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Glad to help ans. Q's on weight loss/fitness


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Well, first things first…Dancing! You can always find us dancing each night on a cruise. My very favorite line for dancing is the Queen Mary; she has a full size ballroom and great live music every night, but it is not a cheap vacation. Next to that dancing on the Princess line is also quite good. As our dance coach tells us you cannot simulate dance movement at the gym, you are using your body quite differently. A few group dance classes prior to a cruise is always a great idea both for picking up some fun and easy dance steps you can use on a cruise, not to mention the benefits of toning and increased stamina.


Onto the diet. No I am not at a plateau. While on a cruise in November I had a medical emergency arise and had to have emergency surgery in Mexico. While recovering I put on close to 10 pounds. Now that I am recovered and have a Dr’s Ok to resume all activity I am dieting and loosing about a pound a week, which is normal for me. In a month I have lost five pounds with another 5 to go. My diet consists mostly of protein (a lot of fish) and veggies, very few carbs that I do not get from veggies…. I usually consume about 1300 calories per day. My frustration is because the operation required an incision down my center I have lost a great deal of muscle tone that I need for dancing competitively.


My habits are a result of an absolute love of dance and I am highly motivated to keep my body is shape so I can dance to the maximum…. While I am on the cross trainer I listen to dance music and picture myself dancing beyond my current ability…. This keeps me going… I guess we all need that picture in our mind, whatever it is to keep on going on.


Thanks for the exercise tips; I will try to put them in place this week.

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-Have you done the "inches check", like waist-line girth... sometimes there is a weight gain, as muscle weighs more than fat, but it has a different mass.


A lot of people make this statement, and it drives me nuts! A pound of muscle, a pound of fat, a pound of butter, or a pound of feathers all weigh... you guessed it: A POUND! The difference is how much space they take up. A pound of fat takes up more space than a pound of muscle, and a pound of feathers undoubtedly takes up a LOT of space. But don't tell people that a pound of one weighs more than a pound of the other.

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A lot of people make this statement, and it drives me nuts! A pound of muscle, a pound of fat, a pound of butter, or a pound of feathers all weigh... you guessed it: A POUND! The difference is how much space they take up. A pound of fat takes up more space than a pound of muscle, and a pound of feathers undoubtedly takes up a LOT of space. But don't tell people that a pound of one weighs more than a pound of the other.


I think that is what she meant. We all know a pound is a pound...and she didn't say that one pound weighs more than another. I try to give a little credit to people for at least knowing that there is a difference, but maybe not knowing how to verbalize that muscle is denser than fat. ;)

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I have read that you loose weight equally throughout your body and so isolation excersies do not work.... Yet I dont need any toning except through my center, so what do I do???


I just wanted to clarify something...everyone does not lose weight "equally throughout your body". If that were the case then we would all wind up having similar shapes. :o Unfortunately, and this is what is so difficult about losing weight, we all lose in different areas based on our genetic makeup. So one person may store most of their fat arond their thighs and rear end, and another may store it at their wasteline. Those areas are always the "problem areas" as they are the very last places that the fat will be lost. So you have to keep working to lose, but you may lose all it in you neck and chest and legs, before you can get that waistline down to where you want it. Kinda sucks, but there it is. :(


I am not sure what you mean by toning? Are you sayinig that you need to lose fat there? Or that you want to strengthen that area? If you are just wanting to strengthen, then adding daily ab work will certainly accomplish that goal. If you are trying to lose a bit more fat, then up your cardio time a bit and lower you caloric intake. 30 min a day is great for maintenance, but an hour a day is recommended to lose fat.

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Thanks Happy, That does make perfect sense that we all do not loose in the same way.


Yes, right now my biggest issue is strength in my abs more than fat loss. (even though a little fat loss would be nice!) Like I said I had an operation in November that has resulted in a weak center that I am trying tro build back up. If found it amazing just how much one needs strength in your abs just to walk and hold yourself up; something you dont realize until it is gone. I think I also read somewhere that one can exercise abs everyday as they do not need a rest like other areas of the body... Do you agree with that?


Wow, an hour of cardio a day is a lot... That will take some work. 30 minutes seems to be about the maximum that I can do. I might try adding another 5 minutes and build up from there. With my calories about 1300 a day plus my current activity level I dont think it would be a good idea to lower my calories anymore, so I will just plug along! One more question...do you think the read outs on the cross trainer machines; the ones they tell you calories lost, are accurate? I always wonder about that.

