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NCL Mastercard FAQ


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I would start blogging on the national media blogs, forget local. That would get the ball rolling MUCH faster and also inform those who don't know about the problem without the need for a class action. I would be surprised if the media didn't pick up on this story right away. Especially with all of the bad press the financial institutions are receiving right now because of how they may have spent the taxpayers bailout money. Just my .02...


I think that's a great idea. Maybe someone can point them to this thread so they can get an idea of just how widespread this mess is. You know the media would jump all over BOA screwing people out of their money, especially considering the people they're screwing are the same taxpayers who are financing their bailout! :mad:

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What bothers me the most about the responses that are being given from BOA is that they have NO access to our previous points history or statements?? How did BOA ever think that they were going to accurately send the correct certificates if they did not provide a good accounting of our points in the first place??


I have my BofA accounts pulled up right now and can access statements showing points back to September 2007 on one, and August 2007 on the other. Some department at BofA has to have this access as well...

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I posted all this on the main board, but am reposting here, I got confused!


Well, I received my envelopes yesterday, and to tell the truth I was dreading opening them because I knew I would be facing a frustrating problem! Here's my scenario.


I have three accounts, they got one right, 2 wrong.


  1. Due 2-$500 and 1-100 point certificate. Correct!:)
  2. Due 3-100 point certificates, received 1-100 point certificate.:(
  3. Due 1-$500 and 1-100 point certificate, received 1-100 point certificate.:(

Also, on the one they got correct, I did need those post December closing points to make the next certificate, so they did get that one right. For one of the other, I reached that $500 level in June and they got that wrong. Go figure!:confused:


I really am unhappy at the amount of time I have had to spend doing their job, especially now that I have to call them again. :mad:


I decided to suck it up and call Bank of America. The rep actually could see my incorrect account adjustments but beyond that didn't know what to do. So she puts me on hold and the next thing I hear is a greeting from NCL! She transferred me without even telling me!!! In retrospect, I'm glad she did because this time I got someone who knew why I was calling and was prepared to help.


The NCL rep said that NCL has setup a resolution desk to work with BofA to fix the issues. He said they realize this problem also reflects on NCL and they want to get it resolved. He took my specific information and is giving it to the resolution desk and that I should hear soon. I'm going to remain optimistic that NCL will help get this done. I asked about a phone number, and the number was the usual NCL number you would call, so it looks like they have everyone prepared to answer our calls. Yay, no endless documentation!


Thanks Tony! NCL never lets me down!:)

Edited by Maryfrei
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I called BoA yesterday as a follow-up to my call a couple of weeks ago to ensure I got the proper certificates ($200 for each of 2 accounts). The rep, after putting me on hold a couple of times said only transactions on the statement that closed before December 31st would count. That being said, I was still getting the $2000 for the account in question (I did not understand his math or logic, but he said the system showed I would get $2,000.


When I got home from work, sure enough, I got the vouchers from BoA in the mail. I got $2,000 per account (what I felt was correct), PLUS a 1 category upgrade (I did not have anywhere near enough points for this - 1 account probably had a remainder of 10 points and the other less than 10 points.

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I have my BofA accounts pulled up right now and can access statements showing points back to September 2007 on one, and August 2007 on the other. Some department at BofA has to have this access as well...


Something I just thought about - This BOA claim that they can't access out old records. Right now, I, and I assume everyone else, can pull up their December 2008 records that show our Compass Reward points. I think we should all make printouts right away. I would hate to come back later when I need to get a printout for proof, and find those points can no longer be printed out. Paranoid? Yes.

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i posted all this on the main board, but am reposting here, i got confused!


well, i received my envelopes yesterday, and to tell the truth i was dreading opening them because i knew i would be facing a frustrating problem! Here's my scenario.


I have three accounts, they got one right, 2 wrong.


  1. due 2-$500 and 1-100 point certificate. Correct!:)
  2. due 3-100 point certificates, received 1-100 point certificate.:(
  3. due 1-$500 and 1-100 point certificate, received 1-100 point certificate.:(

also, on the one they got correct, i did need those post december closing points to make the next certificate, so they did get that one right. For one of the other, i reached that $500 level in june and they got that wrong. Go figure!:confused:


I really am unhappy at the amount of time i have had to spend doing their job, especially now that i have to call them again. :mad:


i decided to suck it up and call bank of america. The rep actually could see my incorrect account adjustments but beyond that didn't know what to do. So she puts me on hold and the next thing i hear is a greeting from ncl! She transferred me without even telling me!!! In retrospect, i'm glad she did because this time i got someone who knew why i was calling and was prepared to help.


