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Carnival Rip-Off? Feedback please?


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You know...IF the problem stated by the OP was that Carnival was rude to the elderly mom, then people might be more sympathetic...

however, the OP is upset about the military discount and so is his mother, and the amount needed to pay the difference..and that is what most of us are reacting to I think. Also he states that they "literally yelled" at her..and exagerates by calling this elderly abuse

did they call her names....did they swear at her?? NO>>>maybe they just were firm and told her what she did not want to hear...that she did not qualify for the military discount when the military person was not sailing with her.

I think that she was upset, because she owed more....because she did not get her way. And that is why the OP is upset also

At the most someone in Carnival owes her an apology and maybe an onboard drink ticket gift....she certainly does not deserve the cruise at the military discount and that seems to be what the OP and his "upset family" all want to happen.

Well I for one hope that Carnival holds the line since she does not deserve the discount and the military discount is a good thing...people who abuse it or try to abuse it like this put it in jeapardy for the folks who deserve it.

Now...if they have a beef with the TA or the PVP or whoever...it does not even seem clear how or who or whatever..since this cruise was booked by the stepson in the first place.
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[quote name='redskin80']The proof of military comes when you book the cruise. We (I) provided a copy of my DH's DD214, when the cruise was booked and the military discount was given. We provided nothing more to CCL when we boarded the ship.[/quote]

But that has nothing to do with this incidident...they changed the person who was sailing, paid the standard $50 fee to change the name...the name of the military person, whose id was probably provided, was removed and the name of the mother's friend was substituted.

Since neither the mother nor the friend have military ID the discount that was originally given was null and void and apparently someone from Carnival called, maybe from accounting or whatever....

The TA or ? PVP did apparently give them wrong info....that it would not matter..and normally it would not...if you subsitute someone in the right time frame you just have them pay $50 and give their info

IF the cruise was booked at a special "senior" rate and then the cabinmates were switched to two people underage, the senior discount would be recinded and they would have to pay the difference

when there was no longer a qualifying military person sailing then the discount was taken back...makes sense to me
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Unfortunately, the op has come to the wrong place if she expects much sympathy from Carnival fans.

Too bad it was handled as it was. If the Carnival rep had shown a little diplomacy this whole situation would most likely have been avoided. Most often it's not what one says but how it's said. A apology for no longer being able to grant the military discount, perhaps explaining that she was trying - or would try - to see if any other rate would help defer the difference (senior, residency etc.) would probably have made all the difference.

And yes, the TA probably did pass the buck. I got a call from an RC rep last week who notified me that they were going to have to change the hotel they were putting a client in the night before their cruise. She said that she would be glad to call them herself if it was alright with me. I was by myself with the phone ringing and people waiting so I told her 'please' but, if she would call me back and let me know that she did get hold of them and that they were okay with the change, I'd appreciate it. She did. (She sounded very nice and handled it well I'm sure!) So sometimes the cruiseline will call the clients direct if given an okay from a TA.
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This poor elderly woman is being bullied by the cruiseline AND her family.


Being gifted a cruise:)

Husband is ill, has to back out of cruise.:(

Wife is heartbroken because he can't go, figures neither will she.:(

It's announced Stepson will go :)

Yay! Her hopes are up:)

There is a small fee to change the name, no problem. Cruiseline calls and demands extra cash, wife unsure of policies but yet still wanting to go on the cruise goes ahead and pays the $400. She doesn't want to miss out on the cruise or spoil the gift that was given her. A little confused but still excited about the opportunity to cruise and get a breather from caring for ailing husband. (feels guilty about that and probably doesn't want to admit it)

Original gift giver finds out Mother paid the $400 and throws a huge tantrum!!! Treats Mother likes she's too ignorant to make her own decisions. GIFT GIVER not the MOTHER decides to cancel the cruise and make a scene. Now mom's dream of being pampered and spoiled and having someone wait on her for a week are dashed.

Nice going. This should have been handled quietly and let mom go on the cruise. Now she's left feeling stupid like she did something wrong AND she's not going on the cruise after all. That poor woman. I hope my children never disrespect me in such a way, especially over just $400!

