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Pre-emptive weight loss


Do you lost weight before a cruise?  

183 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you lost weight before a cruise?

    • Yes, I try to lose weight before I go on a cruise.
    • I don't put on much weight - not going to worry about it.
    • I lose it when I get back home.
    • Watch what I eat to avoid putting on weight.
    • Go to the gym to avoid putting on weight.

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I do!! It doesn`t always work but I try! If I can drop 7 lbs before I leave, then at least my clothes should still fit me on the last couple of nights. The only problem with that is that we usually do BtoBs, and sometimes I have to really struggle on the 2nd cruise!!........jean :cool:

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I always try and most times I am not successful either. This time I need to be successful, I need to loose with back to back cruises, good god, I'll have to wear my bathrobe as formal wear, that's all that will fit by the 2nd cruise, ugh. Joining Weight Watchers at work in a few weeks, so I'll have plenty of time to get those darn 20 pounds off.

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I always try and most times I am not successful either. This time I need to be successful, I need to loose with back to back cruises, good god, I'll have to wear my bathrobe as formal wear, that's all that will fit by the 2nd cruise, ugh. Joining Weight Watchers at work in a few weeks, so I'll have plenty of time to get those darn 20 pounds off.


Back in 1989 I joined the WW at work program, and took off a lot of weight. The problem was that it was a 6 or 8 week program. Not nearly enough time to get to goal and reach lifetime. So over the years I gained back all the weight, plus some.


So last year I joined WW again, lost over 70 pounds, got to my goal, reached lifetime last fall and have maintained it since. I still attend and weigh in at least every other week. I think it's extremely important to follow through on the program and become lifetime for maintaining your new weight. So if you're "at work" program is for a limited time I'd encourage you to find a regular meeting afterwards and continue to lifetime status.



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My blood pressure is down to 105/68 (down from 140/90 last year), cholesterol down more than 100 points, blood sugar at 98 on a non fasting day, heart proteins at 12 (0-125 scale), PSA negative (prostate), liver and kidney function 100%; yet I am so overweight. Luckly, when cruising I don't gain any more weight. Fifteen days on the Statendam and I was able to eat fish two to three times each day, have a drink or two in the evening and sleep like a baby at sea.



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I have lost some weight over the past month. Not in the preemptive sense ... I just needed to shed some extra. The main thing about weight loss is that it requires a lifestyle change. Weight loss programs ... any of them that work for you ... are wonderful. But our eating habits must change for life or else we'll ride the weight roller coaster, as I've been guilty of for years. On my past cruises I have ranged from being somewhat careful with what I eat to throwing caution to the wind! :eek: I hopefully won't do the latter on next month's cruise. But with all the variety of great dishes, it's SO HARD! I recently had a checkup and my doctor noted that I weighed the same as I did last year. Maybe there's some hope for me yet.

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Orcrone, you are so right. I am, sadly to admit, a Weight Watchers Lifetime Member as well. I have been going to WW since I was 13, and now gotta go back AGAIN for the millionth time. I find it easier to take the weight off, extremely hard to keep it off!!!!!!!! Wish me luck this time!!!!!

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Weight has also been a life long struggle for me, but I was so glad to see that although I had lost 15 lbs. before the cruise, I didn't gain anything on the cruise!! My husband and I try to do lots of walking when we cruise, and I was trying to watch my starches. The fish on the Ryndam was very good, but I did love the ice cream bar and volcano cake very much!!! :eek:

I was so thrilled to come home and find that I can take a cruise, enjoy the food and not gain weight!!!!

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Orcrone, you are so right. I am, sadly to admit, a Weight Watchers Lifetime Member as well. I have been going to WW since I was 13, and now gotta go back AGAIN for the millionth time. I find it easier to take the weight off, extremely hard to keep it off!!!!!!!! Wish me luck this time!!!!!
You're so right, keeping it off is much harder than taking it off. When you're losing weight you have that goal to look forward to, every week going in and (hopefully) seeing a smaller amount on the scale. It's a limited time event; for some a couple of months for others a couple of years. But when you've reached your goal, that part of the journey is over.


