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PRINCESS says jeans ok on Princess?


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:rolleyes: Perhaps because you're dressed appropriately?


My point exactly ... see we can agree. I was dressed totally appropriately in clean neat black jeans with a very nice top in a casual environment.:D


You see that's not necessary - if you're implying that dressing in line with the type of evening the cruise line is attempting to present is taking part in some fantasy, then you're definition of tolerance is highly different than mine. Obviously nobody here is imposing any "will" over anyone else and as you yourself have established, your contention that the cruise line will not impose their will over you is inconsistent at best.


Absolutely no inconsistency. I have consistently stated that the host of the event has the ultimate say. They cannot consistently articulate their position and they by their actions do not object to my attire. I would allow them to impose their will on me should they wish to do so. They obviously don't. Others, however, can wish that everyone dress like them all they want ... it doesn't make it a policy ... it doesn't make me disrespectful ... it makes them intolerant of something that frankly is none of their business.


I've posted it time after time and since you never will agree, I'm not going through it again...let's just say that your thoughts about having a good time without imposing on other people seems to be a one-way street.



No, it's a beautiful two-way street ... it's darn near a boulevard. You and I happily wear what we want as long as our host doesn't object. Just like on the boulevard, you don't have to honk at me or have anything to do with me if you don't like the car I'm driving. Doesn't change that we'll both end up at our destinations without a scratch and that if we both have the right attitudes we'll both be happy when we get there.


I appreciate that we can disagree and still enjoy the same product and still converse civilly on these boards.

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I continue to find it interesting that those who tout tolerance for those who prefer to dress down in this matter don't have the same tolerance when it comes to other matters - like following dress guidelines. If it comes back that Princess' guidelines have officially changed, you non-tolerant types will be tolerant until you want to stretch them again...or until those who do become overbearing even for you. Whether or not Princess' dress guidelines have now changed does not mitigate the fact that in the past there's been much support here for ignoring the guidelines and not tolerating the feelings and opinions of those who chose a Princess cruise because those guidelines were in place. As I said at the top of this post...shame on me?


I do not know about all the others, but for me, you can wear what you like whenever you like it will not make any difference to me. That is the best thing, my enjoyment of dinner is not dependent on expectations of others, unlike most of the pro dress up crowd. They are so devastated that they see a glimpse of a leg, possibly a toe or two, maybe even a hairy arm or a pair of jeans.


I can go eat dinner without any expectations that the people I have no control over will do as I wish, the pro dress up bunch should learn that same fact.


For most readers of these boards they should by now realise that there is no enforcement of any dress code and if they board a cruise with the expectation that everyone will be "dressed to the 9's", that is just wishful thinking on their part.




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So let me get this straight, as many have stated that if they allow jeans, then next people will be trying to enter in shorts, denim skirts, etc...


So jeans are basically the gateway clothes, just like alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana are gateway drugs. In the same aspect, if Princess allows jeans...other undesirable clothing will follow. Wow...maybe there is something to that.


As a young lad, I wore corduroy (big bell bottoms for those that care, loved the swish sound...dang things always gave me away on that stupid thumbs up game) through most of my elementary school years. Then came Jr High and High school, started to wear jeans (oh those 501's were hard core, I'm surprised I made it through those years w/o perminant damage...for the women out there, Gloria Vanderbilt or Jordache maybe have been your jeans of choice). Then college came...I don't even know the name of those pants I wore back then...those psychodelic's were awesome, elastic wastebands and leg cuffs w/ a multitude of colors and tiger striped designs (the late 80's and early 90's brought out the hard stuff). Then came the shorts...oh the shorts...jean shorts (jorts), short shorts (magnum pi's), and now the cargo shorts (it's all I wear). I'm seriously addicted to the cargo shorts. Is there a Clothing Annonymous I can attend while on my week of Princess? So yes, jeans were my downfall. They were in fact the gateway clothing that led to my abysmal clothing style. I don't even own a pair of khaki's at the moment. Wow...maybe there's an intervention show for clothing. Help me.

