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Denali shuttles and camper bus - Kantishna?


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Originally posted by fti in another Alaska thread



Tip - use the shuttle buses to your advantage during your stay in Kantishna. You will be traveling east in the morning when most people are traveling west, and vice versa. There is a camper bus from Kantishna to the park entrance about 6.30-7am. Get on that bus heading east maybe to Polychrome or not that far. Then take a shuttle back toward Kantishna later in the day - the busses are a great way to see wildlife.


If you like hiking, the McKinley Bar Trail starts near Wonder Lake Campground and is a very easy but nice trail. The only formal trail not near the park entrance. Your lodging has info.


Most likely your lodging might have bicycles and/or canoes for rent/loan. Canoeing on Wonder Lake would be pretty cool.


John, I want to pursue this. We will have one evening plus a whole day and then a morning in Kantishna. The Lodge offers transportation to Wonder Lake in the evening. Early the next day I would love to catch the bus East to see some early morning critters, hopefully bears! Our Lodge also has bikes for loan. It's about 5 miles to Wonder Lake from Kantishna, isn't it? How strenuous a ride is it? Fairly level, or serious hills?


Do I need to pre-buy Park Shuttle/Camper bus seats, or does my Park Pass that I get from staying at the Lodge allow me access to the buses?


BTW I'm happy for anyone's input - I just quoted fti because I had the original discussion with him. :)




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I am still here and love answering questions re: Denali. I am not sure what type of ticket the lodge gives you. You might have to ask them. When staying at Wonder Lake, I have only purchased camper bus tickets that allow unlimited travel in either direction west of mile 20 for my entire stay.


I know that you can travel east with no problem. When you come back west though, the drivers often ask for your ticket. Camper bus tickets are valid for as long as you stay west of mile 20. Ask your lodge if they are giving you a ticket that is similar to a camper bus ticket or if not, what it is and if there is an additional cost. Camper bus tickets cost $25 so if the lodge is charging you more than that, you are best off buying a camper bus ticket online at www.nps.gov/dena for the date you arrive into Kantishna. Then it would be valid for the rest of your stay.


If Mt. McKinley is "out" definitely get on a bike for a while. Actually Wonder Lake is very long - it is about 5 miles from Kantishna to the east end of Wonder Lake (the campground). But far less than that from Kantishna to the western edge of Wonder Lake (Kantishna is west of Wonder Lake). There are some hills but you can easily just walk your bike up the hills. Figure a $40/day savings if the bikes are free (that is the cost at the Denali Outdoor Center). It is a bit of a bike ride to Reflection Pond (that is almost 5 miles from your lodge) but if Mt. McKinley is "out" it is a beautiful sight to see and a great photo. I have a photo at twilight (midnight) from last June hanging above my desk as I type this!


Before getting on the lodge's bus at the park entrance, ask the Wilderness Access Center for a bus schedule. A camper bus leaves from Kantishna early in the morning (usually 6.30am from Wonder Lake to Kantishna and gets to the park entrance in time to catch the train to Anchorage). This schedule will help give you an idea of bus times returning to Kantishna. Don't miss the last one! There are fewer buses to Kantishna than to Wonder Lake. Depending on the bus schedule and your interests, you MIGHT want to take a bike from your lodge to Wonder Lake campground (camper buses can take bikes, but not shuttle buses), leave it there then if the Wonder Lake shuttles run later than the Kantishna ones, you can take a Wonder Lake shuttle back west, pick up your bike and bike the 5 miles back to Kantishna. I haven't checked the frequency of the Wonder Lake vs. Kantishna shuttles but I know there are fewer to Kantishna.


For bears, you probably want to go no further east than Toklat, then hop a bus back west. If you see bears but the bus driver doesn't want to stay as long as you would like, travel 1 mile further on that bus, get off and hop a different bus back - "shuttle surfing".


With either your lodge's bus pass or anything else they might need to sell you, you travel "space available" on the shuttle buses. Any green bus (camper or shuttle bus) is available for you to use.


When will you be there? I forget. I am there July 2-5.



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I am still here and love answering questions re: Denali. ...When will you be there? I forget. I am there July 2-5.




John, I knew you were still here, I just didn't want to presume. :)


This is fabulous information. I'm printing it out and keeping it with my Alaska papers. :D


I just emailed my contact at Denali Lodge, asking the bus pass question. She has been very good about getting back to me immediately. When she does, I'll post it here for others. If they don't have anything set up for bus passes, I'll be more than happy to buy the Camper Bus tickets in order to have the freedom to move about as we please.


