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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Great news today!


We had our inspection visit and interview, and all went very well. So, we passed muster, keeping in the cruising theme ;):), and we now have to have one more visit to do all the official paperwork, and then we are ready to welcome a new puppy into our home.


This may be as early as the end of next week :eek:!


To tell you all I am excited would be a huge understatement!


The folk from the Guide Dogs brought along a young pup, (about 14 weeks old cross German Shepherd/retriever, all legs and long body), to see how our two would be with a puppy, and M and P were so good with her, so hopefully that bodes well for the future. In fact she's the one in the photo from the other week and I had met her puppy walker mum at the puppy training class. We went out for a walk and I got a chance to walk her, but with all the new and lovely smells, it was a challenge for me to keep her straight. But as I said she's still very young, so she did really well. I will have a lot to learn as well with new commands, holding the lead at the right level and at the right tension etc. They seem to have a great support network, with regular training sessions and visits to keep everyone on track and deal with any issues which may arise, quickly.


DKD, one question he did ask, was how I would feel when it came to hand the dog over ... I quoted you and told him about when you took Ocho and he didn't look back. I hope I'm as successful and I raise a puppy who will be confident to go forward ..... By the way, I'm so sorry, I think you must be off on your cruise, and we forgot to wish you bon voyage! I'll blame that "old age" thing again!!!


It costs so much money to train a Guide Dog, and they get no government funding at all. I'm sure we will be taking part in fund raising events as well, but that's fine as I will enjoy that part too.


With all the excitement, our two are exhausted and are now snoring their heads off on "their" sofa, but their beauty sleep is about to be disturbed rather abruptly as soon as I finish writing this - they're off on their evening walk!


Roll on puppy days and snuggly puppy kisses! :D




Sounds like you are well on your way to change someone's life!!

All the training stuff will come with practice and common sense.

As long as you remember that you are training that pup for

someone else, you will do fine. We do alot of demos and fund

raisers for CCI. It's alot of fun and you get to meet alot of

nice people and educate alot of people too. We leave for Puerto

Rico next Thursday morning and the cruise leaves next Saturday.

Good luck and keep us posted!!



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Hi Beckie, Diana and Gibson


What was the final vote count?? :)


The final tally was 11,074. So we'll wait to see if Diana makes it to the semi-finals. The names will be posted on the Mobility Awareness website on May 15th.


She says that they will choose from three categories of entrants - Caregivers, Seniors and General. So the odds are really not in Diana's favor, but we keep hoping. :)


Thank you so much for asking and for all your efforts in voting for Diana!



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The final tally was 11,074. So we'll wait to see if Diana makes it to the semi-finals. The names will be posted on the Mobility Awareness website on May 15th.


She says that they will choose from three categories of entrants - Caregivers, Seniors and General. So the odds are really not in Diana's favor, but we keep hoping. :)


Thank you so much for asking and for all your efforts in voting for Diana!




That's an amazing total! It was no bother at all :). Diana must be so pleased with that even if she doesn't go any further - BUT with all the positivity surrounding and oozing out of your girl, despite all of her daily challenges, I'm sure she's got a great chance! :) Everything crossed!

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Sounds like you are well on your way to change someone's life!!

All the training stuff will come with practice and common sense.

As long as you remember that you are training that pup for

someone else, you will do fine. We do alot of demos and fund

raisers for CCI. It's alot of fun and you get to meet alot of

nice people and educate alot of people too. We leave for Puerto

Rico next Thursday morning and the cruise leaves next Saturday.

Good luck and keep us posted!!




DKD, thanks so much for your words of support .... I really appreciate it. I will let you know as soon as little paws scamper into Fairbourne Towers!


How did I get so confused about your cruise date? Well, I looked back to see when your last post was as I knew you were heading off soon, and on the last post, the cruise count down was exactly what it says today .... Of course, I thought that was the actual countdown on the date of the last post! The countdown must update on all your posts to show a current countdown. Hope that makes sense! :eek: Anyway, have a lovely cruise when it comes around :D

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Oh dear Beckie, now it is telling me web page not available! Don't they know I have to get my 2 (cents) votes in? I will keep trying. They can't keep me out! :mad:


Roz: Haven't look at the cruise, but that would be a dream come true for me and family to cruise with the "Big Blonde Lady with Big Hair and the Big Black Handsome Boy!" I will have to go take a look see. I almost gave myself a heart attack. We haven't cruised in about 7 years. :eek: That is just not acceptable. We like the longer ones. It just seems like you really get to put down roots and relax. Will check it out tonight when I get home.