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My point exactly ... see we can agree. I was dressed totally appropriately in clean neat black jeans with a very nice top in a casual environment.:D
So you were dressed inappropriately and broke the rules - good for you.
Absolutely no inconsistency. I have consistently stated that the host of the event has the ultimate say. They cannot consistently articulate their position and they by their actions do not object to my attire. I would allow them to impose their will on me should they wish to do so. They obviously don't. Others, however, can wish that everyone dress like them all they want ... it doesn't make it a policy ... it doesn't make me disrespectful ... it makes them intolerant of something that frankly is none of their business.
It makes one disrespectful when they knowingly ignore a guideline put in place for a specific social setting. Whether they get away with it or not makes no difference - it's still disrespectful. And since this revelation about changes in the guidelines are new with this thread, no one can claim that they've acted within them in the past. I also find it far flung to jump to the conclusion that Princess allows a certain style of dress just because they don't consistently in every piece of publication, word and deed forbid it. I doubt that they would allow you into the dining room in your underwear just because they don't consistently say you aren't allowed to.
No, it's a beautiful two-way street ... it's darn near a boulevard. You and I happily wear what we want as long as our host doesn't object. Just like on the boulevard, you don't have to honk at me or have anything to do with me if you don't like the car I'm driving. Doesn't change that we'll both end up at our destinations without a scratch and that if we both have the right attitudes we'll both be happy when we get there.
It's a beautiful two way street as long as your opinion about it prevails - but when asked to respect and consider my opinion, your response is that there's no consistency in the guidelines therefore they don't exist. Sorry - but good try.
I appreciate that we can disagree and still enjoy the same product and still converse civilly on these boards.
The line's pretty thin...
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I do not know about all the others, but for me, you can wear what you like whenever you like it will not make any difference to me. That is the best thing, my enjoyment of dinner is not dependent on expectations of others, unlike most of the pro dress up crowd. They are so devastated that they see a glimpse of a leg, possibly a toe or two, maybe even a hairy arm or a pair of jeans.
You're point would be better taken without the exaggeration.

I can go eat dinner without any expectations that the people I have no control over will do as I wish, the pro dress up bunch should learn that same fact.

I find it interesting that the pro-dress up crowd - who's expectations are set by the cruise line when the ticket is purchased - is the crowd that's in the wrong here. If anything, the pro dress up crowd should get a refund for a defective product - wait...I DID get a refund when I complained about the poor dress standards on one of my cruises. Perhaps that's the answer.
For most readers of these boards they should by now realise that there is no enforcement of any dress code and if they board a cruise with the expectation that everyone will be "dressed to the 9's", that is just wishful thinking on their part.




I think the wishful thinking is on your part and it comes oversimplified. This discussion is around smart casual nights and I think you do a disservice to the "most readers" of these boards to say there's no enforcement of any dress code when it comes to formal nights. That is a false statement.
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People, just be observant on your next cruise. All of the childishness on these boards means nothing when you are on the cruise. You will see a wide range of dress, just like you see everywhere on land. Look around you in the dining room, lounges, theaters, casino, shops. You will see a little bit of everything. You will see people dressed up more than you and dressed more casually than you and hopefully every last person is having the time of their lives. People will change into casual clothes after formal dinner, especially the early diners. You will be sitting next to them in a bar or at the casino. You will not be blinded or scarred for life. If you are expecting that everyone will dress perfectly for every situation, it ain't gonna happen...ever. And don't whine about it at the dinner table, it won't change anything. Just like ranting on these boards won't change a thing. It is what it is and it's not miraculously going to change BACK to the way it was years ago. Regardless of any rule, guideline or quasi-policy that is not consistently enforced. Happy cruising everyone, whatever you wear.

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So you were dressed inappropriately and broke the rules - good for you. ]


You are entitled to your opinion and I respect your right to have it.


It makes one disrespectful when they knowingly ignore a guideline put in place for a specific social setting. Whether they get away with it or not makes no difference - it's still disrespectful. And since this revelation about changes in the guidelines are new with this thread, no one can claim that they've acted within them in the past. I also find it far flung to jump to the conclusion that Princess allows a certain style of dress just because they don't consistently in every piece of publication, word and deed forbid it. I doubt that they would allow you into the dining room in your underwear just because they don't consistently say you aren't allowed to.


