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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hello Everyone!!!

I would like you all to meet....WEXLER!!!! You already know how awsome he is. But he is AWSOME!!!!! We are so happy. We got the greatest dog. He thinks hes a lap dog. He puts his head on Johns lap to be patted. He just loves to be cuddled and hugged. We really lucked out. Don't get me wrong all the dogs are great. We call him "Sexy Wexy" . John has worked so so hard and has done a great job. I'm so proud of him. Tomorrow is the testing day. John has a written test in the morning and then we go to the mall to get public certification. Friday is graduation and then Saturday we go home!!!!!!!! :D:D:D. Well enough blabbing from me, here's some pics.


Cindy, John & Wexler


The pics don't do him justice. Maybe the professional pics they took here will be better.




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Hello Everyone!!!

I would like you all to meet....WEXLER!!!! You already know how awsome he is. But he is AWSOME!!!!! We are so happy. We got the greatest dog. He thinks hes a lap dog. He puts his head on Johns lap to be patted. He just loves to be cuddled and hugged. We really lucked out. Don't get me wrong all the dogs are great. We call him "Sexy Wexy" . John has worked so so hard and has done a great job. I'm so proud of him. Tomorrow is the testing day. John has a written test in the morning and then we go to the mall to get public certification. Friday is graduation and then Saturday we go home!!!!!!!! :D:D:D. Well enough blabbing from me, here's some pics.


Cindy, John & Wexler


The pics don't do him justice. Maybe the professional pics they took here will be better.


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! John/Cindy and WEXLER!!!!! Lucky for all of you to have found each other. You will have a lifetime of joy and happy times together!

Good luck with your written test and the Public Access......I have no doubt that John and Wexler will do a phenomenal job.

And then, it's GRADUATION, lots of joyful tears........And, home to Bailee, who's been waiting for all of you.

Brenda, Morey and I wish you all the best, filled with many good times, good health and a long life!!!!! :)

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Hello Everyone!!!

I would like you all to meet....WEXLER!!!! You already know how awsome he is. But he is AWSOME!!!!! We are so happy. We got the greatest dog. He thinks hes a lap dog. He puts his head on Johns lap to be patted. He just loves to be cuddled and hugged. We really lucked out. Don't get me wrong all the dogs are great. We call him "Sexy Wexy" . John has worked so so hard and has done a great job. I'm so proud of him. Tomorrow is the testing day. John has a written test in the morning and then we go to the mall to get public certification. Friday is graduation and then Saturday we go home!!!!!!!! :D:D:D. Well enough blabbing from me, here's some pics.


Cindy, John & Wexler


The pics don't do him justice. Maybe the professional pics they took here will be better.


Congrats!!!! I have been following you guys while I was traveling. Finally home now.


Wexler is so handsome! I wonder if he is a brother to one of the dogs who was raised here. That dog has a "W" name and he looks just like Wexler. Don't they all look alike though? Thanks for sending the pics.


Good luck to John and Wexler tomorrow, although I know they will do GREAT. I thought I was going to throw up I was so nervous. Just relax...they want John to go home with Wexler! They just want to make sure the two of them are safe out in public. Can't wait to see pics from graduation and to see you guys on the CCI site.


Kim and Keldon

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Oh Cindy! Thank you so much for sending the pictures! He is so handsome and what a couple him and Papa make. I am so excited for you guys. I am standing at my computer desk reading over grandson's shoulder because he is playing a game and I have about 6 inches to get to the computer, but I wasn't about to wait any longer. Bailee will just NOT be able to resist this new "guy". Write more when you can and tell us how the family is doing. Nonsense about you babbling, I love it. I can't wait for Wexler to meet his sister, going to school with dad and just settling in with everyone............WHOO HOOOOO


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Congratulations! What a beauiful familly you are! Wexler does look an alful lot like Brenda. Just think if they were to have puppies....Wow they would have a new catagory for super service dogs!!!!! I think it's great. Now all he has to do is meet Baily. Piece of cake\


Valentine's Mom and Valentine

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Congratulations! What a beauiful familly you are! Wexler does look an alful lot like Brenda. Just think if they were to have puppies....Wow they would have a new catagory for super service dogs!!!!! I think it's great. Now all he has to do is meet Baily. Piece of cake\


Valentine's Mom and Valentine


How cute is that.....:) They could do a lot of "fooling around" but' date=' no puppies![/b']

I think Brenda would have been an awesome Mom.....she's so affectionate towards her "stuffies!"

We're all excited for the "Wexler" family......I feel like I've been through the whole thing with them!

A great feeling!!!!!

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Hello Everyone!!!

