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Worst Table Mates

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I met a girl once who wasn't at my table but she happen to find me one night. I was out by the pool late at night and she was at the bar, she started talking to me and telling me about how she came on there with her boyfriend and when she couldn't find him that afternoon she went to her room and he was there with another girl :eek: he met on the ship and now she was sleeping on the deck cause she didn't want to go to her room. And she wanted me to get drunk with her and do all these shots, she was a mess!!! I had one drink with her then told her I had to go check on my son and I ran as fast as I could the other direction!!!


I wonder how often that happens. Not so much the sleeping around - but the fight that causes one person to sleep on deck.



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I met a girl once who wasn't at my table but she happen to find me one night. I was out by the pool late at night and she was at the bar, she started talking to me and telling me about how she came on there with her boyfriend and when she couldn't find him that afternoon she went to her room and he was there with another girl :eek: he met on the ship and now she was sleeping on the deck cause she didn't want to go to her room. And she wanted me to get drunk with her and do all these shots, she was a mess!!! I had one drink with her then told her I had to go check on my son and I ran as fast as I could the other direction!!!


God this post makes me so homesick for the 80s *LOL*




Memories , like the corners of my mind ............. :)

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We've been really fortunate in that we've always enjoyed our tablemates, can't remember any bad ones on any of our cruises. My husband is a real joker and usually can get anyone laughing no matter how miserable they want to be. And if someone is a braggart, he'll just keep stringing them on with questions and seeming really interested in what they're saying untill they run out of story line and back themselves into a corner.


I hope prior table mates also feel that way about us, but suspect the family a few years ago may not. We were traveling with our sister-in-law and her 17 yr old daughter, the other family at our table for 10 had a teen-age daughter and 2 younger sons, the kids from that family were so polite and always dressed very nicely, our niece didn't make it to dinner for the first couple of nights, when she finally did show up with her tatoos, nose ring, midrift top, etc...I was actually embarrassed for these nice clean-cut people to meet her. I hope they weren't too put off by her appearance. We know her and she is harmless, but based on looks she's pretty scary and projects a 'tough-girl' attitude to boot. I'm sure the other parents warned their daughter to stay away from her when she sees her about the ship.

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We've been really fortunate in that we've always enjoyed our tablemates, can't remember any bad ones on any of our cruises. My husband is a real joker and usually can get anyone laughing no matter how miserable they want to be. And if someone is a braggart, he'll just keep stringing them on with questions and seeming really interested in what they're saying untill they run out of story line and back themselves into a corner.


I hope prior table mates also feel that way about us, but suspect the family a few years ago may not. We were traveling with our sister-in-law and her 17 yr old daughter, the other family at our table for 10 had a teen-age daughter and 2 younger sons, the kids from that family were so polite and always dressed very nicely, our niece didn't make it to dinner for the first couple of nights, when she finally did show up with her tatoos, nose ring, midrift top, etc...I was actually embarrassed for these nice clean-cut people to meet her. I hope they weren't too put off by her appearance. We know her and she is harmless, but based on looks she's pretty scary and projects a 'tough-girl' attitude to boot. I'm sure the other parents warned their daughter to stay away from her when she sees her about the ship.






Your husband and me would make a good team :)

I love cutting up and haveing good natured fun and making people laugh, especially meeting new people. And yes I love knocking the wind out of the sails of some big winded bragger *LOL*



DS has a friend just like your niece , very sweet and pretty girl but loves that "Goth" look with the black and white makeup and the commando clothes *LOL*. When you sit and talk to her she is very nice and very intelligent , just not what you expect from the appearence.


She comes to the house I call her Morticia *LOL*

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Our nightmare was open seating in the dr. We were seated with a nice couple and their daughter, friendly conversation. Then all s%it hit the fan. A woman recently lost her husband and was cruising with a man she knew many years ago. They sat down and he started telling us how stupid and careless she was because she fell getting out of the shower. Then he started yelling at the waiter ~ nothing pleased him. He went to the rest room and I took the woman aside and asked her if she needed help. She said she had not seen this jerk for many years and he wasn't like this before. I pleaded with her to let me take her to the pursers desk and see about another cabin. She wouldn't but I did get her cabin # and my dh and I checked on her EVERY day.

