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RB's Daily WW Chat

RB Bonzo

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Hi all


Haven't read any posts yet but thought I would jump in and say HI

Well WW went out the window once we left Atlanta, the clothes still fit after 3 weeks onboard although a little snugger than before but we are having a wonderful time.

The only thing I am sticking to is lots of fruits and veggies but I will be back on plan when we get home.

Having a wonderful time though:) :D

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After losing about a pound in 6 weeks, I switched to Core on Saturday. At this morning's WI, I was down 3.8 lbs.


I am not saying that this is evidence that core is better than flex. What I do think is that, after 6 mos, I was tired of doing Flex and was not following it as closely as I ought to. Core is something new, and the novelty encouraged me to toe the line.


I am enjoying core - it works! That plateau is busted, and watch out 210's!

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Down 1.6 lbs today...with two Thanksgiving dinners to deal with, quite a feat!


I am loving WW so far! I love that I can eat anything I want with the points.


One question about CORE (since I may switch to that to bust a plateau), can you exchange activity points on CORE for extra stuff like you do on Points?


Have a great week everyone!

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One question about CORE (since I may switch to that to bust a plateau), can you exchange activity points on CORE for extra stuff like you do on Points?


YES!!! And, that is really important, because the points are SO much more valuable when you are on Core and get only 35/wk. It is a big motivator to exercise

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YES!!! And, that is really important, because the points are SO much more valuable when you are on Core and get only 35/wk. It is a big motivator to exercise


I am hard done by over here! We have only 21 points a week in addition to Core foods. Never mind, I lost 1.5lbs this week. That is 3.5lbs in 2 weeks as opposed to half a pound in the 3 previous weeks.


I agree with RB, switching is good for re-motivation. I also like cooking from scratch but was too busy in summer. I love the Core foods for cooler weather.

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Six months ago, I got winded by walking up a flight of stairs. When I started taking regular walks with my wife, I needed to ask her to slow down when we were going up a hill - - and I sometimes needed to ask her to take a break. It was frequently hard for me to talk, because i would get out of breath so easily.


This past Saturday, I ran a half-marathon. I gave a report on the race on the "Log your exercise" thread - more running details than anything else, but if anyone's interested in that, you can check that thread out.


I ran most of the race with a friend who has been training with me since mid-summer. We ran about 9 miles together, and at about 8 miles into the race, I realized that we were both able to converse without difficulty. Just a few months ago, we strained to run a couple of miles, but here we were, going mile after mile (we did take 90 - 120 second walking breaks every 6-8 minutes), chatting away. Unfortunately, he had to stop to take a bathroom break along he route; he tired himself out catching up with me and when we started the last 4 miles, which were all uphill, he started to fall behind and told me to go on ahead. He wound up finishing about 5 minutes behind me.


At one point in the race, about a quarter of the way out, I was chatting with a volunteer who was riding a bicycle along the course. I cracked a joke about how slow I was, and she responded that I should be proud of myself for running the race at all, regardless of how fast I ran. She then said, "I know that I wouldn't be able to do it."


I thought about that for few seconds and said, "If you had seen me six months ago, then you would know that isn't true."


Today, I feel like I can do anything. What a difference six months can make!

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Six months ago, I got winded by walking up a flight of stairs. When I started taking regular walks with my wife, I needed to ask her to slow down when we were going up a hill - - and I sometimes needed to ask her to take a break. It was frequently hard for me to talk, because i would get out of breath so easily.


This past Saturday, I ran a half-marathon. I gave a report on the race on the "Log your exercise" thread - more running details than anything else, but if anyone's interested in that, you can check that thread out.


I ran most of the race with a friend who has been training with me since mid-summer. We ran about 9 miles together, and at about 8 miles into the race, I realized that we were both able to converse without difficulty. Just a few months ago, we strained to run a couple of miles, but here we were, going mile after mile (we did take 90 - 120 second walking breaks every 6-8 minutes), chatting away. Unfortunately, he had to stop to take a bathroom break along he route; he tired himself out catching up with me and when we started the last 4 miles, which were all uphill, he started to fall behind and told me to go on ahead. He wound up finishing about 5 minutes behind me.


