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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Well here we are arrived safely on "your" side of that big stretch of water in Florida, and I'm catching up with all the news


We had a lovely, if not frisky jaunt across the pond - although with each passing cruise I find myself not so concerned with the movement and felt fine, whilst others were flailing around us.


We enjoyed lovely lazy days, staring out to sea, looking for any signs of life, there was the odd passing tanker, a few flying fish, spectacular sunsets and of course the biggest decisions of all to make as to where, when and, sometimes with "our new best friends", to have yet another delicious morsel or two! And just when you think you can't manage any more, afternoon tea beckons as well!!! LOL! I do love a nice afternoon tea, and once we had "trained" the waiters to make proper tea, it was just perfect! (Tea bags in the teapot, then boiling water poured in and allowed to steep for a couple of minutes. No wonder you US peeps prefer coffee the way you make your tea!)


The only dog we met was in Bermuda - a lovely black girl lab who was wearing a bright red harness and was on her daily jaunt around the historical dockyard. We did a meet and greet and her human said she was thrilled that day as there were so many people walking around off our ship, saying hello to her. Although he didn't say as much, I imagine what he really meant was there were lots of different smelling opportunities, so she was in doggy heaven. She sniffed and sniffed at my DH's trousers as there would have been without doubt, a doggy treat or two in the pockets! Sadly for her, there were none that day! (as we left our home airport I put my hand in my coat pocket, and oh no, there were a couple of gravy bones in there. That made me feel very sad!)


More to come on our adventures, but breakfast is calling - I know, more food! And maybe a lazy day by the pool, it's a bit overcast but we will make the most of the warm Florida sun before heading home to minus temperatures!


Best wishes and hugs to you all :D .... The Internet connection was soooo slow on board, I just about managed to check my emails before giving up the will ....!



So glad you made it!! Hope you enjoy your stay in Florida. And I hope you have some good weather.

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Reporting from frigid, Southern California!!!!! It is so cold here, who ever thought after the hot summer we had that we'd ever see such cold! We're also big whimps when it comes to the cold weather! Anything below 60 degrees and we're taking out the heavy wool coats [that's if we own one!]


I hope everyone is staying warm and keeping their furbabies inside!!!!!!

Horton and I have to go to the mall and practice for our testing next week. I have to throw some french fries at him and correct him if he goes for them......that's always a big part of the testing. Otherwise, he's a great dog when it comes to behaving well in public.

Horton's biggest issue is he has to sniff everything......EVERYTHING!!!!

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Hello, I haven't been on this website in quite a while. I was wondering if anyone knows what paper work and vaccinations are needed now for cozumel, Belize and Honduras. I am having trouble with the state.travel.gov website I use to always use. I want to take my golden retriever with me.

Thanks for any information.


Welcome! We did a western Caribbean a year or two ago. We did not take our dog to Honduras because they wanted a rabies shot which our dog didn't need and they wanted money. We do not get off the ship with our dog if the island requires us to pay them, or requires extra shots and tests that are unnecessary.

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Reporting from frigid, Southern California!!!!! It is so cold here, who ever thought after the hot summer we had that we'd ever see such cold! We're also big whimps when it comes to the cold weather! Anything below 60 degrees and we're taking out the heavy wool coats [that's if we own one!]


I hope everyone is staying warm and keeping their furbabies inside!!!!!!


Horton and I have to go to the mall and practice for our testing next week. I have to throw some french fries at him and correct him if he goes for them......that's always a big part of the testing. Otherwise, he's a great dog when it comes to behaving well in public.


Horton's biggest issue is he has to sniff everything......EVERYTHING!!!!


How cold is it?? lol You wussy CA people. ;) It's actually pretty warm here today, 48 degrees.


I'm sure Horty will do fine on his testing. John always gets nervous before his test, and Wexler always does fine. We are also due for recert in April. The throwing of food at the dog is always the toughest part. I think thats the hardest thing for a dog. Geez I drop stuff on the floor all the time and Wex scoffs it up. :eek: Guess thats not good.

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How cold is it?? lol You wussy CA people. ;) It's actually pretty warm here today, 48 degrees.


I'm sure Horty will do fine on his testing. John always gets nervous before his test, and Wexler always does fine. We are also due for recert in April. The throwing of food at the dog is always the toughest part. I think thats the hardest thing for a dog. Geez I drop stuff on the floor all the time and Wex scoffs it up. :eek: Guess thats not good.


It's actually in the 50's today and dropped down in the 30's last night. 48 degrees is darn cold, in anybody's book!

If I drop something on the floor at home, Horton can be on the other side of the house and he's swooping in for the pick-up. I know I shouldn't let him eat off the floor but he's so darn quick and I'm so darn old!!!!

