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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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It's just that Jagger is such a picky, or shall I say, poor eater. He's just not that interested in his food. He eats, just some days it's not very much. I don't want to get too much into doctoring his food up.


I'm thinking maybe I need to change it up. He doesn't vomit, but is scratching more than he should. (no fleas or anything, I check him over every day!) Maybe will try a grain free dog food.


I am exploring the brands you all list to see what might be a good try. Right now he eats Diamond Naturals Chicken and Rice as that is what the program feeds. Now that he's here for good, I can switch it.

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It's just that Jagger is such a picky, or shall I say, poor eater. He's just not that interested in his food. He eats, just some days it's not very much. I don't want to get too much into doctoring his food up.


I'm thinking maybe I need to change it up. He doesn't vomit, but is scratching more than he should. (no fleas or anything, I check him over every day!) Maybe will try a grain free dog food.


I am exploring the brands you all list to see what might be a good try. Right now he eats Diamond Naturals Chicken and Rice as that is what the program feeds. Now that he's here for good, I can switch it.


Hey Holly I can't relate to the picky eater part - Lucy has a bottomless stomach!


We did just go through the scratching thing (and her tummy was kind of red) and the vet said she was allergic to something (not sure what). He gave her some antibiotics and it seems to have cleared it up.

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Thank you so mymuch!


I'd there any specific vaccines needed for the Bahamas?

I read somewhere that there is paperwork that I have to fill out for The Bahamas? Some type of importation paperwork. I'd this true? Where can I find it?

So basically, I get a health certificate, rabies vax, user ID, and what else? We don't have a city dog liscense. I have a signed contract of ownership but the only identification I have is a picture ID issued from The Guide Dog Foundation.


VET CERTIFICATE, IMMUNIZED against, Distemper,Hepatitus, Parvo, Leptospirosis, Adenovirous, Corovirus ,and Rabies. This is on my April permit for Princess Cay.Did not get off because been there done that and to difficult using their enclosed life boats. Is there really anybody there to collect permits on these private islands? Next private Island we are going is HALF MOON CAY, does HAL use life boats as tenders also? Any info if they check for permit or Health Cert? Also going to LABADEE. RCCL told me I would not need anything because it's private. RCCL Special Acc Dept gave me incorrect info before, and no info on line any where for Haiti. Last VET CERT after we returned home noticed it was never dated, left blank. I just learned for for ports needing an ISO CHIP, another Rabies shot is required after chip, even though Rabies immunization is still in compliance. We do the 3 yr and and Snickers will be about in his 29 th month this may put a change in cruise itinerary. Should be separate requirements for visiting ports under 24 hr or just passing thru an airport.


Sorry, I didn't see this until this morning.


You should be asking your Vet the questions about the proper immunizations needed for the various ports. He/she will let you know if it is necessary to give another Rabies injection or not. My Vet stipulated on the Aphis form that he was NOT going to immunize my dog again, that it was totally unnecessary and could be potentially dangerous to do so!


If the Immigration official for that port gives you a hard time just take turns going off the ship. It's not worth the struggle or hassle to argue with them!


If tendering is needed either the port you're visiting will supply the tender [they look/feel very much like the lifeboats the ship uses] or the ship will use their lifeboats as tenders.


And, sometimes the ship and the Immigration officer at the various ports will be very strict on checking all your documents and sometimes they will just want to look at you and the dog and their done!


On our last cruise, onboard the Carnival Miracle, no one from Immigration in any of the ports we visited ever check Horton and me again after our initial embarkation......it was wonderful. I gave all documentation to the Purser's Desk and never heard from them again. Loved it!!! The ships are NEVER consistent about how they handle a Service Dog. IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO HAVE EVERYTHING READY just in case they ask for the paperwork!


Remember, some dogs will balk at getting on and off a tender. They don't like the feeling of anything moving under them when entering or exiting. My first dog, Brenda, didn't mind at all. Horton hates, hates, hates getting into a tender. But then he doesn't like it when I open and close the blinds in the living room either. He spooks very easily and is extremely sensitive to sounds!


Have a wonderful cruise.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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It's just that Jagger is such a picky, or shall I say, poor eater. He's just not that interested in his food. He eats, just some days it's not very much. I don't want to get too much into doctoring his food up.


I'm thinking maybe I need to change it up. He doesn't vomit, but is scratching more than he should. (no fleas or anything, I check him over every day!) Maybe will try a grain free dog food.


I am exploring the brands you all list to see what might be a good try. Right now he eats Diamond Naturals Chicken and Rice as that is what the program feeds. Now that he's here for good, I can switch it.


Holly, sorry to hear that Jagger has food issues. Horton is a great eater [so was Brenda], and since he was raised on Eukanuba and thrived well I've kept him on it. I've changed to 5 years+ Senior food and he scarfs it up.


