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Lawsuit Filed By Family of Mariner Overboard

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You've got to be kidding. This is copied from a line on the link:


The suit says crew members never intervened to make sure DiPiero made it safely back to his cabin.


After someone had 5 drinks in 4 hours????? Before you know it there will be a crew member as a babysitter for every passenger.


I feel for the family that lost their loved one, but I am so tired of stupid lawsuits. $15,000 is what they are looking for.......sounds like what funeral arrangements cost.

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i may get flack for this opinion but.....................i do not feel that if someone gets drunk or takes drugs and goes overboard and dies that they should be able to sue rci for actions they took causing their own demise-


if same guy had too much to drink in his hotel room on the 10th floor and fell off his balcony - and dies- does his family sue the hotel? what if he drinks too much and falls out of his 2nd floor bedroom window ( think superman) and dies? who does the family sue then?


we have to take responsibility for our own actions and pay the consequences for those said actions- imho-

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You've got to be kidding. This is copied from a line on the link:


The suit says crew members never intervened to make sure DiPiero made it safely back to his cabin.


After someone had 5 drinks in 4 hours????? Before you know it there will be a crew member as a babysitter for every passenger.


I feel for the family that lost their loved one, but I am so tired of stupid lawsuits. $15,000 is what they are looking for.......sounds like what funeral arrangements cost.

This is a case where your quote is out of context. The deceased and his friends smuggled liquor on board, drank all afternoon,, and he was so drunk that he was cut off in one bar. The key is not how many RCCL served him but how intoxicated he was, and even RCCL seems to say he was pretty drunk.


Having said that I do not think the family should recover anything because there is the issue of personal responsibility.

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This is a case where your quote is out of context. The deceased and his friends smuggled liquor on board, drank all afternoon,, and he was so drunk that he was cut off in one bar. The key is not how many RCCL served him but how intoxicated he was, and even RCCL seems to say he was pretty drunk.


Having said that I do not think the family should recover anything because there is the issue of personal responsibility.

Personal responsiblity is something seen very infrequently in the ER. Every shift someone wants to blame someone for their behavior. I am not surprised that the family has a lawyer and wants some money. This is one of those cases that is causing everyone to be forced to no longer carry on their favorite soda, bottled water or even some rum. It is sad that the person lost their life but PERSONAL responsibility has be assumed at some point. I know this is not McDonalds but we lost most personal responsibility with the hot coffee in the lap...now, whoever would have thought hot coffee would have been hot? Whomever would think drinking all day would lead to some dumb activities on ship, or in a car?

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i may get flack for this opinion but.....................i do not feel that if someone gets drunk or takes drugs and goes overboard and dies that they should be able to sue rci for actions they took causing their own demise-


if same guy had too much to drink in his hotel room on the 10th floor and fell off his balcony - and dies- does his family sue the hotel? what if he drinks too much and falls out of his 2nd floor bedroom window ( think superman) and dies? who does the family sue then?


we have to take responsibility for our own actions and pay the consequences for those said actions- imho-


Cldn't agree more - voice of reason & logic...but we aren't going to be liked by the lawyers..

Lets also remember that its usually juries that award settlements - perhaps those selected for juries shld put aside their prejudices & 'vote' NO to frivolous lawsuits & settlements instead of endorsing the 'lets sock it to the one with the deepest pockets' routine.

I suppose they hope someday they will be the one to take home cash hmmm?


Sad and for most of us who will pay for these settlements expensive...U don't suppose the companies absorb those settlements do u - heck no - they up the price of the goods we purchase to help cover same..

..Something to consider if u are ever called to that type of jury duty!!


Perhaps someone can tell me why the cruiselines don't sue the 'rescued' or the families for expenses in recovering these 'idiots' from the water - Must be very costly and again we cruisers are paying for the priviledge of doing it thru our increased cruise fares..

GEE if it was done - do u suppose then there wld be fewer folks taking an illicit swim in the ocean..hmmm?

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Arg parents these days!!!! Come on your little boy was 21 - YOU forgot to tell him HE WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS NOW! Being an adult means I no longer require a babysitter. If you thought he needed a babysitter Dad? Why was he out and about drinking with out you?


I hope the judge throws this out because it is time ADULTS (by the way little Miss Hilton included) learn to act as such and take responsibility.