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We've been very fortunate over the years to have great table mates at dinner. However, three years ago on VOS I decided I wanted to try lunch in the dining room for a change as it was raining. Anyhow, we were seated with a couple that did nothing but brag about the "mansion" that they had custom built by day laborers (aka illegal aliens). If they weren't thrilled with the work, they told them AT THE END OF THE DAY that they weren't paying. They even bragged that the poor laborers could never take them to court as they were here illegally. To make matter worse, there was a woman about 60 that was sitting next to me at the table with the dirtiest, smelly hair I have ever encountered. It was so gross that I ate nothing and waited for DH to finish his lunch and high tail it out of there. Needless to say, I have never returned to the dining room for lunch!

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Our nightmare was open seating in the dr. We were seated with a nice couple and their daughter, friendly conversation. Then all s%it hit the fan. A woman recently lost her husband and was cruising with a man she knew many years ago. They sat down and he started telling us how stupid and careless she was because she fell getting out of the shower. Then he started yelling at the waiter ~ nothing pleased him. He went to the rest room and I took the woman aside and asked her if she needed help. She said she had not seen this jerk for many years and he wasn't like this before. I pleaded with her to let me take her to the pursers desk and see about another cabin. She wouldn't but I did get her cabin # and my dh and I checked on her EVERY day.


Now that is scary!

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Talking about the 80's, I was on my second cruise with a friend and her two sons. It was on Sitmar's Fairsea. We had a sail-a-way party as we were leaving Acapulco and I had a little bit too much to drink, or course I am a light weight it takes very little for me to get tipsy, :rolleyes: I went to sleep on one of the lounge chairs outside. Nobody bothered me was very comfortable. My friends son told her that I was asleep out there.:o


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On Mariner in May we went to lunch in the dining room. We were seated at an 8 top. There was a bread basket on the table. The first people seated and into the bread basket were from Brazil. The wife kept ripping off pieces of bread and throwing the rest back into the basket. It was so gross. Needless to say, no one else even touched the basket except for her husband who talked to her only.


They talked in Portugese but did know English as they both spoke English to the waiter. They were just sooooooo rude and demanding.

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I can't verify this because it didn't happen to me, but on one of the cruise message boards there was a posting about a woman who carried her teddy bear with her everyplace. The poster claimed that she brought it to dinner and fed it! I might have been tempted to grab the teddy bear and take it to the bathroom, but obviously the woman wasn't well.


Did anyone else read this. It was at least a year ago.

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I can't verify this because it didn't happen to me, but on one of the cruise message boards there was a posting about a woman who carried her teddy bear with her everyplace. The poster claimed that she brought it to dinner and fed it! I might have been tempted to grab the teddy bear and take it to the bathroom, but obviously the woman wasn't well.


Did anyone else read this. It was at least a year ago.

I read about this, too! Apparently, she and her husband took their bears with them everywhere! They dressed them in several different outfits during the cruise. I can't even imagine what their tablemates thought!

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We were on our first cruise and chose a table for 2. I am very social, but my DH is not and it was our 10 year anniv. present to ourselves so we just wanted to have romantic dinners for 2. Unfortunately, the table behind ours was also a table for 2, but they had added a chair for this couple's daughter (approx. 8 yrs old). I think they were from South America. Every night the woman ordered something special (not even remotely on the menu) and did not eat it. The little girl was a BRAT!!! She demanded foods not served in the dining room and got them.:eek: One night she demanded chocolate chips for dessert. Our waiter & his assistant were constantly running all over the ship looking for specialty items for this family causing delayed service for their other tables. I know for a fact that one night Rommel went up to the buffet to get something for them in the middle of service that was available up there and not in the DR. I wish they would have eaten up there instead. We sympathized with our servers and tipped them extra at the end of the cruise, but I think that it made them feel worse for not giving us the service that they usually gave.

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Hey man, we've been listening to you guys say it for years, now that we have figured out the truth, and according to the United Nations it is, we are LOVING IT.


From and UNBELIEVABLY PROUD CANADIAN (with cheaper prices and health care)


Sorry to go OT, :o but a word of apology to our hospitable southern neighbours, and Pacific Sandy obviously hasn't tried to buy a house or get a hip replacement in Calgary lately...


Happy Sails,



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I love reading about the worst table mates people have ever had. Most tablemates are very nice, but tell me about your worst ones, please!

Our worst tablemates were the ones that never showed up. We sat for two nights waiting for them before ordering. After a half hour we gave up and went ahead without them. The second night our waiter even added an additonal setting because they were bringing a guest (at a table for eight - with just the two of us). Again they did not show.


We then asked the matre'd to move us to another table where we could enjoy meeting some fellow travelers. .... and He moved us......