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A pound might equal a pound, but who cares how much you weigh if you're fit and toned? You can weigh 120 and wear a size 6 or weigh 115 and wear a size 4 with muscle tone. I'll take the latter. ;)


Smooth ~ Sorry to hear you've been through so much with surgery and all. I hope you can strengthen your ab muscles soon. It is harder to do once they've been cut. If anyone can do it though, I know you can. Good luck! :)

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Thanks Happy, That does make perfect sense that we all do not loose in the same way.


Yes, right now my biggest issue is strength in my abs more than fat loss. (even though a little fat loss would be nice!) Like I said I had an operation in November that has resulted in a weak center that I am trying tro build back up. If found it amazing just how much one needs strength in your abs just to walk and hold yourself up; something you dont realize until it is gone. I think I also read somewhere that one can exercise abs everyday as they do not need a rest like other areas of the body... Do you agree with that?


Wow, an hour of cardio a day is a lot... That will take some work. 30 minutes seems to be about the maximum that I can do. I might try adding another 5 minutes and build up from there. With my calories about 1300 a day plus my current activity level I dont think it would be a good idea to lower my calories anymore, so I will just plug along! One more question...do you think the read outs on the cross trainer machines; the ones they tell you calories lost, are accurate? I always wonder about that.

1. Yes the abs can respond to daily w/o's

2. Yes and no...the read outs are based on certain input variables, as weight speed, time, sometimes on treadmills they neglect incline which is a major factor. If you are stopping and resuming , less calories are burned.

Also, fitness levels have much to do with calorie burning.

For instance: A sendentary person just beginning w/o will have a higher level of calorie burn than a person who w/o every day with the same routine...

Remember the goal has less to do with weight than fitness improvement strength gain and overall enjoyment of life.

I've seen many who are slaves to w/o's.

Spoken by a guy who is describing himself:rolleyes:


Regularity and enjoyment will re-calibrate your metabolism and lifestyle, and you'll never regret it!


You'l hear lots of schools and thoughts that people swear by. If what I have to say doesn't work for you, try something else....but start somewhere and don't listen to self deceiving excuses of skipping w/o's.


Good luck,



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I tried out my friends bike and I really enjoyed it. The ride was very smooth and I felt like I was getting a good workout. My abs burned a little (is that normal with a bike ride or was I holding my body funny?) and the display was super easy to read and showed how many calories I was burning (do those things really work?) She purchased it from www.bayoufitness.com. Is anyone very familiar with it? She said her service was great and I called and spoke with someone on the phone this morning to ask a few questions about their bikes but I had a few more questions I thought I would get everyone else's opinion on. I am looking at the Infiniti 2440u Upright Bike. http://www.bayoufitness.com/Detail.bok?no=159 Any input would be great? Pros and Cons to Upright Bikes vs. Recumbent Bikes?

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I tried out my friends bike and I really enjoyed it. The ride was very smooth and I felt like I was getting a good workout. My abs burned a little (is that normal with a bike ride or was I holding my body funny?) and the display was super easy to read and showed how many calories I was burning (do those things really work?) She purchased it from www.bayoufitness.com. Is anyone very familiar with it? She said her service was great and I called and spoke with someone on the phone this morning to ask a few questions about their bikes but I had a few more questions I thought I would get everyone else's opinion on. I am looking at the Infiniti 2440u Upright Bike. http://www.bayoufitness.com/Detail.bok?no=159 Any input would be great? Pros and Cons to Upright Bikes vs. Recumbent Bikes?


Hi McCabe!

Sometimes abs or lower back will respond as one does a w/o that's new to them.

Unless seat was not in proper position, or handle bars.

-Pros and Cons to Upright Bikes vs. Recumbent Bikes: Mostly personal preference...that's why it's a good reason to try each- to find what you like and what is "friendly" to joints, esp lower back.

For me, recumbent bikes hurt the lumbar area, so I avoid it.

Pick one that you'll be regular with and build up your minutes and resistance...set small goals and drink H2O.

Sounds like you may have found a winner!


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I think I also read somewhere that one can exercise abs everyday as they do not need a rest like other areas of the body... Do you agree with that? .


I've read it both ways - some say you can do abs everyday, some say you should treat them just like any other muscle. Personally, I think it depends on your own fitness level. I can work mine everyday and do fine, but I would not tell others to do that.