To the other poster's regarding military wives: When my father retired after 40 years active duty they honored my mother with a special certificate thanking her for her 40 years of service to our country. The Base Commanders and Generals that I am friends with have stated several times that a soldiers successs is deeply attributed to the support that he/she receives from their spouse at home.
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[quote name='Brittgrrl'][B][COLOR=navy]my mother,[I] who does receive the CCL discount as a military dependant[/quote][/I][/COLOR][/B]

[quote name='Brittgrrl']And yes, the TA (or "cruise specialist") is very much THE responsible party for the poor information-trust the fact that she will be addressed with equal fervor. But to her credit, she wasn't condescending to my mother (P.S. the TA works for Carnival), "customer service" was. Apparently, she did not want to be the one to make that call. [/quote]

1.) Carnival does not give discounts to military dependants

2.) You meant a CVS/PVP, who does work for Carnival. Irregardless, she was making promises she was unable to fulfill, and attempting to cover her butt afterward. I'm sure she did NOT want to be the one to make that call, as she was rescinding the offer she had made previously and wasn't ever able to follow through on.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]The charge is valid, as the posters here are saying. The way someone is talked to is not. It does sound like most of the issue stands with the TA. Never in any business say "no problem" unless you know that to be the truth. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Obviously everyone would like to get a discount whenever possible, but I truly think they should be reserved for the people that qualify. Those men & women sacrifice a lot & deserve something. My soon to be hubby was in the Gulf War, but unfortunately our upcoming cruise doesn't have any discounts for it. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Personally, I would call the TA & see what they can do on their end for you. I am sure all cruise lines (and I have cruised RCCL also) have policies that adhere to & once you bend for one, you have no integrity. [/FONT]
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[quote name='45014']According to the OP, I should be able to cruise with a military discount, because my brother AND father were in the military. Did I get this right?[/quote]

I agree. I wonder if I can book cabins under my name for me and friends, getting millitary discount because my son is a vet, after all I worried myself silly while he was fighting for our country.
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[quote name='Brittgrrl']This is a rant-those who are easily offended or anxious to flame, need not read any further.

Hi all! RCCL Diamond member here (soon to be Diamond Plus by December 2007!). I don't cruise Carnival, so I need your assistance understanding whether or not this is the Carnival way of doing business.

In brief, my mother's step-son purchased a cruise for his father and my mother back in November (Christmas present). The step-son being a military officer, and his dad (my mother's husband) being a retired Admiral, he received the "military discount".

Suddenly (three weeks ago) my mother's aged husband was unable to go for health reasons. But he INSISTED that my mother go, taking his daughter in his place. The TA said this was [I]no problem[/I] (two weeks ago) and charged a $50 change fee to add the step-daughter in the husband's place.

Suddenly (yesterday) Carnival calls my elderly mother demanding the $400 price difference from last November's rate (as if she'd booked today). The TA claims her "hands are tied". Now, my mother, having quite a bit on her plate at the moment, didn't want to argue, and paid it. Mainly because she was [B]literally[/B] being yelled at by CCL "customer service" when she objected to paying an additional $450 for a $700 extended weekend cruise. But her family, hearing this story today, are ENRAGED :mad: at the callous nature, and the elderly bullying that took place over the phone. My first ever contact to CCL was speaking to Lillian, whom smirked her way through a "sorry, there's nothing we can do". We are contacting the credit card company to cancel the $400 charge-as my elderly mother was bullied into paying the fee, and cancelling the cruise...refunded or not. Although the BBB cannot rectify what CCL has done, we'll be sure to file a report with them as well. And I'm sure Bob Dickinson won't actually SEE the letter my step-brother will be writing, we'll at least go on record for having attempted to notify him of how CCL's "customer service" has just insured that every relative, neighbour, and associate will never, ever, step foot on a Carnival ship.

What would those of you whom are seasoned CCL do in this situation?:confused:[/quote]

Carnival should just eliminate the "military discount"!
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[quote name='Brittgrrl']This is a rant-those who are easily offended or anxious to flame, need not read any further.

Hi all! RCCL Diamond member here (soon to be Diamond Plus by December 2007!). I don't cruise Carnival, so I need your assistance understanding whether or not this is the Carnival way of doing business.

In brief, my mother's step-son purchased a cruise for his father and my mother back in November (Christmas present). The step-son being a military officer, and his dad (my mother's husband) being a retired Admiral, he received the "military discount".