I add Alaskan Salmon Oil and Glucoscamine/Chodroitin to his food at each feeding. The oil keeps his skin/fur/nails healthy and shiny. And, the other helps to protect his bones as he ages. He also gets a Virbac C.E.T. enzymatic oral hygiene chew a few times a day for his teeth and gums.


Horton is my "fur-child", I take care of him as if he were my child. I want him to live as rich and full a life as he can. "Stuff" happens in life and I'd be devastated if something happened to my Service Dog because I didn't give him/her the very best care that he deserved.


The groomer mentioned to me that when she cuts his nails they don't splinter and feel dry. I guess the oil is working.


I buy everything but his food from Entirelypets.com. The prices and shipping are very, very good. I have compared prices everywhere and they beat everyone.


The chews can not be purchased in a pet store and very few Vets carry them, even if they did, they're so expensive. I buy a lot of them and then I take them to our electric cutting machine and I cut them in half and even into thirds to stretch them out. Horton loves them, and when I take him to the Vet for a dental check-up the Vet asks me what I'm doing to keep his teeth and gums so healthy.......Virbac chews, I swear by them!

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And tonight Jagger belongs to the clean plate club. Silly dog. Sometimes he eats. Sometimes he barely eats. Still going to explore better dog foods.


And am ordering the Alaskan oil!




I buy "Grizzly Salmon Oil" 64oz size and I put 3 squirts into his breakfast kibble [1 1/8 cup] along with a Glucosamine/Chondroitin chewy for breakfast and the same for dinner.


I have a friend who free-feeds his Lab. The dog only takes a bit at a time. Holy Cow, Horton would be whoofing the whole thing down in seconds. He's a perfect example of what they mean when they talk about how Labs inhale their meals! :p

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I buy "Grizzly Salmon Oil" 64oz size and I put 3 squirts into his breakfast kibble [1 1/8 cup] along with a Glucosamine/Chondroitin chewy for breakfast and the same for dinner.



Do you use the pump spray kind, or is that 3 squirts from a regular bottle? I'm going to order some.



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Roz, Great tip about cutting those Virbacs in half or thirds! I give those to Raylene too. A friend who trains dogs very successfully in Agility swears by Virbac Chews.


They are pricey if you buy them at the Vet's office and half the price at Entirelypets.com. Believe me, I shopped all over the place for them. My first Service Dog, Brenda, loved them and, when I brought Horton home he fell in love with them too. Cutting them in half or thirds sure helps in stretching them out.


The problem is you can't cut them with scissors, you have to be strong if using something like tin snips.....I'm lucky to have an electric cutter in the office.


Also, and this can be very serious......you MUST watch the dog when they're chewing them. They become slimy as the dog chews and salivates on them and then tries to swallow them. I had to pull one out of Brenda's throat because it got stuck......Horton is a very aggressive chewer so he doesn't choke on them.


They come in varying sizes so be careful not to buy too big of a chew. I buy the large for my 90lb boy and still I cut them. They make them in a petit size for very small dogs too. These are also good for the very senior dog whose teeth and chewing capacity are fragile.

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Do you use the pump spray kind, or is that 3 squirts from a regular bottle? I'm going to order some.




The 64oz size is a pump spray. I spray right from that container into his bowl and into the zip lock bag [which I take to work.] Also, there is no fishy smell.


At first Horton wasn't crazy about it. I put his food down, walked away and didn't make a fuss over him overly sniffing at it. Finally, he started eating it very slowly and then with gusto!

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Great, that is just what I ordered but a smaller size to make sure he likes it.


Looks like it's best to refrigerate it, which is fine.


Jagger just got a bath and he's all nice and fluffy. Mani/pedi tomorrow.


Next week he gets his shots. Since I cruise in May, how far ahead should I get the Aphis 7001 form? Looks like for the ports the ship goes through I'll need one in English and Spanish. (then the import forms for Mexico, Panama, and Columbia, I assume)





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Great, that is just what I ordered but a smaller size to make sure he likes it.


Looks like it's best to refrigerate it, which is fine.


Jagger just got a bath and he's all nice and fluffy. Mani/pedi tomorrow.


Next week he gets his shots. Since I cruise in May, how far ahead should I get the Aphis 7001 form? Looks like for the ports the ship goes through I'll need one in English and Spanish. (then the import forms for Mexico, Panama, and Columbia, I assume)







I make my Vet appoint the week before I cruise. When I cruised in April and then again in June, I used the April Vet visit onboard the Carnival Miracle and not a word was said from Immigration or the ship about the Vet check being 2 months before. It has a lot to do about your attitude and how prepared you are with copies for them to keep. Being prepared will not hold you up or make you have to wait for them to make copies. You present yourself as someone who knows what she's doing!