Here's where your logic completely falls apart. Believe it or not just because you think it is a guideline doesn't make it so. It is disrespectful of you to force your intrepretation of the policy on others. I find it even more far flung to jump to the conclusion that Princess agrees with your interpretation when they continually contradict their own policy both in writing, orally and in practice. Wish it all you want ... doesn't make it so. AS for the underwear comment ... seems I just heard a line ... "You're point would be better taken without the exaggeration."



It's a beautiful two way street because my opinion allows you your freedom without insult or judgement. I completely respect and consider your position to dress any way you see fit as long as your host doesn't object. I'll try not to let the fact that I hate the way your pants look on you cloud my judgement? Can you say the same? You want it your way not only for yourself but for everyone around you. Sorry - but good try


The line's pretty thin?


What a shame ... Differing opinions and the freedom to express them is the very epitome of civilized.


Here's a hypothetical for you. Suppose you arrive in the dining room and I'm already seated. I have my napkin properly in my lap ... I'm clean ... well groomed. We enjoy a perfectly lovely conversation regarding our jobs our lives and find we have bunches in common. You find me to be a responsible, respectful, well mannered human being in every way. The lovely meal comes to an end. I stand up and you see :eek: gasp :eek: I have on a dark black unfaded pair of of well-fitting jeans with no holes and a perfectly coordinated lovely blouse. Did the conversation not exist? Did our enjoyment of it go away? Is your dinner suddenly struggling to stay down? Did the jeanieness of my cotton pants really cause all that? REally ... why be so judgemental? Where's the two way street in that?

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I do so hate khaki's I always feel that they make you look like you work at Blockbuster! I would rather see a "nice" pair of jeans anyday than khaki's.



Khakis is a term for the type of pants, not just the color. Khakis, Dockers, Chinos can be in tan, olive, off white, navy, black...and probably some other colors as well. If you don't like the tan ones, try one of the other colors.:)

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... I'd be happy to change my clothes if anyone would like to compensate me for being a costumed role player in their vacation fantasy.:D


Gee...isn't a cruise a bit of a fantasy anyway? ;) Join in the fun.

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People, just be observant on your next cruise. All of the childishness on these boards means nothing when you are on the cruise. You will see a wide range of dress, just like you see everywhere on land. Look around you in the dining room, lounges, theaters, casino, shops. You will see a little bit of everything. You will see people dressed up more than you and dressed more casually than you and hopefully every last person is having the time of their lives. People will change into casual clothes after formal dinner, especially the early diners. You will be sitting next to them in a bar or at the casino. You will not be blinded or scarred for life. If you are expecting that everyone will dress perfectly for every situation, it ain't gonna happen...ever. And don't whine about it at the dinner table, it won't change anything. Just like ranting on these boards won't change a thing. It is what it is and it's not miraculously going to change BACK to the way it was years ago. Regardless of any rule, guideline or quasi-policy that is not consistently enforced. Happy cruising everyone, whatever you wear.
Wait - hasn't the opinion been that if we're checking out what other people wear we don't have a life? We're elitst? We have nothing better to do?

I'll agree with you the advice is good - when I look around on the cruises I take, I see everyone dressed pretty much in accordance with the published guidelines...hmmm.

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Khakis is a term for the type of pants, not just the color. Khakis, Dockers, Chinos can be in tan, olive, off white, navy, black...and probably some other colors as well. If you don't like the tan ones, try one of the other colors.:)


Khaki is a color...A light yellow-ish brown according to the dictionary.

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You are entitled to your opinion and I respect your right to have it.
Gee thanks. :rolleyes:

Here's where your logic completely falls apart. Believe it or not just because you think it is a guideline doesn't make it so. It is disrespectful of you to force your intrepretation of the policy on others. I find it even more far flung to jump to the conclusion that Princess agrees with your interpretation when they continually contradict their own policy both in writing, orally and in practice. Wish it all you want ... doesn't make it so. AS for the underwear comment ... seems I just heard a line ... "You're point would be better taken without the exaggeration."

