not one to like egg yolks soft but they are good in this recipe.


I fry two eggs in butter over medium (just until the yolk is not too runny, but not hard) with some pepper and dry dill. Then on the plate I add some shaved parmegan(sp) cheese and fresh parsley. IT IS SO GOOD! If you try it let me know what you think. TTYL.:D

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Well, it's been since the beginning of October when I posted last. Just had gotten back from a cruise and had gained 10 lbs. and was having company for the month of October. So....I just started induction again Tuesday and am once again dedicated to the WOE. It's so difficult for me to start again once I'm off, so I won't be doing that again. We have another cruise coming up the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and I will not go off plan this time.


Welcome to all the new Atkineers that have joined the post in the last month. It's good to see everyone posting and sharing some great ideas and recipes. I will be having Thanksgiving dinner at my cousin's house and will be baking the pies, so I am looking for a low carb pumpkin cheesecake recipe that I can enjoy.


It's good to be back posting and being held accountable and having the support from all of you. My friend stopped by today with a little gift for me. It is a refrigerator magnet that says, "Fridge pickers wear bigger knickers!" She also bought one for herself to help us make the right choices every time we go into the refrigerator.

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Well, it's been since the beginning of October when I posted last. Just had gotten back from a cruise and had gained 10 lbs. and was having company for the month of October. So....I just started induction again Tuesday and am once again dedicated to the WOE. It's so difficult for me to start again once I'm off, so I won't be doing that again. We have another cruise coming up the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and I will not go off plan this time.


Welcome to all the new Atkineers that have joined the post in the last month. It's good to see everyone posting and sharing some great ideas and recipes. I will be having Thanksgiving dinner at my cousin's house and will be baking the pies, so I am looking for a low carb pumpkin cheesecake recipe that I can enjoy....


Welcome back, and good for you - back on induction instead of just saying "oh well, might as well wait until after the next cruise."

I don't make pumpkin cheesecake, but do make a pumpkin pie with a crushed pecan crust that I don't hestitate to serve to guests. So far they've all loved it. Only 8 carbs for 1/8th of a 10" pie, (allowing for fiber). If you'd like the recipe and don't find it on website, let me know.

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Kreeb - hope you knew I was referring to SugarFreeSheila's website, although that's not where I originally got the Pumpkin Pie recipe, which I adapted a bit after Spenda came out, and I substituted sf syrup for the molasses in the original crust.

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I'm really struggling with the road to maintenance... I think I've FINALLY found my CCLL and at 40 carbs/day I'm sort of maintaining (up a half pound, down a half pound). Going to officially move to pre-maintenance this weekend in pursuit of the CCLM. I'm skipping the alcohol until I find where I gain to make sure that I can add it in later and see if I still lose... this atkins business is so tricky. I'm a few pounds from the top of goal and 7 or so from where I'd like my final goal weight (my low end of goal) to be.


I did have a piece of chocolate cake for breakfast on a particularly stressful morning a couple days ago and then followed up with Taco Bell. I figured if I was going to have a blowout I might as well have a good time with it so I wolfed down about 6 tacos (but no soda) as well as a couple of my husband's french fries from his fast food choice... so once I've "reinducted" my weight loss I'll resume on OWL :)


Hope you all have a good weekend. Off to clean our apartment!



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Hi Gang,

Rainy Friday here in NY.


Kreeb, congrats on getting back on the bus(read theat in the Atkins book)....I went through the same thing after my recent cruise and decided getting off then back on is harder than just staying on:)


Gooselace, I would love the Pumpkin Pie recipe, that crust sounds delish.


Pink, congrats on moving into Pre-Maintance. As for stress, it can really do a number on you but don't even think about it and get yourself down. Just think you are so close to your goal and that is a wonderful accomplishment.:)


Hey Jean, Lisa, Tom & Annie and everyone I missed (sorry)how are you all?


Hey Homeschool Mom how are you, haven't heard from you in a while?

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Pumpkin Pie With Pecan Crust


Preheat oven to 350

Spray a 10" pie plate with non-stick spray, or butter well.

2 cups pecans

1/4 teaspoon salt

2 1/2 tablespoons Splenda

1 1/2 teaspoons sugarfree “maple” pancake syrup

4 tablespoons butter, melted

2 tablespoons water

Put pecans and salt in food processor with S blade. Pulse until pecans are chopped

to a medium consistency. Add Splenda, syrup, and butter; pulse again until well blended. Add water, pulse again, until well combined into a soft, sticky mass. Turn it out into the greased pie plate, and press into place, all over bottom, and up the sides. Try to get it an even thickness, with no holes. You may want to run a finger or a knife around the top edge, to get an even line, just to make it look nice for company.

Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes. Cool.

Increase oven temp to 425

Pumpkin Pie Filling

1 can,15 ounces, plain pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix, which has sugar)

3/4 cups heavy (whipping) cream

2 eggs, slightly beaten

1/2 cup Splenda

l Tbsp Brown Sugar Twin (probably could use brown Spenda, but I haven’t)

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp (or more) cinnamon (I use a lot more)

l/2 tsp cloves

1/2 tsp nutmeg

1/8 tsp. ginger

OR 1 Tbsp Pumpkin Pie Spice ( blend of ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, & cloves.

(If, like me, you prefer a really spicy pie, increase the spices and/or add 1/2 tsp Allspice or Cardamom.)

Put all ingredients in a bowl in order listed and whisk together well. Pour into

prebaked pecan pie shell. Bake at 425 for 15 minutes.

Lower oven temperature to 350, bake for an additional 45 minutes. (Or until center is set)

Cool before serving. (needs to be kept refrigerated).

Serve with whipped cream.

8 servings approx. 8 carbs per serving


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