We'll be there inside the park Aug 26-28, and travelling to and from the park on the 25th and 28th, so hopefully sometime in those 4 days, we'll be graced by a glimpse of Denali. If not, I'll have to be happy with seeing her up close and personal via flightseeing.


Do you have your photos up anywhere, like on Webshots or Kodak? I'd love to see them!


Wow, thanks again, this is going to make my trip so much more enjoyable!



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You are going to LOVE Denali NP. And staying in Kantishna, you will have a completely different (i.e. better) experience than daytrippers.


I don't have photos on any website (thought about that but just hasn't happened yet).


I think your chances of seeing Denali GREATLY increase by spending the nights in Kantishna - be sure to check in the evening or early morning. We saw her for 15 hours last summer but only from 7pm onward - the daytrippers missed it!


Have warm clothes - it is 2000 ft above sea level there and can get cold (was cool even in June last year). You will LOVE the fall colors that should be starting by then.



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I heard back from Kelly at Denali Lodge. She says they don't issue bus passes because the buses don't stop there, and if I want to catch a camper/shuttle bus, we'll need to hike over to where they stop.


The fact that she wrote "hike" instead of "walk" makes me think it might be bit of a distance, lol. I'm going to get on the 'net today and see if I can find a map with actual distances between the Kantishna Mine (where, apparently, the buses stop) and the Roadhouse and the Lodge.


Unless you already know, John? :)


I checked out the camper bus passes at the website. It looks like I'll have to wait until the end of June when the Lodge sends us our "vouchers", in order to be able to apply for a camper bus pass, because you must have either Backcountry permit or reserved campsite to get one.


No worries, I have time.


I will most likely buy the bus tickets, just to give us a little more freedom to move about. Especially if there's a lot of bear activity out near Toklat!


I can't wait to spend time inside Denali! I envy you the camping experience. It would just be too much to haul, along with our cruise luggage. Maybe next time we'll just head directly for Denali, and camp. :D



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I heard back from Kelly at Denali Lodge. She says they don't issue bus passes because the buses don't stop there, and if I want to catch a camper/shuttle bus, we'll need to hike over to where they stop.


The fact that she wrote "hike" instead of "walk" makes me think it might be bit of a distance, lol. I'm going to get on the 'net today and see if I can find a map with actual distances between the Kantishna Mine (where, apparently, the buses stop) and the Roadhouse and the Lodge.


Unless you already know, John? :)


It can not be very far - if 1 mile that is probably a lot, I am sure much less? But I am not familiar with Denali Lodge/where they are located.


I checked out the camper bus passes at the website. It looks like I'll have to wait until the end of June when the Lodge sends us our "vouchers", in order to be able to apply for a camper bus pass, because you must have either Backcountry permit or reserved campsite to get one.


No worries, I have time.


I will most likely buy the bus tickets, just to give us a little more freedom to move about. Especially if there's a lot of bear activity out near Toklat!


I would call them rather than use the net. Explain your situation and I am sure they can reserve the camper bus tickets for you on the phone. Same with the 3-for2 day passes - you can't seem to buy them on the net. The net is great for some things but for others, nothing like picking up the phone! Also be sure that they don't charge you a $10 per person park entrance fee if you are already paying that to Denali Lodge.


I can't wait to spend time inside Denali! I envy you the camping experience. It would just be too much to haul, along with our cruise luggage. Maybe next time we'll just head directly for Denali, and camp. :D




Last year we did just that - camp at Denali then a week cruise. Was kind of funny hauling my camping equipment and my suit! But friends from my city came with me just to Denali so they hauled my camping stuff back with them. Other friends who came were ingenious - they bought camping stuff at walmart.com and had it shipped to friends in Anchorage, waiting for them when they arrived! We actually tried to get the Skyline Lodge in Kantishna but even booking 7 months in advance one of the three nights we needed was full. Skyline is very reasonable - something under $200/night for two people.


Next month I am camping just because I love setting up my tent at Wonder Lake campground with the door facing Denali. If the mountain is "out" at night, I can sit in my tent (no mosquitos) all night and admire! Or wake up to it first thing in the morning. Note - no mosquitos when you are going (only earlier in the season). Plus, I get double use of the camping equipment this year, since I am going to Katmai shortly after Denali. There I am camping since I don't want to pay over $300/night for a dorm-style room and camping costs $8/night!


Any other questions, just ask. Question for you - is your cruise after your land tour? Is your itin posted on any of the threads? Just curious what your itin is.



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I would call them rather than use the net. ... Also be sure that they don't charge you a $10 per person park entrance fee if you are already paying that to Denali Lodge.


...Plus, I get double use of the camping equipment this year, since I am going to Katmai shortly after Denali. There I am camping since I don't want to pay over $300/night for a dorm-style room and camping costs $8/night!...