Touche on the exaggeration, but I believe you got my point. I believe your logic is flawed as mine is rooted in reality. You indicate that because the guidelines are inconsistent there are none. But if there were none, they couldn’t be inconsistent, now could they? Am I foolish enough to think that as intelligent adults we all don’t’ understand what the guidelines communicate? I don’t think myself foolish at all because this debate wouldn’t be so heated if people didn’t feel their God given right to dress as they see fit was being stepped upon by these guidelines you feel are nonexistent. I believe that Princess has in the past – and maybe they don’t now – agreed with my interpretation of the guidelines because my discussion with Princess’ officials both on shore and at sea prove so. Wish that the guidelines don’t exist as much as you want – but the fact that you continue to argue against them proves that they do.
It's a beautiful two way street because my opinion allows you your freedom without insult or judgement. I completely respect and consider your position to dress any way you see fit as long as your host doesn't object. I'll try not to let the fact that I hate the way your pants look on you cloud my judgement? Can you say the same? You want it your way not only for yourself but for everyone around you. Sorry - but good try
In actuality you ignore my opinion. You say that I want it my way - no, I want it Princess' way...which just happens to be my way. You debate on the premise that guidelines don't exist but you're terribly wrong.
What a shame ... Differing opinions and the freedom to express them is the very epitome of civilized.
I don’t agree – there’s more to being civilized than being able to express one’s opinion. And more than continually saying one respects the others right to express an opinion – what you’re basically saying is that I can type until I’m blue in the face and you’re not listening.
Here's a hypothetical for you. Suppose you arrive in the dining room and I'm already seated. I have my napkin properly in my lap ... I'm clean ... well groomed. We enjoy a perfectly lovely conversation regarding our jobs our lives and find we have bunches in common. You find me to be a responsible, respectful, well mannered human being in every way. The lovely meal comes to an end. I stand up and you see :eek: gasp :eek: I have on a dark black unfaded pair of of well-fitting jeans with no holes and a perfectly coordinated lovely blouse. Did the conversation not exist? Did our enjoyment of it go away? Is your dinner suddenly struggling to stay down? Did the jeanieness of my cotton pants really cause all that? REally ... why be so judgemental? Where's the two way street in that?
If we had gotten along so well, I would imagine you would realize that I'm a very honest and forthright person - and I'm sure you wouldn’t mind me being honest and forthright when I told you your jeans were not appropriate in the dining room.


Your hypothetical leaves out something - there's no definition about what "presentable" jeans are. Perhaps yours is the definitive one. But, I'll venture to guess that it is as subjective as one's taste in food. How many Matre'ds will get written up by irate passengers because they refused them entry into the dining room because they didn't feel their jeans presentable while the passenger did? What do you do about that? How about those wearing jeans and because jeans are casual, logo-ed t-shirts with a saying that you find offensive? What do you do about that? And I'm not exaggerating because I've seen these types of outfits on Princess ships - and they could very well end up in the dining room. Are you going to put a stake in the ground somewhere - or does anything go as long as it doesn't "offend" the host? And if so, where do you suggest the "host" become offended?


My point? Everybody's got a limit - and mine just happens to be higher on the food chain than yours.

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I have to tell you that before my DH and I cruised I read all the posts regarding dress - we are not big dress up fans but did it because we "had to". Then we got on the ship (the first was Celebrity). Imagine on formal night I saw a woman in a pants suit and sandals! And an elderly gentleman in a cardigan sweater! I saw lots of manners of dress and I came to the conclusion that what goes on here is just a small majority of the people that cruise. I don't care what anyone wears - it will not ruin my cruise in the least. We "interpret" the guidlines and fit right in. Never been asked to leave. And yes, I have worn black jeans on casual night. :eek:

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Gee thanks. :rolleyes: Touche on the exaggeration, but I believe you got my point. I believe your logic is flawed as mine is rooted in reality.


I'm chuckling ... I think you're supposed to think your opinion is rooted in reality and mine is flawed just as I, with a differing opinion, am suppose to think the opposite. Kind of the definition of an opinion .. .don't you think?



I believe that Princess has in the past – and maybe they don’t now – agreed with my interpretation of the guidelines because my discussion with Princess’ officials both on shore and at sea prove so. Wish that the guidelines don’t exist as much as you want – but the fact that you continue to argue against them proves that they do.