Wow, an hour of cardio a day is a lot... That will take some work. 30 minutes seems to be about the maximum that I can do. I might try adding another 5 minutes and build up from there. With my calories about 1300 a day plus my current activity level I dont think it would be a good idea to lower my calories anymore, so I will just plug along! One more question...do you think the read outs on the cross trainer machines; the ones they tell you calories lost, are accurate? I always wonder about that.


Yes an hour is a lot...very hard to do that every day, expeciall with work and kids!! Just do what you can...try and do more than 30 whenever you can, even another 5 min will make a difference. 1300 calories a day should be sufficient...just make sure you are using the right portions. I don't think the cardio monitors are that accurate - I used my Polar F6 for determing calories.

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What is a polar F6?

Yesterday I took your advise and did 36 minutes... When I reached about 23 minute I thought no way can I make it past 30... every minute past 30 I had to repeat in my head..."you can do it"... Whew my small accomplishment felt great!!


Care to share what kind of ab workout you do? I have also taken Mikes advise and am doing more reps rather than adding weights and concentrating on the quality of each rep. I again tried Mikes advise and did my work out before work, which is such an ordeal for me not being a morning person.... I have to say it felt great starting my day out like this but I was starving come 10 AM!!

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Hi Mike, I am new to this board but am grateful for any input on my weight loss. I am 41, 5'2" and (ready for this) 320 lbs. I quit smoking about 1 1/2 years ago and put on about 45lbs but I was already obese. I have started going to the gym 3 days a week but I really hate it. 1 because I feel everyone is staring because I am there and then talking when I only do 20 - 30 mins. I was a softball player in my younger days and because of that my ankles and knees are not the best. I need advice on excercise and "diet" tips. I am trying portion control and just eating healthier. Any advice would be accepted with delight!!!!

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Hi Mike, I am new to this board but am grateful for any input on my weight loss. I am 41, 5'2" and (ready for this) 320 lbs. I quit smoking about 1 1/2 years ago and put on about 45lbs but I was already obese. I have started going to the gym 3 days a week but I really hate it. 1 because I feel everyone is staring because I am there and then talking when I only do 20 - 30 mins. I was a softball player in my younger days and because of that my ankles and knees are not the best. I need advice on excercise and "diet" tips. I am trying portion control and just eating healthier. Any advice would be accepted with delight!!!!


Hi Leah,


Good for you!:) Don't worry about anyone else...

You're only competing against yourself...it'll take time but the rewards are available to everyone.

-Read over some of the posts on the first and second page...

-20-30 minutes is great as youcheck your pulse rate during cardio ------How namy beats / min?

-Keep working on your diet some resistance traing and keep yourself "on the go" when you can...most calories are burned after the work out not during.

Also set small goals each week that push you just a little.

BE ENCOURAGED! IT WILL WORK as you apply yourself daily.

and don't pay attention to the judgments of others, the ones that really matter will be on your side!

Let us know how your doing!



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Hi Mike, I am new to this board but am grateful for any input on my weight loss. I am 41, 5'2" and (ready for this) 320 lbs. I quit smoking about 1 1/2 years ago and put on about 45lbs but I was already obese. I have started going to the gym 3 days a week but I really hate it. 1 because I feel everyone is staring because I am there and then talking when I only do 20 - 30 mins. I was a softball player in my younger days and because of that my ankles and knees are not the best. I need advice on excercise and "diet" tips. I am trying portion control and just eating healthier. Any advice would be accepted with delight!!!!



Don't worry about what others think! I highly doubt people are talking about you. I'm at the gym 6 days a week, and I'm concerned about what I'm doing - I don't notice how long somebody has been in the gym. You're on the right track...eventually you will be able to do more. Have you talked to a trainer? Usually when you first join a gym they give you a few free sessions that can be very beneficial and can help you build a program personalized for you. This also ensures that you're using the equipment correctly - that's what I notice - when people use the equipment incorrectly. Not only do you risk injury that way, you're not doing the exercise you're intending to do. Good luck!

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Thank you all for the words of encourgement. according to my "worst enemy" (the scale:p ) I lost 5 lbs last week. I am only weighing on Fridays and trying to keep track of my measurements. I have very good support at home. My heartrate during exercise has been about 140. I have been a start heavy on Monday and then by Thursday/Friday giving in to cravings for about a year now, but I am determined this time to get it off. I have less than 7 months to loose about 60, I know I have ALOT more than that to loose but I would be happy with a 60lbs lose before the cruise.


