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If you want a glacier wedding....


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I am so happy that you were able to get your requests! I did call RC when all of this began and althought they were very nice, they said I would have to talk to RR to get anything changed. I wrote a letter to RC about my experience so far, for what it is worth, and have not heard anything back. I followed the directions that were given to me by RR for obtaining my marriage certificate and as of right now they have not received the notorized copy. I am trying not to panic, but we are leaving in 17 days. That is funny that you were the other bride contacting alaskaweddings (who was very helpful)! Small world.

I agree that if all the brides on here who have had a bad experience with their wedding or decided to go with another company because of the way they were treated by Royal Romance wrote to Royal Caribbean, something would change. Although I am happy everything worked out for you, it is ridiculous that you have to "know people" to get a sugar free cake and blue flowers!!! I am waiting for the "finalizer" to call, any day now!! I think they forget how important this is to people. This is not just an excursion!! It is my wedding!!!

Thanks for making me not feel alone!

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You're leaving in 17 days and RR hasn't done their part yet?? I just can't believe this. Can they offer an onboard wedding instead of the glacier wedding and they're "legally technically" in compliance with their contract, isn't it? That's basically what RR told me when I called - RR can't promise anything but I had (of course you too) a specific/special way of celebrating my wedding that's why I chose glacier.

I was a big fan of Royal Caribbean, and I decided to accrue my cruise points with somebody else. Then no point of switching back to Royal Caribbean. I hope they know this.

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Yes I am a little bit of a mess right now..., but I just don't have time to sit on the phone with them and get no where. The only satisfaction I have right now is knowing that other brides are seeing this and deciding to go with another company without ever having to deal with Royal Romance.

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Hi -


May I offer one suggestion.....unfortunately it WILL take a little time on the phone but it may help.


When you call Royal Caribbean Customer Service they CANNOT hang up on you for any reason other than your use of profanity (company policy - and calls are monitored).....so don't swear - but don't take NO for an answer. What you SHOULD NOT do is not allow them to give you the option of calling back until they promise to help you. Just tell them you will not hang up until you and RCI begin to make progress with your concerns.


Note: RCI Customer Service is located in three places, Miami, Wichitaw (sp?) and Oregon. FIRST - ask to be transfered to Miami...that's where the decision makers work. If they cannot....call 305-539-6000 - Miami switchboard for RCI - ask to be transfered to Customer Service.


I have this # as RCI Customer Service 800-529-6918 - but you may not be in Miami with this one but give it a try first.


Now, be specific with your requests so RCI Customer Service will understand the problems. Be calm (Ok, that's going to be a tough one - it was for me.....I cried instead and I'm a 52 year old bride!) Tell RCI what will work for you....be realistic but firm.


If you don't want to work with anyone at RR - tell RCI.


If you do not get the answer you want from the first RCI person, don't allow them to end the call, ask for a supervisor.


They WILL help and they NEED to know about RR. I'm heartbroken to read that someone has given up on RCI because of RR.


Finally, Gina Basulto is the Manager of RR. Her private number (which she doesn't always answer but you can leave a message) is 305-421-1030.


I urge EVERYONE who has a problem with RR to call her. Perhaps she will realize her staff needs training and the policies need to change.


Good luck - my heart goes out to you. It was very difficult for Jim and myself.......but we stood firm, did not give up and it worked out exactly the way we wanted.


Thanks for listening.


Let me know what happens.



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I am so glad that things have worked out for now. Sara, I was wondering if I could have the names, numbers and addresses of all the people at RCI and RR you put your complaint into. I just returned home from my wedding. Although the wedding day itself was OK, it was certainly not because of RCI or RR but all of my family and friends who chipped in to make things work. I am going to post my review today but let me tell you I was in tears the day before my wedding. They will certainly be hearing from me.



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I am so glad that things have worked out for now. Sara, I was wondering if I could have the names, numbers and addresses of all the people at RCI and RR you put your complaint into. I just returned home from my wedding. Although the wedding day itself was OK, it was certainly not because of RCI or RR but all of my family and friends who chipped in to make things work. I am going to post my review today but let me tell you I was in tears the day before my wedding. They will certainly be hearing from me.




