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Glad to help ans. Q's on weight loss/fitness


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My name is Cathy, and I have lost around 35 lbs. I still need to lose about another 15, but that is not the problem, I am losing weight at a consistent 2-3 lbs a week. I am 47 years old and the skin seems to be somewhat loose. If I start "pumping iron" will it start to fill out that loose skin? I have done mostly walking, aerobics, and squats and lunges and swimming. I want to get a hot bod if that is possible at this age. I was once quite nice but let everything go after a hysterectomy. Any help you could provide would be nice. Thank you in advance.

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My name is Cathy, and I have lost around 35 lbs. I still need to lose about another 15, but that is not the problem, I am losing weight at a consistent 2-3 lbs a week. I am 47 years old and the skin seems to be somewhat loose. If I start "pumping iron" will it start to fill out that loose skin? I have done mostly walking, aerobics, and squats and lunges and swimming. I want to get a hot bod if that is possible at this age. I was once quite nice but let everything go after a hysterectomy. Any help you could provide would be nice. Thank you in advance.


Hi Cathy, Great job and you're riding good momentum!!


Skin elasticity is a real problem as we get older...especially when lots of weight is lost.


As we get older, we still have a younger idea of what's a "hot bod" ...

Not a bad goal, but it could be a tormenting "carrot on the stick". Genes and age are tough to beat. Don't let your identity be wrapped up in what will inevitably will win over time.


Think about what you need to do to enjoy who you are, as well as the process of life! Weight training may help to fill out some of the lose skin, but things like sun and smoking increases the problem... There's always the nip/tuck option;) that's a personal decision.


Keep doing what your doing, smell the roses along the way and make sure your goals are realistic....Remember getting older ....is the goal, and looking younger is still available...sounds to me your doing a great job at both!



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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks so much for lending your expertise in this arena. Here's my story...I'll be 52 next month. In the throws of menopause. I have no thyroid - so I'm on synthetics and doc is trying to get it regulated. AND...I had knee surgery again 4 months ago and am still recovering from that. I try to be 5'4" and females in my family have a tendency to being overweight - especially in the belly. Because of that, I have always worked at NOT going in that direction.


Over the past few years, the weight has been slowing creeping on, but I've battled it back with exercise, diet (I've tried them all). I'm still a size 6/8 depending on the designer but it's becoming more of a struggle. Since surgery, and not being able to do the cardio that I used to, I have put on about 5+ pounds, but it seems like so much more on my body. I currently weigh 139-141 lbs (depends on the day).


Diet - I have really focused on eliminating the sweets - not that that was ever a big problem for me (but I know sugar is in EVERYTHING). I'm trying to eat sensibly - but my biggest problem is not eating 3 meals. I know I should and I'm working on that. I don't count calories or jounal.


Exercise - I joined a gym last year which has been great for me...until January. Hurt the knee again and was in PT till May when I had surgery. Recovery I've been told can be 8-12 months. At this point, I'm able to do stationary bike. I can get my heart rate up to 110-120 and I'll do about 30 minutes. I've tried the elliptical - but I hate it. I'm not sure my knee is strong enough, but I do try. Yesterday I did bike, lower body workout focusing on building the quads in the knee, and then 5 min on elliptical.


Wondering if I should try to do full body (lower and upper) 3x/wk and cardio

5x/wk, or should I do lower 3x and upper 2x? For upper, I work with weight machines and well as free weights. My upper body is definitely not as strong.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again



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Thanks so much for lending your expertise in this arena. Here's my story...I'll be 52 next month. In the throws of menopause. I have no thyroid - so I'm on synthetics and doc is trying to get it regulated. AND...I had knee surgery again 4 months ago and am still recovering from that. I try to be 5'4" and females in my family have a tendency to being overweight - especially in the belly. Because of that, I have always worked at NOT going in that direction.


Over the past few years, the weight has been slowing creeping on, but I've battled it back with exercise, diet (I've tried them all). I'm still a size 6/8 depending on the designer but it's becoming more of a struggle. Since surgery, and not being able to do the cardio that I used to, I have put on about 5+ pounds, but it seems like so much more on my body. I currently weigh 139-141 lbs (depends on the day).