And saying that Princess has in the past agreed with your intrepretation and maybe they don't now is kind of arguing that perhaps your intrepretation maybe might require some updating. WE can all trot out personal experiences, conversations, etc that support our believes thats why they are our beliefs -- the fact that you leave open the possibility that Princess no longer agrees with your position coupled with the fact that I and an increasing number of others routinely are admitted on casual nights in the offensive jeans further demonstrates that maybe you are beginning to see the light. Don't get scared though .... not light blue jeans just the light... we'll start small with dark colors.


In actuality you ignore my opinion. You say that I want it my way - no, I want it Princess' way...which just happens to be my way. You debate on the premise that guidelines don't exist but you're terribly wrong.


Can't have it both ways ... you can't say in one paragraph that I'm terribly wrong and in another that Princess may no longer agree with you. Sorry debating error ... penalty points.



– what you’re basically saying is that I can type until I’m blue in the face and you’re not listening.


- You're mistaking listening for agreeing. I've listened and I've disagreed. I haven't ignored your opinion I just don't agree with it. In the same way that I can argue until I'm blue in the jeans and you're not going to agree with me. Frankly I don't want you to ... I don't care if you do ... I enjoy the lively debate.


If we had gotten along so well, I would imagine you would realize that I'm a very honest and forthright person - and I'm sure you wouldn’t mind me being honest and forthright when I told you your jeans were not appropriate in the dining room.


And obviously you would also know that I'm an honest and forthright person and you wouldn't mind me telling you that I appreciate your opinion and I find your commenting on my attire when the host did not see fit to .. rude. I hope I like your pants or my forthrightness might get you right back.



Your hypothetical leaves out something - there's no definition about what "presentable" jeans are. Perhaps yours is the definitive one.


Bad Bad argument. There's no definition on what "presentable" dockers, slacks, khaki's whatever are either. Neat, clean and casual are the order of the non-formal evenings. I've seen dirty ill-fitting so-called slacks that you would never be able to question under the your intrepretation of the guidelines because the tag said 'Sag Harbor' or 'Docker' and the cotton they were made of didn't reach the jeaniness of jeans. Sorry but that's just a silly silly argument unless you truly are willing to say any old pair of holy dirty ill-fitting dockers is ok just soleley because the store can't call them jeans.


My point? Everybody's got a limit - and mine just happens to be higher on the food chain than yours.


Therein lies the problem. That you must believe that you are somehow higher on the food chain because of your choice in attire for a casual evening. If you ever truly understood that you would also understand why the classiness you're trying to exhibit with your so-called guidelines goes right out the window when you think yourself somehow better then someone else you don't even know because they make different clothing choices than you. Truly sad. AS for the food chain ... I can say without a doubt that we are both exactly in the same place on the food chain unless you are saying that you don't ever die if you are wearing dockers.

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I am surprised (not really) that this thread is still going on.


Let's make this simple. Dress appropriately on formal nights or you will be locked in your cabins until morning. :rolleyes:

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I'm chuckling ... I think you're supposed to think your opinion is rooted in reality and mine is flawed just as I, with a differing opinion, am suppose to think the opposite. Kind of the definition of an opinion .. .don't you think?




And saying that Princess has in the past agreed with your intrepretation and maybe they don't now is kind of arguing that perhaps your intrepretation maybe might require some updating. WE can all trot out personal experiences, conversations, etc that support our believes thats why they are our beliefs -- the fact that you leave open the possibility that Princess no longer agrees with your position coupled with the fact that I and an increasing number of others routinely are admitted on casual nights in the offensive jeans further demonstrates that maybe you are beginning to see the light. Don't get scared though .... not light blue jeans just the light... we'll start small with dark colors.




Can't have it both ways ... you can't say in one paragraph that I'm terribly wrong and in another that Princess may no longer agree with you. Sorry debating error ... penalty points.





- You're mistaking listening for agreeing. I've listened and I've disagreed. I haven't ignored your opinion I just don't agree with it. In the same way that I can argue until I'm blue in the jeans and you're not going to agree with me. Frankly I don't want you to ... I don't care if you do ... I enjoy the lively debate.




And obviously you would also know that I'm an honest and forthright person and you wouldn't mind me telling you that I appreciate your opinion and I find your commenting on my attire when the host did not see fit to .. rude. I hope I like your pants or my forthrightness might get you right back.





