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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I am still so sick. Non stop fevers, chills, I called my doc to see if he had tamiflu or any of the other anti-virals, and didn't really like the answer. as in 'no, just let it run it's course". Technically I'm not high risk. I could understand if their was a shortage and a need to ration, but otherwise, why not try, it could alleviate the symptoms. Plus, I'm not being tested for it, as the ED's, and md's offices don't want you in their area, unless of course it becomes life threating. OK, I'm so tired, I can't even spell! I am on day 4 today. OK, thanks for letting me whine a bit.

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Mornin' all:

Sunshine: I am sorry you are still sick. You would think your doctor might be a little more concerned since you have been sick for 4 days? I know I'm not a doctor but with all the crazy flus going around I would want to be safe with my patients. I hope you start to feel better soon.


Everyone have a nice quiet Sunday.



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Hi. First of all, let me apologise for my rant. I don't walk in the shoes of the disabled very well, and can only imagine a few mumbles and well deserved slaps for complaining about being able bodied and not "high-risk" enough for some medications.

While I can't say I am feeling much better on day 6 after yet another fever filled, sweat filled night, I can see and end in sight. Yesterday my husband took me to the ER. Of course their is a sign on the door, that says "Dont come in if you have the flu" I'm shivering, with my fever, dizzy, and I am scared to go into a hospital er?? Once seen, and put in an isolation room, the tests began. And it turns out, no flu(yea), but an infection, which it least I can take antibiotics for. So 3 liters of IVF, nausea meds, I came home. It can take up to 72 hours to see improvment, but usually seen in 24, so I am hoping by this evening to see some. Maybe even sleep tonight. Maybe even have some time with Crackers at the end of the week. Sandy hasn't left my side, and has enjoyed time on the bed this past week.

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Sunshine: You were so sick! OMG! I'm so, so sorry. I hope that this finds you getting stronger and on the road to being yourself. This is so not like you. You're usually so full of energy. Please get well! I hope that 2010 has a much better beginning than the ending of 2009 for you!

Sandy, wants you to feel well too!

Cindy, John and Wexy: Have a wonderful time. Please tell us all about it.

Some men are so funny about their "primping" time! Mine could care less and can comb his hair, while watching T.V. And, well, you already know about his clothing rituals!

We'll be bringing a 4x4 piece of artificial turf to cover the "nasty" stuff that Carnival uses in their potty box's. They swear by it......I swear at it. It's the hard/cylinder shapped stuff that hurts a Labs feet if there's not enough placed in the box. It seems you can never find the bag of stuff or someone to fill it either.....so, I'm playing it safe for our cruise, this Sunday!

Quam: Sorry to hear you're sick. Get well soon!

Because I'm high risk I was given the regular flu shot and the H1N1 shot. I did get sick but it felt more like an upper resp. cold than anything more and thank goodness, was gone in a few days. I better shut-up, with all that I've been exposed to, in my office, I don't want to give myself a "hex!"

Nancy: You've got us down "pat!" PaPa will be wearing clothes, I insist on it; Brenny will be her silky/shiny/black coated self and I'll be the one with the "big/blonde hair!" Can't miss us!

Chacooe: You'll know who I am, please come over and say hello. I can't make any promises on the M&G. When you travel with a Service Dog, every day is a "Meet and Greet" kind of day. I look forward to meeting all of you while we cruise together.

It's so much fun to say, "I'll see you onboard in a few days!"

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Roz, Bon Voyage and Safe Sails. I can't wait to hear abt the trip from Brenny when you return. She writes so well, even without oposable thumbs! Still under the weather myself, but getting a bit better each day. Taking it in puppy steps.


Thank you! I'll remind Brenny to do a review of this "mega-ship" for everyone!

I just hung-up with Carnival Access Care Department. [Remember to ALWAYS check with the Special Needs Dept. before cruising, to make sure that the "litter-box" is set-up before you cruise.]

In the beginning of my cruising experiences with Brenny, I spent many an hour, after boarding, just trying to locate where the box was placed [after 2 experiences with this] I promised I would NEVER let it happen again! And, it hasn't! To make sure Brenda is not stressed about going potty, I ALWAYS potty her right before we board.

Carnival said that the box will be placed on our Veranda, as I requested!

I'll let you all know how it goes and if they follow-through as promised!

I gave Brenny her Heartguard/Advantix this morning. She gets it the first of every month and depending on our cruising date I like to make sure she's given both at least 4-5 days before her grooming appointment.

I'm getting excited..........I just love the anticipation part of the cruise experience! ;)

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Thanks, Roz, I'm better now, thankfully! Have fun on your cruise! I'm in anticipation mode for my upcoming cruise, as well - making packing lists, buying needed items, helping with group stuff, etc. Lots of fun work to do! :)


I'm glad to hear you're better......have fun with the planning and shopping!

