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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Long day. Halo did great. The WC and him are a challenge, but this was the first time he experienced that. Our trainer recommended the pusher, my husband or daughter handle Halo at first, having him walk to my left a foot away from the WC. Then I took him at times. The first time Halo looked at me totally confused. Poor buddy, his gets trained to help me with certain things, then my disease progresses and he has new training.


No one tried to touch him or ask any questions. Once in Riki's dorm room, we took him out of his gear and her friends are welcome to greet and play with him. We did have an incident in Walmart where a boy started to take his younger brother out of the cart to pet the dog and his mom jumped in and said no, he was working before I could say anything. It appeared one lady was going to reach to pet him, but pulled her hand back quickly and said oops. Just got a lot of smiles and "he is beautiful". The restaurants kept trying to bring him bowls of water. A few, "I didn't even see him", he just immediately climbs under the table or bench when he can. He is still getting used to his hard handle, that I use for balance when walking, so he gets stuck occasionally.


Now, my husband, this all seems hard on him. Me in a WC, his baby girl going to college, etc.


Linda and Halo


Linda, we all have had very similar experiences with our dogs, their equipment [that they are delegated to wear] and the public.

I sympathize with you and Halo. They are such remarkable beings in all that they do to make our lives so much better. The longer you are together, the easier it all will become ♥

Your husband sounds like a wonderful guy. I, too, was very lucky to have a wonderful guy in my life. Enjoy each other and treasure every day!

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Long day. Halo did great. The WC and him are a challenge, but this was the first time he experienced that. Our trainer recommended the pusher, my husband or daughter handle Halo at first, having him walk to my left a foot away from the WC. Then I took him at times. The first time Halo looked at me totally confused. Poor buddy, his gets trained to help me with certain things, then my disease progresses and he has new training.


Linda and Halo


You and Halo will get the wheelchair thing down. When I was first working with Henri I was afraid of running over her feet, but she was trained to move away from the wheelchair. It will take time, but both of you will get it figured out.



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And to you Aunty Roz and Horton - and everyone in our CC family.


We are shocked to the core about the events in Barcelona - and then Finland! Evil cowards, no other way to describe the "bleep bleeps" who carry out these senseless attacks.


We are living in troubling times. And, for this very reason, I'm going to do all that I can to enjoy my life as much as I can, with the people I love.

I certainly will not stop doing what makes me the happiest, right now, and that's cruising with my family, friends and Service Dog ♥

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We are living in troubling times. And, for this very reason, I'm going to do all that I can to enjoy my life as much as I can, with the people I love.


I certainly will not stop doing what makes me the happiest, right now, and that's cruising with my family, friends and Service Dog ♥



I agree. I won't do stupid things, but I'm not going to stop doing things I enjoy. Like Roz cruising makes me happy and I'm going to keep doing it.

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I recently read a post by a Cruise Critic member that an import permit and a 7001 had to be obtained for the Bahamas even though the member's service dog was not leaving the ship in Nassau. Is this paperwork necessary if the ship is moored off a Bahamian island and the dog is not leaving the ship? (I.e., HAL's Half Moon Cay)


Also I have encountered talk that 7001s (or national equivalents) plus import permits, if required, should be obtained for all ports where a cruise ship docks, even if the dog handler plans to keep the dog aboard ship and not go ashore at all. The reason givwn s that there might be a health emergency in which handler (and dog) must be evacuated to shore and then the U.S.


I think the chances of a health emergency happening are pretty slim. But what do other members think? Before I take a two-week HAL cruise next March, should I get the paperwork for the Bahamas, Panama and Nicaragua even though I do not plan to take my dog ashore in those countries? (I *am* planning to take Trooper ashore in Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico, and maybe Guatemala, and will get the paperwork for those.)

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I recently read a post by a Cruise Critic member that an import permit and a 7001 had to be obtained for the Bahamas even though the member's service dog was not leaving the ship in Nassau. Is this paperwork necessary if the ship is moored off a Bahamian island and the dog is not leaving the ship? (I.e., HAL's Half Moon Cay)


Also I have encountered talk that 7001s (or national equivalents) plus import permits, if required, should be obtained for all ports where a cruise ship docks, even if the dog handler plans to keep the dog aboard ship and not go ashore at all. The reason givwn s that there might be a health emergency in which handler (and dog) must be evacuated to shore and then the U.S.


I think the chances of a health emergency happening are pretty slim. But what do other members think? Before I take a two-week HAL cruise next March, should I get the paperwork for the Bahamas, Panama and Nicaragua even though I do not plan to take my dog ashore in those countries? (I *am* planning to take Trooper ashore in Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico, and maybe Guatemala, and will get the paperwork for those.)


