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Pacific Sun Review


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Pacific Sun review –Native Beats Feb 19th to March 1st 2007


We’re back…………………….


Ok first some history. I am 42 years old and my husband is 49 years old. We were traveling with a group of 12 people of ages ranging from 38 to 60. My husband and I had been on 4 cruises together (me 6 in total) 2 couples had been on one previous cruise and the other 3 couples had never cruised before.


From the couples that hadn’t cruised before they had a ball and really enjoyed it and said they would do it again.


For the other 2 couples that had been on one cruise before, they still enjoyed but noticed some cost cutting changes, again they would go again.


For my husband and me, this will definitely be our last cruise. Our past experiences have been very memorable but we have gotten to a stage in our lives that we can afford far better than what P&O supplies with the Pacific cruises.

In other words what we could afford and considered quality in our 20’s and 30’s is very different now in our 40’s. There are also so many other experiences we want to have and repeating the same type of holiday is not for us anymore. Life’s too short to be honored with the 200 cruise crown as one lady was on our trip. Get a life……………….. Sorry if that offends anyone but hey, there is definitely more to life than cruises. Been there done that.


I won’t make this review a day to day rundown of what we did but rather highlights, lowlights, hints and tips and rumors.


An apology if this is too long, please grab a cuppa and have a read.



· We arrived at Warf 8, from the arranged bus via Sydney airport from Melbourne. The bus arrived at approximately 1pm. The queue to the terminal was packed and was estimated at over 45minutes. We were told by a P&O member to go to the pub across the road and have lunch and come back in 1 to 2 hours. We did this and by the time we got back at 3pm the queue was moving quickly and was down to about 15 minute wait. Others that went back to the terminal after 1 hour ended up coming back to the pub and waiting some more.

· Have your required paperwork filled out and ready when waiting in the queue. I was amazed at how many people, after waiting in the queue for ages got to the front and didn’t have the paperwork ready. This then caused more delays. We actually jumped the queue by about 20 people who weren’t ready. This includes the Noro virus questionnaire that they hand to you, so make sure you have a pen ready to fill it out with.

· We didn’t keep our receipts as it seemed too much of a hassle; however my friend did and couldn’t account for over $500 that was on her bill. Could she of lost that many receipts????

· Make sure to double check all receipts given to you from the drinks waiter. I was charged for a cocktail when I ordered champagne. This type of thing happened a fair bit to others as well.

· If you want to hire your snorkel and goggles on board, take up the offer to purchase from the dive shop. The price to hire is $39.95 plus bond and to buy is $44.95 less 10% discount $40.45. So you can actually buy a pair for 50 cents more than the hire charge. They will then allow you to use the fins for free during the cruise. The masks were tempered glass too and seemed a good quality. They certainly did the trick and didn’t leak water into the mask, so we were pleased. This obviously saves P&O the hassle of sanitizing the used equipment.

· Take the mini bus into the Vila Township rather than a taxi. The bus costs you $2 as apposed to $20-25 for a taxi. The buses are all lined up the hill just to the right as you walk out the entry to the docks and markets. You will notice a B on the number plates and they are easy to catch back to the dock from Vila, you will find them everywhere.

· Adult grass skirts with matching anklets and lei will cost $10 and $5 for littlies ones. Large beach bags $5.00 Duty free smokes around $22 - $27 per carton. Jim Beam 1.75 litres $19.00

· If buying seed necklaces at the docks in Vila, beware that customs will charge you $60 to fumigate them on return. Not really worth it for a $5 necklace.

· If buying wooden bow and arrows at the market in Vila, the ship will confiscate them before you get back on board. This isn’t a problem as they will be returned to you after you get off the ship in Sydney. Take note that they will not be in your suitcase and you will not be allowed to take them onto the plane if flying home. Our friends had to check them through with Qantas. They arrived home in one piece, although how, I don’t know.

· Take your passport into the terminal in Noumea, go to the Information counter and they will stamp it for you. They will also do this at Mystery Island.

· On the last day at Bingo, go about 1 hour early to find a seat, otherwise you will be sitting on the floor. Jackpot on our cruise was over $6000.

· Do not buy any of your photos until the last day. You will then be offered a special offer of buy five get one free. Unfortunately we had already bought 2 photos so when we bought 4 portraits at the end and were offered this special we didn’t have any other photo’s that we wanted to add to make the five etc. We would have saved at least $24.95. Better in your pocket than theirs.



