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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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The "Flat-Coated Retriever" is actually it's own breed. CA has two flat coats that they are evaluating for service dog potential. They look so different from the other goldens and labs, but still very pretty. Since they only have a single coat they are a breeze to groom. I love the little guy that will hopefully graduate. He is a goofy dog and a bit clumsy, but I think that is why I love him so much.

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The "Flat-Coated Retriever" is actually it's own breed. CA has two flat coats that they are evaluating for service dog potential. They look so different from the other goldens and labs, but still very pretty. Since they only have a single coat they are a breeze to groom. I love the little guy that will hopefully graduate. He is a goofy dog and a bit clumsy, but I think that is why I love him so much.


When Brenda's "done" and wants to just stay home with PaPa and be a "lady of leisure" I want to speak with CCI about a less allergenic/shedding Service Dog.

Thank goodness she's not ready to stay home and even more importantly....I'm not nearly ready to not have her by my side!!!!!! [was that a sentence?]

It's truly amazing how connected she and I are! We've been partners for over 7 years and I'd be completely "disjointed" without her, today! Oh! I know I did get along without her before I met her but life was not as rich and full and complete!

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Sunshine, Wooooohoooooooooo so glad things are going good with your pup. It seems from talking to puppy raisers, crate training is the hardest thing.


Roz, A flat coat retriever looks like a black golden retriever. They are beautiful. Black silky coat.


I'm curious of how many of us have our dogs in a crate????? Wex prefers the queen size bed :eek: I guess he had crate "issues" but he would go in if we made him. We had bought a beautiful fold up crate before we came home from training. It was way to big for our apartment and John had already spoiled him by having him on the bed. After trying to find someone to buy it, with no luck, we are going to donate it to CCI. There is a class training right now and we asked to give it to someone that can really use it. This weekend we have our puppy raiser class and there's 3 dogs that are turning in next week. We also have 2 new puppies!! wooohooo I love puppies!!


When Wex gets home from school, he eats, gets his cookie and heads off to the bed for a snooze. John always wanted Rangeley to sleep with him but he never wanted to. Wex just loves the bed. After sleeping in a kennel for 6 months, I don't blame him.



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Sunshine, Wooooohoooooooooo so glad things are going good with your pup. It seems from talking to puppy raisers, crate training is the hardest thing.


Roz, A flat coat retriever looks like a black golden retriever. They are beautiful. Black silky coat.


I'm curious of how many of us have our dogs in a crate????? Wex prefers the queen size bed :eek: I guess he had crate "issues" but he would go in if we made him. We had bought a beautiful fold up crate before we came home from training. It was way to big for our apartment and John had already spoiled him by having him on the bed. After trying to find someone to buy it, with no luck, we are going to donate it to CCI. There is a class training right now and we asked to give it to someone that can really use it. This weekend we have our puppy raiser class and there's 3 dogs that are turning in next week. We also have 2 new puppies!! wooohooo I love puppies!!


When Wex gets home from school, he eats, gets his cookie and heads off to the bed for a snooze. John always wanted Rangeley to sleep with him but he never wanted to. Wex just loves the bed. After sleeping in a kennel for 6 months, I don't blame him.




Cindy, Brenny is so funny. When she came home from Team Training she slept in the crate we provided [with a cushy rug on the floor. CCI dogs are trained to sleep on cement and the hard plastic floor of the crate.] When she first went in she did about 20 circles just to get really cumfy on her plushy rug. Smart dog!

I have a crate at work, also. Well, in about 3 weeks she stopped using the crate at home and I invited her to sleep on the couch. She loved, loved it and couldn't believe her good fortune!!!!! She still loves it, when she's not in bed with PaPa!

The crate at work is her favorite place of all......the moment I get to my office she goes into her crate [which is lined with cushy rugs] and sleeps there for the better part of the morning [unless I have a meeting, then she's forced to sleep on a floor near my feet!]

I'll keep the crate at work, as long as Brenny wants it! She also uses it for a place to go to when too many "feet" are all over my office! I took the door off of it. For us, it served no purpose!

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Crates...love them, hate them, who knows. My own dog likes her crate, she will go in there by herself(door is open) often. When we do actually crate her(close the doors) she is so quiet, we forget about her. Ooops, where is Sandy??? Sheesh. They can be "den-like" for the dogs, or as Brenda has discovered a safe place from humans.