Bad Bad argument. There's no definition on what "presentable" dockers, slacks, khaki's whatever are either. Neat, clean and casual are the order of the non-formal evenings. I've seen dirty ill-fitting so-called slacks that you would never be able to question under the your intrepretation of the guidelines because the tag said 'Sag Harbor' or 'Docker' and the cotton they were made of didn't reach the jeaniness of jeans. Sorry but that's just a silly silly argument unless you truly are willing to say any old pair of holy dirty ill-fitting dockers is ok just soleley because the store can't call them jeans.




Therein lies the problem. That you must believe that you are somehow higher on the food chain because of your choice in attire for a casual evening. If you ever truly understood that you would also understand why the classiness you're trying to exhibit with your so-called guidelines goes right out the window when you think yourself somehow better then someone else you don't even know because they make different clothing choices than you. Truly sad. AS for the food chain ... I can say without a doubt that we are both exactly in the same place on the food chain unless you are saying that you don't ever die if you are wearing dockers.



Yeah, yeah, yeah. Duke it out. And make sure to use lotsa words, to make it look real ligit.

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:rolleyes: Shame on me? You indicate that we should not be judging people by what they wear, and you have said that you'd prefer to sit with people who don't follow the guidelines rather than those of us who do and who are "fakes." You indicate that I'm constantly doing damage control for Princess and more than once in this thread I've indicated that I'm not enamored with their business policies…in fact I said so in the post that you quoted. And so you may feel that my responses are off base, but I don’t think the part about my posts not being fully read as too far fetched. You'll be bored. Hmmm - I've always received prompt and polite responses to my requests of CND...? Perhaps because you're dressed appropriately? You see that's not necessary - if you're implying that dressing in line with the type of evening the cruise line is attempting to present is taking part in some fantasy, then you're definition of tolerance is highly different than mine. Obviously nobody here is imposing any "will" over anyone else and as you yourself have established, your contention that the cruise line will not impose their will over you is inconsistent at best. I've posted it time after time and since you never will agree, I'm not going through it again...let's just say that your thoughts about having a good time without imposing on other people seems to be a one-way street. Apparently that's your experience, but it isn't mine nor is it the same experience that a number of others posting here have witnessed. You're speaking in absolutes that are not true.


I continue to find it interesting that those who tout tolerance for those who prefer to dress down in this matter don't have the same tolerance when it comes to other matters - like following dress guidelines. If it comes back that Princess' guidelines have officially changed, you non-tolerant types will be tolerant until you want to stretch them again...or until those who do become overbearing even for you. Whether or not Princess' dress guidelines have now changed does not mitigate the fact that in the past there's been much support here for ignoring the guidelines and not tolerating the feelings and opinions of those who chose a Princess cruise because those guidelines were in place. As I said at the top of this post...shame on me?


Still waiting for you to show where I posted that I encourage others to dress how they wish. You haven't shown it because you were wrong and I never said it.


As far as where I chose to sit for dinner? I have said I would prefer to sit with down to earth people who are dressed in jeans than with fakes that think by dressing formally they automatically get class. If you are classy it will show no matter what clothes you wear. I have said no amount of tuxes or long gowns is going to make a classy mannered person out of anyone.


I have never encouraged anyone to break the guidelines and you fully well know this. Do you really think Princess would agree with how you are welcoming their clientel? Calling me a hypocrite is really low and an outlandish lie that you have failed to prove.


So do I think you have class right now? No. You can put all the tuxes on in the world but that does not give you class.


And you keep agreeing with someone who claims Princess put in their patters all 7 nights no jeans and that person has refused to show the proof and I see quite a number of people who were on that cruise on the CB at the same time and say it isn't true.


Now seriously you don't have to keep following me around the boards like you basically said in your other post that you had to because I am such a hypocrite and you have to respond to my posts to get it "balanced".


If you thought about it Bd my posts had two responses to your posts and it was not posted in between you and I having a conversation so knock it off acting like you are so much greater than I that you just answered a question in a previous post with your rolling eyes like I am nuts. I'm tired of you taking every opportunity to make yourself look like an great asset to Princess and I'm the stupid one.


