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I was drugged in Costa Maya - Majahual - BEWARE!!

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I will. There were at least 2 others. But I already know all Carnival ccers from this forum who were on board. One didn't drink her drink. She was also with us for a while. She said it tasted bad and gave it to my sister. Then my sister had another drink with me at the next place. Our other female cc friend didn't get one there. In fact, I forget if she was still there or maybe she left already. I was losing my memory by then.


I will post at Costa Maya forum which is more important than at the Carnival site. All of my cc friends are here which is why I came here first. More people read here than at ports of call I think, too.



If you are thinking that the drink that tasted bad could have been tainted as well, it would definately not have been Rohypnol. Rohypnol is odorless, colorless and tasteless--thus making it easy to use to spike drinks.

If you are suggesting that the drug caused the drink to taste bad, it

most likely would have been some other substance.

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I think we can blame this on Carnival, they shouldn't have brought you there, they probably had it all planned... just kidding Carnival :p ;) !


But how was the cruise before you had all this happen? Did you at least get to have a good time for a few days? I just feel terrible that happened to you on your vacation.


Funny! I just addressed this thought.

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I am lucky my husband doesn't blame me. My sister isn't so lucky - she can't even tell her husband what happened for fear of his reaction. It was my husband who insisted I warn my cc friends of what could happen. We all know it can happen anywhere but don't believe it will happen to us especially near the port where the ships take us all. I still say I shouldn't have been drinking - at least in port. It never dawned on me. I feel really stupid. Thank you for your kind post.


Gina, we all make mistakes and we're never too old to learn. The most important thing is this mistake didn't cost you your life. You're doing an honorable thing by warning everyone else. Thank you.

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If you are thinking that the drink that tasted bad could have been tainted as well, it would definately not have been Rohypnol. Rohypnol is odorless, colorless and tasteless--thus making it easy to use to spike drinks.

If you are suggesting that the drug caused the drink to taste bad, it

most likely would have been some other substance.

No, I didn't think it tasted bad. It was very limey. It was the woman who bought it, didn't drink it, and gave it to my sister that said it tasted bad. My sister said it tasted good. We assumed our female friend didn't like margaritas or the taste of tequila. Not everyone likes the taste of everything. She never said it tasted drugged....just bad. That was why I drank mine - it tasted fine.

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You were extremely lucky then. They have one of the most corrupt police forces in the world in Mexico and that I know first hand.


I was only nervous about the speed limit initially km vs mph, but by the end I was zooming when the road was open just like some taxis and buses where.

The people there were friendly. I actually saw a tourist, I presumed she was an American woman, try to rip off a shoplady by asking her if she could break this($20 bill), I thought to myself surely. Then she gets her changed back and says I gave you a $100. The poor woman said no I no have. I backed up the shop lady and said I saw the $20. It was sad because when the tourist pulled out the $20 I saw a picture of her teenage child, and thought thats a mean example for a mother to have. I admit one of the shop ladys wanted a bunch of money for a doll, but I had common sense and just laughed when she said she had 20 kids at home to feed.


I guess we will know more about the OP when she gets her blood work back.

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First please, just let me give you a big virtual ((((((hug))))))) and tell you that I am so glad that you made it home safe. I am so sorry this happened to you but so thankful that you obviously had someone in a higher place looking out for you!:o


As well, not that I would wish this upon anyone, but I am thankful that you are so well known and loved here that we know this really happened and don't even have to question it's validity. Because of this, many people will get the warning they need about being more aware of buying drinks in Mexico or anywhere while on their cruise, the positives of staying in groups etc. I think we all know if someone else had reported this we would have jumped all over him or her with questioning remarks :( .


I'm sorry this happened to you, and I hope you are able to prove that that particular drug is infact what was in your system. Perhaps Carnival could include in their guide to the port a warning about being observant about the drinks they get etc.


For my personal safety, I've chosen never to drink off the boat. Perhaps a little drastic but when it comes down to it, you can really only count on yourself. When my friends took off without me in port one day, that was enough reason in itself not to drink onshore.


This account, along with the deaths (and lack of interest in solving these Canadian deaths/murders in Mexico) I don't think I will be travelling to Mexico any time soon. There is risk everywhere, but I am just going to avoid it.

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It is interesting that Princess addresses this issue but evidently Carnival does not. The two lines may be owned by the same company but from my understanding operate differently.

Mexico is pretty safe if you are told situations to avoid. Heck RCI runs two ships down there all the time. Monarch goes twice a week. I really want to do the Monarch four day one.

I just for R&R and living in SO CA like the seven day Princess cruises to Mexico.Monarch does Catalina and San Diego. I like those two places.

Remember this is not your fault. But a good warning for others to be careful.