Low Lights


· We pre booked our shore tours with P&O 30 days prior to sailing. In Vila we had booked 6 people (3 couples) for the Para flying. Without our knowledge until we got on board and read the tickets, we noticed that they had booked 5 of us on one tour and 1 on the next tour. They had split up a husband and wife and put the wife into the next group with a bunch of strangers. When I went to speak with the gentlemen at the shore tours desk he was extremely rude. I was told that there was a limit of 5 for this tour. This information was never mentioned in the tour brochure that we booked the tours from. If we knew this we would of booked 4 in one group and 2 in the other. The shore tour guy didn’t care and offered no customer service and kept saying “well we can’t change it. I asked if there was anyway of swapping a single person over. Again I was met with a blank look and by this stage I was beginning to really feel we were just another number and P&O couldn’t give a damn. So if P&O read this, put the information in the brochure so you don’t ruin someone’s experience. Also P&O should have known that they had split up a couple, I had sent a detailed email to them with all of our groups tours, names and cabins. Imagine how you would feel if you went on a tour without your partner.

· UPSELLING – I got tired of P&O trying to add so much on. One night it was “Do you want to pay extra for prawns for tomorrow nights dinner”? Then the next night it was oysters. “Would you like a souvenir shot glass”? (yep I collected every colour) “Would you like to buy a photo album with your pictures”? It was never ending.

· The stench of smoke from the Legends bar and Casino was revolting. This couldn’t be avoided as you had to walk up the flight of stairs right in front of the Legends bar. P&O need to address this; most of our group were smokers and also hated this, so you can imagine what it was like for non smokers. Either doors to shut the smokers in or a bigger exhaust system is required.

· Use the sanitizing hand pumps, people. It is amazing how many people walk straight past the pumps and then go and get food at the buffet. When going to the Bordeaux restaurant in the mornings for breaky, they used the hand wash pump, however when we went to the Burgundy restaurant for dinner, we weren’t given this option. So on the second or third night I asked the Maitre De for the hand wash. He told me it wasn’t necessary. I then told him it was used at the other restaurant and I would prefer that we also used it at dinner. I was then told that the other restaurant shouldn’t be using it and he would call them to prove it. I was gob smacked and walked off. Then to my amazement every night after that we were presented with the hand wash at the entry to the restaurant. Some people may want to spend there holiday with gastro but I certainly don’t. So complain if it isn’t being used.

· The entertainment not being enjoyable for past cruisers. We have seen it before. I still fondly remember the past cruises when top entertainers were brought on board. Such as hypnotists, bands such as Sherbet (ok going back a few years here), comedians etc. P&O need to bring the variety back. Including guest speakers. Going to a free seminar given from one of the beauty and spa personnel didn’t cut it when you knew that they were trying to sell you something.

· Seeing so many people cram onto these small islands.

· Watching people stand on the coral with no regards to preservation of these reefs. Wake up people and learn that it has taken years to grow such beauty for you to just wipe it out in a day. P&O need to educate people a bit more when going to these pristine islands and not a small paragraph in the Pacific Daily that most won’t even read. P&O mentions how important the islands are to them but allow 1800 people to rape and pillage the island of Lifou etc. and at the end of the day the tourists pick up their towels and leave the carnage behind. Not good enough. Educate before allowing us onto the islands. When Pacific Dawn visits, it will be worse due to the higher numbers of people.

· The lack of atmosphere on the cruise. Island night was the only night where people got down and had a lot of fun and mingled. More music during the day was needed around the sun baking areas.

· The Lido deck was stuffy and desperately needed air movement. Sitting at the tables was a very hot and sweaty experience. There was a large window that opened each end but we got told off when we opened it. Not all ceiling fans were working in this area.

· The back sundeck needed to have some type of shade sail. It was full on in the sun during the day and the only option was the stuffy Lido deck near the swimming pool with the slide.

· Seeing young kids at the 8pm dinner session. This was far too late for a 5 year old to be eating dinner after a long day. The poor little girl on the table opposite us was always fast asleep before her main meal arrived. Mum would be trying to stuff any food into her before she nodded off. Funny though she always managed to wake when the ice-cream was served. We ended up placing bets each night to which course she would fall asleep at. Entrée almost always won…………

· Mystery Island - commercialization at it’s best. Very tacky. Such a shame for a pretty little island. Roll up, Roll up, get your photo taken in a cannibal’s soup pot. Or $5 dress up in native costume, Or $10 watch fire walking & on it goes. Get real, surely this isn’t what we really want, or is it?

· The overall feeling that P&O marketing manager has been told to cut costs, lift profitability and make them more money. Many things have changed over the years. Drink prices are no longer cut price and now resemble standard bar prices. We know that P&O save on duty free but no longer pass on the savings to their customers. Bring back the daily cocktail special. Now the daily cocktail is the same price as it is each other day. It used to be about $2 cheaper than the rest. Also gone are the days when the captain’s farewell dinner had steak or Lobster Thermadore.