Oh my goodness. I am SO SORRY! I can only imagine how awful you must have felt. :( I'll be looking for your review for the details so I can sympathize with you further. How terrible!

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Ok, one more posting.


Write a Letter to RCI, addressed to Richard Fein. He is the President. Good or bad, ALL letters land on his desk. Honestly, he then passes them to the Customer Service staff who handle the follow up.


Until now, it has been my pleasure to send only complimentary letters to RCI - I sent FIVE for a Jewel of the Seas cruise alone!


If there WAS any individual who did a fabulous job....drop a note about that as well. It actually goes into their personal record.


RCI will read your letter........be sure to ask for a Customer Service representative to contact you. They should.


Again...so sorry.

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That is good advise. I will try to call them today and follow your directions. This is who I have talked to and written to so far:


Written to:

Richard Frame

President, Royal Caribbean

1050 Caribbean Way

Miami Fl, 33132


Royal Romance

2600 SW 3rd Ave, Suite 200

Miami FL 33129

In my experience, e-mail gets you no where with these people.

Talked to many people at RR, the most helpful (haha) were Joann, not a supervisor, and Chrissy, supervisor who is now in Europe, and she left me Ginas # if I have "any more problems" I get a migrane as soon as I hear that stupid recording about planning the perfect wedding on hold with RR.:(


I know Royal Caribbean would do something about this if they knew how many people are unsatisfied. Caymanbride, you should follow cathylovescruisings advice too about your concerns with RR. I am anxious to hear about your experience and see pictures!

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I agree about that "bloody" message on RR when you are on hold.....it drove me NUTS.


Honestly, Gina started returning our calls when the pressure heated up from RCI. One of my contacts actually works in customer service and I spoke with him in the beginning.....in tears. I think he was next to tears as well listening to me. He eventually passed the problem to someone more senior and Gina finally became very accommodating.


Our wish from all the agony was that RCI would get the message about RR and policies would be changed.


The only was RCI will know is if we start telling them.


Send a follow-up letter. Hopefully it will help wedding couples in the future.


I am looking forward to the coming review as well!!



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That is good advise. I will try to call them today and follow your directions. This is who I have talked to and written to so far:


Written to:

Richard Frame

President, Royal Caribbean

1050 Caribbean Way

Miami Fl, 33132


Royal Romance

2600 SW 3rd Ave, Suite 200

Miami FL 33129

In my experience, e-mail gets you no where with these people.

Talked to many people at RR, the most helpful (haha) were Joann, not a supervisor, and Chrissy, supervisor who is now in Europe, and she left me Ginas # if I have "any more problems" I get a migrane as soon as I hear that stupid recording about planning the perfect wedding on hold with RR.:(


I know Royal Caribbean would do something about this if they knew how many people are unsatisfied. Caymanbride, you should follow cathylovescruisings advice too about your concerns with RR. I am anxious to hear about your experience and see pictures!


Just for clarification, Royal Romance IS The Wedding Experience. I've seen others post (not you directly! :) )who have said they aren't the same company. They are. The mailing address is even the same.


TWE is subcontracted through Royal Caribbean. Royal Caribbean can only legally be held liable to a certain point. After that, TWE is solely liable. If you're looking at taking that avenue, I'd highly advise contacting an attorney.


Once again, I am so sad for the brides who've had their wedding days turn out poorly due to the "service" TWE "provides". I didn't choose RC for our cruise, but I DID write to Carnival about the bad experience I had with TWE. No response from them yet and it's been quite a while. I am going to write again and request to be contacted. Thank you for that tip!

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Hi -


May I offer one suggestion.....unfortunately it WILL take a little time on the phone but it may help.


When you call Royal Caribbean Customer Service they CANNOT hang up on you for any reason other than your use of profanity (company policy - and calls are monitored).....so don't swear - but don't take NO for an answer. What you SHOULD NOT do is not allow them to give you the option of calling back until they promise to help you. Just tell them you will not hang up until you and RCI begin to make progress with your concerns.


Note: RCI Customer Service is located in three places, Miami, Wichitaw (sp?) and Oregon. FIRST - ask to be transfered to Miami...that's where the decision makers work. If they cannot....call 305-539-6000 - Miami switchboard for RCI - ask to be transfered to Customer Service.