The easy way out with this last pup would have been to take him to the bedroom and I bet in a year when he graduates that is what will happen. In the meen time, I'm trying to get him used to the crate because it is a safe place for him when unattended and his new recepient might need him to crate on occasion. I left the TV on for him last night and that seemed to help.


Roz, I know you have seen those beautiful "doodles". So handsome, but you do have to deal with grooming issues since they don't shed, they can mat up super quick. The flat coats look like a black lab who has been stretched out. Actually they look a lot like Irish Setters. (They might have setters in their breeding at one point). OK, I'm talking dog breeds now. Time for a "dog-tini" and some internet surfing. Did I tell you I am going on a cruise in less than a month:D. Got to go find the best places to taste some tequila.....

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Crates...love them, hate them, who knows. My own dog likes her crate, she will go in there by herself(door is open) often. When we do actually crate her(close the doors) she is so quiet, we forget about her. Ooops, where is Sandy??? Sheesh. They can be "den-like" for the dogs, or as Brenda has discovered a safe place from humans.


The easy way out with this last pup would have been to take him to the bedroom and I bet in a year when he graduates that is what will happen. In the meen time, I'm trying to get him used to the crate because it is a safe place for him when unattended and his new recepient might need him to crate on occasion. I left the TV on for him last night and that seemed to help.


Roz, I know you have seen those beautiful "doodles". So handsome, but you do have to deal with grooming issues since they don't shed, they can mat up super quick. The flat coats look like a black lab who has been stretched out. Actually they look a lot like Irish Setters. (They might have setters in their breeding at one point). OK, I'm talking dog breeds now. Time for a "dog-tini" and some internet surfing. Did I tell you I am going on a cruise in less than a month:D. Got to go find the best places to taste some tequila.....


Whoa! You're cruising in less than a month? What, where, when?

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Sunshine, Lucky you!!! Thats only a few weeks away!!


I just noticed my counter says 1mo. 3wks. 6days. Pretty close to 2 months. hahaha But I love that it says 1mo. Between the dog stuff and the holidays coming up, I didn't realize it was getting close. I will be getting stressed out in a few more weeks. There's so much extra to do when you are packing for someone handicapped :eek: And now an extra suitcase for the dog! :eek:

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Sunshine, Lucky you!!! Thats only a few weeks away!!


I just noticed my counter says 1mo. 3wks. 6days. Pretty close to 2 months. hahaha But I love that it says 1mo. Between the dog stuff and the holidays coming up, I didn't realize it was getting close. I will be getting stressed out in a few more weeks. There's so much extra to do when you are packing for someone handicapped :eek: And now an extra suitcase for the dog! :eek:


Okay! I know I can't take that stress-thing away but here's what I do for me and Brenny.

I pack all her non-essential stuff like: Bandana's/scarf's/extra balls & toys in a separate container which also has a small electric fan/Brenda's life jacket/caffeine free diet coke [12 pack] and bottled water. This all goes into a container I purchase at Target or WalMart and it gets taped shut with signs on all four sides with cabin & name on it. When I've unpacked it all.......I just leave it with the Steward. Cost $7.00. It's worth it. I always have an extra tip for the dock worker who has to handle this container.

Mind you, this is if we're driving to the dock. Otherwise, you really have to be a creative packer, if you're flying.

In my rolling bag is my essentials and Brenda's food/medicine/Virbac Chews/balls and dog feeding dish [i keep this with me, just in case the other stuff doesn't make it to my cabin], in over 20 cruises for me and 13 for Brenda the stuff has ALWAYS made it to the cabin.

In mine and DH's hanging bags are all of our clothes. I've learned to lighten-up considerably. I used to pack way too much clothes. It's really not necessary.

You really have the extra work of packing for John too! It will be worth it all, once you've hit your cabin, grab a "foo-foo" drink and just relax.

Of course avoiding the crowds who want to touch Wexy is another story.......Wait, you'll see!!!!!! Get ready!!!!!

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Roz, Ahhhhhhhhh foo-foo drink yummy!!! My favorite drink was actually on the Crown Princess...The Ultimate Cooler. Loved it and copied the recipe and made them at home. On Hal my fav is Bahama Mama. Can taste one now!! As you can see we did one Princess cruise. I see all you guys love Princess. We had a great cruise but we weren't thrilled with a few things. We had already done two Hal cruises so I think it was just different. We got upgraded to a huge cabin. I think it was c302. Very nice room. I think the only thing we didn't like was the dining staff, some wouldn't say a word and then others wouldn't shut up! Also didn't like the blue hard material on the balcony, it killed my feet! I had to put shoes on everytime I went out there. We love Hals indonesian crew, they are the best!