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I still say I shouldn't have been drinking - at least in port. It never dawned on me. I feel really stupid. Thank you for your kind post.


It just as easily could have been put into your food while in port. Even if you wouldn't have drank, you might not have been safe.



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Another possible drug that it could have been is GHB. It is suppose to have a salty taste and it is just as bad as rohypnol. It is found in liquid or powder form.


These date rape drugs are found all over the U.S. and there are hundreds of cases everyday in the U.S. Everybody needs to be careful when getting drinks from unknown places and people.


Try this web site they claim to have a hair test to look for these drugs, but you have to wait 30 days for your hair to grow out to get the proper sample.




Good Luck.

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icon1.gifNot adding up...

Rohypnol is a drug with a very short half life, meaning that it is metabolized very quickly in the human body.


If you were given a drug and you are still feeling the effects of it,

it is very likely that it would have been something other than



In your given situation, I would go to an emergency department,

explain the situation and that you are still having symptoms and request

that a Comprehensive Toxicology screen be preformed.


While Rohypnol would be an easy drug to use for the purpose of

robbing or raping and individual, one would not likely have symptoms

over several days time.


It is possible that you were given something else and the only way

to know for sure is to have the comprehensive toxicology screening

done. It really does not make sense to wait until you hear back from

a doctor or urgent care clinic. Just go to your local hospital

emergency room and let them handle the situation.


This sounds pretty logical to me. Please go to your local hospital emergency room ASAP!!

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I don't for the life of me understand why anyone wants to go to Mexico. We had our own event the last time we were in Mexico on a land vacation, and as much as it didn't compare to your horror, we vowed we would never go to Mexico again. No one is safe there. Just ask the family of the murder victims from here in Ontario.


My general advise, no one should go to Mexico!!!

I don't think this sort of general statement is entirely fair. We have been to Mexico several times with no incidents - and dare I say - we enjoy it! I am sorry that you had a problem there, but should the entire country be blamed for what happened? Crime happens everywhere, even in Canada. Mexico has areas that are very beautiful and full of culture, just as Canada. :rolleyes: But don't begrudge others because they WANT to go there and enjoy the diversity. We certainly don't go in with blinders on.... there are dangers EVERYWHERE you go.


Gina - I am sooooooo sorry this has happened to you. We have had plenty of drinks in Mexico with no problems. Even earlier this year when we sampled way too much moonshine tequila, the affects had warn off in just a matter of hours. We thank you for coming here to warn everyone and I also suggest you head to the ER for a screening. Please keep us updated!

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Sometimes luck has a lot to do with it - do you suppose you may have just been lucky?


There are so many places to go to where the risk is just isn't as high as it is in Mexico.


So true. I live in PA and will now make sure to ask for an unopen bottle of beer from places in PA. You just don't know, it can happen anywhere.

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I don't think this sort of general statement is entirely fair. We have been to Mexico several times with no incidents - and dare I say - we enjoy it! I am sorry that you had a problem there, but should the entire country be blamed for what happened? Crime happens everywhere, even in Canada. Mexico has areas that are very beautiful and full of culture, just as Canada. :rolleyes: But don't begrudge others because they WANT to go there and enjoy the diversity. We certainly don't go in with blinders on.... there are dangers EVERYWHERE you go.


Gina - I am sooooooo sorry this has happened to you. We have had plenty of drinks in Mexico with no problems. Even earlier this year when we sampled way too much moonshine tequila, the affects had warn off in just a matter of hours. We thank you for coming here to warn everyone and I also suggest you head to the ER for a screening. Please keep us updated!


Actually I feel obligated to warn people, however my warning does not constitute a banning, therefore, like everyone else I do have a right to say it.


Of course there are more who go and enjoy it - certainly more than are held up, drugged, robbed and murdered. However because I know the police down there won't help I feel I would be remiss if I didn't warn others.

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This sounds pretty logical to me. Please go to your local hospital emergency room ASAP!!

At this point it's not considered an emergency. The rape treatment center and the clinic think I should just see my doctor tomorrow. If I went to the clinic it would only be for a drug test that they think is already too late. They said they charge $100 to walk in and the testing price is unknown since the lab is shut. I never heard of this clinic - I found it on line - and there are plenty of rip off clinics in Miami. They end up in the news enough for me to be leary of unheard of clinics. Although they did suggest what a previous poster just said, It could also be GHB.


I am not in a deteriorating condition. It's already a full 4 days. It's obvious to me what happened and at this point I don't want to pay out of pocket, more than the cost of the cruise, for evidence that will do nothing but give me in writing what I know. Evidence which most sources claim is only available during the first 72 hours post ingestion.