Diet - I have really focused on eliminating the sweets - not that that was ever a big problem for me (but I know sugar is in EVERYTHING). I'm trying to eat sensibly - but my biggest problem is not eating 3 meals. I know I should and I'm working on that. I don't count calories or jounal.


Exercise - I joined a gym last year which has been great for me...until January. Hurt the knee again and was in PT till May when I had surgery. Recovery I've been told can be 8-12 months. At this point, I'm able to do stationary bike. I can get my heart rate up to 110-120 and I'll do about 30 minutes. I've tried the elliptical - but I hate it. I'm not sure my knee is strong enough, but I do try. Yesterday I did bike, lower body workout focusing on building the quads in the knee, and then 5 min on elliptical.


Wondering if I should try to do full body (lower and upper) 3x/wk and cardio

5x/wk, or should I do lower 3x and upper 2x? For upper, I work with weight machines and well as free weights. My upper body is definitely not as strong.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again




Hi Joyce,

Sounds like your informed and motivated! Are you working with a trainer at the gym? He would be able to help you too. It might be a good idea to alternate 5-10 minutes between the bike and eliptical, taking turns on each...Remember to maintain heart rate (no resting) between sets. Keep an eye on not hurting your knees' recovery...

I would rec. a resistance work out for upper body. 3xs/week


Here's a key most people overlook: You can burn more calories by keeping active through out the day by staying active!


RE. diet: not every diet works for everyone... For me I have a high protein, minimal sugar and fat diet. most of my snacks are protein...like lean deli meats and cheese melted in microwave... We try to stay away from big meals and eat when hungry,

---Protein is great for those who are weight training because as it's digested, and is used to help the body's regular need, it is then utilized in repairing the muscle cells broken down by exercise. Also then it does not turn into fat storage, YUK!


Here's a help: Make a list of all diet breakers and choose one per week that you resist.


Hope this helps!


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Mike, thanks for your quick response!


I was just released by doc to get back to the gym (a few weeks ago actually):) I go to an all women's gym. I did just start working with a trainer who is definitely acutely aware of my knee issues. I'm also trying to incorporate some pilates for core strength training as well. I sure would like to see my waist again (that's if I ever did!):rolleyes:


I will definitely try to rotate back and forth between elliptical and bike. Doc said absolutely no treadmill. Don't know if he meant ever or just through recovery process. Too bad because I really like the treadmill. Oh well.


I AM motivated, I just wish I could start to see some results. I don't believe in super restrictive diets because I don't think they will work long term. Sure, maybe in the beginning, but not long term. Also, I think it's easier to lose weight if you have more to lose. I may be wrong on this, but when someone has 100 or more pounds to lose, they seem to drop it much quicker than someone who wants to lose 10 - 20. Also, men seem to have an easier time of it as well. (Dagnabit:p )


RE: heartrate - Am I trying to maintain a "cardio" heart rate or a "fat burning" heart rate? The machines I work on have both options. I keep thinking I'm trying to maintain a fat burning rate (i.e. for my age = 110). On the bike, it's extremely hard to get into the cardio zone. I've tried a turbo kick class, but knee can't handle it right now. I guess I just really need to get more serious about the strength training portion. I'll focus more on that. Do you think I should work both upper and lower at same time each week 3x per week?


Thanks again - really appreciate it!



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Mike, thanks for your quick response!


I was just released by doc to get back to the gym (a few weeks ago actually):) I go to an all women's gym. I did just start working with a trainer who is definitely acutely aware of my knee issues. I'm also trying to incorporate some pilates for core strength training as well. I sure would like to see my waist again (that's if I ever did!):rolleyes:


I will definitely try to rotate back and forth between elliptical and bike. Doc said absolutely no treadmill. Don't know if he meant ever or just through recovery process. Too bad because I really like the treadmill. Oh well.