· Bring back the PJ party and the gender bender nights.

· Why didn’t we have a horse racing event on this cruise? I was looking forward to it






· Seeing our friends enjoying the cruise. Watching those experiencing things for the first time.

· Snorkeling at Lifou. Great experience, fantastic coral and fish

· The atmosphere of the sail away party and going under the bridge.

· The island night. Great fun

· The waterslide. Not just for kids.

· Our room was bigger than the Pacific Sky. 4 Adults and still no feeling of being cramped.

· Brilliant waiter and cabin service. Couldn’t be faulted again.

· Bigger Cabins than previous ships



· An elderly gentleman passed out waiting in the queue at the terminal going onto the ship in Sydney. This I could believe, as standing around for over 1 hour in the heat would have been tough for anyone.


· When preparing to leave Noumea, the purser’s office continued to call 2 men over the PA system. It appears they missed the ship.

· One gentleman packed his bags and disembarked the ship without notifying P&O.

· A 14 year old boy was left off the ship at Lifou. When his parents notified the ship that he hadn’t returned, they sent a tender back to get him.

· 3 guys were put ashore in Vila and sent home for drunkenness. Mind you I have heard this one on every cruise I have been on.


Ok seems that I have a few more Lowlights than Highlights but this is just how I felt about our trip.


For all of those that are about to experience there first or second cruise, you will have a ball, just as my friends did.

I still believe that my points are valid to my experience. Don’t get me wrong I had a good time. I am not a whinger and am not one to complain about things. It’s just time to move on.


Good Bye P&O.

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Thankyou for the review, can I suggest if you really are going to forgo any futher P&O cruises that you forward the review to gavin smith or whoever else is running the show? It's a well thought out comment and quality feedback - I am sure you are not the only people saying these things.


P&O Aus do seem to be a bit out of focus on us the paying customers at the moment and pretty much obsessed with security and cost cutting, it's a pity really. I bet we see a price hike of 5 - 10% on the 2008/2009 season release in May this year.


It's amazing how the small things like a genuine happy hour or freebies etc do make a difference to the perception of a cruise by the passengers. Especially past passengers who come back for the overall experience and go home dissapointed - that's so bad for their business.


Once again thankyou for the honest review!

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Hi Czardas, a good read, must say though that we arrived at the terminal at 10.45 am and were on the ship by 11.15 am and had a lovely buffet lunch. No long queues. We never got any discounts offered to us with the photos. I asked as my daughter had been before and thought they offered a special at the end but we had no luck. We always found a shady spot with a deck chair on the sides. I don't think I would like too much music playing when I am sunbaking and relaxing near the pool, but everyone is different and I guess they can't please us all. I hope you let P & O know your feelings as that might help future passengers. Glad you had some good memories and hope your future cruising is all you expect.

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Thanks for a very honest review,


As you can see from my signature, I only cruise every few years, in between we do land based holidays, we went to South America last year and are going to Thailand in 8 weeks. The reason I booked the Tahiti cruise was so I could have the wonderful cruise experience I enjoy and go to places I havent been before and probably would not have got to in this lifetime!

When I book another cruise in the future it will be to go to places I havent been, don't get me wrong, I love Mystery Island but having been there three times, I'm over it and Noumea, so I will be more thoughtful about where I go.


Yes, I do think P&O need better entertainment, I remember having Jan Adele and Ricky May on the Fairstar, they were good value, there was always a cover band to dance to at night and I miss that as I am not a disco person, rather a live band playing recent/popular covers.


Agree totally, bring back the kids dinnertime! I dont have young ones, I like to have a nice peaceful enjoyable dinner, thats why I always book the late one.


Loved the GenderBender theme night, best fun we ever had, would post the photo's except they are not from a digital camera:( Shame they didn't have the horseracing??


I love my cruising, really prefer it to land based holidays, but am just choosier which Ports I will visit in the future.



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Good honest reveiew!! Can I suggest though that you give one of the other P&O ships a go too, as several of your "low lights" are particularly related to Pacific Sun.


I notice your previous cruise was on Pacific Sky. I was in a similar position. We cruised on Pacific Sky and then 6 months later on Pacific Sun, and I noticed a considerable difference (not neccessarily for the better) between the two.


I see you also shared our view that the cruise would have been better without a lot of the other passengers!!


I'm suprised they were charging $20-25 for a taxi from the Wharf to the city centre in Vila - when we were there last year it was a flat AUD$10 - and that was all the were "allowed" to charge, in an attempt to stop passengers being ripped off.