After you reach your goal you don't get the positives that you received before. People noticing the weight loss, they've now gotten used to it. Trying on clothes that you couldn't fit into, or would never wear before. You're now wearing it. Not seeing the drops in weight or having a set weight to reach for. You're now there.


I struggle with it very often. I still keep track of my points, and probably always will. It had to become part of my lifestyle, or I know that I'll be buying larger clothes again.


Best of luck. You can do it.:)

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I watch myself carefully on cruises now. I did not always. I really, really do no want to gain while we vacation so I watch what I eat and hit the gym. We walk promenade deck and walk alot in port.



I do not deprive myself and allow some treats but I'm careful not to overdo it.




Congratulations, Marc......what a great accomplishment and you seem to be on top of keeping to the discipline that makes it possible to maintain the loss. It does take a change in lifestyle....and constant vigilance.

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We walk at least one hour each day and go to the gym 4 times/week when we are at home. While on the cruise we do walk a lot more than we would normally during an average day at home. We have also found that avoiding the elevators during the cruise and using the stairs is very beneficial to calorie burning.

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It is so hard trying to lose weight, especially after that magical 40 years of age. Since diabetes is in my family, I tend to watch my sugars a lot. Hopefully getting into the gym on the ship will have some effect. :(



spcl4cs gal-I'm glad you're watching your sugars.-but you have to watch your carbs also, they turn into sugar.


Take care,


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Orcrone, Wow did you start a topic that I keep on my mind all the time. First off I too have always had a weight problem. I first joined WW in 1981 lost 35 pounds at that time to get to goal, became a Life Time Member. I then worked for WW part time for a couple of years as a lecturer/leader. Then the weight came back on, then lost again, then came back on, well you get the picture. In 2002 when we went on our first cruise I did try to loose a few pounds before we went, I think I lost about 10 but was still quite heavy (women's petites not Misses) Of course I gained on that cruise. The following year on the Zuirderdam I again lost 5 or 6 before I went but gained 14 pounds on that cruise:eek: Unfortuately when I got back I did not loose any, instead I continued to gain till January 1st of this year when I decided enough is enough. I was weighing the heaviest I have ever been and with an Alaskan cruise coming up in May and a 50th birthday coming up at the end of 2004 year I better change my life style. I did manage to loose 34 pounds before Alaska and only gained 5 pounds on the cruise that did come off quickly. While we were on the Oosterdam I did get up 5 of the mornings at 6:15 and worked out for an hour or more:) I have since dropped a total of 42 pounds and want to drop 16 more before our Ryndam cruise in November.

I have found a routine that has seemed to work for me without feeling deprived. First off Exercise is the big KEY. Every morning I do a little Pilates for about 10 to 15 minutes, then I do 8 to 10 minutes on my health rider, then I get on my treadmill for 12 to 25 minutes using hand weights and doing some running. I basically follow WW from before the Points System, then every night before I have dinner I swim lapses and do water exercises while DH is cooking dinner;) ( Tonight is Orange Roughy on the grill):p

I exercise 7 days a week, but Sunday is my day of splurging on food we enjoy a very nice Champange Brunch every Sunday and yes, I indulge in dessert.

I am right now the lowest I have been in over 10 years and when I make it to another 16 pounds that will be the lowest I have been in 18 years. Actually my goal is when I have to renew my drivers lic. in November I want to actually weigh what my weight says on the Drivers Lic.:cool:

Marc good for you on the 70 pounds, I do totally agree that WW is really the best way to do it.

Marie, when I started this process in January I actually had set a small goal of 10 pounds at a time, when I finally hit 30 pounds off I could start to see the big pictures that I could take 50 to 60 pounds off. I know you can do it!!

localady, that is so fantastic that you did not gain any on your B2B. That is a great acomplishment. With the exception of the gym and never taking the elevator on the ship I really enjoy the food. It is kinda 7 Sundays in a row for me.

doone, I know you can do it, you sound like me. We all need to keep in touch and keep each other on track.

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Well, last month I gained 4 pounds on the cruise, but did take it off in about 2 weeks. The problem is I need to lose 50 pounds :(.