At one point in the race, about a quarter of the way out, I was chatting with a volunteer who was riding a bicycle along the course. I cracked a joke about how slow I was, and she responded that I should be proud of myself for running the race at all, regardless of how fast I ran. She then said, "I know that I wouldn't be able to do it."


I thought about that for few seconds and said, "If you had seen me six months ago, then you would know that isn't true."


Today, I feel like I can do anything. What a difference six months can make!


What things are you able to do now that you had trouble with when you started your weight loss journey?


Onward & downard!

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Hello everyone! I am back from my 8 day vacation and have read the back posts - nice losses people! Core I agree is great for getting off plateaus and for just a change of pace - I have done it a few times and usually switch back to points after 3 weeks or so.


RB - CONGRATS on your half marathon!! I can't wait to read your full race report as I am getting nervous about my first half in less than 3 weeks!!


So here's how my cruise week went. I am very proud of myself for the MANY, MANY good choices I made during the week. The funny thing is that I ate how I wanted to eat and I never felt deprived. I actually looked around at people who were over indulging and felt sorry for their lack of control. I know that was me before. I did enjoy two lobster tails one night at dinner - YUMMY - I had a wonderful filet mignon (but could only eat half of a 9 oz piece) and had a couple of different "spa" desserts after dinner (the spa desserts are sugar-free and low-fat and surprisingly delicious!). My plan to get a shrimp cocktail each night instead of bread worked wonderfully and my waiter was great at bringing it to me automatically. One night he came by with the bread basket a second time and then just put a second shrimp cocktail down for me - very cool. I did get to the gym and ran (only on one day though) and I did hike in a rain forest to do the "zip-lines". Stairs were my friend and the bottled water was a bargain price of 3.50 for a 1.5 litre bottle. I drank an average of 3 a day! I weighed myself today (just got home 12 hours ago) and my weight is up 2.5. Personally I think that is great because I know a few days at home and a few runs in and I will be back where I was before I left. On prior cruises I have gained as much as 11 and as few as 4 (until this one!). Glad to be home and to get back to my routine! Colleen

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RB, that's awesome!! You should be very proud of yourself!!


Colleen, welcome back, you did awesome! I can gain 3-5 pounds in just one weekend, so I can't imagine only gaining 2 over a week on our cruise. What a great example you are!!

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Congrats RB on your half marathon.


Colleen, glad you had a good cruise and were able to stick to a WOE that worked for you.


I am having a bad week after my play finished. Had a bit of a binge yesterday evening and just keep wanting to snack. Not sure why except post play let down. We are going to son and DIL this weekend in Manchester. I won't be able to post. I will take some food with me such as LF soft cheese and crispbread to eat when they have bread etc. I don't think WI will be good on Thursday. Oh dear! At least my cruise is now only 3weeks away. Something to really look forward to.



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RB, that's just fantastic! I love hearing stories like that.


Well, after getting off to a rocky re-start, I feel lke I may be back on the straight and narrow. Maybe it has something to do with trying on dresses today for formal night. Ugh!


Colleen, glad you had a good cruise, and came home with a minimal gain. I may have to try the shrimp cocktail thing.

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What habit changes have you made recently that are helping you in your weight loss efforts?


Onward & downward!


1. I am the only one in my family who eats seafood. When grilling or broiling meat or poultry for dinner early in the week, I'll throw on a piece of fish. I then use it, mixed w/ salad greens, for my lunches during the course of the week.


2. Cleaning the kitchen is a perilous job for me. Leftovers on the kids' plates tend to disappear, and somehow, the full amount of food left in bowls, pots, & pans somehow doesn't make it to the fridge. I bought a few pack of chewing gum and keep it in a prominent place in the kitchen - first thing I do is stick that in my mouth.


3. I wrote about this one a few weeks ago - another problem for me is sneaking food in the evening. I declare to myself "The kitchen is closed," and that helps to reinforce my resolve to not snack at night.


What tips do you guys have?

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Good Morning Everyone!