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Hi czardas,

sorry you have had enough of cruising, and how things have changed with the Ship. you sound really downhearted...

P&O Australia.. answer to the owners ......."Carnival", they are the one's who are making the cuts.

they are the one's pushing the sales, (but we just ignore it .)

when people go on their first cruise, everything is exciting, they buy the photos, do as many land tours as they can afford, buy the shot glasses,T-shirts etc

they all want reminders of their trip to take home... that is who the sales are aimed at.. it all starts with the going onboard photo...


I must say the guest artists are not of a great standard, but we still go and watch them.


I agree with you regarding the smoke, I get sinus every trip..


The lady you mentioned who has done 200 cruises, is doing what she LOVES in life.... I know her. she usually travels one cruise on, one off.

when you get older in life ,a cruise is perfect for a lot of reasons...unpack the once. no long hours of air travel to get to your destination.(you can walk around on a ship) no having to go out at night to go to a show, dining etc,and you get to visit other countries along the way.

for cruiseaholics....that is what we enjoy..

plus spend the money what the kids would have inherited.!!!



thanks for your honest opinion of the cruise, and how you viewed it.

and let the company know...maybe if enough people complain, they might, JUST MIGHT, change a few things.

kindest regards, Lorraine:) :)

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Thankyou for the review, can I suggest if you really are going to forgo any futher P&O cruises that you forward the review to gavin smith or whoever else is running the show?


I have to laugh by that comment as the couple we shared our cabin with are very in the know with Gavin Smith. He usually upgrades them to a suite but they must of all been booked this cruise. Instead we received a bottle of champagne and fruit basket on the first day to our cabin. Then each day we received Horsederves (spell?)at 5pm. Another day fresh flowers to the cabin, then white robes and slippers, to keep. At dinner wine was delivered to our dinning table and we also had priority tender tickets.

So Gavin certainly pulled out all stops there :)


To Cheznandy - we usually have 2 overseas trips a year, although this year it is 3, so we do see other countries and experiences. I too will be in Thailand in May/June


To Skyrules - The in cabin shore tours tv channel, actually was broadcasting the $25 taxi fare. I caught the bus so I just went by what P&O were telling us. Suexxx mentioned in her review that she only paid $10 too.


In regards to the kids at the 8pm dinner session, all of our group had left their kids at home with the grandparents, so they did not enjoy having two full tables of kids behind us. They went on a holiday to have a break from them. P&O should limit children to the 6pm dinner session (if there isn't a seperate childrens dinning), and leave the 8pm session kid free. Not everyone enjoys listening to others little darlings playing drums with the cutlery and yelling at the top of their lungs.


Oh God I really do sound like a grump but I still had a great holiday and I am certainly not saying that people shouldnt cruise. It is a fun experience and a great way to travel. Just P&O need to lift there game after the hamming they have taken lately.


OH speaking of which, this is something that I totally forgot to mention. On the first night out two people in our group were approached by a lady passenger offering them any type of drugs they wanted. She said that they just needed to come to her cabin to purchase.


Then when we went to Mystery Island, my best friend was walking near where they did the fire walking. No passengers where around when she noticed a backpack hanging in the branch of a tree. Thinking it was left behind by a passenger, she grabbed the bag and opened it to find some type of id. When she looked through it there was a lantern and lighting devices so she suddenly realised that it must of been one of the locals gear for fire walking. At that very moment a guy came running over grabbing the bag and diving into it. He pulled out a bag of weed from the very bottom and asked if she wanted to buy some. She couldn't wait to get out of there.

So twice on the cruise we were offered drugs. :eek:

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Did your friends get the persons cabin number and report it? I certainly would have:cool:


Where are you going to in Thailand? This is our first time to Asia, although my husband has been to Bali. I have met many great friends through Trip Advisor and we have a big group getting together over there while we are in Phuket, really looking forward to it.


I really don't think you are a grump, just expressing your views, I'm really concerned about the drug offerings though and think it should be reported.



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If that had been me, I'd have got her cabin number, on the pretext of buying, and taken the cabin number straigh the Ship Security, and made sure that something was done about it.


Funny you say about all the "extra's" you got. One of our table companions on Pacific Sky was a travel agent, and her husband was asking us one night whether we'd been getting horses douvers (or however you spell them!!) delivered to our cabin in the afternoons before dinner. That's how we found out she was a travel agent, because she got all embarrassed and said to her hubby, 'no we're getting them because they're buttering me up!' and she then explained to us what she did for a living!