Horton and I would love to cruise with you fine folks, we'd have so much fun![ I'm definitely cruising onboard the Crown on September 20th and am looking at April 5th [10 days] onboard the Golden.]

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Great news today!


We had our inspection visit and interview, and all went very well. So, we passed muster, keeping in the cruising theme ;):), and we now have to have one more visit to do all the official paperwork, and then we are ready to welcome a new puppy into our home.


This may be as early as the end of next week :eek:!


To tell you all I am excited would be a huge understatement!


The folk from the Guide Dogs brought along a young pup, (about 14 weeks old cross German Shepherd/retriever, all legs and long body), to see how our two would be with a puppy, and M and P were so good with her, so hopefully that bodes well for the future. In fact she's the one in the photo from the other week and I had met her puppy walker mum at the puppy training class. We went out for a walk and I got a chance to walk her, but with all the new and lovely smells, it was a challenge for me to keep her straight. But as I said she's still very young, so she did really well. I will have a lot to learn as well with new commands, holding the lead at the right level and at the right tension etc. They seem to have a great support network, with regular training sessions and visits to keep everyone on track and deal with any issues which may arise, quickly.


DKD, one question he did ask, was how I would feel when it came to hand the dog over ... I quoted you and told him about when you took Ocho and he didn't look back. I hope I'm as successful and I raise a puppy who will be confident to go forward ..... By the way, I'm so sorry, I think you must be off on your cruise, and we forgot to wish you bon voyage! I'll blame that "old age" thing again!!!


It costs so much money to train a Guide Dog, and they get no government funding at all. I'm sure we will be taking part in fund raising events as well, but that's fine as I will enjoy that part too.


With all the excitement, our two are exhausted and are now snoring their heads off on "their" sofa, but their beauty sleep is about to be disturbed rather abruptly as soon as I finish writing this - they're off on their evening walk!


Roll on puppy days and snuggly puppy kisses! :D


Wow! You really are on your way......Congratulations! I had no doubt in my mind that you'd pass with flying colors! You have so much to give a Pup and to think of what you'll be doing for someone's life with that Pup. Love you for what you're doing.


Thank you so much!!!!!

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The final tally was 11,074. So we'll wait to see if Diana makes it to the semi-finals. The names will be posted on the Mobility Awareness website on May 15th.


She says that they will choose from three categories of entrants - Caregivers, Seniors and General. So the odds are really not in Diana's favor, but we keep hoping. :)


Thank you so much for asking and for all your efforts in voting for Diana!




Hey, Diana, it's me.....Horton! You'll always be a "WINNER" in my eyes.

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Hello to all! Life has kept me busy so I haven't been on here for a while. I did go back a few pages to get caught up a bit.


Question: If you have a rain coat for your dog, what kind is it? Can the harness fit under and poke through or do you strap the harness on over the coat? We leave for a weekend trip with my daughter's school and there is rain in the forecast for Friday. I have both petsmart and petco locally to me.


We have used a dollar store rain ponch in Disney before. Works in a pinch but not the best option.


Ollie turned 9 about two weeks ago. He enjoyed his frosty paw treat.

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"#K9Bruno leaves Yorba Regional Animal Hospital for home with his partner Officer RJ Young. They both look great!" http://pic.twitter.com/eweGGrnsVE


Bruno deserves his retirement! :)


Marcia, I'm so glad that Bruno will get a second chance to live a good life. He is one lucky boy!!!! Great Vet care and luck got him through this!


That scum that shot him is circling hell as I write this!

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Hello to all! Life has kept me busy so I haven't been on here for a while. I did go back a few pages to get caught up a bit.


Question: If you have a rain coat for your dog, what kind is it? Can the harness fit under and poke through or do you strap the harness on over the coat? We leave for a weekend trip with my daughter's school and there is rain in the forecast for Friday. I have both petsmart and petco locally to me.


We have used a dollar store rain ponch in Disney before. Works in a pinch but not the best option.