I AM motivated, I just wish I could start to see some results. I don't believe in super restrictive diets because I don't think they will work long term. Sure, maybe in the beginning, but not long term. Also, I think it's easier to lose weight if you have more to lose. I may be wrong on this, but when someone has 100 or more pounds to lose, they seem to drop it much quicker than someone who wants to lose 10 - 20. Also, men seem to have an easier time of it as well. (Dagnabit:p )


RE: heartrate - Am I trying to maintain a "cardio" heart rate or a "fat burning" heart rate? The machines I work on have both options. I keep thinking I'm trying to maintain a fat burning rate (i.e. for my age = 110). On the bike, it's extremely hard to get into the cardio zone. I've tried a turbo kick class, but knee can't handle it right now. I guess I just really need to get more serious about the strength training portion. I'll focus more on that. Do you think I should work both upper and lower at same time each week 3x per week?


Thanks again - really appreciate it!





Don't worry, as the knee gets better , you'll be back on the treadmill in no time. Try to get the cardio rate higher...120, I found you'll burn more in the eliptical than the bike. Here's a hint: Start on the eliptical to get your heart rate higher at first, then move to the bike, and so on...


If you can do cardio 5-6 days a week, that will help,

ok for weights 3 x's/week, remember not alot of rest tween sets...

It's normal to have a harder time after injury, but don't be overfocused on numbers. It really is about health, less about looks, at least that's what I tell myself;)




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What do you think of this as a weekly plan ...

M, W, F - Cardio of course. But what about doing a 10 minute warm up on elliptical, then some lower body strength training (lunges, etc.) for 10 minutes. Then more cardio - maybe bike for 10 minutes, back to lower body strength, then more cardio - elliptical for a total of 30 minutes.


Tu, Th - Cardio as above and upper body training in between cardio?


I talked to my trainer Friday and told her that my knee is really swelling after our workouts - that's doing cardio, then upper and lower all at once. She said she thinks I'm just doing too much weight bearing for my knee right now. After cardio (especially if on elliptical) - almost every exercise after that is standing on my legs in some fashion.


I'd love to hear your thoughts - so I can start a plan for next week.


Thanks - Joyce

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What do you think of this as a weekly plan ...

M, W, F - Cardio of course. But what about doing a 10 minute warm up on elliptical, then some lower body strength training (lunges, etc.) for 10 minutes. Then more cardio - maybe bike for 10 minutes, back to lower body strength, then more cardio - elliptical for a total of 30 minutes.


Tu, Th - Cardio as above and upper body training in between cardio?


I talked to my trainer Friday and told her that my knee is really swelling after our workouts - that's doing cardio, then upper and lower all at once. She said she thinks I'm just doing too much weight bearing for my knee right now. After cardio (especially if on elliptical) - almost every exercise after that is standing on my legs in some fashion.


I'd love to hear your thoughts - so I can start a plan for next week.


Thanks - Joyce


Sonds like a great plan! Sometimes for variation- I'll alternate between cardio and weights/machines.

And it's always good to warm up, especially areas that have been injured...

*Just a couple questions: How much time do you spend on your feet?

Do you ice your knee when it swellsand elevate your leg when resting?

Let me know how it goes!!:)


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Yep - I ice it when it swells and keep it elevated (but not necessarily above the heart) if I'm sitting down.


On my feet ... hmmmm let's see. While I'm exercising - most of the time I guess. That could mean after my warm up if on bike - maybe an hour. If I do elliptical - the entire time. Then obviously throughout the day - quite a bit. Guess I might need to watch that some. (i.e. just walking the grocery store will make it swell - it's sooooo frustrating)


I'll try this regime starting tomorrow and keep you posted.

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Hey Mike..Thank you so much for all the advice you have given out. :) Here's my quick story. I'm 25, 5' 6" and 170 lbs. I've lost about 15 lbs in the last couple of months but have been slacking off with my workouts and diet in the last couple of weeks so I can see that I"m slowly starting to gain:(. I have a cruise over new years and would like to lose about another 20 by then. I've been doing wieght training 5 days a week and 60 min of cardio 5 days a week. Mainly on the treadmill. I'm really trying to get into running but seem to only be able to run for about 10 min at a time. Do you think that it's possible to lose 20 lbs by my cruise, or am I just setting myself up for failure? I know my biggest problem is the diet part of my wieght loss. I am an extremely picky eater and do not like fruits or veggies....makes it kinda hard to eat healthy doesn't it. What do you think about slimfast? I've done it a few times before but am concerned about doing it now considering how much I'm working out, would I be able to consume the amount of calories I need?