I plan on having a very relaxing cruise...when we get back I'll have to get into the Campaign Fund Raising mode! I specifically planned this cruise right around this time, to allow myself the "down" time, so needed in my line of work!!!! :)

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I think I am coming back to life. 24 hours without fever and chills. Saw MD yesterday, need to stay on antibiotics and antiinflammatory meds for one month. Sounds like a plan. At least yesterday I got out of my jammies and even put on some make up.


Crackers' trainer called to check on me and see if their was anything she could do. So very sweet, since this is training camp week and they are super busy. I told her if she could go give Cracker a hug and a kiss for me that would make me feel better. She wrote back that she had delivered them and also told him I would be back as soon as I could. She says he understands. Makes me feel better anyway. She said she'll give him and extra hug and kiss each day until I'm back. I hope to bring him home next week. I have to see how I progress.


We have a dusting of snow in our area today. Sandy is not too fond of "frosty paws" and makes a her outside time very quick. I think we are back to bed. Maybe this afternoon I can take her for a walk. We could both use the fresh air.

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I think I am coming back to life. 24 hours without fever and chills. Saw MD yesterday, need to stay on antibiotics and antiinflammatory meds for one month. Sounds like a plan. At least yesterday I got out of my jammies and even put on some make up.


Crackers' trainer called to check on me and see if their was anything she could do. So very sweet, since this is training camp week and they are super busy. I told her if she could go give Cracker a hug and a kiss for me that would make me feel better. She wrote back that she had delivered them and also told him I would be back as soon as I could. She says he understands. Makes me feel better anyway. She said she'll give him and extra hug and kiss each day until I'm back. I hope to bring him home next week. I have to see how I progres


We have a dusting of snow in our area today. Sandy is not too fond of "frosty paws" and makes a her outside time very quick. I think we are back to bed. Maybe this afternoon I can take her for a walk. We could both use the fresh air.


Yay!!!!!! She lives! Wow! You really got it good! Just think, now you have antibodies against this bugger!!!!! And, you'll never have this one again! That's my prognosis and I'm stickin to it!

Ms. Brenny had some "bug" two days ago and had the most vile diarrhea for 24 hours.......I plied her with rice with her meals [Labs never skip a meal] and in between and, waahlah! She didn't go pooh all day yesterday and this morning had the most magnificent surprise for us in her potty-box. [Remember, we're now three days away from a one week cruise to Mexico!] Was I scared and worried, you bet. Would I have left her behind, not feeling well...........I don't think so!!!!!!

CCI always offers boarding for their dogs......but, I can't do it. Brenny and I have not been apart for 7.5 years. She's NEVER been boarded or even stayed at home alone when I've gone out. We're a team! She's a working dog, she loves to go, go, go and enjoys every aspect of my travels. I don't think I could walk right anymore, without her leash on my wrist and her by my side! Why separate?

Like the trooper that she is......she's 100% well today. And, I'm so glad that she is. She has a groomers appointment in one hour and then she can relax and have some play and down time the rest of today and tomorrow before she's on the Carnival Splendor, on Sunday.

The weather here, in glorious L.A. has been in the high 70's......we wouldn't know what a "dusting" of anything would look or feel like!

The people who are flying in from all the cold areas of our country will want to move here......Yikes!!!!! And, then, to cruise down to the warmth of Mexico......they'll think it's "nervanna!"

I'll tell you all about our travels in the upcoming week, when we return.

Brendally yours,


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Like the trooper that she is......she's 100% well today. And, I'm so glad that she is. She has a groomers appointment in one hour and then she can relax and have some play and down time the rest of today and tomorrow before she's on the Carnival Splendor, on Sunday.


Bon Voyage! Hope you have a fabulous trip! :)

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We shared some really fun times together. Hopefully, we can do it again, soon!


We'll be on the Sapphire on November 27th.....hop onboard.


Have a Healthy and Happy New Year, sweet lady! :)


Bummer! I'll be on the Oosterdam. Maybe some of our ports will match up. ;) (BTW I'm thinking about Hawaii on the Sapphire Princess Feb 2011.)

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OK, I've joined the living. It was a rough two weeks. The board seems kind of quiet with "Brenda" and "Wexler" off on cruises. Hopefully, I'll have some stories when I get to spend time with Crackers this week.



Sunshine, Lucky for you Wexler is back! I'm so sorry to hear you were sick for so long. I think you were sick when we left. Glad to hear you are feeling better.


Quam, Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well either, but glad you are better too!