Suddenly (three weeks ago) my mother's aged husband was unable to go for health reasons. But he INSISTED that my mother go, taking his daughter in his place. The TA said this was [I]no problem[/I] (two weeks ago) and charged a $50 change fee to add the step-daughter in the husband's place.

Suddenly (yesterday) Carnival calls my elderly mother demanding the $400 price difference from last November's rate/quote]

Lets see, you don't cruise Carnival
Your TA books the cruise at a military rate.
The person that gets the military rate is unable to go.
Person taking his place is not military.
Carnival requests the difference in fee(Money they are owed).

I can't see why you would be mad at Carnival. It sounds like your TA is the one you should be mad at. Why would Carnival call your Mother when her cruise was booked by a TA? Doesn't sound right to me. I'm not saying they didn't yell at your Mom, but why would they? If the TA would have notified your Mom when the name change went through that the military rate no longer applied and their would be a higher price to pay for the ticket, then your Mom would never of had to talk to a Carnival rep in the first palce. If I were you, I would not do business with that TA and I would tell everyone in town what a lousy job they did. I think you will agree if you look at your post objectively...Good Luck...
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[quote name='Brittgrrl'][COLOR=purple][B]Good to know that the majority of the Carnival CC members are such a fantastic group, [COLOR=red]come over and chat with the RCCL group sometime[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR][COLOR=red]![/COLOR];) Have a lovely weekend![/quote]

I tried that once (I asked a simple question about VOS coming to Galveston) and some of the RCCL group decided to bash Carnival on my thread! :eek: No thanks, I will stay away from that board.

[quote name='luckycruzer']was rescended by CCL thru my TA for my last month cruise..I had to pay the diff..and didnt mind..as they did give it to me on an earlier one...the rules are not clear as they are printed (or were not by then) and my TA wasnt aware of it..but i yelled @ no one..just paid the diff and had a great time.as I was prepared to pay it b4 TA asked if hubby was mil..even fxd copy of ID and DL to TA and CCL....So lesson and rules learned.[/quote]

I'm confused by your post.....you booked with the military discount and then it was taken away? Did you have proof of current/past military service?

[quote name='CRUZRBOY']Carnival should just eliminate the "military discount"![/quote]

I think not!!!!
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[quote name='CRUZRBOY']Carnival should just eliminate the "military discount"![/quote]

Well, I hope you are kidding:cool: . Carnival provides this discount to anyone that has served 2 years and is honorably discharged. People that spend time defending our freedom deserve a break here and there, and I for one am glad that Carnival gives them the best discount available:) . The only catch is the vet has to be sailing. You cannot expect the discount if the vet is not sailing. RCCL, Century and all other cruise lines operate the same way.
As far as yelling at the Mom. I'm not saying someone didn't yell, but it seems far fetched to me. Looks like we need someone and something to blame so lets blame Carnival:( . If someone did yell, then I agree with another poster and the OP should take it up the chain of command until the Carnival rep is reprimanded. There is no excuse to yell at a customer for any reason.
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[quote name='tootsiescurly']She should get it because like any spouse or child who spends 20 or more years of their lives putting up with the military BS they deserve recognition for their sacrifices as well. If you think growing up in the military or being married to someone in the military is any way close to leading a normal life you are delusional.[/quote]

I have to disagree with your statement in part. I am retired U.S. Army with 2 tours of combat, Operation Just Cause and Desert Storm/Desert Shield. Yes, she did worry about me during my time in combat, but she was not the one ducking the bullets, I was.

My wife was not in combat, was not in the field, did not get up at 3:30 am to start the day. She did not work until 2300 (11 PM) getting my platoon ready for an inspection.

She did keep the house together and helped the children with my absents. But, since I was in the Army when we met and she knew what the life of a soldier's wife was like, that was her choice.

I am the person that earned the few perks that being military gets, not my wife.
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[quote name='marty30907']I have to disagree with your statement in part. I am retired U.S. Army with 2 tours of combat, Operation Just Cause and Desert Storm/Desert Shield. Yes, she did worry about me during my time in combat, but she was not the one ducking the bullets, I was.

My wife was not in combat, was not in the field, did not get up at 3:30 am to start the day. She did not work until 2300 (11 PM) getting my platoon ready for an inspection.

I am the person that earned the few perks that being military gets, not my wife.[/quote]

Very well said Marty.:)
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