I have this # as RCI Customer Service 800-529-6918 - but you may not be in Miami with this one but give it a try first.


Now, be specific with your requests so RCI Customer Service will understand the problems. Be calm (Ok, that's going to be a tough one - it was for me.....I cried instead and I'm a 52 year old bride!) Tell RCI what will work for you....be realistic but firm.


If you don't want to work with anyone at RR - tell RCI.


If you do not get the answer you want from the first RCI person, don't allow them to end the call, ask for a supervisor.


They WILL help and they NEED to know about RR. I'm heartbroken to read that someone has given up on RCI because of RR.


Finally, Gina Basulto is the Manager of RR. Her private number (which she doesn't always answer but you can leave a message) is 305-421-1030.


I urge EVERYONE who has a problem with RR to call her. Perhaps she will realize her staff needs training and the policies need to change.


Good luck - my heart goes out to you. It was very difficult for Jim and myself.......but we stood firm, did not give up and it worked out exactly the way we wanted.


Thanks for listening.


Let me know what happens.




What kills me about all of this is that we all have to jump through all of these hoops if things go wrong! Why cant we ever seem to get satisfaction from RR/TWE?

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Kills me too Sas80. I called RR today and asked them when exactly the "finalizer" will be calling. They put me on hold, then transfered me to Janet. She basically asked me what flavor of cake we wanted, and what time to be ready to go. She was nice enough, but I am just so sick of this. I also spoke to Alaska Vital Stats and they have received our application and said they will mail it back today! That is good news, as we are leaving for Seattle in 15 days. I am curious if they would have ever called me to finalize the wedding or if I have to do EVERYTHING my self.

I know that RR and TWE are the same, but the cruise lines must have different policies on what the coordinators have to do or something because it seems that TWE handles things differently, but not really better.

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Good Morning Everyone -


Just a note of clarification...sometimes my typing doesn't keep up with my thoughts.


RR is the Royal Caribbean arm of The Wedding Experience.....they handle most of the weddings onboard most of the cruiselines. Funny however, you don't see others screaming about lousy service with other cruise lines on these boards.


Anyway RR is a Vendor for Royal Caribbean. RCI contracts with The Wedding Experience for RR to manage their shipboard weddings. RR is not a division of RCI which is why we may have been told RCI could do nothing to help.


At some level RCI is stuck with RR. Otherwise they would have to manage individual contracts for all destinations where they offer weddings and that would simply cost too much $$$ I am sure.


Again, I am so sorry others have experienced the horror Jim and I did. I KNEW if it was happening to us....it was happening to others.


I have 52 days to get over it.....healing already begun.


Jim and I began counting down at 372 days - I can't wait.


Best wishes to all of you who are GETTING married and congratulations to those who are already married!



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Good Morning Everyone -


Just a note of clarification...sometimes my typing doesn't keep up with my thoughts.


RR is the Royal Caribbean arm of The Wedding Experience.....they handle most of the weddings onboard most of the cruiselines. Funny however, you don't see others screaming about lousy service with other cruise lines on these boards.


Anyway RR is a Vendor for Royal Caribbean. RCI contracts with The Wedding Experience for RR to manage their shipboard weddings. RR is not a division of RCI which is why we may have been told RCI could do nothing to help.


At some level RCI is stuck with RR. Otherwise they would have to manage individual contracts for all destinations where they offer weddings and that would simply cost too much $$$ I am sure.


Again, I am so sorry others have experienced the horror Jim and I did. I KNEW if it was happening to us....it was happening to others.


I have 52 days to get over it.....healing already begun.


Jim and I began counting down at 372 days - I can't wait.


Best wishes to all of you who are GETTING married and congratulations to those who are already married!



*****! I could run the wedding faction for RCCL WAY better than it is being run right now!!! All this requires is a LOT more organization and a LOT of checklists!


Someone at RR/TWE is making a buttload of money off of providing horrid customer service! That's my opinion.


They (RR/TWE) dont care becuase they know that they have RCCL by the balls! Who else is availiable to do this kind of thing?

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So I was checking out the Better Business Bureau on the wedding experience and I am putting the link up. They are "satisfactory" but they have had 24 complaints in the last 36 months. I thought it was interesting.... I guess we are not the only ones with issues.