Both dogs are still having poop problems. One day they are good and the next not so good. I had given Bailee rice and then she didn't go for a whole day. Last night 4am I had to take her out. Neither are having major problems but I think I will see how they do today before I decide if I should give them more rice. I don't want to plug them up! :eek: I have read that some animals have gotten swine flu. While I don't think they have it, I wonder if they can pass a bug to eachother. Seems funny they are both having a problem.



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Roz, Ahhhhhhhhh foo-foo drink yummy!!! My favorite drink was actually on the Crown Princess...The Ultimate Cooler. Loved it and copied the recipe and made them at home. On Hal my fav is Bahama Mama. Can taste one now!! As you can see we did one Princess cruise. I see all you guys love Princess. We had a great cruise but we weren't thrilled with a few things. We had already done two Hal cruises so I think it was just different. We got upgraded to a huge cabin. I think it was c302. Very nice room. I think the only thing we didn't like was the dining staff, some wouldn't say a word and then others wouldn't shut up! Also didn't like the blue hard material on the balcony, it killed my feet! I had to put shoes on everytime I went out there. We love Hals indonesian crew, they are the best!

Both dogs are still having poop problems. One day they are good and the next not so good. I had given Bailee rice and then she didn't go for a whole day. Last night 4am I had to take her out. Neither are having major problems but I think I will see how they do today before I decide if I should give them more rice. I don't want to plug them up! :eek: I have read that some animals have gotten swine flu. While I don't think they have it, I wonder if they can pass a bug to eachother. Seems funny they are both having a problem.




Cindy: First, how are the two of them liking each other? Are they the best "buds?"

Second, I heard about this transferring the H1N1 from dog to human and vice-versa. My Vet said that there is one reported case and the findings are not conclusive. He said other types of flu-like symptoms can be past from one dog to another but that it's highly unlikely that a dog can pass these symptoms to humans.

Also, he has the biggest Vet practice, here [right outside of L.A. proper] and he has not had a single case of H1N1 in any of his clients, to date.

He has seen a lot of cold symptoms [just like the tummy issues your guys are having.] He said that just like humans if the symptoms are caused by bacteria he will use antibiotics but if it's viral than it's treated just like we would treat ouselves. Lots of water and proper diet.

I hope Bailee and Wex get past this....I hate cleaning-up after the big 'D"!!!! :(

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Roz, Here's how they are liking eachother! Check out the pic!


Wexy is trying so hard to literally be part of her and she's acting so aloof!!!!!!! She must be thinking, "these younger men can bend so much better than me!" The gray around Bailee's face is just like Brenny's, only I think Bailee's a bit more!!!!!

Brenda's face is changing.....it used to be fuller, now it's getting more boney and filled with gray. It happens so fast!

Thank you for sharing the great picture......

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She loves it. They were both sleeping in that picture. He always has to be touching something. She doesn't move. One night he had his nose buried in her back so he was breathing with his mouth open. I never saw a dog sleep breathing through their mouth. :eek: And earlier today he was on the bed getting belly rubs and she was playing fetch with the ball. The old lady plays and the young dog lays around. He's such a wierdo.

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Mornin' all:

Cindy: All I can say is "Ahhhhh" sweet babies.

On our Hawaii cruise, Hubby talked (money) the bartender into have a fresh banana dacquairi for him each evening. Before dinner we would go to the aft bar, the bartender would "run" to the buffet and come back with fresh bananas' for him. That was a great cruise. I still can see us on the aft having a great time. The evening were pretty cool so we usually had to aft practically to ourselves.

Everyone have great Sunday, don't think about what looms over the horizon.


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The time change is messing with us to. We are in the process of training Chewy's successor service dog. Imagine (Giney for short) is a small yellow lab puppy who is 14 months old. We were waiting to see if she bonded with my son before we said anything. She is taking to training well and is doing great.



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The time change is messing with us to. We are in the process of training Chewy's successor service dog. Imagine (Giney for short) is a small yellow lab puppy who is 14 months old. We were waiting to see if she bonded with my son before we said anything. She is taking to training well and is doing great.




I am so happy for Ian. It looks like he and "Giney" are bonding beautifully. How does Chewey like her?

I'm happy for you, I know it's a huge relief that Ian will not be alone!

Have fun in the training process.

And, I hate this "dark early" thing......And, I love Banana Dacquiri's!

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