The ncl rep said that ncl has setup a resolution desk to work with bofa to fix the issues. He said they realize this problem also reflects on ncl and they want to get it resolved. He took my specific information and is giving it to the resolution desk and that i should hear soon. I'm going to remain optimistic that ncl will help get this done. I asked about a phone number, and the number was the usual ncl number you would call, so it looks like they have everyone prepared to answer our calls. Yay, no endless documentation!


Thanks tony! Ncl never lets me down!:)


which of the phone numbers did you use to get to the resolution desk?

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I called BoA yesterday as a follow-up to my call a couple of weeks ago to ensure I got the proper certificates ($200 for each of 2 accounts). The rep, after putting me on hold a couple of times said only transactions on the statement that closed before December 31st would count. That being said, I was still getting the $2000 for the account in question (I did not understand his math or logic, but he said the system showed I would get $2,000.


When I got home from work, sure enough, I got the vouchers from BoA in the mail. I got $2,000 per account (what I felt was correct), PLUS a 1 category upgrade (I did not have anywhere near enough points for this - 1 account probably had a remainder of 10 points and the other less than 10 points.


You were entitled to the upgrade certificate, as they stated on the FAQ that they would bump everyone up to the next 100 points. Glad some of you are getting the right amount. I called a few weeks ago and told them to note in my account that I should have a final total of 1008 Compass Reward Points, and to note in my account that I should be entitled to two $500 Compass Reward Certificates. This was all noted and "confirmed" and then all I received was the lousy upgrade certificate........

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Something I just thought about - This BOA claim that they can't access out old records. Right now, I, and I assume everyone else, can pull up their December 2008 records that show our Compass Reward points. I think we should all make printouts right away. I would hate to come back later when I need to get a printout for proof, and find those points can no longer be printed out. Paranoid? Yes.


I did just that as soon as I received my December statement online. When I started having a "gut feeling" that the Compass Rewards program was nearing an end (see page 64, post #701), I'm sure others thought I was paranoid. Shortly thereafter, it happened. No, I did not have inside information, and no, I'm not psychic!


Looking back, as soon as we received the BofA letter we should have gone ahead and called for our certs from one card so we'd have them for our upcoming cruise. We decided to wait so that we would have that extended expiration date in case something happened and we had to change our dates.

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Day before yesterday my husband received $1200 worth of points and it was correct. My points showed up yesterday and I got $100 certificate for upgrade (worthless on suites or above), but nothing else! I had over 1200 points as of 12-31-08.


I called BoA and after 20 minutes on hold was transferred. The rep said he couldn't access my records because the points program was no longer effective. He gave me an address for NCL resolution center.


I decided to call the number that was posted on the sticky and reached BoA card services - answered almost immediately. She put me on hold twice and came back to say that their records show not all the certificates have been sent. The balance will be sent between Feb 1 and Feb 10th. She suggested I wait until 2-12 and call back. She said they will give me the resolution information I would need to file a claim.


I think I'll just be pessimistic and write to the reso place now. With my luck I'll probably get another 100 upgrade instead of the 1100 points they owe!


Luckily, my next NCL cruise isn't until Oct 17th. I told my husband that since the 100 upgrade points can't be used on suites or higher, we ought to book a room and see what we get for his 100's along with mine - together we'd have about 500 or 600 points. Maybe we book another Mex Riv cruise and relax.

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Something I just thought about - This BOA claim that they can't access out old records. Right now, I, and I assume everyone else, can pull up their December 2008 records that show our Compass Reward points. I think we should all make printouts right away. I would hate to come back later when I need to get a printout for proof, and find those points can no longer be printed out. Paranoid? Yes.


I saved the snail mail copies of our two NCL BOA accounts when both cards reached the $500 certificate amounts. Have the accounts in hard copy in my hands as I post this.


As our next NCL cruise is not until the end of Sept. I, unfortunately, did not call BOA to redeem the points at that time. DH & I both felt that BOA would send us the appropriate certificates as stated in the news releases as well as by mailings sent out.


Received our first mailing on Compass rewards on the two cards today. Anxiously opened the envelope to find a cover letter stating ``Thank you for your participation in the Compass Rewards program . . . blah,blah blah. Enclosed are your final Compass Rdward Certificates based on your final points balance on Dec. 32, 2008.