I would like you all to meet....WEXLER!!!! You already know how awsome he is. But he is AWSOME!!!!! We are so happy. We got the greatest dog. He thinks hes a lap dog. He puts his head on Johns lap to be patted. He just loves to be cuddled and hugged. We really lucked out. Don't get me wrong all the dogs are great. We call him "Sexy Wexy" . John has worked so so hard and has done a great job. I'm so proud of him. Tomorrow is the testing day. John has a written test in the morning and then we go to the mall to get public certification. Friday is graduation and then Saturday we go home!!!!!!!! :D:D:D. Well enough blabbing from me, here's some pics.


Cindy, John & Wexler


The pics don't do him justice. Maybe the professional pics they took here will be better.

:D:D Wexler was my #1 choice!!! Congrats!!! What a wonderful duo.



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Thanks All!! Couldn't have done it without all of you!!! John got a 98 on his written test and passed the practical test with flying colors, so it's now official. Wexy is ours!!!:D:D Now we have to make it through graduation without me being a blubbering idiot. :( I'll let you know how it goes. We are not leaving til Saturday so we'll be here tomorrow night. Then it's home to Bailee! Thank you all for your support, you are the best friends I have never met!!




Cindy,John, Bailee & Sexy Wexy

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Happy Graduation Day John, Cindy and Wexler.


I can't wait to hear from you when you get the whole family together. I think you will find Wexler and Bailee will get along great. The CCI dogs all are wonderful dogs who get along well with others. They are not bred to be confrontational or aggressive...they are lovers!


Have fun today.


Hey, who are Wexler's parents?


Kim and Keldon

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Thanks All!! Couldn't have done it without all of you!!! John got a 98 on his written test and passed the practical test with flying colors, so it's now official. Wexy is ours!!!:D:D Now we have to make it through graduation without me being a blubbering idiot. :( I'll let you know how it goes. We are not leaving til Saturday so we'll be here tomorrow night. Then it's home to Bailee! Thank you all for your support, you are the best friends I have never met!!




Cindy,John, Bailee & Sexy Wexy


Cindy, John Bailee and Wexy: First CONGRATULATIONS JOHN! I'm sitting here crying.....What's up with that? You've brought back some very emotional and wonderful memories. The day I got Brenda filled me with so much happiness; anticipation; curiousity and fear!

Today, 7 years later.....I'm a much better and fulfilled person for having known Brenda and for all that she has brought into my life. As Wexy will bring to yours.

The partnership with CCI and our dogs is a bond of support that I could never explain.....unless you've felt it, it's hard to realize! Although, I know that many of you feel it from the other organizations that you come from.

Thank you for sharing your lives with all of us.

Have a fun and tearfilled Graduation....you've all earned it. I'm sorry that Rangeley won't have the fun and joy of meeting Wexy as Bailee will.......he'll be watching from above!!!!!!

Love you guys,


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Well we are finally home! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee It's good to be back. We left CCI at 11am and didn't get home til around 6pm. Very long day. The meeting of the "pack" didn't go as good as I had hoped but I think things will be ok. Bailee did not want to go near him. He seemed eager to meet her but she didn't share his feelings. But.... there was NO shaking on her part. She moves away if he comes near her but doesn't run. We had all the toys out and she played with her new ball I bought her. They haven't sniffed eachother, although he snuck up behind her a few times to get a whiff. I know she is bent out of shape but I feel that she will come around.


The graduation was tearful but nice. John did 2 tv interviews and 1 for the Christopher Reeve foundation. He was my little celebrity. Our puppy raisers are awsome! Their son just got a dog in the May class and is going to school for some kind of special ed, so he and John had alot to talk about. The younger daughter is the one who raised the puppy. She is very sweet. They gave us a photo album with puppy pics and a disk with some more on it. The CCI disk of pics will be coming soon, there was a computer glitch so we didn't get it before we left. I'm sure the pics will be better than mine, so I'll post some of them.



"The Pack"

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Well we are finally home! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee It's good to be back. We left CCI at 11am and didn't get home til around 6pm. Very long day. The meeting of the "pack" didn't go as good as I had hoped but I think things will be ok. Bailee did not want to go near him. He seemed eager to meet her but she didn't share his feelings. But.... there was NO shaking on her part. She moves away if he comes near her but doesn't run. We had all the toys out and she played with her new ball I bought her. They haven't sniffed eachother, although he snuck up behind her a few times to get a whiff. I know she is bent out of shape but I feel that she will come around.