Ollie turned 9 about two weeks ago. He enjoyed his frosty paw treat.


So good to hear from you. I'm sure that someone who uses a harness can answer your good questions.


Brenda had a purple rain coat with a hood. She was so cute in it. Of course, living here in the dry desert of L.A., we haven't seen much rain in a very long time.


Happy Belated Birthday Dear Ollie.

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Leaving this afternoon for Long Island, NY to get an early start tomorrow morning for Ocho's graduation. We have to be at the CCI campus at 9:00 AM to be able to spend an hour with our "Ochi Boy"!

Then we have a brunch and meet his furever family. Then we go to the graduation where my wife was asked to give the puppy raiser speech. Gonna be a long day. Then maybe we can start getting ready for vacation next week.

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News! Below is a message from Diana and Gibson. We are now in a holding pattern, waiting to see if she wins. Thanks to all of you who were so kind and voted tirelessly!




Good Morning or Buenos Dias!


I wanted to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone that voted for me in this contest. To those of you that passed on my need for a wheelchair accessible vehicle and the details of this contest to friends, family, coworkers, neighbors,and others...please feel free to forward this email to them so they will know how much I appreciate their time and kindness.


I do have good news. I am a semi-finalist in this contest! The only way this was possible was because of your voting each day.


There were over 1100 entries and it was narrowed down to 114 semi-finalists, including myself. Entrants fall into one of three categories: caregivers, seniors, and general. They will be giving away a total of 4 vehicles. With so many wonderful deserving people and their families all with essentially the same need...a wheelchair accessible vehicle, my chances are slim. At this point, the independent committee panel will be considering the entries in each category based on the written entry or video that was submitted. They have specific things they are looking for but entrants are not privy to them all. I can tell you that they are looking for entrants whose story is positive, uplifting, and inspirational. They also are taking into consideration how each entrant works to overcome their disability and the obstacles these bring to live the best most productive life possible. Winners will be contacted May 30, 2014. So now it is a waiting game.


No matter the outcome I will never forget that overwhelming feeling of support and care as I looked at the number of votes I received. I am so touched by all of you that took time out of your day, every day, to do something for me. This is a kindness that I cannot repay.


I realize the odds are against me and that this is just a contest. While it would be exciting to win and I'm sure all would be thrilled as well, I consider everyone's effort an achievement and an accomplishment, and one that all can be proud of whatever the outcome. The truth is, I've already won.


With Love and Gratitude,

Diana & Gibson Stocksdale


"Wearing purple will brighten your day!"

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News! Below is a message from Diana and Gibson. We are now in a holding pattern, waiting to see if she wins. Thanks to all of you who were so kind and voted tirelessly!




Good Morning or Buenos Dias!


I wanted to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone that voted for me in this contest. To those of you that passed on my need for a wheelchair accessible vehicle and the details of this contest to friends, family, coworkers, neighbors,and others...please feel free to forward this email to them so they will know how much I appreciate their time and kindness.


I do have good news. I am a semi-finalist in this contest! The only way this was possible was because of your voting each day.


There were over 1100 entries and it was narrowed down to 114 semi-finalists, including myself. Entrants fall into one of three categories: caregivers, seniors, and general. They will be giving away a total of 4 vehicles. With so many wonderful deserving people and their families all with essentially the same need...a wheelchair accessible vehicle, my chances are slim. At this point, the independent committee panel will be considering the entries in each category based on the written entry or video that was submitted. They have specific things they are looking for but entrants are not privy to them all. I can tell you that they are looking for entrants whose story is positive, uplifting, and inspirational. They also are taking into consideration how each entrant works to overcome their disability and the obstacles these bring to live the best most productive life possible. Winners will be contacted May 30, 2014. So now it is a waiting game.


No matter the outcome I will never forget that overwhelming feeling of support and care as I looked at the number of votes I received. I am so touched by all of you that took time out of your day, every day, to do something for me. This is a kindness that I cannot repay.


I realize the odds are against me and that this is just a contest. While it would be exciting to win and I'm sure all would be thrilled as well, I consider everyone's effort an achievement and an accomplishment, and one that all can be proud of whatever the outcome. The truth is, I've already won.


With Love and Gratitude,

Diana & Gibson Stocksdale


"Wearing purple will brighten your day!"