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Our worst tablemates were the ones that never showed up. We sat for two nights waiting for them before ordering.


Wow, you are much more patient than I. I can't go two whole nights without eating! ;)


(sorry, couldn't resist)

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In our various cruises we have usually had great table mates, some have been people we kept in touch with after the cruise. However, two times we didn't...


The couple on the Sun Princess... We were at a table for eight: us, a retired couple living in Mexico, a young couple, and the "other" couple. She would talk incessantly about her medical problems, including a severe, incurable (she said) bladder infection. And she would talk in great detail about all the side effects of said infection. All the time. Including it's effect on her, uh, "personal" life with her husband (who rarely spoke). The young couple left after one night. We tried to make conversation with the retired couple and were sometimes successful blocking out the "other" woman. The couple showed up for formal nights in matching jogging suits and other nights in much less than casual attire. We should have asked to be moved, but we felt sorry for the retired couple.


The mother on the Disney Magic cruising with her teenage son... She announced the first night that her son was severely allergic to peanuts and that she carried some kind of "pen" in case he inadvertently got some in his food. Apparently his reaction could be deadly, so it was important information. However, she continued to talk about it at every meal along with anecdotes about his close calls with death. The poor young man was embarrassed, but she just wouldn't stop. And she wasn't pleasant in general and just wanted to monopolize all conversation. We felt so sorry for the boy.


Usually, though, we have had table mates ranging from pleasant to very interesting. And we can hardly wait to cruise again!



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Our nightmare was open seating in the dr. We were seated with a nice couple and their daughter, friendly conversation. Then all s%it hit the fan. A woman recently lost her husband and was cruising with a man she knew many years ago. They sat down and he started telling us how stupid and careless she was because she fell getting out of the shower. Then he started yelling at the waiter ~ nothing pleased him. He went to the rest room and I took the woman aside and asked her if she needed help. She said she had not seen this jerk for many years and he wasn't like this before. I pleaded with her to let me take her to the pursers desk and see about another cabin. She wouldn't but I did get her cabin # and my dh and I checked on her EVERY day.


Your actions speak much about your character. Kudos! :)

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Our last cruise DW and I were seated at a table for 2. Next thing I know she is asking, "what are you thinking"..... "talk to me". It was terrible, so uncomfortable, I just wanted to hide. I should have asked to change tables. Next time I request a table for 1.

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A few years ago we were at a table for 8, 4 of us together (2 Canadian couples) and 2 other couples, not together. The 1st night we were all making polite conversation. The topic of where we were from came up and the 4 of us said we were Canadian. One of the other couples was from South Carolina and when the wife heard we were Canadian she exclaimed in a loud voice "shucks, I've never met an alien before!" :o


We might as well have been from Mars with some of the silly questions she was asking us. The next night they were at the table before us and when she saw us approaching the table she jumped up and yelled "here come my aliens!" Even her husband was embarrassed but she never let up. The other couple never showed up.


After that we went to the WJ for dinner.

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Our last cruise DW and I were seated at a table for 2. Next thing I know she is asking, "what are you thinking"..... "talk to me". It was terrible, so uncomfortable, I just wanted to hide. I should have asked to change tables. Next time I request a table for 1.


Steven, is that you??? I didn't know you posted on these boards my dear husband! :D :D

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We were seated with a very wealthy British couple on our last cruise (they told us about their "lovely" suite and "bungalo" in Britain),but we ended up becoming great friends, and still keep in touch, they even wrote and told us how much they missed us on their second week of cruising (we of course only took one). Because of those great times in the dining room, we will always sit with guests in the future (even though, after reading some of the previous posts, it seems to be a pretty big risk:) )

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Our last cruise DW and I were seated at a table for 2. Next thing I know she is asking, "what are you thinking"..... "talk to me". It was terrible, so uncomfortable, I just wanted to hide. I should have asked to change tables. Next time I request a table for 1.


ROFLMBO!! This sounds exactly like something my dh would say! :p

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Our last cruise DW and I were seated at a table for 2. Next thing I know she is asking, "what are you thinking"..... "talk to me". It was terrible, so uncomfortable, I just wanted to hide. I should have asked to change tables. Next time I request a table for 1.


At first I thought it was my dh, but then I realized "whew, not me!" I would never ask "what are you thinking?" ROFL



BTW, booze brothers...you are the kind of people to cruise with...so thoughtful and caring...God Bless You!

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