I do get nervous, always did, always will at re-cert. I'm so glad when it's over. I also will be happy when 2013 is gone, done, over!!!!:o

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Here we are at Fort Lauderdale airport waiting for our flight home. We are heading to Chicago, quick transit and the overnight to London Heathrow and then a short hop up north and finally home!


We are hearing all sorts about the bad weather you are having with the Ice Storm and lots of people are having flights cancelled. Thankfully we are heading in the right direction but, and it's a big BUT (no not mine! LOL! Although it is somewhat larger with all the scoffing I have done this last three weeks! ). The big but, is the weather in Scotland has not been great either, so I have a layer of warm clothes in my carry on!


Ha ha Roz, these big boy dogs are so fast when food is involved, or worse still (I hope you're not having your lunch reading this!) when a cat is sick and boy dog or girl dog rushes to clean up! LOL! disgusting beasts! But if I say "no", they do not take it, even if one of their treats falls out of my pocket or I drop it, they just stare and stare at it. They wait for their command to take their daily treat of a rawhide bone after dinner. They actually wait at their food bowls for their countdown of "ready steady go". And if i use a different word, eg ready, steady, stop - they don't "go" either. It pays to give them the command quick otherwise the drool is dripping everywhere! I have no idea what happens at the kennels if they wait and wait, and then finally work out that that command doesn't happen there! LOL! I must ask when we pick them up.


We have had a great time here in Florida, lying in the sun, by the beautiful pool and watching how the "other half" live with with their yachts in Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach! Now where is that winning lottery ticket? ;):p


So far, looking good with our flight - on time - and I will sign in when we are home.


Take care everyone with this funny old weather, and if you're going out in the cold, wrap up warm and keep safe on those roads!


Big warms hugs to you all:D

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Here we are at Fort Lauderdale airport waiting for our flight home. We are heading to Chicago, quick transit and the overnight to London Heathrow and then a short hop up north and finally home!


We are hearing all sorts about the bad weather you are having with the Ice Storm and lots of people are having flights cancelled. Thankfully we are heading in the right direction but, and it's a big BUT (no not mine! LOL! Although it is somewhat larger with all the scoffing I have done this last three weeks! ). The big but, is the weather in Scotland has not been great either, so I have a layer of warm clothes in my carry on!


Ha ha Roz, these big boy dogs are so fast when food is involved, or worse still (I hope you're not having your lunch reading this!) when a cat is sick and boy dog or girl dog rushes to clean up! LOL! disgusting beasts! But if I say "no", they do not take it, even if one of their treats falls out of my pocket or I drop it, they just stare and stare at it. They wait for their command to take their daily treat of a rawhide bone after dinner. They actually wait at their food bowls for their countdown of "ready steady go". And if i use a different word, eg ready, steady, stop - they don't "go" either. It pays to give them the command quick otherwise the drool is dripping everywhere! I have no idea what happens at the kennels if they wait and wait, and then finally work out that that command doesn't happen there! LOL! I must ask when we pick them up.


We have had a great time here in Florida, lying in the sun, by the beautiful pool and watching how the "other half" live with with their yachts in Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach! Now where is that winning lottery ticket? ;):p


So far, looking good with our flight - on time - and I will sign in when we are home.


Take care everyone with this funny old weather, and if you're going out in the cold, wrap up warm and keep safe on those roads!


Big warms hugs to you all:D


Warm hugs right back at you! Have a safe and effortless trip home to beautiful Scotland!

Isn't Florida glorious. I love the aqua blue water and the warm weather in the winter but in the summer, the humidity is a deal breaker for me!!

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Made it safely and on time to Chicago with temps of -7C. It was like walking into a freezer off the aircraft and everyone but us was bundled up in fleeces, down coats and boots!


I had my winter stuff in my carry on and was leaving it to the last possible moment to change.


Our flight over on American was great, didn't sleep much and was so looking forward to a short hop home and getting doggy hugs and pussycat huffs!


However, something happened with air traffic control here in the UK and the system is currently shut down and flights are cancelled all,over the place, including ours!

So we are sitting in the BA lounge at Heathrow booked on a later flight this afternoon - so fingers crossed we go!


But just look who we met at Chicago!!! ..;):D. (In case you can't read the sign, it says "helping Santa deliver holiday tail wags")


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Huh?????----Yes Roz---Huh. Almost every post seems to go somewhere, but here and i can't read any new messages unless I am right here, writing something on this" reply to Thread" and then i can go down the page and see what others have posted. So I have missed many posts and can't seem to get all of mine to post.:eek:


Glad you are home safe and sound.


Hello everyone else. Now I will see if this gets to the correct spot.

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Made it safely and on time to Chicago with temps of -7C. It was like walking into a freezer off the aircraft and everyone but us was bundled up in fleeces, down coats and boots!


I had my winter stuff in my carry on and was leaving it to the last possible moment to change.