One of the many changes I have made is the faithful consumption of water! It is my preferred beverage now and in the past I drank mostly diet coke during the day. I would think this healthy habit aids in my weight loss but at the very least it helps my body, skin and hair.


Another big change for me has been the addition of regular exercise. Last November I walked into the gym that I had been a member of (but had not been to in well over a year) and purchased three sessions with a personal trainer. This was one of the best purchases I have made in MANY years! Having someone guide me and encourage me really gave me the motivation I needed in those early months when getting to the gym felt awkward not to mention embarassing (you know that feeling like "I" don't belong here with "them"). 11 Months later and 35 lbs lost I can't imagine life without the gym or running.


RB - I read your full race report and I am very impressed with your time!! That is great! My first goal (besides finishing of course) is to finish in under 2:30 (or a solid 11 min/mi). I don't know if thats doable or not but its my goal (fingers crossed). I do run without walking at this point (been running since March) but run at distance VERY slowly as you say. I find it funny that you jog and walk and our overall pace is the same - interesting, huh? It will be hard for me to pace myself correctly so that I can run the whole thing without walking which is my other goal - I'll keep you posted.


Thank you everyone for the welcomes back - I am making the curry bean soup today for a nice hearty lunch and handy snack!

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I started running about the same time as a friend - we are about the same level. We ran a 5k together last August, and I was determined to run it wire to wire. So was he. But, he came out at a pace that I knew I couldn't maintain. I wished him well and fell back. He couldn't run the whole thing, but he beat me by about 2 minutes.


I had actually figured before that race that I would get a better time by mixing in some walking. But, my goal was to run the whole thing. My friend's goal was to get the best possible time. We both succeeded.


Running the entire half wasn't an option for me. It will be for my next one, though - and that will be the main goal. Getting under 2:30 will be goal #2!

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I am down 0.8 lb today....not too bad...8 lb total in 4 weeks! Now if only I could keep that up! LOL.


The changes I've made is I feel I'm more in control. When faced with lots of food, I'd feel literally "drawn" to it, even if I wasn't hungry! I just liked to eat. Now I feel like I can control my choices and eat what I really like and leave the rest. It's a good change :)


RB, great story!

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What healthy lifestyle choices are people making for this weekend?



The past few months, I have followed a pattern where I am up a few pounds after each weekend and then lose it over the course of the following week, plus usually a little more. This weekend, I am going to strive to eat the way I usually do so that I don't fall into a hole.


I hope to get to the gym this afternoon and resume weight lifting, something I haven't done in a long time. Also, I'm pretty much recovered from the half-marathon and will start training for the next race (a 5k in early November) tomorrow - looking forward to shifting my focus from endurance to speed.

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I kind of do the same thing. I take my free day on Friday, and usually gain 2 lbs, then lose it over the course of the next week. I've been fighting with the same lb for the last 4 weeks, lose it, gain it... I guess I need to add more exercise to bust this plateau. We are supposed to get snow today, and I was planning to just hole up until I read your post. Now I'm thinking I'll go to the mall and walk. Thanks for the inspiration!

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Hey everyone,


I am trying to just count points! Since I have been back I have been "good"

but have yet to actually count my points. Today I ran 9 miles - my longest run to date. I needed to eat the "gu" which is 100 calories twice during my run. It helped me get through the run (I have been having issues with my tummy after an hour of running - so I was told to try this). It did help my stomach but it killed me to use 200 calories in a nasty substance called "gu" - ughhhhh. I know my miles more than accounted for it but I would have loved to use the 4 points somewhere else - like two beers tonight with the Red Sox game!! OK - enough about that. My goal is to start counting points tomorrow - according to my scale I am back at my low weight from before the cruise - not bad for being home one week tomorrow. Enjoy your points!! Colleen

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Colleen - I tried Gu for the first time when I ran my half; my friend gave me a couple of packs. I thought it helped me quite a bit. Glad the weight dropped off so quickly.


Congrats on getting back on track after you came back. It was after my vacation last August that I got a little "derailed," if you can call it back. I had drifted into a relatively healthy way of eating, but it wasn't WW, and my weight loss really slowed down as a result. Far better to get right back to it!

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