The graduation was tearful but nice. John did 2 tv interviews and 1 for the Christopher Reeve foundation. He was my little celebrity. Our puppy raisers are awsome! Their son just got a dog in the May class and is going to school for some kind of special ed, so he and John had alot to talk about. The younger daughter is the one who raised the puppy. She is very sweet. They gave us a photo album with puppy pics and a disk with some more on it. The CCI disk of pics will be coming soon, there was a computer glitch so we didn't get it before we left. I'm sure the pics will be better than mine, so I'll post some of them.



"The Pack"

So glad to see that you arrived home fine! Bailee will warm up to Wexler very soon - afterall, who could resist him :D

I can't wait to hear more about the pack! Congrats again to both you and John!!!


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Welcome Home Wexler and Family!


Did Wexler get to experience many modes of transportation on the way home? I thought you said it involved a ferry, etc. It is amazing how well they handle it.


As to Bailee's reaction I would follow CCI's recommendations. We did not have that issue, but they did make sure anyone who did had been instructed on how to smooth that meeting. It is good Bailee has you. John will be spending a lot of bonding time with Wexler and you can lavish love on Bailee. Bailee will soon learn Wexler is not threatening or aggressive and will just want to romp around with her on his down time. Once John goes back to teaching and Wexler is gone with him, Bailee will have some alone time.


I checked the CCI website yesterday for graduation pics but none on there yet....imagine that!


Have a good remainder of the weekend everyone.


Kim and Keldon

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Thanks for all your words of encouragement. The night went pretty uneventful. She ignored him, but you can see he really wants to be friends. We blocked off the bedroom so he stayed in there and she was in the living room with me. She knew he couldn't come out so she was relaxed and had a good sleep. As we were going to bed they met in the doorway. She let him sniff her face and then he kissed her!! It was so cute!!!!! He is being so great giving her space. He's not hounding her at all. Today we go to Johns sisters. She has a fenced in yard and they will get to run. Hopefully they will hang out. I'll report later.




And he did go on the ferry and it was nothing to him. He was also great in the car.

Edited by rangeley
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I am sure things will settle down soon. Everyone has to relearn their place in the pack. My own dog is used to me bringing home different dogs. When I bring home the young puppies, she hangs out and is more interested in them. They of course really want to play with her, and she just sets the tone. When I bring home the older dogs sometimes we have issues. Mostly she just gives me a look like "another one, really...)


She just tends to give them a lot of space and ignores them. They really want to play and she kind of ignores them. I imagine if I had one longer than a week that behaviour would change.


Looking forward to hearing tales of the bonding of Bailee and Wexler.

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Congratulations and welcome home. I'm sure that Bailee is just being a tipical girl and playing hard to get. ;) LOL I'm sure that they will be friends in no time flat wha with a first kiss and some romp time in the yard they will be fast friends really quick.


I have always wondered how a pet and a service dog would fit in together. Valentine is an only girl. I can't say only dog because I think that she thinks she is human just like everybody else. At least part of the time anyway.


Anyway best wishes to your new pack and please keep us posted.


Valentine's Mom

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Welcome Home!

Wex and Bailee will, eventually, figure it out and determine which one will be next in line to the pack leaders; John and you.

Dogs are so much smarter than we are, when it comes to integrating.

I'm so happy for all of you and your new pack.

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Hi All, Well things are coming along. Bailee is getting alittle closer to him everyday. He has sniffed her a few times but today she sniffed his butt twice, so we're making progress. Before today she hasn't even gotten close enough to sniff. I really feel eventually she will accept him. She is actually lying on his bed for the first time too. She's a sucker for a good looking man just like her mother.


Our puppy raisers gave us a disk of over 400 pics. Here's a few of my favorites.








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Cindy: Sounds like we're making progress in the relationship department.

You got very lucky with your puppyraisers.....ours did a wonderful job on raising and teaching Brenda but, a terrible job on documenting her experiences and growth. I miss not seeing her much as a puppy. CCI had to insist that our puppyraiser find anything they had and give it to me.....I'm making-up for it now......

I'm living vicariously through Wexler [as a puppy, so cute!]. Enjoy every moment and every picture.

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Those pictures are sooooooo cute. I'm kissing the computer screen. And I see puppies all the time. Wexy is a handsome boy and such a cute baby. It sounds like canine dynamics are working out super at your house. I am amazed at how fast the relationship is developing. You guys Rock!!

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I opened up the first pic of Wexler as a pup and started to cry ... but tears of joy! Just looking at that babe and knowing what he was destined to do for John ... wow :D

And that last shot of him in the field - that is a fabulous shot! One of the best doggie shots I've ever seen actually. I'm so glad that you have such a remarkable record of his journey to you.



PS. I'm also loved hearing how Wex is winning over Bailee - a kiss, what a guy!

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