Thank you so much for any advice/suggestions you have. I want SO BAD to be able to wear a bikini in Jan.!!!!

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Hey Mike..Thank you so much for all the advice you have given out. :) Here's my quick story. I'm 25, 5' 6" and 170 lbs. I've lost about 15 lbs in the last couple of months but have been slacking off with my workouts and diet in the last couple of weeks so I can see that I"m slowly starting to gain:(. I have a cruise over new years and would like to lose about another 20 by then. I've been doing wieght training 5 days a week and 60 min of cardio 5 days a week. Mainly on the treadmill. I'm really trying to get into running but seem to only be able to run for about 10 min at a time. Do you think that it's possible to lose 20 lbs by my cruise, or am I just setting myself up for failure? I know my biggest problem is the diet part of my wieght loss. I am an extremely picky eater and do not like fruits or veggies....makes it kinda hard to eat healthy doesn't it. What do you think about slimfast? I've done it a few times before but am concerned about doing it now considering how much I'm working out, would I be able to consume the amount of calories I need?


Thank you so much for any advice/suggestions you have. I want SO BAD to be able to wear a bikini in Jan.!!!!


Things are crazy right now, with my baby about to be born, I've got some ideas for yo, I'll share later...


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Hey Mike..Thank you so much for all the advice you have given out. :) Here's my quick story. I'm 25, 5' 6" and 170 lbs. I've lost about 15 lbs in the last couple of months but have been slacking off with my workouts and diet in the last couple of weeks so I can see that I"m slowly starting to gain:(. I have a cruise over new years and would like to lose about another 20 by then. I've been doing wieght training 5 days a week and 60 min of cardio 5 days a week. Mainly on the treadmill. I'm really trying to get into running but seem to only be able to run for about 10 min at a time. Do you think that it's possible to lose 20 lbs by my cruise, or am I just setting myself up for failure? I know my biggest problem is the diet part of my wieght loss. I am an extremely picky eater and do not like fruits or veggies....makes it kinda hard to eat healthy doesn't it. What do you think about slimfast? I've done it a few times before but am concerned about doing it now considering how much I'm working out, would I be able to consume the amount of calories I need?


Thank you so much for any advice/suggestions you have. I want SO BAD to be able to wear a bikini in Jan.!!!!



Actually, that would be my grand baby;) Everyone's healthy and we're really thankful!


Well, Don't set yourself up for failure. Anything is possible, aim for 20 lbs as a target.

Alternating running and walking is an effective cardio routine...if you say, 5 min walk then 2min and keep repeating this w/o resting ...see how long you can go...as a goal you'll have a good result if you read the previous post...keep your heart rate up, especially between sets of your weight training. Stay active in the rest of your day:

Here's my saying to all who really are motivated.

***Key for weight loss....When you can lie down, sit, sit-walk and if you can walk-run, run-sprint".

Otherwise, some choose to lay down until the feeling to exercise goes away.

I'm not sure you have to worry about not getting enough calories...that's what our stored fat is for. The process of using this fat for energy is called weight loss.

Make sure you drink lots of water regardless of the diet you use. Watch the alcohol, fat and sugar intake....I like HIGH protein and supplement with fibre supplements.

You may want to adjust your goals to develop a lifestyle of health and fitness and the weight loss will be a natural result.

Hope this helps ...if not, just ignore these ideas and we'll try some new ones!:rolleyes:


Not everyone can pull off the bikini thing, but speaking as a guy, ladies can be even more attractive as they dress to highlight their best attributes, sometimes alittle more works better than less.

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Actually, that would be my grand baby;) Everyone's healthy and we're really thankful!


I like HIGH protein and supplement with fibre supplements.


Mike - Big congratulations on that baby!!!