Well we got back last night. Everything was wonderful. Wexler is the most awesome dog ever!!! We cannot say enough of how impressed we were with his behavior. The dog was perfect. Thats all I can say. On the way down we had the whole row of seats so he slept on his bed in the middle. The way back we had a guy next to us but Wex curled up at my feet and slept. In Florida we stayed at the Hilton Marina. Please beware this is not a handicapped accessible hotel!!!!!:mad: Our room did not have a rollin shower as promised, in fact they do not have a rollin shower in the hotel. We ended up in a regular room and poor John was not able to shower that morning. Needless to say we did not pay for the room.

We were on the ship at 12:00 and went right to the front desk to ask about the potty box. We were told it was on the promenade deck forward which was good cuz our room was upfront. Of course it wasn't there. What a surprise. John went back and they said the guy was on his way to put it out. We waited 1/2 hour and still no guy. John goes back in again. Waited another 1/2 hour, still no guy. We went in again and finally the box was there...empty!!!! By this time John is past irritated, if you know what I mean. Then they tell us the "sand" is not there. SAND??? We asked for mulch. Finally it's time to leave, so they throw potting soil they had on the boat in it!! Wex went right in it and did his business. He had no problem going in it. On day 3 they must have gotten off the boat and dug up some grass, cuz it was in the box. With those few problems behind us, the rest of the cruise was great. One other minor thing.. After spending months getting a permit for Grand Turk, it rained all day and we didn't get off the ship. The other ports, not even a question from anyone. The last day was Half moon cay, HALS private island. They have one handicapped cabana and we had rented it when we booked. We figured even though it's outrageously priced , we really needed it for the dog and for John as he can't stay in the sun for long. We met a handicapped couple and their friends and we invited them to share the cabana. What a blast we had!! Wexler got more love and kisses from the 2,000 people on the boat! It took us forever to get where we were going. So many questions and people asking to pet him. John was awesome and kept very calm. He let everyone pet him and of course we got to plug CCI as much as we could. By the end of the week everyone knew Wexler's name. We were very impressed how mostly everyone asked and did not just grab him.There were a few, but very few. So many nice comments about him, we were very proud. We had the photographer take some pics of Wex and they came out unbelieveable!!! We will try to scan them so you all can see. Right now we can't seem to access Wexler's webpage. Let us know if any of you can view it. http://wexler2009.shutterfly.com/ Ok bored you guys enough.



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Welcome home Cindy, John and Wexler! We missed you guys. Glad the trip was a success. I think I would have told the front desk that they needed to get someone out from behind that desk and come with me (John) and show me the potty box. And bless Wexie's heart, pottying in the potting soil! You better watch him when you near planter boxes in the future! :D What great pictures. Can't wait for more. I couldn't access Wexie's website either :( Boy the week flew by. How's Bailee? Still pouting or giving up some of her love?

Sunshine and Quam: Glad you guys are feeling better. I had one day last week that I just didn't feel good. Nothing imparticular, just blah. Fortunately it only lastest one day.

Everyone have a great week.


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We are trying to get the website fixed. I just wrote to Shutterfly. I don't know how my Bailee is doing yet. I am going home to CT today to see her. I missed her so much! I will be there til Thursday to help my mom out. I'll talk to all of you when I get back.



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I loved the slide show. I really liked how it showed Wexler's journey to John and how much he glows now. Plus, it was interesting to see the box. I don't know why. It's not like I haven't seen lot's of dogs potty. Off to a meeting at the hospital, and then a little dog stalking as friends of mine will be there for Animal Assistated Therapy Visitation. I've been so sick I haven't seen any of my dogs or people friends and I really miss them. Tomorow Crackers comes home!!!!! I've missed my big handsome fella. I bet he has learned a lot, and I look forward to seeing some of his new skills. I don't know if I mentioned that milk bone is following one of the puppies in training. They have almost daily updates and I find it pretty interesting. His name is "Noble", and he was the litter after Crackers. He's a lab/golden mix and very handsome, more lab looking than golden. www.milkbone.com

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Ms. Brenny had some "bug" two days ago and had the most vile diarrhea for 24 hours.......I plied her with rice with her meals [Labs never skip a meal] and in between and, waahlah! She didn't go pooh all day yesterday and this morning had the most magnificent surprise for us in her potty-box. [Remember, we're now three days away from a one week cruise to Mexico!] Was I scared and worried, you bet. Would I have left her behind, not feeling well...........I don't think so!!!!!!


What's up with all the service dogs on here getting the runs right before their int'l trips?! (I think maybe when we're not looking, they are coming on Cruise Critic and reading this thread! ;)) Thankfully, I figured out the cause of what was causing my dog's issue - she'd been naughty and was scavenging something from a tree in the yard that must be somewhat toxic. Bad girl! But, at least I figured it out before my trip so that I could get the health certificate (and my vet DID ask me if she'd had diarrhea in the week prior to getting the certificate and I had to assure him it was cleared up and solved). Rice didn't help, but pumpkin did (until the tree stuff was all out of her system). I brought an extra can of it on my trip, too, for just in case. I highly recommend that!