You will need to have your dog examined by his Vet within 30 days of travel and the Vet will complete the Aphis 7001 form [this form will attest to all the up-to-date vaccinations] and the overall health and well being of your dog to travel. Along with any other documentation such as Microchip [of which he must have to enter certain countries], licensing from training org. [if you have], and any other pertinent information.


The ship may request that this Vet information be faxed/emailed to them at least 2 weeks prior to boarding. Some countries or states [Hawaii, they require that the Rabies Vaccine be given within 12 months of travel] will even require blood work within 30 days of travel.


You should make at least 3 copies of all this documentation to give to the ship, when registering and to give to Port Authorities, if asked. It will save you and them the time that they will take from you while looking for a copy machine. Always keep the originals for yourself.


On our last cruise [19 days onboard the Island Princess through the Panama Canal], they took a separate picture of Horton at registration. I've NEVER done this before.


Immigration at the different ports will have different protocol. Some ports wanted to examine Horton [even when we told them we weren't getting off the ship], some of the ports never even wanted to see him. It all depends on whose working the desk at Immigration when you arrive.


I finally got so fed up with bringing him down to a lounge, very early in the morning, when I wasn't even leaving the ship, that I told the ship staff who called me at 6:45am; that if they wanted to examine Horton, that they could come and get him and return him to me when they were done........I was so fed-up with the early phone calls. A ships officer came and got him, and grabbed his paperwork and off they went. Horton is a wonderful walker [as opposed to Brenda who would rather lunge than walk]. I was sorry I hadn't thought of doing this in the first port, so I didn't have to go down with him when it was really not necessary. Again, it just depends on whose manning the Immigration desk.

I promise too much paperwork is so much better than not enough!

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Hi, can you clarify something for me? I've been given conflicting information regarding mexico. Some people say you don't need a usda stamp on the 7001 form and it just needed to be typed. Others have said I did need the stamp. Can someone please clear this up for me? Thanks in advance.


Sent from my SM-J700P using Forums mobile app

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Hi, can you clarify something for me? I've been given conflicting information regarding mexico. Some people say you don't need a usda stamp on the 7001 form and it just needed to be typed. Others have said I did need the stamp. Can someone please clear this up for me? Thanks in advance.


Sent from my SM-J700P using Forums mobile app


Brenda had completed 15 cruises before she passed in 2014. She had been to Mexico/Brazil/Spain/Hawaii/France/Switzerland/Germany/Italy and Alaska. I NEVER had a USDA Stamp on her Aphis 7001 form. I think a lot of why I NEVER had issues with my paperwork is because I even included a copy of her city license, my passport, my drivers license, CCI's Certificate of Training, a copy of her chip placement, copy of Vet visit. Costa Rica requires a separate Vet Health Certificate and my Vet signed all forms. Going to Hawaii requires extensive forms and a Rabies Blood Titer draw.

Most of the cruise lines will require you to sign a form stipulating that you will bring your own dog food/your dog will stay on the floor/will be on a leash/will not bark or bite and will be under your control at all times and will not be left alone in the cabin at any time.

My second dog, Horton, has also been to Mexico [as recently as last April] and I've only presented an Aphis 7001 form, signed by his Vet, along with all the rest of his documentation. No USDA Stamp on any of his doc's. He'll be off to Hawaii in December and I'm NOT looking forward to the extra Rabies shot and the Rabies Titer testing. So unnecessary for a healthy dog. And, I even have to get one form notarized before we go. Hawaii will be his 10th cruise. The cruise lines have NOT made these demands, it's the agricultural inspectors on the various islands that insist on the paperwork.

Hawaii's a "NO RABIES" state and they want to keep it that way.

I've used the same Vet for both my dogs and

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Thank you so much again for sharing your wealth of knowledge Roz!

Have a great rest of the week!


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I've said this before......Your attitude and your dogs behavior can make a world of difference in how your treated and accepted by Immigration/Inspectors/Agricultural Depts./Port Authorities and the ships crew.

We represent each other. I'm proud to show off my well behaved, beautifully manicured Service Dog, as should all of you ♥

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We have 40 days to go 😃

I'm battling breast cancer and this is a small get away in between finishing chemo and surgery. It's on the Carnival Victory. It's our Victory over Cancer Cruise 😀


Sent from my SM-J700P using Forums mobile app


I wish you bright, happy and positive days ahead. I can't think of a better way to celebrate a victory such as yours.