Can you define what you mean about HIGH protein? Is it based on grams or percentage of food intake?



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Mike - Big congratulations on that baby!!!


Can you define what you mean about HIGH protein? Is it based on grams or percentage of food intake?




Hi Lynn,


Thanks, Here's my adventure with protein intake as a main component of dieting: I always ate lots of protein as a body builder, When younger, I could eat a dozen eggs and a pound of bacon:p, I quit working out for a time, but kept that same diet....as you could imagine I gained 30 lbs and my cholesterol was about equal with my SAT scores:eek:


When I finally got tired of looking in the mirror, and running away in stark terrorfrom the fright, I decided to go back to lean protein and modified Akins...


It worked, as I trained also with my goals driving me...lost 35 lbs and grew the muscle back...much tougher now cause-age and gravity are not our friends!;)

-I found what works for me, I don't measure grams, but stay with low fat lean protein in various forms, lots of water, colon cleanser and fibre pills, acidophilus(like in yogurt)helps to offset my distaste for veggies and keep the elimination system working.

-We try only to eat when hungry, not that many formal meals and avoid fast food and eating out, except subs, at least that's the goal.

-Small portions even when starved -wait a few minutes after first portion and if still hungry, I'll eat more.

-AVOID deep fried foods and simple sugar, as a rule..but don't let the diet rule you! I'll break all the rule once in a while, cause you gotta live!


Soups are good, Check out the "heart healthy soup" all-you-can-eat thread I'm posting, it really works, however, I add super lean beef to the soup.

Let me know if I missed something in the answer!


TOO young to be grandparents....but luv the grandbaby!


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-I found what works for me, I don't measure grams, but stay with low fat lean protein in various forms, lots of water, colon cleanser and fibre pills, acidophilus(like in yogurt)helps to offset my distaste for veggies and keep the elimination system working.

-We try only to eat when hungry, not that many formal meals and avoid fast food and eating out, except subs, at least that's the goal.

-Small portions even when starved -wait a few minutes after first portion and if still hungry, I'll eat more.

-AVOID deep fried foods and simple sugar, as a rule..but don't let the diet rule you! I'll break all the rule once in a while, cause you gotta live!



Mike - Thanks for the answer. I'm also glad to hear that what I've been doing is almost identical to what you do (and I'm older than you too! ;) ). So I'll take it as your affirmation that I'm on the right track! Enjoy that grandbaby!



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First, Need to know your goals, like toning, weight loss, strength, or simply a "hot body". Trouble areas, medical limitation, frequency of work outs and length of each work out, what is your present routine?

Are you consistant or casual? Do you enjoy or hate it?

And yes, what's your current food intake and food no-no's ...that are weaknesses.


This helps to establish a baseline....


The KEY to reaching your goal is regularity and a lifestyle choices.


Let me know ...



Sorry to intrude but I found this tread interesting and could help me. My goal is to tone and loose some weight. I would like to tone my stomach after having my son (six years ago:o ). My thighs and calfs. I don't usual eat breakfast, unless it is Sat or Sun when I am home to cook. I can kind of watch what I eat, but I would rather not give up, but have in moderation. I love ice cream, candy, chips. If you don't mind email me at workathome524@yahoo.com to help me. I cannot afford to go to a gym, but would DEFINATELY like a home routine I can do while in the morning before work, or after while making dinner and doing homework. Please help, I can feel myself getting down about my weight. GOD BLESS YOU

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Sorry to intrude but I found this tread interesting and could help me. My goal is to tone and loose some weight. I would like to tone my stomach after having my son (six years ago:o ). My thighs and calfs. I don't usual eat breakfast, unless it is Sat or Sun when I am home to cook. I can kind of watch what I eat, but I would rather not give up, but have in moderation. I love ice cream, candy, chips. If you don't mind email me at workathome524@yahoo.com to help me. I cannot afford to go to a gym, but would DEFINATELY like a home routine I can do while in the morning before work, or after while making dinner and doing homework. Please help, I can feel myself getting down about my weight. GOD BLESS YOU



No intrusion:) !!! You are welcome with open arms!!