Marc, way to go with your awesome weightloss!!!!!!!





You may need to lose 50 pounds, but you had a great start after your cruise. Just keep doing what you were doing.


How is DH's weight? One thing that made it much easier is that DW and I both joined weight watchers at the same time. If he doesn't need to lose weight, just fatten him up a little and then the two of you could lose together.:D

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You're doing great. I admire your determination to work out 7 days a week and get up so early on a cruise to exercise. Saying you weigh the least that you've weighed in 18 years definitely puts it in perspective.


I heard a saying I liked at WW. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

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RaffinOrganGrinders, how did you bring your cholesterol down 100 points? With medication or without?


I also had a large drop in some levels after being on weight watchers for about 9 months. My cholesterol, although not a problem, went from 170 to 90. My doctor told me that my ratio of bad to good cholesterol was the lowest he's seen in someone my age. I was also on medication for high triglycerides. But after seeing how low it went he took me off the medication, had it checked again in 3 months and kept me off the meds.


I don't think it's because of the shape I'm in, but due to the way I now eat. Lots of fruits and vegetables and very little fat.

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Lisa and Marc - Thanks for the encouragement. My weight has always been a battle, but I have never been this heavy. I have lost and gained weight so manyt times. I am currently involved in a weightloss support group...TOPS..(Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and even hold an officer position(co-leader). I need to get serious. My husband does not have a weight issue, and never has. I have an unhealthy relationship with food, and it is something he can not relate to. He is so sweet and never says anything about my weight, but he knows it bothers me. It affects all aspects of my life, as you know.


I have made a plan for my upcoming cruise...very limited bread at dinner. I ate alot last cruise, since I don't typically eat much bread at home. Sweets are my biggest downfall. I am also planning on walking the promenade daily, which I did not do last time. I definitely have to have a cruise plan since I have 3 over the next 3 months, and do not want to gain on each one.

Well, thanks for listening, this is a subject I could ramble on about all day, LOL :).



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Wow! 170 to 90? Do those numbers reflect your total cholesterol? My mother is determined to lower her total from 290 without medication. She is 5'7" and weighs about 140 lbs.--not really obese, but she has the typical middle-aged figure--a lot of fat in the stomach area.

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Wow! 170 to 90? Do those numbers reflect your total cholesterol? My mother is determined to lower her total from 290 without medication. She is 5'7" and weighs about 140 lbs.--not really obese, but she has the typical middle-aged figure--a lot of fat in the stomach area.
Yes, 90 was my total cholesterol. Mine's never been high, but it's never been anywhere near this low.


Keep in mind, I keep WW interesting by seeing just how much food I can squeeze into how few points. For lunch I had a chef salad made with lean ham, fat free cheese and fat free dressing. It was stuffed into a 10 cup rubbermaid container, so it was huge. And all that for only two points.


Why is this significant. The only way I can eat a lot for very few points is by eating lots of salads and vegetables. I can't guarantee it will work for your mother, but she could give it a try.


BTW, most middle aged women would kill to be 5'7" and weight 140 pounds. If she doesn't need to lose weight she could always follow the WW program, but adjust her points to maintain, instead of lose weight.

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You are all an inspiration and I thank you for it.



As I've stated, I'm not overweight and in fact right now weigh the least I have weighed in over ten years but I watch myself carefully.


You inspire me to continue to maintain this level by reinforcing the struggle it is to get it off but even harder to keep it off long term.


Marc......I am fortunate that I really love fruits and vegetables and no lunch or dinner is complete without generous portions of any and (almost all) veggies. I stay away from beets, white potatoes and limit carrots because of the high sugar content. A huge salad sounds like just the thing!!! You will be pleased with the salad bars on HAL. Maasdam's is wonderful!!



Lisa........You Go Girl!!! You're so sensible about your approach and your goals. Keep at it.


Marie.....you too!!!


I've never been to WW but certainly millions of folks have had good success with it. I like maintenance on South Beach.


Whatever the plan you choose.......Good luck and keep at it. It is soooo worth it!!!

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