Second sheet of the mailing is an standard stationary size paper stating that DH's account has earned a 100 point, 1 category upgrade. The sheet has a heading with the NCL Logo with an account reference No. The sheet rest of the sheet is blank except for the words ``intentionally Left Blank'' Printed 3 times across the page in gray print.


That is all we have received so far on 2 separate NCL BOA cards that both earned $500 certificates.


DH & I stopped using the BOA card in my name after my card's billing in Nov. that showed we had reached 508 points and charged our expenses from mid-Nov. through Dec. to DH's card (which included a late Nov. cruise on NCL). His billing in mid-Dec. showed he had accumulated 538 points. Haven't received a letter from BOA on our account in my name as yet. I'm sure that letter will be about the same.


I am not going to call BOA or NCL today about this problem. Waiting until I get my letter and whatever useless certificates as well. Hopefully letter on our second card will come in the mail this weekend.


As a previous poster said I need to be nice on the phone when I call. Not sure I could be nice and gracious today.:D


I'm a news reporter by trade and am more than willing to start contacting news media regarding BOA's screw up on earned certificates.


This entire screw up on thousands of accounts is fraud as I see it. Don't care how many excuses we get from BOA execs or NCL's home supervisors.


BOA has not followed through with what was promised to card users and since the card was linked to NCL, NCL execs should ensure these earned certificates are made good.


That's my 2 1/2 cents worth.



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Like many others I was entitled to two $500 certificates plus two $100 upgrade certificates. The only thing I received was one $100 upgrade certificate. I called the number listed and was told that my case information would be given to a supervisor and I should hear back from someone in three to four weeks! I said that wasn't good enough for me as my final payment is due in less than 2 weeks and I was initially told back in December that all certificates would be mailed in January. She said that BoA would have to make some sort of accommodation to let people use their certificates after the final payment, given the situation. Since I don't have that in writing I'll be surprised if they make good on that. This whole situation should have been handled better. This shows poor management on their part. They knew they were changing the program and should have made a greater effort in ensuring the changeover went smoothly.They should give everyone whose certificates got screwed up the correct certificates plus an onboard credit of some amount. Forget the useless upgrade certificates.:mad:

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Sadly, but not unexpectedly, I received a $100 upgrade but not my 2 $500 certs. Letter said I had earned 17 points. Those are the points I earned between Dec 5th and Dec 31st. I earned 987 as of my Dec 5th statement. I should have received $1000 in rewards certs plus the rounded-up $100 upgrade for my remaining points. Just another victim of BOA's incompetence. :( Looks like I'll be busy this weekend documenting everything and writing my resolution letter. With so many conflicting answers from both BOA and NCL, I don't want to wait a few more weeks just to discover that they can't get it resolved without our documentation. After this mess, frankly, I don't trust either corp.

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Just received my letter. I was scared to open it since my grandkids are here and I didn't want to go balistic with them here. By my calculations I should have had 502 points (one $500 and one upgrade) They calculated 500 points even and sent me 1 $500 cert. I don't care about the upgrade so I'm fine.

I definetly feel like one of the lucky ones.

BTW my last 164 points were between my Dec 8 closing date and Dec 26.

I really feel for all of you who have to deal with the mess.

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I just called the main line and gave all my information. The woman said they are swamped :eek: and someone will call in 3-5 days. She was WELL aware of the situation.


keep your fingers crossed..


"Main line" at BOA or NCL? Still waiting to hear from my NCL cruise consultant, who said he would call back today with info on how this will be handled, and maybe a special phone number...

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Final certificates will be mailed February 2-10.


I would recommend giving it at least until February 13 or 14 to see them in your mailbox.


Everybody rest and relax this weekend! I'm to hear more Monday.


Sea Hound:D


Hey Seahound, who gave you these dates? Did you speak to someone who gave you these dates, or are you just going on the assmption that the rest of the certificates are on the way?

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Hey Seahound, who gave you these dates? Did you speak to someone who gave you these dates, or are you just going on the assmption that the rest of the certificates are on the way?


This came from the Office of the Chairman, Bank of America.


Sea Hound:D

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Wow! Friends in high places!


Just doing what I know how to do!;)


I would recommend easing off for a while and let my contact work on it. I SWEAR I'll post back here anything I learn as soon as I learn it. I'm to get an email or phone call Monday with an update.


Sea Hound:D

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