I don't like the treadmill or much of the cardio workout but I am learning to like the resistance training machines at the gym. Mine son (who is very very thin) loves the gym and the machines, so he, I and my partner go together sometimes and workout. So here's my question to yall, is water aerobics as effective as the treadmill, bike, eliptical, etc??? I enjoy the water tremendously.


I know I am rattling on but I find these boards very theraputic.:rolleyes: Have a good day all and good luck to everyone!!!!!!!!!:)

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Vic/Leelee - First of all, a big high 5 for going to the gym! Don't worry about the others. Concentrate on YOU! You are doing the right thing by getting in some exercise. Most people would be happy to become a couch potato and gripe about their situation. Not you! You sound determined to win the battle and for this you get my admiration! Do the exercises that you like to do at first. This will get your motivation going. After a while start doing something that you think you may not like. You may be surprised that it might become something enjoyable. Is there a personal trainer at the gym? You might want to have a session with him/her. Good luck!



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Gee I just discovered this form, grrrrrrr why I didn't see it earlier.:eek: Any how, Thanks Mike I am also in the stomach area problem group.

I do go to the gym three to four times a week, so a step aerobics class, plus I do weights and crunches. I count calories, taking in 1200-1500 a day, and I love water so that is not a issue with me.

My biggest problem is the mirror, I have come from 198 lbs now to a 155 which I am still over weight as I am just five feet! Why can't I just be happy with how far I have come, why do I look at my stomach and let it get the best of me? I am not giving up, I love how I look, well so to speak, ha ha ha ha. I am trying to get new clothes for our first cruise, you think I would be happy, but I am letting this stomach get me down. Any how now that I have gone on and on, I read you said, about doing the sit ups with you on the ground with legs up on a chair, I love doing those, how many should I be doing in a day? Also do you know how much weigh I should be lifting? I do have sweat on my forehead with I am doing them does this mean I am good, and when it gets to easy that is when you bump up your weights.


Also I would like to tell Vic, there is a wonderful site it is sparkpeople dot com if you go there, they have a tracker to help you keep track of your calories plus so much more, it might also help you. and for those people that your think are staring at you, don't worry about them, just worry about your self, it is all about you. I feel your pain when I first went into the gym I was very uncomfortable, but then I use to think hey let them see me fat, cause one day they will all look at me and say, wow did she ever lose weight, I just go there, and I work it, I don't care about anybody what they are doing I just worry about me, yep it is all about me!!!!! :D

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Gee I just discovered this form, grrrrrrr why I didn't see it earlier.:eek: Any how, Thanks Mike I am also in the stomach area problem group.

I do go to the gym three to four times a week, so a step aerobics class, plus I do weights and crunches. I count calories, taking in 1200-1500 a day, and I love water so that is not a issue with me.

My biggest problem is the mirror, I have come from 198 lbs now to a 155 which I am still over weight as I am just five feet! Why can't I just be happy with how far I have come, why do I look at my stomach and let it get the best of me? I am not giving up, I love how I look, well so to speak, ha ha ha ha. I am trying to get new clothes for our first cruise, you think I would be happy, but I am letting this stomach get me down. Any how now that I have gone on and on, I read you said, about doing the sit ups with you on the ground with legs up on a chair, I love doing those, how many should I be doing in a day? Also do you know how much weigh I should be lifting? I do have sweat on my forehead with I am doing them does this mean I am good, and when it gets to easy that is when you bump up your weights.


Also I would like to tell Vic, there is a wonderful site it is sparkpeople dot com if you go there, they have a tracker to help you keep track of your calories plus so much more, it might also help you. and for those people that your think are staring at you, don't worry about them, just worry about your self, it is all about you. I feel your pain when I first went into the gym I was very uncomfortable, but then I use to think hey let them see me fat, cause one day they will all look at me and say, wow did she ever lose weight, I just go there, and I work it, I don't care about anybody what they are doing I just worry about me, yep it is all about me!!!!! :D

Hi Debi,

Don't worry about the mirror...it can't hurt you!:)

Can't really tell you How much or how many ...ask at the gym I'm sure they'll help you..

What has been you're recent historywith weight loss?

As spring rolls around you'll be a different person!

At least that's what the mirror will say:rolleyes:

Good luck ,


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What is a polar F6?

Yesterday I took your advise and did 36 minutes... When I reached about 23 minute I thought no way can I make it past 30... every minute past 30 I had to repeat in my head..."you can do it"... Whew my small accomplishment felt great!!