I'd prefer to answer in the post, if that's ok...so others may benefit or comment as well.

Questions: What do you have any work out equipment at home?

How much time do have available for working out?


What do you think you need to change in your diet to lose weight?

Also, understand your making a lifestyle change and it'll take some time to see results, so each of us need patience!!!


As with other things, you only get out of it according to what you put in.

Would you really, really commit to sticking with it?

Remember to keep busy...

***Key for weight loss....When you can lie down, sit, sit-walk and if you can walk-run, run-sprint".

Otherwise, some choose to lay down ...until the feeling to exercise goes away.

Let's start with what you like to do as a work out...

Let me know and we'll go from there...



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Questions: What do you have any work out equipment at home?

How much time do have available for working out?


What do you think you need to change in your diet to lose weight?

Also, understand your making a lifestyle change and it'll take some time to see results, so each of us need patience!!!


As with other things, you only get out of it according to what you put in.

Would you really, really commit to sticking with it?

Remember to keep busy...

***Key for weight loss....When you can lie down, sit, sit-walk and if you can walk-run, run-sprint".

Otherwise, some choose to lay down ...until the feeling to exercise goes away.

Let's start with what you like to do as a work out...

Let me know and we'll go from there...




The only equipment I have at home is a broom stick to do the oblique twist (LOL), and I want to buy a bike, because that is as much space my NY apartment can handle. I have 45 minutes in the morning if I push myself to get up, and about an hour in the evening. I was thinking I could ride my bike and watch tv to keep me fresh so to speak. My diet not eat as much. I love food. I am not fat but I have big thighs and a pouch from my son. I am 5'5" and I am 175, but no one believes me. To be honest I don't look my weight, but I don't like it. I don't believe the crap they say about different races are built differently. My friends tell me to shut up because I have the perfect "black woman's body" How stupid. ANy way sorry for that rant. Back to earth

Diet I need to change my proportions. I would like to control my snacks as long as I can have once in a while. I am here for the long haul, just tell me and I will do it. I will not let you my new trainer down. You have my word. Please tell me what I need to do and I will. GOD BLESS.:D

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Let's get going! Step one: Lots of walking, malls, safe streets, ncie and fast...

Step 2: the two best exercises for upper body are push-up and sit-ups, crunches, or leg lifts, Start with 5-10 twice, not too many first day...some begin with more than they should hurt for the next week and quit, make sure your back is not hurting...start out with small goals.. and there's success number1!!!


Are you walking yet? You can always walk "in place" (like running in place;) )If this is new 10-15 min. alittle "huffing and puffing" is good.


Make sure you're medically ok to workout...

Try this....


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Let's try it again...my dumb computer...



Let's get going! Step one: Lots of walking, malls, safe streets, ncie and fast...

Step 2: the two best exercises for upper body are push-up and sit-ups, crunches, or leg lifts, Start with 5-10 twice, not too many first day...some begin with more than they should hurt for the next week and quit, make sure your back is not hurting...start out with small goals.. and there's success number1!!!


Are you walking yet? You can always walk "in place" (like running in place;) )If this is new 10-15 min. alittle "huffing and puffing" is good.


Make sure you're medically ok to workout...

Try this....


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I walk a little bit and use the stairs at work. What do you think about the bike and what else at home since I cannot join the gym. I am ready and dedicated and will not let you down. I want to to it as a team. Please send me all the knowledge you have. Thank you sooo much. GOD BLESS you

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I walk a little bit and use the stairs at work. What do you think about the bike and what else at home since I cannot join the gym. I am ready and dedicated and will not let you down. I want to to it as a team. Please send me all the knowledge you have. Thank you sooo much. GOD BLESS you



A bike is good provided you peddle hard enough.


Good luck!


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We've chatted before. I've been on a "diet" carefully watching what I eat. I started this faithfully on 10/1 along with an exercise program that we've talked about before. Cardio bursts coupled with strength training 5 days per week.