We're back now, got back on Saturday, but I'm just getting on this board now. I'm needing extra rest after being gone two-and-a-half weeks.


Have a great trip, Roz!

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Quam, Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well either, but glad you are better too!


Thanks, it was just a quick thing and I was able to enjoy the rest of my trip. :)


In Florida we stayed at the Hilton Marina. Please beware this is not a handicapped accessible hotel!!!!! Our room did not have a rollin shower as promised, in fact they do not have a rollin shower in the hotel. We ended up in a regular room and poor John was not able to shower that morning. Needless to say we did not pay for the room.


Ugh, that's terrible, especially that they don't even have one in the whole hotel! They should have known that and told you. :mad:


We were on the ship at 12:00 and went right to the front desk to ask about the potty box. We were told it was on the promenade deck forward which was good cuz our room was upfront. Of course it wasn't there. What a surprise. John went back and they said the guy was on his way to put it out. We waited 1/2 hour and still no guy. John goes back in again. Waited another 1/2 hour, still no guy. We went in again and finally the box was there...empty!!!! By this time John is past irritated, if you know what I mean. Then they tell us the "sand" is not there. SAND??? We asked for mulch. Finally it's time to leave, so they throw potting soil they had on the boat in it!! Wex went right in it and did his business. He had no problem going in it. On day 3 they must have gotten off the boat and dug up some grass, cuz it was in the box.


Sounds like the same thing that happened to me on Royal Caribbean in '08. They kept telling me different places (around the same area) where it was, but there was nothing there. Back and forth and back and forth. Finally I asked two janitorial-type employees that happened to be walking the deck and they spent a while talking to ppl on their walkie-talkies before finally telling me it had never been set up. I was already late to a group meeting, so they promised me they would set it up and showed me where. In the middle of the meeting, my dog told me she really had to use the box, so I went and it finally was set up - except it was half the size they told me it would be (2'x2' instead of 4'x4'). It did have mulch in it, though. (This is why this time, I bringing my own potty "box" even though I'm going on a different line.)


And, really, sand?! What were they thinking! I bet if that's all they gave you and then your dog ended up peeing on their private beach they'd not be too happy even though they're the ones who made him go on sand! :rolleyes: I'm glad you got dirt and then grass for the box.


With those few problems behind us, the rest of the cruise was great. One other minor thing.. After spending months getting a permit for Grand Turk, it rained all day and we didn't get off the ship. The other ports, not even a question from anyone.


Aww, sorry that it rained so you didn't get off the ship, especially after going through the steps to get the permit. :(


The last day was Half moon cay, HALS private island. They have one handicapped cabana and we had rented it when we booked. We figured even though it's outrageously priced , we really needed it for the dog and for John as he can't stay in the sun for long.


I'm bringing a pop-up kids' play tent for my dog for the two beaches we're going on. It folds up pretty thin so it fits right on top of everything in my checked suitcase. (I just took it on my land trip, too, but never ended up using it.) I originally had gotten the now-discontinued doggy cabana from PetEdge (via an eBay seller), but I broke the thing within the first half-hour trying to fold it up via the poor instructions. :mad: So, I just went with a style made for kids that is easy to fold up (there's a video online that shows how and I was able to do it the several times I tried) and prob'ly will work better anyway 'cause I can close the front up (to be like a crate, but it is larger) for if I go swimming. It also doesn't pop up violently like the other one did, as it isn't the tension-style pop-up, but it is pop-up 'cause there aren't any sticks to put together or anything (like the doggy tent I already have, which takes too long to set up and would take up too much room in my suitcase). If you want to have real fun, some of the kids' tents are themed and I saw a pirate castle one, haha. ;) (Look on eBay for these.)

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Sunshine, Noble is so cute!!! I hope he is doing good after his surgery.


Wexler has been on r/x dog food since December. We kept him on it for the trip. When we got home we were suppose to start mixing the Eukanuba food back into his diet. Well we did it for one day and the diarrhea came back. The vets have decided he has become allergic to one of the preservatives in the food. So now we are on a regular Science Diet "advanced fitness" food. Wish us luck! Some cruise pics have been added to Wexys page and it is now working http://wexler2009.shutterfly.com/ There's a pic of the potty box if anyone is interested.

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Noble is doing very well. His foster mom is one of my good friends, so I have the opportunity to see him frequently. Crackers is doing so well. I am excited, as he was having some outing issues. It is still a work in progress, but he was a super star today, and we went to Lowe's, Walmart and a dinner outing. Graduation was tonight. So excited to see the dogs graduate after they have worked so hard. Plus, it is fun to see how happy and smily the dogs are with their recepients. I know they love us and their trainers, but they know the difference.

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