Please let us know when it's just a few days until sailing so we can ALL wish you a hearty Bon~Voyage. You've truly earned this ♥

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I recently read a post by a Cruise Critic member that an import permit and a 7001 had to be obtained for the Bahamas even though the member's service dog was not leaving the ship in Nassau. Is this paperwork necessary if the ship is moored off a Bahamian island and the dog is not leaving the ship? (I.e., HAL's Half Moon Cay)




It really depends on your comfort level - some people only get one from 7001 for the first country visited (and the USDA will only endorse for the first country). On my Panama Canal cruise, I had my Vet fill out the required form for each country (they were all different) because spending the extra $125 was worth it to me for peace of mind. I did not have the Panama form endorsed by the Panamanian consulate because that was way too much trouble and I was not planning on getting off in Panama.


Cindy reported that she did have to get the import form for the Bahamas even though they were not getting off the ship. I don't know if that applies to a private island like Half Moon Cay. I would check with the cruise line to see if that is required.


The forms are all easy to find on the Aphis website. Colombia wanted my dog to wear a muzzle and wanted a fee to inspect her, so we ended up not getting off the ship.



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We are living in troubling times. And, for this very reason, I'm going to do all that I can to enjoy my life as much as I can, with the people I love.


I certainly will not stop doing what makes me the happiest, right now, and that's cruising with my family, friends and Service Dog ♥


If its my time to go - I might as well be enjoying myself on a cruise.



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It really depends on your comfort level - some people only get one from 7001 for the first country visited (and the USDA will only endorse for the first country). On my Panama Canal cruise, I had my Vet fill out the required form for each country (they were all different) because spending the extra $125 was worth it to me for peace of mind. I did not have the Panama form endorsed by the Panamanian consulate because that was way too much trouble and I was not planning on getting off in Panama.


Cindy reported that she did have to get the import form for the Bahamas even though they were not getting off the ship. I don't know if that applies to a private island like Half Moon Cay. I would check with the cruise line to see if that is required.


The forms are all easy to find on the Aphis website. Colombia wanted my dog to wear a muzzle and wanted a fee to inspect her, so we ended up not getting off the ship.




Dianne, that is so weird. Colombia NEVER asked Horton to wear a muzzle and NEVER asked for a fee. One of the ships crew members took Horton to the inspection, maybe that's why no demands were made.

As I've said, it all depends on whose the inspector. And, since I wasn't present, maybe they didn't want to force the issue. Who knows!

To be at the whim of some of these people can be very frustrating, when traveling.

I told the story [in the beginning of this thread], how an inspector in one of the foreign ports we were visiting, with Brenda, had pulled us out of the line where folks were showing their passports and asked that I bring her in a separate room where he could inspect her fur and paws. He had her placed on a table where he began to comb her fur and he ran a white cloth over each paw. I asked what he was looking for and he said, "parasites!" It was ridiculous! I stayed calm and watched every move they made towards her. They treated her with respect and were very gentle. Believe me, if they weren't, they would have heard from me!!!!


Dealing with different governing agencies in foreign countries can be intimidating at best. STAY CALM AND ASSERTIVE!

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We have 40 days to go 😃

I'm battling breast cancer and this is a small get away in between finishing chemo and surgery. It's on the Carnival Victory. It's our Victory over Cancer Cruise 😀


Sent from my SM-J700P using Forums mobile app


Sabrinaswack - sending you our warmest wishes from across the seas on your path to Victory, and early Bon Voyage! :D

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Dianne, that is so weird. Colombia NEVER asked Horton to wear a muzzle and NEVER asked for a fee. One of the ships crew members took Horton to the inspection, maybe that's why no demands were made.


As I've said, it all depends on whose the inspector. And, since I wasn't present, maybe they didn't want to force the issue. Who knows!



It does seem like we are at the whim of whoever is in charge that day. In Guatemala a man in a military uniform inspected Henri's teeth, fur and feet. We were told that she did not need to be inspected in Costa Rica. When we tried to get off the ship our seapass cards dinged and we had to go back to have her inspected - they looked at her from across the room and said we were free to go. I think it changes day to day - maybe hour by hour!



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It does seem like we are at the whim of whoever is in charge that day. In Guatemala a man in a military uniform inspected Henri's teeth, fur and feet. We were told that she did not need to be inspected in Costa Rica. When we tried to get off the ship our seapass cards dinged and we had to go back to have her inspected - they looked at her from across the room and said we were free to go. I think it changes day to day - maybe hour by hour!




This is why it's so important that we keep our cool. I know that the "inspectors" will NOT release the ship to allow other passengers off until they've cleared any SD's or other issues first. So, I NEVER want to be a source of discontent for anyone.

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I always got a permit to go to half Moon cay. I don't know if we needed it or not. Last cruise we were told we had to get the Bahamas permit even if we weren't getting off the ship. That has changed from the year before. I think they just make it up as they go along.

Also we found Western Caribbean much more of a pain. They made me bring the dog down every island we stopped at. Never had to do that before.


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