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So I was checking out the Better Business Bureau on the wedding experience and I am putting the link up. They are "satisfactory" but they have had 24 complaints in the last 36 months. I thought it was interesting.... I guess we are not the only ones with issues.



I'm actually quite shocked!


Thats 24 people who decided that their issues were large enough to actually report TWE/RR/RRW/TTKW/WA to the BBB.


Imagine how many customers who are not satisfied but dont report the company? I was one of those people - extremely unsatisfied but didnt report them......


Imagine how many people didnt report them.....

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I am glad that people have complained, but it is too bad that RC and the other cruise lines that use them are not alarmed by this. They should be checking up on the companies they promote. It is not too late for people who have had there wedding not come out the way it was contracted, to complain to the higher ups. The name of the president of RR was listed on the BBB report. I will see how my wedding goes, but I will definatly file a complaint if they don't follow through with what they say. I was telling caymanbride about asking for champagne AND sparkling cider for ouR little cake reception. I might as well have asked for her first born. And no I am not getting both unless I "contact someone on the ship after we board". Please. That is ridiculous. My fiances parents and my mom do not drink alchohol, and me, my dad and my fiance do. Seems like a simple request to me. I was thinking I actually need the Champagne to get through a phone call to them, but a tranquilizer might work better.....

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I am glad that people have complained, but it is too bad that RC and the other cruise lines that use them are not alarmed by this. They should be checking up on the companies they promote. It is not too late for people who have had there wedding not come out the way it was contracted, to complain to the higher ups. The name of the president of RR was listed on the BBB report. I will see how my wedding goes, but I will definatly file a complaint if they don't follow through with what they say. I was telling caymanbride about asking for champagne AND sparkling cider for ouR little cake reception. I might as well have asked for her first born. And no I am not getting both unless I "contact someone on the ship after we board". Please. That is ridiculous. My fiances parents and my mom do not drink alchohol, and me, my dad and my fiance do. Seems like a simple request to me. I was thinking I actually need the Champagne to get through a phone call to them, but a tranquilizer might work better.....


See, this puzzles me (but then again it doesnt!)


When I was planning my wedding with Robert I was TOLD by Robert that sparkling cider would be provided to all my reception guests whom were under the age of 21.


Guess what? (are you ready for a big shock?) NONE of them were provided sparkling cider! :eek: :rolleyes:


(I know, I know, pick yourself up off the floor now!)


When you get onboard I highly reccomend that you "feel out" (not "up", LOL) the onboard group coordinator.


Ours was extremely helpful and actually seemed to care that our day go really well. If you have an onboard coordinator who is ready to make your day special then ask them about the arranging the cider.


Better yet! Bring (smuggle?) some bottles onboard and tell the on board coordinator that you already have the cider and just need to have it chilled and served!


Better yet still - If you have a fridge in your room you can handle the "chilling" part - just elect someone at the reception (non wedding participant, friend, sibling) be in charge of hunting down some chamnpagne glasses and pour cider before the toast.


Okay, I deviated ffrom the original topic (I am a problem solver by nature)


RR/TWE sux donkey balls!

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I cant believe it!! With such a good reputation they forgot a detail? No!:D

Good call Sas80.... I like the smuggling idea. I am hopeful that the onboard coodinator will be easier to work with. I guess she couldn't be harder to work with than RR. Where are your wedding pics posted? Did you like them? I am nervous about the pictures.

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I cant believe it!! With such a good reputation they forgot a detail? No!:D

Good call Sas80.... I like the smuggling idea. I am hopeful that the onboard coodinator will be easier to work with. I guess she couldn't be harder to work with than RR. Where are your wedding pics posted? Did you like them? I am nervous about the pictures.


Our wedding pics are here


"Stacey and Dan's wedding album"


They are a mix of the photographer and our guests.


By the cheapest package that includes the negatives!!! Walmart can put all of them onto a CD for pennies a picture.


Also make sure your guests take lots of pics too.

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Your pictures are great!! I have heard they try to get you to buy all the pictures for 2000 or something, which I am not doing. Do you remember how much the cheapest pictures were?

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