Buenos Dias Diana! ;):)


You are so welcome - It is "just"a contest and but you know what, your positivity, your good grace, your clear passion for making the most of every moment and your inspiration shines through ....... If you are not a winning entry, then who is???? I know it's best not to raise your hopes up, but hey, you are in the top 10% AND we are all routing for you .... And Gorgeous Gibson. Good luck Diana :D

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Wow! Diana, such wonder writing skills. You are a semi-finalist for a reason. All paws are crossed here and praying you are one of the four lucky winners. Like you said, either way you are already a winner. That is defined in your uplifting personality and the way you carry yourself on a daily basis. Good luck.

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Leaving this afternoon for Long Island, NY to get an early start tomorrow morning for Ocho's graduation. We have to be at the CCI campus at 9:00 AM to be able to spend an hour with our "Ochi Boy"!

Then we have a brunch and meet his furever family. Then we go to the graduation where my wife was asked to give the puppy raiser speech. Gonna be a long day. Then maybe we can start getting ready for vacation next week.


Bet you can't wait to see your boy! :D. You'll be a proud "dad"! ;):)


Well, the latest on my puppy walking ...... Puppy arrives next Tuesday! :eek: She is 11 weeks old, a black cross lab/long haired retriever .... Can't wait! She has been with experienced puppy boarders since leaving her mum, so hopefully toilet training well under way! So, it's all change in the Fairbourne household from Tuesday! But it's change for the better! :D Hope I'm still saying this in a couple of weeks time!!! LOL!

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Leaving this afternoon for Long Island, NY to get an early start tomorrow morning for Ocho's graduation. We have to be at the CCI campus at 9:00 AM to be able to spend an hour with our "Ochi Boy"!

Then we have a brunch and meet his furever family. Then we go to the graduation where my wife was asked to give the puppy raiser speech. Gonna be a long day. Then maybe we can start getting ready for vacation next week.


This is so exciting. You must be thrilled. This is what it's all about!


That feeling of receiving that leash from the Puppy Raiser can't be beat by anything! It's such an amazingly wonderful day! Have fun [you know you will spill a tear or two!]


YOU DID IT! You must be so proud of your boy. And, you're doing it again. Who's watching Davis when you're off on your cruise?

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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News! Below is a message from Diana and Gibson. We are now in a holding pattern, waiting to see if she wins. Thanks to all of you who were so kind and voted tirelessly!




Good Morning or Buenos Dias!


I wanted to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone that voted for me in this contest. To those of you that passed on my need for a wheelchair accessible vehicle and the details of this contest to friends, family, coworkers, neighbors,and others...please feel free to forward this email to them so they will know how much I appreciate their time and kindness.


I do have good news. I am a semi-finalist in this contest! The only way this was possible was because of your voting each day.


There were over 1100 entries and it was narrowed down to 114 semi-finalists, including myself. Entrants fall into one of three categories: caregivers, seniors, and general. They will be giving away a total of 4 vehicles. With so many wonderful deserving people and their families all with essentially the same need...a wheelchair accessible vehicle, my chances are slim. At this point, the independent committee panel will be considering the entries in each category based on the written entry or video that was submitted. They have specific things they are looking for but entrants are not privy to them all. I can tell you that they are looking for entrants whose story is positive, uplifting, and inspirational. They also are taking into consideration how each entrant works to overcome their disability and the obstacles these bring to live the best most productive life possible. Winners will be contacted May 30, 2014. So now it is a waiting game.


No matter the outcome I will never forget that overwhelming feeling of support and care as I looked at the number of votes I received. I am so touched by all of you that took time out of your day, every day, to do something for me. This is a kindness that I cannot repay.


I realize the odds are against me and that this is just a contest. While it would be exciting to win and I'm sure all would be thrilled as well, I consider everyone's effort an achievement and an accomplishment, and one that all can be proud of whatever the outcome. The truth is, I've already won.


With Love and Gratitude,

Diana & Gibson Stocksdale


"Wearing purple will brighten your day!"


Dear Diana & Gibson,

Thank you for being so gracious. We hope that you win. In our book, you are a winner. Your attitude is so positive and uplifting that you make everyone else feel good just knowing you.


Good luck.