I really don't care anymore and if you think you are helping the newbies (which I don't see you responding to their posts asking for help) you are so far off base. All I see is you stirring up the pot and chasing Princess customers away. No, you are not a cheerleader because they have team spirit and welcome the crowd.


I have read all your posts even though you try to make them more than what they really are.


Have fun applauding the people who supposedly are not let in the dining rooms. I for one will not join anyone who does this as it is tacky.


Anyone who has to tattletell on this board (unless it is total profanity) or to the maitre'd in the dining rooms about how others dress seriously needs to recheck theirselves and their lives.


I am done on this thread since tvaud refuses to post the patters about the no jeans on all 7 patters and you cannot prove that I am a hypocrite and said I encourage others to not dress right. Frankly I agree with others that say how could someone say they always see people not being let in the dining room every night when others have taken over 30 cruises claim they never have seen it?


Now I know there are many exaggerators on this board and that simply does not help out the cruisers who are learning.

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You people are completely bonkers. Don't any of you have a hobby? Please don't stop!


Still trying to work out, mind you, how buying a mass-produced, ill-fitting £50 polyester dinner jacket and a silly stick-on tie magically makes one smart, sophisticated etc, in a canteen or anywhere else. Over here it would make you an idiot. People would laugh their heads off at the tackiness and pretentiousness of it, or assume you were wearing fancy dress or getting married.


Does that bloke really go up to people and tell them they have the wrong trousers on? Wow. Bonkers+++.


Still raining here..............



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Happyscot - as always you are minimising the seriousness of the issues at stake here. Don't you realise this is cruising? The very future of formal night is at risk. These people have already had to deal with the erosion of Elite passenger privileges and the optionalisation of traditional seating dining. How much more can they be expected to bear?


I'm off to the tailor to be fitted for my denim tuxedo.

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I do so hate khaki's I always feel that they make you look like you work at Blockbuster! I would rather see a "nice" pair of jeans anyday than khaki's.



Talk about having one's nose up in the air :p :D .


Actually, I wear jeans quite often but wouldn't dream of taking them along on a Caribbean cruise, not becuase of any dress rules but becuase of discomfort in the heat. Actually I mentioned khaki's as an alternative, one could go with full wool dress slacks also, but the comfort factor will decrease.

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Talk about having one's nose up in the air :p :D .


Actually, I wear jeans quite often but wouldn't dream of taking them along on a Caribbean cruise, not becuase of any dress rules but becuase of discomfort in the heat. Actually I mentioned khaki's as an alternative, one could go with full wool dress slacks also, but the comfort factor will decrease.


OK, so you do not wear them because of the heat, does that mean that everyone feels the same? You need to point this out to the island inhabitants as well, as they probably are unaware that the jeans they are wearing are uncomfortably hot. :rolleyes:


I am quite comfortable in my jeans, but put me in a long sleeve shirt, tie, cummerbund and jacket, now that IS uncomfortably hot.




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OK, so you do not wear them because of the heat, does that mean that everyone feels the same? You need to point this out to the island inhabitants as well, as they probably are unaware that the jeans they are wearing are uncomfortably hot. :rolleyes:


I am quite comfortable in my jeans, but put me in a long sleeve shirt, tie, cummerbund and jacket, now that IS uncomfortably hot.






Don't forget the "dress socks". Hee hee. Dress socks. Ha ha ha ha. Dress socks!!!! "Martha, wur's ma dress sacks? Ah thought ah put them in the motorised beer cooler".


And you people have access to sharp objects??????????

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Wait - hasn't the opinion been that if we're checking out what other people wear we don't have a life? We're elitst? We have nothing better to do?


I'll agree with you the advice is good - when I look around on the cruises I take, I see everyone dressed pretty much in accordance with the published guidelines...hmmm.


So if everyone was dressed appropriately on every cruise you've taken, why have you complained in writing to Princess and received compensation? Did it happen or not?

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Don't forget the "dress socks". Hee hee. Dress socks. Ha ha ha ha. Dress socks!!!! "Martha, wur's ma dress sacks? Ah thought ah put them in the motorised beer cooler".


And you people have access to sharp objects??????????


Nothing like a good dose of Scotch humour to lighten up a thread! :D




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