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Like has been said, good honest review. Scary about being offered drugs twice though. Perhaps security checks in Sydney as you board are even worse than in Brisbane :eek:


and by the way, it is spelt h'orderves

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Like has been said, good honest review. Scary about being offered drugs twice though. Perhaps security checks in Sydney as you board are even worse than in Brisbane :eek:


and by the way, it is spelt h'orderves


Hi starman,


drugs are the scurge... why don't people report what they know or see???

I think it is a case of not wanting to get involved...


I always thought it was spelt h'dourves.

thank you for correction.


kind regards, Lorraine:) :)

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If that had been me, I'd have got her cabin number, on the pretext of buying, and taken the cabin number straigh the Ship Security, and made sure that something was done about it.


EXACTLY SKYRULES! Then it would have been fixed in a flash she would have been off at the next port ! and I always thought it was horses douvers

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Like has been said, good honest review. Scary about being offered drugs twice though. Perhaps security checks in Sydney as you board are even worse than in Brisbane :eek:


and by the way, it is spelt h'orderves



Just so the thread is not fully hijacked with horses doovers, I would firstly like to say thanks for the review.


Also disappointed about the available drugs, but I guess that reflects life away from cruises as well. Maybe this was just Upselling as well. :D


I would also probably have tried to rope the sellers in. Bear in mind, it is unlikely that the drugs would have been kept in the cabin that you were given info about, as it would be too easy to be caught out with a search. Would be at least 1 go between.



OK, now for the horses doovers again - It is actually spelt "Hors d'Oeuvres"

You can learn how to make your own with Martha Stewarts Hors d'Oeuvres Handbook

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Lol about the spelling of the nibbly thingies.................


I asked my friends if they would recognise the woman that approached them about the drugs, as this really disturbed me after Dianne Brimble. I wanted to report this person and fast. They thought they might be able to show me the woman but they never did. I stopped harping them after a while.

Sadly I struggled with my emotions on this one, as it was the start of our holiday and did I want to get involved etc. If it meant saving someones life then definately yes but I didn't want to go to security with the little info that I had as friends never made a 100% id of the lady.

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Where are you going to in Thailand? This is our first time to Asia, although my husband has been to Bali. I have met many great friends through Trip Advisor and we have a big group getting together over there while we are in Phuket, really looking forward to it.




We are staying at Holiday Inn Busakorn wing direct Pool access Villa. We stayed here two years ago and was really impressed with the room and staff.

Go to www.phuket.com and vistit the forum, you will find heaps of information. Make sure that you visit the elephant rehab centre when you go. If you would like further details or any tips for Phuket just pm me.

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We are staying at Holiday Inn Busakorn wing direct Pool access Villa. We stayed here two years ago and was really impressed with the room and staff.

Go to www.phuket.com and vistit the forum, you will find heaps of information. Make sure that you visit the elephant rehab centre when you go. If you would like further details or any tips for Phuket just pm me.


Thanks for the info, we are going to Koh Samui, Koh Tao, Phuket, Kanchanaburi and Bangkok.


We are staying at the Kata Palm Resort Kata beach in a pool access room in Phuket, so really looking forward to that:p

We are visiting the rehab centre with a group of others we have met on Trip Advisor forum, then off to the Friday night BBQ/Sunshine bar at Rawaii beach, which is arranged for forum members. We havent been away since this time last year when we were on the Sun, so looking for to the break and a new experience!



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Hi czardas,


Congratulations on your honest (and constructive) review of the Pacific Sun. Now I don't feel so bad about my recent review of the Pacific Star (which was slightly more negative than positive).


Someone posted a suggestion that you should write to Gavin Smith. Don't bother - he is no longer Managing Director of Carnival Australia (although he still heads up one of the departments). P&O has shifted the deckchairs :) and appointed a temporary Managing Director for Australia while they seek a permanent replacement. The acting MD for Carnival Australia is Dean Brown (formerly a Vice President of Princess Cruises in the US).




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Hi czardas,


Congratulations on your honest (and constructive) review of the Pacific Sun. Now I don't feel so bad about my recent review of the Pacific Star (which was slightly more negative than positive).


Someone posted a suggestion that you should write to Gavin Smith. Don't bother - he is no longer Managing Director of Carnival Australia (although he still heads up one of the departments). P&O has shifted the deckchairs :) and appointed a temporary Managing Director for Australia while they seek a permanent replacement. The acting MD for Carnival Australia is Dean Brown (formerly a Vice President of Princess Cruises in the US).








Hi Ransome, if you read my reply to Starman later, I suggestrd he write to

Head of passenger services.


kind regards, Lorraine:) :)

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