I only keep the oil in the refrig. when I know I'm going to be away and the home air conditioning will not be running. I don't want to attract any strange critters. I also put his bag of kibble in the refrig. while I'm away.


The forms will be in English and will be accepted by their Immigration officials. It's not your job to translate the forms for them. Don't worry about this.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Jagger has licked his bowl clean every time I've put the salmon oil in it!


I just ordered a larger bottle of it as I did the small size just to see. Bear likes it too. Thank you for suggesting this. It's nice to see him eat, plus the benefits that it has is fantastic.



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Jagger has licked his bowl clean every time I've put the salmon oil in it!


I just ordered a larger bottle of it as I did the small size just to see. Bear likes it too. Thank you for suggesting this. It's nice to see him eat, plus the benefits that it has is fantastic.




Holly, I'm so glad that Jagger and Bear like the Salmon Oil. Horton did not like it at first and now he loves it.


You will love what it does for the dogs coat, skin and nails. Hopefully, we're helping their heart health too!

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Wow, 750 pages filled with posts on travelling with a service dog :eek: That's a lot of of information and experiences!


Let me introduce you to Joy, my labrador who will turn two in September:



I got Joy when she was eight weeks old and trained her with the help of a service dog training school to be my service dog. Last week, we passed our exam :) Joy helps me with, among other things, getting undressed, retrieving and handing all kind of things, shopping (getting the grocery items and putting them in the basket on my wheelchair), pushing buttons, opening and closing doors and turning over in bed.


In May 2016, I will be on MS Rotterdam for a 7-days Norway cruise together with my parents. I am in doubt whether or not to take Joy with me. Of course, my parents can assist me if necessary. Yet, I prefer Joy helping me ;)

My main concern is the potty box: will she be able to relieve herself on it? I trained her to poo and pee on command, but of course the ship is a totally new setting for her. Can anyone tell me what the potty boxes on HAL ships look like? How big are they in centimeters? Is there grass in it? Does anyone have a picture of it?

Besides, I wonder if she will get enough exercise onboard. Is she allowed to be off leash and play ball on deck when it is quiet?

Has any of you travelled to Norway with a dog? Were you allowed to take your dog on bus excursions offered by local tourist offices?

Are there more things for me to take into account if I take Joy with me? I still have nine months to train new skills that can be useful onboard, so if you have suggestions, just sound off!


Thanks in advance!

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Hello Dayspring and welcome to you and the absolutely beautiful Joy ... what a darling girl she is and I'm excited as we don't often see chocolates! If you've read any of the posts you may know I have a handsome chocolate boy called Max (he's not a service dog) but he has been the best mentor dog for our recent guide dog pup Aruba.


You must have read also we love, just love, photos of our dogs around here, so you have got off to a wonderful start! :D


Thank you for sharing the photos, they certainly put a big smile on my face this morning. :D


Someone will be along to help you with your questions on taking Joy with you - and the important potty box answers. ;). Are you in Europe?

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Hello Dayspring! Joy is beautiful, and congratulations on passing your exam last week!


I am guessing you are Dutch, from "Hulphond" on Joy's vest - my friend who now lives in Curaçao gave me that translation for "Service Dog."


I just took my service dog Raylene on Holland America Line in April, her second cruise. The square potty box was made of wood and was about 122 centimeters (4 feet, or 48 inches) on each side. They filled it with grass sod, but I think you can also request mulch wood chips.


The box was placed all the way forward on the lower promenade deck in a sheltered area, which was nice if there was wind or rain. I requested a small trash can for the poop bags, which the ship provided immediately. I kept a paper towel in her vest pocket for a quick cleanup just in case she "missed" the inside of the box and there was any pee on the deck, which happened once or twice.


Do not worry too much about Joy using it. That was my big worry on the first cruise, but by the end of boarding day, Raylene realized it was the ony choice and used it. She seems to prefer the mulch more than grass.


The Rotterdam has a full wrap-around deck where she can get exercise. When no one is around, I sometimes take off the leash and toss the ball a bit.


Holland America has a very detailed form to fill out before sailing (at least a month ahead, sooner is a good idea) with the dog's information. If you are European-based, you might already have or could get the EU pet passport for travel, available through a veterinarian, who could advise more about Norway.


I hope you will take her on the cruise! Thank you for the wonderful "Joy-ful" photos!

Edited by Caribbean Chris
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Welcome Dayspring and Joy!


This thread has been the most informative ever, and I've "met" so many nice people on here. I too, will be taking my service dog with me on a cruise in about nine months.


I have the same concern as you about the relief area, but I'm going to work on training him. I bought a Tinkle Turf box which is a bit smaller than the cruiselines generally give. If I can get him to use that, I'll be ahead of the game.


What a beautiful dog! Chocolate Labs are just so gorgeous. :)

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