Roz & Horton Jeffrey

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Bet you can't wait to see your boy! :D. You'll be a proud "dad"! ;):)


Well, the latest on my puppy walking ...... Puppy arrives next Tuesday! :eek: She is 11 weeks old, a black cross lab/long haired retriever .... Can't wait! She has been with experienced puppy boarders since leaving her mum, so hopefully toilet training well under way! So, it's all change in the Fairbourne household from Tuesday! But it's change for the better! :D Hope I'm still saying this in a couple of weeks time!!! LOL!


Wow!!! We're filled with the best of news these days.


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You're performing a miracle for someone else. I think that must be the very best kind of Karma in the world.


Soon, you'll be just like DKD.......Thank you so much for all that you're about to do for someone else!


I can't wait to read all your wonderful stories about your new pup!

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DKD: I know you already left, but have a fabulous time at Ocho's graduation. I am sure you are all very proud of him.


Fairbourne: Chill bumps. I can hardly stand the wait, can only imagine what you guys are feeling! Do you know the sweet girls name (sorry if I missed it, if you already posted it)?

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Oh Nancy - can you feel the excitement from over there??? I don't know how I can wait ....!!! The DH has got her little puppy bed in place, I just need to fill it with a snuggly blanket, a few toys are waiting, and lots of love!


Nancy, she has a lovely name .... Just let me tell you it's a bit unusual, warm, happy, could well be connected to a cruise ship - there's a couple of clues in there, but I'm going to keep you in suspense until little miss xxxxxxxxxx arrives! ;):D :p


She will be presented to you all on Tuesday .... Only 4 more sleeps - better make the most of them!!!


DKD - hope Ocho's day went well - any photos??:)

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Wow!!! We're filled with the best of news these days.


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You're performing a miracle for someone else. I think that must be the very best kind of Karma in the world.


Soon, you'll be just like DKD.......Thank you so much for all that you're about to do for someone else!


I can't wait to read all your wonderful stories about your new pup!


Thank you Roz - you know I am so happy and looking forward to our year together working towards her future as a guide dog.


I'm not sure I would even have considered doing this, or to be honest thought about it, if it wasn't for all my fabulous cyber friends here. I really do appreciate your support.


I'm sure there will be lots of stories! :D

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Thank you Roz - you know I am so happy and looking forward to our year together working towards her future as a guide dog.


I'm not sure I would even have considered doing this, or to be honest thought about it, if it wasn't for all my fabulous cyber friends here. I really do appreciate your support.


I'm sure there will be lots of stories! :D


Fairbourne, you are truly part of us, in the very best of ways now!


I'm guessing her name is "Godiva", "Maiden", "Queenie." Am I close?


I can't wait for the great stories and adventures! You're going to have so much fun with her.


She's a lucky little pup! We all love her and she's not even here yet!

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Fairbourne, you are truly part of us, in the very best of ways now!


I'm guessing her name is "Godiva", "Maiden", "Queenie." Am I close?


I can't wait for the great stories and adventures! You're going to have so much fun with her.


She's a lucky little pup! We all love her and she's not even here yet!


Sorry Roz, not even close!!! Ok I will give you another clue .... You may well know this name from your cruising adventures ..... Dutch courage my girl, Dutch courage! :p LOL!

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Sorry Roz, not even close!!! Ok I will give you another clue .... You may well know this name from your cruising adventures ..... Dutch courage my girl, Dutch courage! :p LOL!


"Dapperheid" or "Durf?" I give-up! I can't wait til she's here!!!!

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Has anyone have any experience with MSC out of FL ? Have requested a relief box on deck and advised they only use a relief PAD. Do not know if for use inside or out? Is this like a small puppy training pad? Dog has never been exposed to one and really don't want to confuse him, and what is he won't use it? He is very well trained with zero accidents in past 5 yrs. Am I out of line or is this ridiculous to ask MSC if I can supply own relief station as thinking of using a small inflatable Kidde pool with mulch? If not will cancel. My world is getting smaller as flying to other ports is now to difficult. Itineraries are limited with most which include one or more ports requiring a Rabies Titer test which I will not subject him to in which even though you have a current Rabies vac also requires another one after the test. Test is only valid for three months. Info from several sites seem to list different entry requirements. Your input will be much appreciated.

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