Any other questions, just ask. Question for you - is your cruise after your land tour? Is your itin posted on any of the threads? Just curious what your itin is.




Will do on the calling rather than the 'net. I've got a confirmation number from Denali Lodges, so that should do it.


OMG you're going camping with bears! I would do that in a New York Minute. Maybe next year. Got any links so I can see where y'all are going to be?


Tour before cruise. As it happens, I recently posted my itinerary on our roll call:




Although I love this itinerary,there's still so much more I want to do in Alaska. Guess there will just have to be a next time. :D



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Your itinerary sounds great. I love it that you are flying back from Kantishna to the park entrance.


So you are also staying in the Extended Stay Deluxe. I am there two different nights and my friend who arrives one night before me into Anchorage will be there the night before I arrive. That was a great deal.


The bears at Katmai are supposed to be really great (though Brooks Falls can be a bit of a zoo in July). Once the daytrippers leave though, the 125 or so people staying at the lodge or campground will have the viewing platforms to themselves. The lodge costs +-$300/person/night but the campground only $8. I could not afford the lodge even if I wanted to stay there! www.nps.gov/katm gives you the info on the national park where I am staying.


Fortunately I accumulate a lot of frequent flyer miles (mostly through charging, also through flying). Delta allows a free stop en route so I can fly from MN to Anchorage, stop, then continue to King Salmon (close to Katmai) all for one award ticket. Just Anchorage go King Salmon round trip would cost $400!


I am already planning my summer 2008 AK trip - in July. Probably fly first to Gustavus (Glacier Bay) for 3 nights, then to Juneau for 4 nights, then fly to Wrangell and take a boat to Anan Creek. Hopefully we can reserve the Anan Bay cabin for two nights and watch bears all day! Then back to Wrangell and back to MN. Probably all but Juneau-Gustavus-Juneau will be with frequent flyer tickets (and the boat to Anan of course).


I can't get enough of Alaska, so I know what you mean about "next time."


I have relatives in Los Angeles. I am going to Sacramento for Christmas but not sure when I will get back to LA. No rush (too much traffic!)

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Your itinerary sounds great. I love it that you are flying back from Kantishna to the park entrance.


The lodge costs +-$300/person/night but the campground only $8. I could not afford the lodge even if I wanted to stay there! www.nps.gov/katm gives you the info on the national park where I am staying.


I can't get enough of Alaska, so I know what you mean about "next time."


I have relatives in Los Angeles. I am going to Sacramento for Christmas but not sure when I will get back to LA. No rush (too much traffic!)


I was on the fence about flying back to the entrance, because I know that it is the bus rides that afford the best chance of seeing critters. But I couldn't pass up the chance to see Denali up close and personal (hopefully twice), and I also figured we're driving back to Anchorage that afternoon, so didn't really want to be sitting on a bus 5-6 hours prior to that!


I went to the Katmai website. Wow. That is definitely living with bears. I think maybe I would want more solid walls between me and the bears, but what an adventure! How long will you be camping there? I will want to hear all about it when you get back.


Yeah I moved to L.A. in 1977, when there was more smog but less traffic. Go figure. I live 4.5 miles from my workplace, use surface streets back and forth, and last night it took me 1/2 hour to get home. :mad: Maybe that's why I yearn for the wide open spaces of Alaska.


One good turn deserves another: you saved us about $300 on our hotel, so the next time you're in L.A., let me know and I'll pick you up at the airport and take you where you're going. :)



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I went to the Katmai website. Wow. That is definitely living with bears. I think maybe I would want more solid walls between me and the bears, but what an adventure! How long will you be camping there? I will want to hear all about it when you get back.


Though Brooks can be a zoo in July from what I have heard, the prized times will be early in the morning and later in the day when the day trippers are gone. I would like more "security" from the bears too but I figure the park service is not stupid enough to let us camp there if it were not safe.


I camp there for three nights. Basically have almost three full days there (arrive late on day one, but don't leave until late on day four). Should be plenty of time for bear watching, maybe the hike up the mountain that is mentioned on the website and maybe the Valley of 10,000 Smokes tour.


One good turn deserves another: you saved us about $300 on our hotel, so the next time you're in L.A., let me know and I'll pick you up at the airport and take you where you're going. :)




I will let you know. I am glad that I posted about that Hotwire rate. Seems like several people took advantage of it. NancyIL will be there next week in fact. I was just on the phone yesterday and today with vendors re: Anan Creek for next July. Hopefully we will be able to get the Anan Bay Cabin there for two nights. It is a 1 mile walk from there to the bears. The key will be to book exactly 180 days in advance! What am I doing in January?!?



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