Our flight over on American was great, didn't sleep much and was so looking forward to a short hop home and getting doggy hugs and pussycat huffs!


However, something happened with air traffic control here in the UK and the system is currently shut down and flights are cancelled all,over the place, including ours!

So we are sitting in the BA lounge at Heathrow booked on a later flight this afternoon - so fingers crossed we go!


But just look who we met at Chicago!!! ..;):D. (In case you can't read the sign, it says "helping Santa deliver holiday tail wags")


Air travel......it's for the birds!!!!


Love the picture, what a great little guy to run into! We do appreciate such little beings, don't we!


Safe travels!

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Huh?????----Yes Roz---Huh. Almost every post seems to go somewhere, but here and i can't read any new messages unless I am right here, writing something on this" reply to Thread" and then i can go down the page and see what others have posted. So I have missed many posts and can't seem to get all of mine to post.:eek:


Glad you are home safe and sound.


Hello everyone else. Now I will see if this gets to the correct spot.


Reading you loud and clear, Trudy!

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Huh?????----Yes Roz---Huh. Almost every post seems to go somewhere, but here and i can't read any new messages unless I am right here, writing something on this" reply to Thread" and then i can go down the page and see what others have posted. So I have missed many posts and can't seem to get all of mine to post.:eek:


Glad you are home safe and sound.


Hello everyone else. Now I will see if this gets to the correct spot.


We see you Trudy!!!!!!

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Fairbourne went from Florida to Chicago to get home??? :confused: Guess I need to look at a map to see where Scotland is. :eek:



It's cccccold here today. Tonight we are suppose to get some kind of ice storm. :mad: Yuck!!!!!! Lee is on his way to the Patriots game. I hope him and his gf have enough clothes on!!!

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Fairbourne went from Florida to Chicago to get home??? :confused: Guess I need to look at a map to see where Scotland is. :eek:





Rangeley, you would not believe the journey we've just had ... We were originally booked from Fort Lauderdale to London via New York, and then of course a quick hop up to Scotland. Anyway, a couple of months ago, American re-routed us via Chicago - no idea why, but it didn't really make any difference to us as we were not stopping in New York and also anything is better than flying out of Miami! So, all went well, lots of unhappy people in Fort Lauderdale due to cancelled flights to Dallas due to the bad weather, but we were heading the opposite way, so we were quietly smug. Well you've heard of Karma, right???


After we arrived at Heathrow at 0730, our next flight was cancelled, re-booked, cancelled, re-booked, cancelled. 5 hours after landing, call to collect checked baggage (over 2 hours wait in baggage hall along with hundreds of others searching for their bags and the baggage hall manger was as much use as a chocolate teapot!) the word at this point was all flights cancelled until 7pm and then no guarantees after that! At this point faced with another long queue to get re-booked with maybe couple of hundred people in front of us and even then no guarantees that flights would go or there would even be a seat for us, we decided to hire a car and DRIVE home.


The problem was with Air Traffic Control and part of a system they use had failed, so although some flights were still going, everything was so slow and of course, domestic flights in the UK are always the first to be cancelled! There was no guarantee this fault was going to be fixed and BA really couldn't give us any more information as they didn't know either. It wasn't their fault, but hanging around any airport for hours on end is no fun and we just decided to escape!


Did I tell you I got on the American flight absolutely well and fine and came off with a streaming head cold (the electrics were not functioning properly so no IFE, and the air conditioning was not working well as lots of people were sneezing and had runny noses) So I looked awful with a red sniffly nose and my eyes streaming and head thumping, so an escape was even better for me before I lost the plot!


Thankfully we had booked the hire car online, as by the time we got to pick the car up, there was quite a queue and I'm sure they were calling cars in from all over London.


Off we headed, me snuffling into my tissues, phoning the kennels and cattery and I had a grocery shopping order due to be delivered as well! Talk about chaos!


Anyway, DH drove a couple of hours and to be honest, we were both so tired, it was dark and we just needed to sleep and continue the journey after a good night's rest. We found a hotel, I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and we left there at 6am this morning, getting home just after 2pm.


After our first transatlantic cruise, I said that you do not realise just how much water there is in the Atlantic ocean until you sail across it .... Well, I had forgotten just how much Tarmac there is between London and the North East of Scotland! LOL!


Anyway, safely ensconced now with two very happy waggy doggies, who are now sound asleep in their favourites places with full bellies of their favourite food, with a few treats thrown in! Think I need another holiday to get over this one! LOL!

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Rangeley, you would not believe the journey we've just had ... We were originally booked from Fort Lauderdale to London via New York, and then of course a quick hop up to Scotland. Anyway, a couple of months ago, American re-routed us via Chicago - no idea why, but it didn't really make any difference to us as we were not stopping in New York and also anything is better than flying out of Miami! So, all went well, lots of unhappy people in Fort Lauderdale due to cancelled flights to Dallas due to the bad weather, but we were heading the opposite way, so we were quietly smug. Well you've heard of Karma, right???