Since it happened, I've taken 4 advil, 2 bonine, and 2 excedrin (not all at once) which may not have gone over so well on top of whatever was put in the drink. I've called my own doctor's office and left a message on their non-emergency system. I don't want to instantly beep someone in order to ask how long rohypnol stays in the system. My original plan was to see my doctor tomorrow and every place I've called has confirmed this to be the best course of action. This is not an emergency at this point. All it is, is a warning about drinking in port or anywhere, and what can happen when you least expect it.


I still think that when I got one look at Majahual and the gunned men, I should have said, no way...I'm not drinking anything here but an unopened can of coke.

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At this point it's not considered an emergency. The rape treatment center and the clinic think I should just see my doctor tomorrow. If I went to the clinic it would only be for a drug test that they think is already too late. They said they charge $100 to walk in and the testing price is unknown since the lab is shut. I never heard of this clinic - I found it on line - and there are plenty of rip off clinics in Miami. They end up in the news enough for me to be leary of unheard of clinics. Although they did suggest what a previous poster just said, It could also be GHB.


I am not in a deteriorating condition. It's already a full 4 days. It's obvious to me what happened and at this point I don't want to pay out of pocket, more than the cost of the cruise, for evidence that will do nothing but give me in writing what I know. Evidence which most sources claim is only available during the first 72 hours post ingestion.


Since it happened, I've taken 4 advil, 2 bonine, and 2 excedrin (not all at once) which may not have gone over so well on top of whatever was put in the drink. I've called my own doctor's office and left a message on their non-emergency system. I don't want to instantly beep someone in order to ask how long rohypnol stays in the system. My original plan was to see my doctor tomorrow and every place I've called has confirmed this to be the best course of action. This is not an emergency at this point. All it is, is a warning about drinking in port or anywhere, and what can happen when you least expect it.


I still think that when I got one look at Majahual and the gunned men, I should have said, no way...I'm not drinking anything here but an unopened can of coke.


mommabean- Gosh I am so sorry that this happened to you, my heart just aches for you :( :( ....totally unfair. But, what you're doing to educate us will be inavaluable for those of us to take heed of, in the future for our cruises. Please keep us posted as to what happens and if there's anything we can do to help you. Take special care of yourself.

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Mommabean, there's nothing I can add that hasn't been said so will add my own horrors that you had to go through this. Now let's just hope that your doctor has some answers.


A good friend of mine was at a resort area a few years ago with family. They were at a club of some sort, had gone in separate cars and when family decided to leave she stayed behind. It was still early, and she was enjoying a band that was playing.


That's the last thing she remembers until she was pulled over by the cops at about 6:00 a.m. and charged with DUI. For some reason she refused a breatholiser test--she thinks because even then she knew she couldn't be drunk. The whole thing wound up being a fiasco, and she was not tested for drugs or rape, but she's convinced someone slipped GHB into her drink and is also pretty sure she was raped. She had to hire an attorney to keep her from losing her driver's license.


All of the above is to say that such things happen. They happen in the US; they happen in Mexico. And wherever they happen it's terrible and leaves the victim feeling guilty and vulnerable and scared even when she's done nothing wrong.


I am so glad your husband understands and just wish your sister's DH would understand, too.

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mommabean I am so sorry this has happened to you. I have read so many of your posts and gained so much from them - thank you. Thank you also for alerting us to what happened to you. You are a very courageous woman and should be respected for that. I agree with the OPs sentiments thanking God that you are home safe. I will not only pray for you but also for your poor sister who seems to have only you for support. Stay strong and God bless.

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I am sorry this happened to you. Thank you for the warning.


It should also be noted that this sort of thing can also happen on a ship! Who knows how many women fall victim to this sort of thing? How many remember it happening? How many went overboard? :(

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I'm a nurse as well, and I did drug screening for years. I am not sure one dose will show up in a hair sample, and besides the hair would have to grow out some. Drugs are actually kind of poorly deposited in hair, well some are. When someone flunks a hair test they took quite a bit for it to deposit in hair. By the way, I would go to the er, and would not go to my family doctor. They might not even have the proper tubes to put the blood in for the particular test. I would feel better with going to the hosp. TODAY! By the way, I am so sorry this happened to you. I am going to this port in Sept. and this scares me! I'm not one to really drink, but it has crossed my mind to get a fruity drink just for the special occasion, even if it was just a virgin one. A virgin drink could be tained just as an alcoholic one could. I will be super safe when I go there. I was really looking forward to going to this port, but now I am having second thoughts! I already heard about the armed guards, and that seeemed scary to me.

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Mommabean, Lesson learned for me. I've been to Costa Maya many times but never gave it a thought to watch what I drank. I will in future. My husband when I told him your story just reminded me that I ordered Sangria in a sidewalk cafe in Malaga Spain last week because I wanted to have the experience. As he just said, It could have been me and I never gave it a thought at the time.

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