By the way now you wonder why RCCL and others have tightened down on what we as ADULTS can bring an consume - this is it!! Stupid, immature kids who want to be adults.



Sorry this kind of thing just gets my knickers in a knot because of it all adults are thrown into a single pot and we lose our adults rights in the process...

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Very sad for the family that they lost their son this way. However, they did smuggle alcohol on board, and where were all his friends while he was roaming the ship in middle of the night? Guess they too were all drunk from all the liquor. Only 5 drinks in 4 hours is not excessive, but put lots more of your own in there, and it is a problem.


This family is from our neck of the woods. Yes, it is a tragedy, buy at 21 years of age, he should have known better. Ships move in the ocean, and when one crawls up over the rail, one has the possibility of falling over as the ship sways in the water.

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Like others, I feel for the loss his family is experiencing and it's human to want to blame someone, but honestly this type of suing mentality is a serious sickness in this country.


As someone else states, people should be responsible for their own behavior. Why is it RCI's responsibility to tell someone how much or little alcohol they can handle and manage not to launch themselves over the side of a ship? I mean, really. This kind of attitude infuriates me.

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i am sorry this young man lost his life-


i have been a juror in a case involving the worker guy versus a big cable company- worker guy worked for cable company- i sided with the ones telling the truth = cable company- in this case- so i guess i have voted no to frivolous lawsuits- and no to the ones with the deep pockets always being the big looser just because the little guy wants his part...........using lies and ignorance to get it- :)

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Well as possible jurors of our "peers" , I agree with above post. Vote no to frivilous law suits. Stop giving them money and rewarding them. Let's not forget the women who sued McDonalds when she was burned with hot coffee while driving and awarded how much??? lots..

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i may get flack for this opinion but.....................i do not feel that if someone gets drunk or takes drugs and goes overboard and dies that they should be able to sue rci for actions they took causing their own demise-


if same guy had too much to drink in his hotel room on the 10th floor and fell off his balcony - and dies- does his family sue the hotel? what if he drinks too much and falls out of his 2nd floor bedroom window ( think superman) and dies? who does the family sue then?


we have to take responsibility for our own actions and pay the consequences for those said actions- imho-


With all due respect to the gentleman's family, where does personal responsibility come in? Is is McDonalds' fault that I ate too many cheeseburgers and am now overweight? Is it RCI's fault that this passsenger had too much too drink? These ships have thousands of passengers and it would be impossible to monitor everyone!


That being said, I am sure that the family is just devastated. It is terrible to lose a child, especially to something so senseless. I just think that there is a degree of personal responsibility that is being overlooked here.


(cringing.....waiting for the flames to consume me!):(

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I feel for the family that lost their loved one, but I am so tired of stupid lawsuits. $15,000 is what they are looking for.......sounds like what funeral arrangements cost.


they never found the body.....what funeral?

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I was on that cruise...


This "childs" actions severely cramped my vacation!


Not only were we stuck in St. Thomas until late at night because the FBI and family was on the ship, but I had to deal with the emotional tug of war of deciding weather I should be upset because someone lost their life OR I should be selfish and continue on as if nothing happened becasue, after all, this was my vacation that I paid thousands of dollars for...!


It was quite a dicotomy (sp!) to be in the middle of.


Whom do I sue for the emotional distress? The family of the child who drank himself into a stupor that lead to his death? RCCL for serving him?


RCCL's bartender could not have known that there was smuggled alcohol in the mans room. And bartenders are not cops or psychologists - they cant legitimately judge a persons threshold for booze.


This was terrible and tragic accident that could have been avoided if the young man would have shown some restraint. This is no ones fault except for the young man whom consumed too much booze!

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$15,000 is what they are looking for.......sounds like what funeral arrangements cost.


The article indicated that damages in excess of $15,000.00 were being sought. It does not specify the amount. The "in excess of $15,000.00" is a jurisdictional requirement to be able to bring the matter before a jury. I am sure that the family is looking for far more than a mere $15K.


The allegation that the cruiseline failed to warn the "victim" that leaning over a railing on a ship at sea, while it is dark, does not pass the straight face test. It appears to have been a tragic accident caused by the "victim's" own irresponsibility. No one forced the alcohol into the young man's system.

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With all due respect to the gentleman's family, where does personal responsibility come in?