Care to share what kind of ab workout you do? I have also taken Mikes advise and am doing more reps rather than adding weights and concentrating on the quality of each rep. I again tried Mikes advise and did my work out before work, which is such an ordeal for me not being a morning person.... I have to say it felt great starting my day out like this but I was starving come 10 AM!!


A Polar F6 is just one model of an HRM (heart rate monitor). Mine has a strap I wear around my chest, and then the monitor is like a watch. I set it up with my own personal info, and it monitors my heart rate accordingly, and gives calories burned as well. I find that it makes me want to work longer and harder - I never even considered that it would have that added benefit!


I do a fairly comprehensive workout at least 2 x a week, 3 x when I can fit it in. For my abs, I usually start with bent-leg crunches. I do 3 sets of 30, on this bench. In between sets, I do a vertical body lift - basically holding my body straight up in the air for 30 sec. This combination works great to not only work my abs, but my back as well. (I used to have some back pain, but I have found that working my back is the best thing I can do for it.)


I also do crunches on another bench - the upper half lifts up - you lay flat, knees up and feet resting on a bar - you grip handles behind/above you and and "crunch up" raising your upper body and then lowering. I do 100, 100 and then twist my legs to each side, 35 and 25 for right and then left, and then 50 more straight again.


I know it sounds like a lot, but I've been doing this many for years...and honestly it is just routine now. I also do a captains chair (3 sets of 12). If I have time, I use a medicine ball - lay flat, bend knees in the air, hold the ball straight up in the air and push it up with your arms, using just your upper body, raising off the mat and then lowering.


Obviously this is not a workout you start out doing...just do what you can...and work up to whatever works for you. Good luck!


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What's the best inner thigh workout? I'm a size 10 and want to be a size 6. I'm doing cardio and some "body-sculpt" type classes for the general weight, but my inner thighs seem to be the worst area. I'd love to walk around on the beach in a swimsuit and not have them touch!

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What's the best inner thigh workout? I'm a size 10 and want to be a size 6. I'm doing cardio and some "body-sculpt" type classes for the general weight, but my inner thighs seem to be the worst area. I'd love to walk around on the beach in a swimsuit and not have them touch!


:confused: If I understood your post, it sounds like you are looking for a way to "spot-reduce" a specific area.


There is no type of exercise that will reduce fat in a specific area. When you exercise, you are both expending energy (calories) and strengthening muscles (increasing lean muscle tissue). Burning less calories than you consume will burn off fat, but you have no control over what area(s) of the body will lose that fat. Generally it will come off in the reverse order that you put it on. So...if those thighs were the last place that got "pudgy", then they probably will be the first place you notice a reduction.


It really is genetics more than anything else, that determines body shape, and fat stores on the body. Exercise definitely will sculpt your body, but you are controlling the development of specific muscles, not the burning of the fat that is covering them. Walk more, increase your cardio, reduce your caloric intake, and that is what will get those thighs to move independently of each other. :)

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:confused: If I understood your post, it sounds like you are looking for a way to "spot-reduce" a specific area.


There is no type of exercise that will reduce fat in a specific area. When you exercise, you are both expending energy (calories) and strengthening muscles (increasing lean muscle tissue). Burning less calories than you consume will burn off fat, but you have no control over what area(s) of the body will lose that fat. Generally it will come off in the reverse order that you put it on. So...if those thighs were the last place that got "pudgy", then they probably will be the first place you notice a reduction.


It really is genetics more than anything else, that determines body shape, and fat stores on the body. Exercise definitely will sculpt your body, but you are controlling the development of specific muscles, not the burning of the fat that is covering them. Walk more, increase your cardio, reduce your caloric intake, and that is what will get those thighs to move independently of each other. :)


Good answer....too many people want to reduce in spot areas and fail to realize diet and excercise is the only way for overall fitness and lifestyle satisfaction, as well fighting those geneticly tough areas...

Good luck~!


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Hi Mike! I was so excited when I saw this post last night at work! I work out at least 4 days a week but I do it from home so I don't have the advantage of being able to talk to a "pro".

I"m getting married this May and going on a cruise for our honeymoon in July, like most brides I'd like to drop a few lbs. I'm 5'5 and 134-136 depending on the day :). I tend to carry all of my "extra" weight in my hips and thighs.

Like I said, I work out at least 4 days a week on our home elliptical machine. I typically do a 30 minute workout, some days though, I only have time for 20 minutes.

I don't seem to be losing any weight though. Can you give me some tips on other easy at home exercises I can add to my routine without spending a fortune on equipment??


Thanks a bunch!


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