After we arrived at Heathrow at 0730, our next flight was cancelled, re-booked, cancelled, re-booked, cancelled. 5 hours after landing, call to collect checked baggage (over 2 hours wait in baggage hall along with hundreds of others searching for their bags and the baggage hall manger was as much use as a chocolate teapot!) the word at this point was all flights cancelled until 7pm and then no guarantees after that! At this point faced with another long queue to get re-booked with maybe couple of hundred people in front of us and even then no guarantees that flights would go or there would even be a seat for us, we decided to hire a car and DRIVE home.


The problem was with Air Traffic Control and part of a system they use had failed, so although some flights were still going, everything was so slow and of course, domestic flights in the UK are always the first to be cancelled! There was no guarantee this fault was going to be fixed and BA really couldn't give us any more information as they didn't know either. It wasn't their fault, but hanging around any airport for hours on end is no fun and we just decided to escape!


Did I tell you I got on the American flight absolutely well and fine and came off with a streaming head cold (the electrics were not functioning properly so no IFE, and the air conditioning was not working well as lots of people were sneezing and had runny noses) So I looked awful with a red sniffly nose and my eyes streaming and head thumping, so an escape was even better for me before I lost the plot!


Thankfully we had booked the hire car online, as by the time we got to pick the car up, there was quite a queue and I'm sure they were calling cars in from all over London.


Off we headed, me snuffling into my tissues, phoning the kennels and cattery and I had a grocery shopping order due to be delivered as well! Talk about chaos!


Anyway, DH drove a couple of hours and to be honest, we were both so tired, it was dark and we just needed to sleep and continue the journey after a good night's rest. We found a hotel, I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and we left there at 6am this morning, getting home just after 2pm.


After our first transatlantic cruise, I said that you do not realise just how much water there is in the Atlantic ocean until you sail across it .... Well, I had forgotten just how much Tarmac there is between London and the North East of Scotland! LOL!


Anyway, safely ensconced now with two very happy waggy doggies, who are now sound asleep in their favourites places with full bellies of their favourite food, with a few treats thrown in! Think I need another holiday to get over this one! LOL!


I'm so glad you're home safe and sound, with the family in tact!

Your story makes me realize again why I hate air travel. Once we're safely onboard it definitely makes for quicker but not necessarily easier travels.

The wonderful memories of your cruise should be all that really sticks in your mind.

When you have a chance and are more settled I'd love you to share your cruise travel with us.

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Fairbourne went from Florida to Chicago to get home??? :confused: Guess I need to look at a map to see where Scotland is. :eek:



It's cccccold here today. Tonight we are suppose to get some kind of ice storm. :mad: Yuck!!!!!! Lee is on his way to the Patriots game. I hope him and his gf have enough clothes on!!!


We're supposed to get up into the 70's here in L.A., by the end of this week.

It's fun to finally get some weather here in Southern CA. but it was really biting cold.

My daughter is all snowed-in in the mountains of Eugene, OR. I missed it by 10 days! I did have very good luck with the weather. Thank goodness for that!

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We had about 12" of snow in about 5 hours yesterday afternoon. :mad:

Fortunately, it warmed up and rained all night and got rid of most of it. :D We are supposed to get 1" to 3" tomorrow. And it's getting colder every day this week. I just hope Davis gets here from California OK in Friday morning.

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We had about 12" of snow in about 5 hours yesterday afternoon. :mad:

Fortunately, it warmed up and rained all night and got rid of most of it. :D We are supposed to get 1" to 3" tomorrow. And it's getting colder every day this week. I just hope Davis gets here from California OK in Friday morning.


Unbelievable! How cold it can get.

How do they fly these pups in "cargo" if the weather is going to be freezing?

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We had about 12" of snow in about 5 hours yesterday afternoon. :mad:

Fortunately, it warmed up and rained all night and got rid of most of it. :D We are supposed to get 1" to 3" tomorrow. And it's getting colder every day this week. I just hope Davis gets here from California OK in Friday morning.


Yikes!! We had an inch or two and then rain. Just enough to make a mess. We are also suppose to get 2-4 tomorrow. Looks like 20's and 30's for the high and teens at night for the next week. :eek:

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Misty is coming along beautifully. We were doing Listening skills refresher yesterday and she was dead on. Then, last night I burned some garlic bread under the broiler and the fire alarm went off.......Misty bounced off my knee and then went in three circles and dropped to the ground.......exactly what she is suppose to do. Smart Girl.


I take her to the vet next week for her check up to go to Florida with us for the winter. The vet will also insert the EU microchip for her trip to Europe in April.


My darling Oz is loving his retirement, kicking back and just being a love, as always.:p


Hope all is well in your world.....Colleen

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