It's the American motto now: "IT'S NOT MY FAULT!"


From RCI's ticket contract: "Passenger warrants that he and those traveling with him are fir for travel and that such travel will not endanger themselves or others.

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It is time people take responsibility for their own actions. Everyone wants to blame the cruiseline.....you have to be either really drunk and somehow fall off or jump off.....no other way around it (or over it shall i say). LOL


Thank goodness I am not on the jury because if it were up to me, the family would not only get -0-, but also be paying all the legal fees and court costs for RCCL.


Whether it is $15,000 or $.15, the family should not get a dime. I really sympathize with them but all I can say is "PEOPLE SHOULD NOT DRINK THEMSELVES INTO OBLIVION" if they aren't willing to pay the consequences.


By the way, I am cruising on the Rhapsody on 5/20 and not planning on falling overboard but should something happen, I do know my hubby won't be filing suit. He wants to help keep cruising costs down so he can take another one in my memory! :-) :-) :-)

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People always want to sue when something doesn't go as planned.


If you ever saw "Airline" people would threaten to sue Southwest when their flight got delayed by weather :rolleyes: or if their seat was given away to a stand-by passenger when they were not there 5 minutes before departure. In particular, one family I recall was going from Chicago (MDW) to Tampa for a cruise. On the DAY OF their cruise they got to the airport late and missed their flight, and probably their ship.

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Personal responsiblity is something seen very infrequently in the ER. Every shift someone wants to blame someone for their behavior. I am not surprised that the family has a lawyer and wants some money. This is one of those cases that is causing everyone to be forced to no longer carry on their favorite soda, bottled water or even some rum. It is sad that the person lost their life but PERSONAL responsibility has be assumed at some point. I know this is not McDonalds but we lost most personal responsibility with the hot coffee in the lap...now, whoever would have thought hot coffee would have been hot? Whomever would think drinking all day would lead to some dumb activities on ship, or in a car?


Thank you Sandy. The deceased and friend smuggled alcohol aboard, (so they tried to circumvent a restriction, thinking they were really smart of course) and a tragedy occurred. ....and they want RCI to be responsible. Unbelievable.


Fran in Toronto

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I feel if anyone is going to be sued, it should be the kids friends who allowed him to get drunk by smuggling alcohol into the cabin. They videotaped the whole thing.


It is unfortunate that the young man died, but it was his own lack of responsibility that it happened. Isn't it strange that now that the two other kids fell/jumped and survived, the parents are using that as part of their lawsuit. Geez, what if they hadn't survived, would the parents not had that to use as ammunition so there wouldn't have been a suit?


This kind of reminds me of the guy who got into a fight on a cruise to Bermuda. He broke someone's nose and was put in jail. His father went to Bermuda and raised hell because his son was put in jail. Again, no responsibility for his own actions.


It seems to me we have an epidemic of that going on. As mentioned, poor Paris, everything happens to her and with a mother like she has, it's no wonder she feels no responsibility.


If you want to be treated as an adult, accept responsibility for your actions. You did it, you pay the consequences.


Off my soapbox--at least for now.



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My fear is too many lawsuits mean the cruise lines

will do away with alcohol? Or figure some system to only allow so many drinks per day per person?


As for the smuggling, not sure how they can handle that situation. That alone should be a reason the judge could throw the case out. Let's hope!:rolleyes:

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The suit says the cruise line didn't warn him that it was dangerous to be on an exterior deck near the railing at night while the ship was at sea.


It is not dangerous. I'm tired of this one. I remember the aunt or the mom or someone on the news here in Cleveland ...sob, sob, "how did they let this happen to my baby?", sob, sob... Yes, I am sorry he is dead. I don't know him or the family, but it is always hard to lose someone, especially a young someone. But my gosh. I think it's safe to say mostly everyone reading this post has cruised? YOU CAN'T JUST FALL OFF!!!!!!!! It is completely safe to be on deck at night. Oh, yeah, unless you accidently trip, and get launched 5 feet up and over the railing. The ship wasn't pitching. If it was, you'd still have to try to get over the railing. I hope this case gets a good judge and jury, and these people just go away. Hmmmm. If I'm walking on a nature path at night, and climb over the fence to "get a better view" and then fall down a cliff, can my family sue the park system because nobody "told" me it's dangerous to walk the trail at night?

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