I weighed myself on 10/1 and took measurements. In that period of time I haven't lost ANY weight. In fact, at one point 4 days into it, I had actually GAINED 2.5 lbs. By 10/7, I was only up .5 lbs. (Not even back to my starting weight of 139) Took my weight this morning and I'm up to 141 again. WHAT IS GOING ON???:mad:


I've talked with someone I know who is a health instructor and this is what she has told me. "Stop exercising soooo much. Walking is the best way to lose FAT. Lifting & increasing weight by weight lifting will a bulky look to a feminine body. Cardio may make you lose weight, but even if you lose weight, you don't burn your old stored fat. So basically what you're doing is putting muscle over old stored fat. Walking at regular pace is best way to burn old stored fat. With excessive exercise, your body seems to try to hold the food you have eaten because you're pushing yourself to point of exhaustion." She recommends ONLY doing MODERATE exercise.:confused:


Does ANY of this make sense to you. Why do you think I'm not losing and rather GAINING. (As far as eating, I'm eating 4 very small meals throughout the day - watching fat, carbs and calories. I'm NOT overeating and certainly not UNDEReating - so I'm not starving myself. AND ABSOLUTELY NO SWEETS. I'm drinking plenty of water.) What's up??? Can you offer any suggestions or help? I'm desperate.:(

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We've chatted before. I've been on a "diet" carefully watching what I eat. I started this faithfully on 10/1 along with an exercise program that we've talked about before. Cardio bursts coupled with strength training 5 days per week.


I weighed myself on 10/1 and took measurements. In that period of time I haven't lost ANY weight. In fact, at one point 4 days into it, I had actually GAINED 2.5 lbs. By 10/7, I was only up .5 lbs. (Not even back to my starting weight of 139) Took my weight this morning and I'm up to 141 again. WHAT IS GOING ON???:mad:


I've talked with someone I know who is a health instructor and this is what she has told me. "Stop exercising soooo much. Walking is the best way to lose FAT. Lifting & increasing weight by weight lifting will a bulky look to a feminine body. Cardio may make you lose weight, but even if you lose weight, you don't burn your old stored fat. So basically what you're doing is putting muscle over old stored fat. Walking at regular pace is best way to burn old stored fat. With excessive exercise, your body seems to try to hold the food you have eaten because you're pushing yourself to point of exhaustion." She recommends ONLY doing MODERATE exercise.:confused:


Does ANY of this make sense to you. Why do you think I'm not losing and rather GAINING. (As far as eating, I'm eating 4 very small meals throughout the day - watching fat, carbs and calories. I'm NOT overeating and certainly not UNDEReating - so I'm not starving myself. AND ABSOLUTELY NO SWEETS. I'm drinking plenty of water.) What's up??? Can you offer any suggestions or help? I'm desperate.:(


Hi Ladie Sadie,

It can be frustating, I've got to say I can't agree with the all that she's told you...But there are lots of "schools of thought" , Also you've only been doing this for a very short time...It doe take patience!!!


Couple of thoughts,

If I were you I'd check out the bodies of serious athletes who work out like crazy...notice most, acc. to their genetics, lose body fat % and increase and tone muscle...muscle burns calories. Fat just sits there.

-Have you done the "inches check", like waist-line girth... sometimes there is a weight gain, as muscle weighs more than fat, but it has a different mass.

-You absolutely will burn stored fat when the body requires more energy than calories provide...that's what it's designed to do.

Unless you are on testosterone, it is unlikely you will "bulk-up",

-The body does fight to maintain its current makeup and fights the weight loss, but trust this...it eventually gives in and develops a new "set point".

That's when people start raising metabolic rate and lbs. are lost much more consistantly.

Often, when guys begin body building their arms may actually decrease in size as they lose fat and tone muscles.


Hang in there!!!! Your fighting your body's "famine response" it does take time, but go for the lifestyle goal...health and fitness the rest of your life and you WILL be successful!


If your healthy enough for it ..you can try a "cleansing fast", for a day and fibre supplements and lots of liquids...Somtimes it helps to disturb the body's set points.

You're gonna win, but check inches and forget the dreaded scale for awhile.


Hope this helps...if I need more info...let me know,


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